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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sociální sítě a církevní společenství / Social Networks and the Curch Community

Vondra, Radek January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to describe forms and the potential of social networks within a church community from the perspective of the inclusion. The thesis specifies what social networks are, how they relate to community, and how they can be explored. It deals with a local congregation as the main unit of a church and its specification in The Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren. It also describes various views of the inclusion. The research part of the thesis depicts the process of entering a particular local congregation of The Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren. Using this example, the thesis categorizes different forms of inclusion including the biblical commandment of love, and captures the ever changing ways and powers of the social networks within a church as they attract and carry a person. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Fakta eller förvirring : en granskning av ett par omdiskuterade avsnitt i 1 Korintierbrevet och kommentarer till dessa

Ödman, Bengt January 2010 (has links)
I 1 Korintierbrevet finns två ofta diskuterade avsnitt som med speciellt fokus på kvinnorna talar om ordningen vid kristna sammankomster: 11:2-16 och 14:34-36. Denna uppsats gör en analys av dessa texter och deras behandling i den vetenskapliga litteraturen. Hur ska man förhålla sig till att kompetenta forskare kommer till rakt motsatta slutsatser? Är det fel i argumentationen, i premisserna, eller saknar vi helt enkelt tillräcklig kunskap? Går det att skilja på vad som är omstritt av exegetiska respektive teologiska skäl? Slutsatsen är att bland tre typer av argumentation som förekommer i litteraturen, som jag kallar den värderande, den datainsamlande respektive den konstruktiva, har forskningen en olycklig slagsida mot den första typen. Alltför mycket har skrivits utan att tillföra något av varken fakta eller ideer - man refererar bara till tidigare forskning och väger olika uppfattningar mot varandra. Om man refererar till andra författares tidigare arbeten utan att gå in på argumenten blir forskningen svår att bedöma efter att nya data tillkommit. Alltför ofta är kriteriet dessutom hur väl en teori stämmer med på förhand given teologi, snarare än en värdering av argumentens stöd i fakta. / In 1 Corinthians we find two much discussed passages which, focusing especially on the women, speak of order at the Christian gatherings: 11:2-16 and 14:34-36. This paper analyses these passages and their treatment in the scholarly literature. How should one relate to the fact that competent scholars reach diametrically opposed conclusions? Is there error in the argumentation, the premises, or do we simply lack sufficient knowledge? Is it possible to distinguish between what is contested for exegetical and for theological reasons? The conclusion is that among three types of argumentation in the literature, which I call value judgments, information gathering, and construction, there is an unfortunate imbalance towards the first type. Too much has been written that adds neither facts nor ideas - there is only references to earlier research and weighing of points of view against each other. If there is only references to other scholars' works and no engagement with the arguments, it is difficult for others to reassess the results after new data has appeared. Too often, also, the conclusions are based on a pre-conceived theology, rather than a weighing of the factual support of the arguments.

Vzdělání a služba všeobecných sester Kongregace Milosrdných sester sv. Karla Boromejského působících v České republice. / Education and care of nurses Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy of St. Charles Borromeo operating in the Czech Republic.

SUKUPOVÁ, Dobromila January 2015 (has links)
Current state: The Congregation of Sisters of Mercy of St. Charles Borromeo is the largest congregation of nuns in the Czech Republic. Its charism living mercy in contemplation is still valid. Religious sisters mainly care for sick people, the aged and the needy people, as they were serving them in the beginning of their history. The topic of this paper 'Education and care of nurses Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy of St. Charles Borromeo operating in the Czech Republic' is original and has not yet been treated to such extent and with this focus. Some works have been written and published, but they cover our topic only partially. This study is a compilation of information, enriched with memories of those sisters who remember the early days. The aim of the thesis: The first aim of this thesis is to map education and care of nurses of The Congregation of Sisters of Mercy of St. Charles Borromeo in the Czech Republic in its historical development with emphasis on health care and social facilities. The second aim is to compare education, care and status of religious sisters in the health-care team in each historical period. Methodology: In this thesis qualitative research was employed. There were two procedures of data collection used: exploration of written documents and narrative interviews. The research file for narrative interviews consists of ten persons. All respondents are women, members of The Congregation of Sisters of Mercy of St. Charles Borromeo, who attained appropriate education for the profession of a nurse and carried out this job in a hospital. Respondents were segmented into three groups according to respective historical periods. The first historical period starts with the arrival of religious sisters from France to Prague in 1837 and finishes in 1948. The second historical period follows up the previous one and ends in 1989. The third historical period spans the time from 1989 till the present. The total number of recorded and assessed interviews is ten. Narrative interview were recorded on a voice recorder and consequently transcribed into the written form and further processed. To analyze the text we used open coding, performed by the paper-and-pencil tests. Findings were interpreted using 'card sorting' technique. Results: Education and care of nurses of Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy of St. Charles Borromeo have always met the requirements of concrete times. Specific aspects of care for the sick and the needy was also influenced by other factors. Among others the development od medical science and political situation of individual historical periods. The care of Sisters of Mercy of St. Charles Borromeo has always been based on their dedication and the vow of mercy. Conclusion: This is a compact work, describing education and care of nurses of Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy of St. Charles Borromeo in contexts of different historical periods and in broader connection with the history of nursing care.

Die gemeenteboumodel van Kenon L Callahan : die prakties- teologiese implikasie vir die gemeenskap van gelowiges in die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika

Meyer, Lukas Johannes. 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Talle Christelike kerke in Suid- Afrika, onder meer die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika, verkeer tans in 'n krisis. Die lidmaattalle toon 'n drasties dalende tendens, minder kinders word gedoop en minder Iidmate le belydenis van geloof af Hierdie krisis, asook die invloed van die postmodernisme op die hedendaagse mens, word aan die hand van die handelingswetenskaplike benadering ondersoek. Die gemeenteboumodel van Kenon L Callahan word gebruik, en daar word gevra tot watter mate hierdie model op die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika toegepas kan word. Wat sal die prakties- teologiese implikasies daarvan op die gemeenskap van gelowiges in die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika wees? Die resultaat van die studie is dat die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika wel met vrug gebruik kan maak van Callahan se model, met inagneming van die kerk se bestaande struktuur, tradisie en geskiedenis. In die toepassing van die model sal daar nuwe, ongekende eise aan die kerk gestel word. / Numerous christian churches in South Africa, including the Dutch Reformed Church of Africa is currently experiencing a crisis. Membership is declining, less children are baptised While new and unknown demands will be made on the church, new and exciting opportunities will also be met each year, and less members are confirmed. This crisis, together with the influence of the post- modernism, is explored using an operational science approach, and a possible solution to this problem is sought. The church growth model ofK.L. Callahan is used to facilitate this research. The applicability of this model to the Dutch Reformed Church of Africa is explored, together with the practical theological implications thereof on the holy community. The result of the study is that the Dutch Reformed Church of Africa can apply Callahan' s model to great affect, while cognisance should be taken of the church's own structure, tradition and history. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / Th. M. (Practical Theology)

The role played by the church management and the court of law in legitimising the status of Lebowakgomo congregation

Phatudi, Jakobus Ramphelane 01 1900 (has links)
Text in English / Lebowakgomo congregation is situated in the Northern Province the growth point of former Lebowa Government The study was based on the understanding the procedures and processes which were followed when legitimising the congregational secession . Secession is an act to withdraw formally from a union, especially from a religious organisation. The secession of Lebowakgomo congregation from Lerato congregation took a decade before it was implemented. The secession was delayed by technical problems such as the expulsion of the minister, the death of an eider's son, the arrival of three ministers and various interpretations of the Church Order. The Process of secession was affected by the legacy of change within the community. That is, the idea of secession was introduced to the congregation by the minister in trying to curb congregation administration problems. This process could not take off because some of the congregants had not fully conceptualised the idea. The process of secession ended into conflicts of ideology and also in the interpretation of the Church Order of which lead to additional attitudinal developments within the management structures of the NGKA. The church council of Lebowakgomo also developed an attitude against the Synodical commission which lead to the involvement of the court of law as an arbitrator. The hypothesis tested in this thesis is: "Is Lebowakgomo congregation a legitimate congregation within the structures of the NGKA?" Lebowakgomo congregation is the first to challenge a decision made by the Synod. It is the first to demand its rights through the court of law. This was a drastic change with regard to the Church history of the NGKA. Thus, this study has traced the development of Lebowakgomo secession until it was legitimised by the court of law. The main thrust of this study was to provide academic reasoning to the following questions, Is secession legitimised after being approved by: - the Church council? - the Presbytery council? - after a secession ceremony was held? - after registration by the Synodical commission secretary? - after being published in the Church news paper? The positive ruling by the court of law in legitimising Lebowakgomo congregation within the structures of the NGKA, was noted in spite of dissatisfaction expressed by some church structures and church management. This clearly indicated that the role of church managers in a changing society is one in constant metamorphosis with regard to reconstructing and developing church organisation and management. / Church History / Th. M. (Church History)

Co-authoring spiritual ways of being : a narrative group approach to Christian spirituality

Hudson, Trevor Allan 11 1900 (has links)
This qualitatively oriented Practical Theology research project was based on a narrative enquiry into the spiritualities of five Christ-followers. These conversations occurred within a small group context, and were aimed at enabling the participants to co-author preferred spiritual ways of being. Because of my commitment to reflexive research practice, other voices and perspectives were invited into the research process. Besides sharing in numerous reflexive conversations with my supervisors, I brought into the group three 'outside voices'. By sharing their stories, these 'outside voices' challenged privatised expressions of spirituality, introducing a 'hermeneutic of suspicion' into the research process and enabling the research participants to wrestle with the challenges of a compassionate and ethical spirituality. In this conversational journey I was able to engage the central research question of whether a group narrative approach can facilitate the intention of Practical Theology to transform human life. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematical Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology with specialisation in Pastoral Therapy)

Congregação da Escola Normal: da legitimidade outorgada à legitimidade (re) conquistada (1880-1910) / The Congregation of the Normal School: from the bestowed legitimacy to the (re) conquered legitimacy (1880-1910)

Heloisa Helena Meirelles dos Santos 28 February 2011 (has links)
Investigar a forma como a Congregação da Escola Normal se legitimou no cenário político-educacional nos últimos anos do século XIX e nos primeiros anos do século XX é o objetivo de meu estudo. Surgida no Regulamento de criação da Escola Normal a Congregação, era composta pelos professores da instituição que ministravam aulas no curso de formação de professores para as escolas públicas primárias da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Estes professores eram intelectuais de procedências diversas, com experiência educacional, que se reuniam em sessões, sob a presidência e convite do Diretor da Escola Normal. A legitimação da Congregação foi conquistada pelo Regulamento de 1880, outorgado pelo Governo Imperial e, face ao trabalho e experiência dos congregados à frente desta instituição durante todo um ano, foi-lhes conferido ainda mais poder político, pela elaboração de um novo Regulamento para a Escola Normal, criando-se, então, um grupo diferenciado formado no campo intelectual, pelo conhecimento da formação de professores primários. A Congregação foi extinta em 1888. (Re) conquistando a legitimidade foi criado o Regulamento de 1890, elaborado por Benjamin Constant Botelho de Magalhães, ex- congregado, ex- presidente da Congregação por cinco anos consecutivos e na República ocupando o cargo de Ministro da Instrução Pública, Correios e Telégrafos. Esta pesquisa foi instigada por alguns documentos, ainda não investigados, do Centro de Memória Institucional do Instituto Superior de Educação do Rio de Janeiro, que possibilitaram conhecer a ação política- educacional desses intelectuais da Congregação. Tais fontes, confrontadas com outras de várias instituições de guarda de memória, possibilitaram uma visão não só da ação dos congregados, como de sua rede de sociabilidade dentro e fora da Escola Normal, assim como sua procedência, as estratégias utilizadas como instrumento político e o papel de Benjamin Constant Botelho de Magalhães, líder mais antigo deste grupo. A intervenção política da Congregação, advinda do trabalho realizado na Escola Normal, possibilitou que criassem uma autoimagem de executores do processo civilizador em curso no final do Império e início da República. Os embates travados por este grupo mostram a defesa intransigente da legitimação e o uso de instrumentos próprios da intelectualidade para não perdê-la outra vez. / To investigate the way of how the Congregation of the Normal School has legitimated itself in the political and educational scenario in the last years of the 19th century and in the first years of the 20th century is the objective of my research. Born in the Regulation of 1880, the Congregation of the, at first design Normal School ated of The Court and after the republican regime, of The Federal District, was composed by the professors of the institution that administered classes in the course of teacher formation for public elementary schools of the city of Rio de Janeiro. These professors were intellectuals of diverse backgrounds, with educational experience, that would gather in meetings led by the director of the Normal School. The legitimation of the Congregation was at first granted by the Regulation of 1880, annexed to the Decree of creation, and was later conquered by the Regulation created by the Congregates in 1881, after the experience of one year working together. This research was instigated by a few documents, yet to be investigated, of the Centro de Memória Institucional of the Instituto Superior de Educação do Rio de Janeiro, which allowed me to know the political and educational action of these intellectuals that were part of the Congregation. Such sources, confronted with others from many other institutions of memory guarding, permitted a vision not only of the various actions of the Congregates, like their network of social contacts inside and outside of the Normal School, as well as their origin, the strategies utilized as political instrument and the role of Benjamin Constant Botelho de Magalhães, oldest leader of the group. The political intervention of the Congregation, fruit of the work achieved in the Normal School allowed the creation of a self image of the executors of the civilizing process in course in the end of the Empire and in the beginning of the Republic. The clashes faced by this group, that differentiated itself in the field of intellectuality through knowledge in teacher formation, shows the intransigent defense of the conquered legitimacy and the use of instruments of their own intellectuality so as not to lose it.

Trajectoires des acteurs et des structures dans l'organisation d'un système de santé en Dordogne de 1803 à 1939 / Pathways of actors and structures in the organisation of a health system in the Dordogne from 1803 to 1939

Cazauran, Jean Marie 28 May 2018 (has links)
Constatant la place importante de la santé dans la société contemporaine, l’étude du passage d’un système de santé d’Ancien Régime au système actuel à l’échelle d’un département rural comme la Dordogne représente l’objet de ce travail. En 1803, sont affirmés par la loi, les monopoles, médical et pharmaceutique, et en 1939, les éléments principaux du système actuel sont en place. L’évolution du système nous semble la conséquence de la rencontre de demandes de santé et de bien-être de populations de plus en plus larges et d’offres de santé de la part d’individus qui se professionnalisent. Au XIXe siècle, (Première Partie) les docteurs en médecine éliminent la concurrence (officiers de santé, charlatans, autres offreurs de santé) et trouvent leur place dans la société (épidémies, hygiène, vie sociale) ; les pharmaciens passent de la fabrication/vente de produits simples à la vente de médicaments de plus en plus issus de l’industrie et autres produits de parapharmacie ; les sages-femmes et les sœurs congréganistes sont des auxiliaires ou des concurrentes. Les demandeurs de soins appartiennent à des groupes sociaux de plus en plus nombreux et font appel au système pour des pathologies de plus en plus variées. Les indigents sont pris en charge par les bureaux de bienfaisance, le dépôt de mendicité et les hôpitaux-hospices, en expansion numérique et élargissant leur clientèle hors de l’indigence. Au XXe siècle, (Deuxième Partie) le système oscille entre libéralisme défendu par les acteurs de santé (syndicalisme) et étatisme pour améliorer la santé de populations de plus en plus larges. La spécialisation médicale apparait et les pharmaciens, assurés du monopole par les spécialités, sont dans un système capitaliste. La mission sociale de l’Etat se réalise par l’organisation départementale de l’hygiène publique, par l’ouverture de dispensaires et le vote de lois (Aide Médicale Gratuite, Assistance aux vieillards, infirmes et invalides, Accidents du travail, Retraites Ouvrières et Paysannes, etc.). Les bureaux de bienfaisance semblent inadaptés. La spécialisation des structures hospitalières se réalise, les hôpitaux reçoivent les malades et la lutte contre les fléaux sociaux (tuberculose, syphilis,) mobilise les autorités et les soignants. Les progrès de la chirurgie permettent l’ouverture de cliniques chirurgicales privées dans les villes. Le financement du système (Troisième Partie) fait appel à trois modes : la charité privée organisée avec son corrolaire, l’assistance publique, la prévoyance avec les Sociétés de Secours Mutuels et enfin la solidarité sous la forme des Assurances Sociales. Aucun système n’a supplanté les autres et la coexistence des trois est une des caractéristiques du système de santé français, encore actuellement. / Considering the important place of health in our contemporary society, this work will focus on the study of the transition from an « Ancien Régime » health system to the current system, in a rural department such as the Dordogne. In 1803, the first laws were created to establish medical and pharmaceutical monopolies to lead, in 1939, to the main elements of our current system. The evolution of the system is a consequence of the meeting of the demands for health and well-being of ever-widening populations and the provision of health care by individuals becoming more professional. In the 19th century (Part I), medical doctors eliminated competition (health officers, quacks and other health care providers) and found their real place in society (epidemics, hygiene, social life). Pharmacists moved from manufacturing and selling simple products to the selling of increasingly industrial medecine and other parapharmacy products. Midwives and congregational sisters were either assistants or rivals. The demand for healthcare came from more and more different social groups and for more and more varied illnesses. The needy were taken care of by charitable offices, beggars’homes and hospital-hospices which were in growing numbers, expanding their clientele outside of indigence. In the 20th centuty (Part II) the system oscillated between liberalism defended by health providers (trade unionism) and statism to improve the health of increasingly large populations. The medical specialization appeared and the pharmacists, comforted by their monopole, became a part of a capitalist system. The State’s social mission was carried out through the organization of public health by geographical departement, through the opening of dispensaries and through the passing of laws (free medical aid, assistance to the elderly, infirm and disabled, industrial accidents, workers’ and peasant farmers’ pensions, etc.). Charitable offices seemed inadequate. The specialization of hospital structures took place, hospitals received patients and the fight against scourges (tuberculosis, syphilis) mobilised the authorities and carers. Advances in surgery made it possible to open private surgical clincs in the cities. The financing of the system (Part III) involved three modes : private charity and its corollary public assistance, foresight with the Mutual Aid Societies and solidarity in the form of Social Insurance. Until now, no system has supplanted the others and the coexistence of the three is one of the characteristics of the French Health System.

Congregação da Escola Normal: da legitimidade outorgada à legitimidade (re) conquistada (1880-1910) / The Congregation of the Normal School: from the bestowed legitimacy to the (re) conquered legitimacy (1880-1910)

Heloisa Helena Meirelles dos Santos 28 February 2011 (has links)
Investigar a forma como a Congregação da Escola Normal se legitimou no cenário político-educacional nos últimos anos do século XIX e nos primeiros anos do século XX é o objetivo de meu estudo. Surgida no Regulamento de criação da Escola Normal a Congregação, era composta pelos professores da instituição que ministravam aulas no curso de formação de professores para as escolas públicas primárias da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Estes professores eram intelectuais de procedências diversas, com experiência educacional, que se reuniam em sessões, sob a presidência e convite do Diretor da Escola Normal. A legitimação da Congregação foi conquistada pelo Regulamento de 1880, outorgado pelo Governo Imperial e, face ao trabalho e experiência dos congregados à frente desta instituição durante todo um ano, foi-lhes conferido ainda mais poder político, pela elaboração de um novo Regulamento para a Escola Normal, criando-se, então, um grupo diferenciado formado no campo intelectual, pelo conhecimento da formação de professores primários. A Congregação foi extinta em 1888. (Re) conquistando a legitimidade foi criado o Regulamento de 1890, elaborado por Benjamin Constant Botelho de Magalhães, ex- congregado, ex- presidente da Congregação por cinco anos consecutivos e na República ocupando o cargo de Ministro da Instrução Pública, Correios e Telégrafos. Esta pesquisa foi instigada por alguns documentos, ainda não investigados, do Centro de Memória Institucional do Instituto Superior de Educação do Rio de Janeiro, que possibilitaram conhecer a ação política- educacional desses intelectuais da Congregação. Tais fontes, confrontadas com outras de várias instituições de guarda de memória, possibilitaram uma visão não só da ação dos congregados, como de sua rede de sociabilidade dentro e fora da Escola Normal, assim como sua procedência, as estratégias utilizadas como instrumento político e o papel de Benjamin Constant Botelho de Magalhães, líder mais antigo deste grupo. A intervenção política da Congregação, advinda do trabalho realizado na Escola Normal, possibilitou que criassem uma autoimagem de executores do processo civilizador em curso no final do Império e início da República. Os embates travados por este grupo mostram a defesa intransigente da legitimação e o uso de instrumentos próprios da intelectualidade para não perdê-la outra vez. / To investigate the way of how the Congregation of the Normal School has legitimated itself in the political and educational scenario in the last years of the 19th century and in the first years of the 20th century is the objective of my research. Born in the Regulation of 1880, the Congregation of the, at first design Normal School ated of The Court and after the republican regime, of The Federal District, was composed by the professors of the institution that administered classes in the course of teacher formation for public elementary schools of the city of Rio de Janeiro. These professors were intellectuals of diverse backgrounds, with educational experience, that would gather in meetings led by the director of the Normal School. The legitimation of the Congregation was at first granted by the Regulation of 1880, annexed to the Decree of creation, and was later conquered by the Regulation created by the Congregates in 1881, after the experience of one year working together. This research was instigated by a few documents, yet to be investigated, of the Centro de Memória Institucional of the Instituto Superior de Educação do Rio de Janeiro, which allowed me to know the political and educational action of these intellectuals that were part of the Congregation. Such sources, confronted with others from many other institutions of memory guarding, permitted a vision not only of the various actions of the Congregates, like their network of social contacts inside and outside of the Normal School, as well as their origin, the strategies utilized as political instrument and the role of Benjamin Constant Botelho de Magalhães, oldest leader of the group. The political intervention of the Congregation, fruit of the work achieved in the Normal School allowed the creation of a self image of the executors of the civilizing process in course in the end of the Empire and in the beginning of the Republic. The clashes faced by this group, that differentiated itself in the field of intellectuality through knowledge in teacher formation, shows the intransigent defense of the conquered legitimacy and the use of instruments of their own intellectuality so as not to lose it.

Baptistický sbor v Pardubicích v letech 1922-1989 / The Baptist Church in Pardubice in years 1922 - 1989

ŠÍP, Luděk January 2011 (has links)
The dissertation is engaged in the history of the Baptist Church in Pardubice. This church became independent in 1922 and belongs to the Baptist Union of the Czech Republic. The dissertation is focused to the time frame from 1922 to 1989. The paper also contains brief information about the Baptist Union and about the beginning of Baptist work on the ground of Bohemia. This paper introduces history of the church, its life and activities. Observes the development of the member base, held events, work with children and youth. An important part of this paper presents the first pastor of this church, Jan Ricar. A special attention is given to a political case whose victim he became. In the outline are stated brief biographies of all pastors in this church until the year 1989.

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