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The role of congregational management in creating and maintaining a healthy churchMellody, Michael 16 September 2011 (has links)
This study considers the ways in which congregational management contributes to
maintaining the healthy church through the supporting role of supplying, monitoring
and controlling the human, physical, financial, and informational resources needed to
allow the pastors to lead the congregation-centred church to fulfil its mission. It was
found that congregational managers help to prevent their churches declining into illhealth
by helping the pastorate to retain current congregants and attract new ones
through charisma. This requires them to first study, analyze and classify the major parts
of the diverse congregation and surrounding community and then monitor them to
foresee and forestall problems. They play multiple roles in efficient administration, asset
management, targeted church adverting, human relations, risk management, project
management, professional standards auditing and maintenance, community relations
with all faiths, charity, mission, and, above all, customer relations. Recommendations
are made for enhancing congregational management’s role in the healthy church. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M.Th. (Practical Theology)
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Die rol van die konsultant in die gemeentebouprosesMeyer, Lukas Johannes 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In teenstelling met die buiteland, bestaan daar tans weinig indien enige voltydse gemeenteboukonsultante in Suid- Afrika. Daar bestaan ook weinig indien enige literatuur wat op Suid- Afrikaanse bodem verskyn het wat handel oor die werksaamhede van die gemeenteboukonsultant in die christelike kerk/gemeente. Die
gebrek aan 'n voltydse professionele gemeenteboukonsultant word as 'n ernstige leemte beskou in die verskillende fases van gemeentebou.
In die studie word literatuur wat handel oor hierdie belangrike onderwerp, asook literatuur vanuit die bestuurswetenskap, teologies en krities bestudeer. 'n Aantal bestaande modelle word uiteengesit en teologies evalueer. Uit hierdie bestudering word op teologies-hermeneutiese wyse 'n voorbeeld-model voorgestel waarvolgens die
gemeenteboukonsultant binne die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks die gemeente-analise, gemeenteprofiel en langtermynbeplanning in samewerking met die leiers en lidmate van die kerk/ gemeente kan afhandel. / At present, South Africa, in contrast with countries abroad has a serious disposition regarding the availability of literature dealing with churchgrowth as such. Due to a lack of professional churchgrowth consultants, churchgrowth had been neglected and a gap of deficiency has occured thus hindering the different stages in churchgrowth.
This study is an in - depth, theological and critical study of churchgrowth as well as the managerial aspects thereof. Much devotion has been endeavoured upon this thus delivering a model example with which churchgrowth consultants could embark upon
congregational analysis and profiling. In colaboration with leaders and members of congregations, long - term planning can be done. All this in a South Africa which had been deprived from this valuable service for so long. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D. Th. (Practical theology)
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Liturgievorming in 'n veranderende konteksBester, Hendrik Gideon 06 1900 (has links)
The forming of liturgy in the Dutch Reformed Church is in a crisis. The current context demands new liturgies in order to facilitate meaningful communication between God and His children. The problem is that no healthy practice of liturgy forming exists and more decay than change takes place. Therefore, the need exists for a workable theory for liturgy forming which can be used in the forming of a justified liturgy. In this study a theory and liturgies are worked out which takes the liturgy forming through the centuries into account. The theory, which is known as the three resources theory, is a dynamic theory in which the energy resources are placed in interaction with one another in order to form new liturgies. The three energy resources are the Bible, the tradition and the context. These three resources are focused on an eschatological focus point in the future. The Bible as energy resource especially has authority since it contains the worship style and example of Jesus Christ. The tradition exists of the narrative off liturgy forming through the centuries. The tradition offers a treasure of examples, which can be used for liturgy forming in the current context. The current context forms an integral part of the liturgy forming process. The post-modernism, the remains of the modernism, globalisation, the transformation process in South Africa and the modem developments in the human sciences are all forces which influence the liturgy forming process indirectly. These energy circles are placed in interaction with one another, new justified liturgies are formed which makes meaningful communication between God and His children possible. The investigation on liturgy forming in 13 various congregations in England and South Africa indicated that, where one or more of the energy resources is neglected, responsible energy forming does not take place. The current context requires that modem liturgy should emphasize symbols, emotion and dialogue. More love should also be shown during services. / Die liturgievorming van die Ned Geref Kerk is in 'n krisis. Die huidige konteks stel nuwe eise aan die liturgie wat vra vir nuwe liturgiee om die kommunikasie tussen God en Sy kinders sinvol en betekenisvol te fasiliteer. Die probleem is dat daar nie 'n gesonde praktyk van liturgievorming bestaan nie en dat meer verval as verandering plaasvind. Daar is dus 'n behoefte aan 'n werkbare teorie vir liturgievorming wat gebruik kan word in die vorming van verantwoorde liturgie. In hierdie studie word 'n teorie en liturgiee uitgewerk wat die werkende energiebronne in liturgievorming deur die eeue in ag neem. Die teorie, wat bekendstaan as die driebronneteorie, is 'n dinamiese teorie waarin die energiebronne in wisselwerking met mekaar geplaas word vir die vorming van nuwe liturgiee. Die drie energiebronne is die Skrif, die tradisie en die konteks. Hierdie drie bronne word gefokus op 'n eskatologiese fokuspunt in die toekoms. Die Skrif as energiebron is veral gesagdraend omdat dit die aanbiddingstyl en voorbeeld van Jesus Christus bevat. Die tradisie bestaan uit die verhaal van die liturgievorming deur die eeue waar die drie energiebronne telkens in wisselwerking met mekaar was. Die tradisie bied 'n skatkis van voorbeelde waaruit geleen kan word vir liturgievorming in die huidige konteks. Die huidige konteks is 'n integrale deel van die liturgievormingsproses. Die Postmodemisme, die reste van die Modemisme, globalisering, die oorgangsituasie in Suid-Afrika en hedendaagse ontwikkelinge in die menswetenskappe is almal kragte wat indirek inwerk op die liturgievormingsproses. Slegs wanneer die energiesirkels in wisselwerking met mekaar geplaas word, word verantwoordelik nuwe liturgiee gevorm wat sinvolle kommunikasie tussen God en sy kinders bewerkstellig. Die ondersoek na die liturgievorming in 12 verskillende gemeentes in Engeland en Suid-Afrika het aan die lig gebring dat waar een of meer van die energiebronne verwaarloos word, verantwoordelike vorming nie plaasvind nie. Die huidige konteks vra dat byderwetse liturgie meer klem op simbole, emosie en dialogiese kommunikasie sal plaas. Liturgie sal ook moeite moet doen om meer liefde oor te dra in die eredienste. Ter wille van die fasilitering van 'n dieper spiritualiteit kan die liturgie van die Ned Geref Kerk spesifieke liturgiese elemente en -houdings gaan leen by antler spiritualiteite en so sy eie liturgie verbreed. Dit bly 'n haalbare uitdaging om voortdurend verantwoordelik liturgie te vorm indien die Skrif, die tradisie en die konteks as energiebronne in wisselwerking met mekaar geraadpleeg word en gefokus word op die eskatologiese. / D.Th. (Practical Theology)
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PRÁTICAS RELIGIOSAS, CORPO E ESTILOS DE VIDA: UMA ANÁLISE COMPARATIVA ENTRE EVANGÉLICOS NO BAIRRO RUDGE RAMOS EM SÃO BERNARDO DO CAMPO / Religious practices, body and lifestyle: a comparative analysis among evangelicals in the district Rudge Ramos São Bernardo do CampoCarvalho, Williani de Almeida 04 March 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-03-04 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This research analyzes the body as part of a process of social construction and seeks to understand the implications of the relationship between the social construction of body and evangelical religious practices. Chooses the Congregation
Christian Churches, Presbyterian and Reborn in Christ in the neighborhood of Rudge Ramos, Sao Bernardo do Campo, as an investigation of this issue. This relationship is shrouded in intentions and physical manifestations involving religious practices and lifestyles of people who attend these names in the neighborhood in question. The study developed a mapping of physical techniques that mean the way people are
"worth" of their bodies. When assessing the social, cultural and economic factors related to the neighborhood in question, and inserted it to the churches, we seek to understand how these three gospel traditions develop differentiated body techniques. Also, if people who attend these churches suffer any influence of the "model" of embodiment of society today is to claim that the quest for social mobility and the
conditions of consumption linked to the body.(AU) / A presente pesquisa analisa o corpo como parte de um processo de construção social e busca compreender as implicações da relação entre essa construção social
do corpo e práticas religiosas evangélicas. Elege as Igrejas Congregação Cristã, Presbiteriana e Renascer em Cristo no bairro de Rudge Ramos, em São Bernardo do Campo, como objeto de investigação dessa questão. Essa relação está envolta em intenções e manifestações corporais que implicam práticas religiosas e os estilos de vida das pessoas que freqüentam as referidas denominações no bairro em
questão. O estudo desenvolve um mapeamento das técnicas corporais que significam a maneira como as pessoas se valem dos seus corpos. Na apreciação dos aspectos sociais, culturais e econômicos relacionados ao bairro em questão e às igrejas nele inseridas, procuramos compreender a maneira como essas três tradições evangélicas desenvolvem técnicas corporais diferenciadas. Também, se
as pessoas que freqüentam essas igrejas sofrem alguma influência do modelo de corporeidade da sociedade atual que tem como pretensão a busca pela ascensão social e por condições de consumo vinculadas ao corpo.(AU)
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A Congregação Cristã no Brasil numa área de alta vulnerabilidade social no ABC paulista: aspectos de sua tradição e transmissão religiosa - a instituição e os sujeitosFoerster, Norbert Hans Christoph 18 March 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-03-18 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The present thesis is a study of the religious tradition and transmission of the Christian Congregation in Brazil in an area of deep social vulnerability. The study is carried out in the light of the institution and its members. Religious reproduction in the contemporary scene of modernity is difficult due to the diminishing capacity of religious institutions to regular the beliefs of its faithful. It is exactly this capacity of the Christian Congregation in Brazil that is analyzed in a situation of social vulnerability in the front region of São Bernardo do Campo and Diadema. The social dimensions of the Christian Congregation in Brazil are studied in the light of a statistical overview of Brazilian pentecostalism. The social reality of the location is carefully analyzed as well as the specific peripheric situation of the area under study. An ethnography of the worship of the Christian Congregation offers the data to analyze the cultic performers, the ritual process and the function of cultic worship that help to articulate religious identity. Finally, in the light of detailed interviews and field observation the thesis presents an ethnography of its members both men and women, in situations of differentiated vulnerability. The thesis studies both the internal and external social network the members create. The thesis takes a close look to see how doctrines and the practice of the Congregation as transmitted in ritual (ritual as a privileged source of institutional reproduction) succeed in forming the subjectivity of its faithful, understood as the complex set of perception, affect, thought, desire and fear.(AU) / Esta tese estuda a tradição e transmissão religiosa da Congregação Cristã no Brasil, numa área de maior vulnerabilidade social, a partir da instituição e dos sujeitos. A reprodução religiosa, na modernidade contemporânea, é dificultada pela capacidade diminuída das instituições religiosas de regular as crenças dos seus fiéis, e esta capacidade é analisada no caso da Congregação Cristã no Brasil, num bairro de alta vulnerabilidade social, na fronteira entre São Bernardo do Campo e Diadema. São estudadas as dimensões sociais da Congregação Cristã no Brasil, a partir de um olhar estatístico do campo pentecostal brasileiro. É analisada a realidade social local e elaborada a situação periférica específica do bairro estudado. Uma etnografia do culto da Congregação Cristã fornece os dados para análise dos atores no culto, do processo ritual, e da função do culto para a articulação da identidade religiosa. Finalmente é elaborada, a partir de entrevistas em profundidade e detida observação de campo, uma etnografia dos sujeitos membros da Congregação Cristã, homens e mulheres, em situações diferenciadas de vulnerabilidade. Analisa-se quais redes sociais, internas na Congregação Cristã no Brasil e externas, estes membros criam e até onde as doutrinas e práticas da Congregação, transmitidas no rito, dispositivo de reprodução institucional por excelência, conseguem formar a subjetividade dos seus fiéis, entendida como complexo conjunto de percepção, afeto, pensamento, desejo e medo.(AU)
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A educação Salesiana em Uberlândia: a gênese do Instituo Teresa Valsé Pantellini (1959 - 1971)Teodoro, Júlio César Orias 08 August 2008 (has links)
This study had the objective of the historic the geneses of the Institute Teresa Valsé Pantellini
in Uberlândia, with the purpose to construct an interpretative reading of its educational value,
between the years 1959, the date of installation of the institute in the city, and the beginning
of 1971, the moment when the school started to also admit in the school registration of pupils
from masculine sex. According to this research and analyses the construction of its physical
space, and architecture, the school life(pupils and components of the school community) and
the contribution of the society for the accomplish of the salesiana , in the building where the
Institution is located currently at Mato Grosso Avenue, 1625, in the Brazil District. This
thesis is considered excellent in the academic society for serving as a contribution to the
process of construction and survey of sources catalogued regarding the educational structures
that had been part of the formation of the school roots of Uberlândia city, with this being able
to trace a context of how the reality of the region had been thought and lived. Thus, the
documentary sources of the school, verbal history had been privileged (interviews with former
head teachers, former teachers , priests and egresses) the information supplied for the IBGE
regarding the population growth between the years of 1900 an 1970, as well as regarding the
average of the literacy between 1950 and 1970, consulting also the local press of the time.
The Institute Teresa Valsé of the Salesiana´s Sister Congregation initiated in 1959, had the
support of influential people of the society, who wished the development partner-educational
through the methodology of education based on familiar and religious values, according to
their predecessor Dom Bosco. The institution was developed with the aid of different
members of the local community, who participated in almost all the difficulties of the Sisters.
This also contributed for the development of the district, facts that demonstrate that, even
making use of an education device marked by behaviors discipline at the time given for the
Sisters, who obtained flexible methods and to adjust them in its institutional environment,
obtaining the desires of the society and forming a significant school for the city. / Este estudo teve, por objetivo, historiar a gênese do Instituto Teresa Valsé Pantellini em
Uberlândia, com a finalidade de construir uma leitura interpretativa de seu aparelho
educacional compreendido entre os anos de 1959,data da instalação do instituto na cidade, ao
início de 1971,momento em que a escola passou a admitir a matrícula de alunos do sexo
masculino. Buscando diante disso, analisar a construção de seu espaço físico, arquitetura, a
vida escolar (alunos e componentes da comunidade escolar) e a contribuição da sociedade
para a efetivação da obra salesiana, no prédio onde a Instituição está instalada atualmente na
Avenida Mato Grosso, 1625, no bairro Brasil.Esta temática é considerada relevante no meio
acadêmico por servir como mais uma contribuição ao processo de construção e levantamento
de fontes catalogadas a respeito das estruturas educacionais que fizeram parte da formação
das raízes escolares da cidade de Uberlândia, com isso, poder traçar um contexto de como foi
pensada e vivida a realidade educacional da região. Para tanto, foram privilegiadas as fontes
documentais oficiais da escola, a história oral (entrevistas com ex-diretoras, ex-professoras,
padres, e egressas), os dados fornecidos pelo IBGE a respeito do crescimento populacional
entre os anos de 1900 a 1970, bem como a respeito dos índices de alfabetização entre 1950 á
1970, consultando-se também a imprensa local da época. O Instituto Teresa Valsé Pantellini
teve sua gênese em Uberlândia, quando se falava muito em crescimento da cidade, da
demografia e da indústria, fatores beneficiados pelas políticas.O Instituto Teresa valsé das
Irmãs da Congregação Salesiana iniciado no ano de 1959, teve o apoio de pessoas
importantes da sociedade, que almejavam muito o desenvolvimento e a valorização sócioeducacional
através da metodologia de ensino baseada em valores familiares e religiosos, de
acordo com seu predecessor Dom Bosco. A instituição desenvolveu-se com a ajuda de
diferentes membros da comunidade local, que participava de quase todas as dificuldades das
irmãs. Isso acabou contribuindo de certa forma também para o desenvolvimento do bairro,
fatos que demonstram que, mesmo fazendo uso de um aparelho educacional marcado por
condutas disciplinarizadoras ministradas pelas Irmãs na época, estas conseguiram flexibilizar
seus métodos e adequá-los ao seu ambiente institucional, conseguindo assim atender aos
anseios da sociedade e formar uma escola significativa para a cidade. / Mestre em Educação
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O Asilo de Órfãs São Benedito em Pelotas – RS (as primeiras décadas do século XX): trajetória educativa-institucionalCaldeira, Jeane dos Santos 21 March 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-03-21 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / A presente dissertação consiste em uma pesquisa histórica no âmbito da História da Educação, mais precisamente na História das Instituições Educativas. A pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar aspectos históricos do Asilo de Órfãs São Benedito, atual Instituto São Benedito, fundado no início do século XX na cidade de Pelotas/RS para abrigar meninas negras. A delimitação temporal deste estudo corresponde as primeiras décadas do século XX, tendo como ponto de partida a fundação da instituição em 1901. Para poder analisar a trajetória educativo-institucional do asilo, buscou-se fazer alguns apontamentos sobre a institucionalização da infância desvalida no Brasil, contextualizar a cidade de Pelotas a partir do século XIX e a situação da comunidade negra dessa cidade depois da Abolição da Escravatura. Com o respaldo da Nova História é que se recorreu à prática historiográfica da micro-história e aos referenciais da História Vista de Baixo para a análise do corpus documental, constituído por documentos escritos, narrativas orais dos atores educativos e algumas fotografias referentes ao Asilo de Órfãs São Benedito. A função desempenhada pelo asilo foi fundamental na vida das meninas carentes, pois durante muitos anos, a obra assumiu ao mesmo tempo o papel da família, da escola, da Igreja e de setores da sociedade que tinham interesse na manutenção dessa instituição A instrução primária, moral e religiosa ofertada às meninas, contribuiu para torná-las boas mães, boas esposas e aptas para o trabalho doméstico. A partir deste viés é que se buscou investigar aspectos do Asilo de Órfãs São Benedito: o lugar da órfã na sociedade, características da educação institucionalizada, o estereótipo de mulher formada no Asilo de Órfãs e a relação da sociedade pelotense com a instituição. / This dissertation consists in a historical research of History of Education, specifically the History of Educational Institutions. The research aims to analyze historical aspects of São Benedito Orphan Asylum, São Benedito Institut currently, founded in the early twentieth century in the city of Pelotas / RS to harbor black girls. The temporal delimitation of this study correspond to the first decades of the twentieth century, having as the starting point the foundation of the institution in 1901. In order to analyze the educational and institutional trajectory of the asylum, we attempted to make some notes about the institutionalization of an underprivileged childhood in Brazil, contextualize the city of Pelotas from the nineteenth century, and the situation of the black community in this city after the abolition of slavery. With the backing of the New History is that resorted to historiographical practice of the micro-history and to the referential of the History view from below for analyzing the documentary corpus, constituted of written documents, oral narratives of the educational actors and some photographs relating to the Orphan Asylum São Benedito. The function performed by the asylum was underlying in the lives of those underprivileged girls, because for many years, the work assumed at the same time the role of family, school, church, and sectors of society that had an interest in maintaining this institution The primary instruction, religious and moral education offered to those girls, helped make them good mothers, good wives and suitable for domestic work. From this bias is that we sought to investigate aspects of the São Benedito Orphan Asylum: the place of orphans in the society, characteristics of institutionalized education, the stereotype of the women formed in the Orphan Asylum and the relationship of the Pelotense's society with the institution.
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Kerkleierskap as bemiddeling van 'n onmoontlike werklikheid : 'n prakties teologiese ondersoek na die rol van leierskap in die transformasie van gemeentes (Afrikaans)Labuschagne, Frederick Johannes (Frikkie) 25 September 2009 (has links)
AFRIKAANS: Met hierdie studie word gepoog om gemeenteleiers toe te rus om meer effektief leiding te gee. Die Kerk bevind haarself in ’n komplekse samelewing wat tans destruktief op kerkwees inspeel. Om die uitdagings van ons tyd te oorkom sal leiers kreatief en innoverend moet help vorm gee aan nuwe werklikhede. Alternatiewe lense is derhalwe nodig om gemeentes te begelei op ’n uitdagende reis. Die uitdaging vir gemeenteleiers is om kerkwees ontluikend te laat gebeur. Die veronderstelling is dat Kerk organies eerder as meganies en institusioneel tot uitdrukking kom. Leierskap is ’n dinamiese aangeleentheid wat binne gemeentelike en kerkverband moet plaasvind. Binne die Praktiese Teologie word die metodologiese modelle van Zerfass en Heitink gekies om die verkeer tussen teorie en praxis te bevorder. Die Praktiese Teologie word in terme van ’n kommunikatiewe handelingswetenskap met ’n hermeneutiese oriëntasie omskryf. Die ondersoek is hoofsaaklik deduktief van aard. In die proses van teorievorming word teorieë vanuit verskeie dissiplines ontleed en geëvalueer. Prakties-teologiese teorie moet egter praktyk word, en daarom kom die geloofshandelinge van mense hier onder bespreking. Die prakties-teologiese teoretiese raamwerk word nagevors vanuit drie primêre fokuspunte: • Postmodernisme Die postmodernisme is vir die Kerk ’n komplekse realiteit. Die Kerk kan haarself nie losmaak van hierdie werklikheid nie en behoort daarom kennis te neem van hierdie oorwegende tydsgees. Die implikasie hiervan is dat die Kerk in ’n postmoderne konteks hermeneuties verantwoordbaar bly. • Die identiteit van die Kerk Vanuit ’n Bybels-Reformatoriese perspektief is dit duidelik dat die ware Kerk (ecclesia visibilis) sekere kenmerke en eienskappe vertoon. Dog mag die “vorm” wat die Kerk aanneem nie opgaan in hierdie eienskappe en kenmerke nie. Binne die postmoderne konteks blyk Kerkwees meer organies te gebeur. Die Kerk is egter alleen Kerk insoverre haar identiteit in Jesus Christus setel. • Rol van leiers in ’n wêreld wat as kompleks getipeer word Die kompleksiteit van die postmoderne samelewing het tot gevolg dat leierskapteorie en praktyk verby die punt van beplanning, organisering en beheer (aanvaarbare bestuurswetenskaplike metodiek) ontwikkel het. Leierskap in die Kerk is ’n kollektiewe aangeleentheid en moet derhalwe holisties benader en bestuur word. Dit geskied dinamies en relasioneel. Aan die hand van die empiriese ondersoek word nuwe riglyne vir die bedieningspraktyk daargestel. ENGLISH:This study aims to equip leaders of congregations to become more efficient leaders. The Church finds herself in a complex society which currently has a destructive influence on the realisation of the Church. To overcome the challenges of our time, leaders must help to shape new realities in a creative and innovative way. An alternative way of looking at the issues are therefore needed to guide congregations on a challenging journey. The challenge for congregational leaders is to let the realisation of the Church take place in a revealing and developing manner. The assumption is that the Church is realised organically rather than mechanically and institutionally. Leadership is a dynamic matter that should be realized in congregational and ecumenical context. In Practical Theology, the methodological models of Zerfass and Heitink are selected to promote the interaction between theory and praxis. Practical Theology is defined in terms of a communicative per formative science with a hermeneutical orientation. The investigation is mainly deductive in nature. In the process of theorising, theories from different disciplines are analysed and evaluated. Practical-theological theory must become practice, however, and for that purpose the religious acts of people are discussed here. The practical-theological theoretical framework is researched from three primary focal points: • Postmodernism Postmodernism is a complex reality for the Church. The Church cannot distance herself from this reality, and should therefore take cognisance of this prevailing spirit of our time. The implication of this is that the Church remains hermeneutically accountable in a postmodern context. • The identity of the Church From a Biblical-Reformational perspective, it is clear that the true Church (ecclesia visibilis) displays certain features and characteristics. Yet, the “form” which the Church adopts may not be reduced to these features and characteristics. In the postmodern context, Church realisation appears to be happen more in an organic manner. However, the Church is only Church in as far as her identity is rooted in Christ. • The role of leaders in a world typified as complex Because of the complexity of postmodern society, leadership theory and practice developed beyond the point of planning, organising and control (acceptable managerial scientific methodology). Leadership in the Church is a collective matter and as such it must be approached and managed in a holistic way, by means of dynamic and relational methods. Based on the empirical investigation, new guidelines are developed for ministry practice. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Practical Theology / unrestricted
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Educação scalabriniana no Brasil / Escalabriniana education in BrazilOliveira, Lucia Helena Moreira de Medeiros 14 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Jose Claudinei Lombardi / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-14T12:50:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2009 / Resumo: O tema central desta pesquisa é a educação scalabriniana no Brasil, desde o final do século XIX até as quatro primeiras décadas da República. Buscou-se analisar, historicamente, o projeto educacional da Congregação das Irmãs de São Carlos Borromeo Scalabrinianas, seu princípio fundante e, em uma perspectiva mais abrangente, apreendê-lo junto ao movimento ultramontano no final do séc XIX. Objetivou-se, também, estudar a ação dessa congregação religiosa no interior do movimento restaurador católico e sua inserção no Brasil, nas primeiras décadas republicanas, e compreender como o ideário católico scalabriniano materializou-se e concretizou-se na sociedade capitalista. Além disso, intentou-se historicizar as instituições escolares da Congregação, no período em evidência, com vistas a depreender a contribuição de cada uma para a formação do homem republicano, moderno e cristão. O levantamento do acervo documental existente, como fontes oficiais, iconográficas, imprensa, orientações pedagógicas, documentos pontifícios, documentos históricos da fundação, bem como a produção histotriográfica específica, dentre outros, permitiram entender a vinda dessa Congregação para o Brasil, como instrumento do movimento de romanização e restauração católica, ocorrido no modo capitalista de produção. / Abstract: The central theme of this research is the escalabriniana education, since the ending of the 19th century to the first four decades of the Republic. It was searched for analyzing, historically, the educational project of the Congregation of São Carlos Borromeo' Scalabrinianas Sisters, its original principle and, in a broader perspective, apprehending it in the ultramontano movement at the end of the 19th century. The aims of this work were to study the action of that religion order in the interior of the catholic restoring movement and its introduction in Brazil, in the first republic decades, and understand how the scalabriniano catholic ideal was materialized and took place in the capitalist society. It was tried to historicise the schools of the Congregation, in the period of evidence, aiming to understand the contribution of each one to the formation of the republican, modern and christian man. The survey of the existing documental heritage, as official sources, iconographic ones, the press, pedagogical orientation, pontifical documents, the specific historical production, among others, allowed the understanding of the arrival of the Congregation in Brazil, as an instrument of the movement of Romanization and catholic restoration, occurred in the capitalist way of production. / Doutorado / Filosofia e História da Educação / Doutor em Educação
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“Jag var hungrig och ni gav mig att äta…” : Kyrkan som arena för socialt arbete / “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat…” : Churches as an arena for social workEngdahl, Hanna, Axelsson, Therése January 2022 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker kyrkan som välfärdsaktör och belyser, utifrån intervjuer med professionella diakoniarbetare, hur protestantiskt kristna kyrkor i Sverige gör socialt arbete. Empiriska data har samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med 15 diakoniarbetare fördelade över hela landet och analyserats med hjälp av en tematisk analys. Genom tematisering och kodning har tre huvudteman med underteman framträtt: Kyrkans roll i samhället, Självständighet och beroende samt Inkludering och exkludering. Av resultatet framkommer att kyrkan ser ett behov av välfärdstjänster utöver de som erbjuds av offentlig sektor. Många gånger anser sig kyrkan vara kapabel att utföra stöd och hjälp på ett sätt som offentliga myndigheter inte kan och därmed utgör ett komplement till offentliga aktörer. Exempelvis anser sig kyrkan inte enbart kunna möta människors fysiska nöd utan också sociala behov och existentiella frågor. Kyrkans omfattande krisberedskap och volontära krafter framhålls som en styrka och som viktiga resurser. Diakonin skiljer sig från socialt arbete på så sätt att den bygger på den kristna tron som också utgör en central del och en grund för kyrkans sociala förändringsarbete. Vidare belyser studien styrkor och svagheter hos civila välfärdsaktörer och problematiserar maktstrukturer i hjälpalliansen. Slutligen belyser studien vikten av professionell kompetens och ett kritiskt förhållningssätt i en organisation som drivs av välvilja och volontärt engagemang. Studien visar att en kritiskt reflekterande kyrka genom sina volontära resurser har potential att vara en viktig samarbetspartner för offentliga aktörer, en välfärdsaktör som är värd att tas på allvar. / This study examines churches as welfare actors and demonstrates how protestant churches in Sweden accomplish social work. The empirical data has been collected through semi-structured interviews with 15 professional diaconal workers from all over Sweden and analysed through a thematic analysis. Through thematisation and coding three main themes were identified: The role of churches in society, Independence and dependence and Inclusion and exclusion. The findings show that churches are seeing a need to offer welfare services as a complement to services offered by the public sector. The churches are often capable to offer support and help in a way that authorities are not able to offer and therefore they act as a compliment to public actors. For example, the churches can not only satisfy physical needs, but also the social needs and a support to deal with existential issues of people. The extensive crisis preparedness and voluntary resources of the churches are presented as a strength. In Sweden the diaconal work differs from social work, offered by the public sector, by building on Christian faith that is also an important component in the churches work for social change among vulnerable people. The study also exhibits strengths and weaknesses in civil society actors and problematises power structures in the help alliance. Finally, this study illustrates the importance of having professional competence and a critical approach in an organisation that is operated with kindness and voluntary engagement. The study shows that churches, through their voluntary resources and while maintaining a critical reflection, have the potential to be important collaboration partners for public actors, and are therefore welfare actors to be taken seriously.
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