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Modelo virtual exploratório: proposta de uma ferramenta de vendas para o mercado imobiliário residencial. / Virtual exploratory model: proposal of a selling tool for the residential property market.Nilton Paulo Raimundo Mendes 05 September 2012 (has links)
Analisando-se os ambientes comerciais do setor imobiliário, pode-se verificar a presença frequente de maquetes que hoje fazem parte dos estandes de vendas dos edifícios. As maquetes são peças frágeis, de custo elevado, considerável prazo de execução e têm pequena vida útil, sendo usualmente descartadas no desmonte do estande de vendas. Nos estandes de vendas pode-se encontrar também o apartamento modelo decorado, com custos ainda mais elevados. É nesse ambiente que o MVE (Modelo Virtual Exploratório) se torna importante para os setores da construção e imobiliário, cujos mercados são cada vez mais competitivos, onde há a real necessidade da diminuição dos custos, da diminuição dos prazos de execução e do aumento da qualidade dos produtos. Por se tratar de um importante tema de pesquisa científica, este trabalho propôs o desenvolvimento do MVE para venda imobiliária residencial. O MVE foi modelado com um programa CAD (Computer-Aided Design) / BIM (Building Information Modeling) que se mostrou adequado às exigências levantadas na pesquisa. Avaliou-se o MVE através de estudos de caso em empreendimentos imobiliários reais, com corretores e clientes. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o MVE pode ser desenvolvido com custo e prazo muito inferiores aos da maquete ou apartamento modelo e que tem grande aceitação tanto pelos profissionais de vendas quanto pelos clientes de empreendimentos imobiliários. / Examining the business environment of the real estate sector, it can be verified the large number of architectural mockups that today are part of real estate points-of-sale. Mockups are fragile, expensive, take considerable time to be made and have a short life span, as they are discarded when the sales booth is decommissioned. In the sales booths, it is also possible to find full size furnished mock-up flats, with even higher costs. In this environment, the MVE (Exploratory Virtual Model) becomes important for the construction and real estate industries, whose markets are increasingly competitive, where there is a real need to reduce costs, to decrease in execution times and to increase product quality. As it is an important topic of scientific research, this paper proposes the MVE development for selling residential real estate property. The MVE was modeled with a CAD (Computer-Aided Design) / BIM (Building Information Modeling) tool which proved adequate to meet requirements raised in the survey. The MVE was evaluated through case studies in real estate ventures with brokers and customers. Results show that MVE can be developed with much lower cost and in shorter time than the architectural mockup or the mock-up flat and that it has very well accepted both by real estate sales professionals and clients.
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Le management stratégique des coopérations entre parties prenantes d'un projet de construction : cas d'entreprises de maitrise d'oeuvre du bâtiment / Strategic management of construction projects stakeholders’ cooperation : architectural and engineering firms’ perspectiveRuat, Thibault 28 June 2016 (has links)
La recherche s’attache à améliorer la compréhension d’un management stratégique des coopérations entre les parties prenantes d’un projet de construction. Cette thèse développe tout particulièrement le lien entre ce management des coopérations et la performance socio-économique des organisations de maîtrise d’œuvre. Ce lien est analysé à partir des deux principaux cadres théoriques que sont la théorie socio-économique et la théorie des parties prenantes. L’état des lieux du management stratégique des coopérations au sein des organisations de maîtrise d’œuvre, réalisé selon une approche dysfonctionnelle conforme à la méthodologie de recherche-intervention socio-économique, met en évidence les principales causes des défaillances de coopération et leurs impacts sur les parties prenantes. Puis, les expérimentations, menées dans 22 agences d’architecture et une PME de maîtrise d’œuvre, montrent que la synchronisation, le pilotage stratégique et le pilotage des compétences des parties prenantes constituent les trois principaux axes d’amélioration de ce management stratégique des coopérations. Des leviers et facteurs de développement de ces axes, mobilisables par les organisations de maîtrise d’œuvre pour améliorer la qualité des coopérations avec leurs parties prenantes internes et externes, sont développés. Les compétences et la confiance se révèlent deux facteurs significatifs de performance et de durabilité des coopérations. Leur articulation conduit au développement d’un concept de coopération-confiance performante et durable où le management stratégique des coopérations constitue l’activateur qui, par effet de levier, améliore la performance socio-économique de l’organisation ainsi que son pilotage. Un pilotage qui invite à un repositionnement de la fonction de maître d’œuvre vers celle de maître d’œuvre-pilote des coopérations. / This dissertation aims to enhance understanding of strategic management cooperation between the stakeholders of a construction project. Our work is particularly focused on the link between cooperation management and socio-economic performance of architectural and engineering firms. This link is analyzed through two main theoretical frameworks: socio-economic theory and stakeholder theory. An empirical analysis of strategic management cooperation within architectural and engineering organizations, through a dysfunctional approach according to the socio-economic intervention-research methodology, highlights the main causes of cooperation failures and their impacts on stakeholders. Then, experimentations, conducted in 22 architectural firms and in a SME engineering company, show that synchronization, strategic management and stakeholders’ skills management are three main improvement axes of cooperation strategic management. Those axes’ levers and development factors, mobilized by architectural and engineering firms to improve cooperation quality with internal and external stakeholders, are developed. Skills and trust appear as two significant cooperation performance and sustainability factors. Their combination leads to the development of a concept of efficient and sustainable cooperation-trust management in which strategic cooperation is the activator, by leverage effect, improves the organization’s socio-economic performance and its management. A management which calls for repositioning the architectural and engineering firms work to that of architectural and engineering firms as cooperation managers.
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Nabídka stavebního podniku do veřejné obchodní soutěže / Offer of the Construction Company to Public TenderBenešová, Karolina January 2018 (has links)
The subject of the diploma thesis "Offer of the building company in a public tender" is to find out, how construction companies provide public contracts, how the public contracts process works in different companies, how individual companies create tender documentation in a public tender, and subsequently describe the creation of tender documentation to public competitions.
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Přístavba výrobní haly - stavebně technologický projekt / An Industrial Building Extension - Construction Technology ProjectSedlák, Petr January 2018 (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis is a building construction project for industrial building Rieder Beton in Jihlava. It contains an engineering report, a time schedule, a site equipment report, a design of machine assembly, a technological project together with a quality and test plan for the precast prefabricated frame and an itemized budget.
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Řízení cash flow při minimální ceně stavební zakázky / Cash Flow Management of Construction Project In Case of Minimum PriceŠmýdová, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
The content of this master‘s thesis is cash flow management of a construction project in case of minimum price "Intensification sewage Sokolov - Phase I". Two alternatives of cash flow management of a construction project are compared, which differ in the contractual terms between the construction company and the contractor subcontracting. In the first alternative the business requires payment of the invoices within 90 days and the assurance with a bank guarantee by subcontractors. In the second variant subcontractor has provided the company the possibility of using a 9% discount with payments within 30 days and provide guarantee restraints. The expected present value of cash flow is used to evaluate the most suitable alternative. The result of my master‘s thesis is to identify potential risks and opportunities to ensure the liquidity of the contract.
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Investiční výstavba spolufinancovaná z fondů EU / Investment Construction Co-financed from EU FundsKymlička, Aleš January 2013 (has links)
The main topic of my thesis called „Investment construction co-financed from EU Funds“ is basic description of principles and objectives of of structural (cohesion) policy including its development and instrument for its application – EU Funds. Specific attention is dedicated to Structural Funds and Cohesion Fund. The attention is also focused on Financial perspective for period 2007 – 2013 in theoretical part. Also the prediction for next multiannual financial Framework 2014+ is mentioned in the part. Practical part comprises description, analysis and evaluation of finished construction Project co-financed by Structural Funds. This project was carried out whithin Regional operation programme North-West and it solved the issue of „brownfields“ in the city center.
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Analýza ekonomického rizika výstavbového projektu / Analysis of Economic Risk of the Construction ProjectBokorová, Martina January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the risk analysis and risk management of a construction project, their detailed characteristics and classification. In the practical part, knowledge and findings from the theoretical part are applied to a project aimed at the reconstruction and completion of an indoors swimming pool in the town Kuřim. In the course of the risk analysis assessment, important information on the project were given, furthermore, risks were identified, the intensity of their impact and likelihood of their development was established, and measures to reduce the risks were recommended.
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Administrativní budova / Office BuildingŽák, Jan January 2014 (has links)
The Master’s thesis Office building is compiled in the form of project documentation witch comprises all the requisites required by current regulations. The designed building is placed on the sites numbered 2589/1 in Litomerice. This is a new building withoutbasement with four floors. The house is rectangular in plan, built of precast reinforced concrete frame system with infill masonry and roofing flat roof monotube roofing.
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Řízení stavební zakázky / Construction Order ManagementBerger, Patrik January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with preparation and management of construction order. In the theoretical part there is described the definition of the term project, then management of project and leadership. In the practical part the investor and the contractor of the construction order will be introduced. This construction order is evaluated, then an organization structure, costs plan, time schedule and site accommodation are made. In the final part the thesis deals with evaluation of results and its comparison with the building company.
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Styrning i vägprojekt: Med fokus på förutsättningar och risker : En kvalitativ flerfallsstudie inom Trafikverket / Managing road projects: focusing on conditions and risks : A qualitative multi-case study within TrafikverketJohnsson, Julia, Olin, Anna January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund och problem: Projekt präglas vanligtvis av en otillräcklig måluppfyllelse, exempelvis gällande tid, kostnad och kvalitet. Detta går även att finna vid anläggnings- och infrastrukturprojekt, vilka dessutom är betydande för samhällets möjligheter för kommunikation och transport. Att infrastrukturprojekt, vilka bedrivs av den offentliga verksamheten Trafikverket, inte uppnår sina mål resulterar i förseningar och att skattepengar inte nyttjas maximalt. Detta tyder även på att projekten är svårstyrda utifrån de föränderliga förutsättningar och risker som präglar projekttypen, vilket gör det relevant att studera ämnet vidare. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att öka kunskapen om hur styrningen går tillväga vid vägprojekt med fokus på förutsättningar och risker. Detta utförs genom att beskriva hur Trafikverkets process styrs i vägprojekt och identifiera samt analysera förutsättningar och risker som kan påverka projekten. Metod: Studien är en kvalitativ flerfallsstudie inom Trafikverket. Det teoretiska materialet har erhållits från vetenskapliga artiklar, litteratur och rapporter. Det empiriska materialet är insamlat genom ett snöbollsurval där åtta respondenter inkluderades. Totalt genomfördes elva semistrukturerade intervjuer. Webbsidor och dokument är också en del av det empiriskt insamlade materialet. Vid genomförandet av studien har vi utgått ifrån forskningsetiska överväganden och kvalitetskriterier, i syfte att öka dess pålitlighet, trovärdighet, konfirmering och överförbarhet. Slutsats: Studien konstaterar att vägprojekt styrs utifrån en version av stage-gate-modellen och att det även finns inslag av den agila metoden angående riskhanteringen. Styrtriangelns tre dimensioner tid, kostnad och kvalitet utgör ett fokus inom vägprojekt, dimensionen kvalitet beskrivs däremot som innehåll. Förutom att styrtriangeln består av ett inre beroende finns även en yttre påverkan gentemot andra projekt. Detta innebär att ett projekts styrtriangel har en inverkan på ett annat projekts dimensioner, vilket är ett teoretiskt bidrag som studien belyst. Det identifierades även totalt åtta förutsättningar, sex risker och åtta faktorer som betraktas vara både förutsättningar och risker inom vägprojekt. Samtliga av dessa förutsättningar och risker styrs samt hanteras. Det redogörs för att dessa påverkar varandra, vilket styrningen av dem bör ta hänsyn till. Sammantaget fastställs det att styrningen av vägprojekt är komplext på grund av dessa samband och uppkomsten av oförutsägbara händelser. Detta bidrar till en praktisk och teoretisk kunskap angående styrningen med hänsyn till förutsättningar och risker eftersom dessa har studerats i samband med varandra. / Background and problem: Projects are usually characterized by insufficient goal fulfillment, regarding time, cost and quality for example. This can also be found in construction and infrastructure projects, which are important for society's opportunities for communication and transport. The fact that infrastructure projects, which are carried out by the public authority Trafikverket, do not achieve their goals, results in delays and that tax money is not used to the maximum. This also indicates that the projects are difficult to manage on the basis of the changing conditions and risks that characterize the project type, which makes it relevant to study the subject further. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to increase the knowledge of how management is used in road projects with a focus on conditions and risks. This is accomplished by describing how Trafikverkets process is managed in road projects and identifying and analyzing conditions and risks that can affect the projects. Method: The study is a qualitative multi-case study within Trafikverket. The theoretical material has been obtained from scientific articles, literature and reports. The empirical material was collected through a snowball selection in which eight respondents were included. In total, eleven semi-structured interviews were conducted. Web pages and documents are also part of the empirically collected material. In conducting the study, we included research ethical considerations and quality criteria, with the aim of increasing its reliability, credibility, confirmation and transferability. Conclusion: The study finds that road projects are managed based on a version of the stage-gate model and that there are also elements of the agile method regarding risk management. The three dimensions in the iron triangle time, cost and quality are a focus within road projects, but the quality dimension is described as content. In addition to the iron triangle consisting of an internal dependency, there is also an external influence on other projects. This means that one project's control triangle has an impact on another project's dimensions, which is a theoretical contribution that the study illustrated. A total of eight conditions, six risks and eight factors were also identified, which are considered to be both conditions and risks in road projects. All of these conditions and risks are managed. It is stated that these affect each other, which their management should take into account. Overall, it is determined that the management of road projects is complex due to these relationships and the occurrence of unpredictable events. This contributes to a practical and theoretical knowledge of the management with regard to the conditions and risks as these have been studied in conjunction with each other.
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