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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


LEONARDO BRUNO MARINHO VIDIGAL 17 August 2017 (has links)
[pt] Esta tese pretende contribuir para a melhor compreensão e aplicação do denominado direito ao esquecimento na sociedade contemporânea, notadamente caracterizada pela intensa circulação de informações viabilizada pela permanente evolução tecnológica. Para o desenvolvimento do estudo foi necessário tecer considerações críticas à expressão utilizada no Brasil para identificar o direito em exame, conceituá-lo como uma forma de restrição à ilimitada divulgação de informações individuais pretéritas e desprovidas de interesse público, além de definir sua configuração jurídica de direito fundamental da personalidade decorrente da cláusula geral de tutela da dignidade humana. A partir do reconhecimento de evidentes limites para a aplicação do direito ao esquecimento e considerada a tutela da vida privada em seu viés atual, de controle sobre a circulação de informações relativas aos indivíduos, entende-se não apenas possível como também fundamental a plena tutela do direito tratado na tese. Dada a magnitude do papel atualmente desempenhado pela Internet na comunicação social, defende-se, entre outras possibilidades de aplicação do direito ao esquecimento, o direito de o indivíduo requerer a exclusão de resultados das listas de links apresentadas após uma pesquisa, em provedores de busca, utilizando-se determinadas palavras ou expressões, ainda que tal exclusão não atinja também a fonte onde a informação foi originalmente divulgada. Ademais, o exame da legislação correlata ao tema, a análise de projetos de lei sobre a matéria, bem como a pesquisa da recente jurisprudência brasileira na aplicação do direito ao esquecimento foram métodos utilizados para se chegar à sugestão de critérios que possam ser adotados na ponderação entre os interesses eventualmente conflitantes à liberdade de expressão e à tutela dos direitos da personalidade. Em síntese, informações desatualizadas e irrelevantes sob a perspectiva do interesse público, cuja disseminação possa causar comprovados e injustos danos aos direitos da personalidade, não devem ser irrestritamente divulgadas, sob pena de configuração de notória violação à dignidade humana e, acrescente-se, sem que esta defendida limitação informativa possa ser considerada como prática análoga à tão condenável censura. / [en] This thesis intends to contribute for a better understanding and application of the so-called right to be forgotten in the contemporary society, notably characterized by the intense circulation of information made possible by the ongoing technological progress. In order to develop the study, it was necessary to weave critical considerations to the term used in Brazil to identify the right under review, conceptualize it as a way to restrict the unlimited disclosure of past individual information lacking public interest, as well as define its legal configuration of fundamental right of the personality resulting from the general clause of human dignity protection. From the recognition of clear limits for the application of the right to be forgotten and considering the protection of the private life in its current bias of control over the circulation of information regarding individuals, it is noticeable that it is not only possible but also fundamental to provide for the full protection of the right addressed in the thesis. Due to the magnitude of the role that is currently performed by the Internet in social communication, the right of an individual to require the exclusion of results from the lists of links presented after a search in search providers using certain words or terms, even if such exclusion fails to also reach the source where the information was originally disclosed, is defended, among other possibilities to apply the right to be forgotten. In addition to that, the analysis of the legislation related to the subject, the assessment of draft bills on the subject, as well as the survey of the recent Brazilian jurisprudence in the application of the right to be forgotten were methods used to get to the suggestion of criteria that may be adopted when pondering the possibly conflicting interests with freedom of expression and protection of personality rights. In short, outdated and irrelevant information under the perspective of public interest, whose dissemination may cause proven and unfair damages to the rights of personality, shall not beunrestrictedly disclosed, under the penalty of configuring notorious violation to human dignity and, moreover, not allowing that defended informative limitation to be considered a practice that is similar to the so condemnable censorship.

Rumo às novas relações entre o direito internacional dos direitos humanos e o direito interno : da exclusão à coexistência, da intransigência ao diálogo das fontes / Towards a new relationship between the international human rights law and the national law : from exclusion to coexistence, from intransigence to dialogue of sources / En direction aux nouveaux rapports entre le droit international des droits de l’homme et le droit interne : de l’exclusion à la coexistence, de l’intransigeance au dialogue des sources / Cammino verso le nuove relazioni tra il diritto internazionale dei diritti umani e il diritto interno : dalla esclusione alla coesistenza, dalla intransigenza al dialogo delle fonti

Mazzuoli, Valerio de Oliveira January 2008 (has links)
Les rapports entre le droit international des droits de l’homme et le droit interne sont devenus, à travers le temps, chaque fois plus complexes, en grande mesure dû aux conflits et antinomies qui naissent entre les règles des ces deux ordonnements quand de l’application, dans le plan du droit interne, d’un traité international de droits de l’homme. La doctrinne traditionnelle, acompagnée par la jurisprudence des tribunaux internes, ont résolu le problème par l’a application de méthodes aussi traditionnelles de solution d’antinomies, qui sont, le hierarchique, le chrolonogique et celui de la spécialité. Seulement quelque peu d’auteurs pensent que l’application de ces critères classiques ne suffisent plus aux besoins que l’ordre juridique pos-moderne exige, comme la coordination des règles de protection à fin de se trouver le “meilleur droit” dans le cas concret. Cette étude defend ce dernier point de vue, et l’auteur comprend que la solution pour les antinomies entre le droit international des droits de l’homme et le droit interne doit être atteint en cherchant la coexistence des sources de protection, plutôt de l’exclusion d’une pour l’autre dans un système intransigeant. Cette coexistence passe à être possible quand se comprend que le système international de protection des droits de l’homme “dialogue” avec le droit interne, toujours dans le sens de mieux proteger à la personne humaine sujet de droits. On propose la construction d’un système que non “choisit” une régle en exclusion de l’autre, mais que les coordonne et les unit en faveur de la protection du être humain, en consacration pleine au principe international pro homine. / Le relazioni tra il diritto internazionale dei diritti umani e il diritto interno sono divenute, col passare del tempo, sempre più complesse, principalmente a causa dei conflitti e le antinomie che sorgono tra le regole di questi due ordinamenti, in particolare, con riferimento all’applicazione, nel piano del diritto interno, di un trattato internazionale sui diritti umani. La dottrina tradizionale, seguita dalla giurisprudenza dei tribunali locali, ha risolto il problema attraverso l’applicazione di criteri tradizionali di soluzione di antinomie, quali siano, attraverso il criterio gerarchico, quello cronologico e della specialità. Appena pochi autori intendono che l’applicazione di questi criteri classici non soddisfa più le necessità che l’ordine giuridico post moderno esige, come quella della coordinazione delle regole di protezione al fine di applicare il “miglior diritto” al caso concreto. Questo studio difende questo ultimo punto di vista, intendendo l’Autore che la soluzione per le antinomie tra il diritto internazionale dei diritti umani e il diritto interno deve essere incontrata nella ricerca della coesistenza delle fonti di protezione, invece della esclusione di una per l’altra all’interno di un sistema intransigente. Questa coesistenza passa ad essere possibile quando si intende che il sistema internazionale di protezione dei diritti umani “dialoga” con il diritto interno, sempre nel senso di cercare la migliore protezione della persona umana, soggetto di diritti. Si difende la costruzione di un sistema che non “sceglie” una regola di esclusione per un’altra, ma che le coordina e le unisce a vantaggio della protezione dell’essere umano, consacrando il principio internazionale pro homine. / As relações entre o direito internacional dos direitos humanos e o direito interno têm se tornado, através dos tempos, cada vez mais complexas, em grande parte devido aos conflitos e antinomias que surgem entre as regras desses dois ordenamentos quando da aplicação, no plano do direito interno, de um tratado internacional de direitos humanos. A doutrina tradicional, acompanhada pela jurisprudência dos tribunais locais, tem resolvido o problema pela aplicação de critérios também tradicionais de solução de antinomias, quais sejam, o hierárquico, o cronológico e o da especialidade. Apenas alguns poucos autores entendem que a aplicação desses critérios clássicos não mais satisfaz às necessidades que a ordem jurídica pósmoderna está a exigir, como a coordenação das regras de proteção a fim de alcançarse o “melhor direito” no caso concreto. Este estudo defende este último ponto de vista, entendendo o Autor que a solução para as antinomias entre o direito internacional dos direitos humanos e o direito interno deve ser alcançada buscandose a coexistência das fontes de proteção, ao invés da exclusão de uma pela outra num sistema intransigente. Esta coexistência passa a ser possível quando se entende que o sistema internacional de proteção dos direitos humanos “dialoga” com o direito interno, sempre no sentido de melhor proteger a pessoa humana sujeito de direitos. Propugna-se pela construção de um sistema que não “escolhe” uma regra em exclusão de outra, mas que as coordena e as une em prol da proteção do ser humano, em franca consagração ao princípio internacional pro homine. / The relationship between international human rights law and national law has, over time, become ever more complex, in large measure due to the conflicts and antinomies that arise between the rules of these two systems regarding the application, in national law, of an international human rights treaty. The traditional doctrine, accompanied by the jurisprudence of local courts, has resolved the problem by the application of traditional criteria for solving antinomies, which are the hierarchical, the chronological and the specialization. Only a few authors understand that the application of these classical criteria no longer satisfies the necessities of the post-modern judicial order, such as the coordination of the protection rules in order to achieve the “best law” in a concrete case. This study defends this latter point of view, based on the principle that the antinomies between international human rights law and internal law should be solved through the coexistence of the protection sources, instead of excluding one by the other in an irreconcilable system. This coexistence becomes possible when one understands that the international system of protection for human rights “dialogues” with internal law, always in the sense of better protecting the human being who is the subject of rights. I argue for the construction of a system that does not “choose” one rule over another, but that coordinates and unites different rules in favor of the protection of the human being, in clear support of the international pro homine principle.

Onomastiese studie van skoolname by Afrikaansmediumskole

Marx, Isabella Elizabeth 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In hierdie verhandeling word skoolname as onderafdeling van die Onomastiek behandel. Die gee van skoolname is 'n amptelike aangeleentheid en daarom is die beleid onderliggend aan die handeling onder die loep geneem. Beleid bepaal die ortografiese aard van skoolname en die manifestasie daarvan is sosiolinguisties van belang. Skoolname, wat onder eiename ressorteer, is hoofsaaklik oor 'n semantiese en sosiolinguistiese boeg gegooi, daarom word terme soos verwysing, konvensie en agtergrondbeskrywing aan die hand van veral die teoriee van Devitt, Strawson en Kripke beskryf. Van Langendonck le veral klem op die pragmatiese aard van die eienaam en daarom vorm sy teorie, die hetekenisparadoks van die eienaam, 'n belangrike uitgangspunt by die konsepsuele en pragmatiese aard van skoolname. Die gee van name is In suiwer menslike handeling wat selde ooit ongemotiveer geskied. Die ontstaansmotiewe wat skoolnaamgewing ten grondslag le, word bespreek aan die hand van die verskillende kategoriee. Botsende sosiale faktore soos veral teweeggebring deur kulturele diversiteit beinvloed naamgewing en daarom verander name. Die faktore onderliggend aan naamsverandering word uitgelig en bespreek. Die moontlikheid om ten spyte van 'n multikulturele en multilinguistiese samelewing tog 'n nasionale identiteit te vertoon, word ten slotte ondersoek en bespreek. / In this dissertation, names of schools as a subdivision of Onomastics are dealt with. School names are researched mainly under the cloak of Semantics and Socio-linguistics. Therefore, terms like reference, convention and a backing of descriptions are referred to according to the theories of Devitt, Strawson and Kripke. Van Langendonck specifically emphasises the pragmatic nature of proper nouns in his theory the paradox of the meaning of proper nouns which is an important point of departure in the conceptual and pragmatic nature of the names of schools. The underlying motives in respect of school naming are categorized and discussed according to the motives of origin. Conflicting social factors play an important role in the naming of schools and therefore names also change. These changes are accentuated and discussed. The possibility for a country to reflect a national identity in spite of a multicultural and multilingual society, is explored and discussed. / Afrikaans and Theory of Literature / M.A. (Afrikaans)

Rumo às novas relações entre o direito internacional dos direitos humanos e o direito interno : da exclusão à coexistência, da intransigência ao diálogo das fontes / Towards a new relationship between the international human rights law and the national law : from exclusion to coexistence, from intransigence to dialogue of sources / En direction aux nouveaux rapports entre le droit international des droits de l’homme et le droit interne : de l’exclusion à la coexistence, de l’intransigeance au dialogue des sources / Cammino verso le nuove relazioni tra il diritto internazionale dei diritti umani e il diritto interno : dalla esclusione alla coesistenza, dalla intransigenza al dialogo delle fonti

Mazzuoli, Valerio de Oliveira January 2008 (has links)
Les rapports entre le droit international des droits de l’homme et le droit interne sont devenus, à travers le temps, chaque fois plus complexes, en grande mesure dû aux conflits et antinomies qui naissent entre les règles des ces deux ordonnements quand de l’application, dans le plan du droit interne, d’un traité international de droits de l’homme. La doctrinne traditionnelle, acompagnée par la jurisprudence des tribunaux internes, ont résolu le problème par l’a application de méthodes aussi traditionnelles de solution d’antinomies, qui sont, le hierarchique, le chrolonogique et celui de la spécialité. Seulement quelque peu d’auteurs pensent que l’application de ces critères classiques ne suffisent plus aux besoins que l’ordre juridique pos-moderne exige, comme la coordination des règles de protection à fin de se trouver le “meilleur droit” dans le cas concret. Cette étude defend ce dernier point de vue, et l’auteur comprend que la solution pour les antinomies entre le droit international des droits de l’homme et le droit interne doit être atteint en cherchant la coexistence des sources de protection, plutôt de l’exclusion d’une pour l’autre dans un système intransigeant. Cette coexistence passe à être possible quand se comprend que le système international de protection des droits de l’homme “dialogue” avec le droit interne, toujours dans le sens de mieux proteger à la personne humaine sujet de droits. On propose la construction d’un système que non “choisit” une régle en exclusion de l’autre, mais que les coordonne et les unit en faveur de la protection du être humain, en consacration pleine au principe international pro homine. / Le relazioni tra il diritto internazionale dei diritti umani e il diritto interno sono divenute, col passare del tempo, sempre più complesse, principalmente a causa dei conflitti e le antinomie che sorgono tra le regole di questi due ordinamenti, in particolare, con riferimento all’applicazione, nel piano del diritto interno, di un trattato internazionale sui diritti umani. La dottrina tradizionale, seguita dalla giurisprudenza dei tribunali locali, ha risolto il problema attraverso l’applicazione di criteri tradizionali di soluzione di antinomie, quali siano, attraverso il criterio gerarchico, quello cronologico e della specialità. Appena pochi autori intendono che l’applicazione di questi criteri classici non soddisfa più le necessità che l’ordine giuridico post moderno esige, come quella della coordinazione delle regole di protezione al fine di applicare il “miglior diritto” al caso concreto. Questo studio difende questo ultimo punto di vista, intendendo l’Autore che la soluzione per le antinomie tra il diritto internazionale dei diritti umani e il diritto interno deve essere incontrata nella ricerca della coesistenza delle fonti di protezione, invece della esclusione di una per l’altra all’interno di un sistema intransigente. Questa coesistenza passa ad essere possibile quando si intende che il sistema internazionale di protezione dei diritti umani “dialoga” con il diritto interno, sempre nel senso di cercare la migliore protezione della persona umana, soggetto di diritti. Si difende la costruzione di un sistema che non “sceglie” una regola di esclusione per un’altra, ma che le coordina e le unisce a vantaggio della protezione dell’essere umano, consacrando il principio internazionale pro homine. / As relações entre o direito internacional dos direitos humanos e o direito interno têm se tornado, através dos tempos, cada vez mais complexas, em grande parte devido aos conflitos e antinomias que surgem entre as regras desses dois ordenamentos quando da aplicação, no plano do direito interno, de um tratado internacional de direitos humanos. A doutrina tradicional, acompanhada pela jurisprudência dos tribunais locais, tem resolvido o problema pela aplicação de critérios também tradicionais de solução de antinomias, quais sejam, o hierárquico, o cronológico e o da especialidade. Apenas alguns poucos autores entendem que a aplicação desses critérios clássicos não mais satisfaz às necessidades que a ordem jurídica pósmoderna está a exigir, como a coordenação das regras de proteção a fim de alcançarse o “melhor direito” no caso concreto. Este estudo defende este último ponto de vista, entendendo o Autor que a solução para as antinomias entre o direito internacional dos direitos humanos e o direito interno deve ser alcançada buscandose a coexistência das fontes de proteção, ao invés da exclusão de uma pela outra num sistema intransigente. Esta coexistência passa a ser possível quando se entende que o sistema internacional de proteção dos direitos humanos “dialoga” com o direito interno, sempre no sentido de melhor proteger a pessoa humana sujeito de direitos. Propugna-se pela construção de um sistema que não “escolhe” uma regra em exclusão de outra, mas que as coordena e as une em prol da proteção do ser humano, em franca consagração ao princípio internacional pro homine. / The relationship between international human rights law and national law has, over time, become ever more complex, in large measure due to the conflicts and antinomies that arise between the rules of these two systems regarding the application, in national law, of an international human rights treaty. The traditional doctrine, accompanied by the jurisprudence of local courts, has resolved the problem by the application of traditional criteria for solving antinomies, which are the hierarchical, the chronological and the specialization. Only a few authors understand that the application of these classical criteria no longer satisfies the necessities of the post-modern judicial order, such as the coordination of the protection rules in order to achieve the “best law” in a concrete case. This study defends this latter point of view, based on the principle that the antinomies between international human rights law and internal law should be solved through the coexistence of the protection sources, instead of excluding one by the other in an irreconcilable system. This coexistence becomes possible when one understands that the international system of protection for human rights “dialogues” with internal law, always in the sense of better protecting the human being who is the subject of rights. I argue for the construction of a system that does not “choose” one rule over another, but that coordinates and unites different rules in favor of the protection of the human being, in clear support of the international pro homine principle.

Rumo às novas relações entre o direito internacional dos direitos humanos e o direito interno : da exclusão à coexistência, da intransigência ao diálogo das fontes / Towards a new relationship between the international human rights law and the national law : from exclusion to coexistence, from intransigence to dialogue of sources / En direction aux nouveaux rapports entre le droit international des droits de l’homme et le droit interne : de l’exclusion à la coexistence, de l’intransigeance au dialogue des sources / Cammino verso le nuove relazioni tra il diritto internazionale dei diritti umani e il diritto interno : dalla esclusione alla coesistenza, dalla intransigenza al dialogo delle fonti

Mazzuoli, Valerio de Oliveira January 2008 (has links)
Les rapports entre le droit international des droits de l’homme et le droit interne sont devenus, à travers le temps, chaque fois plus complexes, en grande mesure dû aux conflits et antinomies qui naissent entre les règles des ces deux ordonnements quand de l’application, dans le plan du droit interne, d’un traité international de droits de l’homme. La doctrinne traditionnelle, acompagnée par la jurisprudence des tribunaux internes, ont résolu le problème par l’a application de méthodes aussi traditionnelles de solution d’antinomies, qui sont, le hierarchique, le chrolonogique et celui de la spécialité. Seulement quelque peu d’auteurs pensent que l’application de ces critères classiques ne suffisent plus aux besoins que l’ordre juridique pos-moderne exige, comme la coordination des règles de protection à fin de se trouver le “meilleur droit” dans le cas concret. Cette étude defend ce dernier point de vue, et l’auteur comprend que la solution pour les antinomies entre le droit international des droits de l’homme et le droit interne doit être atteint en cherchant la coexistence des sources de protection, plutôt de l’exclusion d’une pour l’autre dans un système intransigeant. Cette coexistence passe à être possible quand se comprend que le système international de protection des droits de l’homme “dialogue” avec le droit interne, toujours dans le sens de mieux proteger à la personne humaine sujet de droits. On propose la construction d’un système que non “choisit” une régle en exclusion de l’autre, mais que les coordonne et les unit en faveur de la protection du être humain, en consacration pleine au principe international pro homine. / Le relazioni tra il diritto internazionale dei diritti umani e il diritto interno sono divenute, col passare del tempo, sempre più complesse, principalmente a causa dei conflitti e le antinomie che sorgono tra le regole di questi due ordinamenti, in particolare, con riferimento all’applicazione, nel piano del diritto interno, di un trattato internazionale sui diritti umani. La dottrina tradizionale, seguita dalla giurisprudenza dei tribunali locali, ha risolto il problema attraverso l’applicazione di criteri tradizionali di soluzione di antinomie, quali siano, attraverso il criterio gerarchico, quello cronologico e della specialità. Appena pochi autori intendono che l’applicazione di questi criteri classici non soddisfa più le necessità che l’ordine giuridico post moderno esige, come quella della coordinazione delle regole di protezione al fine di applicare il “miglior diritto” al caso concreto. Questo studio difende questo ultimo punto di vista, intendendo l’Autore che la soluzione per le antinomie tra il diritto internazionale dei diritti umani e il diritto interno deve essere incontrata nella ricerca della coesistenza delle fonti di protezione, invece della esclusione di una per l’altra all’interno di un sistema intransigente. Questa coesistenza passa ad essere possibile quando si intende che il sistema internazionale di protezione dei diritti umani “dialoga” con il diritto interno, sempre nel senso di cercare la migliore protezione della persona umana, soggetto di diritti. Si difende la costruzione di un sistema che non “sceglie” una regola di esclusione per un’altra, ma che le coordina e le unisce a vantaggio della protezione dell’essere umano, consacrando il principio internazionale pro homine. / As relações entre o direito internacional dos direitos humanos e o direito interno têm se tornado, através dos tempos, cada vez mais complexas, em grande parte devido aos conflitos e antinomias que surgem entre as regras desses dois ordenamentos quando da aplicação, no plano do direito interno, de um tratado internacional de direitos humanos. A doutrina tradicional, acompanhada pela jurisprudência dos tribunais locais, tem resolvido o problema pela aplicação de critérios também tradicionais de solução de antinomias, quais sejam, o hierárquico, o cronológico e o da especialidade. Apenas alguns poucos autores entendem que a aplicação desses critérios clássicos não mais satisfaz às necessidades que a ordem jurídica pósmoderna está a exigir, como a coordenação das regras de proteção a fim de alcançarse o “melhor direito” no caso concreto. Este estudo defende este último ponto de vista, entendendo o Autor que a solução para as antinomias entre o direito internacional dos direitos humanos e o direito interno deve ser alcançada buscandose a coexistência das fontes de proteção, ao invés da exclusão de uma pela outra num sistema intransigente. Esta coexistência passa a ser possível quando se entende que o sistema internacional de proteção dos direitos humanos “dialoga” com o direito interno, sempre no sentido de melhor proteger a pessoa humana sujeito de direitos. Propugna-se pela construção de um sistema que não “escolhe” uma regra em exclusão de outra, mas que as coordena e as une em prol da proteção do ser humano, em franca consagração ao princípio internacional pro homine. / The relationship between international human rights law and national law has, over time, become ever more complex, in large measure due to the conflicts and antinomies that arise between the rules of these two systems regarding the application, in national law, of an international human rights treaty. The traditional doctrine, accompanied by the jurisprudence of local courts, has resolved the problem by the application of traditional criteria for solving antinomies, which are the hierarchical, the chronological and the specialization. Only a few authors understand that the application of these classical criteria no longer satisfies the necessities of the post-modern judicial order, such as the coordination of the protection rules in order to achieve the “best law” in a concrete case. This study defends this latter point of view, based on the principle that the antinomies between international human rights law and internal law should be solved through the coexistence of the protection sources, instead of excluding one by the other in an irreconcilable system. This coexistence becomes possible when one understands that the international system of protection for human rights “dialogues” with internal law, always in the sense of better protecting the human being who is the subject of rights. I argue for the construction of a system that does not “choose” one rule over another, but that coordinates and unites different rules in favor of the protection of the human being, in clear support of the international pro homine principle.

The perceptions of Christian performers regarding their career advancement in the entertainment industry

Haarhoff, Marile Helene January 2014 (has links)
This study unveils the perceptions, real-life experiences and thought-processes of contract workers who dedicate their lives to the Christian faith, values and belief-system, but simultaneously endeavour to establish and follow a successful career in the volatile, cut-throat, non-Christian-based (“hedonistic”) occupational entertainment commerce. The researcher embarked on this study with a qualitative, interpretivist research approach. Data was gathered through in-depth, unstructured, face-to-face interviews with a sample of nine research participants. The sample consists of student entertainers; entertainers in the public eye, but not yet established; as well as entertainers who have successful established careers with loyal national and international audiences in the Entertainment Industry. The researcher explores and seeks to understand the core values and belief systems of the research participants with regards to their Christian religious orientation, which is statistically verified to be the most prevalent religious practise in South Africa (Nation Master, 2013; Religious affiliation by country, 2010). Hence, the research findings with regards to Christians’ approach and attitude towards their careers will contribute to a better understanding and management of the majority of the workforce in South Africa. Moreover, the expected norms, values and work ethic of the Entertainment Industry in South Africa are exposed in this study. Although existing literature upholds that the Entertainment Industry is an exceptionally unstable work environment compared to other corporate industries, this research study adds significantly to current literature as viable causes for the unstable occupational environment are also investigated and presented. Previous research only addressed several aspects of the effect on one’s career advancement if an individual’s core value system differs from the accepted norms in an organisation or industry in general. This study subsequently reveals the personal- and occupational challenges that Christian entertainers encounter in an Entertainment Industry in South Africa and how they subsequently aim to decrease the cognitive dissonance that they experience due to continuous role conflict between moral obligation and the vital necessity for employment and career advancement. The findings of this study correlate with previous research as it indicates that the research participants will generally choose and prioritise their personal core values- and moral belief system above contradictory social and professional career demands and expectations. / Dissertation (MCom)--University of Pretoria, 2014. / gm2014 / Human Resource Management / unrestricted

Les interférences entre instances civiles et pénales parallèles : contribution à l'étude de la cohérence en matière juridictionnelle / Interference between parallel civil and penal proceedings : contribution to the study of coherence in juridictional matters

Wittmann, Valérie 18 February 2011 (has links)
ALes instances civile et pénale parallèles suscitent des risques de contrariétés que le droit positif prévient traditionnellement par l'utilisation de la règle de l'autorité du pénal sur le civil et du sursis à statuer de l'article 4 du Code de procédure pénale. Or ce double mécanisme de la primauté du pénal sur le civil est tout à fait singulier. Il assure en effet une cohérence entre les motifs des décisions concernées, dont le droit positif ne se soucie guère au sein des autres contentieux. Il est de plus unilatéral, puisqu'il ne joue qu'au bénéfice des décisions pénales. Justifié initialement par l'importance et les garanties de vérité des décisions pénales, il s'avère cependant, à l'analyse, largement discutable. Quant à ses fondements d'abord, ce mécanisme assure certes une certaine cohérence des choses jugées, mais maintient une apparence de vérité plus qu'il ne la garantit. Or précisément, la cohérence entre motifs de jugements distincts n'est légitime qu'autant qu'elle sert l'objectif de vérité. Quant à son régime, ensuite, l'autorité du pénal sur le civil entrave la liberté du juge civil et viole, par son caractère absolu, le principe du contradictoire, tandis qu'une application systématique du sursis à statuer est source de lenteur des procédures et contrevient à l'objectif de célérité. Afin de pallier ces inconvénients, le législateur et la jurisprudence se sont d'abord efforcés de restreindre les effets les plus néfastes de ce principe, en dissociant les concepts civils et répressifs, puis en le cantonnant étroitement. Néanmoins, l'objectif de célérité l'a finalement emporté, et le législateur, par la loi du 5 mars 2007, n'a maintenu le caractère obligatoire du sursis à statuer de l'article 4 qu'à l'égard de l'action civile en réparation du dommage né de l'infraction. Le nouveau dispositif consacre désormais le principe d'une indépendance des procédures parallèles, au risque de l'incohérence, même si pour l'heure les juridictions du fond tiennent compte du risque de contrariété et maintiennent la règle de l'autorité du pénal sur le civil. Il conviendrait néanmoins de revenir sur cette dernière règle, et d'attribuer aux énonciations qui constituent le soutien nécessaire de la décision pénale, la valeur d'une présomption réfragable de vérité. Il serait ainsi tenu compte des spécificités des décisions pénales, de même que seraient préservées les exigences, parfois antagonistes, d'autonomie des juridictions, de cohérence des choses jugées, et de recherche de vérité. / AWhen civil and penal proceedings occur in parallel, there is a risk of conflicting judgments, which positive law traditionally precludes by making penal proceedings paramount and by deferring adjudication on article 4 of the Criminal Code. This double mechanism, which ensures supremacy of criminal proceedings over civil proceedings, is quite singular. Indeed, it guarantees that the justifications for the decisions made are coherent. In other contentious matters, positive law pays little attention to such concerns. Moreover, it is unilateral, since it exclusively favours criminal law decisions. Though this supremacy was initially justified by the notion that criminal law decisions guaranteed truth, analysis has shown that this is largely debatable. First of all, with regard to the foundations themselves, this mechanism of course ensures a certain coherence of the matters judged, but maintains an appearance of truth rather than a guarantee of truth. Yet, precisely, the coherence of the justifications for distinct judgments is only legitimate insofar as it seeks to determine the truth. Then with regard to the system itself, the supremacy of criminal over civil proceedings interferes with the freedom of the civil judge, and violates by its absolute nature, the adversarial principle, while the systematic deferral of adjudication slows down procedures and undermines the objective of celerity. In order to remedy these drawbacks, legislators and jurisprudence have made an effort to limit the most damaging effects of this principle, by dissociating civil from repressive concepts, then by compartmentalising each within strict limits. Nevertheless, the objective of celerity finally won the day and legislators, through the law of 5th March 2007, retained the compulsory nature of the deferral of adjudication of article 4, but only with regard to civil action for damages resulting from the offence. The new law now establishes the principle of independence of parallel proceedings, even though it carries a risk of conflicting results. For the time being, however, the jurisdictions take into account the risk of conflicting results and have maintained the supremacy of criminal proceedings over civil proceedings. It is nonetheless desirable to revise the recent law, and to incorporate in the reasons which are necessary support for the criminal decision, the value of a refragable presumption of truth. The specific nature of decisions in criminal proceedings would thus be taken into account, and the sometimes antagonistic requirement of autonomy of the different jurisdictions, the coherence of the matters being judged, and the search for truth would thus be preserved.

Vybrané způsoby zlepšení orientace řidiče v dopravním prostoru / Selected Methods of Improvement for the Driver's Orientation on the Roads

Černoch, Adam January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to find suitable measures which will lead to the improvement of driver orientation in traffic spaceleading to lower the accident rate in the area. The theoretical part describes the traffic surveys that relate to the topic. Furthermore, the work mentioned detectors used for the implementation of automated traffic surveys. The theoretical part also describes methods that can be used to analyze the selected location and then design the ideal modification. At the end gives an overview of the various measures. In the practical part are different methodologies used for the analysis of selected intersections. Firstly, the analysis of observed conflict situations, including making conflicting diagram, under which was designed to measure. Then, the analysis of traffic accidents. Again, the result was a proposal for possible actions. The main objective was to compare and appreciation of both methodologies and proces design measures to improve driver orientation in the selected location.

Property inference decision-making and decision switching of undergraduate engineers : implications for ideational diversity & fluency through movements in a Cartesian concept design space

Shah, Raza January 2017 (has links)
Design fixation is a phenomenon experienced by professional designers and engineering design students that stifles creativity and innovation through discouraging ideational productivity, fluency and diversity. During the design idea and concept generation phase of the design process, a reliance on perceptual surface feature similarities between design artefacts increases the likelihood of design fixation leading to design duplication. Psychologists, educators and designers have become increasingly interested in creative idea generation processes that encourage innovation and entrepreneurial outcomes. However, there is a notable lack of collaborative research between psychology, education and engineering design particularly on inductive reasoning of undergraduate engineering students in higher education. The data gathered and analysed for this study provides an insight into property inference decision-making preferences and decision switching (SWITCH) patterns of engineering undergraduates under similarity-based inductive judgements [SIM] and category-based inductive judgements [CAT]. For this psychology experiment, property induction tasks were devised using abstract shapes in a triad configuration. Participants (N = 180), on an undergraduate engineering programme in London, observed a triad of shapes with a target shape more similar-looking to one of two given shapes. Factors manipulated for this experiment included category alignment, category group, property type and target shape. Despite the cognitive development and maturation stage of undergraduate engineers (adults) in higher education, this study identified similarity-based inductive judgements [SIM] to play a significant role during inductive reasoning relative to the strength of category-based inductive judgements [CAT]. In addition to revealing the property inference decision-making preferences of a sample of undergraduate engineers (N = 180), two types of switch classification and two types of non-switch classification (SWITCH) were found and named SIM_NCC, SIM-Salient, Reverse_CAT and CAT_Switching. These different classifications for property inference switching and non-switching presented a more complex pattern of decision-making driven by the relative strength between similarity-based inductive judgements [SIM] and category-based inductive judgements [CAT]. The conditions that encouraged CAT_Switching is of particular interest to design because it corresponds to inference decision switching that affirms the sharing of properties between dissimilar-looking shapes designated as category members, i.e., in a conflicting category alignment condition (CoC). For CAT_Switching, this study found a significant interaction between a particular set of conditions that significantly increased the likelihood of property inference decisions switching to affirm the sharing of properties between dissimilar-looking shapes. Stimuli conditions that combined a conflicting category alignment condition (where dissimilar-looking shapes belong to the same category) with category specificity, a causal property and a target shape with merged (or blended) perceptual surface features significantly increased the likelihood of a property inference decision switching. CAT_Switching has important implications for greater ideational productivity, fluency and diversity to discourage design fixation within the conceptual design space. CAT_Switching conditions could encourage more creative design transformations with alternative design functions through inductive inferences that generalise between dissimilar artefact designs. The findings from this study led to proposing a Cartesian view of the concept design space to represent the possibilities for greater movements through flexible and expanding category boundaries to encourage conceptual combinations, greater ideational fluency and greater ideational diversity within a configuration design space. This study has also created a platform for further research into property inference decision-making, ideational diversity and category boundary flexibility under stimuli conditions that encourage designers and design students to make inductive generalisations between dissimilar domains of knowledge through a greater emphasis on causal relations and semantic networks.

Reading Population Transfer in International Human Rights Law, International Humanitarian Law and International Criminal Law through the Principle of Humanity

Mac Allister, Karine 01 1900 (has links)
Le transfert de population est la cause et la conséquence de plusieurs conflits armés. Il comprend le déplacement arbitraire de la population, le transfert de colons ainsi que le confinement des civiles en temps de guerre. Le transfert de population est un crime en droit international des droits de l’homme, en droit international humanitaire et en droit pénal international. Néanmoins, il est encore considéré comme une solution aux problèmes de minorités et aux conflits ‘ethniques’. Cette thèse étudie comment le crime de transfert de population est défini, interprété et appliqué en droit international et par les tribunaux régionaux et internationaux et la communauté internationale selon l’État de droit. / Population transfer is a cause and consequence of armed conflict. It entails the arbitrary displacement of the population, the implantation of settlers and unlawful confinement. It is a violation of international human rights law and international humanitarian law and a crime in international criminal law. Yet, it is still considered a solution to minority and ‘ethnic’ problems. Using the rule of law as theoretical framework, this thesis assesses how the crime of population transfer is defined, interpreted and applied under international law and by regional and international courts as well as by the international community.

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