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Teaching Language and Culture Through Online Ethnographic ExplorationsWilson, Hope Marshall January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Culture in the Swedish EFL-classroom : Teachers' perspectives on interpretation and implementationWilson-Taylor, Linda January 2023 (has links)
The Swedish regulatory documents for the school subject of English demand the presence of cultural representation/phenomena in the communicated material to the students but is vague about what the actual content should be. This leaves a lot of room for personal interpretation and selection of material for the teachers. The objective of this study was to explore how teachers interpret the sought after concept of culture, as well as how they choose to implement it in their lesson-plans. A qualitative study with five grade 7-9 teachers was made, with semi-structured interviews that were analyzed using thematic analysis. Results show that all the teachers found the instructions vague regarding what type of culture was to be included in the teaching. They perceived the vagueness as both a stressor and as a liberating factor, which is in accordance with previous research. The type of culture that was implemented in the teachers’ classrooms seemed to center around so called ‘little c culture’ or ‘social science context culture’ with the goal of achieving ‘intercultural communicative competence’.
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Man ska plocka dem direkt! : Kommunikativa undervisningsmetoder i två lärares engelskundervisning i årskurs 4 / Catch them right away! : Communicative teaching methods in two teachers’ English education in grade 4Logrén, Elizabeth January 2023 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att ta reda på huruvida undervisningsmetoder för att utveckla elevernas muntliga, kommunikativa förmågor skulle vara synliga vid observationer av två lärares engelskundervisning i årskurs 4. Syftet var även att genom intervjuer få kunskap om de undervisande lärarnas syn på att utveckla elevernas förmåga att muntligt kommunicera på engelska och om deras arbetssätt innehöll aktiviteter för att främja denna utveckling. Resultatet visade att det fanns flera faktorer som inverkade på möjligheterna att anamma ett kommunikativt arbetssätt i klassrummet men att båda lärare ställde sig positiva till att använda dessa arbetsmetoder för att lära ut engelska.
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Muntlighet i lågstadiet : en systematisk litteraturstudie om hur lärares didaktiska kompetens kan främja elevers kommunikativa kompetens / Speaking in primary school : a systematic literature study on how teachers’ teaching skills can promote students' communicative competenceAngel, Alma, Erlandsson, Angelica January 2021 (has links)
Föreliggande systematiska litteraturstudie syftar till att med hjälp av nationell och internationell forskning undersöka hur lågstadielärares didaktiska kompetens kan främja elevers kommunikativa kompetens i klassrummet. Studiens utgångspunkt är de centrala begreppen: didaktisk kompetens, kommunikativ kompetens och klassrumsmiljö. I denna systematiska litteraturstudie har vi använt den nationella databasen SwePub och de internationella databaserna ERIC och PsycINFO för att få tillgång till ett bredare forskningsfält. Det material som slutligen framtogs efter urvalsprocessen är 20 publikationer, varav sex som är nationella och 14 som är internationella. Metoden som sedan valdes inför analysering av materialet var en innehållsanalys som resulterade i att två huvudkategorier skapades: klassrumsmiljö och lärmetoder. Resultatet visar att det är betydelsefullt att lärare har kunskap om att den fysiska och den sociala klassrumsmiljön inverkar på utvecklingen av elevers kommunikativa kompetens. Några framgångsrika lärmetoder som lyfts i resultatet är samarbetslekar, grupparbete och återkoppling. Det sammanställda resultatet visar även att lågstadielärares didaktiska kompetens i relation till klassrumsmiljö och lärmetoder är av vikt vid främjandet av elevers kommunikativa kompetens.
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Intercultural Communicative Competence in German: A Conversation Analytic ApproachUskokovic, Budimka 27 September 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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The Acquisition of Pragmatic and Intercultural Communicative Competences through TelecollaborationDi Sarno García, Sofia 26 October 2023 (has links)
[ES] El estudio presentado en esta tesis gira en torno a la implementación de proyectos de telecolaboración para la adquisición de la competencia pragmática y la competencia comunicativa intercultural (CCI) de estudiantes hispanohablantes. En particular, el objetivo es demostrar cómo estas competencias están inextricablemente relacionadas, y una no puede ser adquirida sin la otra. Por esta razón, los participantes del estudio aquí presentado fueron estudiantes de ingeniería aeroespacial, ya que es probable que participen en diálogos interculturales en sus futuras vidas profesionales. La falta de estas dos competencias podría resultar en malentendidos culturales que a su vez podrían afectar su carrera profesional.
Para fomentar la competencia pragmática y la CCI de los participantes, se coordinaron tres proyectos telecolaborativos de seis semanas cada uno. El primero fue con hablantes del inglés como primera lengua (L1) o hablantes expertos de la Universidad de Bath (Reino Unido), el segundo con hablantes del inglés como L1 o hablantes expertos de la Universidad de Hawái (EE. UU.), y el tercero con hablantes del inglés como L1 de la Universidad de Morgan State (EE. UU.). Para probar la validez de la implementación de estos tres proyectos se estableció un grupo de control que no participó en ningún encuentro telecolaborativo. Los participantes de los tres intercambios interculturales participaron tanto en sesiones síncronas como asíncronas. En las primeras, los estudiantes realizaron una serie de juegos de rol centrados en el acto de habla de las disculpas, desarrolladas a través de Zoom. Por otra parte, las segundas consistieron en dos debates culturales llevados a cabo en la red social MeWe. Los estudiantes del grupo de control realizaron los juegos de rol con sus compañeros y compañeras de clase en un entorno tradicional, cara a cara, pero no participaron en ningún debate cultural. Los datos se recogieron a través de estas tareas, por medio de pre- y post-test sobre las disculpas, un cuestionario de final de proyecto, y una presentación final que prepararon los tres grupos experimentales. Se adoptó un enfoque de métodos mixtos.
Los resultados demuestran que los tres grupos de estudiantes que participaron en los proyectos de telecolaboración excedieron a aquellos del grupo de control en cuanto a la adquisición de disculpas. A pesar de que los resultados pragmáticos no fueron estadísticamente significativos, los estadísticos descriptivos revelaron que los tres grupos mejoraron de pre- a post-test. En particular, el primer grupo obtuvo mejores resultados que los demás. Además, se identificaron ejemplos de desarrollo de la CCI. Los resultados también demuestran que existe una relación empírica entre los logros obtenidos en cuanto a competencia pragmática y CCI, demostrando así la fuerte unión existente entre estas dos competencias. / [CA] L'estudi presentat en aquesta tesi gira al voltant de l'aplicació de projectes telecol·laboratius i l'adquisició de la competència pragmàtica i la competència comunicativa intercultural (CCI) d'estudiants hispanoparlants. En concret, l'objectiu és demostrar com aquestes dues competències estan inextricablement relacionades, i una no pot ser adquirida sense l'altra. Per aquesta raó, els participants de l'estudi presentat ací eren estudiants d'enginyeria aeroespacial, ja que és probable que participen en diàlegs culturals en les seues futures vides professionals. La manca d'aquestes dues competències podria resultar en malentesos culturals que, alhora, podrien afectar les seues carreres professionals.
Per a fomentar la competència pragmàtica i la CCI dels participants, es van coordinar tres projectes telecol·laboratius de sis setmanes cadascun. El primer va ser amb parlants d'anglès com a primera llengua o parlants experts de la Universitat de Bath (Regne Unit), el segon amb parlants d'anglès com a L1 o parlants experts de la Universitat de Hawaii (EE.UU.), i el tercer amb parlants d'anglès com a L1 de la Universitat de Morgan State (EE.UU.). Per a testar la validitat de la implementació d'aquests tres projectes, es va establir un grup de control que no va participar en cap encontre telecol·laboratiu. Els participants dels tres intercanvis interculturals van participar tant en sessions síncrones com asíncrones. En les primeres els estudiants van realitzar una sèrie de jocs de rol centrats en l'acte de parla de les disculpes, i es van desenvolupar a Zoom. D'altra banda, les segones consistien en dos debats culturals realitzats a la xarxa social MeWe. Els estudiants del grup de control van realitzar els jocs de rol amb els seus companys i les seues companyes en un entorn tradicional cara a cara, però no van participar en cap discussió cultural. Les dades es van recollir a través d'aquestes tasques, així com pre- i post-test sobre les disculpes, un qüestionari de final de final de projecte, i una presentació final que van preparar els tres grups experimentals. Es va adoptar un enfocament de mètodes mixts.
Els resultats demostren que els tres grups d'estudiants que van participar en projectes de telecol·laboració van excedir els del grup de control quant a l'adquisició de disculpes. Encara que els resultats pragmàtics no siguen estadísticament significatius, els estadístics descriptius revelen que els tres grups de control van millorar de pre- a post-test. En concret, el primer grup va obtindre millor resultats que els altres. A més, es van identificar casos de desenvolupament de la CCI. Les troballes també demostren que existeix una relació empírica entre els guanys obtinguts quant a competència pragmàtica i CCI, la qual cosa demostra la forta connexió entre aquestes dues competències. / [EN] The study presented in this dissertation revolves around the application of telecollaboration projects for the acquisition of Spanish-speaking students' pragmatic competence and intercultural communicative competence (ICC). In particular, it aims to demonstrate how these two competences are inextricably interrelated, and one cannot be acquired without the other. For this reason, participants of the study presented here were aerospace engineering students since they are likely to engage in intercultural dialogue in their future professional lives. Lack of these two competencies could result in cultural misunderstandings which could, in turn, affect their professional careers.
In order to foster participants' pragmatic competence and ICC, three different six-week telecollaboration projects were coordinated. The first was with first language (L1) or highly proficient English speakers from the University of Bath (UK), the second with L1 or highly proficient speakers from the University of Hawai'i (US), and the third with L1 English speakers from Morgan State University (US). In order to test the validity of the implementation of these three projects, a control group which did not take part in any telecollaborative encounter was set. Participants of the three intercultural exchanges engaged in both synchronous and asynchronous sessions. In the former students carried out a series of role-plays centred on the speech act of apologies, and were held on Zoom. On the other hand, the latter consisted of two cultural discussions conducted on the social network MeWe. Students in the control group carried out the role-plays with their classmates in a traditional face-to-face setting but did not engage in any cultural discussions. Data was gathered through these tasks, as well as pre- and post-test on apologies, a final project questionnaire, and a final presentation carried out by the three experimental groups. A mixed-methods approach was adopted.
The results demonstrate that the three groups of students who participated in the telecollaboration projects outperformed those in the control group in terms of apologies acquisition. Although pragmatic results were not statistically significant, the descriptive statistics revealed that the three groups improved from pre- to post-test. In particular, the first group obtained better results than the others. Besides, instances of ICC development were identified. The findings also demonstrate that there is an empirical relationship between the gains obtained in terms of pragmatic competence and ICC, thus showing the strong connection between these two competences. / Di Sarno García, S. (2023). The Acquisition of Pragmatic and Intercultural Communicative Competences through Telecollaboration [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/198860
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Language use in industryRibbens, Irene Rita 09 1900 (has links)
An immense degree of linguistic diversity exists in the work force where it is possible
for speakers of twenty-three home languages to come into contact on the work floor.
The language of management in industry is predominantly English; while supervisors
are primarily English- or Afrikaans-speaking. Misinterpretation of speaker intent plays
a significant role in communication breakdown that occurs when management or
foremen/supervisors communicate directly with workers who do not understand the
two erstwhile official languages sufficiently or not at all.
Reagan ( 1 986) hypothesized that the greatest number of problems are caused by what
might be termed mutual ignorance, rather than by language difficulties. The aim of the
thesis was therefore to establish what constitutes the mutual ignorance that leads to
misinterpretation of speaker intent.
The Hymesian model, the ethnography of speaking, was used as a model for an
analysis of sociolinguistic features in factories in the Pretoria-WitwatersrandVereeniging
For data collection a process of triangulation was used and qualitative and quantitative
methods used. The Free Attitude Interview technique was used for unstructured
interviews. Other methods include observation, and elicitation procedures such as the
Discourse Completion Test, which were used in structured interviews. Language
preference, forms of address and politeness markers were examined.
Findings revealed that the major differences were found to be in the area of non-verbal
behaviour. Speakers of Afrikaans and English are, on the whole, unaware of politeness
markers used by speakers of African languages. Afrikaans and English speakers are
unaware of offensive non-verbal behaviour used by them. It is revealing that speakers
of the official languages believe this to be the very area that makes communication
possible, but it is the area in which they may cause offence. It was also found that
speakers of African languages have adopted many of the features of the power
dominant group at work.
The findings of the research are important for the development of strategies for
overcoming misinterpretation of speaker intent and negative stereotyping.
This research was undertaken as part of the Human Sciences Research Council's
programme entitled Language in the labour situation. / Linguistics and Modern Languages / D.Litt. et Phil. (Linguistics)
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Language use in industryRibbens, Irene Rita 09 1900 (has links)
An immense degree of linguistic diversity exists in the work force where it is possible
for speakers of twenty-three home languages to come into contact on the work floor.
The language of management in industry is predominantly English; while supervisors
are primarily English- or Afrikaans-speaking. Misinterpretation of speaker intent plays
a significant role in communication breakdown that occurs when management or
foremen/supervisors communicate directly with workers who do not understand the
two erstwhile official languages sufficiently or not at all.
Reagan ( 1 986) hypothesized that the greatest number of problems are caused by what
might be termed mutual ignorance, rather than by language difficulties. The aim of the
thesis was therefore to establish what constitutes the mutual ignorance that leads to
misinterpretation of speaker intent.
The Hymesian model, the ethnography of speaking, was used as a model for an
analysis of sociolinguistic features in factories in the Pretoria-WitwatersrandVereeniging
For data collection a process of triangulation was used and qualitative and quantitative
methods used. The Free Attitude Interview technique was used for unstructured
interviews. Other methods include observation, and elicitation procedures such as the
Discourse Completion Test, which were used in structured interviews. Language
preference, forms of address and politeness markers were examined.
Findings revealed that the major differences were found to be in the area of non-verbal
behaviour. Speakers of Afrikaans and English are, on the whole, unaware of politeness
markers used by speakers of African languages. Afrikaans and English speakers are
unaware of offensive non-verbal behaviour used by them. It is revealing that speakers
of the official languages believe this to be the very area that makes communication
possible, but it is the area in which they may cause offence. It was also found that
speakers of African languages have adopted many of the features of the power
dominant group at work.
The findings of the research are important for the development of strategies for
overcoming misinterpretation of speaker intent and negative stereotyping.
This research was undertaken as part of the Human Sciences Research Council's
programme entitled Language in the labour situation. / Linguistics and Modern Languages / D.Litt. et Phil. (Linguistics)
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Влияние российско-китайской межкультурной коммуникации и культурных различий на преподавание иностранных языков : магистерская диссертация / The influence of Russian-Chinese intercultural communication and cultural differences on the teaching of foreign languagesМу, М., Mu, M. January 2022 (has links)
В работе предпринято исследования российско-китайской межкультурной коммуникации и культурных различий. На основании компонентного анализа теорий лингвистики, социолингвистики, психолингвистики и лингвокультуры, посредством исследования влияния российско-китайской межкультурной коммуникации и культурных различий на преподавание иностранных языков дать общие предложения по повышению уровня преподавания иностранного языка. / The work undertakes research on Russian-Chinese intercultural communication and cultural differences. Based on the component analysis of the theories of linguistics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics and linguistic culture, through the study of the influence of Russian-Chinese intercultural communication and cultural differences on the teaching of foreign languages, to give general proposals for improving the level of teaching a foreign language.
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The role of narrative input in the New Headway ESL course booksBoshoff, Dorothea 30 November 2007 (has links)
Literature, while perceived as beneficial, is not widely used in the ESL arena. This study
set out to investigate proven benefits of using literature in ESL through a review of the
current research, at the same time establishing a link between literature and narrative
based on `story grammar' which biological determinism claims the human brain is
hardwired to use as a language learning tool. Hypothesizing that there would be no
correlation between theory regarding the presence and application of literature in ESL
as presented in the current research and the practice as found in the prominent ESL
course, New Headway, the study set out to identify narrative input in New Headway's
Elementary, Intermediate and Advanced Levels and analyzing the way in which
narrative is used to teach language skills and communicative competence. Contrary to
expectations a surprisingly high level of narrative was found and the narrative was
exploited in full accordance with suggestions made in the current research. The findings
indicate that the incorporation of narrative in New Headway is a pedagogically informed
decision by the authors to exploit the benefits of literature while at the same time
catering to a very heterogeneous audience of international ESL learners.
Key terms: literature, narrative, story, biological determinism, ESL course books,
New Headway / English Studies / M.Ed.
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