Spelling suggestions: "subject:"donationsoperation."" "subject:"filtrationsoperation.""
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Kooperation mit der Industrie bei der Ausbildung von Softwareingenieuren / Co-operation with industry in the training of software engineersHonekamp, Wilfried 21 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Vor allem in Regionen, in denen der Personalbedarf der Unternehmen nicht durch Absolventen gedeckt werden kann, sollte sich die Hochschulausbildung auch an den Anforderungen der Industrie orientieren. In diesem Beitrag werden diese Anforderungen für Softwareingenieure für den Standort Görlitz spezifiziert und es werden Kooperationsmöglichkeiten von Hochschule und lokalen Unternehmen aufgezeigt. Dabei wird auf die praxisorientierte Ausbildung, auf die Übernahme von Ausbildungsverantwortung durch die Industrie und das Kooperative Studium mit integrierter Ausbildung eingegangen. Damit sollen Beispiele aufgezeigt werden, wie eine Kooperation von Hochschule und Industrie in der Informatikausbildung realisiert werden kann.
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Samverkan för barnens bästa : Ett organisatoriskt och sociokulturellt perspektiv på övergången mellan förskola och förskolaklass / Co-operation for the sake of the children : With organization and the social process in perspective of the transition to pre-school classGärling Brolin, Louise January 2010 (has links)
Each municipality in Sweden have to offer all children a place in a pre-school class starting the autumn term of the year the child turns six until it starts compulsory school. Despite the fact that it is a non-compulsory education, 95 % of all six-year-olds attend pre-school class. The purpose of this study has been to explore how pre-school and compulsory schools organize the pre-school children’s transition to pre-school. It also aims at examining how teachers’ co-operate in order to fulfill the commission of the national curriculum and how they make a smooth transition to the new school for the children. Research questions: In what way do teachers in pre-school and compulsory school co-operate in in order to make the children’s transition easy? What part of the process and which operators are most important for the children in the transition? To what extent does the school organization fulfill the commission of the national curriculum regarding co-operation between pre-school and compulsory school? To answer these questions I have used a qualitative method where I have made seven interviews as well as a text analysis of annual reports from the studied schools. Organization theory, as well as social process theory has been used to analyze the data. The result shows that each part of the organization mostly provide for the other’s interests, instead of interacting towards the purpose of the national curriculum commission meaning to accomplish co-operation between pre-school and compulsory school. Especially pre-school teachers supports the children through the transition as well as the after school center that works as an important bridge in the process. In spite of good intentions, and pre-school teachers’ initiatives to develop better equivalent routines, the organization still has a lot left to do before every part is involved and the mission is accomplished. A good organization, and good leadership, is in the end very important for the sake of the children.
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Tėvų ir logopedų nuomonė apie logopedinės pagalbos teikimą vaikams, turintiems kalbėjimo ir kalbos sutrikimų / Attitude of Teachers and Speech Therapists towards Provision of Speech Assistance to Children with Language and Speech DisordersMickuvienė, Janina 17 July 2014 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas – tėvų ir logopedų nuomonė apie logopedinės pagalbos teikimą vaikams, turintiems kalbėjimo ir kalbos sutrikimų.
Tyrimo tikslas – išsiaiškinti, tėvų ir logopedų nuomonę apie logopedinės pagalbos teikimą vaikams, turintiems kalbėjimo ir kalbos sutrikimų.
1. Atlikti mokslinė literatūros analizę apie logopedo teikiamos pagalbos būdų įvairovę.
2. Empirinio tyrimo metu išsiaiškinti kokius metodus taiko logopedai, įveikdami vaikų kalbėjimo ir kalbos sutrikimus.
3. Atskleisti su kokiais sunkumais susiduria logopedai tiesioginiame darbe.
4. Išsiaiškinti tėvų nuomonę apie teikiamą logopedinę pagalbą.
5. Palyginti tėvų ir logopedų nuomonę apie teikiamą logopedinę pagalbą.
Pagrindinės empirinio tyrimo išvados:
1. Empirinis tyrimas rodo, kad logopedai vaikų kalbėjimo ir kalbos sutrikimams įveikti taiko tokius metodus:
• Tradicinius mokymo metodus - skaitymą, rašymą, pasakojimą, atpasakojimą ir pratybų sąsiuvinį;
• Aktyvius mokymo(si) metodus– darbą grupėmis ir vaikų pašnekesiai, dėlionės pagal seką, bendraamžių paramą;
• Siekiant pakeisti situaciją dirbant su vaikais taiko – bendrosios ir smulkiosios motorikos lavinimą, vizualizavimą, vaizdingą kalbą, vaikų patirties įtraukimą, vaizduotės skatinimą, pojūčių naudojimą, piešimą, muziką ir konstravimą.
2. Paaiškėjo, kad logopedai dažniausiai susiduria su tokiais sunkumais darbe: maži kabinetai, darbo priemonių trūkumas, taip pat bendradarbiavimo su kolegomis ir patirties pasidalijimo.
3. Tėvų nuomone, jų vaikas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The work carried out an analysis of documentsgoverningtheoretical special education and speech therapists’ work, speech therapy assistance methods and techniques, cooperation of speech therapists and parents.
The main conclusions of the empiric research:
1. Empiric research shows, that in order to overcome children‘s speech and language disorders speech therapists use the following methods:
• Traditional teaching methods–reading, writing, narration, a recital and exercise books;
• Active teaching (learning) methods – work groups and children‘s conversations, doing puzzles in the order, peer support;
• In order to change a situation use – general and fine motor training, visualization, evocative language, inclusion of children's experience, imaginative promotion, use of the senses, drawing, music and construction.
2. It appeared that speech therapists are most often faced with the difficulties at work like: small rooms, lack of working tools and also cooperation with colleagues and sharing experience.
3. Parents think, their child receives all the necessary assistance, basically, all the parents are satisfied with the quality of speech therapy classes, but they would prefer to have more classes.
4. Comparing parents’ and speech therapists approach, who else except speech therapists assist the children with speech and language disorders, a pattern was revealed that both, parents and speech therapists, usually take a passive means of communication, i.e. during meetings... [to full text]
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Ledarskap och samarbete : en jämförande fallstudie i tre skolor /Tillberg, Ulrika, January 2003 (has links)
Diss. Stockholm : Handelshögsk., 2003.
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Samverkan – ett dilemma för fritidsläraren? : En vetenskaplig essä om svårigheterna med att arbeta som fritidslärare i skolan.Lundquist, Magnus January 2018 (has links)
This essay deals with the difficulties of cooperation between leisure-time teachers and the class teachers, and what that may mean in the joint work during the school day. In my story, I describe a situation that becomes a dilemma for me as a leisure-time teacher when I am expected to be in two places at the same time and my decisions causes me to fail an agreement with the class teacher. In the essay, I discuss the occupational role, hierarchies and power structures as well as practical knowledge. My purpose is to investigate where and in what way the difficulties arises and if it´s possible to identify and find solutions to them. The method I use is scientific essay where I reflect on my dilemma and have a dialogue with other research and the school's governing documents. One of my conclusions is that we must reach a common vision and decide how we communicate that within the work team.
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Competition law and cartel enforcement regimes in the global south: examining the effectiveness of co-operation in south-south regional trade agreements.Ndlovu, Precious Nonhlanhla January 2017 (has links)
Doctor Legum - LLD / Competition law and its enforcement have become necessary tools in the face of trade liberalisation.
Nowhere is this more evident than in the area of cross-border cartels. The global South is steadily
becoming aware of this. With the advent of globalisation and trade liberalisation, individual economies
have become intrinsically linked. Anti-competitive conduct in one territory may have an impact in
another territory. Therefore, an effective regional competition law framework complements trade
liberalisation, especially in light of the principal objective of the South-South regional economic
communities: the deepening of regional integration, in order to realise economic development and
alleviate poverty.
Cartel practices, such as, market allocation cartels, are in direct contradiction to this primary objective.
This is when enforcement collaborations in South-South regional economic communities becomes
crucial. The regional legal instruments of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa, the
East African Community, the Southern African Customs Union and the Southern African Development
Community make provision for enforcement collaborations among Member States. To facilitate
collaboration, regional competition authorities have been created to investigate, among other things,
cross-border cartels. Within these economic communities, there is a strong case for enforcement
collaborations, as evidence shows that the majority of the firms engaging in cartels are the so-called
Regional Multinational Corporations. They operate throughout the territories of Member States.
Additionally, the international nature of cartels, such as, private international cartels and export
cartels, provide an opportunity for South-South co-operation to be utilised. However, this co-operation
has not been utilised to the fullest extent, especially with reference to cross-border cartel activities.
This has been attributed to various factors, such as, institutional incapacities, resource austerity, the
absence of common procedural rules, the lack of adequate investigatory tools, and political ineptitude.
As a solution, this current study makes specific recommendations that are directed at enhancing the
effectiveness of South-South collaborations pertaining to cross-border cartel activities.
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Kritiska framgångsfaktorer vid ett interkommunalt verksamhetsbaserat IT-projekt : Projektet Värmländsk bibliotekswebb 2.0Keskiniemi, Satu January 2014 (has links)
En utmaning för dagens organisationer är att flexibelt kunna ändra sina tjänster och produkter för att kunna möta kundernas ökade krav. Att använda IT som möjliggörare är ett sätt att utveckla verksamheter. Inom den offentliga sektorn har interkommunal samverkan tagits fram som ett nytt verktyg. Interkommunal samverkan betyder att två eller flera kommuner tillsammans arbetar med ett gemensamt syfte mot ett gemensamt mål. Interkommunalt samarbete främjas ekonomiskt av staten och EU. Interkommunal samverkan sker på områden som exempelvis IT. Eftersom samverkansaktiviteter inte ingår i den vanliga organisationsstrukturen bedrivs samverkan ofta i projektform. IT-projekt är ofta mycket komplexa, vilket kan leda till att projektet misslyckas. Att ändra verksamheten genom att införa ny IT leder till ändringar i verksamheten. Ett nytt IT-system kan bli dyrare än vad som planerades eller bli oanvändbar i verksamheten. Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats i ämnet informatik är att identifiera och beskriva uppfattade kritiska framgångsfaktorer för ett interkommunalt verksamhetsbaserat IT-projekt. Utifrån tre personliga djupintervjuer med centrala roller i det undersökta interkommunala verksamhetsbaserade IT-projektet, Projektet Värmländsk bibliotekswebb 2.0, har kritiska framgångfaktorer för det projektet undersökts och analyserats. Samtliga intervjurespondenter har lång erfarenhet av branschen och arbetssättet med samverkansprojekt. Som studiens resultat fastställs utifrån uppsatsens litteraturgenomgång att identifiering av kritiska framgångsfaktorer är ett viktigt hjälpmedel vid styrning av verksamheter och projekt. Om dessa faktorer används är det nästan säkert att resultatet blir framgångsrikt. I denna kandidatuppsats har sex dimensioner identifierats: organisatoriska faktorer, processfaktorer, projektfaktorer, mänskliga faktorer, leverantörens miljö och tekniska faktorer. I det undersökta interkommunala verksamhetsbaserade IT-projektet identifierades 27 framgångsfaktorer som uppfattades som kritiska. Faktorer som lyftes upp genom den empiriska studien är markerade med kursiv text: ledningens engagemang extern påverkan ansvarsfördelning 24-timmarsmyndighet marknadsföring förankring hos chefer förändringshantering kunskapshantering utbildning upphandling processledning ledarskap kommunikation tidplan dokumentation utvärdering kompetens samarbete motivation delaktighet branschkunskap produktkunskap support och service drift och underhåll hårdvara säkerhet komplexitet / One challenge for organizations today is that they need to be able to adjust their services and products in a flexible way. Using IT as an instrument is one way to develop an organization. Inter-municipal co-operation is a tool that nowadays is widely used within the public sector. It means that two or more municipalities work together with a common scope towards a common goal. Inter-municipal co-operation is promoted financially from the government and from EU and takes place on several areas, one of these being IT. As the activities of co-operation cannot be included in the normal organisational structure the work is often carried out in a project form. IT projects are often complex by their very nature which can lead to a project failure. To make changes in an organization's functions by implementing new IT will change the organization as a whole. A new IT system can also cost far more than planned or the organisation can fail to adopt it. The scope of this study is to identify and describe the perceived critical success factor for an inter-municipal business based IT project. The critical success factors for one inter-municipal business based IT project, the Värmländsk bibliotekswebb 2.0 project, were studied and analysed by in depth interviews with three key persons with central roles in the project. The persons who were interviewed for this study all have long experience in the branch as well as with the co-operation projects as a way of working. As a result of the literature review of this study it can be determined that to identify critical success factors is an important method for steering both organisations and projects. Should these factors be used the success can almost be guaranteed. Six dimensions were identified in this study as follows: organizational factors, process factors, project factors, people factors, supplier factors and technical factors. In the inter-municipal business based IT project that was investigated for this study 27 different success factors were perceived as critical. Factors that emerged from the case study are marked with italic font: management dedication external influences clear responsibilities 24-hour authority marketing management commitment change management knowledge management training procurement process management leadership communication time schedule documentation evaluation competence co-operation motivation participation branch knowledge product knowledge support and service operation and maintenance hardware security complexity
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Vliv odporových cvičení na svalovou součinnost / The influence of resistance exercises on the muscular cooperationHanžlová, Eva January 2007 (has links)
A muscular co-operation change was observed at exercising intent on improvement of a scapula dynamic stability. In the study there were ten individuals participating in a specific resistance exercise for a period of seven to nine weeks. The cooperation of scapular muscles was evaluated in stand - by (tilt test) and investigation the stereotype of arm abduction, visually and by the help of a surface polyelectromyography. A distinct improvement of a scapula dynamic stability occurred at three observed objects. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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International agile teams in digital and virtual environment / Mezinárodní agilní týmy v digitálním a virtuálním prostředíLiška, Radek January 2017 (has links)
The thesis discusses research on a selected international team that incorporates agile methodology framework. The team is distributed among multiple European states and has off-shore members in India. The research questions include cross-cultural aspects of teamwork, organizational viewpoint as well as other key areas of team cooperation. Analysis is performed based on questionnaire distribution and a series of structured interviews with members of the researched team. Research findings include a list of recommended changes to team organization and evaluation of cross-cultural and factors of cooperation and their impact. Research has provided an action plan and a set of research observations that include deep analysis of teamwork, the area has proven to be attractive for further research, hence the thesis is concluded with suggestions in this area.
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Přeshraniční spolupráce v Euroregionu Nisa / Cross-border cooperation in the Euroregion NeisseMrázková, Ivana January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with cross-border cooperation in the Euroregion Neisse. The Cross-border cooperation is one of the most interesting forms of regional cooperation. Theoretical part of thesis discusses basic terms, history of CBC and its development and importance in regional policy of the European Union, the development of Euroregions and the financing possibilities of CBC in the Czech Republic. The practical part is focused on cross-border cooperation in the Euroregion Neisse, which is the oldest Euroregion in the Czech Republic. The attention is paid mainly to projects implemented in the tourism. Euroregion Neisse has very favourable natural and cultural-historical assumptions for development of tourism. The objective is to evaluate cooperation in tourism in the context of cross-border cooperation in 2007-2013.
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