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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Wireless Interconnect for Board and Chip Level

Fettweis, Gerhard P., ul Hassan, Najeeb, Landau, Lukas, Fischer, Erik 11 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Electronic systems of the future require a very high bandwidth communications infrastructure within the system. This way the massive amount of compute power which will be available can be inter-connected to realize future powerful advanced electronic systems. Today, electronic inter-connects between 3D chip-stacks, as well as intra-connects within 3D chip-stacks are approaching data rates of 100 Gbit/s soon. Hence, the question to be answered is how to efficiently design the communications infrastructure which will be within electronic systems. Within this paper approaches and results for building this infrastructure for future electronics are addressed.

Transzendenz und Gemeinsinn

27 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
VORWORT: Ikonisch verdichtet sich auf dem Umschlag dieser Broschüre das Selbstbild Dresdens. Von der Brühlschen Terrasse, „Balkon Europas“ genannt, geht der Blick auf die Kunstakademie, mit der gläsernen Kuppel des Kunstvereins, die mit einer eigenartigen Figur an ihrer Spitze besetzt ist, die sich beim näheren Hinsehen als Chimäre aus Nike und Fama zu erkennen gibt. Auf dem Sockel in der Bildmitte steht Gottfried Semper, der jene Oper baute, die heute medial auch als „das schönste Brauhaus Deutschlands“ bekannt ist. Und am hinteren Bildrand werden das neu errichtete Coselpalais, benannt nach der berühmten Mätresse August des Starken, und die wiedererrichtete Frauenkirche sichtbar. Sie ist das Stein gewordene Symbol für die Rekonstruktion des „alten“ Dresden und zugleich Objekt eines neu-alten Bürgerstolzes. Betrachtet man dieses Bild, mag es verständlich erscheinen, dass manche sagen, Dresden sei gar keine Stadt, sondern ein Mythos. Indes, so wäre zu entgegnen, macht der Mythos erst die Stadt. „Elbflorenz“ – das ist die Erzählung von barocker Schönheit, Liebe zur Kunst und Prunk der alten Residenz. Es ist ein Erinnerungsmythos, zugleich aber auch ein Mythos der Wiederbegründung. Zwischen beide schiebt sich der Mythos des Opfers: die Zerstörung Dresdens am 13. und 14. Februar 1945. In den Konflikten um die Kirchen- und die Stadtrekonstruktion, um die Restituierung von räumlicher Mitte und urbaner Identität, hat sich eine die Bürgerschaft mobilisierende Energie zu erkennen gegeben. Sie hat es vermocht, dass mehr als drei Viertel der Kosten für den Wiederaufbau der Kirche von privaten Geldgebern gespendet wurde. Zugleich hat diese gemeinsinnige Kraft aber auch bei der Bebauung der die Frauenkirche umgebenden Brachen zu einer Emphase historistischer Rekonstruktionstreue auf dem Neumarkt geführt. In der Erzählung von Zerstörung und Wiederauferstehung verschränken sich mithin mythische Eigentranszendierung der Stadt und aktuelle Gemeinsinnsbehauptungen in einer höchst spannungsvollen Weise. Dresden illustriert die Fragestellung des Sonderforschungsbereichs, der in dieser Stadt auch seinen Sitz hat. Der Sonderforschungsbereich 804 „Transzendenz und Gemeinsinn“ wurde im Mai 2009 von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft bewilligt und besteht seit dem 1. Juli 2009 an der Technischen Universität Dresden. Er umfasst 20 Teilprojekte aus drei Fakultäten und neun Instituten der TU Dresden sowie von Partnern der italienischen Universitäten Turin und Matera und der Universität Zürich, Schweiz. Zudem besitzt der SFB 804 ein Integriertes Graduiertenkolleg zur Ausbildung von Doktoranden und internationalen Stipendiaten. Das Forschungsprogramm sieht vor, jenseits herkömmlicher Epocheneinteilungen Ordnungsformationen wie Stadt, Republik, Demokratie, Nation, bürgerliche Gesellschaft, Adel und Hof, religiöse und nicht-religiöse Gemeinschaften miteinander zu vergleichen. Stets geht es um die Analyse des spannungsvollen Zusammenspiels von Transzendenzformen und Gemeinsinnsvorstellungen bei Entstehung, Stabilisierung und Scheitern von vormodernen und modernen sozialen und politischen Ordnungen. Mit dieser interdisziplinär und international vernetzten Fragestellung setzt der SFB 804 die erfolgreiche Grundlagenforschung der Dresdner Geistes-, Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften fort, die in der zweiten Hälfte der 1990er Jahre mit dem Sonderforschungsbereich 537 „Institutionalität und Geschichtlichkeit“ und einem Internationalen Graduiertenkolleg begonnen hat. Die folgenden Seiten beabsichtigen, den gemeinsamen Forschungsansatz und die Ziele der einzelnen Projekte des SFB 804 der wissenschaftlichen und interessierten Öffentlichkeit vorzustellen. Sie möchten auch zu Anregung und Auseinandersetzung einladen.

Secure Network Coding: Dependency of Efficiency on Network Topology

Pfennig, Stefan, Franz, Elke 25 November 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Network Coding is a new possibility to transmit data through a network. By combining different packets instead of simply forwarding, network coding offers the opportunity to reach the Min-Cut/Max-Flow capacity in multicast data transmissions. However, the basic schemes are vulnerable to so-called pollution attacks, where an attacker can jam large parts of the transmission by infiltrating only one bogus message. In the literature we found several approaches which aim at handling this kind of attack with different amounts of overhead. Though, the cost for a specific secure network coding scheme highly depends on the underlying network. The goal of this paper is on the one hand to describe which network parameters influence the efficiency of a certain scheme and on the other hand to provide concrete suggestions for selecting the most efficient secure network coding scheme considering a given network. We will illustrate that there does not exist “the best” secure network scheme concerning efficiency, but all selected schemes are more or less suited under certain network topologies.

A Probabilistic Quantitative Analysis of Probabilistic-Write/Copy-Select

Baier, Christel, Engel, Benjamin, Klüppelholz, Sascha, Märcker, Steffen, Tews, Hendrik, Völp, Marcus 03 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Probabilistic-Write/Copy-Select (PWCS) is a novel synchronization scheme suggested by Nicholas Mc Guire which avoids expensive atomic operations for synchronizing access to shared objects. Instead, PWCS makes inconsistencies detectable and recoverable. It builds on the assumption that, for typical workloads, the probability for data races is very small. Mc Guire describes PWCS for multiple readers but only one writer of a shared data structure. In this paper, we report on the formal analysis of the PWCS protocol using a continuous-time Markov chain model and probabilistic model checking techniques. Besides the original PWCS protocol, we also considered a variant with multiple writers. The results were obtained by the model checker PRISM and served to identify scenarios in which the use of the PWCS protocol is justified by guarantees on the probability of data races. Moreover, the analysis showed several other quantitative properties of the PWCS protocol.

One mathematical formula in the science textbook: looking into innovative potential of interdisciplinary mathematics teaching

Freiman, Viktor, Michaud, Danis 13 April 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Our paper presents some preliminary observation from a collaborative exploratory study linking mathematics, science and reading within a technology enhanced problem-based learning scenario conducted at one French Canadian Elementary and Middle School. Presented in a form of dialogue between teacher and researcher, our findings give some meaningful insight in how an innovative mathematics teaching can be developed and implemented using a real-world problem solving. Instead of a traditional presentation of material about lighting up homes, participating mathematics, science and French teachers were working collaboratively with the ICT integration mentor and two university professors helping students investigate a problem from various perspectives using a variety of cognitive and metacognitive strategies, discussing and sharing the finding with peers and presenting them to a larger audience using media tools. Our preliminary results may prompt further investigation of how innovation in teaching and learning can help students become better critical thinkers and scientifically empowered citizens.


Bagnara, Laura 14 December 2015 (has links)
This work is part of the umbrella project collaborative educational activities in school settings - ACECE (TICKS 2012), which constitutes a proposal for collaborative continuing education in such, as a theoretical and methodological perspective, allows, in the context of the investigated group (a public school in Santa Maria, RS), build a space for reflection, critique and negotiation, about the developed discursive practices, as well as the relation to the objectives previously defined by the social actors involved (in-service teachers in that school context and researchers from UFSM) (MAGALHÃES & GENTLEMAN, 2008, p. 114; MAGALHÃES, 2002, p 48). As part of this research, the present study investigates the reflection process developed during the theoretical and practical discussions (reflective sessions) developed over the continuing education program ACECE, in 2012, seeking to understand assumed teachers roles by the teachers and how these roles are configured lexicon grammatically. The corpus is consisted of transcripts of three (3) reflective sessions developed throughout 2012 in order to discuss the concept of literacy and to develop socially situated educational activities. For the analysis, we considered two textual characteristics: modality and evaluation (FAIRCLOUGH, 2003, p. 159), as these give an indication of the commitment of the participants with their texts. These categories were organized by Fairclough (2003), based on the contributions of Systemic Functional Grammar (HALLIDAY, 1994). The results in the analysis of the first section show an initial alignment of participants to two specific identity positions: engagement (60%) and non-engagement (40%) to the reflective process developed in the continuing education program. This initial alignment remains evident in the mid-reflective process, but with an engagement expansion of participants (71% of occurrence). We have identified, in the discourse of participants who took an engagement attitude to the reflective process throughout the continuing education program, two teachers roles. Specifically, these two roles are related to two images: as a centralizing teacher position in the learning process and a reflective teacher position. At the end of the reflective process, the analysis revealed an alignment of teachers to a single identity position: engagement to the reflective process developed in the continuing education program. Thus, in summary, through the Third reflection space (PASSIONI, 2012, p.180), the teachers promoted the development of reflective thinking spaces that resulted in (de/re) construction of their professional identity to assume discursively the role of reflective teachers. Finally, we hope that the actions developed at school can support other studies that focus on school context research and practices that may foster new initiatives of teachers continuing education (SILVA, 2014, p. 130). / Este trabalho integra o projeto guarda-chuva Atividades colaborativo-educacionais em contextos escolares A.C.E.C.E. (TICKS, 2012), o qual se constitui em uma proposta de formação continuada colaborativa na medida em que, como perspectiva teórico-metodológica, permite, no contexto do grupo investigado (uma escola pública de Santa Maria, RS), construir um espaço de reflexão, de crítica e de negociação sobre as práticas discursivas desenvolvidas, bem como sua relação com os objetivos previamente definidos pelos atores sociais em questão (professoras em serviço atuando no referido contexto escolar e pesquisadores da UFSM) (MAGALHÃES & FIDALGO, 2008, p. 114; MAGALHÃES, 2002, p. 48). Como parte desta investigação, a presente pesquisa analisa o processo reflexivo desencadeado durante as discussões teórico-práticas (sessões reflexivas) desenvolvidas ao longo do curso de formação continuada A.C.E.C.E, no ano de 2012, procurando desvelar os papéis docentes assumidos pelas professoras participantes e como estes se configuram léxico-gramaticalmente. O corpus foi constituído por transcrições de três (3) sessões reflexivas desenvolvidas ao longo de 2012, a fim de problematizar o conceito de letramento e desenvolver atividades pedagógicas socialmente situadas. Para a análise, levamos em consideração duas características textuais: a modalidade e a avaliação (FAIRCLOUGH, 2003, p. 159), uma vez que estas dão indicação do comprometimento das participantes com seus textos. Essas categorias foram organizadas por Fairclough (2003), com base nas contribuições oferecidas pela Gramática Sistêmico-Funcional (HALLIDAY, 1994). Os resultados da análise da primeira sessão revelam um alinhamento inicial das participantes a duas posições identitárias específicas: de engajamento (60%) e não engajamento (40%) ao processo reflexivo desenvolvido no programa de formação continuada. Esse alinhamento inicial continua evidente na metade do processo reflexivo, mas com expansão do engajamento das participantes (71% de ocorrência). Identificamos, no discurso das participantes que assumiram uma atitude de engajamento ao processo reflexivo constituído pelo programa de formação continuada, dois papéis docentes. Especificamente, esses dois papéis estão relacionados a duas imagens; de professora centralizadora do processo de aprendizagem e de professora reflexiva. Ao final da caminhada reflexiva, a análise revelou um alinhamento das professoras a uma única posição identitária: de engajamento ao processo reflexivo desenvolvido no curso de formação continuada. Assim e em síntese, por meio do Terceiro Espaço de reflexão (PASSIONI, 2012, p.180), as professoras promoveram espaços de desenvolvimento do pensamento reflexivo que resultou na (des/re)construção da identificação profissional das professoras participantes que, no discurso, mostram assumir o papel de professoras reflexivas. Por fim, esperamos que as ações desenvolvidas na escola possam subsidiar outros estudos que se concentrem na investigação do contexto escolar e que possam fomentar novas iniciativas de formação continuada de professores (SILVA, 2014, p. 130).


Brum, Maísa Helena 26 February 2015 (has links)
The interdisciplinary perspective at the school context has been very much under discussions and researches in Applied Linguistics. Several official educational documents of the Brazilian government, such as Orientações Curriculares Nacionais (OCNS) and Pârametros Curriculares Nacionais (PCNs) have mentioned the importance of an interdisciplinary practice in the classroom. Considering this background, this study aims to investigate the representations of interdisciplinarity during the construction of a pedagogical project within a continuing education program developed with teachers of a primary and adult education (EJA) public school in Santa Maria, RS. Furthermore, this research seeks to identify, considering the teachers discourse, their representations of interdisciplinarity and interdisciplinary practices. The corpus was collected through two questionnaires (the product of this research) that were answered, respectively, at the beginning and at the end of the program, which had the objective to identify the teachers representations of interdisciplinarity. Besides the questionnaires, the corpus was also constituted by transcripts from six (6) reflective sessions carried out during 2012 (the process of this research), in order to discuss the concept of interdisciplinarity and to develop the interdisciplinary project. Regarding the research s product, from a comparative analysis of the questionnaires, we noticed a change in the teachers representations of interdisciplinarity. In the initial questionnaire, the teachers conceptualize interdisciplinarity as an interaction between disciplines, which still refers to an interdisciplinary perspective of juxtaposition of content. At the end of the program there is an expansion in the teachers representation of interdisciplinary as a socially situated practice based on the interaction between different areas of knowledge, which present a common objective. Thus, the final representations unveil a more elaborated definition (Bernstein, 1996, p. 159) and a conceptual appropriation of teachers own pedagogical practice based on an interdisciplinary perspective. The research process revealed a sequence of discourse actions triggered by Problematization, followed mainly by Acceptance, Simple Exposition and Mirroring that shaped the construction of the interdisciplinary project at school while mediating the interactions between participants. In this sense, the argumentative process developed in the reflective sessions also assisted teachers organization of ideas, taking positions, and consequently, the development of a reflective thinking. Considering the representation of interdisciplinarity identified during the reflection sessions, we noticed an alignment with the final representations identified in the questionnaires, as both signal interdisciplinary practices as exchange of ideas between different disciplines with a common goal. Finally, we hope that the consolidation of the interdisciplinary project became part of their educational practices in that context. Likewise, we hope that the actions developed at the school context can lead to other studies that focus on the research of interdisciplinary practices, and, as a consequence, to foster new initiatives of continuing education programs for teachers (SILVA, 2014, p. 130). / A perspectiva interdisciplinar no contexto escolar tem sido pauta de muitas pesquisas e discussões em Linguística Aplicada. Diversos documentos oficiais que regem o sistema educacional brasileiro, tais como as Orientações Curriculares Nacionais (OCNs) e os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCNs) têm mencionado a importância da prática interdisciplinar em sala de aula. Considerando esse panorama, este trabalho tem como objetivo investigar a representação de interdisciplinaridade ao longo da construção de um projeto pedagógico interdisciplinar de caráter colaborativo em um programa de formação continuada desenvolvido com professoras de uma escola pública de Ensino Fundamental e EJA de Santa Maria, RS. Ainda, esta pesquisa buscará identificar, por meio do discurso das professoras, suas representações de interdisciplinaridade e da prática interdisciplinar. O corpus foi coletado a partir de dois questionários (produto da pesquisa), respondidos, respectivamente, no início e ao final da formação continuada, os quais procuraram identificar as representações de interdisciplinaridade das professoras. Além dos questionários, o corpus também foi constituído por transcrições de seis (6) sessões reflexivas desenvolvidas ao longo de 2012 (processo da pesquisa), a fim de problematizar o conceito de interdisciplinaridade e desenvolver o projeto interdisciplinar. Em relação ao produto da pesquisa, a partir de uma análise comparativa entre os questionários, percebemos uma mudança nas representações de interdisciplinaridade das participantes. No questionário inicial, as professoras conceituam interdisciplinaridade como uma interação entre disciplinas, o que remete ainda à perspectiva interdisciplinar de aglutinação de conteúdos. Já ao final da formação continuada há uma expansão no conceito ao representarem a interdisciplinaridade como uma prática socialmente situada a partir da interação entre diferentes áreas do conhecimento que tenham um objetivo em comum. Assim, as representações finais desvelam um discurso que apresenta maior elaboração (BERNSTEIN, 1996, p. 159) e apropriação conceitual do agir pedagógico a partir de uma perspectiva interdisciplinar. O processo da pesquisa evidenciou a presença de sequências de ações discursivas, desencadeadas por Problematizações e seguidas basicamente por Acolhimento, Exposições Simples e Reespelhamento que moldaram a constituição do projeto interdisciplinar na escola, ao mesmo tempo em que mediaram as interações entre as participantes. Nesse sentido, o processo argumentativo desenvolvido nas sessões reflexivas também auxiliou na organização de ideias, na tomada de posições e, consequentemente, na construção do pensamento reflexivo das participantes. Quanto à representação de interdisciplinaridade evidenciada durante as sessões reflexivas, identificamos um alinhamento às representações finais identificadas nos questionários, pois ambas sinalizam a prática interdisciplinar como troca de ideias entre disciplinas diferentes, com um objetivo em comum. Por fim, esperamos que o trabalho de consolidação do projeto interdisciplinar na escola seja preservado e aprimorado pelas professoras. Da mesma maneira, esperamos que as ações desenvolvidas na escola possam subsidiar outros estudos que se concentrem na investigação das práticas interdisciplinares e que possam fomentar novas iniciativas de formação continuada de professores (SILVA, 2014, p. 130).


Silva, Eliseu Alves da 28 February 2014 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Literacy has been the central point in researches and discussions in the field of Applied Linguistics (ROJO, 2010; SOARES, 2011), and the term is recurrently used in official documents, such as National Curriculum Parameters (BRASIL, 1997; 2000), National Curriculum Orientations (BRASIL, 2006), and recently, Lições do Rio Grande Curricular Referential (RIO GRANDE DO SUL, 2009). Considering this panorama, this work investigates the representations of elementary school teachers of Santa Maria, RS, about their concept of literacy and the way they represent discursively their classroom practices. The corpus was collected by using two questionnaires, answered, respectively, by 11 and 8 teachers that are participating in a continuing education program. Besides the questionnaires, we developed 14 reflexive sessions to problematize the concept of literacy. The analysis of the initial questionnaire showed three main concepts of literacy: as reading [critically] the world from everyday reality, as (de)coding the written language, and as a process of cognition and communication. According to the analysis of the participants discourse, in the classroom, these representations are materialized by pedagogical practices focused on contextualization, interpretation, thought expression, decoding and writing. The comparison of these data reveled contradictions between discourse and practices. Throughout the reflexive-collaborative process, during the reflexive sessions, these representations were reconfigured and expanded, including representations about literacy practices and events and, briefly, about relations between literacy and genres. Thus, the analysis of the final questionnaire demonstrated predominance of representations of literacy aligned to the concept of reading [critically] the world and timid upholds to the conception of literacy as a way of communication. Because of that, representations of pedagogical practices were also reconfigured and those practices identified in the initial questionnaire were reorganized into two categories: 1) appropriation of knowledge to life and 2) acquisition of technologies of writing. At the end of the reflective process we could delineate a socially situated concept of literacy as a process of social and political empowerment of the individuals which can help them transform reality the world (FREIRE, 1975) and, consequently, we observed re-significations in the teachers discourse about the way they see their own teaching practice. / O tema do letramento tem estado no centro das pesquisas e discussões em Linguística Aplicada (ROJO, 2010; SOARES, 2011), bem como é recorrente o emprego do termo em documentos oficiais, como os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (BRASIL, 1997; 2000), as Orientações Curriculares Nacionais (BRASIL, 2006) e, mais recentemente, os Referenciais Curriculares Lições do Rio Grande (RIO GRANDE DO SUL, 2009). Considerando esse panorama, este trabalho investiga as representações de professoras de uma escola pública de Ensino Fundamental de Santa Maria, RS, acerca de suas concepções de letramento e do modo como o representam discursivamente na prática de sala de aula. O corpus foi coletado a partir de dois questionários, respondidos, respectivamente, por 11 e 8 professoras participantes de um programa de formação continuada de professores. Além dos questionários, desenvolvemos 14 sessões reflexivas para problematizar o conceito de letramento. A análise do questionário inicial apontou três conceitos centrais de letramento: como leitura [crítica] de mundo , como (de)codificação da linguagem escrita e como processo cognitivo e de comunicação. A partir da análise do discurso das participantes, em sala de aula, essas representações se realizam por meio de práticas pedagógicas com foco na contextualização, interpretação, expressão de pensamento/opinião, decodificação e produção textual. O cruzamento desses dados revelou contradições entre o discurso e as práticas. No decorrer do processo reflexivo-colaborativo, durante as sessões reflexivas, essas representações foram reconfiguradas e expandidas, incluindo as representações de práticas e eventos de letramento e, brevemente, as relações entre letramento e gêneros textuais/discursivos. Assim, a análise do questionário final demonstrou a predominância de representações de letramento alinhadas ao conceito de leitura [crítica] de mundo e tímidas adesões à concepção de letramento como forma de comunicação. Com isso, as representações de práticas pedagógicas também sofreram reconfigurações, ocasionando a reorganização daquelas práticas identificadas na análise do questionário inicial em duas categorias: 1) na apropriação de saberes para a vida e 2) na aquisição de tecnologias da escrita. Ao final do processo reflexivo, pudemos delinear um conceito socialmente situado para letramento como processo de empoderamento (empowerment) social e político do indivíduo capaz de levá-lo a transformar a realidade o mundo (FREIRE, 1975) e, em consequência, observamos ressignificações dos discursos das professoras sobre o próprio fazer docente.

A d?ade saberes e pr?ticas docentes : um estudo de suas inter-rela??es / A d?ade saberes e pr?ticas docentes : um estudo de suas inter-rela??es

Sousa, Ana Teresa Silva 16 August 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:36:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AnaTSS_TESE.pdf: 3401523 bytes, checksum: 93f615dc11810e50b602af6233df1e27 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-08-16 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / This study The Dyad of knowledge and teaching practices: an inter-relational study deals with the relationship between conceptual knowledge on behalf of the teachers and their teaching practices. The research aims to investigate the relations amongst conceptual meanings related to the professor and the practices of three (03) Fundamental Cycle public schools teachers in Natal-Brazil. Thus, a collaborative research of qualitative nature was performed by us. It was based on collaboration and critical reflection, as well as the socialhistorical theoretical methodological principles of Ferreira (2009). This was acknowledged as an analytical support for the reflections that were realized on concepts related to teachers and teaching considering the archeology on these concepts. The methodological procedures and tools we used consisted of Formative Autobiographies, Reflexive Study, Collaborative Observation, as well as some Reflexive Sessions. The analysis framework was based on information obtained by these methodological procedures as well as the critical collaborative and reflexive procedures. The studies permitted us to widen our knowledge related to the conceptual meaning of teaching and teachers. But it was not always possible for us to (re)elaborate these meanings in the conceptual phase. This was only possible to understand once our Formative Autobiographies were analyzed. They reveal that the concept elaboration process is not a part of our own formative path. The time that was dedicated to that proved to not be enough. The concept elaboration process demands time, effort as well as life-long learning skills. This is not always possible to achieve in this part of the study, on the other hand, this was possible to acknowledge that in the different stages of our conceptual elaboration. The teaching practices that we analyzed were predominantly heterogeneous and were fundamented on meanings of concepts related to teachers and teaching, that were internalized beforehand, (re)elaborated according to the conflicted and contradictory situations. The reflexive and collaborative process that we experimented during the Reflexive Sessions pointed out the predominance of technical and practical reflection process. In some moments it was possible for us to critically reflect on teaching practices due to the collaborative mode that we experienced. The importance of collaboration for teaching formation and professional development of behalf of teachers in general is pointed out by this research. Also regarding this research it was possible to see that there was personal and professional growth, experiencing learning together to collaborative reflect, as well as to counter-argument, reformulate concepts and conceptions aiming to transform our teaching practice / O estudo que apresentamos, intitulado A d?ade saberes e pr?ticas docentes: um estudo de suas inter-rela??es, trata da rela??o entre os saberes conceituais de professor e doc?ncia e as pr?ticas docentes. Teve como objetivo investigar a rela??o entre os significados conceituais relativos a professor e doc?ncia e a pr?tica docente de tr?s (03) professoras do Ensino Fundamental que atuam em escolas p?blicas da cidade do Natal. Realizamos uma pesquisa colaborativa, de natureza qualitativa, com foco na colabora??o e reflex?o cr?tica, tendo os princ?pios da teoria s?cio-hist?rica e a metodologia conceitual de Ferreira (2009) como suporte anal?tico para as reflex?es que realizamos sobre os conceitos de professor e doc?ncia, assim como sobre a arqueologia desses conceitos. Fizemos uso dos seguintes procedimentos metodol?gicos: Autobiografias de Forma??o, Ciclos de Estudos Reflexivos, Observa??o Colaborativa e Sess?es Reflexivas. O corpus de an?lise se constituiu das informa??es obtidas por meio desses procedimentos metodol?gicos, acrescidos do processo colaborativo reflexivo e cr?tico. Os estudos que realizamos permitiram ampliar nosso conhecimento relativo ao significado conceitual de professor e de doc?ncia, por?m nem todas n?s conseguimos (re)elaborar esses significados no est?gio conceitual, fato compreens?vel se voltarmos o olhar para as nossas Autobiografias de Forma??o, as quais revelaram que o processo de elaborar conceitos n?o fez parte do nosso percurso formativo. Os momentos dedicados para tal finalidade n?o foram suficientes porque esse processo de elabora??o de conceitos demanda tempo e um longo aprendizado, nem sempre atingido de uma s? etapa de estudo, fato comprovado nos est?gios diferenciados de nossas elabora??es conceituais. As pr?ticas docentes que analisamos caracterizaram-se como predominantemente heterog?neas, fundamentadas ora nos significados dos conceitos de professor e de doc?ncia, internalizados anteriormente, ora nos (re)elaborados, determinando muitas vezes situa??es conflituosas e contradit?rias. Quanto ao processo reflexivo colaborativo vivenciado por n?s durante as Sess?es Reflexivas, a predomin?ncia foi da reflex?o t?cnica e pr?tica, mas em alguns momentos refletimos criticamente sobre as pr?ticas docentes, gra?as ? instaura??o do processo de colabora??o por n?s vivenciado. Destacamos a import?ncia que tem a pesquisa colaborativa para forma??o e desenvolvimento profissional de professores de modo geral. No caso desta pesquisa, crescemos como profissionais e enquanto pessoas, aprendendo juntas a refletir colaborativamente, argumentar, contra-argumentar, reformular concep??es e conceitos, objetivando a transforma??o de nossa pr?tica docente

Abordagem do conceito de vida no ensino de Ciências e Biologia: uma análise de artigos científicos brasileiros a partir da epistemologia de Fleck / Approach to the concept of life in the teaching of Science and Biology: na analysis of brazilian scientific articles from the epistemology of Fleck

Simão, Márcia Mendes 07 May 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2018-07-06T11:19:45Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Márcia Mendes Simão - 2018.pdf: 1519440 bytes, checksum: e0bb90df2dc362dd25d60584866a58c0 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2018-07-06T12:21:24Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Márcia Mendes Simão - 2018.pdf: 1519440 bytes, checksum: e0bb90df2dc362dd25d60584866a58c0 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-06T12:21:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Márcia Mendes Simão - 2018.pdf: 1519440 bytes, checksum: e0bb90df2dc362dd25d60584866a58c0 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-05-07 / This research presents an investigative study, a form of systematic review, aiming to identify in the object of study, scientific articles published in journals related to teaching and minutes of Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Educação em Ciências (ENPEC), how the approach of the concept of life is linked to the possibility of a integrative teaching of the biological knowledge. The source of he categories and subsidies for the analysis of the construction of the ideas on the theme was obtained in the epistemological model of Ludwik Fleck, or in other words, an epistemological analysis was directed by the following elements of Fleck's thought: Thought Collective, Thought Style, Esoteric and Exoteric Circle, Intra and Interspecific Circulation. The epistemological referential was present throughout the investigation, so the investigative profile was understood as theoretical- methodological. The study object was selected based on adaptations of the established criteria for a systematic review, such as definition of research questions, inclusion and exclusion criteria for selection of study material and data collection to answer the previously elaborated questions, reading and material selection. Following these criteria, the article's selection was carried out in specific journals of the Sucupira Platform and in ENPEC Minutes from the insertion in a specific site of the journals or search for the descriptors: concept of life, life phenomenon, living being, life. After reading the abstracts and discarding the articles that didn't fit in the proposal, there were 13 articles for the reading directed by the epistemological categories. The collected data allowed the identification of theoretical-methodological links between the studies and also indicated the possibility of the characterization of a Thought Collective that includes the authors of the studies. The references of the studies pointed as a tendency the historical and philosophical approach of the construction of the biological knowledge, which made possible the reflection on the integration of biological concepts from an approach of the development of life's concept. However, some points of attention appeared, as the limitations of teacher training in science and biology teaching, and as the losses of the low collaborative research activity between the esoteric circle (researchers) and the exoteric circle (teachers) in investigative procedures in the school environment. In view of that, this study points to the development of future researches involving collaborative activities directed by teaching proposals of biological knowledge in the historical and philosophical, social and cultural dimensions of the construction of life's concept as a contribution to rethink the organization of an integrative curriculum and teacher training. / Este trabalho apresenta um estudo investigativo, tipo revisão sistemática, visando identificar no objeto de estudo, artigos científicos publicados em revistas sobre ensino e Atas do Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Educação em Ciências (ENPEC), de que forma a abordagem do conceito de vida está vinculada à possibilidade de um ensino integrador dos conhecimentos biológicos. Buscou-se no modelo epistemológico de Ludwik Fleck as categorias e subsídiospara a análise da construção das ideias sobre o tema, ou seja, empreendeu-se uma análise epistemológica direcionada pelos seguintes elementos do pensamento fleckiano: Coletivo de Pensamento, Estilo de Pensamento, Círculo Esotérico e Exotérico, Circulação Intra e Interespecífica. O referencial epistemológico esteve presente em todo o percurso investigativo, por isso, o perfil investigativo foi entendido como teórico-metodológico. O objeto de estudo foi selecionado a partir de adaptações dos critérios estabelecidos para uma revisão sistemática, tais como definição de questões de pesquisa, critérios de inclusão e exclusão para seleção do material de estudo e levantamento dos dados necessários para responder as questões previamente elaboradas, a leitura e a seleção do material. Seguindo esses critérios, a seleção dos artigos foi realizada em periódicos específicos da Plataforma Sucupira e em Atas do ENPEC a partir da inserção em sítio específico dos periódicos ou busca pelos descritores: conceito de vida, fenômeno vida, ser vivo, vida. Após a leitura dos resumos e descarte dos artigos que não se adequavam à proposta, restaram 13 artigos para a leitura direcionada pelas categorias epistemológicas. Os dados coletados permitiram a identificação de vínculos teórico- metodológicos entre os estudos e também indicaram a possibilidade da caracterização de um Coletivo de Pensamento que inclui os autores dos estudos. Os referenciais dos estudos apontaram como tendência a abordagem histórica e filosófica da construção dos conhecimentos biológicos, o que possibilitou a reflexão sobre a integração de conceitos biológicos a partir de uma abordagem do desenvolvimento do conceito de vida. No entanto, surgiram como pontos de atenção as limitações da formação dos docentes que atuam no ensino de Ciências e Biologia e ainda os prejuízos da baixa atividade investigativa colaborativa entre o círculo esotérico (pesquisadores) e círculo exotérico (professores) em procedimentos investigativos no ambiente escolar. Diante disso, este estudo aponta o desenvolvimento de futuras investigações envolvendo atividades colaborativas direcionadas por propostas de ensino dos conhecimentos biológicos em dimensões históricas e filosóficas, sociais e culturais da construção do conceito de vida como uma contribuição para repensar a organização de um currículo integrador e a formação dos docentes.

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