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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Framställningar av föräldraskap och samhällsstöd : En netnografisk studie om att vara förälder till ett barn med neuropsykologisk funktionsnedsättning

Lifbom, Linda January 2022 (has links)
I samhället finns olika instanser som ska bistå individer med hjälp och stöd när behov uppstår. Föräldrar är de som har det yttersta ansvaret för att stötta och hjälpa sina barn, men personer som har en neuropsykologisk funktionsnedsättning (NPF) är ofta i större behov av stöd och hjälp i sin vardag. För personer som inte följer normen finns en risk att en känsla av stigmatisering uppstår Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur föräldrar till barn med NPF framställer sitt föräldraskap, stöd från samhällets instanser och stigmatisering, utifrån inlägg skrivna på Instagram och bloggar.  Frågeställningarna som använts för att svara mot syftet är: Hur framställer föräldrar till barn med NPF sina upplevelser av föräldrarollen?·       Hur beskriver föräldrarna samhällets stöd från skola, sjukvård, Försäkringskassan och socialtjänsten? Om och eventuellt hur kan man förstå dessa familjers situation kopplat till utanförskap/stigmatisering?Detta är en kvalitativ studie som bygger på netnografi. Denna studie har utgått ifrån inlägg publicerade på Instagram av åtta olika föräldrar samt från tre olika bloggare. För att kunna analysera empirin har Goffmans teori om stigmatisering, Goffmans teori om självframställning och Giddens och Suttons stämpelteori använts, samt tidigare forskning om föräldrar till barn med NPF. Resultatet visar att föräldrarna använder plattformarna till att förmedla kunskap och ge andra förståelse kring hur det är att leva i en familj med NPF. Användarna beskriver mycket stress och oro kopplat till sitt föräldraskap. De olika instanserna de har kontakt med saknar ofta kunskap om NPF, vilket innebär att stöd kan utebli eller bli fel. En upplevelse föräldrarna beskriver är att det är lite som lottdragning om de får träffa en person med kunskap om NPF när de besöker de olika instanserna. Om personen har kunskap blir bemötandet bättre och föräldrarna upplever att de blir förstådda. Ingen förälder skriver att de öppet känner sig stigmatiserade, men de väljer ändå att ofta stanna hemma för att inte utsätta barnet för allt för många intryck. Stigmatiseringen kopplas mer mot deras barn som saknar vänner eller inte kan delta i idrotter. / In society there are different instances that are supposed to assist individuals with help and support when needs arise. Parents are the ones who have the ultimate responsibility for supporting and helping their children, but people with a neuropsychological disability are often in greater need of support and help in their everyday lives. When you do not follow the norm, there is a risk that a feeling of stigma arises. The purpose of this study was to investigate how parents of children with NPF portray their parenting, support from community instances and stigma, based on posts written on Instagram and blogs. The questions used to answer the purpose are: ·       How do parents of children with NPF present their experiences of the parent role? ·       How do parents describe society's support from schools, healthcare, the Social Insurance Agency and social services? ·       If and if necessary how can one understand the situation of these families linked to exclusion/ stigma? It is a qualitative study based on netnography, which is a new method based on the internet in its analysis. This study has been based on posts on Instagram by eight different parents as well as from three different bloggers. To analyze the empirical material, Goffman's theory of stigma has been used as well as previous research on parents of children with NPF. The results show that the parents use the platforms to convey knowledge and give others an understanding of what it is like to live in a family with NPF. Users describe a lot of stress and worry linked to their parenting. The various instances they have contact with often lack knowledge of NPF, which means that support may not be provided or wrong. One experience the parents describe is that it is a bit like drawing lots if they get to meet a person with knowledge of NPF when they visit the different instances. If the person has knowledge, the treatment becomes better and the parents feel that they are understood. No parent writes that they openly feel stigmatized, but they still choose to often stay at home so as not to expose the child to too many impressions. The stigma is linked more towards their children who lack friends or cannot participate in sports.

Stöd och omhändertagande vid suicid : En kvalitativ litteraturstudie om efterlevandes erfarenheter / Support and care after suicide : A qualitative literature study concerning experiences after bereavement

Bratt, Christine, Carlborg, Stina January 2022 (has links)
Background: Suicide has a negative impact on those bereaved by suicide. Early intervention has been shown to be beneficial. However, there is limited knowledge as to what specific kind of intervention should be offered in the immediate aftermath. Aim: To explore the experiences and demands of the suicide bereaved in the immediate aftermath of the loss of a relative due to suicide. Method: Literature study with thematic analysis. Results: In the immediate aftermath of suicide, the bereaved have a need to be acknowledged, to be able tom normalise emotions, get help in mobilizing their informal support networks, and be allowed to express anger. Furthermore, the bereaved need to be regarded and treated as in need of help and to be offered continued help without having to actively ask for and seek out help. Finally, the bereaved need information, both orally and in writing. They need psychoeducation regarding the grief process as well as information about practicalities and how to contact the health system. Conclusions: The suicide bereaved have an extensive and multifaceted need for help, support and information during the immediate aftermath of the loss of a relative due to suicide. Given the results of this study, there is reason to critically examine the current lack of routines for a structured care of the bereaved in emergency and prehospital care. / Bakgrund: Efterlevandes hälsa påverkas menligt vid suicid. Tidiga insatser till stöd för de efterlevande kan påverka förloppet, men kunskapsläget är begränsat vad gäller vilka specifika insatser som bör erbjudas i direkt anslutning till suicidiet. Syfte: Att belysa efterlevandes erfarenheter och vilket stöd de efterfrågar i direkt anslutning till förlusten av en anhörig i fullbordat suicid. Metod: Litteraturstudie med tematisk analys. Resultat: Under den första perioden efter en förlust av närstående i fullbordat suicid har efterlevande behov av att bli uppmärksammade, att få hjälp att normalisera känslor, hjälp att mobilisera det egna stödnätverket och att bli lyssnade på och få ge uttryck för sin ilska. Vidare har de efterlevande behov av att bli aktivt uppsökta, att bli betraktade och bemötta som hjälpbehövande och att bli erbjudna fortsatt hjälp utan att själva behöva be om det. Avslutningsvis har de efterlevande behov av information, såväl muntligen som i skrift. De har behov av psykoedukation beträffande sorgeprocessen men även information kring praktikaliteter och kontaktvägar i vården. Slutsatser: Efterlevande har ett stort och mångfacetterat behov av hjälp, stöd och information på flera olika plan under den första tiden efter en förlust av närstående i fullbordat suicid. Givet denna studies resultat finns anledning att kritiskt granska den rådande bristen på rutiner för ett strukturerat omhändertagande av efterlevande i akut- och prehospital vård.

Parental Roles in K-12 Online Education

Sandberg, Barbara Tanner 18 August 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Parental support roles in K-12 online learning differ from traditional schools. Since K-12 students typically have not developed the self-regulation skills necessary for academic engagement, parents partner with schools to provide the affective, behavioral, and cognitive engagement support necessary for academic success. Through 21 semistructured interviews with parents supporting K-12 students in varied online contexts, this study delineates how parents provided support in each of these dimensions of engagement. The participants felt that in online education, parents should take the primary responsibility for behavioral engagement support, and that teachers were primarily responsible for cognitive support. Parents believed they shared affective engagement responsibilities with teachers, but that teachers should make content more interesting and engaging while parents provided for the emotional needs of their student. The findings also describe additional parental support roles, including helping students move to an online school, increasing personal availability, leveraging resources, teaching themselves, and encouraging students to develop independent engagement skills. The themes reveal how parents strengthen both themselves and other community actors to ensure their students receive sufficient engagement support. Given the importance of parental support in K-12 online education and the inequity of parental support across online learners, online schools should consider how to provide targeted help to parents in their support roles, including assuming a dual-support role for both students and parents.

Beyond the Screen: Exploring the Sense of Community and Support Among Women in an Online Doctoral Program

Smith, Jennie Marie 15 May 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Costs of an Alcohol Measurement Intervention in Three Latin American Countries

Solovei, Adriana, Manthey, Jakob, Anderson, Peter, Mercken, Liesbeth, Llopis, Eva Jané, Rey, Guillermina Natera, Gómez, Augusto Pérez, Trujillo, Juliana Mejía, Bustamante, Inés, Piazza, Marina, de León, Alejandra Pérez, Arroyo, Miriam, de Vries, Hein, Rehm, Jürgen, Evers, Silvia 02 June 2023 (has links)
Alcohol measurement in health care settings is an effective intervention for reducing alcohol-related harm. However, in many countries, costs related to alcohol measurement have not yet been transparently assessed, which may hinder its adoption and implementation. Costs of an alcohol measurement programme in three upper-middle-income Latin American countries were assessed via questionnaires and compared, as part of the quasi-experimental SCALA study. Additional to the intervention costs, the costs of three implementation strategies: standard training and clinical package, intensive training and clinical package, and community support, were assessed and subsequently translated into costs per additional alcohol measurement session. Results demonstrated that costs for one alcohol measurement session ranged between Int$ 0.67 and Int$ 1.23 in Colombia, Int$ 1.19 and Int$ 2.57 in Mexico, and Int$ 1.11 and Int$ 2.14 in Peru. Costs were mainly driven by the salaries of the health professionals. Implementation strategies costs per additional alcohol measurement session ranged between Int$ 1.24 and Int$ 6.17. In all three countries, standard training and a clinical package may be a promising implementation strategy with a relatively low cost per additional alcohol measurement session.

Healthy Communities: The role of neighborhood support, safety, and belongingness as predictors of physical and mental health of Appalachians

Willmore, Sharman Empson 09 June 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Associations Between Community Support, Exposure to Violence, and Well-Being Across the Lifespan

Roberts, Lindsey T. 07 October 2015 (has links)
No description available.

WHO CC Affiliate Safe Community Support Centres og deres rolle i Safe-Community bevegelsen : En studie av organisering, utvikling og framtid / WHO CC Affiliate Safe Community Support Centres and their role in the Safe Community movement. : A study of organisation, development and future

Nygaard, Bjørn January 2007 (has links)
Den internasjonale Safe-Community (SC) bevegelsen vokser stadig. Denne studien setter søkelyset på de såkalte Affiliate Safe Community Support Centres (ASC) og deres rolle i bevegelsen. SC-begrepet blir behandlet både som en innovasjon og som en organisasjons- modell som utbres etter Rogers og Røviks teorier. ASCene ses på som ”forandrings-agenturer” i følge disse teoriene. Studien er en case-study i følge Yin, og dekker 9 av ialt 15 ASCer. Tre av dem har mistet sin status som ASC, seks av dem har sin status i behold. De følgende fem påstander blir studert: 1)Det er ingen forskjell i hvordan sentrene har utøvet sin rolle som årsak til at noen mister sin status og andre ikke. 2)Årsakene til at noen mister sin status ligger i interne organisasjonsmessige, personalmessige eller økonomiske forhold. 3) ASC’ene og deres oppgaver er ikke særlig godt kjent blant ”brukerne” 4)ASC’ene har et svakt eller lite bevisst forhold til det teoretiske og vitenskapelige grunnlag for spredningsprosesser 5)SC-begrepet oppfattes i liten grad som en organisasjonsmodell på linje med andre organisasjonsmodeller. Data ble samlet inn fra spørreskjemaundersøkelser, skriftlig materiale og intervju. Materialet omfatter alle ”nivåer” i SC-bevegelsen. Alle fem påstander ble styrket av materialet. Studien har ledet til følgende konklusjoner og anbefalinger som forhåpentligvis kan styrke både renommé og effektivitet i SC-bevegelsen og lette arbeidet i ASCene: Organisasjonsteori og organisasjonsspørsmål må i langt større grad settes på dagsorden i bevegelsen. Vekst og utbredelse av SC-”ideén” får for stor plass i forhold til konsolidering. Det forekommer konflikter mellom ASC-arbeidet og andre arbeidsoppgaver. Det gjelder særlig når det gjelder prioriteringen mellom forsking og arbeidet med å utbre SC-modellen. ASCene har ikke tilstrekkelig kapasitet til å følge opp veksten i SC-bevegelsen. Begge disse forhold synes hovedsakelig å bunne i mangel på finansiering og mangel på planmessig utbygging. Mangel på planmessig organisering av bevegelsen er foruroligende. Dersom det ikke blir tatt tak i denne manglende organiseringen, vil det kunne være til hinder for videre utbredelse og i verste fall virke ødeleggende for bevegelsen. Det må også pekes på kvinnenes sterke, til dels dominerende stilling / The international Safe-Community (SC) movement is steadily growing. This study highlights the so-called Affiliate Safe Community Support Centres (ASC) and their role in the movement. The concept of SC is treated as an innovation and an organisational model diffusing according to the theories of Rogers and Røvik. The ASCs are looked upon as ”change agencies” according to these theories. This is a case-study according to Yin of 9 out of 15 ASCs. Three of them have lost their status as ASC, six still have their status. The following five propositions are examined: 1.There are no differences in how the ASCs have executed their role that can explain why some have lost their status and some not. 2.The reason why some have lost their status can be explained by internal organisational, personal or economic conditions. 3.The ASCs and their tasks are not well known by the ”users”. 4.The ASCs have a weak or little conscious relations to the theoretical and scientific foundation of diffusion processes. 5.The SC-concept is to a very little degree considered as an organisational model. Data was collected from surveys and interviews with people at all ”levels” of the SC-movement as well as written material. All five propositions were strengthened by the material. The study leads to the following conclusions and recommendations which hopefully can improve the reputation and efficiency of the SC-movement and ease the work of the ASCs: The ASCs have an important role in the movement, but they are too few to serve an increasing number of SCs. The development of new ASCs should go on simultaneously with the increase of SCs. It is also necessary with a geographical distribution corresponding with the distribution of the SCs. The economy of the ASC-work has a very weak foundation, and this should be taken more seriously. There are conflicts between ASC-work and other tasks. There are no indications that certain models of internal organisation or company construction are more functional than others. Organisational matters are not considered sufficiently important. This is alarming, and may threaten the existence of the whole movement if not taken more seriously. It must be a responsibility of the WHO Collaborating Centre to bring these matters to discussion. There are few other arenas for these discussions than the regional and world-wide conferences. But in addition the institutions teaching SC-issues have a responsibility for taking up these topics in their education programmes. Women have a very strong position in the ASC. But it is not possible from this material to draw conclusions as to whether their position has influenced the priorities or choice of topics in the ASC-work. / <p>ISBN 978-9185721-08-5</p>

Strategic Planning : A Process for Restructuring the Public Schools and Improving Community Support

Bingham, Wayne D. (Wayne Douglas) 05 1900 (has links)
The problem of this study was to determine the change in public support which would occur due to a public school district's going through a strategic planning process and then the implementation of specific action plans. The purpose of the study was to demonstrate that the public support necessary to assure adequate funding for the district's programs could be gained by involving the community in a broad-based planning effort and by demonstrating a concerted effort to implement the actions required by the plan.

Case study of a Brazilian community association : a thesis presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master in Public Policy at Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand

Rocha, Alberto Frederico Moraes da January 2007 (has links)
This is a Case Study Research done inside a poor community in Brazil. The main goal of the research is to facilitate this community to understand their problems and to overcome it. Therefore the researcher and the researched developed the following question ‘why NovaMosanta is not achieving its goals? The researcher wanted to work as a facilitator throughout the whole process of dialogue that aims to empower the community. Departing from that question and based on Freire’s ideas of education the research aims to build new knowledge from the interaction of academic and community knowledge. To implement this case study field research the researcher decided to use Participant observation and questionnaires. Surprisingly during the research the NGO called NovaMosanta faced the challenge of remodeling a public school without government help; otherwise the school would be closed. This NGO succeeded with the help of the New Zealand Government that gave NZ$15,000 to build two new classrooms in the school. Community members helped working in the remodeling and local commerce gave discounts to enable the remodeling. As a result the school will not be closed and the students will continue to study there. It also helped to increase community support and participation. Although not designed as a Participant Action Research, this thesis evolved to produce action and to change the community reality. It was an empowering process to the researcher and the researched. The community support increased and it also served s a catalytic event in the process of transformation and inclusion. Finally it clarifies the importance of producing fast results to maintain community support. You can check the research results in the links below that contain two local network reports about it. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hz_FItXp3nM) & (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=py5emCNXRlo)

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