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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Geographic Profiling: A scientific tool or merely a guessing game?

Öhrn, Meit January 2016 (has links)
Geografisk profilering har blivit en av de mest kontroversiella och modernametoderna som används under brottsutredningar i nuläget. Framgången ochtillförlitligheten av metoden är ett debatterat ämne inom forskningsvärlden. Denhär studien ämnar att undersöka huruvida geografisk profilering är ett användbartverktyg för Polisen. Syftet med studien är att analysera hur väl metoden fungerarsom ett verktyg och komplement till en brottsutredning samt om geografiskprofilering är användbart inom bostadsinbrottutredningar. Genom att skapa ensystematisk litteraturöversikt och utföra nyckelpersonsintervjuer fann författarenatt geografisk profilering fungerar som ett utmärkt komplement till utredningar.Resultatet visade att de geografiska profileringsprogrammen inte alltid är merframgångsrika än andra metoder inom området men att de oftast är konsistenta itillförlitligheten. Resultatet visade även att metoden är användbar inombostadsinbrottutredningar så länge profilen är gjord ordentligt och utav enutbildad analytiker. Studiens slutsats är att geografisk profilering är mycket merän bara en gissningslek och kan identifiera gärningsmän om analysen är gjord aven erfaren utredare. Detta resultat diskuteras senare i studien, samt valet av metodoch möjligheter för framtida forskning. / Geographic profiling is considered as one of the most controversial andinnovative technologies used in criminal investigations today. The accuracy of themethodology has become a popular topic amongst scholars and has caused aheated debate regarding the success of geographic profiling. This study seeks toevaluate if geographic profiling is a useful tool for the police. Thus the aims ofthis study are to examine if the methodology is a viable tool during investigationsand further to establish to what extent geographic profiling has been successfullyapplied within the area of property crime, in particular burglary investigations. Byconducting a systematic literature review and key informant interviews this studyfound that geographic profiling can be a very useful tool for analysts. Further theresults showed that geographic profiling systems are not always more accuratethan simpler methods, however simpler strategies are not necessarily as consistentas a computerised system. Moreover the results indicate that geographic profilingcan be applied during burglary investigations, if done correctly and by a trainedinvestigator. The study concludes that geographic profiling is more than just aguessing game and if applied appropriately it will most likely identify theoffender. Lastly the results and shortcomings of this study, including the need forfuture research is discussed.

Re-Utilizing Transit Opportunity: Creating Multi-Modal Opportunity as a Way to Attract Growth in the North Hills Region

Matthews, Nicholas 28 October 2014 (has links)
No description available.


Olorenshaw, Luna January 2022 (has links)
Geographical profiling (GP) is a method used to determine an offender’s most likely area of residence. GP helps to better understand the spatial behaviour of an offender, by connecting series of crimes in a specific area. Research have shown that the geographic space plays an important part when solving crimes, especially with respect to serial offenders that tend to offend closer to their home. Despite the fact that GP has had some success, the field has received criticism, and speculations regarding its applicability for actual investigations. This thesis seeks to evaluate whether a specific method within GP could have been applied for an actual investigation. Thus, the aim of this study is to explore if it is possible to apply the Circle Theory of Environmental Range to the case of Marcel Lychau Hansen, ‘Amagermanden’, who is a famous Danish serial offender, and whether the theory could have contributed to the investigation at the time. By conducting a case study, the results showed that Hansen was operating as a commuter, and the theory was therefore not able to predict a narrowed area for his residence, since it was not possible to perform the Hypothesis of Environmental Range. However, the study showed that he had several of his daily routines on Amager – and this finding highlights, that considering the geographical factors would have been an important factor for the investigation. The study concludes the theory to be applicable to the case, though it was found limited in how it could have contributed to the investigation, and the geographical profile could not stand alone for this specific investigation.

The Impact of End-user Decision-making in the Supply of Public Transportation

Scott, Rebecca A. 05 1900 (has links)
Efficient public transportation provides economic and social opportunities that increase accessibility to markets and employment as well as providing investment benefits. Key challenges to the U.S. public transportation industry include developing modes and increasing the availability of public transportation in a manner that meets the needs of individual users in a cost effective manner. A problem facing public transportation officials is the need to understand the factors that influence consumer decision-making and consumer attitudes toward public transportation. Feedback regarding experiences as well as expectations from commuters provides information for developing and improving public transportation. Thus, decision-making factors of end-users are keys to improving supply, growth, and understanding utilization of public transportation. Public transportation officials seek to improve the public transportation experience for commuters by increasing modes and benefits of the systems. The decision-making factors of the end-users require identification and examination in order to provide a high quality and efficient experience for commuters. The research questions of interest in the current dissertation are: (1) What are the decision-making factors affecting commuters’ attitudes toward public transportation? and (2) How do the end-user decision-making factors affect the supply of public transportation? The purpose of this research is to extend the current body of knowledge about decision-making factors by developing and testing a new theoretical model to measure the attitudes of public transportation end-users. This study has its theoretical foundation in the theory of planned behavior, theory of reasoned action, and rational choice theory. To understand how public transportation is affected by decision-making factors, it is necessary to analyze the relationships among the decision factors and attitudes. The findings of this study contribute by building theory and having implications for practice. This study employs a mixed methodology of qualitative and quantitative research. More specifically, the development of a framework and testing of that framework via collection of data using a survey instrument, semi-structured interviews, and data scraping of customer comments underpin the methodology employed in this study. To this end, Essay 1 develops a conceptual framework of decision-making factors that affect the supply of public transportation based on the extant literature. The integrated framework developed is operationalized using a survey to test a model that depicts the framework within the context to which the study was situated. The results of the structural model using PLS provide insights for the development of public transportation. Essay 2 involves two phases in the methodology. First, the study develops a causal loop that depicts the operationalized conceptual framework from Essay 1. Second, discussion panels were conducted to confirm the system dynamic causal loop visualization that was developed to fit the model. Finally, Essay 3 examines the conceptual framework developed and tested in the prior essays by analyzing electronic word of mouth (eWOM) of online comments. The third essay examines eWOM of current public transportation users that is available online. This eWOM data was examined using text mining and the resulting quantitative output was compared to the operationalized theoretical framework from the prior works. The results also illustrate the functionality of text analytics for confirmatory model assessment.


李宥萱 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要以通勤家庭未通勤婦女的生活目標、配偶依附風格與幸福感間的關係來探討國內通勤家庭未通勤婦女的生活品質。本研究以問卷調查研究法,採立意取樣收集國內通勤家庭未通勤婦女有效樣本共284份。本研究得到的結果為: 1.(1)國內通勤家庭未通勤婦女的生活目標傾向追求「基本生活品質的維持」,較不重視「追求社會影響力」。 (2)不同年齡、教育程度、就業情形、有無孩子及先生不同通勤年數的未通勤婦女在生活目標上有顯著的差異存在。 2.(1)國內通勤家庭未通勤婦女的幸福感普遍在中等程度。 (2)教育程度高、有工作及先生工作地點不在大陸的未通勤婦女其幸福感較高。 (3)未通勤婦女的生活目標各層面與幸福感皆為正相關,以「追求自我的充實與成長」生活目標最能預測其幸福感。 3.(1)國內通勤家庭未通勤婦女的配偶依附風格以「害怕依附型」佔最多數,其次依序為「逃避依附型」、「安全依附型」、「焦慮依附型」。 (2)「安全依附型」之未通勤婦女較「逃避依附型」與「害怕依附型」重視「基本生活品質的維持」與「追求自我的充實與成長」生活目標,其幸福感亦較高。 (3)不同配偶依附風格者,其背景變項與生活目標各層面對幸福感有不同的預測力。「先生的通勤間距」最能預測安全依附型未通勤婦女的幸福感;「追求自我的充實與成長」生活目標取向最能預測焦慮依附型與害怕依附型未通勤婦女的幸福感;「追求生命的統整」生活目標取向最能預測逃避依附型未通勤婦女的幸福感。 根據上述研究結果,研究者提出討論與檢討,最後針對政府或民間相關單位、婚姻輔導工作者、通勤家庭婦女與未來的研究方向提供若干建議以茲參考。 關鍵字:通勤家庭、未通勤婦女、生活目標取向、配偶依附風格、幸福感

Kin and Kilometers: A Qualitative Study of Long-Distance Relationships from the Perspective of Transgenerational Theory

Tejada, Laura J. 13 May 2013 (has links)
No description available.

College Football Revival: Analyzing the Impact of Marketing Efforts on Key Stakeholders at a Division I FCS Commuter School

Christiansen, Lucas A., Greene, Amanda E., Jones, Charles W. 01 January 2019 (has links)
The current study examined the impact of a recently restarted football program and a new on-campus stadium on the alumni and students of a Division I FCS commuter school. Results showed that alumni felt more connected to the university because of the new football program, they were more satisfied with their overall game-day experience, and the new football stadium was more likely to increase their game attendance when compared to students. Supplementary analysis highlights key differences in how each group rated individual elements of the game-day experience and the mediums used by each group for obtaining team-related information.

La mobilité pendulaire interurbaine en France face aux enjeux du changement climatique : caractérisation socioéconomique, analyse spatiale et potentiels de report modal / The intercity commuter mobility in France facing the challenges of climate change : socioeconomic characterization, spatial analysis and potential modal shift

Conti, Benoit 07 December 2016 (has links)
L’étude de la mobilité domicile-travail fait l’objet de nombreuses recherches visant à décrire et analyser les caractéristiques des actifs et de leurs déplacements. En France, ces études se concentrent principalement sur les individus vivant dans les espaces fonctionnels construits autour des agglomérations, les aires urbaines. Cette thèse vise à fournir une lecture complémentaire de ces travaux en étudiant les personnes qui se déplacent entre aires urbaines : les actifs interurbains.À partir d’une approche quantitative à l’échelle de la France continentale, menée principalement grâce aux bases de données du recensement de la population, une qualification des actifs interurbains est proposée. Nos résultats montrent une diversité des profils d’actifs en matière de caractéristiques sociodémographiques, ainsi qu’une pluralité de types de liaisons réalisées entre les différents espaces des aires urbaines. Nos travaux mettent également en évidence l’importance de l’usage de la voiture, principal mode de transport utilisé par les actifs interurbains. Aussi, malgré leur poids relativement faible dans la population des aires urbaines grandes et moyennes en France, ces actifs qui se déplacent sur de grandes distances en voiture sont alors responsables d’un volume important d’émissions de CO2.Ce dernier résultat a conduit à quantifier des potentiels de report modal des déplacements des interurbains de la voiture vers le réseau ferroviaire afin de réduire le volume de ces émissions. Nos résultats démontrent l’existence de leviers permettant de réduire théoriquement ces émissions liées à l’usage de l’automobile. Le facteur spatial, à différentes échelles, joue un rôle important dans les différences entre potentiels. Enfin, nous avons également montré que ces mesures ont des conséquences sociales distinctes, en matière de coût, en fonction des professions et catégories socioprofessionnelles / Commuter mobility is the subject of numerous studies meaning to describe and analyze the characteristics of commuters and their movements. In France, these studies focus primarily on people living in the functional area built around cities, called French urban areas. This thesis aims to provide supplementary insight on this topic by studying people moving between those French urban areas: intercity commuters.Analysing the French mainland population thought a quantitative approach conducted using census databases, measurement and qualification of long-distance commuters are proposed. Our results show a diversity of commuters in terms of demographic profile and spatial connections. The important use of the car as the primary mode of transport is emphasized. Despite their relatively low weight in the population of large and medium-sized urban areas in France, those commuters, who travel over long distances by car, are responsible for significant volumes of CO2 emissions.This result led to quantify the potential modal shift from car to rail. Our results demonstrate the existence of levers to theoretically reduce car use and thus the importance of its emissions. The influence of the spatial factor, at different scales, is attested. Furthermore such policies would have different consequences in terms of cost for the various professions and socio-professional categories

An Analysis of Characteristics of Long and Short Commuters in the United States

Vaddepalli, Srikanth 30 March 2004 (has links)
An in-depth-analysis was carried out on short, medium and long commuters using the National Household Travel Survey (NHTS) of 2001 and American Community Survey (ACS) of 2000 to determine the role of individual,household, trip and area related characteristics on commute length. The individuals with commute time less than or equal to 15 min were considered as short commuters and individuals with commute time greater than 15 min but less than 60 min were considered as medium commuters and the individuals with commute time 60 min or more were considered as long commuters. The commute time is considered as a link joining the residence and workplace locations. The availability of the desired mode used is considered as flexibility in moving the location of these points in the area. As the jobs get dispersed the lower income people face more and more transportation problems in linking the residence and workplace. There is a potential threat in their social, physical and economic isolation in the society. The individual, household, and area related characteristics are assumed to influence both the commute time and location of these points. The descriptive analysis using NHTS 2001 and ACS 2000 revealed that the characteristics of short and long commuters are different in nature. A commuter type choice model and commute length measurement models were used to estimate the influence of socio-demographic characteristics on the residential and workplace separation. Multinomial Logit Model (MNL) methodology was adopted to develop the commuter type choice model and Structural Equations Model methodology (SEM) was adopted with commute time and commute distance as endogenous variables to estimate the commute length on a continuous scale. The models confirmed the importance of demographic variables in explaining commuter length.

Contractual Governance of Indonesia Railway System - Case Study:Customer Satisfaction in Jabodetabek Area Vs Värmlandstrafik AB

Sunarto, Retno Sari January 2009 (has links)
<p>The growth of private motor vehicle grows rapidly each year have negative impact not only forthe extra contribution of air pollution but also to time wasting. That impact can lead todecreasing of people quality life. Public transportation is one of the solutions for the problem.Therefore, the shift from private motor vehicle user to public transportation, in other wordincreasing market share of public transportation, is necessary. One of the public transportationthat can attract more market share is railways. It has large capacity, high safety level, and freefrom traffic jam. Those characteristic makes railway as primary public transportation.Indonesian railways nowadays have lot of problems and receive many complaints from thepassenger. Train travel is still colored with the delay, limited well-condition vehicle, and uncleartrain travel information that often disadvantage passengers, and many of services offered werefailed to attract passengers. These conditions result in decreasing quality of services andinsufficient railways operation. This will be a barrier to Indonesian railways accomplishment inmaking it to be a reliable and sustainable transport mode. Therefore, to improve market shareand to improve the railway condition, it necessary to have contractual governance withstandard that can lead to costumer satisfaction and making the process improve therelationship between the stakeholders. This lead to the problem of what is the customersatisfaction factors in using railway as their transport, what service quality item that satisfiedthe passenger, and how contract can maintain the relationship between the stakeholders.Finding in this thesis consist of several point. First, from the customer satisfaction index, thecustomers of Jabodetabek commuter train are not satisfied with the service. Second, theanalysis discovered that there are four factors that have high correlation with overallsatisfaction. The four factors are equipment and facility, assurance, competency, and traveltime and appearance. The attributes is grouping into five SERVQUAL dimension. Fromregression analysis of SERVQUAL dimensions there are two service items that influence thecustomer satisfaction; assurances and tangibles. Third, from gap analysis there are gaps inservice process that need to be closed in order to deliver service quality which lead tocustomer satisfaction in railway operational. Fourth, from contract analysis can be concludedthat present condition PT.KAI as the operator cannot perform as it is stated in contract. Thiscan be influenced by many factors such as; the lack of infrastructure, the lack of vehicle,customer misbehavior, staff misbehavior and external factors. In delivering service qualitywhich can lead to customer satisfaction, it is recommended to improve the service that relatedto assurances and tangible items and to involves passengers in controlling and improvingrailway operational. The result expected from the improvement is the increase of overallperformance of railway operation which can lead to the increase customer satisfaction andmarket share. From side of contractual governance, the research discovered that there areproblem in contract clausal and relationship between DGR, PT. KAI and people as customer ofrailway service. The recommendation is to include customer complains in setting contractclausal that can make DGR, PT. KAI and people as customer in mutualism developingrelationship.</p>

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