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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Železobetonová konstrukce chladící věže / Reinforced concrete construction of cooling tower

Zralý, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
There was solved reinforced concrete cooling tower in the diploma thesis. This is a rotationally symmetrical construction. The cooling tower is concrete shell on columns. The cooling tower was solved using the finite element method, computer program Midas FEA. The work includes: calculation using the program Midas FEA, comparison of load between eurocode and foreign literature, the design of shell and columns, drawings form

Administrativní objekt ve Vimperku / The Office Centre in Vimperk

Jirásek, Marek January 2015 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is the design and the assessment of an administrative center in Vimperk. The building is divided into three height levels, the highest has 7 floors. The building is rectangular floor plan with dimensions of 102,5 x 48,0 m. The construction is designed as framing with truss roofing, bracing and purlins for attaching sheathing.

Byggnation av takstolar Lwengo Basilla : Tillverkning och beräkning av erforderliga dimensioner på takstolar för att uppnå en jämn och säker byggprocess i Demokratiska Republiken Kongo / Roof Truss Construction in Lwengo Basilla : A minor field study with focus on constructing and calculating required dimensions of roof trusses on a school in Democratic Republic of Congo

Delshad Raouf, Schwan January 2014 (has links)
Denna rapport är en del av ett examensarbete på avdelningen för "Byggteknik och design" med inriktning "husbyggnad, projektering och konstruktion" på Kungliga Tekniska högskolan i Stockholm, Sverige. Rapporten handlar om byggandet av ett tak för en skolbyggnad i byn Lwengo Basilla som ligger i sydöstra delarna av Demokratiska republiken Kongo. Skolprojektet finansieras av en ideell organisation i Sverige som heter "Elikia na Biso" och leds av Miza Landström. Designen och konstruktionen av skolan har tagits fram med hjälp av studenter från olika avdelningar inom Kungliga Tekniska högskolan (KTH). En grupp studenter från KTH hjälpte till att lägga grunden och väggarna i skolan. Nästa grupp av studenter skickades för att hjälpa till med byggandet av skolans tak. Denna rapport fokuserar på att dimensionera och konstruera taket på skolan med hjälp av lokala material på ett effektivt sätt. Stegen för att bygga en geringslåda (precisionslåda), samt sågning och spikning av takstolen, och uppsättning av takstolarna på rätt plats har beskrivits i detalj. Virket som användes till takstolarna var mycket mer hållbara än vad som förväntades, och detta förstärker stabiliteten och säkerheten av hela taket. Taket på den första skolan blev klar, och de anställda kommer att bygga taket på den andra skolan själva med de erfarenheter de fått under byggandet av den första skolan. / This report is a part of a thesis in the department of “Construction engineering and Design” with specialization in “house building, planning and construction” at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden. The report is about the construction of a roof for a school building in the village of Lwengo Basilla located in south eastern parts of Democratic Republic of Congo. The school project is funded by a non-profit organization in Sweden named “Elikia na Biso” headed by Miza Landström. The design and construction of the school has been put forth with the help of students from different departments of the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH). A group of students from KTH helped to lay the foundation and the walls of the school. The next group of students was sent to help with the construction of the school roof. The focus of this report is to dimension and construct the roof of the school using local materials in an efficient way. The steps of constructing a mitre box(precision box), the sawing and nailing of the roof truss, and raising the roof trusses into place are all described in detail. The timber used for the roof trusses was much more durable than what was expected, this ensures the stability and safety of the roof. The roof of the first school was finished, and the workers will build the roof of the second school by themselves with the experience they gained during the construction of the first school.

Tidig detektering avgranbarkborreangrepp med hjälp avfjärranalys via Sentinel-2

Eid, Najm Eddin, Jakobsson, Petter January 2022 (has links)
Granbarkborre är en av Sveriges mest destruktiva skadeinsekter som angriper granskog. Insekten har medfört förödande konsekvenser för granskog, framför allt sedan2018 där stora arealer granskog nästan har eliminerats. Insekten trivs i varmt ochtorrt klimat. Växthuseffekten i form av värmeböljor och perioder av minskad nederbörd tros gynna denna skadliga insekt då de kan fortplanta sig flera gånger och erövra nya områden under en enda sommarsäsong. En vital och nödvändig åtgärd vid bekämpning av skadeinsekter är att föra bort angripna träd innan granbarkborren lämnar barken. Dock är det nästan omöjligt attundersöka all granskog på det traditionella sättet, det vill säga till fots eftersom detär mycket tids- och resurskrävande. I det tidiga skedet visar det angripna trädet ingabetydande färgförändringar i det synliga spektrumet inom fjärranalys, vilket försvårar tidig upptäckt. Men för att försöka göra detta möjligt ämnar det här arbetet undersöka skillnaderna hos friska och angripna träd i tid, där det användes band i detosynliga spektrumet som ShortWave Infrared. Detta användes bland annat i form avbandkombinationer, som Atmospheric Penetration och Agriculture. Dessutom utfördes empiriska experiment på olika vegetationsindex (VI) som var NormalizedSimple Ratio, Enhanced Vegetation Index, Green Chlorophyll Vegetation Index,Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, Normalized Difference Moisture Indexoch Normalized Distance RED and SWIR. I denna studie användes satellitbilder från Sentinel-2 över studieområdet i Mellansverige under månaderna maj-september från 2020 till juli 2022. Inrapporterade dataför angrepp av granbarkborren i studieområdet hämtades från databasarkiven GlobalBiodiversity Information Facility och Holmen AB. Skogsstyrelsens öppna karttjänstanvändes för att erhålla data över Sveriges skogsarter, för att säkerställa att studieområdet bestod av granskog. Genom att utföra empiriska experiment av de olika VI och bandkombinationer sompresenteras i denna studie kunde några indikationer utmärkas. På grund av problematiken med de olika påverkande faktorerna, som bland annat lokalt klimat i kombination med tröskelvärden, var det svårt att fastställa en fullständig bedömning. Vårslutsats visar att de använda vegetationsindex och de två bandkombinationer tillsammans med den spatiala upplösningen, som Sentinel-2 erbjuder, inte uppnår det someftersträvas i denna studie. Anledningen till detta var att möjligheten att identifieraenstaka sjuka träd i studieområdet saknades. / The spruce bark beetle is one of Sweden's most destructive pests that attack spruceforests. The insect has had devastating consequences for spruce forests, especiallysince 2018 where large areas of spruce forest have been almost eliminated. The insect thrives in warm and dry climates. The greenhouse effect in the form of heatwaves and periods of reduced rainfall is believed to favor this harmful insect as theycan reproduce several times and conquer new areas in a single summer season. A vital and necessary measure in combating pests is to remove infested trees beforethe spruce bark beetle leaves the bark. However, it is almost impossible to examineall the spruce forest in the traditional way, which is on foot, because it is time- andresource-consuming. In the early stage, the infested tree shows no significant colorchanges in the visible spectrum in remote sensing, which makes early detection difficult. To try to make this possible, this work intends to investigate the differences inhealthy and infested trees in time, where bands in the invisible spectrum such asShortWave Infrared were used. This was used, among other things, in the form ofband combinations, such as Atmospheric Penetration and Agriculture. In addition,empirical experiments were performed on different vegetation indices (VI) whichwere Normalized Simple Ratio, Enhanced Vegetation Index, Green ChlorophyllVegetation Index, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, Normalized DifferenceMoisture Index and Normalized Distance RED and SWIR. In this study, satellite images from Sentinel-2 were used over the study area in central Sweden during the months of May-September from 2020 to July 2022. Reported data for attacks by the spruce bark beetle in the study area were retrievedfrom the Global Biodiversity Information Facility and Holmen AB database archives.The Forestry Agency's open map service was used to obtain data on Sweden's forestspecies, to ensure that the study area consisted of spruce forest. By performing empirical experiments of the different VI and band combinationspresented in this study, some indications could be distinguished. Due to the problems with the various influencing factors, such as local climate in combination withthreshold values, it was difficult to establish a complete assessment. Our conclusionshows that the used vegetation indices and the two band combinations together withthe spatial resolution offered by Sentinel-2 do not achieve what is sought in thisstudy. The reason for this was that the possibility of identifying individual diseasedtrees in the study area was missing.

Perturbation Analysis of Colorectal Cancer Cell Plasticity and Therapy Resistance at Single Cell Resolution

Lüthen, Mareen 21 November 2023 (has links)
Das normale Kolonepithel weist eine strenge Zellhierarchie auf, die aus bekannten Zelltypen besteht. Bei Darmkrebs (CRC) ist die Struktur weniger konserviert und nicht gut verstanden. Krebsauslösende Mutationen können die Prävalenz von Zelltypen verändern, und Zellen können sich auch dedifferenzieren, um einer gezielten Krebstherapie zu entgehen. Mein Ziel ist es, die Existenz heterogener Zelltypen in Organoiden zu bestätigen und Signalnetzwerke in CRC zu untersuchen, indem ich mit pharmakologischen Eingriffen spezifische Signalwege inhibiere, die Zellhierarchien im normalen Darm kontrollieren. Strategisch ausgewählte Medikamente wurden eingesetzt, um Knotenpunkte in verschiedenen Signalwegen zu hemmen, die für das Fortschreiten von Darmkrebs relevant sind. Ich untersuchte, ob die Inhibition von Signalwegen die Zusammensetzung der Zelltypen und den Differenzierungszustand verändert oder welche Kombinationen von Inhibitoren Plastizität oder Apoptose auslösen könnten. Von Patienten stammende Organoide mit verschiedenen onkogenen Treibermutationen wurden kultiviert und 48 Stunden lang mit einer Reihe von Inhibitoren und Inhibitorkombinationen behandelt. Diese Organoide wurden hauptsächlich auf zwei Ebenen untersucht: durch scRNA seq zur Ermittlung ihres Transkriptoms und durch CyTOF, das die Proteinhäufigkeit pro Zelle misst, um die Aktivität von Signaltransduktionskaskaden zu beurteilen. Beide Methoden wurden eingesetzt, um die Heterogenität des CRC zu quantifizieren. Ich konnte feststellen, dass sich Organoide mit denselben Treibermutationen ähnlicher verhalten und dass die molekularen Grundlagen der verschiedenen Linien Unterschiede im Therapieerfolg bedingen. Heterogene Transkriptome und Proteinexpression wurden durch einen Differenzierungsgradienten beeinflusst und konnten durch die Zugabe von Inhibitoren verändert werden. Die MAPK-Aktivität folgt diesem Differenzierungsgradienten und eine MAPK-Inhibition verringerte die Zellheterogenität und führte zu Plastizität. Darüber hinaus stellte ich fest, dass ein Teil der Zellen in Apoptose geht und die verbleibenden Zellen einen nicht-proliferativen Stammzellzustand annehmen, der es den Zellen ermöglicht, sich nach Aussetzung der Behandlung zu erholen. Es wurden in silico und in vitro Analysen durchgeführt, um neuartige Inhibitorkombinationen zur Maximierung der Apoptose in CRC-Organoiden zu finden, um die Entstehung therapieresistenter Subpopulationen weiter zu reduzieren. Wirksame Behandlungskombinationen bleiben jedoch zelllinienabhängig. Durch die getrennte Analyse des Zelldifferenzierungszustands und des Zellsignalisierungszustands habe ich dazu beigetragen zu verstehen, wie Tumorzellen einer gezielten Therapie durch nicht-genetische Resistenzmechanismen entgehen können. Die MAPK-Inhibition zur Verringerung der Zellheterogenität in Kombination mit anderen Inhibitoren könnte in Zukunft zur Optimierung des Therapieerfolgs eingesetzt werden. / Normal colon epithelium has a strict cell hierarchy consisting of well-known cell types. In colorectal cancer (CRC) the structure is less conserved and poorly understood. Cancer driver mutations may modulate the prevalence of cell types, and cells may also dedifferentiate to overcome targeted cancer therapy. My aim is to confirm the existence of heterogeneous cell types in organoids and investigate signaling networks in CRC by targeting specific signaling pathways with pharmacological intervention, which control cell hierarchies in the normal intestine. Strategically selected drugs were used to inhibit nodes in different signaling pathways relevant to the progression of CRC. I explored whether signaling inhibition changes cell type composition and differentiation state, or which inhibitor combinations might induce plasticity or apoptosis. Patient-derived organoids with different oncogenic diver mutations were cultured and treated with a panel of inhibitors and inhibitor combinations for 48 hours. These organoids were mainly examined on two levels: by scRNA seq to assess their transcriptome and by CyTOF, which measures protein abundance to assess the activity of pathways. Both methods were used to quantify CRC heterogeneity. I was able to see that organoids with the same driver mutations behave more similarly and that the molecular underpinnings of the different lines drive differences in therapy response. Heterogeneous transcriptomes and protein expression were affected by a differentiation gradient and could be altered by inhibitor addition. MAPK activity was graded along this differentiation gradient, and MAPK inhibition reduced cell heterogeneity and induced plasticity. Additionally, I found that a fraction of cells undergo apoptosis, and the remaining cells adopt a non-proliferative stem cell state, which allows cells to recover after suspension of treatment. \textit{In silico} and \textit{in vitro} analyses were performed to find novel inhibitor combinations to maximize apoptosis in CRC organoids to further reduce the emergence of therapy-resistant subpopulations. However, effective treatment combinations remain cell-line dependent. By separately analyzing cell differentiation state and cell signaling state I contributed to our understanding of how tumor cells can evade targeted therapy by non-genetic resistance mechanisms. Using MAPK inhibition to reduce cell heterogeneity in combination with other inhibitors may be used in the future to optimize therapy success.

A Study of Root Motion in Passages Leading to Final Cadences in Selected Masses of the Late Sixteenth Century

Lindsey, David R. 08 1900 (has links)
This study is concerned with the vertical combinations resulting from late sixteenth century cadential formulae and in passages immediately preceding these formulae. The investigation is limited to Masses dating from the last half of the sixteenth century and utilizes compositions from the following composers: Handl, Kerle, Lassus, Merulo, Monte, and Palestrina, Victoria. This study concludes that the progressions I-V-I and I-IV-I appear to be the only two root progressions receiving high enough percentages to be regarded as significant. These percentages are tempered by the fact that I-V-I and I-IV-I may be interpreted as repetitions of standardized cadential formulae found in the sixteenth century. The study also concludes that root motion by fifth accounts for no less than 67.35 per cent of the root movements analyzed during the investigation. The percentage differential between root movement by fifth and root movement by second (the interval receiving the next highest percentage) at no time drops below 40.41 per cent. The evidence indicates that root movement by fifth does account for the majority of the root motion analyzed in final cadential passages of Masses dating from the late sixteenth century. The percentage differential between root motion by second and root motion by third decreases as the chord progressions become longer. None of the differential percentages were judged to be high enough as to merit placing any significance of root motion by second over root motion by third.

Vliv provedení zateplení panelového domu v Ostravě na výdaje spojené s jeho provozem / The Influence of Thermal Insulation of a Concrete Panel Block of Flats in Ostrava on the Expenses Related to its Operation

Pospíšil, Tomáš January 2019 (has links)
Residential building, thermal insulation, thermal insulation system energy saving, economic return on investment

Effects of computer simulations on the teaching of atomic combinations to grade 11 physical science learners

Kotoka, Love 10 1900 (has links)
This study, the effects of computer simulations on the teaching and learning of Atomic Combinations was carried out in the Tshwane North District of Gauteng Province in South Africa. The study employed a non-randomized control-group pre-test and post-test quasi-experimental design involving two grade 11 Physical Science classes; one as an experimental (52) and the other as a control group (53). An Achievement Test consisting of 30 multiple-choice questions and a Structured Questionnaire designed for teacher and learner participants were the principal data collection tools used. The questionnaire was developed to answer research questions two and three that guided this study. The questionnaire tested how much learners and teachers were familiar with the use of computers and if there were any hindrances to computer usage. The achievement test instrument was administered as a pre-test and post-test to answer research question one. The experimental group received computer-assisted teaching and the control group was taught using traditional teaching method (lecture) on the same topics. The intervention took two and a half weeks for each of the schools involved in the study. Analyses of scores of the two groups in post-test were compared using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) independent t-test version 16.0. The results showed that t = 0.467, df = 103, p = 0.048 and the Sig. (2-tailed) value is 0.641. Since sig. (2-tailed) value is greater than 0.05, it can be concluded that there is no statistical significant difference between the experimental group and the control group. / Science and Technology Education / M. Sc. (Mathematics, Science & Technology Education)

Viabilidade de operação do duplo semi-reboque de cinco eixos no Brasil / Operation feasibility of the five axle twin trailer truck in Brazil

Reis, Neuto Gonçalves dos 22 April 1996 (has links)
Este trabalho investiga a viabilidade de se implantar no Brasil o veículo combinado de cinco eixos constituído de um cavalo mecânico mais dois semi-reboques acoplados por um dolly intermediário e chamado aqui de Duplo Semi-Reboque (DSR). Essa investigação inclui tanto aspectos econômicos (custos operacionais) quanto operacionais (densidade das cargas, rotas, demandas, veículos utilizados), tecnológicos (veículos e implementes), legais (pesos e dimensões), de segurança (estabilidade, dirigibilidade, risco de acidentes e impacto sobre o tráfego de outros veículos) e de inter-relação com a infra-estrutura rodoviária. Como a configuração analisada é largamente utilizada nos Estados Unidos, com o nome de twin trailer truck, faz-se uma ampla revisão da literatura norte-americana. O estudo apresenta as características técnicas do twin, levanta a legislação norte-americana de carga por eixo e mostra como a busca de produtividade e o aumento da carga volumosa conduziram à necessidade de veículos mais longos. Compila artigos sobre a estabilidade, a dirigibilidade e o impacto sobre o tráfego dos veículos longos combinados. Sintetiza pesquisas comparando taxas de acidentes dos veículos combinados com os caminhões convencionais. A maioria desses estudos conduz à conclusão de que, embora os twins possam degradar ligeiramente as condições de segurança de tráfego e aumentar o desgaste elos pavimentos, essa degradação é compensada pela redução do número de viagens e do custo do transporte. Conclui-se que o veículo seria economicamente viável no Brasil para substituir caminhões trucados em rotas de demanda limitada, e que poderia também economizar custos na substituição a veículos convencionais no transporte de cargas volumosas, sem provocar maiores impactos sobre a segurança operacional. Pesquisa com frotistas mostra que quase 50% das transportadoras de carga fracionada operam cargas de densidade compatível com o DSR. A introdução do veículo, no entanto, enfrenta fortes obstáculos legais e exigiria mudança profunda na legislação dos veículos combinados longos. / This paper investigates the feasibility of introducing the American twin trailer truck in the Brazilian road transport network. The twin is a five axle configuration with one tractor and two semi-trailers, coupled by an intermediate dolly. The investigation embraces not only economic questions (operational costs), but also operational aspects (freight density and volume, vehicle choice, line extension etc), technological questions (vehicles, trailers and dollies), weights and dimensions legislation, safety impacts (handling and stability, impact of traffic operations and statistic studies of accident rates) and the twin\'s interface with the highway facilities. The American and Canadian studies about twins are reviewed. The paper presents the technical characteristics of twins, the american weights and dimensions legislation and shows how the claim for more productivity in the transport industry and the low density freight growth have induced the use of longer combinations. The study compiles the main results presented in the literature about handling, stability and the twin trailer impact on the highway traffic and analyzes statistics comparing doubles with semi-trailer accident rates. The literature review leads to the conclusion that, althrough the twins could degrade slightly the vehicle traffic safety performance and accelerate the pavement wear, this degradation is overwhelmed by the reduction of the number of vehicles on the roads and direct and indirect transportation costs. The introduction of the win trailer truck in Brazil could be advantageous in order to replace tandem trucks on low demand routes. The savings in terminal times and the higher capacitiy of this configuration would cut costs as compared to the straight truck, semi-trailer and truck-and-trailer configurations, without relevant deterioration of the operational safety. The results of a large sample with brazilian LTL companies show that almost 50% of them operate with a freight density that would be ideal for twins. The twin\'s introduction, however, faces strong legal impediments in some markets, and only would be feasible if deep changes in the Brazilian weight and dimension regulations would be undertaken.

Déploiement de la stratégie des groupes chinois dans les pays émergents et en développement : analyse contextuelle et culturelle. Comment les fleurons chinois s'emparent de territoires et préemptent le long terme / Implementation of the strategies of Chinese companies in emerging and developing countries : how do Chinese flagship companies conquer territories and preempt the long term in emerging and developing countries

Mazé, Dominique 05 December 2016 (has links)
La montée en puissance des groupes industriels et des conglomérats basés en Asie, en Amérique latine, en Europe centrale et orientale, au Moyen-Orient ou bien en Afrique, bouscule les agendas de nombreux fleurons mondiaux et ouvre de nouvelles brèches pour la communauté académique. Elle pose la question de la pérennité de la multinationale d´inspiration anglo-saxonne, longtemps présentée comme la quintessence du capitalisme. Il faut désormais compter avec la Périphérie, ce monde composé de pays émergents et de pays en développement. La Périphérie d´hier et d´aujourd´hui sera le Centre de demain et d´après-demain. Les groupes étatiques et privés chinois rebattent les cartes à l´intérieur et à l´extérieur de celui-ci pour faire la course en tête dans l´économie mondialisée des 50-100 prochaines années. Les études empiriques consacrées aux entreprises originaires des pays émergents (EMNE) fleurissent. A ce jour, aucune nouvelle théorie n´a émergé des débats contradictoires, donnant ainsi crédit au courant évolutionniste. Selon Dunning, Kim et Park (2008), l´internationalisation des EMNE serait la version contemporaine de l´expansion des multinationales des pays développés à la fin des années 1970. Leurs stratégies et leurs modes opératoires ressembleraient à du “vieux vin dans de nouvelles bouteilles”. Le contenu serait quasiment le même. Seul le contenant aurait vraiment changé. Notre recherche vise à décrypter les dynamiques stratégiques, transactionnelles et opérationnelles des groupes chinois dans le monde émergent et en développement. Nous cherchons à comprendre comment le fleurons de l´Empire du Milieu s´emparent de territoires a priori imprenables et préemptent le long terme dans les pays de la Périphérie. Notre étude révèle qu´ils jouissent de leviers et d´atouts spécifiques leur permettant de se battre (war-fighting capabilities) et de conquérir des positions de leaders mondiaux (war-winning capabilities). A rebours du courant évolutionniste, nous mettons en évidence l´originalité des dynamiques chinoises. Les stratégies de conquête des groupes chinois sont travaillées par les questions existentielles (les masses critiques chinoises) et la culture multimillénaire (l´art des combinatoires, la dynamique des flux, l´entresoi) de la Chine. Nous montrons que la préemption institutionnelle habilement orchestrée par l´Etat chinois auprès de la gouvernance défaillante ou mitée des pays hôtes constitue le mode d´entrée privilégié des dragons dans les pays émergents et en développement. Les fleurons chinois investissent massivement dans les vides et déploient des stratégies liquides, que nous appelons “stratégies de l´eau”. Face à elles, les stratégies de la pierre des groupes occidentaux et non occidentaux apparaissent vulnérables. L´eau est supérieure à la pierre. Nos travaux réhabilitent le rôle de la culture dans le champ de la stratégie, et identifient un nouveau paradigme, dénommé IFLC (Institutionalize-Fill-Leverage-Combine), qui pourrait ouvrir la voie à de nouveaux agendas dans le domaine du management stratégique / The rising power of industrial firms and conglomerates from Asia, Latin America, Central and Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, shakes up the agendas of many global companies and opens the door to further academic research. We argue that it challenges the sustainability of the multinational corporations of Anglo-Saxon inspiration. The Periphery of the global economy composed of emerging and developing countries is likely to shift to the Center in the mid- and long-term. Both Chinese State and private enterprises are reshuffling the cards within and outside the Periphery to gain and, ultimately, preserve a strong leadership in the next 50-100 years. Empirical studies dedicated to emerging market multinationals (EMMs) have failed to create a new theory so far, thus providing material for the advocates of evolutionism. Dunning, Kim and Park (2008) viewed the internationalization of EMMs as the contemporary version of the patterns implemented by developed country multinationals in the late 1970s. According to these authors, the strategies of EMMs, and their execution in the host countries, are “an old wine in new bottles”. The content is similar; only the container is different. Our research aims at decoding the strategic, transactional, and operational dynamics at stake in the maneuver warfare waged by Chinese multinational companies in emerging and developing economies. Our five empirical studies strived to shed a new light on how Chinese multinationals conquer new territories, on how they dismantle invincible positions held by historic players, and on how they preempt the long term in countries of the Periphery. Our survey demonstrates that they leverage an unrivalled collection of specific levers and assets that help them wage the war (war-fighting capabilities) and conquer global leadership positions (war-winning capabilities). Unlike the evolutionist trend, we found out that the Chinese expansion strategies and footprint are unique. They are driven by China’s existential questions (critical masses of resources) and long history. The case studies show that the institutional preemption of the flawed, moth-eaten governance of the host countries, skillfully orchestrated by the Chinese State, is the favorite mode of entry of the Chinese dragons in emerging and developing countries. They also show that the latter invest heavily in voids of all natures (1), and that they deploy liquid strategies named ‘water strategies’ as opposed to ‘stone strategies’ (2). Facing water strategies, the ‘stone strategies’ of Western multinationals appear vulnerable. Our research makes it clear that water wins over the stone. Our findings rehabilitate the role of culture in the field of international strategy, and lead to a new theoretical paradigm: IFLC (Institutionalize – Fill – Leverage – Combine). The IFLC model could pave the way to brand new agendas and practices in strategic management.

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