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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rebels in the Family: New Domestic Novels in Fin-de-Siècle Britain

Nelson, Laura January 2016 (has links)
This thesis considers three British novels of the 1880s that imagined a range of middle-class domestic configurations that deviated in new ways from the long-contested fiction of the British household as a patriarchal stronghold. Although mid-Victorian novels very often featured narratives of domestic upheaval, they did so in a way that sensationalized and emphasized the rarity of middle-class familial deviance. In contrast, the fin-de-siècle domestic novel brought a greater range of idiosyncratic families and households under a newly sociological lens and explored them as part of the reality of modern British family life. The persistent attention to alternative domesticities by novelists writing in the fin-de-siècle period suggests that the social problems of the day required new novelistic genres and formal strategies beyond those favoured by writers of sensation fiction and sentimental domestic novels in the earlier part of the century. Through readings of late-career novels by the popular Victorian sensationalist Wilkie Collins and a New Woman novel by the anti-feminist editorialist Eliza Lynn Linton, this thesis argues that the generic hybridity of such fin-de-siècle British novels resulted in a capacious domestic narrative that often looked beyond the fraught unit of the biological family to posit an unprecedented range of new family configurations.

Dear Diary: Wilkie Collins’ Portrayal of Gender Self-Writing

Adrian, Tracy 05 May 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Atheism and Analogy: Aquinas Against the Atheists

Linford, Daniel J. 04 June 2014 (has links)
In the 13th century, Thomas Aquinas developed two models for how humans may speak of God - either by the analogy of proportion or by the analogy of proportionality. Aquinas's doctrines initiated a theological debate concerning analogy that spanned several centuries. In the 18th century, there appeared two closely related arguments for atheism which both utilized analogy for their own purposes. In this thesis, I show that one argument, articulated by the French materialist Paul-Henri Thiry Baron d'Holbach, is successful in showing that God-talk, as conceived of using the analogy of proportion, is unintelligible non-sense. In addition, I show that another argument, articulated by Anthony Collins (Vindication of Divine Attributes), George Berkeley (chapter IV of Alciphron), and David Hume (chapter XII of Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion) can be restructured into an argument for the position that the analogy of proportionality makes the distinction between atheism and theism merely verbal. Since both of these are undesirable consequences for the theist, I conclude that Aquinas's doctrine of analogy does not withstand the assault of 18th century atheists. / Master of Arts

‘’Business with pleasure’’ : En kvalitativ studie om universitetsstudenters upplevelser av studiegrupper

Aldrin, Olivia January 2024 (has links)
Att börja studera på universitet innebär för många en stor förändring och påbörjan av ett nytt kapitel i deras liv. Det är en tid fylld av nya upplevelser, förväntningar och ansvar. För många universitetsstudenter kan den akademiska miljön vara överväldigande och det sociala sammanhanget kan vara avgörande för hur väl de anpassar sig till den nya situationen. Studiegrupper kan därför vara en viktig del av den sociala dynamiken på universitetet då de utgör en plattform där studenter kan dela erfarenheter, stödja varandra och samarbeta kring studierna.  Syftet med studien är att få en djupare förståelse för hur universitetsstudenter som deltar i egenvalda studiegrupper upplever interaktionen i gruppen. För att addresera syftet har två frågeställningar formulerats: Hur upplever universitetsstudenter egenvalda studiegrupper? Och Hur kan dessa upplevelser förstås genom Collins teori om interaktionsritualer? Studien har en kvalitativ forskningsansats och använder sig av sex semistrukturerade intervjuer som insamlingsmetod. Efter det insamlade materialet tematiserats har det sedan analyserats med hjälp av det teoretiska ramverket. Detta ramverk består av Collins teori om interaktionsritualer samt annan tidigare forskning.  Resultaten av studien tyder på att studiegrupper har en betydande positiv inverkan på studenters universitetsupplevelse. Genom att främja interaktioner och gemenskap ökar de motivationen och glädjen för studierna samtidigt som de bygger starka vänskapsrelationer. Studiegrupper fungerar också som en stabiliserande faktor genom ömsesidig support och skapar därigenom en känsla av trygghet och välbefinnande bland studenterna. Studiegrupper agerar även som en katalysator för djupare förståelse genom ömsesidig inlärning och kunskapsutbyte, vilket förbättrar studenternas akademiska prestationer och utvecklar deras kommunikationsfärdigheter. Intervjupersonerna betonar den sociala dimensionens värde, där relationer med studiekamrater berikar universitetslivet och stärker sammanhållningen. Trots den generella positiva inställningen gentemot studiegrupper uppkom vissa utmaningar, de mest utmärkande var småprat samt olikheter i arbetsstilar och kommunikation. Sammanfattningsvis tolkades resultatet som att studiegrupper gynnar studenternas akademiska framgångar och välbefinnande, genom att samarbeta och lösa problem tillsammans, utvecklar studenterna även värdefulla färdigheter och strategier som anses vara gynnsamma i deras framtida yrkesliv.

Hectic, hippic and hygienic: adjectives in Victorian fiction : a semantic analysis /

Kunze, Chris. January 1900 (has links)
Zugleich: Diss. Kiel, 2007. / Register. Literaturverz.

”Jag jobbar som polis men jag brukar inte säga att jag är en polis” : En kvalitativ studie om polisyrkets påverkan på den enskilde individen med fokus på roller samt emotioner / ”I work as a police officer but I wouldn't say that I am one” : A qualitative study of police profession's impact on the individual, focusing on the roles and emotions

Unefäldt, Sanna January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to gain a better understanding about the police profession's impact on the singular individual, with a focus on roles, regions and emotions. The main question is to understand if and then so, how individuals outside of work will be affected of the profession and professional events. In order to answer this question I carried out six semi-structured in-depth interviews with police officers who worked at the main office in a police region in a midsize city in Sweden. To ensure reliability and allow readers to conduct their own assessments the quotations in this study are anonymous. The analysis of the collected material is based on selected parts of Goffman's theories about dramaturgical perspective as well as selected emotion theories. Those theoretical frameworks are focused to explain, understand and see the consequences for the individual roles, role characters, emotions and the emotional work; which is what this study focuses on. Previous researches has brought inspiration for this study purpose and question, but also given me a deeper understanding of the professionalism of the Police. This study confirms that a certain distinction about the professional role and the individual role is desirable when a small or no personal distinction at all regarding the occupation or workplace can result in stress or burnout. The study shows that Police employees may also be imposed on the front region professionally, when interacting with others when the audience knows the profession of the individual, which results in a lack posterior region where the individual is forced to act upon the audience's expectations of police professionalism. The fact that it is the audience that decides the region and role definition as well as the persona identity of the police together with the social norms and legislation that the police is obliged to act upon it shows that it is hard for the police to step out of the profession and the role of the police even out of duty. The study also shows that the police profession also could be seen thru an emotional aspect where the emotions of the individual both are bought and sold. The emotions of the police could be restricted to the time duty when the police are inclined to act with confidence, respect and self-control. / Syftet med studien är att få en ökad förståelse kring det polisiära yrkets påverkan på den enskilde individen med fokus på roller, regioner samt emotioner. Påverkas individen utanför arbetet av yrket och yrkeshändelser och i så fall hur? För att besvara studiens frågeställning genomfördes sex stycken halvstrukturerade djupintervjuer med poliser som arbetar i yttre tjänst i en mellanstor svensk stad. För att säkerställa reliabiliteten samt tillåta läsarna att genomföra egna bedömningar lyfts anonymiserade och analyserade citat i studiens resultat och analysdel. Analyseringen av materialet sker utifrån valda delar av Goffmans dramaturgiska perspektiv samt valda emotionsteorier. De teoretiska referensramarna fokuserar på att förklara, förstå samt se konsekvenser för individuella roller, rollgestalter, emotioner och det emotionella arbetet utifrån olika faktorer. Tidigare forskning inom ämnesområdet har tillfört både inspiration för denna studies syfte och frågeställning, men även gett en djupare förståelse för det polisiära yrket. Denna studie visar att en viss distinktion kring yrkesrollen och den individuella rollen är önskvärd då en liten eller ingen distinktion kring yrket eller arbetsplatsen kan resultera i både stress och utbrändhet. Polisanställda kan även påtvingas den främre yrkesrollsgestalten under interaktion med andra om publiken får veta individens yrkesroll, detta resulterar i en avsaknad bakre region där individen tvingas agera utifrån publikens polisära egenskapsförväntningar. På grund av att publiken bestämmer region och rollgestalt samt polisförordningens lagar, som inkluderar bestämmelser som även tjänstlediga poliser måste tillämpa, kan en personlighetsförändring upplevas av antingen omgivningen eller av individen själv. Polisyrket ska även ses som ett emotionsarbete där individens känslor både är köpta och sålda. Polisens emotioner är begränsade under arbetstid då poliser ska agera med aktning, utge en förtroendegivande känsla samt ha självkontroll.

Portrait des "professionals" en tant que narrateurs dans la fiction courte victorienne et édouardienne : les discours de pouvoir des médecins, des hommes d’église et des hommes de loi dans les nouvelles de Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, Wilkie Collins et Arthur Conan Doyle / Professionals as narrators in Victorian and Edwardian short fiction : discourse and empowerment : doctors, clergymen and lawyers in the short fiction of Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, Wilkie Collins and Arthur Conan Doyle

Girard, Romain 23 November 2015 (has links)
Les membres de la classe des professions, qu'ils soient narrateurs ou personnages, occupent une place à la fois centrale et équivoque dans le texte victorien, dans sa construction, sa composition. En effet, si cette place prépondérante paraît indiquer une prise de pouvoir de ces derniers, elle s'accompagne fréquemment d'une mise en question, voire d'une mise en danger de leur statut au sein du récit. Cette position paradoxale semble être le résultat du lien quasi-systématique (mais souvent sous-jacent) entre l'apparition d'un narrateur ou d'un personnage issu des professions et la déstabilisation des notions de signification et de vérité dans l'ensemble du texte. Nous étudierons les modalités et les outils de cette déstabilisation, mais aussi ses conséquences sur le corps du texte. Pour ce faire, nous nous concentrerons sur le support de la nouvelle véhiculée par les périodiques pour son caractère propice à l'expérimentation et sa grande diffusion auprès du lectorat victorien. Par ailleurs, nous avons centré notre corpus de textes sur Conan Doyle, Wilkie Collins et Le Fanu car ces derniers ont participé activement à la diffusion dans la littérature des idées propres aux classes moyennes et ont abondamment illustré les mutations sociales de cette classe durant la seconde moitié du XIXème siècle. Cela s’est fait à travers leurs nouvelles notamment, qui apparaissent comme le lieu privilégié de l’expression des interrogations concernant l'instabilité de certains discours structurants de la société : loi, religion et médecine. Ainsi, Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, fils d’un homme d’église et féru de théologie, Arthur Conan Doyle, lui-même médecin de formation et William Wilkie Collins, homme de lettres portant un grand intérêt à la chose scientifique (comme le suggère son long roman didactique Heart and Science paru en 1883) ont tous trois contribué à la définition des relations particulières entre les membres des professions et le reste de la société victorienne. De plus, leur participation active à la publication des périodiques les plus lus de leur époque atteste de leur contribution importante à la définition de la pensée victorienne. / Members of the middle class, particularly clergymen, doctors, and lawyers occupy a central place in Victorian literature, both as narrators and characters. However, it seems that this prominent place fosters questioning as much as empowerment. This paradoxical position seems to stem from the recurrent appearance of members of the professions in texts within which the principles of truth and meaning are undermined. Therefore, we will show how members of the professions, both as narrators and characters, put forward discursive strategies which allow them to manipulate the notion of truth and to destabilize meaning. In order to do so, we will study predominantly short stories, as this genre was favoured by Victorian writers as the locus of narrative and literary experimentation. Besides, this genre was widely read by Victorian audiences and can be seen as a privileged media for authors to express their doubts and commentaries on contemporary society. We have chosen to study the works of three authors in particular, who played a vital role in the bringing of the middle classes on the forefront of Victorian literary representation. Indeed, we will focus on Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, the son of a clergyman and a man fascinated by the arcana of theology, Arthur Conan Doyle, a doctor himself, before he became a writer and William Wilkie Collins, who had a passion for science and the transformations its growing influence imposed on Victorian society. What is more, these three writers' active role in the establishment of the most popular Victorian periodicals attests to their vast contribution to the development of Victorian values.

Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma : analysis of the relationship between morphology and clinical features, based on a survey of 302 cases

Lenner, Per January 1980 (has links)
<p>Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Umeå universitet, 1980 härtill 4 uppsatser</p> / digitalisering@umu

The role of the poet : poetry performance at the beginning of the twenty-first century

Jones-Dilworth, Mary Elizabeth, 1980- 06 October 2010 (has links)
This dissertation examines poets’ public performances in order to understand the social role of the poet in contemporary America. In the twenty-first century, poetry is increasingly disseminated through live events and digital media, and a rising number of people publicly share their poems. These changes present challenges for authors looking to attain credibility in the eyes of critics and audiences. The Role of the Poet examines how four poets perform their differences from non-authors, and thus form relationships with their audiences. In constructing roles for themselves, poets also make claims about the ontology of poems—whether they are primarily written, oral, or performative works of art. Each chapter focuses on an individual poet’s strategies for performing the role of the poet, and by extension, constructing the role of the audience. The chapters examine the ways poets define poetry; they include discussions of poetry’s ontology and how public poetry performances affect the artform. Performances of authorship are shaped through the vehicles of poets’ writings, poetry readings, interviews, teaching methods, and public programs. Chapter 2 examines Robert Pinsky’s performance of authorship as authority, relating that performance to Pinsky’s canonical ambitions and his affirmation that poetry is an oral, but not performative art. Chapter 3 focuses on Billy Collins’s performance of authenticity, investigating the apparent paradox of achieving popularity while maintaining artistic integrity. Beau Sia’s political poetry is the subject of Chapter 4; his ability to affect change in his audience is considered, as well as his goal of an author-audience alliance. Lastly, Patricia Smith’s performance of authorship as a means of survival is discussed in Chapter 5. Smith performs intimacy with her audience; by sharing details of her life she models the process of writing in order to deal with various kinds of trauma. / text

Characterization of the TCOF1 Gene Using a Neuroblastoma Cell Line and a Mouse Model

Li, Lin 01 January 2006 (has links)
Treacher Collins syndrome (TCS) is an autosomal dominant craniofacial development disorder and is caused by mutations in the TCOF1 gene. The TCOFl protein treacle is a nucleolar protein and may function in ribosome biogenesis.Previously, we identified downstream candidate genes using microarray analysis after manipulating Tcofl levels in a murine neuroblastoma (NB) cell line. The list of genes includes cell cycle genes as well as the transcription factors Cnbp and Tbx2, which are known to affect the cell cycle through the c-myc and p19-Mdm2-p53-p21 pathways respectively. To further characterize the cellular effects of Tcofl, stably transfected NB cell lines with overexpression or knockdown of Tcofl were generated. Growth curves were generated by counting cell numbers. BrdU incorporation and TUNEL assays were used to determine proliferation and apoptosis levels. Western blot analysis was used to detect protein level changes of candidate downstream pathway genes. Bothoverexpression and knockdown of Tcofl are detrimental to cell growth. Overexpression of Tcofl causes increased apoptosis and knockdown of Tcofl causes reduced cell proliferation and increased apoptosis. Western blot analysis shows that Cnbp and Tbx2 protein levels change with Tcofl, c-myc level is decreased in Tcofl knockdown cells and p19 (Cdkn2d), p53 and p21 (Cdkn1a) levels are increased in Tcofl overexpressing cells. Our results suggest that an optimal Tcofl level is required for cell proliferation and survival, and that overexpression and knockdown of Tcofl may affect cell proliferation and apoptosis through the p19-Mdm2-p53-p21 and Cnbp-c-myc pathways respectively.Heterozygous Tcofl knock out mice are neonatal lethal, which circumvents further analysis of the heterozygous and homozygous mice. In this study, we generated Tcofl conditional allele mice with loxP sites flanking exon 1. These mice were crossed with Wntl-Cre transgenic mice to generate a conditional knockout of Tcofl specifically in neural crest (NC) cells. Homozygous conditional knockout mice show craniofacial abnormalities resembling TCS patients. Heterozygous conditional knockout mice are phenotypically normal, which suggests that Tcofl functions in tissues other than NC cells during development. Cnbp expression is decreased in a proportion of the homozygous conditional knockout mouse embryos. Our results suggest that Tcofl may affect craniofacial development through Cnbp by maintaining cell growth.

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