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Wirtschaftsintegration und Streitbeilegung außerhalb Europas /Lehmann, Julia. January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Freie Univ., Diss.--Berlin, 2003. / Literaturverz. S. 313 - 337.
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Determinantes da oferta e da demanda por cebola Argentina no Brasil nos anos 90. / Determinants of supply and demand for Argentine onion in Brazil in the 90´s.Mauro Osaki 14 November 2003 (has links)
A abertura econômica (1990) e a consolidação do tratado do Mercosul (1995) provocaram mudanças nas estruturas de produção e comercialização da cebola no Brasil na década de 90. A principal mudança observada foi com a integração comercial entre Brasil e Argentina, quando o mercado brasileiro (que era auto-suficiente) passou a ter maior participação da cebola do país vizinho e os agentes do mercado passaram a diferenciar produto estrangeiro em relação ao doméstico. Assim, o presente trabalho procurou estimar funções de oferta e demanda do bulbo importado para o Brasil. Para análise foram desenvolvidos um modelo teórico e um modelo gráfico, que auxiliaram na especificação do modelo econométrico para o produto em estudo. O modelo foi ajustado por equações simultâneas utilizando o método de Mínimos Quadrados de Dois Estágios. Os coeficientes encontrados apresentaram sinais coerentes com o modelo econômico teórico definido. Os resultados obtidos permitiram interpretar a dinâmica do mercado importador de cebola argentina. Ficou claro que há um efeito importante do preço (e, portanto, da disponibilidade) de cebola nacional sobre o preço que será pago à cebola argentina. Os argentinos comportam-se como tomadores de preços e são altamente sensíveis ao comportamento do mercado brasileiro. O volume exportado pelos argentinos responde expressivamente ao preço pago no Brasil e à taxa de câmbio da moeda brasileira. O Mercosul gerou uma efetiva integração do mercado da cebola entre Brasil e Argentina, a qual trouxe conseqüências para a produção e o consumo em ambos. / The economic market opening (1990) and the consolidation of the Mercosul agreement (1995) promoted changes in the framework of production and marketing of onion in Brazil in the 1990s. The main change noticed was the market integration between Brazil and Argentina, when the Brazilian market - which was self-sufficient then started to have more participation in the market of the neighbor country and the market agents started to differ foreign from domestic products. Thus, this current study aimed to estimate the supply and demand for the bulb imported to Brazil. For the analysis, a theoretical and a graphic model were developed, which helped specify the econometric model for the product of study. The model was adjusted by the simultaneous equations of Minimum Square of Two Stages. The coefficients found showed coherent signs to the defined economic theoretical model. The results obtained allowed to interpret the dynamic of the Argentine onion importing market. It was clear that there is an important effect of price (and, therefore, of the availability) of domestic onion to the price which will be paid for the Argentine onion. The Argentine behaves as price takers and are highly sensitive to the Brazilian market behavior. The amount exported by the Argentina are affected expressively the prices practiced in Brazil and by the exchange rate of the Brazilian currency. The Mercosul generated an effective integration between Brazil and Argentina, which has brought consequences to the production and consumption in both countries. Read more
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Construire le marché bancaire européen : modalités de gouvernance de la Commission européenne et rôle des comités d’experts (1969-1989) / Building the European Banking market : processes of governance of the European Commission and role of experts committees (1969-1989)Farges-Cazenove, Josette 20 October 2017 (has links)
La question bancaire dans la construction européenne fait rarement l’objet d’études exclusives, étant associée le plus souvent à l’union économique et européenne. Ce travail vise à combler cette lacune en se concentrant sur les modalités de gouvernance adoptée par la Commission européenne pour bâtir le marché commun et sur son recours pérenne à trois comités d’experts entre 1969 et 1989. Il permet d’évaluer l’application à ce chantier des principes stratégiques, qui fondent la gouvernance : l’harmonisation des législations, puis la reconnaissance mutuelle des législations, et enfin le contrôle des banques installées hors du territoire national par le pays d’origine. La thèse analyse les influences croisées de la politique communautaire et des politiques bancaires de la République fédérale d’Allemagne, du Royaume-Uni et de la France. En mettant en évidence la formation d’une communauté épistémique entre les comités d’experts européens et le Comité de Bâle, la thèse traite de la circulation des idées en matière de régulation et de supervision. Elle contribue ainsi à revaloriser le rôle de la Communauté européenne dans la mise en œuvre du système international de régulation dans les années 1980 et à cerner son influence sur la modernisation des politiques bancaires des pays membres. Elle illustre enfin l’émergence de la coopération entre autorités de contrôle et entre gouvernements des pays membres de la Communauté européenne. / The Banking issue in the European construction is rarely subject to exclusive studies, being associated generally with the economic and monetary union. This work seeks to fill the gap by focusing to the governance processes of the European Commission to build the common market and his sustainable recourse to three expert committees between 1969 and 1989. It allows to evaluate the implementation to this project of strategic guidelines : the harmonization of laws, then the mutual recognition, and, finally, the home control country on banks settled outside of national territory. The thesis analyses the cross-influences between the community policy and the banking policies of German Federal Republic, United Kingdom and France. By highlighting the formation of an epistemic community between the European experts committees and the Basel Committee, the thesis deals with the flows of ideas in the field of regulation and supervision. It plays a part in enhancing the role of the European Community in the implementation of the international system of regulation in the eighties, and in identifying its influence on the modernization of banking policies of state members. Finally, it highlights the emergence of cooperation between control authorities, between governments of the EEC states members. Read more
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The COMESA, EAC and SADC Tri-partite Free Trade Agreement: Prospects and Challenges for the Regions and AfricaMathys, Reagan January 2012 (has links)
Masters administration (M. Admin) / The tri-partite initiative in and for Africa has been accompanied by high levels of optimism since its political endorsement in 2008. It provides for an opportunity to resolve a host of problems with regards to regional integration in Eastern and Southern Africa. The overall aim of this study is to explore the prospects and challenges towards realising the Tri-partite Free Trade Area (T-FTA) in and for Africa. This study is pragmatic and implicitly seeks to uncover how the T-FTA could contribute to the African Regional Integration Project (ARIP), given the challenges that regional integration face in Africa. Regional integration has a long and rich history in Africa, which started at thehave been weak since the start and persist in its superficial nature with littledevelopmental impact. The reasons for the lack of meaningful integration in Africa are wide-ranging and span national, regional and system level analytical viewpoints. They encompass areas such as developmental levels, political will, respect for regional architecture, overlapping membership and the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs). These factors impact on the integration process in Africa and explain in varied ways why there has been little comprehensive economic integration. The starting point was to define the complex concept of regional integration. The dominant factors that define and affect regional integration in this study are that it is a state-based exercise, driven by economic integration, and influenced by the global political economy of the day. It was determined that Africa has adapted its regional integration strategies according to the shifts and influences in the global political economy on states, emanating from the post WWII period to the present day. The mpact of the global economy on Africa since independence was great and is viewed impact on the integration process. Regional integration is essentially a state to state pursuit for integration. Essentially, regional integration is being pursued by states that are still struggling to consolidate statehood, and this leaves little space to move towards a regional approach. However, given the dynamics of a globalised world, regional integration as a strategy is no longer questioned in Africa and is an important component of its developmental agenda. Clarifying the T-FTA was important, and this was done in order to highlight what the tri-partite initiative is and is not. This provided for an opportunity to investigate what the dominant areas are that have informed the emergence of the tri-partite process. The former was found to be largely economic in nature, focusing on harmonising the trade regimes of COMESA, EAC and SADC as a primary motivation. The tri-partite initiative will facilitate and encourage the harmonisation of trade regimes by stressing market integration, infrastructure development and industrialisation, coupled by a developmental approach. This is promising, as the tri-partite initiative seeks to simultaneously deal with many issues that have been commonly associated with the problems that regional integration face in Africa. When viewing the negotiating context, as well as the principles upon which it is to be based, indicate though, that Africa still favours individual state interest that will be hard to reconcile given that the tri-partite region currently has 26 participant states. In terms of economic integration, the T-FTA seeks to put new generation trade issues on the agenda by including services, movement of persons as well as trade facilitation, all of which have been found to be important in realising a trade in goods agenda that is the focus of regional integration in Africa. Analysing the grassroots realities of the market integration pillar offered some valuable insights towards the purposes of this study. The market integration pillar is inundated with challenges, with Rules of Origin (RoO) being the primary challenge towards consolidating the trade in goods agenda on a tri-partite level. New generation trade issues are going to be equally difficult to realise, given that they have no implementation record in the individual Regional Economic Communities (RECs). Promising though is that trade facilitation has already seen positive results by resolving non tariff barriers in the regions.Infrastructure development is equally challenging, although it provides a significant opportunity to create better connectivity (physical integration) between states. In lot of pan-African goals that directly feed into initiatives of the African Union (AU) pillar has not as yet created any concrete tri-partite plans, so it remains to be seen what can be achieved. Ideally, industrialisation is viewed as the pillar that will solve the supply-side constraints of African economies hence, strengthening the trade in goods agenda in the regions. Even though the T-FTA has practical challenges to implementation, there are at least two underlying factors that indirectly affect the prospects of realising the tripartite initiative. The EPAs are an emergent threat in that they run parallel to tripartite negotiations; and respect for a rules based integration process, are issues that warrant consideration. Fundamentally, in order to achieve a successful T-FTA will require a shift in the way business is done in African integration. African states need to realise that their national interests are best served through cooperation, in meaningful ways. Inevitably this requires good faith as well as ceding some sovereignty towards regional goals. Thus, there is a risk that the T-FTA not realised. The fundamentals of political will, economic polarisation and instability have to be resolved. This will lay an appropriate foundation for the tripartite initiative to be sustainable, with developmental impact. / South Africa Read more
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Saint-Gobain et Pont-à-Mousson face à la construction européenne 1946-1970 / Saint-Gobain and Pont-à-Mousson facing European Construction from 1946 to 1970Wang, Wei 27 June 2016 (has links)
Fondée en 1685, la Compagnie de Saint-Gobain est aujourd’hui une très grande firme mondiale. Elle doit à son développement propre, mais aussi à sa fusion avec Pont-à-Mousson. Elle était déjà la première multinationale française au début du XXème siècle. Elle a cherché très tôt l’internationalisation, surtout en direction de l’Europe, s’implantant en Allemagne comme en Italie. Après la deuxième Guerre mondiale, Pont-à-Mousson a pris part à la création de la Communauté économique du charbon et de l’acier (CECA). Cette dernière est considérée comme la première institution conduisant à l’unité européenne, notamment à une Europe économique. Pour les deux entreprises définies chacune comme un centre autonome de décision, il s’agit, dans ce livre, d’étudier le processus de la prise de décision économique, à l’intérieur, d’analyser l’environnement extérieur pendant la période de 1945-1970 dans le contexte de la construction européenne. Pour quelle raison Pont-à-Mousson a-t-il participé avec un tel intérêt à la création de la CECA ? Quel rôle les groupes Saint-Gobain et Pont-à-Mousson ont-ils joué dans l’ouverture du marché commun ? Quels ont été la politique et les objectifs des dirigeants politiques ? L’un des intérêts de l’ouvrage consiste à tenter de définir l’évolution des stratégies passées d’une attitude défensive à une attitude offensive, les deux entreprises à s’adapter à l’Europe et acceptant ainsi la transformation progressive de leur modèle de gestion. C’est très largement la contrainte européenne qu’a poussé à leur rapprochement, sans que celui-ci puisse s’expliquer par la seule pression d’un état français interventionniste : les stratégies d’entreprises elle-même ont joué un rôle déterminant. / Founded in 1685, Company of Saint-Gobain is now a very large global firm, which is due to its own development, but also to its merger with Pont-à-Mousson. In the early twentieth century, the Companies were already the leading French multinational. It sought early internationalization, especially to Europe, establishing itself in Germany and Italy. After World War II, Pont-à-Mousson took part in the creation of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC). The latter is considered as the first institution leading to European unity, especially in an economic Europe. For both companies, each defined as an autonomous centre of decision, it is this book that aims to study the inside process of economic decision-making and to analyse the external environment during the 1945-1970 in the context of European integration. Why Pont-à-Mousson has involved with such an interest in the creation of the ECSC? Which role did the groups of Saint-Gobain and Pont-à-Mousson play in the opening of the common market? What were the policy and objectives of the political leaders? One of the interests of this book is to try to define the evolution of strategies, from a defensive attitude to an offensive attitude, the two companies adapt to Europe and thus accepting the gradual transformation in their Management model. This is mostly the European constraint that has pushed them closer, rather than under the only pressure pushed by an interventionist French state: strategies of the Company itself played a decisive role. Read more
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Au cœur de l'Europe en construction : la banque européenne d'investissement, la France et l'intégration économique de l'Europe, des années 1950 au début des années 1980 / Inside Europe in construction : the European Investment Bank, France and the European Economic Integration, from the 50's to the early 80'sWillaert, Émilie 03 December 2009 (has links)
La banque européenne d’investissement (BEI) a été créée par le traité instituant la Communauté économique européenne (CEE), le 25 mars 1957, afin de contribuer au développement équilibré et sans heurt du marché commun. Ses interventions répondent à trois missions principales : contribuer à la mise en valeur des régions les moins développées de la Communauté, aider à la modernisation, à la conversion d’entreprises et à la création d’activités nouvelles, et enfin favoriser des projets qui présentent un intérêt commun aux États membres. L’exemple français montre comment son action s’inscrit dans l’ensemble des efforts destinés à l’intégration des économies européennes, pour la période s’étendant des débats relatifs à sa création, dans les années 1950, au début des années 1980 qui marque l’entrée de la Grèce dans le marché commun. L’analyse du cas de la France contribue a éclairer sur de nombreux points les conceptions et la politique européennes de la France durant cette période. / European investment bank (EIB) was created by EEC treaty, march 25th 1957, in order to contribute to the balanced and steady development of the common market in the interest of the Community. Its loans target tree main goals : financing projects for developing less-developed regions; projects for modernising or converting undertakings or for developing fresh activities; projects of common interest to several member States.French example shows how it action take place in all the efforts made for integrate european economy, for ranging from debats regarding it creation, in 1950’s, to the biginning of 1980’s when Greece became a member state of EEC. The analysis of french exemple contribute to show, on several aspects, on french conception and european policy, during this period. Read more
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Trade capacity building in the multilateral trading system: how can developing and least developed countries benefit? a case study of Kenya and ZambiaNsenduluka, Annie Senkwe January 2010 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM / The provisions of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT 1994) generally give favourable consideration to developing and least developed countries.1 Firstly, at the core of these provisions is the principle of special and differential treatment of these countries. As such developing countries are to meet their obligations under the WTO agreements as and when the special needs of their economies permit. The GATT 1994 provisions exempt least developed countries from participating in the obligations under the WTO agreements until such a time that they attain a reasonable level of development.Secondly, the Ministerial Meeting in Doha in November 2001 adopted a development agenda (that described capacity building activities as “core elements of the development dimension of the multilateral trading system”) and called for more co-ordinated delivery of trade related technical assistance and capacity building.2 In this regard, developed members of the WTO have committed to provide technical assistance to developing and least developed members in order to build their capacity to participate effectively under the WTO.The reality of the situation on the ground is that developing and least developed countries still face a lot of challenges which hinder their full participation and realization of the benefits under the multilateral trading system. It must be appreciated, at the same time that developing countries like China and India have been active and influential in the multilateral trading system, and additionally, their economies have and are experiencing overt growth. What
lessons does Africa need to learn from China and India?This study examines the causes of the poor performance of Sub Saharan Africa’s developing and Least Developed Countries in the multilateral trading system. In this regard, examples are drawn from two countries, namely, Kenya and Zambia.Further, the study examines the initiatives the WTO provides to enhance the trade capacity of its developing and least developed members. In addition, the study examines African trade capacity building initiatives such the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) and the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) Initiatives, as well as the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) Initiative in order to establish how these initiatives can assist in enhancing the trade capacity of developing and least developed countries.The study further examines the role of regional trade integration in enhancing the trade capacity building of developing and least developed countries. In this case, examples are drawn from the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) and the Common Market for Eastern and
Southern Africa-Developing Countries (COMESA). In this regard, the study concludes that fully-fledged regional integration has the potential to promote economic growth and industrial development in Africa.The study also demonstrates the importance of the participation of governments and the private sector in improving a country’s participation in the multilateral trading system. This study
particularly takes key interest in the crucial role of the public-private partnerships in enhancing competitive forces and competitiveness necessary to maximize trade opportunities, which in turn produces economic development.It is observed and concluded in this study that sustainably financed technical assistance and capacity building programmes have important roles to play in so far as integration of Sub
Saharan Africa into the global trading system is concerned; and that developing countries in general and LDCs in particular are to be provided with enhanced Trade-Related Technical Assistance (TRTA) and capacity building to increase their effective participation in the negotiations, to facilitate their implementation of GATT/WTO rules and to enable them adjust and diversify their economies. Read more
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A research on framing the Free Trade Areas across The Taiwan Strait¡Gfrom the Regional Economic Integration viewpointKe, Chun-Kung 19 June 2003 (has links)
The title of this thesis is ¡§ A research on framing the Free Trade Areas across the Taiwan Strait: from the Regional Economic Integration viewpoint¡¨. The main themes of this thesis can be categorized into two parts: 1.Elaborating the theory of Free Trade Areas and the legal framework of global economic law to find out the reason why GATT/WTO permits to build Free Trade Areas as an exception of the GATT/WTO Most-Favored Treatment rule; and further stating the meaning and inspiration of Free Trade Areas across the Taiwan Strait under the experiences of EU and NAFTA. 2.After entering the WTO, according to the international norm, it¡¦s a must for both sides of The Taiwan Strait to adjust their economic relationship and set up a cross-strait free trade zone from the experience of EU and NAFTA in accordance with the natural regularity of international economic development relationship.
Taiwan and Mainland China, on two sides of the Twian Strait have become members of the WTO, and have officially connected with international trade and economic organism. It is essential for two sides to develop their economic interrelationship on the basis of the natural regularity of international economic development relationship. This thesis emphasizes that the development of economic relationship across the Taiwan Strait is a step-by-step process and suggests that the process can be divided into three steps as follows:
1.Normalization of economic relationship across the Taiwan Strait after entering WTO¡Ðit
means that the activities of trade and investment across The Taiwan Strait should be transformed from ¡§indirect¡¨ into ¡§direct.¡¨ In addition, the restrictions on the movement of the people between Taiwan and Mainland China should be eased. These changes certainly lead to more problems for Taiwan side and it is urgent to negotiate and sign agreements with China for the Agreement of Trade and Investment in order to secure its benefit in the cross-strait economic development.
2.¡§One-step-forward framework¡¨¡ÐI would like to suggest that the second step of the cross-strait economic development should go one step forward to set up a framework under which the Free Trade Agreement, industries cooperation and Custom Unions to be fulfilled.
3.The setup of the Free Trade Areas¡ÐThe Free Trade Areas can be materialized though discussion between two sides based on ¡§one-step-forward framework¡¨
In this thesis, I found out that the best policy for Taiwan and Mainland China is to construct the Free Trade Areas across the Taiwan Strait under the legal framework of WTO. However, there are some prerequisites needed to be considered as follows: 1.Raising the international competition; 2.Averting to be marginalized under the trend of Regional Economic Integration; 3.Evaluating the complementary structure of industries between Taiwan and Mainland China with an analysis of the background, humanities and history between Taiwan and Mainland China. When the Free Trade Areas to be established in the future, it is recommend that the establishment of a Common Market across the Taiwan Strait will most benefit Taiwan and Mainland in the long run. Read more
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A incorporação de tratados ambientais internacionais no ordenamento jurídico brasileiroFlores, Andiara 12 May 2011 (has links)
Diante da complexidade da problemática ambiental, emergiu a necessidade de atuação do direito ambiental internacional, através da criação de um compilado de normas imperativas, capazes de efetivar a tutela e proteção do meio ambiente, limitando a atuação do Poder Público e dos particulares. Contudo, o direito ambiental internacional precisou recorrer não só às normatizações hard law, que são as normas burocráticas e obrigatórias, mas também as normatizações soft law, as quais conseguem ser modificadas de forma simplificada ou complementadas posteriormente, consideradas um direito flexível e capaz de acompanhar as mudanças e necessidades ecológicas. No Brasil, para que haja validade dos tratados e das convenções internacionais pactuados, é necessário o referendo da ordem constitucional brasileira, haja vista que é essa ordem que dispõe sobre a admissibilidade da ordem internacional no direito interno. No direito brasileiro, a Emenda Constitucional 45, de 2004, inseriu o § 3º do art. 5º, não pacificando o entendimento hierárquico das normas internacionais em matéria de direitos humanos, aqui incluído o direito ambiental. Tal situação também não se encontra solucionada pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal, órgão competente para julgar os conflitos decorrentes do direito interno e do direito internacional, podendo-se apenas considerar por uma votação, da quase maioria, pela supralegalidade da norma internacional internalizada no ordenamento brasileiro. Ainda, os tratados pactuados em âmbito do Mercosul não possuem nenhum privilégio para adentrar no ordenamento brasileiro, bem como não há uniformização das legislações ambientais nos países membros, tampouco, um tribunal capaz de fiscalizar e sancionar os Estados não cumpridores, o que dificulta a efetividade de suas normas. / Submitted by Marcelo Teixeira (mvteixeira@ucs.br) on 2014-06-05T16:22:50Z
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Dissertacao Andiara Flores.pdf: 1361562 bytes, checksum: f77f9b702a776ee84e270b577446cbaa (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-05T16:22:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Dissertacao Andiara Flores.pdf: 1361562 bytes, checksum: f77f9b702a776ee84e270b577446cbaa (MD5) / Given the complexity of environmental issues, there emerged the need for cooperation of international environmental law through the creation of mandatory rules compiled, capable of effecting the guardianship and protection of the environment by limiting the actions of the government and individuals. However, the international environmental law needed to appeal not only to hard law norms, which are the bureaucratic rules and compulsory, but also the soft law norms, which can be modified in a simplified form or complemented later considered a right flexible and able to follow changes and ecological needs. In Brazil, there is validity to treaties and international conventions agreed upon, it s necessary the Brazilian constitutional referendum, given that it is this order that provides for the admissibility of the international order in the law. Under Brazilian law, Constitutional Amendment 45, 2004, entered the § 3 of art. 5, do not pacify the hierarchical understanding of international standards on human rights, environmental law included here. This situation has also not been resolved by the Supreme Federal Court, a court competent to judge disputes arising from domestic law and international law, can only be considered for a vote, almost the majority of the international standard for supra-legal internalized in the Brazilian legal system. Still, the treaties agreed upon within the framework of Southern Common Market (Mercosul) have no privilege to enter into the Brazilian legal system, and there is no standardization of environmental laws in member countries, nor a court able to monitor and sanction the non-compliant States, which hinders the effectiveness of its standards. Read more
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A incorporação de tratados ambientais internacionais no ordenamento jurídico brasileiroFlores, Andiara 12 May 2011 (has links)
Diante da complexidade da problemática ambiental, emergiu a necessidade de atuação do direito ambiental internacional, através da criação de um compilado de normas imperativas, capazes de efetivar a tutela e proteção do meio ambiente, limitando a atuação do Poder Público e dos particulares. Contudo, o direito ambiental internacional precisou recorrer não só às normatizações hard law, que são as normas burocráticas e obrigatórias, mas também as normatizações soft law, as quais conseguem ser modificadas de forma simplificada ou complementadas posteriormente, consideradas um direito flexível e capaz de acompanhar as mudanças e necessidades ecológicas. No Brasil, para que haja validade dos tratados e das convenções internacionais pactuados, é necessário o referendo da ordem constitucional brasileira, haja vista que é essa ordem que dispõe sobre a admissibilidade da ordem internacional no direito interno. No direito brasileiro, a Emenda Constitucional 45, de 2004, inseriu o § 3º do art. 5º, não pacificando o entendimento hierárquico das normas internacionais em matéria de direitos humanos, aqui incluído o direito ambiental. Tal situação também não se encontra solucionada pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal, órgão competente para julgar os conflitos decorrentes do direito interno e do direito internacional, podendo-se apenas considerar por uma votação, da quase maioria, pela supralegalidade da norma internacional internalizada no ordenamento brasileiro. Ainda, os tratados pactuados em âmbito do Mercosul não possuem nenhum privilégio para adentrar no ordenamento brasileiro, bem como não há uniformização das legislações ambientais nos países membros, tampouco, um tribunal capaz de fiscalizar e sancionar os Estados não cumpridores, o que dificulta a efetividade de suas normas. / Given the complexity of environmental issues, there emerged the need for cooperation of international environmental law through the creation of mandatory rules compiled, capable of effecting the guardianship and protection of the environment by limiting the actions of the government and individuals. However, the international environmental law needed to appeal not only to hard law norms, which are the bureaucratic rules and compulsory, but also the soft law norms, which can be modified in a simplified form or complemented later considered a right flexible and able to follow changes and ecological needs. In Brazil, there is validity to treaties and international conventions agreed upon, it s necessary the Brazilian constitutional referendum, given that it is this order that provides for the admissibility of the international order in the law. Under Brazilian law, Constitutional Amendment 45, 2004, entered the § 3 of art. 5, do not pacify the hierarchical understanding of international standards on human rights, environmental law included here. This situation has also not been resolved by the Supreme Federal Court, a court competent to judge disputes arising from domestic law and international law, can only be considered for a vote, almost the majority of the international standard for supra-legal internalized in the Brazilian legal system. Still, the treaties agreed upon within the framework of Southern Common Market (Mercosul) have no privilege to enter into the Brazilian legal system, and there is no standardization of environmental laws in member countries, nor a court able to monitor and sanction the non-compliant States, which hinders the effectiveness of its standards. Read more
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