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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modelagem ambiental e análise qualitativa comparativa de políticas de implantação de gás natural veicular em ônibus / Environmental Modelling and Qualitative Comparative Analysis of public policies that implemented compressed natural gas on buses

Thiago Luis Felipe Brito 10 February 2015 (has links)
Esta dissertação desenvolveu duas análises de natureza diferente, mas complementares, uma vez que são unidas por uma mesma questão. Esta questão diz respeito à utilização do gás natural veicular em substituição ao óleo diesel em ônibus urbanos. O autor argumenta que, devido a suas características técnicas, o gás natural pode contribuir para a promoção de um transporte mais sustentável, mesmo que o gás natural seja um combustível igualmente não renovável, como o óleo diesel. Na primeira análise desenvolvida, utiliza-se uma metodologia bottom-up para demonstrar os ganhos ambientais que podem ser alcançados ao se substituir o óleo diesel por gás natural em ônibus urbanos. Adota-se a cidade de São Paulo como estudo de caso. Esses ganhos ambientais manifestam-se tanto na redução das emissões de poluentes locais, como material particulado, monóxido de carbono e óxidos de enxofre, conduzindo a melhoras importantes na qualidade de vida das pessoas que sofrem os efeitos nocivos dessas emissões (usuários ou não do transporte público urbano), como, também, no declínio das emissões de gases de efeito estufa, especialmente o dióxido de carbono, levando a benefícios ambientais globais. Os resultados amparam o uso do gás natural em ônibus como uma estratégia de maior sustentabilidade no plano ambiental. Já, na segunda análise desenvolvida, a pesquisa levanta as questões seguintes: Quais outros parâmetros influenciam a decisão de se promover a substituição de combustíveis em ônibus urbanos? Quais critérios explicam as escolhas por distintos combustíveis substitutos? As respostas a essas questões são obtidas através de uma Análise Qualitativa Comparativa (AQC). A pesquisa comparou 39 cidades em todo o mundo, que adotaram combustíveis substitutos ao óleo diesel em ônibus urbanos, incluindo o gás natural, biocombustíveis, eletricidade e hidrogênio. Os resultados atestam que as cidades de fato utilizam-se da substituição de combustíveis para tornar o transporte mais sustentável. Observa-se que a opção pelo gás natural é acolhida na maioria dos casos analisados como uma opção com vantagens ambientais e economicamente mais atrativa. A principal razão para sua eventual não adoção identifica-se com a insegurança energética. Algumas cidades receiam depender de um combustível que, assim como o petróleo (do qual o óleo diesel é um derivado), também está afeito a importantes suscetibilidades geopolíticas. A conclusão do trabalho reforça a importância do gás natural como um combustível ambientalmente mais amigável, e que pode contribuir na busca das cidades por sistemas de transporte público mais sustentáveis, especialmente em grandes áreas metropolitanas. Olhando, especificamente, o caso da cidade de São Paulo, com desdobramentos para o Brasil como um todo, a pesquisa enfatiza a necessidade de se superar barreiras regulatórias, e de se comprovar vantagens econômicas e de segurança de suprimento energético, para que o gás natural possa confirmar-se atrativo e mais sustentável aos olhares dos gestores dos sistemas de transporte público urbanos. Esses temas não podem ser deslembrados ao se propor uma política mais racional de combustíveis para o transporte público das grandes cidades brasileiras. / This work has developed two analyzes of different kinds, but complementary, since they are united by the same issue. This issue relates to the use of compressed natural gas to replace diesel fuel in city buses. The author argues that, due to its technical characteristics, natural gas can contribute to the promotion of more sustainable transport, even though the gas is a non-renewable fuel, such as diesel oil. In the first in-depth analysis, a bottom-up methodology is used in order to demonstrate the environmental benefits that can be achieved by replacing the diesel oil with natural gas in urban buses. The city of São Paulo is adopted as a case study. These environmental gains are manifested both in reducing emissions of local pollutants such as particulate matter, carbon monoxide and sulfur oxides, leading to significant improvements in quality of life of people suffering the harmful effects of the emissions (both public urban transport users and non-users), and also in the decline of emissions of greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide, leading to global environmental benefits. The results bolster the use of natural gas buses as a more sustainable strategy in environmental terms. In the second developed analysis, the research raises the following questions: What other parameters influence the decision to encourage the substitution of urban buses in fuels? What criteria explain the choices for different substitute fuels? The answers to these questions are obtained from a Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA). The study compared 39 cities across the world that have adopted fuel substitutes to diesel fuel in urban buses, including natural gas, biofuels, electricity and hydrogen. The results show that in fact, cities are use fuel shifting as a way to turn its transport system more sustainable. It is observed that the option for natural gas is considered, in most analyzed cases, as an option with environmental advantages and economically more attractive. The main reason for natural gas non-adoption was identified as energy insecurity. Some cities fear depending on a fuel that, like petroleum (of which diesel oil is a derivative), is also sensitive to relevant geopolitical issues. The conclusion of the work reinforces the importance of natural gas as a more environmentally friendly fuel, and can contribute to the promotion more sustainable public transport systems in cities, especially in large metropolitan areas. Looking specifically at the case of the city of São Paulo, as well as considering Brazil as a whole, the research emphasizes the need to overcome regulatory barriers, and to prove economic benefits and energy supply security, so that the natural gas can confirm is attractive and more sustainable to the eyes of managers of urban public transport systems. These issues cannot be forgotten in order to propose a more rational policy of fuel for public transport in large Brazilian cities.

Importação de tecnologia gerencial para gestão do fornecimento de serviços de TI: um estudo sobre a aplicabilidade do modelo eSourcing Capability Model ao contexto institucional brasileiro / Importation of managerial technology for managing IT services sourcing: a study on the adequacy of the eSourcing Capability Model to the Brazilian institutional context

Hebbertt de Farias Soares 28 August 2008 (has links)
A governança do fornecimento (sourcing) de serviços de tecnologia da informação (TI) é uma questão que abrange aspectos gerenciais, econômicos e sociais. Atualmente parte significativas das recomendações de mercado orientam para a adoção de modelos padronizados cujas recomendações são consideradas melhores práticas. Dentre as existentes, o modelo eSourcing Capability Model (eSCM), desenvolvido pelo Information Technology Services Qualification Center da Universidade Carnegie Mellon, destina-se exclusivamente à padronização das práticas de sourcing. A pesquisa empreendida questiona quais as implicações das premissas do modelo eSCM para sua adequabilidade ao contexto institucional brasileiro. Foram realizadas análises de conteúdo para identificação das premissas explícitas e implícitas. Ao final dessa etapa identificou-se doze premissas, as quais foram comparadas com uma caracterização das especificidades do ambiente institucional brasileiro. Por sua vez, essa caracterização foi validada com especialistas. Conclui-se que o modelo eSCM traz uma grande contribuição para a prática da gestão do sourcing que é a preocupação com a gestão por processos e um gerenciamento profissional. Outra contribuição significativa do modelo é o foco no alinhamento dos estratégias e operações. Contudo, o modelo está fundamentado em uma lógica que presume uma racionalidade e formalismo que não são compatíveis com a cultura brasileira. São elementos que, historicamente, quando importados para o nosso contexto degeneraram-se e criaram arranjos ambigüos. / Information technology services sourcing governance is an issue with economic, managerial and social dimensions. To approach it many frameworks have been develloped. This research addresses the adequacy of eSourcing Capability Model (eSC) to the Brazilian institutional context. The research design was based on content analysis and comparative analysis. It was found 12 premisses that underlie the eSCM. They were validated with experts. The conclusion points that eSCM brings professionalism to sourcing management. However, the model is based on rationality and formalism not compatible with Brazilian culture. Those elements was previously imported and degenerated to alternative institutional arrangements,

Participation and democracy in the twenty-first century city

Pearce, Jenny V. January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Modelos de negócio adotados por empresas de compartilhamento de carros no contexto da mobilidade inteligente: estudos de caso múltiplos em empresas que atuam no Brasil / Business models adopted by car sharing companies in the context of smart mobility: multiple case studies in companies operating in Brazil

Silva, André Koide da 05 April 2019 (has links)
As cidades inteligentes emergiram como uma alternativa no trato das dificuldades oriundas do crescimento populacional observado nas áreas urbanizadas. Entre as iniciativas propostas por essa nova abordagem nos espaços urbanos, destaca-se a mobilidade inteligente. Ela propõe o uso dos recursos tecnológicos a fim de aprimorar a experiência de deslocamento de pessoas e de cargas, objetivando melhorar a qualidade de vida dos cidadãos. Nesse contexto, ressalta-se a importância do compartilhamento de carros como uma das alternativas para reduzir os índices de congestionamento, a emissão de poluentes e a demanda por áreas de estacionamento; além disso, esse serviço promove a interação com outros modais de transporte e os hábitos mais saudáveis entre os indivíduos que os utilizam. Ao analisar os modelos de negócio das empresas que operam nesse mercado, notam-se diferentes modalidades: compartilhamento de carros (ida e volta), compartilhamento de carros (trecho único), compartilhamento de carros (P2P), compartilhamento de corridas e caronas, empresas de redes de transporte e serviços de táxi. Também é possível identificar estreita relação com o consumo colaborativo (também denominado economia compartilhada), fenômeno amplamente explorado a partir da década de 2000, que fomenta o uso ou acesso aos bens em detrimento da propriedade. Assim, os usuários de carros compartilhados podem utilizá-los sem a incidência das obrigações e dos custos fixos associados à posse desses bens. Ambos os paradigmas utilizam a Internet, as redes sociais, os sistemas de informação e os recursos tecnológicos para prover seus serviços e conectar os usuários, criando as chamadas plataformas multilaterais. Estas suportam a criação e a operação em espaços físicos ou virtuais, conectando diferentes grupos de usuários; assim, ao reduzir os custos e as dificuldades desses encontros, disponibiliza-se um ambiente favorável à realização das transações, ou seja, ao compartilhamento dos carros. Esta tese de doutorado aplicou a análise qualitativa comparativa (QCA), a técnica MSDO, a análise de conteúdo e a análise cruzada de casos aos modelos de negócio de 14 organizações que atuam no segmento de carros compartilhados com a finalidade de identificar e descrever como os componentes da mobilidade inteligente, do consumo colaborativo e das plataformas multilaterais foram incorporados nas operações dessas companhias por meio de estudos de caso múltiplos. Os resultados alcançados indicaram alguns fatores críticos do sucesso empresarial desses modelos de negócio, entre eles: a análise de dados massivos por intermédio de ferramentas de big data, a disponibilização de aplicativos para dispositivos móveis, a implementação dos recursos de segurança física e lógica para os usuários dos serviços de carros compartilhados, o estímulo à colaboração on-line e ao uso de redes sociais e a operação em um mercado regulamentado. Devido à causalidade assimétrica, também emergiram componentes associados ao insucesso, entre eles: a ausência do uso de ferramentas de big data para análise dos dados massivos dos usuários; a indisponibilidade de aplicativos para dispositivos móveis; os recursos ineficazes de segurança física e lógica; a adoção de estratégias inócuas ou ausentes para a resolução do problema de massa crítica nas plataformas multilaterais; a dificuldade na obtenção de recursos financeiros para realizar investimentos nos diferentes grupos de usuários e a operação em um mercado sem regulamentação. / Smart cities emerged as an alternative in dealing with the difficulties arising from population growth observed in urbanized areas. Among the initiatives proposed by this new approach in urban spaces, smart mobility stands out as an essential service for the operation of cities. It proposes the use of technological resources in order to improve the experience of moving people and cargo, aiming to improve the quality of life of citizens. In this context, the importance of car sharing is highlighted as one of the alternatives to reduce congestion rates, the emission of pollutants and the demand for parking areas; in addition, this service promotes interaction with other transport modes and healthier habits among the individuals who use it. When analyzing the business models of the companies that operate in this market, different modalities are observed: car sharing (round trip), car sharing (one way), car sharing (P2P), carpooling, transport network companies and taxi services. It is also possible to identify a close relationship with collaborative consumption (also called sharing economy), a phenomenon widely exploited since the last decade, which fosters the use or access to goods over property. Thus, users of shared cars can use them without the incidence of the obligations and the fixed costs associated with the possession of these goods. Both paradigms use the Internet, social networks, information systems and technological resources to provide their services and connect users, creating the so-called multisided platforms. These support operation in physical or virtual spaces, connecting different groups of users; thus, by reducing the costs and difficulties of these matches, a favorable environment is provided to carry out the transactions, that is, the car sharing. This PhD thesis applied the qualitative comparative analysis (QCA), the MSDO technique, content analysis and cross-case analysis to the business models of 14 organizations operating in the car sharing segment with the purpose of identifying and describing how the components of smart mobility, collaborative consumption and multisided platforms have been incorporated into the operations of these companies through multiple case studies. The results achieved indicated some critical success factors of these business models, among them: analyzing massive data through big data tools, making mobile applications available, implementing physical and logical security features for users of car sharing services, the stimulation of online collaboration and the use of social networks and the operation in a regulated market. Due to asymmetric causality, components associated with failure also emerged, among them: the absence of the use of big data tools to analyze the users\' massive data; the unavailability of mobile applications; inefficient physical and logical security features; the adoption of innocuous or absent strategies for solving the critical mass problem in multisided platforms; the difficulty in obtaining the financial resources to make investments in different groups of users and the operation in a market without regulation.

The institutional framework of participatory mechanisms to identify the needs of poor people : the case of Vietnam

Do, Phu Hai 17 December 2008 (has links)
Is an institutional framework of participatory mechanism for identifying the poor needs? Institutions not only act to solve poverty : they also contribute to the persistence of poverty, as the core institutional problem is the unresponsiveness of many institutions to the needs of poor people. This study focuses on the case of contemporary Vietnam, with four empirical research questions: (i) what are the poor people’s needs? (ii) how to measure the needs of poor people? (iii) what are the elements and configurations of institutions offering participatory mechanisms? (iv) how are institutional rules of participatory mechanisms established? In the first part of the book, we develop a new approach to account for the multidimensionality of poverty : a ‘mixed methods’ approach that combines the selection of a static set of core dimensions with mechanisms of deliberative participation. Based on Sen’s theoretical framework, we apply participatory assessment methods and data reduction techniques together with linear regression models, so as to measure the capabilities of poor people. Theoretical contributions from political economy, political science and policy analysis are also brought in the picture. In the second part of the book, we use Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) as well as models of regression analysis, to analyze the grassroots institutions and poor people’s participation at the local level (communes). One core conclusion is that the formal institutional logics do allow some needs of poor people to be taken into account, but that this does not empower the poor themselves. Further, a strong independent civil society, combined with the direct involvement of poor people themselves, empowers the poor people at the collective choice level and leads to the best responsiveness of institutions to the poor people’s needs. This study also opens up possibilities for comparisons with other developing or transition countries.

Painful Ideals : Young Swedish women´s ideal sexual situations and experiences of pain during vaginal intercourse / Smärtsamma Ideal : Unga svenska kvinnors ideala sexuella situationer och erfarenheter av smärta vid samlag

Elmerstig, Eva January 2009 (has links)
Many young women today are concerned about their sexual health; an increasing number of them consult gynaecologists, youth centres (YCs) and general practitioners with vulvar problems such as painful sensations associated with vaginal intercourse (VIC). It is known that some women continue to have VIC despite pain. Theoretically, repeated painful VIC might elicit vaginistic reactions, which may increase the pain and induce vicious circles. Since many clinicians and researchers nowadays notice that pain during VIC often starts at young age, it is important to investigate how pain during VIC starts and is maintained in younger populations. The overall aim of this thesis was to investigate young women’s experiences of ideal sexual situations and pain during VIC. Women aged 13-22 years participated in our studies, which used both quantitative (study I and IV) and qualitative (study II and III) methods. For paper I, a questionnaire was developed and used in a YC sample (n=300); informants for paper II were selected from that sample to participate in qualitative interviews (n=16). Another qualitative interview study for paper III with a complimentary research question was conducted in a different YC sample (n=14). For paper IV, a questionnaire was developed based on the results from study I, II and III to test the hypotheses derived from study II in a sample of female high school students (n=1566). The findings revealed that 65% of the women reported pain related to first VIC. Among those who reported VIC during the previous month, 49% had experienced pain and/or discomfort during VIC during that same period (paper I). In paper IV, 47% of the women reported experience of pain and/or discomfort during VIC, and among those, 47% continued to have VIC, 22% feigned enjoyment, and 33% omitted telling the partner about their pain. In paper II, the women’s reasons for continuing to have VIC despite pain were: striving to reach their ideal image of a woman, characterized as always willing to have VIC; being perceptive of their partner’s sexual needs; and being able to satisfy their partner. In paper IV the hypotheses derived from study II were confirmed and showed, for example that a significantly higher proportion of women who continue to have VIC despite pain than women who did not had difficulty refusing sex when the partner wants it, felt inferior to the partner during sex, regarded the partner’s satisfaction as more important than their own, felt dissatisfaction with their sex life, and feigned enjoyment despite pain. In a multivariate model, continuing to have VIC despite pain was associated with feelings of being inferior to the partner during sex (adjusted OR 1.82; CI 1.10-3.02), dissatisfaction with their own sex lives (adjusted OR 1.76; CI 1.14-2.72) and feigning enjoyment while having pain (adjusted OR 7.45; CI 4.37-12.69). The major reason for continuing to have VIC was that the partner’s enjoyment was prioritized higher than their own (paper IV). In paper III, we found that women without pain during VIC also felt pressure from social norms and demands and had experienced partners “driving their own race”. However, they managed to some extent to resist these unequal gender norms because of their urge to experience pleasure. In conclusion, pain during VIC is a common complaint among young Swedish women, and a high proportion of them continue having VIC despite pain. The women’s notion of prioritizing the partners´ enjoyment before their own illustrates that unequal gender regimes affect young women’s (hetero)sexuality negatively.

En idealisk lärarroll : En didaktisk jämförande analys mellan lärarollens representation i film och facklig tidskrift under åren 1944, 1968, 1995 och 2006 / An ideal teacher : A didactic comparative analysis between the representation of teachers in film and union trade journals in the years 1944, 1968, 1995 and 2006

Nyman, Robin, Berg, Sven January 2010 (has links)
Vi har i detta arbete undersökt och analyserat hur den stereotypiske läraren representeras i de fyra svenska filmerna: Hets (1944), Ole dole doff, (1968), Lust och fägring stor (1995) och Vikarien (2006). Senare har vi genomfört en jämförande analys med hur den stereotypiske läraren representeras i tre fackliga tidskrifter ifrån samma tid: Svensk Lärartidning, Svensk Skoltidning och Skolvärlden. I vår jämförande analys fann vi stora likheter, exempelvis mellan diskursen om bristande resurser i skolan samt elevdemokrati. Vidare fann vi också skillnader, exempelvis presenterade en av filmerna en karaktär som tidsenligt inte stämde överens med hur den svenska skolan under den aktuella tiden såg på lärande, samt hur en lärare skall vara. Vår önskan är att lärare och lärarstudenter skall kunna använda denna analys för att ifrågasätta samt fundera kring sin egen lärarroll, och se likheter och skillnader i hur den idealiska läraren representeras dels inom filmens värld samt inom de fackliga tidskrifter som existerar inom skolvärlden. / We have in this study examined and analyzed how the stereotypical teacher is represented in the four Swedish movies: Torment (1944), Ole dole doff (1968), All Things Fair (1995) and The Substitute (2006). Then a comparative analysis was made, of how the stereotypical teacher is presented in three union trade journals from the same period of time: Svensk Lärartidning, Svensk Skoltidning and Skolvärlden. We found large similarities in our comparative analysis. For example, the discussion regarding the lack of resources in school, and also student democracy was analyzed. We also found differences, for example one of the movies presented a character not contemporary with the Swedish school regarding the concept of learning and how a teacher should be like. Our aim with this study is that teachers and student teachers will use this analysis to question and pounder upon their own roles as teachers’, and to se similarities and differences in how the ideal teacher is represented in movies and in union trade journals connected to the school world.

The social construction of gender : A comparison of Tennessee Wiliam´s A Streetcar Named Desire and Eugene O´Neill´s Long Day´s Journey into Night

Jarekvist, Anja January 2013 (has links)
This essay focuses on making a comparative gender analysis between Eugene O´Neill´s play “Long Day´s Journey into Night” and Tennessee William’s play “A Streetcar Named Desire”. It emphases the portraying of socially constructed gender and how the authors present their characters in relation to emotional response as well as power and acting space.

Implicit support within intra-group financing : A comparative study of the transfer pricing treatment in Sweden, Canada and the United Kingdom

Mattsson, Jacob January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Marketing-Management in den deutschen und den ägyptischen Sportverbänden. / Eine vergleichende Analyse / Marketing management in the German and Egyptian sport federations. / A comparative analysis

Shalaby, Ahmed Saad Ahmed Saad 31 October 2003 (has links)
No description available.

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