Spelling suggestions: "subject:"donationsoperation."" "subject:"filtrationsoperation.""
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”men kan vi inte hjälpas åt då” : en intervju med fem socialsekreterare om samarbete inom socialtjänstenAndersson, Eva January 2007 (has links)
The aim of this study is to illustrate, and analyze how social workers are able to more effectively pursue operative possibilities within their own particular organizations. The main question concerning this issue is: How are social workers, working within the same district organization able to realise any potential for co-operation with other social workers, in different locales and units, yet working within the same organization? Following on from this question, further issues arise such as: 1. How do the varying demands of the clients affect the workload of the social worker? 2. How does the organization facilitate or hinder co-operation between social workers? 3. How does the workload, staff turnover and delegation influence on the co-operation between social workers? To attempt to answer to the above set of questions a qualitative method was employed. A group interview was conducted bringing together a group of five social workers working within the same district administration of the city of Stockholm. The outcome of the interview has been examined using a theoretical framework based on organization theory, symbolic interactionism and social constructivism; all applied in accordance with post-modern research principles. The main result shows that the organization both hinders and facilitate co-operation through work load, staff turnover and delegation. The outcome of this particular study is associated to results of previous research within the same research field.
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Energy systems analysis of Swedish pulp and paper industries from a regional cooperation perspective : Case study modeling and optimizationKlugman, Sofia January 2008 (has links)
The industrial sector uses about one third of the energy end-use in the world. Since energy use in many cases highly affects both the local and global environment negatively, it is of common interest to increase energy efficiency within industries. Furthermore, seen from the industrial perspective, it is also important to reduce dependency on energy resources with unstable prices in order to obtain economic predictability. In this thesis, the energy-saving potential within the chemical pulp and paper sector is analyzed. One market pulp mill and one integrated pulp and paper mill were studied as cases. Energy system changes at the mills were analyzed through cost minimization. The thesis focuses on principal energy issues such as finding the most promising alternatives for use of industrial excess heat, possible investments in electricity generation and choice of fuel. In order to find synergies, the same system was optimized first from the perspective of different operators respectively, and then from a joint regional perspective. Also, the prerequisites for a regional heat market in the region were analyzed. This thesis reveals that the use of excess heat from pulp and paper mills for district heating does not generally conflict with process integration measures. This is partly because of the great availability of industrial excess heat and partly because the different purposes require different temperatures and thereby do not compete. Rather, the results show that they strengthen each other since steam and hot water of higher temperatures are made available for district heating when hot water of lower temperature is used for process integration. However, there are cases when the conditions are complicated by preexisting technical solutions within a system. In these cases, a combination of measures could be necessary. Furthermore, it is concluded that energy cooperation in terms of a heat market between municipalities and industries in the studied region gives opportunity for positive synergies. Switching from expensive fuels such as oil to less expensive biofuel in the region proved to be particularly beneficial. Expanding the capacity for combined heat and power generation is also beneficial for the region as well as increased use of industrial excess heat for district heating. The most financially beneficial scenarios also have the greatest potential for CO2 emission reduction; the emissions would be reduced by about 700 thousand tonnes CO2/year for the region in those scenarios. / Den industriella energianvändningen utgör en tredjedel av världens totala energianvändning. Eftersom energianvändning i många fall har negativ miljöpåverkan både lokalt och globalt är det av allmänt intresse att öka industriernas energieffektivitet. Sett ur industriernas perspektiv är det dessutom viktigt att minska beroendet av bränslen med osäkra priser för att uppnå ekonomisk förutsägbarhet. I den här avhandlingen analyseras energibesparingspotentialen inom massa- och pappersindustrin. Ett fristående kemiskt massabruk och ett integrerat kemiskt massa- och pappersbruk har studerats. Förändringar i energisystemen på bruken analyserades genom kostnadsminimeringar. Avhandlingen fokuserar på principiella energifrågor, som att utvärdera olika sätt att använda industriellt spillvärme, investeringar i elgenerering och val av bränsle. För att hitta synergier optimerades samma system ur olika aktörers perspektiv och sedan ur ett regionalt perspektiv. Även förutsättningarna för en regional värmemarknad analyserades. Avhandlingen visar att användandet av överskottsvärme från massa- och pappersindustrin till fjärrvärme generellt sett inte står i konflikt med processintegreringsåtgärder inom bruken. Detta beror delvis på att stora mängder överskottsvärme finns tillgängliga och delvis på att det är olika temperaturnivåer som behövs till de olika syftena som därför inte konkurrerar. Resultaten visar snarare att de två åtgärderna stärker varandra eftersom processintegrering gör att större mängder varmvatten av högre temperatur blir tillgängliga för fjärrvärme. Det finns dock fall då förutsättningarna kompliceras av redan befintliga tekniska lösningar inom ett system. I dessa fall kan det vara nödvändigt med en kombination av åtgärder. Vidare dras slutsatsen att energisamarbete mellan kommuner och industrier i form av en värmemarknad ger möjlighet till positiva synergier i den studerade regionen. Särskilt lönsamt visade det sig vara att byta från dyra bränslen såsom olja till billigare bränslen som biobränslen. Att utöka kraftvärmekapaciteten inom värmemarknaden är också lönsamt liksom utökat användande av industriell spillvärme till fjärrvärme. De fall som var mest ekonomiskt lönsamma har även störst möjlighet till minskning av CO2-utsläpp; utsläppen från regionen skulle kunna minskas med cirka 700 000 ton CO2/år i dessa fall.
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All CO2 molecules are equal, but some CO2 molecules are more equal than othersGrönkvist, Stefan January 2005 (has links)
This thesis deals with some challenges related to the mitigation of climate change and the overall aim is to present and assess different possibilities for the mitigation of climate change by: • Suggesting some measures with a potential to abate net greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, • Discussing ideas for how decision-makers could tackle some of the encountered obstacles linked to these measures, and • Pointing at some problems with the current Kyoto framework and suggesting modifications of it. The quantification of the net CO2 effect from a specific project, frequently referred to as emissions accounting, is an important tool to evaluate projects and strategies for mitigating climate change. This thesis discusses different emissions accounting methods. It is concluded that no single method ought to be used for generalisation purposes, as many factors may affect the real outcome for different projects. The estimated outcome is extremely dependent on the method chosen and, thus, the suggested approach is to apply a broader perspective than the use of a particular method for strategic decisions. The risk of losing the integrity of the Kyoto Protocol when over-simplified emissions accounting methods are applied for the quantification of emission credits that can be obtained by a country with binding emissions targets for projects executed in a country without binding emission targets is also discussed. Driving forces and obstacles with regard to energy-related co-operations between industries and district heating companies have been studied since they may potentially reduce net GHG emissions. The main conclusion is that favourable techno-economic circumstances are not sufficient for the implementation of a co-operation; other factors like people with the true ambition to co-operate are also necessary. How oxy-fuel combustion for CO2 capture and storage (CCS) purposes may be much more efficiently utilised together with some industrial processes than with power production processes is also discussed. As cost efficiency is relevant for the Kyoto framework, this thesis suggests that CCS performed on CO2 from biomass should be allowed to play on a level playing field with CCS from fossil sources, as the outcome for the atmosphere is independent of the origin of the CO2. / QC 20101015
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Problemlösning i grupp - att leverera en lösning : En studie i grundskolans årskurs tre kring samarbete och problemlösningsprocessenIversen, Ingrid, af Kleen, Susanne January 2008 (has links)
Den här studien har tagit sin utgångspunkt i vårt intresse för hur kunskaper som ele-verna kan ha nytta för i sin vardag, kan vävas in i skolans verksamhet. Dagens sam-hälle efterfrågar människor med både en förmåga att samarbeta med andra såväl som förmåga att lösa problem. Det krävs även att du ska ta ställning till olika val i många sammanhang. Syftet med den här studien är att undersöka hur och i vilken grad elever i årskurs tre samarbetar när de löser en vardagsanknuten problemlösningsuppgift samt hur elevernas problemlösningsprocess ser ut. För att få svar på studiens syfte har vi genomfört en empirisk undersökning med en kvalitativ ansats. Eleverna blev tilldela-de en vardagsanknuten problemlösningsuppgift att lösa i mindre grupper, med hjälp av ljudinspelningar och observationer har sedan elevernas samarbete och problemlös-ningsprocess studerats. Resultatet visade att det inte förekom så mycket samarbete mellan alla elever, samt att alla grupper kommit en bit på väg i problemlösningspro-cessen, Det som framförallt utmärkte sig var att ingen av grupperna hade uppnått den fasen i problemlösningsprocessen som berör reflektion och utvärdering av lösningen på problemet. Den största slutsatsen som dragits av den här studien, var att samarbetet fungerade olika i grupperna samt att eleverna ännu inte uppnått nivån som handlar om reflektion och utvärdering i problemlösningsprocessen. / This study has taken as its startingpoint in our interest for how knowledge that the students can have use for in their everyday life can be intervowen in the everyday work of the school. The society today asks for people with both an ability to cooperate with others and an ability to solve problems. It is also demanded that you take into consideration various choices in many circumstances. The purpose of this study is to investigate how students in third grade cooperate when they solve an everyday problemsolving task, and how their process of solving problem appears. We have conducted an empiric study with a qualitative approach. The students solved an everyday problem in small groups. By help of audio recordings and observations, the cooperation and the students’ process of solving problems has been studied. The results showed not much cooperation between all students, and that the students had reached different levels in the processe of solving problems. The major conclusion drawn of this study was that the cooperation between the students worked in different ways and that the students not yet had reached the level of reflecion and evaluation in the process of solving problems.
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A critical analysis of participatory community development initiatives: a case study of the small business development department of the Elgin learning foundation in the Overberg Region.Mulu, Ngwi Nnam Thecla January 2011 (has links)
<p>Development thinking in the 21st century has embraced the challenge to inform development practice towards managing the relationship between the macro and micro level of development,  / with an emphasis on people-centred development (PCD) and a participatory development approach (PDA). People-centred development advocates a process focused on people, which  / enables beneficiaries of communitydevelopment initiatives to empower themselves through participation. People-centred development has been universally accepted in the development  / community as the only viable option, with the potential to reverse decades of top-down approaches to development through the engagement of community stakeholders in a meaningful participation process. The social development scene in South Africa is characterised by a strong presence of the civil society in general and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in  / particular, which are major role players in socio-economic development at the grassroots. Most of these organisations are committed to participatory development methodologies in order to  / meet the needs of povertystricken communities in South Africa. This thesis critically assessed participatory development in the Small Business Development Departments&rsquo / (SBDD)  / programmes/projects at the Elgin Learning Foundation, in the Overberg district of the Western Cape. A qualitative research methodology was applied throughout the study. This research  / approach was chosen  / because the purpose of this project was to understand and describe community participation at the SBDD from an insider&rsquo / s perspective, and not to predict social action  / or make generalisations about it. Accordingly, observation, in-depth interviews, documentary analysis, and focus-group discussions were utilised for data collection. The study also used  / secondary sources of information, namely policy briefs, project proposals, annual evaluation reports, and minutes of meetings. The findings indicate that the community-development activities  / of the SBDD are very visible in the Overberg region, and that the organisation maintains good relationships with community stakeholders. In addition, the department contributes significantly towards entrepreneurship and skills development in the  / community, through its training and mentorship programmes. However, results also suggest that community-development at the SBDD is not always people-centred because training  / programmes are largely externally designed, monitored and evaluated, without taking into consideration the felt needs of the people. Participation that is perceived as a means to an end, rather than an end in itself can be described as tokenistic. In this light, the study recommends that the SBDD develops context-specific strategies to implement participatory methodologies at all stages  / of project-cycle management, in order to provide an enabling environment for the genuine participation of people at the grassroots. This approach can empower community members and build  / local institutional capacities to ensure project/programme sustainability in the long term.</p>
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Samarbete i nätverk : En studie om hur främjande av samarbete realiseras i ett orkestrerande affärsnätverkHederos, Frida, Cavalli-Björkman, Anja January 2013 (has links)
The network with its virtual business structure challenge the established vertical business structure. Part of the network theory that has developed focuses on relationships that forms B2Bnetworks. One way to create a B2B-network is for independent businesses to form a organization promoting co-operation. For co-operation to be successful it requires well thought-out actions, but a lack of how these actions are implemented have been noticed. This study explores how encouragement of co-operation can be done practically. Focus has been on a business network with a visible director since they are facing a challenge in coordinating co-operation. The study is descriptive and describes a real case, the empirism is based on memories and experiences. The object of study is a selected part of the network with a visible director and has been studied through four qualitative unstructured interviews, based in a inductive reasoning. The study reaches several conclusions on how co-operation in a network with a visible director can be implemented. Furthermore the study shows that there is a difference between what is said to support co-operation and what is actually done. Continued research should investigate this difference. / Nätverket med dess virtuella företagsstruktur utmanar den etablerade vertikala strukturen. Delar av nätverksteorin som utvecklats fokuserar på relationer som uppstår inom B2B-nätverk. Ett sätt att skapa B2B-nätverk är att fristående företag formar en samarbetsorganisation. Främjande av samarbete genom medvetna handlingar kan generera framgång inom dessa samarbetsorganisationer. Dock uppmärksammas en brist på hur de medvetna handlingarna realiseras. Studien söker därför kunskap om hur främjande av samarbete realiseras. Fokus är att studera ett orkestrerade affärsnätverk vilka står inför utmaning att koordinera samarbete. Studien är deskriptiv och beskriver ett fall som inträffat, det innebär att empirin grundas på minnen och erfarenheter. Studieobjektet är en utvald del av det orkestrerade affärsnätverket och har behandlats genom fyra kvalitativa ostrukturerade intervjuer grundat i ett induktivt förhållningssätt. Studien resulterar i exempel på hur samarbete i ett orkestrerande nätverk realiseras. Dessutom visar det finnas en skillnad mellan vad sägs främja samarbete och vad som faktiskt genomförs. Fortsatt forskning rekommenderas undersöka denna skillnad.
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Research in entry and co-operation model of multinational publishing group with Taiwan and China's publishing industryHo, Wei-An 03 August 2004 (has links)
Economy in China has been blooming recently. The business potential has drawn attention from all over the world. Now varied industries have started to locate in China. Furthermore, it is believed that the interaction between cross-strait will be very close with the condition that both China and Taiwan have joined in WTO. This research will be focused on 1.The impact and the influence on higher education publishers in Taiwan after both China and Taiwan joined in WTO. 2. Is it a threat or an opportunity to the publishers with the consequent implementation from WTO? 3. What is the role of foreign publishers in Taiwan under this circumstance?
As publishing industry in China hasn¡¦t been opened yet, this research will target on the discussion of co-publishing model from cross-strait. Taking a case study and its analysis, it is found that publishing industry has been identified as traditional industry but its upgrade and transition can not be applied to traditional industry. Therefore, the conclusions are as follow:
1. The regulations of publishing in China are still the key factors.
2. The extent of the resource publishers possess is the key factor of entering higher education market in China.
3. Publishers in Taiwan are more flexible to the consequent implementation.
4. Core competence is not equivalent to regional competitive advantage.
5. Market in China will be another opportunity for Taiwan.
6. The position of publishers in Taiwan in Chinese publishing has been changed.
7. Taiwan is the bridge between China and the rest of the world.
8. Each region has its own individual business model.
9. There is a remarkable difference of the process between publishing industry and traditional industry.
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Problemlösning i grupp - att leverera en lösning : En studie i grundskolans årskurs tre kring samarbete och problemlösningsprocessenIversen, Ingrid, af Kleen, Susanne January 2008 (has links)
<p>Den här studien har tagit sin utgångspunkt i vårt intresse för hur kunskaper som ele-verna kan ha nytta för i sin vardag, kan vävas in i skolans verksamhet. Dagens sam-hälle efterfrågar människor med både en förmåga att samarbeta med andra såväl som förmåga att lösa problem. Det krävs även att du ska ta ställning till olika val i många sammanhang. Syftet med den här studien är att undersöka hur och i vilken grad elever i årskurs tre samarbetar när de löser en vardagsanknuten problemlösningsuppgift samt hur elevernas problemlösningsprocess ser ut. För att få svar på studiens syfte har vi genomfört en empirisk undersökning med en kvalitativ ansats. Eleverna blev tilldela-de en vardagsanknuten problemlösningsuppgift att lösa i mindre grupper, med hjälp av ljudinspelningar och observationer har sedan elevernas samarbete och problemlös-ningsprocess studerats. Resultatet visade att det inte förekom så mycket samarbete mellan alla elever, samt att alla grupper kommit en bit på väg i problemlösningspro-cessen, Det som framförallt utmärkte sig var att ingen av grupperna hade uppnått den fasen i problemlösningsprocessen som berör reflektion och utvärdering av lösningen på problemet. Den största slutsatsen som dragits av den här studien, var att samarbetet fungerade olika i grupperna samt att eleverna ännu inte uppnått nivån som handlar om reflektion och utvärdering i problemlösningsprocessen.</p> / <p>This study has taken as its startingpoint in our interest for how knowledge that the students can have use for in their everyday life can be intervowen in the everyday work of the school. The society today asks for people with both an ability to cooperate with others and an ability to solve problems. It is also demanded that you take into consideration various choices in many circumstances. The purpose of this study is to investigate how students in third grade cooperate when they solve an everyday problemsolving task, and how their process of solving problem appears. We have conducted an empiric study with a qualitative approach. The students solved an everyday problem in small groups. By help of audio recordings and observations, the cooperation and the students’ process of solving problems has been studied. The results showed not much cooperation between all students, and that the students had reached different levels in the processe of solving problems. The major conclusion drawn of this study was that the cooperation between the students worked in different ways and that the students not yet had reached the level of reflecion and evaluation in the process of solving problems.</p>
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Wenn Zulieferer und Abnehmer eng zusammenarbeiten / Logistische Kooperation im Rahmen des Vendor-Managed-Inventory-KonzeptesBuscher, Udo 18 February 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Nachdem Unternehmen sich
bisher eher mit der Reorganisation
interner Prozesse beschäftigt
haben, richtet sich der
Blick nunmehr auf unternehmensübergreifende
Für das Logistikmanagement
stellt insbesondere die
kooperative Zusammenarbeit
entlang der Wertschöpfungskette
(vertikale Kooperationen)
ein immer wichtiger werdendes
Aufgabenfeld dar. Hierbei geht
es darum, die logistischen
Prozesse, die entlang der
Versorgungskette (Supply
Chain) auftreten, zur Kundenzufriedenheit
zu gestalten. Eine
Alternative, um die Produktionsund
Logistikprozesse bei
Beteiligung mehrerer rechtlich
selbstständiger Unternehmen
zu koordinieren, ist das Konzept
des Vendor Managed Inventory
(VMI), bei dem der Zulieferer
die Disposition der Lagerbestände
beim Abnehmer
durchführt. Dieser Beitrag stellt
das Konzept sowie verschiedene
Ausgestaltungsvarianten vor. / Following reorganisation of their
internal business processes,
many firms are now concentrating
on inter-company processes.
Cooperation along the
value chain (vertical cooperation)
is becoming an ever more
important task in logistics
management. The objective is
to manage logistics processes
along the supply chain in a manner
which promotes customer
satisfaction. Vendor-managed
inventory (VMI) is one concept
able to coordinate the production
and logistics processes between
several legally independent
companies, placing responsibility
for management of the
customer’s inventory in the
hands of the supplier. In this
paper, the VMI concept is presented
and different arrangements
are discussed.
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Cross-functional co-operation and networking in industrial settingsGabrielsson, Åsa January 2002 (has links)
<p>The main process of this dissertation involves thedevelopment and refinement of a conceptual framework fordescribing and discussing cross-functional co-operation andnetworking within product realisation processes. The conceptualframework, the analysis of the case study and a discussion ofthe implications and challenges for research and industrialsector are the main results of the dissertation.</p><p>Industrial firms face different demands, which create anumber of potential sources of conflicts(fasterbettercheaper), for examplebetween market, product development and manufacturingfunctions. The transformation of industrial firms from beingtraditionally hierarchically organised to becoming team-,project- and process-based has delegated a number ofresponsibilities to employeesfor example, to interactwith others in planning and decision-making, and to act onissues or problems that may arise during daily work. Thissituation requires that new workand co-operation patterns aredeveloped between employees and between work units. Theestablishment of new co-operative behaviour seldom developswithout active support. Several studies confirm that there is aneed for organisational/managerial support for cross-functionalco-operation to develop, but that this type of support is oftenneglected (Blackler et al, 1997; Gabrielsson, 1998; Majchrzakand Wang, 1996).</p><p>The case study, reported in this dissertation, waslongitudinal and context-oriented. The study pointed out thatan integrative view of management on the entire ProductRealisation Process (PRP) was lacking during the first vitalphases of the organisational restructuring. However, itdeveloped continuously over time, which indicates a change inorganisational paradigm. Support for cross-functionalco-operation was considered and implemented only after thatco-operation had collapsed in a pilot group. The support was,for example, based onWork Reflection Seminars,which served as forums for discussing the new ways of working.In addition, two different parallel networks, originating fromthe previous organisational structure, had considerable impacton the development of cross-functional co-operation, whichdemonstrates the importance and power of practised rather thanformally ordered activities.</p><p><b>Keywords:</b>Cross-functional Co-operation, Networking,Product Realisation Process, Concurrent Engineering, Productdevelopment, Production, Organisational Change, OrganisationalRestructuring.</p>
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