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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dimension affective de la relation enseignant-élève : effet sur l’adaptation psychosociale des adolescents (motivations, empathie, adaptation scolaire et violence) et rôle déterminant de l’amour compassionnel des enseignants / Affective dimension of Teacher-Student relationship : effect on adolescents’ psychosocial adjustment (motivations, empathy, school adjustment and violence) and key role of teachers’ compassionate love

Virat, Mael 11 December 2014 (has links)
A l'étranger, nombre de travaux longitudinaux en psychologie de l'éducation montrent que la relation affective enseignant-élève (RAEE) est bénéfique tant à l'école (réussite, persévérance, comportement, etc.) qu'en dehors (baisse de dépression, anxiété, délinquance, etc.) (Fortin, Plante & Bradley, 2011). En revanche, ses déterminants ont été peu étudiés et le rôle de l'engagement affectif des enseignants sur la RAEE n'a pas été évalué. Le présent travail, inspiré de la théorie de l'attachement (Bowlby, 1969), vise à combler cette lacune en mobilisant le concept d'amour compassionnel (Underwood, 2008).En France, où aucune étude quantitative sur le sujet n'a été réalisée jusque là, la RAEE est polémique, voire tabou. Ses effets ne pourraient-ils pas être testés empiriquement ? La théorie des trois systèmes de motivation (Favre & Favre, 1993) permet ici de comprendre et de mesurer l'effet de la RAEE sur les adolescents.Après validation auprès d'enseignants (N = 275) d'une version française de l'échelle d'amour compassionnel (Sprecher & Fehr, 2005) envers les élèves, il apparaît que celle-ci est prédictive de la RAEE (STRS, Pianta, 2001). Cette thèse valide aussi auprès de collégiens (N = 145) un outil psychométrique visant à évaluer trois systèmes de motivation. Complété par d'autres instruments évaluant l'adaptation psychosociale (empathie, variables scolaires et violence), il est soumis à deux échantillons (113 collégiens et 104 collégiens de SEGPA) : la RAEE favorise la motivation d'innovation, l'empathie et l'adaptation scolaire tout en protégeant contre la motivation de sécurisation parasitée (ou d'addiction), l'indiscipline scolaire et la violence. Cela plaide pour une approche relationnelle, telle que promue par les théoriciens du care en éducation, et, au-delà, pour une psychologie positive de l'éducation. / Number of longitudinal studies in educational psychology have shown that affective teacher-student relationships (RAEE) is beneficial both at school (success, perseverance, behaviour, etc.) and outside (decrease in depression, anxiety, delinquency, etc.) (Fortin, Plante & Bradley, 2011). However, its determinants have been little studied and the role of teachers' affective commitment on RAEE has not been estimated. This thesis grounded on attachment theory (Bowlby, 1969) aims at filling this gap with the concept of compassionate love (Underwood, 2008).In France, where the subject has not been quantitatively studied yet, the RAEE is greatly controversial, even taboo. Could its effects be tested empirically? The three motivational systems theory (Favre & Favre, 1993) enables us to understand and measure the effect of RAEE on adolescents.After validating a French version of the compassionate love scale for students (Sprecher & Fehr, 2005) in a sample of teachers (N = 275), it appears to be predictive of the RAEE (STRS, Pianta, 2001). This thesis also validates a psychometric tool to assess the three motivational systems in a sample of middle school students (N = 145). Then, this tool has been completed by other instruments assessing psychological adjustment (empathy, school variables and violence) and completed by two samples (N = 113 middle school students and N = 104 students from special education units called SEGPA): RAEE promotes innovation motivation, empathy and school adjustment while protecting against addiction motivation, school indiscipline and violence. This argues for a relational approach in education, as promoted by care theorists, and for a positive educational psychology.

Stopping the Gray Market: Federalism and California's Medical Marijuana Laws

Ranis, Ethan 13 May 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Human-animal relationships and ecocriticism: a study of the representation of animals in poetry from Malawi, Zimbabwe, and South Africa

Mthatiwa, Syned Dale Makani 21 November 2011 (has links)
Ph.D. Faculty of Humanities, University of the Witwatersrand, 2011 / This study analyses the manner in which animals are represented in selected poetry from Malawi, Zimbabwe and South Africa. It discusses the various modes of animal representation the poets draw on, and the ideological influences on their manner of animal representation. It explores the kinds of poetic forms the poets employ in their representation of animals and examines the manner in which ecological or environmental issues are reflected in the poetry. Further, the study determines the extent to which the values expressed in the poems are consistent with, or different from, current ecological orthodoxies and the ways in which the metaphors generated in relation to animals influence the way we treat them. The study shows that in the selected poetry animals occupy a significant position in the poets’ exploration of social, psychological, political, and cultural issues. As symbols in, and subjects of, the poetry animals, in particular, and nature in general, function as tools for the poets’ conceptualisation and construction of a wide range of cultural, political, and philosophical ideas, including among others, issues of justice, identity, compassion, relational selfhood, heritage, and belonging to the cosmos. Hence, the animal figure in the poetry acts as a site for the convergence of a variety of concepts the poets mobilise to grapple with and understand relevant political, social, psychological and ecological ideas. The study advances the argument that studying animal representation in the selected poetry reveals a range of ecological sensibilities, as well as the limits of these, and opens a window through which to view and appreciate the poets’ conception, construction and handling of a variety of significant ideas about human to human relationships and human-animal/nature relationships. Further, the study argues that the poets’ social vision influences their animal representation and that their failures at times to fully see or address the connection between forms of abuse (nature and human) undercuts their liberationist quests in the poetry.

Surviving a major bus crash : experiences from the crash and five years after

Doohan, Isabelle January 2017 (has links)
Background Major road traffic crashes (RTCs) can have a significant impact on the survivors, their family, and their friends, as well as on emergency personnel, volunteers, and others involved. However, survivors’ perspectives are rare or missing in research on major RTCs in Sweden. A comprehensive understanding of the survivors and their experiences is also lacking. By studying what it is like to survive a major RTC, the care and support provided to survivors can be adapted and improved. The overall aim is to broaden the understanding of the short- and long-term consequences and experiences of surviving a major bus crash. Methods The contexts are two bus crashes that occurred in Sweden, in February 2007 and December 2014. In total, the participants are 110 out of the 112 survivors, and the data is collected through telephone interviews, official reports, and medical records at one month, three months, and five years after the crashes. Analysis methods include qualitative content analysis, descriptive statistics, thematic analysis, and mixed methods research analysis. Results One month after the crash, most of the survivors were experiencing minor or major physical and/or psychological stress in their everyday lives (Study I). Four main findings were identified regarding their experiences of immediate care (Study II): prehospital discomfort, lack of compassionate care, dissatisfaction with crisis support, and satisfactory initial care and support. The importance of compassion and being close to others was also highlighted. Five years after the bus crash in Rasbo (Study III), survivors were still struggling with physical injuries and mental problems. Other long-term consequences were a lasting sense of connectedness among fellow passengers, a gratitude for life, as well as feelings of distress in traffic, especially in regard to buses. The main findings from study IV indicated that injury severity did not seem to affect mental health, and that social aspects were important to the recovery process. There was an interconnection among survivors in which they seemed to be linked to each other’s recovery. Conclusion A strong need for short- and long-term social and psychological support in terms of compassion and community is evident in all the studies. The survivors ought to be acknowledged as capable and having the resources to contribute to their own and their fellow survivors’ recovery and health. There is a need for greater understanding of how different the survivors are, with each one of them having various physical, psychological, social, and existential needs. / Bakgrund Stora trafikskadehändelser kan ha en betydande inverkan på de överlevande och deras närståendes liv, likaså på sjukvårdspersonal, vittnen, och andra som är involverade. Trots detta så är de överlevandes perspektiv sällsynta eller saknas i forskning om stora trafikskadehändelser i Sverige. Det saknas även en helhetsförståelse av överlevande och deras erfarenheter. Genom att studera hur det är att överleva en busskrasch kan omhändertagande och stöd anpassas och förbättras. Det övergripande syftet är att öka förståelsen av kort- och långsiktiga konsekvenser och erfarenheter av att överleva en stor busskrasch. Metod Kontexten är två busskrascher som inträffade i februari 2007 och december 2014 i Sverige. Antal deltagare är 110 av 112 överlevande och data samlades in en månad, tre månader och fem år efter krascherna, via telefonintervjuer, officiella rapporter och medicinska journaler. Analysmetoder inkluderar kvalitativ innehållsanalys, deskriptiv statistik, tematisk analys och mixad metod. Resultat En månad efter kraschen upplevde överlevande fysiskt obehag och/eller psykisk stress i varierande grad i sin vardag (Studie I). Gällande upplevelser av det initiala omhändertagandet (Studie II) identifierades fyra huvudresultat; obehag på skadeplats, brister i omhändertagande och bemötande, missnöje med krisstöd, och tillfredsställande initialt omhändertagande och stöd. Betydelsen av empati och medkänsla från personal och frivilliga samt samhörighet med medpassagerare lyftes fram av de överlevande. Fem år efter busskraschen i Rasbo (Studie III) fanns det överlevande som fortfarande kämpade med fysiska skador och psykiska problem. Andra tydliga långsiktiga konsekvenser var en bestående gemenskap mellan medpassagerare, en tacksamhet över livet, samt oro och rädsla i trafiken, speciellt vid bussåkande. Uppföljningen efter busskraschen i Tranemo (Studie IV) indikerade att sociala aspekter var betydelsefulla för återhämtningsprocessen hos överlevande och att skadornas svårighetsgrad inte var betydande för det psykiska välbefinnandet. En stark samhörighet upplevdes bland de närstående som reste tillsammans och de verkade följa varandras återhämtning. Slutsatser Ett starkt behov av kort- och långsiktigt socialt och psykologiskt stöd i form av gemenskap och empati är tydligt i samtliga studier. De överlevande bör uppmärksammas som aktörer med kapacitet och resurser till att bidra till sin egen och medpassagerares återhämtning och hälsa. Det behövs en ökad förståelse för hur olika de överlevande är, med varierande fysiska, psykologiska, sociala, och existentiella behov.

Goal Pursuit Perspective on Conflict Resolution and its Relationship with Psychological Well-being

Brodérus, Sofie, Malmborg, Rebecca January 2017 (has links)
It is proposed that goal pursuit is related to how we resolve conflicts with others, and with our psychological well-being. The aim of the current study was to investigate whether there is an association between individual’s interpersonal goals (compassionate and self-image goals), conflict management style (integrating, compromising, obliging, dominating and avoiding), and psychological well-being. To further investigate the role of interpersonal goals, we designed a self-report questionnaire to measure the preference of compassionate goals as opposed to self-image goals in social conflict situations. Seventy university students completed an on-line questionnaire. The results showed that compassionate goals are negatively associated with dominating style, and positively associated with integrating, compromising and obliging style. Self-image goals correlated positively with dominating style, and negatively with integrating style. Furthermore, individuals with higher levels of self-image goals have a consistent way of dealing with conflicts in different situations. There was no statistically significant association between psychological well-being and interpersonal goals or conflict management style. The results are discussed in light of previous findings and concrete suggestions for further research are presented. / Det föreslås att ens strävan efter ett mål är relaterat till hur man löser konflikter med andra, och vårt psykiska välmående. Syftet med studien var att undersöka sambandet mellan individers interpersonella mål (medkännande och självbildsmål), konflikthanteringsstil (integrerande, kompromissande, tjänstvillig, dominerande och undvikande), och psykologiskt välmående. För vidare undersökning av interpersonella måls roll, designade vi ett självrapport frågeformulär för att mäta preferens av medkännande mål i motsats till självbildsmål i sociala konfliktsituationer. Sjuttio universitetsstudenter slutförde online frågeformulären. Resultatet visade att medkännande mål är negativt associerade med dominerande stil, och positivt med integrerande, kompromissande och tjänstvillig stil. Självbildsmål korrelerade positivt med dominerande stil, och negativt med integrerad stil. Dessutom, individer med höga nivåer av självbildsmål hanterar konflikter på ett konsekvent sätt genom olika situationer. Det var inget statistiskt signifikant samband mellan psykologiskt välmående och interpersonella mål eller konflikthanteringsstilar. Resultaten är diskuterade med hänsyn till tidigare fynd och konkreta förslag på framtida forskning är presenterad.

We Grow Wild : Experimenting and learning about wild botanical allies to reclaim our food sovereignty

Tomasin, Martina January 2021 (has links)
The biology and the patterns of wild environments and their organisms have solutions to the many environmental, social and economical challenges that we are facing globally. As an emerging designer, I believe that the tendencies of the ecological environments can be analyzed, mimicked and implemented by designers into different socio-cultural systems. In my design process I have been exploring practices that promote food sovereignty as a right that every living being should have. The results of my exploration is a guide to help to learn about and from wild edibles to deepen our connection with nature. My design includes my own process and iteration as well as one designed for those who are interested in exploring foraging practices.This project recognizes the different spheres and complexities of sustainability. It analyzes how our cultural and social practices impact the ecological environment, while, at the same time, it brings practical examples to understand the effects that our economy has on the overall well-being of the ecology, and suggests that we all can be beneficial participants as and in nature.The title “We grow wild” refers to the plants, which grow wildly in parks, hedgerows, paths and forests, as well as it encourages to rediscover the wild nature that re-emerges in us through active participation in the ecological environment we inhabit.

Tough Love on a Level Playing Field: The Intellectual History of George W. Bush’s Faith-Based Initiative

Wanner, Eli S. 19 May 2021 (has links)
No description available.

The Personal and the Professional: Buddhist Practice and Systemic Therapists

Grassia, Joanne R. 19 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Compassionate Care Benefit Pre-Implementation Knowledge Tool Development for Canadian Social Workers: A Qualitative Study

Dykeman, Sarah 10 1900 (has links)
<p>Increasingly, informal caregivers are providing hospice palliative care and support to dying friends and family members. These individuals must often negotiate multiple roles and responsibilities as a result of being caregivers and members of the paid labour force. Canada’s federal government has recognized the burden placed on informal caregivers, and legislated the Compassionate Care Benefit (CCB) in 2004. The CCB allows informal caregivers providing hospice palliative care six paid weeks off work to alleviate some of the role strain in the provision of care. Evaluations of the CCB have recognized that the low program uptake has been primarily the result of a lack of awareness. As such, knowledge translation campaigns about the CCB are needed. Stakeholders interviewed, including family caregivers, front-line palliative providers, and employers, have suggested that Canadian social workers are the primary group in need of a targeted knowledge campaign. This research presents the results of the development of a two-stage knowledge translation intervention for social workers. First, the development of appropriate interventions are explored through a qualitative messaging survey (<em>n</em>=16), a focus group (<em>n</em>=8) and key informant interviews (<em>n</em>=3). Preferred intervention formats and messages are identified, and draft knowledge tools are created. Secondly, draft knowledge tools are piloted in workplaces by social workers (<em>n</em>=8), the results of which are captured through participant interviews. The refinement period suggested some of the constraints of space and time on knowledge translation about the CCB and tool use. Hägerstrand’s time geography is explored in relation to tool use and knowledge translation. The research presented herein is relevant to policy makers, program planners, clinicians and researchers working with the fields of hospice palliative care, social work and knowledge translation. This research makes contributions to the knowledge translation and intervention development literatures through the presentation of novel methodologies and the application of time geography.</p> / Master of Arts (MA)

Écosystème relationnel pour une paix intérieure et extérieure : modèle issu d’une méthode mixte en recherche sur l’approche de l’écoute compassionnelle selon The Compassionate Listening Project.

Gagnon, Brigitte 10 1900 (has links)
The research consists of an exploratory mixed-method research (Cresswell & Plano Clark, 2011) using a constructive Grounded Theory methodology (Charmaz, 2014, 2006). The object of study is experiences and transformations related to the practice of compassionate listening, as well as the process and type of spirituality at the heart of this approach for conflict transformation developed by The Compassionate Listening Project (TCLP) based in the United States. People get to sit with Israeli or Palestinian guest speakers and they listen to them share their story and experience with the conflict, wherever they can locate themselves in the political Spectrum. Trained with the compassionate listening approach, it becomes possible for them to affirm their deepest humanity and learn to hold the complexities related to the conflict (Cohen, 2011). 14 semi-structured interviews with delegates from the 2010 TCLP delegation, participant observation and document analysis, took place in the qualitative stage of the research. Followed by the administration of an online questionnaire to past participants of TCLP delegations between 1998 and 2015 (n=60). The study led to the emergence of a theoretical and practical Model named: Well-being Ecosystem for Inner and Outer peace, based on a social process theory (Glaser, 2005) informing on conditions and factors involved in the passage between three stages: from a feeling or state of separation with the other, to more communication and towards deep connection and communion. The integration chapter of the mixed methods presents four key pillars supporting this Model to help integrate an agenda of the heart to peace efforts, in the form of specific types of “responses of the heart” (affiliated to the notion of compassionate love, Fehr et al., 2009) inspired by the compassionate listening approach and series of variables, factors, and conditions to help cultivate a culture of peace in any environment. The quality of presence and environment at the relational level is exposed in the nexus of the notions of spirituality and practice for peacebuilding and conflict transformation. The research combines scientific and experiential knowledge in Social Sciences, Applied Religious Studies, Health and Contemplative Studies. / Cette recherche en sciences des religions appliquées porte sur l’approche de l’écoute compassionnelle (Cohen, 2011) développée par l’organisme The Compassionate Listening Project (TCLP) et pratiquée en contexte de réconciliation entre Juifs et Palestiniens d’Israël, de la bande de Gaza et de la Cisjordanie. Selon Marie Pace (2005), qui a fait une étude de cas empirique sur cette approche de construction de la paix, plusieurs participants ont témoigné à leur retour que cette expérience avait été transformationnelle et avait changé leur vie. Certains parlaient même de guérison (healing) (Pace, 2005). Quel processus est au coeur de cette approche, dont le rôle de la compassion est central ? Comment se vit l’expérience de procurer et de recevoir de l’écoute compassionnelle ? Quel impact de transformation, voire de guérison (healing) est à l’oeuvre ? Tel que le clament les auteures de cette méthode, s'il s'avérait qu’elle soit le moteur d'un dialogue plus profond et d'une réconciliation véritable, est-ce qu’il y a un apport particulier d’une forme de spiritualité ? Si oui, quelle est-elle ? Pour répondre à ces questions, une méthode mixte en recherche de type exploratoire fut empruntée, débutant par une phase qualitative suivie d’une phase quantitative de recherche (Cresswell & Plano Clark, 2011). Une observation participante au sein d’une délégation en Israël-Palestine en 2010 et quatorze entrevues individuelles auprès des délégués furent effectuées ainsi qu’une analyse documentaire sur les écrits liés à cette approche. La phase quantitative a inclus l’administration d’un questionnaire auprès de plusieurs anciens participants aux délégations organisées par TCLP de 1998 à 2015 (n=60). Ce qui a permis de vérifier des éléments de réponse sur l’objet d’étude fourni par les entrevues, en plus des composantes d’une théorie émergente. L’étude adopte la méthodologie de la théorie enracinée (Grounded Theory) et présente une théorie de processus social de base (Glaser, 2005) sur les conditions et facteurs favorisant le passage entre un état ou sentiment de séparation avec l’autre, vers une meilleure communication et une connexion profonde et communion. Ces stages s’inscrivent au sein d’un modèle théorique et appliqué nommé : Écosystème relationnel du mieux-être pour lune paix intérieure et extérieure, lequel fait figure de plateforme relationnelle (Lederach, 2005) pour la contribution d’un agenda du coeur aux efforts de paix. Ce modèle informe sur le type de « réponse du coeur » en jeu dans un amour centré sur l’autre, communément vu comme un amour compassionnel (Fehr et al., 2009) et présente une série de variables, indicateurs et indices prenant en compte la synergie et qualité de présence particulières pouvant contribuer aux efforts de paix et à la création d’une culture de la paix intérieure et extérieure dans tout environnement. Mots-clé : Écoute compassionnelle, transformation des conflits, culture de la paix, compassion, écoute, sciences des religions appliquées, amour compassionnel, agenda du coeur, réponse du coeur, conflit israélo-palestinien.

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