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Artificially Authentic and Authentically Artificial : Experiencing the body of the past through the affect of the transmedial narrative of the Outlander-story world / Artificiellt autentisk och autentiskt artificiell : Upplevelsen av det förflutnas kropp genom påverkan från den transmediala narrativa berättelse-världen OutlanderHågbäck, Moa January 2019 (has links)
Målet och syftet med denna studie är att observera, tolka, och vidareutveckla förståelsen för den samtida turistens interagerande med, och omförhandlande av, det historiska rummet genom individualistisk påverkan från fiktiva narrativ – i detta fallet, Outlanders transmediala berättelsevärld. Genom ett teoretiskt ramverk uppbyggt på materialism, påverkan, tidsresande och proteser har jag analyserat och kartlagt både kulturarvsplatserna samt Outlander-fansens interaktion med dessa genom att ha deltagit själv i två guidade endagarsturer, samt genom en djupgående, om än liten, enkät. I en nutid som beskådar hur förhållandet till det förflutna och de platser som kopplas till de temporala och spatiala dimensionerna av historien förändras snabbt och omgående, är detta projekt avgörande för att vidare förstå denna minneskultur och vidareutvecklandet av ett kollektivt minne. Resultatet av mina observationer och min enkät påvisar och demonstrerar hur omfattande individuell den sensoriska upplevelsen har blivit inom Outlander-turismen i Skottland. Genom metoder såsom påverkan och lekfullhet är besökaren inbjuden till att tolka platserna i syfte att tillfredsställa deras personliga behov för autencitet i både fiktionen, historien, och sensationen. Ändock är inte vikten av, och värdet på, historien helt och hållet förlorad; majoriteten av respondenterna demonstrerar ett ökat intresse till den faktiska historien, den ’riktiga’ och autentiska, samtidigt som de återinvesterar i det ’virtuella’ och artificiella. Att bära historiens fysiska kropp som en protes, fullständigt beroende av narrativets påverkan, manifesterar den sensoriska upplevelsen och det fysiska mötet med rummet som en anpassad sammangjutning mellan historien och kroppen; besittningen av den historiska protesen stör fördelaktigt ej den egna kroppens integritet
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Kampen mot § 23 : Facklig makt vid anställning och avsked i Sverige före 1940 / The Struggle against Article 23 : Union Power over Hiring and Dismissal in Sweden Before 1940Bengtsson, Berit January 2006 (has links)
<p>The aim of this thesis is to use a power perspective to describe the workers’ struggle for co-determination in the Swedish labour market during the period 1890–1939. The study explores how trade unions in general attempted to limit article 23, which asserted employers’ control over hiring and dismissal. At the same time the study clarifies differences in union power between various groups of workers. The prevalent historical view regarding the distribution of power in the labour market is thus questioned.</p><p>The study shows that workers were not powerless before the Saltsjöbaden agreement in 1938. In certain areas workers, through their unions, already at the beginning of the 20th century had fairly good possibilities of influencing both hiring and dismissal. Collective agreements that were entered into before the defeat of the workers in the great conflict in the Swedish labour market in 1909, as well as collective agreements signed during the 1920s and 1930s, can make both the Saltsjöbaden agreement and present-day regulations look “hostile to workers”. In collective agreements workers achieved considerable limitations of employers’ arbitrary freedom to hire and dismiss workers. Certain unions could control their labour market efficiently by means of a labour exchange of their own. The development, however, varied over time and between different trade unions. Business cycles generally influenced how much power unions could exert. Access to power resources and other conditions varied between different workers’ groups. While some attained considerable power over hiring and dismissal, others had no possibilities of taking part in decision-making.</p>
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Kampen mot § 23 : Facklig makt vid anställning och avsked i Sverige före 1940 / The Struggle against Article 23 : Union Power over Hiring and Dismissal in Sweden Before 1940Bengtsson, Berit January 2006 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to use a power perspective to describe the workers’ struggle for co-determination in the Swedish labour market during the period 1890–1939. The study explores how trade unions in general attempted to limit article 23, which asserted employers’ control over hiring and dismissal. At the same time the study clarifies differences in union power between various groups of workers. The prevalent historical view regarding the distribution of power in the labour market is thus questioned. The study shows that workers were not powerless before the Saltsjöbaden agreement in 1938. In certain areas workers, through their unions, already at the beginning of the 20th century had fairly good possibilities of influencing both hiring and dismissal. Collective agreements that were entered into before the defeat of the workers in the great conflict in the Swedish labour market in 1909, as well as collective agreements signed during the 1920s and 1930s, can make both the Saltsjöbaden agreement and present-day regulations look “hostile to workers”. In collective agreements workers achieved considerable limitations of employers’ arbitrary freedom to hire and dismiss workers. Certain unions could control their labour market efficiently by means of a labour exchange of their own. The development, however, varied over time and between different trade unions. Business cycles generally influenced how much power unions could exert. Access to power resources and other conditions varied between different workers’ groups. While some attained considerable power over hiring and dismissal, others had no possibilities of taking part in decision-making.
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The Political Implications of Nietzsche's PerspectivismEtro-Beko, Tansy Anada 30 November 2018 (has links)
In the first chapter of my doctoral thesis, entitled The Political Implications of Nietzsche's Perspectivism, I argue that due to conflicting passages present throughout his oeuvre, Nietzsche is best understood as a twofold metaphysical sceptic. That is, a sceptic about the existence of the external world, and consequently, as a sceptic about such a world's correspondence to our perspectives. Nietzsche presents a threefold conceptualization of 'nihilism' and a twofold one of the 'will to power.' Neutral nihilism is humanity's inescapable condition of having no non-humanly created meanings and values. This state can be interpreted positively as an opportunity to create one's own meanings and values, or negatively as a terrifying incentive to return to dogmatism. The will to power is life before and as it becomes life, the unqualified will to power, and all the realities in it, the qualifiable will to power. The combination of these ontological concepts brings me to my second chapter and to the determination of Nietzsche's general epistemology: perspectivism. Perspectivism is an admittedly created, ontologically derived interpretation of knowledge, which both entails and goes beyond relativism. Nietzsche's perspectivism is constructed to support any norm that allows for univocal evaluations, not just Nietzsche's. Moreover, it can be derived from any ontology that conceptualizes life as a unit of growth and decay and human beings as creators of all their perspectives. These two elastic concepts allow me to propose, in my third chapter, that, although his texts disavow an all-inclusive democracy in favour of a new spiritual aristocracy, on the one hand, the proper political implications of perspectivism allow for democracy, while on the other hand, Nietzsche can be read as disapproving of an all inclusive or representative democracy, yet as approving of the direct democracy that arises naturally among elite peers.
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