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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Édition, traduction et commentaire des fables de Babrius / Edition, translation and commentary of Babrius's Fables

Laruelle, Chloé 27 October 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à proposer une édition critique des quelque 143 fables grecques composées en choliambes par Babrius (Ier – IIe siècle après J.-C.), à les traduire en français et à en proposer un commentaire. Un travail complet d’établissement du texte a pour cela été mené, fondé sur l’examen à nouveaux frais des témoins de la tradition directe (papyri, tablettes de cire antiques et manuscrits médiévaux) et sur l’analyse des témoins de la tradition indirecte (la Souda en particulier). Le corpus des fables attribuées à Babrius ne permet pas une histoire du texte traditionnelle, fondée sur un stemma bien déterminé. En effet, les témoins sont peu nombreux, hétérogènes, et leurs leçons si divergentes qu’il est souvent difficile d’en préférer une ; aussi attestent-ils davantage des réécritures et des remaniements successifs dont ces fables ont fait l’objet au cours des siècles qu’ils ne permettent de retrouver avec sûreté la matière originelle voulue par Babrius lui-même. Ce constat a joué un rôle déterminant sur notre décision de nous démarquer des éditeurs précédents. Ces derniers, en effet, désireux de reconstituer un hypothétique « original d’auteur », ont souvent été amenés à réécrire les passages problématiques, si bien qu’ils donnent à lire un texte virtuel, remodelé et figé, incapable de témoigner de l’histoire pourtant passionnante de ce corpus vivant, en perpétuel devenir. C’est pourquoi cette thèse s’attache à élaborer une histoire du texte alternative – c’est-à-dire soucieuse de reconstituer dans sa complexité la fortune des fables de Babrius, l’histoire de leur transmission et de leurs réécritures – et, partant, une édition critique différente, attentive à rendre perceptible pour le lecteur moderne ce processus d’évolution du texte babrien. / This doctoral thesis proposes a critical edition of 143 Greek fables composed by Babrius in choliambic verse (1st and 2nd century AD), as well as a French translation and a commentary of the fables. This was achieved by thoroughly establishing the text, through a further examination of the witnesses in the direct tradition (papyri, ancient wax tablets and medieval manuscripts) and through the analysis of the witnesses in the indirect tradition (in particular the Suda). The corpus of fables attributed to Babrius does not permit to establish a traditional history of the text, based on a well-defined stemma. Indeed, there are few, heterogeneous witnesses and their readings diverge so greatly that it is often difficult to choose only one; hence, rather than allowing to retrieve with any degree of certitude the original material intended by Babrius himself, they in fact bear testimony to the numerous rewritings and reworkings of these fables throughout the centuries. This observation was instrumental in our decision to break with the editing tradition. In effect, previous editors, in their will to reconstruct a hypothetical autograph, have often been led to rewrite problematic passages, so that what they propose is a virtual, remodelled and fixed text that is in fact unable to testify to the fascinating history of this living, constantly evolving corpus. This is why this thesis aims to elaborate an alternative history of the text—that is, one that endeavours to reconstitute the complex fortune of Babrius’s fables, through the history of their transmission and rewritings—and, therefore, to propose a different critical edition, that strives to make this evolutionary process of Babrius’s text perceptible to the modern reader.

Förslag på riktlinjer för datainsamlingen vid kommunala olycksundersökningar / A proposal for guidelines to data collection regarding

Persson, Andreas January 2007 (has links)
Bakgrund: Enligt lagen om skydd mot olyckor (SFS 2003:778) skall en olycksundersökning genomföras vid alla olyckor i skälig omfattning i syfte att finna orsak, händelseförlopp och utvärdering av räddningsinsatsen (SFS 2003:778, kap3, 10§). Bland genomförda olycksundersökningar i Sveriges kommuner har Statens Räddningsverk identifierat en stor inbördes variation gällande innehållet i utredningarna och brister vid vidarebefordring till myndigheten för statistisk analys. Uppsatsen är därför ett led i myndighetens utveckling av stödet för datainsamlingen vid kommunala olycksundersökningar i syfte att förbättra förutsättningarna för goda lärdomar vid olyckor. Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är tvådelat. Att först analysera vilka erfarenheter som samlas in av de kommunala olycksutredarna och därefter verifiera resultaten utifrån tidigare forskningsresultat. Metod och material: Med metoden kvalitativ innehållsanalys har ett urval av kommunala olycksundersökningar analyserats (n=21), där insamlade erfarenheter har kategoriserats i ett antal gemensamma teman. Underlaget (n=68) är hämtat från Statens Räddningsverk och bestod av alla vidarebefordrade kommunala olycksundersökningar mellan 2005 till och med april 2007 fördelade över 8 klassifikationer. Resultatdiskussion: Utifrån tidigare forskningsresultat har sedermera resultaten verifierats. Konklusionen av uppsatsen redovisas i ett antal förslag på riktlinjer som bör tolkas som ett stöd vid datainsamlingen gällande kommunala olycksundersökningar. Uppsatsen är en förstudie då underlaget bör utökas och resultaten prövas empiriskt innan riktlinjerna praktiskt tillämpas. / Background: According to the legislation regarding protection against accidents (SFS 2003:778) shall an accident investigation be implemented at a reasonable depth to find reason, development and evaluation of the rescue initiative (SFS 2003:778, chp3, 10§). Among implemented accident investigations in Sweden's municipalities has the Swedish Rescue Services Agency identified large mutual variation the current content in the investigations and deficiencies at forwarding them to the authority for statistical analysis. This essay is therefore part of the authority's development of the aid for the collection of data regarding municipal accident investigations in aim to improve the conditions to draw important knowledge from accidents. Aim: The aim with this essay is two-folded. To first analyze which experiences that are collected from the municipal accident investigators and then verify the results on the basis of earlier research results. Method and materials: With the method Qualitative Content Analysis has a selection of municipal accident investigations been analyzed (n=21), where collected experiences have been categorized in a number common themes. The basis (n=68) is retrieved from the Swedish Rescue Service Agency and is comprised of all forwarded municipal accident investigations between 2005 up to and including April 2007 distributed over 8 classifications. Results: On the basis of earlier research the results have been verified. The conclusion of the essay is presented in a number proposals on guidelines that should be interpreted as an aid regarding the data collection at municipal accident investigations. The essay is a preliminary study where the basis should be increased and the results examined empirically before the guidelines can be practical applied.

Evaluation of the Scent Collection System for Its Effectiveness in Volatile Organic Compound Collection and Use in Canine Training

Sanchez, Claudia L, Ms 16 March 2015 (has links)
As a result of increased terrorist activity around the world, the development of a canine training aid suitable for daily military operations is necessary to provide effective canine explosive detection. Since the use of sniffer dogs has proven to be a reliable resource for the rapid detection of explosive volatiles organic compounds, the present study evaluated the ability of the Human Scent Collection System (HSCS) device for the creation of training aids for plasticized / tagged explosives, nitroglycerin and TNT containing explosives, and smokeless powders for canine training purposes. Through canine field testing, it was demonstrated that volatiles dynamically collected from real explosive material provided a positive canine response showing the effectiveness of the HSCS in creating canine training aids that can be used immediately or up to several weeks (3) after collection under proper storage conditions. These reliable non-hazardous training aids allow its use in areas where real explosive material aids are not practical and/or available.

Ochrana práv věřitelů v České republice: soudní vymáhání versus soukromé alternativy / The protection of property rights in the Czech Republic: public judicial system versus private alternatives

Černá, Michaela January 2009 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on relation between state and private system of debt collection. The first part of this paper briefly describes traditional role of the government in general and deals with question if it is possible to establish competition into the justice. The second part describes and analyzes four different systems of debt collection in the Czech Republic -- execution procedure by public judicial system, by judicial officer (for-profit alternative), by arbitration court and by collection agency. In this part there are also described mechanisms of how four different systems work. The analysis of efficiency of four systems arises from comparison different motivation and mechanism used by representatives of systems. The aim of this paper is to monitor present condition in the market of debt collection in the Czech Republic and to demonstrate if the protection of property rights changed by the entrance of non-state alternatives.

Integrating environmental data acquisition and low cost Wi-Fi data communication.

Gurung, Sanjaya 12 1900 (has links)
This thesis describes environmental data collection and transmission from the field to a server using Wi-Fi. Also discussed are components, radio wave propagation, received power calculations, and throughput tests. Measured receive power resulted close to calculated and simulated values. Throughput tests resulted satisfactory. The thesis provides detailed systematic procedures for Wi-Fi radio link setup and techniques to optimize the quality of a radio link.

Regressão logística e análise discriminante na predição da recuperação de portfólios de créditos do tipo non-performing loans / Logistic regression and discriminant analysis in prediction of the recovery of non-performing loans credits portfolio

Silva, Priscila Cristina 23 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Nadir Basilio (nadirsb@uninove.br) on 2017-08-04T21:33:38Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Priscila Cristina Silva.pdf: 2177666 bytes, checksum: a8d3c5290664fa16f138371def86fcdd (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-04T21:33:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Priscila Cristina Silva.pdf: 2177666 bytes, checksum: a8d3c5290664fa16f138371def86fcdd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-23 / Customers with credit agreement in arrears for more than 90 days are characterized as non-performing loans and cause concerns in credit companies because the lack of guarantee of discharge debtor's amount. To treat this type of customer are applied collection scoring models that have as main objective to predict those debtors who have propensity to honor their debts, that is, this model focuses on credit recovery. Models based on statistical prediction techniques can be applied to the recovery of these credits, such as logistic regression and discriminant analysis. Therefore, the aim of this paper was to apply logistic regression and discriminant analysis models in predicting the recovery of non-performing loans credit portfolios. The database used was provided by the company Serasa Experian and contains a sample of ten thousand customers with twenty independent variables and a variable binary response (dependent) indicating whether or not the defaulting customer paid their debt. The sample was divided into training, validation and test and the models cited in the objective were applied individually. Then, two new logistic regression models and discriminant analysis were implemented from the outputs of the individually implemented models. The both models applied individually as the new models had generally good performance form, highlighting the new model of discriminant analysis that got correct classification of percentage higher than the new logistic regression model. It was concluded, then, based on the results that the models are a good option for predicting the credit portfolio recovery. / Os clientes que possuem contrato de crédito em atraso há mais de 90 dias são caracterizados como non-performing loans e preocupam as instituições financeiras fornecedoras de crédito pela falta de garantia da quitação desse montante devedor. Para tratar este tipo de cliente são aplicados modelos de collection scoring que têm como principal objetivo predizer aqueles devedores que possuem propensão em quitar suas dívidas, ou seja, esse modelo busca a recuperação de crédito. Modelos baseados em técnicas estatísticas de predição podem ser aplicados na recuperação como a regressão logística e a análise discriminante. Deste modo, o objetivo deste trabalho foi aplicar os modelos de regressão logística e análise discriminante na predição da recuperação de portfólios de crédito do tipo non-performing loans. A base de dados utilizada foi cedida pela empresa Serasa Experian e contém uma amostra de dez mil indivíduos com vinte variáveis independentes e uma variável resposta (dependente) binária indicando se o cliente inadimplente pagou ou não sua dívida. A amostra foi dividida em treinamento, validação e teste e foram aplicados os modelos citados de forma individual. Em seguida, dois novos modelos de regressão logística e análise discriminante foram implementados a partir das saídas (outputs) dos modelos aplicados individualmente. Com base nos resultados, tanto os modelos aplicados individualmente quanto os novos modelos apresentaram bom desempenho, com destaque para o novo modelo de análise discriminante que apresentou um percentual de classificações corretas superior ao novo modelo de regressão logística. Concluiu-se, então, que os modelos são uma boa opção para predição da recuperação de portfólios de crédito do tipo non-performing loans.

Vstupní data pro optimalizaci svozových tras komunálních odpadů / Input data for municipal waste collection routes optimization

Kulich, Marek January 2019 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to describe the systems of collection of separated waste as well as collection monitoring, which includes identification of containers, sensors and data transfer. The data is then summarized and analyzed for use in the optimization software that uses advanced ARP models. The practical part is devoted to the analysis of real data sets. On selected geographical area are determined the parameters of waste, the plan of the collection routes and their evaluation. The use of local infrastructure will be then shown by cartographic representations of the routes in the maps.

Bibliotheken zwischen Kultureller Memoria, Wissenschaft und Musealität

Fuchs, Thomas January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Die neuzeitlichen Handschriften der Universitätsbibliothek

Fuchs, Thomas January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Formale Widerspenstigkeit : Nachlässe und Autographensammlungen

Fuchs, Thomas January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

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