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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Consumer-to-Consumer Online Sharing of Co-Creative Advertising Campaigns

Wright, Gena January 2015 (has links)
This thesis aims to increase understanding of what motivates consumer-to-consumer (C2C) sharing of co-creative advertising campaigns on social media platforms. Consumer use of the Internet has increased immensely, and affects organisations due to the growth of consumer-to-consumer interactions, such as word-of-mouth. Word-of-mouth is a powerful form of advertising because of consumer trust in their social media networks, therefore, it is crucial for organisations to increase C2C sharing as a form of advertising, and in particular, co-creative advertising campaigns. To achieve this aim, this study used a grounded theory approach, to gather a comprehensive amount of data to discover theoretical propositions about the phenomenon. A total of ten unstructured depth interviews were conducted before theoretical saturation was reached. The results of the study found that consumer motivations to share co-creations online were pride, and to connect with others, conceptualised by social media self-presentation, and a consciousness of others. Whilst consumer motivations to participate in co-creative advertising campaigns were escapism and self-interest. The primary implication of these findings is understanding how organisations can influence consumer motivations to share co-creations online, hence, organisations advertising, by increasing personal connections that consumers can use to connect with others in consumer-to-consumer platforms online.

The LIKA Bracelet : A materialization of Swedish compulsory schools LIKA treatment plan. / LIKA-armbandet : En materialisation av svenska grundskolans likabehandlingsplan

Wallenberg Glimhester, Nadine January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Hur kan lärarrollen förstås och anpassas i relation till samskapande undervisning? : Genom studenternas perspektiv Utvecklingsarbete / How can the role of the teacher be understood and adapted in relation to co-creative teaching? : In the students perspective Development work

Rached Rydberg, Hanna January 2024 (has links)
When I found out that in 2022 there were about 18 000 students who did not have the qualifications to applay to high school after they finished ninth grade, I became curious about how I, in my future profession as a teacher, will be able to help students achieve passing grades in my subject social studies at the end of ninth grade. I have therefore studied what is required of the school´s curriculum Lgr 22 and how I can motivate the students as well as which working methods are presented in theory and previous research as the best working methods to enable the students to reach the right understanding of different subjects. It has been shown that co-creative teaching has been shown to provide a good basis for enabling this through, for example group work, which gave me the ideafor this study´s design. This development work is based on co-creative teaching in the form of a group project, where the students have answered a questionnaire and described how they experienced the teacher´s work before the task and how the teacher had structured everything around the task. The questions to the students have also touched on the subject of how the students experience group work and co-creative working methods and how they prefer to present their assignments in the future. The results of the study showed that the students need a lot of support and close cooperation with the teacher. They find it difficult to cooperate and, as research shows, it is difficult to find good group compositions.

Co-Creative Learning - using IT to Visualise Progression (CIP) : En studie av former för systematiskt kvalitetsarbete på klassrumsnivå

Bergdahl, Nina January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att dels att förstå hur systematiskt kvalitetsarbete kan se ut på klassrumsnivå och dels vad det innebär att tillämpa det utifrån elevperspektiv, och dels att jämföra hur elevernas måluppfyllelse utvecklats i jämförelse med en kontrollgrupp. Resultatet av detta har fört med sig att examensarbetet bidrar med ett föreslag på hur kvalitetsarbete kan ske på klassrumsnivå; här kallat Co Creative Learning - using IT to Visualise Progression (CIP). Det här är en aktionsforskningsstudie. Den har genomförts med enkäter, fokusgrupper och en tidsserie; i vilken 65 elevers arbeten inom tre skilda områden bedömdes. För att förstärka reliabilitet och validitet valdes en kontrollgrupp, från samma upptagningsområde, som även de haft en legitimerad lärare med motsvarande antal yrkesverksamma år och som även de uttalat arbetat med formativ bedömning och synliggjorda mål. Två skoluppgifter var identiska och därmed kunde de två gruppernas resultat jämföras. För att minimera inverkan av en bedömande lärares närvaro på utvärderingen, samlades eleverna inte till fokusgrupper förrän efter att deras betyg var satta och kommunicerade. Då reflekterade de kring arbetet med ständiga förbättringar, kvalitet, involvering, målförståelse, upplevd progression och IT-användning. Innan denna avslutande diskussion hade de insamlade datamängder analyserades separat. Resultaten visade effekt på både elevupplevelse och progression. De största skillnaderna låg i elevens upplevelse, där förändring påverkas i första hand elevernas engagemang; i vilken utsträckning eleverna var nöjda studenter med sin egen utveckling. I tidsserien, var skillnaderna inte lika markanta som i elevupplevelsen. Den studerade gruppen började på ett något lägre snittbetyg, och avslutade på ett något högre, än kontrollgruppen. Det var främst pojkar som stod för utvecklingen. Detta kan bero på att flickorna redan hade mycket höga genomsnittliga betyg (vilket innebär att det inte finns utrymme för progression). Jämfört med kontrollgruppen, kvarstår de positiva skillnaderna med pojkarna i den studerade gruppen. Slutsatserna är därför att arbetet gynnat progression, men att den största förtjänsten med arbetssättet återfinns i hur eleverna upplever undervisningen. / The purpose of the study is partly to understand how systematic quality management can be implemented at the classroom level and partly what it means to apply it from a student perspective, and to compare student progression with that of a control group. As a result of this, this study contributes with a method on how quality management can be implemented at the classroom level. This working method is named Co-Creative Learning - using IT to Visualise Progression. This is an action research study that encompassed questionnaires, focus groups and a time series. Three assignments from 65 students were assessed in the study, out of which two were compared to those from the control group. To enhance reliability and validity the selected control group were from the same catchment area, had qualified teacher with corresponding number of working years who also worked with formative assessment and visualising criteria. Two assignments were identical for both groups, and thus, the two groups' results could be compared. To minimise the effects of the presence of a teacher during evaluation, the students were not brought together to form focus groups, until after the grades were communicated. They then reflected on continuous improvement efforts, quality, inclusion, understanding objectives, perceived progression and the use of IT. Before the concluding discussion the collected data sets were analysed separately. The results showed the difference in both student experience and progression. The main differences lay in the student experience: where change primarily affected the students’ involvement; the extent to which the students were satisfied students with their own development. In the time series, the differences were not as high as in the student experience. The studied group started at a slightly lower grade, and completed at a slightly higher grade, than the control group. It was mainly the boys who accounted for the progression. One reason for could be that the girls already held high average grades (leaving little room for progression). Compared to the control group, the differences with the boys in the studied group remains. The conclusions drawn are thus that the method enhances progression, but that the main benefits are harvested from the enhanced educational experience of the students.

”Heffaklumpen - alla har liksom hört talas om det men ingen kan säga hur det ser ut exakt” - Implementering av kvalitetsledningssystem i offentlig sektor

Eriksson, Therese, Jonsson, Elisabet January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka och vidareutveckla kunskap om implementering av kvalitetsledningssystem i den offentliga sektorn. Ledningssystem för systematiskt kvalitetsarbete är sedan 2011 lagstyrt i vissa delar av offentlig sektor (SOSFS 2011:9). Andra delar av offentlig sektor har frivilligt valt att införa olika former av ledningssystem för kvalitet, medan andra organisationer inte har något uttalat kvalitetsledningssystem. Studien riktade sig mot att skapa mer kunskap om dessa varierande förutsättningar i offentlig sektor. En kvalitativ design med en praktiknära och undersökande ansats användes i denna studie. Femton individuella intervjuer och en gruppintervju med tre informanter genomfördes. Informanterna kom från offentliga organisationer på både kommunal och regional nivå. Resultatet från intervjuerna gav en ytterst diversifierad bild av kvalitetsledningssystem i offentlig sektor. Kvalitetsledningssystem definieras och används på varierande sätt. Informanterna uttryckte ett gemensamt behov av en förstående och tydlig ledning, utrymme i tid att arbeta med kvalitetsfrågor samt ett systematiskt arbetssätt. Några av de mest uttalade behoven som identifierats i studien är en tydligare nationell styrning gällande SOSFS 2011:9 samt utveckling av modeller och manualer som förenklar det praktiska arbetet med lagstiftad kvalitetsledning. Studien tydliggör också ett behov av ytterligare forskning för att bland annat överbrygga klyftan mellan nationell lagstiftning och det vardagliga arbetet inom kommuner och regioner. Studien har identifierat ett antal områden och kärnvärden som tillsammans bildar en modell för hur kvalitetsledning inom offentlig sektor skulle kunna stödjas. / Since 2011, quality management systems have been governed by law in certain parts of the public sector (SOSFS 2011: 9). Other parts of the public sector have voluntarily chosen to introduce various quality management systems, while other organisations do not have any identified quality management systems. The study aimed to create more knowledge about these varying conditions in the public sector. A qualitative design, close to practice with an investigative approach was used in this study. Fifteen individual interviews and a group interview with three informants were conducted. The informants were all working in public organisations at both municipal and regional levels. The results from the interviews provided a diversified image of quality management systems in the public sector. Quality management systems are defined and used in several ways. The informants expressed a common need for an understanding, transparent and straight forward management approach, time to work with quality issues and systematic work methods. Some of the most pronounced needs identified in the study are more explicit national governance regarding SOSFS 2011:9 and the need of developing models and manuals that simplify the practical work with legislated quality management. The study also clarifies the need for further research to bridge the gap between national legislation and the everyday work within municipalities and regions. Several supportive core values were identified in this study related to the field of quality management. The authors used the core values to create a model that might be useful to improve quality management in the public sector in the future. / <p>2021-06-06</p>

Transpersoners erfarenheter av fysiska vårdmöten med sjuksköterskor inom primär- och slutenvården : En kvalitativ litteraturöversikt. / Transgender people's experiences of physical care meetings with nurses in primary and inpatient care. : A qualitative literature review.

Ekman, Amanda, Löfgren, Emma January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Transpersoner är en del av samlingsnamnet HBTQI och inkluderar alla personer som anser att deras könsidentitet inte stämmer med deras kön vid födseln. Stigma och juridiska hinder präglar transpersoners värld vilket kan vara några anledningar till att transpersoner inte vill söka vård. Syfte: Syftet är att beskriva transpersoners erfarenheter av fysiska vårdmöten med sjuksköterskor inom primär- och slutenvården. Metod: En litteraturöversikt som utgått från tolv artiklar med kvalitativ design med fokus på transpersonernas perspektiv. Artiklarna publicerades mellan 2016–2022 och samlades in från Cinahl, Medline och PsycINFO. Analysen gjordes med Fribergs analysmodell. Resultat: Resultatet resulterade i tre huvudteman; diskriminering, sjuksköterskans kompetens och bristen på samskapande vård. Identifieringen av sex subteman gjordes; integritet och respekt, att bli felaktigt könsidentifierad, bristande kunskap hos sjuksköterskor, att utbilda sjuksköterskor, beroendeställning till sjuksköterskor och könsspecifik vård. Slutsats: Arbetet indikerar att en förändring kring bemötande med transpersoner måste ske för att öka tilliten till vården. En ökad tillit till vården kan leda till en ökad vilja att söka vård vid behov. Förslag till vidare forskning är en intervjustudie som kartlägger utbildningsbehovet kring könsspecifik vård. / Background: Transgender people are part of the collective name LGBTQI and include all people who feel that their gender identity does not match their gender at birth. The existence of the refusal to seek care due to various reasons, such as stigma and legal obstacles, characterizes the world of transgender people. Aim: The aim is to describe transgender people's experiences of physical care meetings with nurses in primary- and inpatient care. Method: A literature review based on twelve articles with qualitative design focusing on trans people's perspective. The articles were published between 2016–2022 and were collected from Cinahl, Medline and PsycINFO. The analysis was done with Friberg's analysis model. Result: The result showed three main themes; discrimination, the nurse´s competence, and the lack of co-creative care. The identification of six subthemes was done; integrity and respect, to be incorrectly gender-identified, lack of knowledge among nurses, to train nurses, dependence on nurses and gender-specific care. Conclusion: The literature review indicates that a change in treatment of transgender people must take place to increase trust in healthcare. Increased trust in care can lead to an increased willingness to seek care when needed. Proposals for further research are an interview study that maps the educational need for gender-specific care.

Co-creative writing : Co-creating interactive narratives together with a community that the writer does not belong to themselves

Svensson, Claes January 2023 (has links)
Often writers have to work on topics where they might have limited or no personal experience. This paper seeks to explore one of the ways that this can be done. By seeking the assistance of experts in the relevant topic and having them give advice, guide, and assist in the writing process the writer may be able to write something that will work for the media that they are using. By utilizing workshops and interview the goal of this paper is to find out how a non-queer writer could work together with queer community members to be able to create not only a believable story or character but also one that will provide a good representation of queer individuals. The paper shows that with a modified card sorting method a workshop can supply the writer with a good startingpoint.

Co-creative Game Design as Participatory Alternative Media

Prax, Patrick January 2016 (has links)
The possibility of co-creation exists for all media, but game design has developed a culture that is unusually open to co-creation. This dissertation investigates significant cases of co-creation in mainstream games in order to explore how games can be co-created as alternative or critical media by their players. The core argument in the dissertation is that players co-create the design of a game only if certain conditions are met, namely: (1) player creation of a text or communication infrastructure that modifies the properties of the game and from which play emerges; (2) that this is done for a considerable group of players who share a particular practice of play; (3) that this is done not only by playing the game but by changing how others play it in a distinct creative activity, and (4), with the potential to subvert or contest the original design of the game. This situation where player creators have influence over the design of the game (but little power to enforce their interests) is problematic from the perspective of alternative or critical media, as alternative, local, production is seen as one reason for why a medium can have an alternative message. The industrial production of games as cultural commodities does limit the potential of co-creative game design for subversion because it reduces the level of participation in the creation process, thus keeping player creators relatively disempowered. Player creators do have influence on the design of the game, while at the same time having very little power to enforce their interests and design visions. The influence of player creators comes from the consumer power of millions of players who use co-created assets and who want to them to continue exiting, and this creates a mutually dependent relationship (and even partnership), between co-creators and commercial owners. The dissertation concludes that co-creative game design, despite limitations related to the industrial production of games as cultural commodities, is already happening, and shows a potential for turning games into alternative media.

Can Actant-centric System Analyses and Sustainable Value Proposition Methods be an Approach to Aufficiency?

Marwede, Max, Scholz, Ronja 30 June 2022 (has links)
To create throughout circular product-service systems (PSS), Circular Design needs to combine methods from life-cycle-thinking, planetary stakeholder analysis as well as user-centric business design. To oversee this complexity ‘zooming in’ (micro level) on specific attributes of a PSS has to alternate with ‘zooming out’ (macro level) to understand the systemic effects of envisioned changes – e. g. undesired consequences or the interdependencies between network partners. In two consecutive projects (www.ecodesigncircle.eu) TU Berlin, Fraunhofer IZM and Design Centres in the Baltic Sea Region developed circular design processes and methods that integrate above mentioned requirements (www.circu-lardesign.tools). Those methods evolved into three formats which support companies in developing sustainable products and services by de-sign: EcoDesign Audit assesses the circular maturity and strategic goals of organizations, EcoDesign Sprint helps companies develop a sustainable product or service concept and EcoDesign Learning Factory interactively teaches how to eco-design. The methods were tested in an iterative pro-cess in over 30 interdisciplinary trainings with designers, engineers and business managers. They are already applied with industry clients. In approximately 35 (online) design trainings we trained more than 350 international professionals working at SMEs, industry, design agencies and consultancies.

How co-creation can inform research through practice when using 3D print waste to create sustainable garments.

Cordeiro Valle, Camila 23 June 2023 (has links)
No description available.

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