Spelling suggestions: "subject:"marauder"" "subject:"tarauder""
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Geographic Profiling: A scientific tool or merely a guessing game?Öhrn, Meit January 2016 (has links)
Geografisk profilering har blivit en av de mest kontroversiella och modernametoderna som används under brottsutredningar i nuläget. Framgången ochtillförlitligheten av metoden är ett debatterat ämne inom forskningsvärlden. Denhär studien ämnar att undersöka huruvida geografisk profilering är ett användbartverktyg för Polisen. Syftet med studien är att analysera hur väl metoden fungerarsom ett verktyg och komplement till en brottsutredning samt om geografiskprofilering är användbart inom bostadsinbrottutredningar. Genom att skapa ensystematisk litteraturöversikt och utföra nyckelpersonsintervjuer fann författarenatt geografisk profilering fungerar som ett utmärkt komplement till utredningar.Resultatet visade att de geografiska profileringsprogrammen inte alltid är merframgångsrika än andra metoder inom området men att de oftast är konsistenta itillförlitligheten. Resultatet visade även att metoden är användbar inombostadsinbrottutredningar så länge profilen är gjord ordentligt och utav enutbildad analytiker. Studiens slutsats är att geografisk profilering är mycket merän bara en gissningslek och kan identifiera gärningsmän om analysen är gjord aven erfaren utredare. Detta resultat diskuteras senare i studien, samt valet av metodoch möjligheter för framtida forskning. / Geographic profiling is considered as one of the most controversial andinnovative technologies used in criminal investigations today. The accuracy of themethodology has become a popular topic amongst scholars and has caused aheated debate regarding the success of geographic profiling. This study seeks toevaluate if geographic profiling is a useful tool for the police. Thus the aims ofthis study are to examine if the methodology is a viable tool during investigationsand further to establish to what extent geographic profiling has been successfullyapplied within the area of property crime, in particular burglary investigations. Byconducting a systematic literature review and key informant interviews this studyfound that geographic profiling can be a very useful tool for analysts. Further theresults showed that geographic profiling systems are not always more accuratethan simpler methods, however simpler strategies are not necessarily as consistentas a computerised system. Moreover the results indicate that geographic profilingcan be applied during burglary investigations, if done correctly and by a trainedinvestigator. The study concludes that geographic profiling is more than just aguessing game and if applied appropriately it will most likely identify theoffender. Lastly the results and shortcomings of this study, including the need forfuture research is discussed.
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Geographical profiling (GP) is a method used to determine an offender’s most likely area of residence. GP helps to better understand the spatial behaviour of an offender, by connecting series of crimes in a specific area. Research have shown that the geographic space plays an important part when solving crimes, especially with respect to serial offenders that tend to offend closer to their home. Despite the fact that GP has had some success, the field has received criticism, and speculations regarding its applicability for actual investigations. This thesis seeks to evaluate whether a specific method within GP could have been applied for an actual investigation. Thus, the aim of this study is to explore if it is possible to apply the Circle Theory of Environmental Range to the case of Marcel Lychau Hansen, ‘Amagermanden’, who is a famous Danish serial offender, and whether the theory could have contributed to the investigation at the time. By conducting a case study, the results showed that Hansen was operating as a commuter, and the theory was therefore not able to predict a narrowed area for his residence, since it was not possible to perform the Hypothesis of Environmental Range. However, the study showed that he had several of his daily routines on Amager – and this finding highlights, that considering the geographical factors would have been an important factor for the investigation. The study concludes the theory to be applicable to the case, though it was found limited in how it could have contributed to the investigation, and the geographical profile could not stand alone for this specific investigation.
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Dr. Eleine MadJacobsson, Madeleine January 2021 (has links)
Dr. Eleine Mad är Madeleine Jacobsssons talesperson för dom vetenskapliga och paranormala upptäckter som uppstår i hennes världar. Hon beskriver innehåll, teknik och estetik utifrån ett kategoriseringssytem där konsten delas upp som olika typer av komponenter och därefter avkodas dessa allteftersom. För att förstå intuitionens inblandning i arbetsprocessen omförvandlas den till tre separata roller av en Sökare, Samlare och Myntare. Med rollerna försöker jag beskriva på vilka sätt som intuitionen är till gagn eller av förödelse för det konstnärliga arbetet. Sagan om M handlar om en grodlik karaktär, Delop, som lämnar sin hemplanet för att uppsöka andra världar. I sitt sökande hittar Delop ett folkslag vars syn och levnadssätt skiljer sig från hennes erfarenheter av “verkligheten” såsom hon lärt sig att överleva i den. / Dr. Eleine Mad is Madeleine Jacobsson's spokesperson for the scientific and paranormal discoveries that arise in her worlds. She describes content, tecniques and aesthetics based on a categorization system where art is divided into different types of components and then decoded as they go. To understand the intuition's involvement in the work process, it is transformed into three separate roles by a Seeker, Collector and a Myntare(In swedish language the one who is a "myntare" -is verbally declaring a concept or term). With these roles I try to describe in what ways intuition is beneficial or devastating to the artistic work. The story of M is about a frog-like character, Delop, who leaves the home planet to seek out other worlds. In her search, Delop finds a world whose views and lifestyles differ from her experiences of "reality" as she learned to survive in it. / <p>Recorded sound and image material of the presentation is available for private use.</p>
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