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Conflicting Goal and its Impact on the Level of Supply Chain Integration between Supply Chain Partners in the Automotive Industry – From Manufacturing SME’s PerspectivePAQARIZI, DORUNTINA, HSU, YA-HUI January 2013 (has links)
Business Administration, Business Process & Supply Chain Management, Degree Project (master), 15 higher education credits, 4FE06E, Spring 2013 Authors: Doruntina Pacarizi and Ya-Hui Hsu Tutor: Petra Andersson Title: Conflicting Goal and its Impact on the Level of Supply Chain Integration between Supply Chain Partners in the Automotive Industry – From Manufacturing SME’s Perspective Background: Supply chain integration assists SMEs to improve their operational performance, however the existing theories in supply chain integration are mostly from the LEs perspective. Therefore this thesis chose to focus on the level of supply chain integration from manufacturing SMEs perspective. Nevertheless supply chain integration is not simple due to conflicting goal, which exists between supply chain partners. Based on previous knowledge, the level of supply chain integration is affected by conflicting goal, which exits between supply chain partners. We believe that this is based on how the conflicting goal has been managed. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to obtain an understanding if the level of integration in the automotive industry between the manufacturing SME and its customer is affected by how the conflicting has been managed. Method: This thesis is a multiple case study and was conducted with a deductive approach. The empirical findings were gathered through qualitative interviews with semi-structured interview guides. Conclusions: The conclusions of this thesis are that the level of supply chain integration, which exists between manufacturing SME and its customer, is low/medium. Furthermore, the conflicting goal, which exists between these partners, are that the demand of delivery and volume flexibility, storage flexibility, demand of quality level and the relatively high manufacturing complexity as well as downstream complexity. Finally, the result of this thesis shows that the level of supply chain integration is affected by how the conflicting goal has been managed.
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Die rol van die openbare bestuurder in die ontwikkeling van 'n organisasiekultuur : 'n normatiewe beskouing (Afrikaans)Holtzhausen, Natasja 03 August 2006 (has links)
AFRIKAANS: Die Suid-Afrikaanse owerheid het 'n verantwoordelikheid in die lewering van dienste ter bevrediging van bepaalde behoeftes van die samelewing. Openbare bestuurders in die Suid-Afrikaanse staatsdiens behoort oor besondere vermoëns en kwaliteite te beskik om die staatsdiens doeltreffend in 'n vinnig veranderde omgewing te bestuur ten einde gemeenskapsbehoeftes te bevredig. Dit is die verantwoordelikheid van elke open bare bestuurder om die toegekende organisasie-eenhede doeltreffend te bestuur. Die openbare bestuurder kan nie na willekeur die administratiewe en openbare bestuursaktiwiteite uitoefen nie. Die normatiewe rigsnoere van eerbiediging van die oppergesag, openbare aanspreeklikheid en verantwoordelikheid, openbare doeltreffendheid, die toepassing van die administratiefreg, eerbiediging van samelewingswaardes, hoe etiese norme en standaarde, asook sosiale gelykstelling en geregtigheid moet deurentyd deur die openbare bestuurder gehandhaaf word. Die doel met hierdie verhandeling is om die rol van die openbare bestuurder in die ontwikkeling van 'n organisasiekultuur te bepaal. Die woorde "organisasie", "organisasie-ontwikkeling" en "organisasiekultuur" het 'n direkte invloed op die verhandeling en daarom is genoemde woorde duidelik omskryf en betekenisse daaraan gekoppel. Die openbare sektor is dinamies en die departemente word aan voortdurende veranderinge blootgestel wat tot herorganisering lei wat weer 'n invloed op die organisasiekultuur uitoefen. Organisasies kan nie op dieselfde wyse hervorm word nie en daarom verskil kulture van organisasie tot organisasie. In die organisasie vorm daar soms subgroepe wat oor sterk subkulture beskik en openbare bestuurders behoort hierdie subgroepe tot voordeel van die organisasie aan te wend deur byvoorbeeld gesonde kompetisie tussen die onderskeie subgroepe aan te moedig. Daar bestaan geen “beste” tegniek vir die bestuur van kultuurverandering nie. Elke openbare bestuurder behoort dus die tegniek te kies of tegnieke te kombineer wat die beste by sy of haar spesifieke omstandighede sal inpas. Openbare bestuurders behoort 'n positiewe ingesteldheid rakende die organisasiekultuur aan die res van die organisasielede oor te dra. Die openbare bestuurder in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks funksioneer in 'n milieu wat verskeie eise stel. Omgewingsfaktore in die staatsdiens bly nooit konstant nie en veranderinge, in byvoorbeeld, die politieke, sosiale, ekonomiese en tegnologiese omgewing het teweeg gebring dat die kultuur van die organisasie beïnvloed word en moet op so 'n wyse bestuur word dat dit tot voordeel van die organisasie en die samelewing is. Die veranderde omgewing waarbinne die openbare bestuurder optree, vereis die bestuur van die organisasiekultuur. Openbare bestuurders behoort 'n bewuswording in die organisasie rakende die organisasiekultuur te skep en tot die besef kom dat die organisatoriese, kulturele en strategiese veranderingsprosesse bestuur moet word ten einde gestelde doelwitte te bereik. ENGLISH: The South African government has a responsibility in the rendering of essential services to satisfy certain needs of the community. Public managers employed by the South African civil service ought to possess specific abilities and qualities to manage the civil service effectively in a rapidly changing environment. It is the responsibility of each public manager to manage the allocated organizational unit under his authority. Public managers may not conduct the administrative and public management activities in a random way. The normative guidelines of honouring the political supremacy, public accountability and responsibility, application of the administrative law, honouring community values, upholding high ethical norms, as well as social equality and justice should continuously be maintained by the public manager. The objective of this paper is to determine the role of the public manager in developing an organizational culture. The meaning of the word “organization”, “organizational development” and “organizational culture” has a direct influence on the objective of this paper and therefore these words have been clearly defined and explained. The civil service is dynamic and the departments are subjedt to change. This leads to re-organization, which in turn will influence the organizational culture. Organizations can not be reformed in a similar manner, and therefore, cultures vary among different organizations. Groups with strong subcultures may develop within the existing organizational culture and the public manager should utilize these subcultures to the advantage of the organization by establishing, for example, healthy competition among these groups. A “best” technique to manage an organizational culture does not exist, and each public manager should select a technique or combination of techniques appropriate to the specific situation. Public managers should convey a positive attitude towards the organizational culture and towards his/her subordinates. The public manager in the South African civil service functions in a milieu that holds many challenges. Environmental factors in the civil service constantly change, and changes in the political, social, economic and technological environments influence the organizational culture and has to be managed in such a way that it is advantageous to the organization and society. The changing environment, in which the South African Public Service operates, demands the management of an organizational culture. Public managers should develop a cultural awareness and realize that organizational, cultural and strategic change processes should be managed in order to reach the set objectives. / Dissertation (MA (Public Administration))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / School of Public Management and Administration (SPMA) / Unrestricted
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Diskussionsbeitrag zu einem methodischen Ansatz für Entscheidungen in Zielkonflikten während der Konzeptphase der Entwicklung automatisierter ProduktionsanlagenLochmann, Peter, Majschak, Jens-Peter 06 September 2021 (has links)
Die wesentlichen Eigenschaften eines technischen Systems werden bereits in der Konzeptphase durch die Auswahl von Lösungsprinzipien vorbestimmt. Bei der Entwicklung automatisierter Produktionsanlagen stehen dabei die vier Zielgrößen Qualität, Zeit, Kosten und Flexibilität im Fokus. In der Literatur wird angenommen, dass zwischen diesen Anforderungen ein Zielkonflikt besteht, der von den Eigenschaften eines technischen Systems herrührt und die gleichzeitige Optimierung einer Anlage bzgl. aller vier Zielgrößen unmöglich macht. In diesem Beitrag wird deshalb ein methodischer Ansatz zu Diskussion gestellt, der die Untersuchung des Zielkonfliktes im konkreten Anwendungsfall ermöglicht und eine Entscheidungshilfe bei der Auswahl von Lösungskonzepten bieten kann. Ausgangspunkt ist ein dynamisches Systemmodell der Wechselwirkung zwischen Produkt und Produktionsanlage, sowie ein Ansatz zur Konzeptauswahl auf Grundlage der Polyoptimierung. Mit Hilfe parametrischer Modellbildung und Simulation kann die Entwicklungsaufgabe als mehrkriterielles Optimierungsproblem formuliert werden.
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“Man vänder ut och in på sig själv” : En kvalitativ studie om butikschefers upplevelse av motstridiga krav ochförväntningar under Covid-19-pandeminHammarstedt Ringmar, Alva, Pärlefalk Bergqvist, Elina January 2022 (has links)
The covid-19-pandemic has affected many companies and businesses in society, the retail business being one of them. The pandemic has caused a decrease in sales and many stores have had to make staff reductions. The responsibility of managing the store, as well as managing the changing work conditions, lands in the hands of the store managers. Previous research shows that the middle management position is a vulnerable position where they constantly have to adapt to and handle different interests, particularly during a time full of change. The purpose of the study is to contribute to knowledge about how the covid-19-pandemic affect the store managers work role and leadership, focusing on the conflicting demands and expectations that are integral parts of the middle management position. The empiric material has been gathered through qualitative interviews with store managers in retail, specifically within clothing,cosmetics and shoe retail. The basis for the analysis of the data is a collective theoretical framework regarding sociological ambivalence and sociological coping. The result of the studyshows that the pandemic has resulted in changed work conditions mainly due to temporary and permanent staff reductions. The changed work conditions has led to intensified conflicting demands for the store managers causing them to experience a role conflict, a conflict of values, and conflict between goals and means. Moreover, the study shows that the store managers have handled the conflicting demands and expectations by switching between roles, accepting the intensified demands, seeking support from upper management and co-workers, and to some extent by attempting to make change and set boundaries. The study indicates that the storemanagers work involves incompatible demands and expectations that they are attempting to meet, as a result the store managers feel that they are stretched to their limit. / Den rådande covid-19-pandemin har påverkat många företag och branscher i samhället, däribland handelsbranschen. Pandemin har resulterat i minskad försäljning och många butiker har behövt göra personalneddragningar. Ansvaret för att driva butiken och hantera de förändrade arbetsförhållandena hamnar i knät på butikscheferna. Tidigare forskning visar att mellanchefspositionen är en utsatt position där de ständigt måste förhålla sig till och hantera olika intressen, särskilt under en tid av förändring. Studien syftar därmed till att bidra med kunskap om hur covid-19-pandemin påverkar butikschefens yrkesroll och ledarskap, med ett fokus på de motstridiga krav och förväntningar som inbegrips i mellanchefspositionen. Det empiriska materialet har samlats in genom kvalitativa intervjuer med butikschefer inom sällanköpshandeln. Grunden för analysen av datamaterialet är ett samlat teoretiskt ramverk om sociologisk ambivalens och sociologisk coping. Studiens resultat visar att pandemin har resulterat i förändrade arbetsförhållanden främst i form av permitteringar och personalneddragningar. De förändrade arbetsförhållandena har lett till en intensifiering av motstridiga krav och förväntningar på butikscheferna vilket gör att de upplever rollkonflikt, värderingskonflikt och konflikt mellan mål och medel. Vidare visar resultatet att butikscheferna hanterat motstridiga krav och förväntningar genom att växla mellanrollfunktioner, acceptera intensifieringen av kraven, söka stöd från ledning och kollegor samt till viss del försöka förändra och sätta gränser. Studien indikerar att butikschefernas arbete präglas av yttre inkompatibla krav och förväntningar som de försöker möta, vilket resulterar i butikschefernas upplevelse av att de vänder ut och in på sig själva.
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Kriminalvårdarens yrkesroll : En kvalitativ studie om kriminalvårdares upplevelser om vilka förväntningar som finns på deras yrkesroll / The professional role of the prison guard : A qualitative study of prison guard’s perceptions of what expectations may exist for their professional roleNord, Ellen, Svensson, Emma January 2021 (has links)
En kriminalvårdare bemöter många olika förväntningar på sig i sin yrkesroll, och att veta vad som förväntas av en är en viktig faktor för arbetsmiljön och hälsan. Därav är syftet med denna studie att undersöka kriminalvårdares upplevelser om vilka förväntningar som finns på deras yrkesroll inom organisationen och vilka negativa konsekvenser detta kan medföra. Studien tillämpar också frågan i ett genusperspektiv och studerar om förväntningarna skiljer sig åt mellan kvinnor och män. Teoretiska utgångspunkter som används i studien är det dramaturgiska perspektivet, genusteorier, emotionellt arbete,konformitet samt ingrupp- och utgrupp. Metoden som används är en kvalitativ metod i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer där tio respondenter mellan 23 – 50 år deltar. Därefter görs en analys med hjälp av tematisk analysmetod. Resultatet visar att det finns motstridiga förväntningar på yrkesrollen i form av en vårdande roll samt en kontrollerande roll. Det framkommer att genusskillnader finns på så sätt att manliga kriminalvårdare förväntas inta den kontrollerande rollen medan den kvinnliga förväntas inta den vårdande rollen. Resultatet visar att förväntningarna medför negativa konsekvenser för den enskilde kriminalvårdaren i form av emotionella påfrestningar samt att de kan behöva gå emot sina egna värderingar. Negativa konsekvenser visar sig också i form av konflikter inom personalgruppen där det uppstår vi-mot-dem. / A prison guard meets many different expectations in his or her professional role, and to knowing what is expected of yourself is an important factor for the work environment and health. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine prison guard’s perceptions of what expectations there are of their professional role within the organization and what negative consequences this may entail. The study also applies the issue in a gender perspective and studies whether expectations differ between women and men. Theoretical starting points used in the study are the dramaturgical perspective, gender theories, emotional work, conformity and in-group and out-group. The method used is a qualitative method in terms of semi-structured interviews in which ten respondents between the ages of 23-50 participate. Then an analysis is made using a thematic analysis method. The results show that there are conflicting expectations of the professional role in terms of a caring role and a controlling role. It appears that gender differences exist in such a way that male prison guards take the controlling role while the female guards takes the caring role. The results show that the expectations have negative consequences for the individual prison guard in terms of emotional strain guard and they also have to go against their own values. Negative consequences also manifest themselves in terms of conflicts within the working group where we-against-them occurs.
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Öppet och stängt samtidigt? - En studie om Systembolagets strategier för att skapa och vidmakthålla legitimitet i en komplex omgivningWachtmeister, Andrea, Rosendahl, Melina January 2023 (has links)
Systembolaget är en organisation som navigerar i en komplex miljö där hänsyn behöver tas till olika intressenters intressen samt samhällsuppdraget de blivit tilldelade av staten. I den komplexa miljön kan det vara svårt för organisationen att hantera sin legitimitet. Denna studie syftar till att ge en djupare förståelse för hur Systembolaget arbetar för att skapa och vidmakthålla legitimitet, ur ett intressentperspektiv, där organisationen förhåller sig till sitt samhällsuppdrag. Studien realiseras genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med ett urval av butikschefer från Systembolaget samt med en medarbetare från huvudkontoret. Dessa analyseras med hjälp av uppsatsens analysmodell och temana: intressenter, motstridiga och ovillkorliga intressen samt organisationens strategier för att skapa och vidmakthålla legitimitet. Av studien framgår det att samhällsuppdraget, å ena sidan, är en väsentlig aspekt i Systembolagets arbete för att hantera legitimitet. Å andra sidan begränsar samhällsuppdraget Systembolagets möjligheter och handlingsutrymme att tillgodose sina intressenters intressen. Sammantaget arbetar Systembolaget på olika sätt för att skapa och vidmakthålla legitimitet när de arbetar i enlighet med samhällsuppdraget.
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Blir det en sämre soppa av för många kockar? : En kvalitativ undersökning om hur konflikterande styrsignaler påverkar socialsekreterares välmående på arbetsplatsen / Will too many chefs spoil the soup? : A qualitative study of how conflicting control signals can affect the well-being of social workers in the workplaceAndersson, Emma, Pererasson, Niroshani January 2022 (has links)
Den offentliga sektorn är i hög grad skattefinansierad, vilket ställer krav på att resurserna ska användas på ett så effektivt sätt som möjligt. Detta har lett till att den offentliga verksamheten i dag styrs från olika håll och på olika sätt. Tidigare forskning om komplexa styrsystem visar att det finns en risk att det uppstår konflikter mellan olika styrsignaler. Hur detta påverkar professionella medarbetare är outforskat. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur konflikterande styrsignaler påverkar professionella medarbetares välmående på deras arbetsplats. För att besvara syftet med uppsatsen har vi genomfört en kvalitativ intervjustudie på socialsekreterare inom familje- och individomsorgen. Valet av socialsekreterare grundade sig på att de är en yrkesgrupp som utsätts för olika styrsignaler som också visar på ett försämrat välbefinnande på arbetsplatsen över tid. Det är en yrkesroll vars arbete är lagstyrt och kan vara kostnadsdrivande, vilket kan påverka budgetens utfall. Fokus i studien var att undersöka om socialsekreterarna upplevde konflikterande styrning och om den i sådana fall påverkade deras välmående på arbetsplatsen. Sammanlagt intervjuades nio socialsekreterare. Studien visar att socialsekreterare upplever konflikterande styrsignaler som påverkar deras välmående på arbetsplatsen. Det framgår även att överordnade chefers förhållningssätt och agerande är viktiga faktorer som kan minska effekten på välmående på grund av konflikterande styrsignalerna. Hur den konflikterande styrningen påverkar socialsekreterarnas välmående varierade. Vissa menade att välmående påverkas av den konflikterande styrningen, medan andra visade motsatsen. / The public sector is largely tax-financed, which requires resources to be used in the most efficient way possible. This has led to public activities today being governed from different directions and in different ways. Previous research on complex control systems shows that there is a risk of conflicts between different control signals. How this affects professional employees is unexplored. The purpose of the thesis is to investigate how conflicting control signals affect the well-being of professional employees in their workplace. To answer the purpose of the essay, a qualitative interview study was conducted on social workers in family and individual care. The choice of social workers was based on the fact that they are a professional group that is exposed to various control signals that also show a deterioration in well-being in the workplace over time. It is a professional role whose work is governed by law and can be cost driving, which can affect the outcome of the budget. The focus of the study was to investigate whether the social secretaries experienced conflicting governance and whether in such cases it affected their well-being in the workplace. A total of nine social secretaries were interviewed.The study shows that social workers experience conflicts in control signals that affect their well-being in the workplace. It also turns out that the attitudes and actions of senior managers are important factors that can reduce the effect on well-being due to the conflicting control signals. How the conflicts in control signals affected the well-being of the social workers varied. Some argued that well-being was affected by conflicting control signals, while others showed the opposite.
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Wirtschaft und Nachhaltigkeit als Zielkonflikt bei der Entwicklung zirkulärer Textilien: Ein Beispiel aus der angewandten DesignforschungTomovic, Tina, Hügli, Joel 21 January 2025 (has links)
Rahmenwerkzeuge zur Orientierung
Tuftteppich Prototyp
Zielkonflikte sind Teil von Entwicklungen
Designer:innen als teil der Lösung
Referenzen / Die Textilwirtschaft sieht sich mit grossen Herausforderungen konfrontiert in der Erreichung von Nachhaltigkeitszielen. Neben neuen Konsummustern und Geschäftsmodellen müssen insbesondere die produktionsbasierten Emissionen verringert werden. Eine Möglichkeit hierfür, basierend auf dem Modell der Kreislaufwirtschaft, ist der Ersatz von Rohstoffen durch rezyklierte Fasern. Die vorliegende Arbeit betrachtet Zielsetzungen zur Integration von Recyclingfasern in der Produktgestaltung aus ökonomischer und
ökologischer Perspektive. Anhand von drei konkreten Prototypen, die im Forschungsprojekt Texcircle realisiert wurden, wird das erarbeitete Designbriefing erläutert sowie die tatsächlich erreichten Ziele daran gespiegelt, die in Funktionsprototypen validiert werden konnten. Bereits während der Prototypenentwicklung zeigten sich Zielkonflikte zwischen wirtschaftlichem Denken und Nachhaltigkeitsbestrebungen, die zu Kompromissen im Designbriefing führten. Diese Zielkonflikte konnten im Anschluss an das Projekt mit diesem Text reflektiert werden. Der Designrolle kam innerhalb des Forschungsprojektes eine Vermittlungsposition zwischen ökologischer und ökonomischer Perspektive zu. Für die Zukunft gilt es zu klären, inwieweit Designschaffende innerhalb dieser Konflikte agieren und steuern können. Hierfür erachtet es die Autorenschaft als essenziell das Design in Unternehmen auf einer strategischen Wirkungsebene zu platzieren.:Einführung
Rahmenwerkzeuge zur Orientierung
Tuftteppich Prototyp
Zielkonflikte sind Teil von Entwicklungen
Designer:innen als teil der Lösung
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Průzkum ohrožení personálu při poskytování zdravotních služeb / The research of personnel endangerment during providing of health serviceLOJKOVÁ, Michaela January 2019 (has links)
This thesis is aimed at aggressive and violent behaviour of patients towards general nurses. Theoretical part of this thesis contains chapters which are dealing with direct aggression, its' causes and also with possible defences, preventive elements and principles, which are necessary to be used in contact and communication with conflicting patient. Because this research is focused on general nurses, one chapter is also dedicated to this profession and its' difficulties. The practical part was realized by means of quantitative research. Created questionnaire was placed on the webpage of České Budějovice hospital where it could be filled by nurses for a period of one month. Data obtained from respondents were subsequently processed into tables and graphs and statistically evaluated. The aim of this thesis was to map the problem of violence and aggression of patients towards general nurses in their profession at České Budějovice Hospital a. s., to describe the problematics of patient aggression in healthcare and through method to find out the experience of general nurses with aggressive behaviour of their patients. According to this research, 95 % of respondents encountered aggressive behaviour of the patient during the last year. 94,5 % of respondents encountered aggressive behaviour of verbal character and 70 % with aggressive behaviour of physical character. According to the research, it was also found that respondents had more experience with aggressive behaviour from male population than from female population. Respondents from the hospital are regularly trained in dealing with conflicting patient. However, the research showed that the respondents would welcome a greater intensity of training on this subject. More than half of respondents perceive the deficit in training in communication with a conflicting patient.
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Institutional or not? : Municipally-Owned Enterprises’ Quest forLegitimacy among Stakeholders andConflicting GoalsElfgren, Oscar, Persson, Magdalena January 2019 (has links)
Purpose: While research on state-owned enterprises (SOEs) have been lagging, even less can be found on municipally-owned enterprises (MOEs). The authors intend to use literature covering SOEs and apply them on MOEs in an analogue fashion. This study aims to uncover similarities and differences between the two aforementioned types of public ownership and contribute to the field of MOEs. This would allow for future researchers of MOEs to know in what way previous findings on SOEs is accurate and where extra caution must be placed. The authors will also consider the implications of institutional theory and how this can be used to understand the reality MOEs find themselves in. Design/methodology/approach: The authors has employed a qualitative approach where eleven MOEs have been interviewed. All of the eleven enterprises were located in the Swedish province of Värmland. The interviews were conducted in a semi-structured fashion and the analysis was achieved through a mix of selective and open coding. Findings: Enterprises matched expectations from stakeholders, where higher demands were met with greater social care and lower expectations facilitated a business approach. Furthermore, enterprises viewed their owners as the most important stakeholders and were willing to make decisions that favored them, even if other stakeholder groups disbenefit from this. Furthermore, a combination of actively searching for legitimacy and relying on institutional theory was employed by the MOEs, which could possibly contribute to institutional theory. Research limitations/implications for future research: Further research into these matters are of interest to build on the understanding of SOEs and apply them to MOEs. It is suggested to conduct a study including MOEs of greater size, as most organizations included in this study were too small to ‘successfully’ implement non-acquiescence matters such as decoupling and mission drift. Furthermore, a case-study of a single organization would perhaps shed some light on this matter, as this study’s focus on eleven enterprises has a bit of a tendency to only scratch the surface.
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