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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Traduction et mise en recueil (Amérique Latine, 1883-1925) : portrait du poète en collectionneur périphérique / The fabric of translation collections (Latin America, 1883-1925) : Portrait of the poet as a peripheral collector

Serrurier, Cécile 13 June 2019 (has links)
En Amérique Latine, au XIXe siècle, la pratique de la traduction doit se comprendre dans un contexte post-colonial de construction de littératures nationales. Les sociologues de la traduction et la théorie des polysystèmes ont mis en évidence la façon dont la traduction participe à enrichir le répertoire littéraire d’une culture-cible en permettant l’accumulation de capital symbolique. Nos recherches se concentrent sur les pratiques et les trajectoires de quatorze poètes-traducteurs latino-américains, peu étudiés, ou en voie récente de réévaluation critique : Ignacio Mariscal, Rafael Pombo, Miguel Antonio Caro, Antonio Sellén, Antonio José Restrepo, Raimundo Correia, Rosendo Villalobos, Leopoldo Díaz, Ismael Enrique Arciniegas, Balbino Dávalos, Enrique González Martínez, Guillermo Valencia, Eduardo Díez de Medina et Álvaro Reis. Ceux-ci s’inscrivent dans le romantisme latino-américain, le modernismo hispano-américain et le parnasianismo brésilien. Tous traduisent tout au long de leur vie : des poètes classiques (Horace) mais aussi de plus en plus des poètes modernes, européens et américains (Hugo, Heredia, Longfellow…) ; des auteurs considérés comme majeurs (Baudelaire, Goethe, Poe) et d’autres aujourd’hui oubliés (Prudhomme, Richepin, Rollinat…). Ce dialogue poétique établi avec des figures internationales prestigieuses leur permet à la fois d’illustrer des langues en refondation depuis les indépendances, mais aussi d’expérimenter des mètres, des thèmes et des tonalités inédits. Nos auteurs publient leurs traductions dans des revues, ce qui est une pratique courante, mais surtout dans des recueils, ce qui est plus rare. Notre corpus met donc en valeur deux types de recueil, qui n’ont pas reçu de définition générique ferme : une forme mixte, composée de poésies originales et de poésies traduites, et une forme composée uniquement de traductions. Ces deux modèles ont des points communs avec les recueils poétiques originaux, les anthologies d’écrivain ou les anthologies de littérature étrangère, sans correspondre tout à fait à aucun d’entre eux. La singularité de nos recueils consiste en l’unité et l’identité du sujet qui sélectionne, traduit et réordonne les textes étrangers au sein de son livre. Nous envisageons donc le poète-traducteur latino-américain à partir de la figure du collectionneur, qui décontextualise des textes étrangers, les recontextualise dans une nouvelle série – le livre – , lui permettant de projeter et de construire son autorité poétique. Nos auteurs étant par ailleurs tous impliqués dans la vie politique de leur temps (ils sont députés, juges, voire président), nous démontrerons que le recueil de traducteur peut participer à la construction de projets politiques, et qu’il existe aussi bien un usage libéral de la poésie étrangère qu’un usage conservateur. / In 19th century Latin America, the practice of translation must be understood in a post-colonial context of the construction of national literatures. Sociology of translation and polysystem theory have highlighted how translation contributes to enriching the literary repertoire of a recipient culture by allowing the accumulation of symbolic capital. Our research focuses on the practices and trajectories of fourteen Latin American poet-translators who have been relatively under-studied or are in the process of recent critical re-evaluation: Ignacio Mariscal, Rafael Pombo, Miguel Antonio Caro, Antonio Sellén, Antonio José Restrepo, Raimundo Correia, Rosendo Villalobos, Leopoldo Díaz, Ismael Enrique Arciniegas, Balbino Dávalos, Enrique González Martínez, Guillermo Valencia, Eduardo Díez de Medina and Álvaro Reis. These poet-translators collectively belong to the movements of Latin American Romanticism, Spanish-speaking American Modernism, and Brazilian Parnassianism. Each of them produced poetry translations: classical poets (such as Horace) but also increasingly European and American Modern poets (Hugo, Heredia, Longfellow...); authors considered canonical (Baudelaire, Goethe, Poe), and others largely forgotten (Prudhomme, Richepin, Rollinat...). The poetic dialogue established with prestigious international figures allowed these poet-translators to legitimize their national languages following the Latin American independence era, and also enabled them to experiment with new meters, themes and tonalities. Our authors published their translations in journals, which was a common practice; but especially in poetry collections, which was less common. Our corpus therefore highlights two types of volumes which have not been formally defined and classified: a hybrid form, composed of original and translated poems; and a form composed solely of translations. These two forms have commonalities with poetry volumes in the original language, writer's anthologies, or foreign literature anthologies, but do not correspond entirely to any of them. The uniqueness of our poetry volumes consists in the unity and identity of the subject who selects, translates and reorders foreign texts within his book. We therefore consider the Latin American poet-translator from the figure of the collector, who decontextualizes foreign texts and recontextualizes them in a new series — the book — allowing him to project and build his poetic authority. As our authors were all involved in the political sphere (as deputies, judges, even presidents), we will demonstrate that the collections of translators can contribute to the construction of political projects, and that there is both a liberal use of foreign poetry as well as a conservative use.

Förslag på riktlinjer för datainsamlingen vid kommunala olycksundersökningar / A proposal for guidelines to data collection regarding

Persson, Andreas January 2007 (has links)
<p>Bakgrund: Enligt lagen om skydd mot olyckor (SFS 2003:778) skall en olycksundersökning genomföras vid alla olyckor i skälig omfattning i syfte att finna orsak, händelseförlopp och utvärdering av räddningsinsatsen (SFS 2003:778, kap3, 10§). Bland genomförda olycksundersökningar i Sveriges kommuner har Statens Räddningsverk identifierat en stor inbördes variation gällande innehållet i utredningarna och brister vid vidarebefordring till myndigheten för statistisk analys. Uppsatsen är därför ett led i myndighetens utveckling av stödet för datainsamlingen vid kommunala olycksundersökningar i syfte att förbättra förutsättningarna för goda lärdomar vid olyckor.</p><p>Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är tvådelat. Att först analysera vilka erfarenheter som samlas in av de kommunala olycksutredarna och därefter verifiera resultaten utifrån tidigare forskningsresultat.</p><p>Metod och material: Med metoden kvalitativ innehållsanalys har ett urval av kommunala olycksundersökningar analyserats (n=21), där insamlade erfarenheter har kategoriserats i ett antal gemensamma teman. Underlaget (n=68) är hämtat från Statens Räddningsverk och bestod av alla vidarebefordrade kommunala olycksundersökningar mellan 2005 till och med april 2007 fördelade över 8 klassifikationer.</p><p>Resultatdiskussion: Utifrån tidigare forskningsresultat har sedermera resultaten verifierats. Konklusionen av uppsatsen redovisas i ett antal förslag på riktlinjer som bör tolkas som ett stöd vid datainsamlingen gällande kommunala olycksundersökningar. Uppsatsen är en förstudie då underlaget bör utökas och resultaten prövas empiriskt innan riktlinjerna praktiskt tillämpas.</p> / <p>Background: According to the legislation regarding protection against accidents (SFS 2003:778) shall an accident investigation be implemented at a reasonable depth to find reason, development and evaluation of the rescue initiative (SFS 2003:778, chp3, 10§). Among implemented accident investigations in Sweden's municipalities has the Swedish Rescue Services Agency identified large mutual variation the current content in the investigations and deficiencies at forwarding them to the authority for statistical analysis. This essay is therefore part of the authority's development of the aid for the collection of data regarding municipal accident investigations in aim to improve the conditions to draw important knowledge from accidents.</p><p>Aim: The aim with this essay is two-folded. To first analyze which experiences that are collected from the municipal accident investigators and then verify the results on the basis of earlier research results.</p><p>Method and materials: With the method Qualitative Content Analysis has a selection of municipal accident investigations been analyzed (n=21), where collected experiences have been categorized in a number common themes. The basis (n=68) is retrieved from the Swedish Rescue Service Agency and is comprised of all forwarded municipal accident investigations between 2005 up to and including April 2007 distributed over 8 classifications.</p><p>Results: On the basis of earlier research the results have been verified. The conclusion of the essay is presented in a number proposals on guidelines that should be interpreted as an aid regarding the data collection at municipal accident investigations. The essay is a preliminary study where the basis should be increased and the results examined empirically before the guidelines can be practical applied.</p>

An evaluation of the Russell High School's library collection in meeting the curricula needs of learners.

Atagan, Favour Ogochukwu. January 2001 (has links)
The purpose of the dissertation was to evaluate the Russell High School library collection in meeting the curricula needs of learners. A study population consisting of 150 learners, 13 teachers, the librarian and Principal was surveyed by means of questionnaire and interview. Three types of questionnaires were used, one each for the learners, the teachers and the librarian. The Principal's interview was based on a checklist. Results were discussed in terms of frequencies and cross-tabulations of responses were made. Results are graphically displayed in the form of tables, pie charts and bar charts. The present situation of the library and its problems are discussed with regard to resources, the availability and suitability of the present collection, types of materials used, and satisfaction with the library by users as well as encouragement from teachers and the librarian to learners in the use of the library. The discussion was situated within the current requirements of Outcomes-Based Education as guided by Curriculum 2005 and 21. The study findings indicated that learners and teachers were satisfied with the library stock although a need for books, especially new titles, was identified. Learners and teachers felt that more books and better infrastructure for example, computers, television sets, and more space were needed. It was also revealed, however, that the budget was severely limited. These findings are discussed within the framework provided by a review of international, African and local school libraries. Recommendations for possible future services are made in the light of this discussion. / Thesis (M.I.S.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2001.

Contract and strategic network design for reverse production systems

Pas, Joshua W. 24 March 2008 (has links)
A Reverse Production System (RPS) is a network of transportation logistics and processing functions that collects, refurbishes, and demanufactures for reuse/recycle used or end-of-life products. In this thesis, I focus on the RPS strategic decisions of a processor and collectors when the collection network and contracts for materials can be co-designed. The research problem is motivated by the need of material processors to ensure a consistent flow of material from collectors at a cost that will enable them to be competitive with virgin raw materials. The failure to develop a cost-effective collection network can lead to poor overall economics where expensive processing assets are not fully utilized. The three key problems from the processor s point of view are: 1) how to design a strategic collection network; 2) how to be competitive in the collected materials market place when significant investment is at risk; and 3) how to avoid overpaying for materials when collectors are in regions with different volumes and costs. The multiple goals of this research are: 1) to integrate the contract and strategic network design in RPS; 2) to develop contract mechanism designs to improve the performance under incomplete information and study the value of information (complete vs. incomplete); and 3) to introduce and analyze new strategic network models for effectiveness in solution quality and time. Concepts of mathematical optimization, contract theory, and game theory are utilized in proposing models that couple contract and network problems, including lump sum and variable volume contracts.

Peer to peer English/Chinese cross-language information retrieval

Lu, Chengye January 2008 (has links)
Peer to peer systems have been widely used in the internet. However, most of the peer to peer information systems are still missing some of the important features, for example cross-language IR (Information Retrieval) and collection selection / fusion features. Cross-language IR is the state-of-art research area in IR research community. It has not been used in any real world IR systems yet. Cross-language IR has the ability to issue a query in one language and receive documents in other languages. In typical peer to peer environment, users are from multiple countries. Their collections are definitely in multiple languages. Cross-language IR can help users to find documents more easily. E.g. many Chinese researchers will search research papers in both Chinese and English. With Cross-language IR, they can do one query in Chinese and get documents in two languages. The Out Of Vocabulary (OOV) problem is one of the key research areas in crosslanguage information retrieval. In recent years, web mining was shown to be one of the effective approaches to solving this problem. However, how to extract Multiword Lexical Units (MLUs) from the web content and how to select the correct translations from the extracted candidate MLUs are still two difficult problems in web mining based automated translation approaches. Discovering resource descriptions and merging results obtained from remote search engines are two key issues in distributed information retrieval studies. In uncooperative environments, query-based sampling and normalized-score based merging strategies are well-known approaches to solve such problems. However, such approaches only consider the content of the remote database but do not consider the retrieval performance of the remote search engine. This thesis presents research on building a peer to peer IR system with crosslanguage IR and advance collection profiling technique for fusion features. Particularly, this thesis first presents a new Chinese term measurement and new Chinese MLU extraction process that works well on small corpora. An approach to selection of MLUs in a more accurate manner is also presented. After that, this thesis proposes a collection profiling strategy which can discover not only collection content but also retrieval performance of the remote search engine. Based on collection profiling, a web-based query classification method and two collection fusion approaches are developed and presented in this thesis. Our experiments show that the proposed strategies are effective in merging results in uncooperative peer to peer environments. Here, an uncooperative environment is defined as each peer in the system is autonomous. Peer like to share documents but they do not share collection statistics. This environment is a typical peer to peer IR environment. Finally, all those approaches are grouped together to build up a secure peer to peer multilingual IR system that cooperates through X.509 and email system.

De l’homme du commun à l’art brut : « mise au pire » du primitivisme dans l’œuvre de Jean Dubuffet : Jean Dubuffet et le paradigme primitiviste dans l'immédiat après-guerre (1944-1951) / De l'homme du commun à l'art brut : primitivism at its worst in Jean Dubuffet's work Jean Dubuffet facing Primitivism in the immediate post-war period (1944-1951)

Brun, Baptiste 25 June 2013 (has links)
L’œuvre de Jean Dubuffet dans l'immédiat après-guerre est le moment paradoxal d'un refus radical du peintre de toute critique primitiviste à l'endroit de son œuvre. Or d'un point de vue formel, il pousse à l'excès des moyens jugés alors comme caractéristiques de l'art primitif et d'un point de vue conceptuel, il se réclame d'une forme d'animisme qui trahit une conception agissante de la matière. Enfin, il emprunte largement aux procédures propres à la science ethnographique alors en plein développement dans le cadre des prospections relevant de ce qu'il nomme, à l'été 1945, l'Art Brut. Afin de dépasser ce paradoxe, en considérant tour à tour sa pratique picturale, les écrits qui relaient sa pensée et son travail autour de l'Art Brut, nous montrons comment Dubuffet, en procédant à un déplacement systématique d'un regard a priori primitiviste, engage à une critique systématique de ce dernier.L'Art Brut, envisagé comme un opérateur critique dérivant de l'informe bataillien, se constitue alors comme le levier d'une remise en cause des manières consensuelles de penser l'art. Il lui permet de dépasser l'esthétique pour ouvrir le champ d'une interrogation proprement anthropologique de ce qu'il nomme l'opération artistique. / Immediately following the conclusion of the Second World War, Jean Dubuffet categorically refused the qualification of his work as part of Primitivism. But Paradoxically, the means by which this painter expressed himself were none other than those identified in so-called primitive art, and he often claimed himself as an animist what in a way betrayed an active conception of matter. Furthermore, Dubuffet drew from ethnographic research processes to finetune his method which would be baptized as Art Brut in the summer of 1945. In order to move beyond this paradox, and by using Dubuffet's paintings, writings and other work, this paper will demonstrate how Art Brut shifted the original perception of primitive art, and in thus doing so, became its unconditional critic. Art Brut, which was considered to be a means of critique as a derivative of George Bataille's « informe », emerged as a concept leading to think art differently. Esthetics could finally be pushed aside to make way for an anthropological interrogation of what the painter named the « artistic operation ».

Le musée de l’Armée et ses collections sous la Troisième République / The French Army Museum and its collections during the Third Republic

Rocher, Yves-Marie 08 December 2018 (has links)
La création officielle du musée de l’Armée au sein de l’Hôtel des Invalides se fait en 1905 du regroupement de deux établissements préexistants, le musée historique de l’Armée et le musée d’Artillerie. Ce faisant, ce sont deux conceptions des collections d’objets militaires qui se regroupent sous une même tutelle. Alors que l’un est avant tout un musée des techniques, soucieux de retranscrire les évolutions de l’armement au fil du temps, l’autre cherche à transmettre au visiteur un sentiment de grandeur nationale intemporelle dont l’armée est le ciment et le reflet. Cette double ascendance va être au cœur des questionnements sur la muséographie et les choix relatifs à la collection durant toute la vie de l’établissement. La place de la mémoire va notamment être un enjeu permanent. Les premiers temps de mise en place de ce grand musée s’arrêtent avec la Grande Guerre qui voit à la fois le musée ralentir son activité et connaître une grande affluence avec l’exposition des trophées et des peintures réalisées sur le front. Cet épisode si particulier de la vie de l’établissement va initier la création de nouvelles salles dès 1915 et donner au musée l’ambition d’être un lieu phare de la mémoire du premier conflit mondial. Cette aspiration se heurte à la fois aux moyens limités du musée alloués par le ministère de la Guerre et à l’expression même de ces commémorations. L’obtention de l’autonomie financière du musée en 1928 va transformer l’établissement qui s’inspire alors des collections privées. Séparant nettement les parties consacrées à la mémoire de celles montrant la collection, l’établissement se donne alors une politique qui perdure au-delà du second conflit mondial. / The official creation of the French Army Museum in the Hotel des Invalides occured in 1905, gathering two pre-existent establishments, the Army historic museum and the artillery museum. In so doing it is two conceptions of the collections of military objects that group together under the same administration. One was a museum of techniques, eager to retranscribe the evolutions of the armament over time, the other one tried to transmit to the visitor a feeling of timeless greatness of the french nation symbolized by its Army. This double ancestry is going to be the core of questionings on the museography and the choices relative to the collection during all the life of the establishment. The place of the memory is going to be a permanent stake. The first stages of implementation stopped with the Great War, which saw at the same time the museum slowing down its activity and knowing a big influx with the exhibition of trophies and paintings realized on the battlefield. This episode, so peculiar in the life of the establishment, is going to impulse the creation of new rooms from 1915 onward. Then the Army museum had the ambition to be a key place of the memory of the first world conflict. However this will had to cope with two major difficulties. First, the war ministry didn’t provide enough fees and furthermore the expression of these remembrances after 1918 left the Invalides for other places. In 1928, while the museum obtained its financial autonomy, all the display were changed in a way close to the private collections. Separating the parts dedicated to the memory of those showing the collection, the establishment gave itself a policy which continued beyond the second world conflict.

Identification of genetic, environmental and technologic factors associated to the variability of vitamins in common wheat and wheat based food products / Identification de facteurs génétiques, environnementaux et technologiques associés à la variabilité de la valeur nutritionnelle du blé et des produits industriels dérivés

Nurit, Eric 22 September 2015 (has links)
Le blé est la seconde céréale la plus cultivée dans le monde et constitue un apport majeur de l’alimentation quotidienne. L’effort consenti à continuellement améliorer les qualités meunière et boulangère du blé tendre, s’est fait au détriment du caractère nutritionnel du grain. Ainsi la plupart des produits industriels dérivés des grains de blé sont produits à partir de farines blanches raffinées qui ne contiennent ni le germe ni les sons. Cependant, dans ces différents tissus qui sont éliminés et qui servent essentiellement à nourrir les animaux, se concentrent les principaux micronutriments tels que les vitamines, les minéraux, les fibres et des substances phytochimiques. Les différentes enquêtes épidémiologiques ont bien mis en évidence les conséquences négatives de la déplétion en micronutriments des produits céréaliers raffinés. Dans l’objectif d’une alimentation plus saine voir même préventive, la consommation d’aliments enrichis en micronutriments naturellement présents dans le grain de blé tendre semble être une démarche efficace. Dans cette optique, ce travail de thèse a permis de consolider et d’accroitre les connaissances concernant les voies d’amélioration des teneurs en vitamines des grains de blés tendres ainsi que des produits industriels qui en sont dérivés. En premier, nous nous sommes intéressés au développement d’une méthode simple et rapide basée sur la spectrométrie de masse couplée à la chromatographie liquide pour la détermination simultanée de sept vitamines hydrosolubles dans divers matériels végétaux. Les vitamines présentes dans les différents matériels végétaux furent séparées en moins de 15 min grâce à l’utilisation d’une colonne C18 en phase inverse, et analysées en mode ElectroSpray positif et MRM. La réponse pour toutes les vitamines a été linéaire sur l’ensemble des concentrations étudiées (0.05 to 9 μg/mL) avec des coefficients de corrélation compris entre 0.991 et 1. Les limites de quantification de la méthode analytique ont été évaluées entre 0.09 et 3.5 μg/g. Les précisions intra-journalière et inter-journalière étaient satisfaisantes. La deuxième partie de nos travaux a concerné l’impact des procédés de transformation du grain (production d’une nouvelle fraction de mouture et grillage) sur la teneur en vitamines. Afin de réaliser cette objectif, la méthode développée a été appliquée pour l’analyse simultanée des concentrations en vitamines hydrosolubles contenues dans différentes farines semi-complètes ainsi que dans les pâtons, pains et pains grillés qui en sont dérivés. En parallèle, les concentrations endogènes des vitamines E, de la Lutéine et du β-sitostérol ont également été évaluées dans le même matériel. Nous avons mis en évidence que les concentrations en acide nicotinique, pyridoxale, pyridoxine et acide pantothénique étaient significativement plus élevées dans les gros sons que dans les autres fractions de moutures, alors que les concentrations en β-sitostérol, lutéine, α-tocotriénol, α-tocophérol et thiamine (20.87 μg/g DM)étaient plus importantes dans la fraction de mouture enrichie. L’étape de grillage induit une augmentation significative en α-tocophérol (+216%), β-γ-tocophérol (+52%), α-tocotriénol (+83%), β-γ-tocotriénol (+32%), acide nicotinique (+55%), nicotinamide (+97%) et en pyridoxine (+77%). L’ensemble de ces résultats nous a permis de montrer qu’un enrichissement de farine blanche par la fraction de mouture dite enrichie pourrait potentiellement permettre d’accroître les produits qui en dérive en vitamine E. De plus le grillage pourrait libérer des composés bioactifs, augmentant ainsi leur biodisponibilité et la valeur nutritionnelle des pains. (...) / Wheat is the second largest crop cultivated around the world and constitutes a major part of the daily diet in Europe. During the course of improving the baking quality of wheat cultivar, most of the nutritional attributes have been underestimated. It is therefore unfortunate that most of wheat-based food products are mostly produced from refined white flour from which peripheral tissues (germ and envelopes) are removed. However, these tissues, which are eliminated and serve mainly for animal feeding, contain most of the vitamins, minerals, fiber and phytochemicals of the grain. It is becoming evident that many of the health benefits associated with the consumption of whole grain cereal products, relate to the enhanced intake of micronutrients, phytochemicals and dietary fiber. In the context of consuming wheat derived foods with enhanced nutritional value, as part of a healthy diet, this thesis provide results which strengthen the knowledge of vitamins accumulation in common wheat and in wheat-based food products. Firstly, we have developed a simple and rapid method based on liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) for the simultaneous screening of seven water soluble vitamins in various wheat-based food materials. The vitamins present in the test materials were separated in less than 15 min by using a reverse-phase C18 column, and analyzed by positive ion electrospray selected reaction monitoring MS/MS. The MS response for all the vitamins was linear over the working range (0.05 to 9 μg/mL) with correlation coefficients ranging between 0.991 and 1. Limits of quantification in the different food materials ranged from 0.09 to 3.5 μg/g. Intra-day and inter-day precision was found satisfactory. The second part of our research, have focused on monitoring the levels of vitamins upon the wheat-based foods processing operations, such as production of new wheat milling fraction (consisting in enriched fraction) and breadmaking toasted bread. In order to achieve this goal, the developed method was applied for the simultaneous analysis of the water-soluble vitamin natural content of different semi-coarse wheat flours and in their corresponding baking products. In addition the vitamin E, Lutein and β-sitosterol natural content was also measured in the same materials. It was shown that the concentration of nicotinic acid, pyridoxal, pyridoxine, pantothenic acid were significantly higher in the coarse bran than in the other milling fractions, while the concentration of β-sitosterol, lutein, α-tocotrienol, α-tocopherol and thiamin (20.87 μg/g DM) were the highest in the enriched fraction. The toasting step induced a significant increased of α-tocopherol (+216%), β-γ-tocopherol (+52%), α-tocotrienol (+83%), β-γ-tocotrienol (+32%), nicotinic acid (+55%), nicotinamide (+97%) and of pyridoxine (+77%). Furthermore, it was demonstrated that the enriched fraction could be a functional ingredient in order to enrich wheat-based products in fat soluble vitamins and that the toasting process could release bound bioactive compounds and led to enhance the nutritional quality of bread. (...)

Un musée provincial ou un musée colonial ? : la vie des collections du musée des Beaux-Arts d'Alger (1927-1969) / A provincial museum or a colonial museum ? : the life of the collections of the Museum of Fine Arts of Algiers (1927-1969)

Park, Jaeyeon 30 June 2017 (has links)
En tant que centre le plus puissant de l'influence française en Afrique, l'Algérie sera la clef de voûte de l'empire africain. Plus généralement et cela dès le début de la colonisation, on observe que l'Algérie constitue une terre d'essai et d'aventure, et l'institution y a assez vite encouragé le développement des arts. Le monde de l'art de l'Algérie française se construit par la reproduction institutionnelle du système de la métropole. Certes, le musée des Beaux-Arts d'Alger est également né de la volonté des politiques. Il exerce un rôle fondamental en tant que stabilisateur de l'idéologie coloniale et baromètre de l'identité culturelle particulière de l'Algérie. Ses collections sont constituées avec l'objectif de représenter un panorama de l'art français et pas seulement celui de l'orientalisme. Par la volonté de faire la France en Algérie, les choix des œuvres ont été faits pour des raisons non seulement esthétique, mais également idéologiques. Une fois le musée inauguré, on met en œuvre un ambitieux programme d'enrichissement des collections. Cette thèse démontrera que le musée des Beaux-Arts d'Alger participe à l'édification coloniale à échelle nationale et locale par la constitution stratégique de ses collections. Sous la bannière du colonialisme, cette institution porte un plaidoyer culturel de l'autorité coloniale dépendante de la visibilité de leurs ordres. Entre la métropole et l'espace « périphérique», le musée des Beaux-Arts d'Alger et ses collections contribuent à dessiner le contour de l'identité de l'Algérie coloniale et postcoloniale en accomplissant leur rôle qui était de lier tout ce qui concerne les arts et les cultures. / As the most powerful center of French influence in Africa, Algeria will be the keystone of the African empire. More generally, from the very beginning of colonization, Algeria is a land of experimentation and ad venture, and the institution has encouraged the development of the arts. The art world of French Algeria is built by the institutional reproduction of the metropolitan system. Of course, the Museum of Fine Arts of Algiers was also born of the will of the politicians. It exercises a fundamental role as a stabilizer of the colonial ideology and barometer of the particular cultural identity of Algeria. Its collections are constituted with the objective to represent a panorama of the French art and not only that of Orientalism. By the will to make France in Algeria, the choices of the art works are made for reasons not only aesthetic, but also ideological. Once the museum is inaugurated, an ambitious enrichment program is being implemented. This thesis will demonstrate that the Museum of Fine Arts of Algiers participates in the colonial construction on a national and local scale by the strategic constitution of its collections. Under the banner of colonialism, this institution carries a cultural advocacy of colonial authority dependent on the visibility of their orders. Between the metropolis and the "peripheral" space, the Algiers Museum of Fine Arts and its collections help to shape the identity of colonial and post-colonial Algeria by fulfilling their role of linking everything related to the arts and cultures.

Desempenho de filtros fibrosos operando na remoção de partículas nanométricas de aerossóis.

Steffens, Juliana 28 February 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:55:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseJS.pdf: 2519378 bytes, checksum: 7360d56b23a635a75d18e60253999a1a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-02-28 / Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos / The increase in the air pollution in the last decades is causing a strong increase in the monitoring and control of emissions of particulate matter in the atmosphere, in order to minimize the problems caused to the environment and to the human health. Particularly, the behavior nanometric particles in the air needs special attention. The fiber filters, one of the oldest methods of particle removal, are, in principle, capable to operate in this size range, but data on their performance are still scarce. In this work, the behavior of an industrial filter of polyester and of a high efficiency (HEPA) filter was studied with the intention of evaluating their performance operating in the removal of nanometric particles from aerosols. The polyester filter had a porosity of 0.884, a thickness of 4.5 mm and diameter of fiber of 16 m and the HEPA filter the porosity of 0.920, thickness of 0.4 mm and diameter of fibers between 0.075 and 2.35 µm. The test aerosol was composed by monodispersed NaCl particles, obtained from the Electrospray Aerosol Generator, model 3480, from TSI, using salt solutions in concentrations from 0.5 to 5.0 g/L. The size of the generated particles varied from 8.4 to 94.8 nm. To determine this diameter, images in an Electronic Transmission Microscope were obtained and analyzed in the image analyzer Image Pro Plus, 3.0. The filtration device was built in acrylic with a filtration area of 40 cm2. The performance of the filters was evaluated through the analysis of the collection efficiency of the nanometric particles, by counting the particles before and after the filter, using a TSI Condensation Nuclei Particle Counter , model 3007. The filter of polyester showed a maximum collection efficiency of 0.990. The HEPA filter demonstrated its capacity to collect particles in this size range, obtaining larger efficiencies than 0.99994. The increase of the filtration velocity, as well as the increase of the diameter of the particles resulted in smaller efficiencies in both filters, typical behavior of filters operating in the range of predominance of the diffusional mechanism. When compared to theoretical models form the literature, it was verified poor fitting. Therefore, it is suggested an adjustment to the LIU and RUBOW (1990) model, and an effective increase in the mechanism of direct interception caused by the Brownian motion was introduced. In the case of the HEPA filters, considering the observed discrepancy between theory and experiment, an approach that took into account the fiber size distribution of the filter was proposed. In both cases a sensitive improvement was verified in the adjustment of the theoretical prediction to the experimental data / A crescente escalada da poluição do ar nas últimas décadas vem causando um sensível aumento no monitoramento e no controle de emissões de material particulado na atmosfera, visando minimizar os problemas causados ao meio ambiente e à saúde humana. Particularmente, o comportamento de partículas nanométricas no ar necessita atenção especial. Os filtros de fibras, um dos métodos mais antigos de remoção de material particulado, são, em princípio, capazes de atuar nessa faixa de tamanho, mas dados sobre seu desempenho são ainda escassos. Neste trabalho estudou-se o comportamento de um filtro industrial de poliéster e de um filtro de alta eficiência (HEPA) com o intuito de avaliar o desempenho dos mesmos operando na remoção de partículas nanométricas de aerossóis. O filtro de poliéster tinha porosidade de 0,884, espessura de 4,5 mm e diâmetro de fibra de 16µm e o filtro HEPA uma porosidade de 0,920, espessura de 0,4 mm e diâmetro de fibras entre 0,075 e 2,35 µm. O aerossol de teste era composto por partículas monodispersas de NaCl, que foram obtidas a partir de um gerador de partículas Electrospray Aerosol Generator, modelo 3480, da TSI, utilizando soluções de sal nas concentrações de 0,5 a 5,0 g/L. O tamanho das partículas geradas variou de 8,4 a 94,8 nm. Para determinar este diâmetro foram obtidas imagens do Microscópio Eletrônico de Transmissão e analisadas no Programa Image Pro Plus, 3.0. O dispositivo de filtração foi construído em acrílico com área de filtração de 40 cm2. O desempenho dos filtros foi avaliado através da análise da eficiência de remoção das partículas nanométricas, através da contagem de partículas, utilizando um contador de partículas, da TSI, modelo 3007. O filtro de poliéster apresentou eficiência de coleta máxima de 0,990. O filtro HEPA demonstrou possui uma grande capacidade de coletar partículas nesta faixa de tamanho, obtendo eficiências maiores que 0,99994. O aumento da velocidade de filtração, bem como o aumento do diâmetro das partículas proporcionou queda na eficiência em ambos os filtros, comportamento típico de filtros operando na região de predominância do mecanismo difusional. Quando avaliados os modelos presentes na literatura, verificou-se que os mesmos não se ajustaram aos dados experimentais. Portanto, propôs-se um ajuste ao modelo de LIU & RUBOW (1990), considerando um aumento efetivo no mecanismo de interceptação direta causado pelo movimento Browniano. No caso dos filtros HEPA, frente à observada discrepância entre teoria e experimentos, foi proposto um equacionamento que levou em conta a distribuição de tamanho das fibras do filtro. Em ambos os casos verificou-se uma sensível melhora no ajuste da previsão teórica aos dados experimentais

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