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Tracing prehistoric activitities : life ways, habitual behaviour and health of hunter-gatherers on Gotland /Molnar, Petra, January 1900 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Stockholms universitet, 2008. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.
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Tingens dragningskraft : En undersökning i hur samlare brukar historiaSwahn, Kristoffer January 2015 (has links)
Denna uppsats behandlar ett populärt sätt att bruka historia på. Den riktar sig mot samlare av historiska ting och hur de aktiverar en historiekultur. Uppsatsen belyser interaktionen mellan människa och ting. Med utgångspunkt i ett interaktionistiskt perspektiv påvisar resultatet att en människa - ting - människa relation kan utvecklas i takt med att samlandet gör det. Samlandet följer också ett visst mönster och är av en processartad form som rör sig från ett naivt och lekfullt samlande mot en allt större systematik allteftersom samlandet utvecklas. Med utvecklingen av samlandet utvidgas den sociala dimensionen av samlandet tillsammans med den historiska kunskapen och erfarenhetsbaserade banken av kunskap kring tingen man samlar på. Som samlare aktiverar man en mängd olika historiska källor som bidrar till att bygga en historisk väv kring tinget, i denna kunskapsorienterade handling kan samlaren finna samband över tid och utveckla ett historiemedvetande. Samlandet på historiska ting är det praktiska historiemedvetandet i handling och erbjuder möjligheten att skapa mening och trygghet för individen.
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Tracing prehistoric activitiy : life ways, habitual behaviour and health of hunter-gatherers on Gotland /Molnar, Petra, January 2008 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Stockholms universitet, 2008. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.
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Samarbetet med patologiska samlare : en kvalitativ intervjuundersökning om socialarbetares upplevelser av arbetet tillsammans med patologiska samlareTiderman, Josefin January 2020 (has links)
Den här kvalitativa studien syftar till att undersöka socialarbetares erfarenheter av att arbeta med patologiska samlare, med fokus på vilka socialpsykologiska faktorer som kan tänkas ha betydelse för att främja samarbete. Fjorton intervjuer har genomförts med socialarbetare som arbetar inom socialpsykiatrin inom olika stadsdelsförvaltningar inom Stockholms län. Resultatet har analyserats med hjälp av attributionsteori, samspelsinriktad teori och strukturell teori. Resultatet visar på att det finns flera faktorer som påverkar samarbetet med patologiska samlare. Samarbete upplevs vara avgörande för att den patologiska samlaren ska göra framsteg och det är också viktigt att yrkesverksamma är eniga kring hur man ska angripa problemet. Socialarbetarna betonar olika strategier för att bygga relation med klienten, som i många fall går utöver den konventionella handläggarrollen. Socialarbetarna är överens om att det är viktigt att gå försiktigt fram samt att låta processen ta tid. Socialarbetarna understryker betydelsen av att vara finkänslig men samtidigt tydlig med klienten. De framhåller att balansen mellan att vara finkänslig och tydlig är svår eftersom det har hänt att klienterna blivit kränkta när socialarbetarna reagerat vid möten. Socialarbetarna framhåller svårigheten att kunna hjälpa klienter som inte vill, varav den fria viljan kan sätta stopp för att kunna hjälpa klienterna. Samtidigt framhåller de att frivilligheten inte alltid ter sig frivillig när det föreligger underliggande vräkningshot. / This qualitative study aims to examine social workers experiences of working with hoarders, focusing on what social psychological factors may be thought to play a role in promoting collaboration. Fourteen interviews have been conducted with social workers in social psychiatry units in various districts of Stockholm county. The results have been analyzed using attribution theory, interaction theory and structural theory. The results show that there are several factors that affect the collaboration with the hoarder. Collaboration is considered vital for the hoarder to make progress and it is also important that there is consensus among professionals about how to approach the problem. Social workers experience a strong resistance in working with clients, which places high demands on the professional role to be persistent and patient. The social workers in this study emphasize different strategies for building relationships with the client, which in many cases go beyond the conventional role of the social worker. The social workers agree that it is important to proceed cautiously and allow the process to take time. The social workers in this study emphasize that it is important to think about being sensitive and at the same time direct with the client. They believe that the balance between being sensitive and direct is difficult as they have experienced that the clients has been offended by them showing strong reactions. The social workers emphasize the difficulty of being able to help clients that do not want to, of which the free will can create problems to be able to help the clients. At the same time, they point out that voluntary is not always voluntary when there are underlying eviction threats.
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A Minimum Analytical Nodule Analysis (MANA) Based Study : Mobility and sedentism during the Middle and Late Mesolithic in Sweden / En minimum analytical nodule analysis (MANA) baserad studie : Mobilitet och sedentism under mellan- och senmesolitikum i SverigeLindström, Anna January 2019 (has links)
Lithic artifacts are used in the understanding of human history. In order to do so, analyses and categorizations are made of the artifacts with the use of several methods and terminology. In this thesis, the minimum analytical nodule analysis (MANA) is used as method to analyze assemblages of lithic artifacts from 16 archaeological sites in Sweden. The sites date to Middle Mesolithic (c. 6800–5500 BC) and Late Mesolithic (c. 5500–3900 BC). The aim is to try to understand activities at the sites, and the theory of social organization is used. The results of the study indicate that it is possible to divide the sites into three types based on activity scenarios. In addition to this, the words ‘mobility’ and ‘sedentism’ are problematized in an attempt to understand how mobility and sedentism can be interpreted, both in the light of previous research and based on the results of this study. / Litiska artefakter används i förståelsen av människans historia. För att göra det, görs analyser och kategoriseringar av materialet med användning av flertalet metoder och terminologi. I den här uppsatsen, används minimum analytical nodule analysis (MANA) som metod för att analysera samlingar av litiska artefakter från 16 arkeologiska platser (eng. sites) i Sverige. Platserna är daterade till mellanmesolitikum (ca 6800–5500 f.Kr.) och senmesolitikum (ca 5500–3900 f.Kr.). Syftet är att försöka förstå aktiviteter på platserna, och teorin om social organisation används. Studiens resultat indikerar att det är möjligt att dela in platserna i tre typer baserat på aktivitetsscenarion. Därtill, problematiseras orden ’mobilitet’ och ’sedentism’ i ett försök att förstå hur mobilitet och sedentism kan tolkas, både i ljuset av tidigare forskning och baserat på resultaten av den här studien.
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Stenålderskost : en kritisk granskning av metod, teori och tolkning / Paleodiet : a critical review of method, theory and interpretationAndersson, Lisa January 2017 (has links)
In recent years there has been discussion of the many health benefits of the paleodiet, a diet that consist of food that we are evolutionary and genetically adapted to consume. The agricultural revolution introduced mankind to dietary changes that did not suit our biology, and is now the main reason for the nutrition-based diseases in developed countries. The purpose of this paper is to review both the archaeological methods used to explain the paleodiet and the knowledge we have about our hunter-gatherer ancestors and to see if there is any evidence to claim that the paleodiet could be an answer to food-health related diseases. This paper will also discuss the different perspectives behind the many dietary changes in human evolution and how they reflect on man’s dietary conditions today. The material used for this research is based on studies in anthropology, biology, genetics and epidemiology. The theory behind this paper is based on the positivism knowledge founded on properties and relations between measurable studies. Based on interpretations by reason and logic this paper is concluded through deductive reasoning. The results show that food-related diseases and syndromes are absent from traditional hunter-gatherer societies and that they first start to manifest if a western-based diet is adopted. According to our evolutionary and biological structure, man is not adapted to consuming dairy or agricultural products and we are, in fact, genetically identical to our Paleolithic ancestors. Therefore, because we have the same dietary conditions as the paleo hunter-gatherer, we would be considerably more healthy if we adopted a Paleolithic based diet.
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"Prakiskt taget orubbade miljöer" : En jämförande studie av Charlotte Berlins museum, Hallwylska museet och affektiv autenticitetKronblad, Hanna January 2019 (has links)
The following thesis examine the former homes of Charlotte Berlin and Wilhelmina von Hallwyl, two women who in the turn of 20th century donated their homes and collections to be museums. The purpose of this essay is to examine how Charlotte Berlin’s Museum and the Hallwyl museum work with musealization and authenticity.Both Charlotte and Wilhelmina lived their life in a changing time, where emigration, industrialization and urbanization took place. They are both women from the upper-middle class but with differences such as economic ones which has an effect of the collection and the size of their homes. Further distinctions between them is that Wilhelmina was married and Charlotte was not. Wilhelmina lived in the capital of Sweden, Charlotte in the small town called Ystad. Their similarities is found in their collections of clocks, clothes, paintings and books but most of all in their determination to make their homes museums once they were gone. They sought to make sure that their changing time could be seen through their collection. By examine how this is visible in the rooms they left 137behind, it is possible to see the relationship between the props and the authentic objects. The signs of it now being a museum, as cordons and glass stands, collaborates with the presence of the former inhabitants as well as movemements, seen through objects like chairs placed slightly obliquely. This essay also establish a new term called affective authenticity, which describe and develop the sensation of the past, the relation between the imagi-nation and the reality and the connection between people, objects and the milieu, with the importance that every-thing does not have to be all authentic, but has to mediate it. This is a two year’s master thesis in Museum and Cultural Heritage Studies.
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Patologiskt samlande -en funktionsnedsättning : En kvalitativ intervjuundersökning om professionella aktörers erfarenheter av arbete och hjälp i förhållande till patologiska samlare.Klein, Annika, Lofterud, Tove January 2014 (has links)
This qualitative interview study examines the shared and discrepant experiences that nine professionals, three from each field of psychiatry, social service, and housing have from working with people with hoarding disorder, and their view on help. The main difficulty when working with hoarding disorder is described as lack of insight and understanding of the severity and consequences of the disorder among people with the disability. Professionals highlight the importance of proper diagnosis and cooperation among disciplinary teams working with hoarding disorder. Approaches differ regarding the issue of how to best help a person with hoarding disorder, especially as the emphasis of autonomy becomes more prevalent. The landlords who were interviewed expressed the hoarders’ need of help from the society, whereas the social service interviewees accentuated voluntariness and motivation as a favorable long-term management. The psychiatry interviewees stressed that coercive measures are devastating, but sometimes necessary. The opinion that the view of normality in the context of hoarding needs to be questioned, was shared by the interviewees from all the three fields. In conclusion, the professionals describe their work with hoarding behavior as complex and emphasize the need for more knowledge concerning this subject. Empowerment theory is applied in the study.
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Resurrecting the Dead : Comparing Diseases and Skeletal Pathologies in Ajvide Hunter-Gatherers and the Medieval Population of Visby / Återuppväckning av de Döda : En jämförelse av sjukdomar och skeletala förändringar påträffade bland Ajvides jägare-samlare samt den medeltida populationen i VisbyFagerholm, Fanny January 2023 (has links)
The skeletal material used in this thesis consists of 258 individuals, whereas 179 individuals had the requirements entailed for an analysis of health and lifestyles. In other words, their sex and age had been osteologically determined. In addition, they are either young adults, adults, or seniors, as infants and subadults usually die before skeletal changes. Males represent 63 percent (n=112) and females 37 percent (n=67) of the material. The material is collected from a Stone Age dwelling site in Ajvide, Gotland, and six Medieval churches in Visby, Gotland: St Hans, St Per, St Clemens, Ryska Kyrkan, St Gertrud and St Mikael. One of the most noticeable traits caused by a change in subsistence strategies is an increase in enamel hypoplasia, cribra orbitalia, degenerative joint diseases, and activity-related pathologies, as well as a decrease in oral health. Therefore, the population of Medieval Visby was exposed to more stressors in the shape of infections and malnutrition. Furthermore, the high amount of degenerative joint diseases also indicates a more physically strenuous life. / Skelettmaterialet som använts i denna uppsats består av 258 individer, varav 179 individer uppfyllde de krav som krävdes för en lyckad analys. Individerna måste alltså ha en känd ålder och kön, dessutom exkluderades spädbarn och juvenila, då de oftast avled innan skeletala förändringar. I materialet representerade männen 63 procent (n=112) och kvinnorna 37 procent (n=67) av den totala mängden skelett. Materialet hade blivit insamlad från stenåldersboplatsen Ajvide på Gotland samt sex medeltida kyrkor från Visby, Gotland: St Hans, St Per, St Clemens, Ryska Kyrkan, St Gertrud och St Mikael. Noterbara förändringar är en ökning i emaljhypoplasi, cribra orbitalia, degenerativa ledsjukdomar, aktivitet-relaterade patologier samt försämrad oral hälsa. Detta tyder på att den medeltida befolkningen utsattes för mer stress i form av infektioner och undernäring. Mängden degenerativa ledsjukdomar indikerar dessutom på ett mer fysiskt ansträngande liv.
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Genus & jakt : Ett funktionalistiskt genusperspektiv på gropkeramiska gravgåvor i Ajvide & VästerbjersOlsson Romanus, Elmer January 2023 (has links)
This essay tries to deduct whether the pitted ware culture (3200-2300) at Ajvide and Västerbjers had a gender structure based on big game hunting via grave furniture. The grave furniture is selected on the basis of big game affiliation and then subjected to descriptive statistics and correspondence analysis. The results suggest that seal and boar hunting is normative for men but that only seal is normative for women in Ajvide and only boar at Västerbjers. / <p>Denna uppsats tilldelades ett A i betyg.</p>
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