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High Performance by Exploiting Information Locality through Reverse Computing / Hautes Performances en Exploitant la Localité de l'Information via le Calcul Réversible.Bahi, Mouad 21 December 2011 (has links)
Les trois principales ressources du calcul sont le temps, l'espace et l'énergie, les minimiser constitue un des défis les plus importants de la recherche de la performance des processeurs.Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons à un quatrième facteur qui est l'information. L'information a un impact direct sur ces trois facteurs, et nous montrons comment elle contribue ainsi à l'optimisation des performances. Landauer a montré que c’est la destruction - logique - d’information qui coûte de l’énergie, ceci est un résultat fondamental de la thermodynamique en physique. Sous cette hypothèse, un calcul ne consommant pas d’énergie est donc un calcul qui ne détruit pas d’information. On peut toujours retrouver les valeurs d’origine et intermédiaires à tout moment du calcul, le calcul est réversible. L'information peut être portée non seulement par une donnée mais aussi par le processus et les données d’entrée qui la génèrent. Quand un calcul est réversible, on peut aussi retrouver une information au moyen de données déjà calculées et du calcul inverse. Donc, le calcul réversible améliore la localité de l'information. La thèse développe ces idées dans deux directions. Dans la première partie, partant d'un calcul, donné sous forme de DAG (graphe dirigé acyclique), nous définissons la notion de « garbage » comme étant la taille mémoire – le nombre de registres - supplémentaire nécessaire pour rendre ce calcul réversible. Nous proposons un allocateur réversible de registres, et nous montrons empiriquement que le garbage est au maximum la moitié du nombre de noeuds du graphe.La deuxième partie consiste à appliquer cette approche au compromis entre le recalcul (direct ou inverse) et le stockage dans le contexte des supercalculateurs que sont les récents coprocesseurs vectoriels et parallèles, cartes graphiques (GPU, Graphics Processing Unit), processeur Cell d’IBM, etc., où le fossé entre temps d’accès à la mémoire et temps de calcul ne fait que s'aggraver. Nous montons comment le recalcul en général, et le recalcul inverse en particulier, permettent de minimiser la demande en registres et par suite la pression sur la mémoire. Cette démarche conduit également à augmenter significativement le parallélisme d’instructions (Cell BE), et le parallélisme de threads sur un multicore avec mémoire et/ou banc de registres partagés (GPU), dans lequel le nombre de threads dépend de manière importante du nombre de registres utilisés par un thread. Ainsi, l’ajout d’instructions du fait du calcul inverse pour la rematérialisation de certaines variables est largement compensé par le gain en parallélisme. Nos expérimentations sur le code de Lattice QCD porté sur un GPU Nvidia montrent un gain de performances atteignant 11%. / The main resources for computation are time, space and energy. Reducing them is the main challenge in the field of processor performance.In this thesis, we are interested in a fourth factor which is information. Information has an important and direct impact on these three resources. We show how it contributes to performance optimization. Landauer has suggested that independently on the hardware where computation is run information erasure generates dissipated energy. This is a fundamental result of thermodynamics in physics. Therefore, under this hypothesis, only reversible computations where no information is ever lost, are likely to be thermodynamically adiabatic and do not dissipate power. Reversibility means that data can always be retrieved from any point of the program. Information may be carried not only by the data but also by the process and input data that generate it. When a computation is reversible, information can also be retrieved from other already computed data and reverse computation. Hence reversible computing improves information locality.This thesis develops these ideas in two directions. In the first part, we address the issue of making a computation DAG (directed acyclic graph) reversible in terms of spatial complexity. We define energetic garbage as the additional number of registers needed for the reversible computation with respect to the original computation. We propose a reversible register allocator and we show empirically that the garbage size is never more than 50% of the DAG size. In the second part, we apply this approach to the trade-off between recomputing (direct or reverse) and storage in the context of supercomputers such as the recent vector and parallel coprocessors, graphical processing units (GPUs), IBM Cell processor, etc., where the gap between processor cycle time and memory access time is increasing. We show that recomputing in general and reverse computing in particular helps reduce register requirements and memory pressure. This approach of reverse rematerialization also contributes to the increase of instruction-level parallelism (Cell) and thread-level parallelism in multicore processors with shared register/memory file (GPU). On the latter architecture, the number of registers required by the kernel limits the number of running threads and affects performance. Reverse rematerialization generates additional instructions but their cost can be hidden by the parallelism gain. Experiments on the highly memory demanding Lattice QCD simulation code on Nvidia GPU show a performance gain up to 11%.
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Simple optimizing JIT compilation of higher-order dynamic programming languagesSaleil, Baptiste 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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A Case for Generative Linguistics in New Testament Exegesis : Surveying the Current Theoretical Landscape and Possible Applicability to Biblical StudiesKristiansson, Per January 2022 (has links)
This essay surveys the current theoretical landscape of modern linguistics, asking whethe generative and possibly transformational linguistics can be applied to syntactic analysis of New Testament texts written in Koine Greek to find lingual hallmarks in the form of personal usage of syntactic rules that uniquely identify the authors of the texts. The conclusion is that there seems to be evidence that an application of a minimalist approach could make the detection of such lingual hallmarks possible.
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Infrastructure de compilation pour des programmes flux de donnéesWipliez, Matthieu 09 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Les programmes flux de données (" data flow " en anglais) sont des programmes décrits sous la forme d'un graphe afin de mettre en évidence un certain nombre de propriétés, comme le parallélisme disponible, la localité des données, la certitude de ne pas avoir d'inter-blocages, etc. Ma thèse présente les problématiques liées à la mise en place d'une infrastructure de compilation pour ce type de programmes. Cette infrastructure a pour but de compiler, analyser, transformer, et exécuter un programme flux de données sur différentes plateformes, depuis des composants logiques programmables jusqu'à des processeurs multi-coeurs avec mémoire partagée. Nous présentons les aspects théoriques associés aux problèmes de compilation, d'analyse et d'ordonnancement des programmes flux de données, ainsi que les aspects pratiques et les résultats obtenus concernant la génération de code et l'exécution de ces programmes.
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Formal verification of a synchronous data-flow compiler : from Signal to CNgô, Van Chan 01 July 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Synchronous languages such as Signal, Lustre and Esterel are dedicated to designing safety-critical systems. Their compilers are large and complicated programs that may be incorrect in some contexts, which might produce silently bad compiled code when compiling source programs. The bad compiled code can invalidate the safety properties that are guaranteed on the source programs by applying formal methods. Adopting the translation validation approach, this thesis aims at formally proving the correctness of the highly optimizing and industrial Signal compiler. The correctness proof represents both source program and compiled code in a common semantic framework, then formalizes a relation between the source program and its compiled code to express that the semantics of the source program are preserved in the compiled code.
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A interação oceano-atmosfera no Atlântico sul e o paleociclo hidrológico na porção leste da América do Sul durante o Holoceno / Air-sea interaction in the South Atlantic and the water paleocycle in eastern South America during the HolocenePrado, Luciana Figueiredo 02 March 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo investigar processos de interação ar-mar na porção leste da América do Sul e Oceano Atlântico adjacente ao longo do Holoceno (últimos 12.000 anos). Para isso, os efeitos de forçantes naturais sobre a variabilidade climática foram investigados em três escalas temporais: (i) milenar-centenária: efeitos de pulsos de degelo no Oceano Atlântico, e de variações nas forçantes solar e orbital sobre o modo dipolar subtropical do Atlântico sul e consequências sobre a precipitação, durante o Holoceno; (ii) cenário médio: efeitos de diferenças na forçante orbital em relação ao clima presente sobre a precipitação média no continente, durante o Holoceno médio (6.000 anos atrás), por meio de uma compilação de dados paleoclimáticos inédita para esse período, e comparação com resultados de simulações numéricas; (iii) multidecadal: efeitos de variações na forçante vulcânica ao longo do último milênio (850 a 1850 da Era Comum) sobre a variabilidade do modo equatorial do Atlântico e consequências sobre a precipitação na América do Sul. Os resultados mostraram efeitos dos eventos de rápido resfriamento do Hemisfério norte na variabilidade do modo dipolar subtropical do Atlântico sul, com consequências principalmente sobre a precipitação do Nordeste do Brasil. O cenário médio para o Holoceno médio apontou déficit hídrico na porção leste da América do Sul durante esse período, relacionado com menor quantidade de insolação de verão recebida pelo Hemisfério sul. A dificuldade na coleta de testemunhos marinhos foi identificada como um dos principais limitantes em estudos paleoclimáticos. O vulcanismo explosivo observado no último milênio resfriou a região tropical no ano da erupção, e enfraqueceu a relação entre a precipitação na porção leste da América do Sul e o modo equatorial do Atlântico. Finalmente, a presente tese demonstrou, por meio de comparações dados-modelo, a importância do Oceano Atlântico no regimes de chuva da América do Sul em diversas escalas temporais para climas onde a forçante antropogênica era pouco significativa. 195 pp. / This work investigates the air-sea interaction processes in eastern South America and the adjacent Atlantic Ocean for the Holocene (past 12,000 years). The effects of the natural forcings on climate variability were investigated in three time-scales: (i) millennial-to-centennial: effects of Atlantic meltwater pulses and changes in the solar and orbital forcings on the South Atlantic subtropical dipole, and rainfall impacts during the Holocene; (ii) mid-Holocene scenario: effects of changes in the orbital forcing, in comparison to the present-day conditions, on mean precipitation over the continent, during the mid-Holocene (6,000 years ago). This was achieved through an unpublished multiproxy compilation and comparison with numerical experiments; (iii) multidecadal: effects of changes in the volcanic forcing along the past millennium (850 to 1850 Common Era) on the variability of the Atlantic equatorial mode and consequences on precipitation over South America. Results show effects of the Northern Hemisphere cooling events on the variability of the South Atlantic subtropical dipole, with impacts mainly over Northeastern Brazil\'s rainfall. The mid-Holocene scenario results indicate a water deficit in eastern South America during this period related to a decrease in Southern Hemisphere summer insolation. The difficulty in marine cores sampling is identified as one of the main problems in current paleoclimate studies. The explosive volcanism observed during the past millennium cooled the tropical regions at the year of the volcanic eruption, and weakened the relation between the precipitation in eastern South America and the Atlantic equatorial mode. This thesis shows through data-model approaches the importance of the Atlantic Ocean on South America precipitation regimes in the climate timescales where the anthropogenic forcing was not so relevant. 195 pp.
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Oribasius' woman : medicine, Christianity and society in Late AntiquityMusgrove, Caroline Joanne January 2017 (has links)
As a writer of medical summaries and compendia, Oribasius has often been dismissed as a harbinger of late antique medical decline. This dissertation challenges this long-lived assumption by revaluating the compiler and his writings, and the place of medicine in the cultural and social landscape of late antiquity. Chapter one examines the scholarly biases that surround Oribasius’ career, positing that his Medical Collections were produced in response to the intellectual priorities of the Emperor Julian’s scholarly circle. Moreover, both the medical art and the physician were highly regarded in the fourth century, as chapter two demonstrates. Not only do the Collections reflect the priorities and order of empire, but the idea of the medical encounter granted both emperor and bishop a symbolic language with which to pose and articulate social questions in this period. Chapters three and four outline the ways Oribasius engaged with the medical realities of his day, by retaining in his compilation a sense of personal experience and patient interaction. In his borrowed case histories, female subservience in the face of medical authority is expected; whilst the hierarchy of the elite household is shown to dictate his approach to the patients within it. A messier reality of female agency in their own physical and spiritual care is better captured by Christian writers in the miracle account and sermon, in part because Christians like the Cappadocians and John Chrysostom imbued female choice with new theological meaning. Chapter five sets Oribasius’ approach to the female patient in the broader context of late antique social shifts. The compiler’s careful delineation of responsibility and blame in dealings with vulnerable pubertal and pregnant women reflect an attempt to reaffirm an unwritten social contract with the elite and the paterfamilias; a social priority which is also apparent in the legal compendia of the period. Christian writers, meanwhile, drew metaphorically upon medical discourses of generativity and patrimony to distinguish Christian society from the classical past, as chapter six demonstrates. In the final analysis, Oribasius’ Collections are shown to be intimately and variously in dialogue with the society that produced them, reflecting both the high standing of the art in late antiquity, and its symbolic role in defence of the social world, patriarchy and empire. Christian interactions with medicine are shown to reflect many of these same priorities, and to engage with medical norms in more pervasive ways than has often been noted. But it is only in the Christian text that the medical writers’ woman transcends the determinisms of her traditional generativity and physical inferiority, so central to the writings of Oribasius and his classical predecessors.
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A interação oceano-atmosfera no Atlântico sul e o paleociclo hidrológico na porção leste da América do Sul durante o Holoceno / Air-sea interaction in the South Atlantic and the water paleocycle in eastern South America during the HoloceneLuciana Figueiredo Prado 02 March 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo investigar processos de interação ar-mar na porção leste da América do Sul e Oceano Atlântico adjacente ao longo do Holoceno (últimos 12.000 anos). Para isso, os efeitos de forçantes naturais sobre a variabilidade climática foram investigados em três escalas temporais: (i) milenar-centenária: efeitos de pulsos de degelo no Oceano Atlântico, e de variações nas forçantes solar e orbital sobre o modo dipolar subtropical do Atlântico sul e consequências sobre a precipitação, durante o Holoceno; (ii) cenário médio: efeitos de diferenças na forçante orbital em relação ao clima presente sobre a precipitação média no continente, durante o Holoceno médio (6.000 anos atrás), por meio de uma compilação de dados paleoclimáticos inédita para esse período, e comparação com resultados de simulações numéricas; (iii) multidecadal: efeitos de variações na forçante vulcânica ao longo do último milênio (850 a 1850 da Era Comum) sobre a variabilidade do modo equatorial do Atlântico e consequências sobre a precipitação na América do Sul. Os resultados mostraram efeitos dos eventos de rápido resfriamento do Hemisfério norte na variabilidade do modo dipolar subtropical do Atlântico sul, com consequências principalmente sobre a precipitação do Nordeste do Brasil. O cenário médio para o Holoceno médio apontou déficit hídrico na porção leste da América do Sul durante esse período, relacionado com menor quantidade de insolação de verão recebida pelo Hemisfério sul. A dificuldade na coleta de testemunhos marinhos foi identificada como um dos principais limitantes em estudos paleoclimáticos. O vulcanismo explosivo observado no último milênio resfriou a região tropical no ano da erupção, e enfraqueceu a relação entre a precipitação na porção leste da América do Sul e o modo equatorial do Atlântico. Finalmente, a presente tese demonstrou, por meio de comparações dados-modelo, a importância do Oceano Atlântico no regimes de chuva da América do Sul em diversas escalas temporais para climas onde a forçante antropogênica era pouco significativa. 195 pp. / This work investigates the air-sea interaction processes in eastern South America and the adjacent Atlantic Ocean for the Holocene (past 12,000 years). The effects of the natural forcings on climate variability were investigated in three time-scales: (i) millennial-to-centennial: effects of Atlantic meltwater pulses and changes in the solar and orbital forcings on the South Atlantic subtropical dipole, and rainfall impacts during the Holocene; (ii) mid-Holocene scenario: effects of changes in the orbital forcing, in comparison to the present-day conditions, on mean precipitation over the continent, during the mid-Holocene (6,000 years ago). This was achieved through an unpublished multiproxy compilation and comparison with numerical experiments; (iii) multidecadal: effects of changes in the volcanic forcing along the past millennium (850 to 1850 Common Era) on the variability of the Atlantic equatorial mode and consequences on precipitation over South America. Results show effects of the Northern Hemisphere cooling events on the variability of the South Atlantic subtropical dipole, with impacts mainly over Northeastern Brazil\'s rainfall. The mid-Holocene scenario results indicate a water deficit in eastern South America during this period related to a decrease in Southern Hemisphere summer insolation. The difficulty in marine cores sampling is identified as one of the main problems in current paleoclimate studies. The explosive volcanism observed during the past millennium cooled the tropical regions at the year of the volcanic eruption, and weakened the relation between the precipitation in eastern South America and the Atlantic equatorial mode. This thesis shows through data-model approaches the importance of the Atlantic Ocean on South America precipitation regimes in the climate timescales where the anthropogenic forcing was not so relevant. 195 pp.
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Méthodologie de compilation d'algorithmes de traitement du signal pour les processeurs en virgule fixe sous contrainte de précisionMénard, Daniel 12 December 2002 (has links) (PDF)
L'implantation efficace des algorithmes de traitement numérique du signal (TNS) dans les systèmes embarqués requiert l'utilisation de l'arithmétique virgule fixe afin de satisfaire les contraintes de coût, de consommation et d'encombrement exigées par ces applications. Le codage manuel des données en virgule fixe est une tâche fastidieuse et source d'erreurs. De plus, la réduction du temps de mise sur le marché des applications exige l'utilisation d'outils de développement de haut niveau, permettant d'automatiser certaines tâches. Ainsi, le développement de méthodologies de codage automatique des données en virgule fixe est nécessaire. Dans le cadre des processeurs programmables de traitement du signal, la méthodologie doit déterminer le codage optimal, permettant de maximiser la précision et de minimiser le temps d'exécution et la taille du code. L'objectif de ce travail de recherche est de définir une nouvelle méthodologie de compilation d'algorithmes spécifiés en virgule flottante au sein d'architectures programmables en virgule fixe sous contrainte de respect des critères de qualité associés à l'application. Ce travail de recherche s'articule autour de trois points principaux. Le premier aspect de notre travail a consisté à définir la structure de la méthodologie. L'analyse de l'influence de l'architecture sur la précision des calculs montre la nécessité de tenir compte de l'architecture cible pour obtenir une implantation optimisée d'un point de vue du temps d'exécution et de la précision. De plus, l'étude de l'interaction entre les phases de compilation et de codage des données permet de définir le couplage nécessaire entre les phases de conversion en virgule fixe et le processus de génération de code. Le second aspect de ce travail de recherche concerne l'évaluation de la précision au sein d'un système en virgule fixe à travers la détermination du Rapport Signal à Bruit de Quantification (RSBQ). Une méthodologie permettant de déterminer automatiquement l'expression analytique du RSBQ en fonction du format des données en virgule fixe est proposée. Dans un premier temps, un nouveau modèle de bruit est présenté. Ensuite, les concepts théoriques pour déterminer la puissance du bruit de quantification en sortie des systèmes linéaires et des systèmes non-linéaires et non-récursifs sont détaillés. Finalement, la méthodologie mise en oeuvre pour obtenir automatiquement l'expression du RSBQ dans le cadre des systèmes linéaires est exposée. Le troisième aspect de ce travail de recherche correspond à la mise en oeuvre de la méthodologie de codage des données en virgule fixe. Dans un premier temps, la dynamique des données est déterminée à l'aide d'une approche analytique combinant deux techniques différentes. Ces informations sur la dynamique permettent de déterminer la position de la virgule de chaque donnée en tenant compte de la présence éventuelle de bits de garde au sein de l'architecture. Pour obtenir un format des données en virgule fixe complet, la largeur de chaque donnée est déterminée en prenant en compte l'ensemble des types des données manipulées au sein du DSP. La méthode sélectionne la séquence d'instructions permettant de fournir une précision suffisante en sortie de l'algorithme et de minimiser le temps d'exécution du code. La dernière phase du processus de codage correspond à l'optimisation du format des données en vue d'obtenir une implantation plus efficace. Les différentes opérations de recadrage sont déplacées afin de minimiser le temps d'exécution global tant que la précision en sortie de l'algorithme est supérieure à la contrainte. Deux types de méthode ont été mis en {\oe}uvre en fonction des capacités de parallélisme au niveau instruction de l'architecture ciblée. Cette méthodologie a été testée sur différents algorithmes de traitement numérique du signal présents au sein des systèmes de radio-communications de troisième génération. Les résultats obtenus montrent l'intérêt de notre méthodologie pour réduire le temps de développement des systèmes en virgule fixe.
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台灣文化創意產業智慧財產之法律保護與藝術授權-以國立故宮博物院為例 / Legal protection and art licensing of cultural creative industries in Taiwan-case study on national palace museum周欣嫻, Chou,Cindy H. Unknown Date (has links)
本研究將從法律及管理觀點,分析博物館文物典藏品影像檔案的法律性質,介紹大英博物館及法國羅浮宮的藏品影像授權商品業務的經營經驗,並以國立故宮博物院為例,說明博物館數位文物圖檔授權對於文化創意產業所發展發揮之效益,也透過廠商訪談獲得對於其現行授權業務營運之意見。本研究最後也對於現行典藏機構之藏品影像管理及授權業務提出幾點建議:針對不當使用行為主張法律上權利予以制止、創設特別權利保護資料庫、權利管理電子資訊及防盜拷措施保護條款之準用、積極開發潛在智慧財產,以獲得法律保護、公正、公開、公平地經營藏品影像授權業務、鬆綁或彈性適用法令程序,設計多元且適合的商業模式、平等、互惠、雙贏的合作條件、創造衍生著作、創造附加價值、確認藏品影像品質並因應不同用途進行標準化、及透過網路、集中管理典藏產出之影像檔案等建議。 / Technology of Digitalization has improved the enforcement of National Digital Archives Program. The outcomes of NDAP bridged the conserving authorities and the industries and inspired their commercial interactions. Domestic conserving authorities, which are usually museums or galleries, should promote and manage the outcomes in a positive way for the industries to make use of. This paper explains the legal protection, especially intellectual property laws, of the image of the painting, calligraphy, antique or other historical artwork. The experiences of operating commercial business of the British Museum and the Louvre Museum are introduced. Then, this paper takes National Palace Museum as an example, to investigate its commercial business related to the licensing of artworks images, and to gather the opinions from its cooperating enterprises. In the end, the paper submits several suggestions on legal and managing point of view about the operation of art images to the conserving authorities.
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