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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Team Foundation Server 2010 : En utvärdering av mätetal för projektkvalitet

Andersmats, Edvin, Tapper, Dennis January 2011 (has links)
På Trafikverkets centrala funktion IT används Team Foundation Server 2010 för projekthantering. Utifrån detta system det är det möjligt att få fram mätetal som visar information om olika projekt. I denna fallstudie undersöks, med hjälp av intervjuer, vilka av dessa mätetal som kan användas för att visa en relevant bild av kvaliteten på ett systemutvecklingsprojekt. En modell presenteras för hur olika mätetal skulle kunna vägas samman för att fungera som en siffra på ett projekts kvalitet/hälsa. Till sist utvärderas om mätetal från TFS är tillräckliga för att ge en bra bild av kvaliteten på ett systemutvecklings-projekt. Studien kommer fram till att en sammanvägning är möjlig, men kan vara omfattande. Den visar även att mätetal från TFS är tillräckliga för att ge en övergripande bild av ett projekts hälsa.

Inkluderandet av hållbarhetsarbete inom byggprojekt och dess relation till projektframgång : En kvalitativ studie om relationen mellan hållbarhetsarbete och projekt

Eriksson, Elin, Jähle, Josefine January 2021 (has links)
Title: The inclusion of sustainability in construction projects and its relation to project success: a qualitative study of the relationship between sustainability and projects. Level: Student thesis, final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration  Author: Elin Eriksson and Josefine Jähle Supervisor: Emilia Kvarnström Date: 2021 - June  Aim: Previous research draws attention to the negative connection between integrating sustainability into projects with a focus on long-term sustainability goals as opposed to short-term traditional project goals. Therefore, researchers suggest that more empirical studies should be conducted in the subject. The purpose of the study is to create an increased understanding of the relationship between sustainability and projects through the research questions “How is sustainability included in projects?” and “What is the perceived relationship between sustainability and project success?”.  Method: To achieve the purpose of the study, a qualitative method has been used in the form of six semi-structured interviews with project managers and people with different sustainability positions within Swedish construction companies. The collected data has been transcribed and coded into recurring themes which were analyzed through a content analysis.  Result & Conclusions: The study shows that the customer for the projects can act as an opening or barrier for how sustainability is included within projects. The results also show that the entire supply chain can influence the inclusion of sustainability. According to this study, the relationship between sustainability work and project success is difficult to determine, which is explained by the fact that sustainability is actually a part of project success. Thus, the study has resulted in the model “The Sustainable Iron Triangle”.  Contribution of the thesis: This study has contributed to an increased theoretical understanding of the relationship between sustainability and projects, but also provides an empirical basis on whether sustainability is included in projects and its relation to project success. This study has developed the model The Iron Triangle into The Sustainable Iron Triangle which better reflects today's assessment of project success.  Suggestions for future research: Future studies are recommended to carry out similar surveys regarding construction companies outside Sweden or to examine the customer's perceptions regarding the inclusion of sustainability in projects. What also would be interesting is to test The Sustainable Iron Triangle in an industry other than the construction industry to examine the relevance of the model in another context.  Key words: Project, Sustainability, Project Management, Triple Bottom Line, Project Success, The Iron Triangle.

Risk Managements påverkan för utfallet av ERP-projekt

Maunus, Hanna, Lindemark Engøy, Ann-Magritt January 2014 (has links)
Titel: Risk Managements påverkan för utfallet av ERP-projekt Författare: Ann-Magritt Lindemark Engøy och Hanna Maunus Handledare: Pär Vilhelmson Examinator: Sarah Philipson Kurs: Examensarbete företagsekonomi C, 15.0 hp Nyckelord: ERP-projekt, Projekt Management, Risk Management, risker i ERP-projekt, lyckade projekt, misslyckade projekt, The Iron Triangle. Syfte: Att undersöka vilka risker som är mest förekommande vid implementeringen av ERP-system och hur risk management kan reducera dessa. Metod: Kvalitativ metod, hermeneutik, fallstudier, semistrukturerade intervjuer, välgrundad teori. Resultat: Organisationens och projektets ledning hade större kunskaper om vilka risker som ville uppstå och olika risk management strategier än andra anställda och slutanvändarna av systemet.  Standardisering, samordning och automatisering av organisationens kärnprocesser var huvudsyften för att implementera ERP-system i organisationen. God planering av projektet är avgörande för ett lyckat resultat. Det är viktigt med bra kommunikation och tätt samarbete mellan de olika avdelningarna i projektet, och även med externa konsulter som till exempel leverantören av ERP-systemet. Riskanalys var en viktig del av projektens risk management strategi. En skicklig och flexibel projektledning hade stor betydelse för att risk management strategin fungerade. Resursproblem visade sig vara den största risken i de undersökta projekten. Change management visade sig vara en välanvänd metod för att minska organisationens motstånd mot ERP-projekt. Kostnadsbudgeten var inte det viktigaste målet att uppnå och The Iron Triangle visade sig inte vara så avgörande för om projektet ansågs lyckad eller misslyckad. Organisationerna använda sig mycket av upplärning av användarna för att åtgärda de risker som kan uppstå i samband med personalen. Risk management fungerade för projektledningen som ett verktyg för att åtgärda och även kontrollera projektrisker. Slutsatser: De vanligaste riskerna som upptäcktes i undersökningen var olika slags problem med personalen, tekniska problem, samarbetet med leverantören och kommunikationen mellan olika intressenter, att hålla projektets tidsschema och budget, samt tailoring av systemet och att se till att det fungerar i enlighet med syftet. Särskilt personalriskerna var många och utgjorde stora utmaningar för ERP-projekten. Studien visade även att risk management kan påverka utfallet av ERP-projekt positivt och hjälpa ERP-projekt att uppnå sina mål. / Title: Risk Managements influence on the outcome of ERP projects Authors: Ann-Magritt Lindemark Engøy & Hanna Maunus Tutor: Pär Vilhelmson Examiner: Sarah Philipson Course: Bachelor Thesis in Business Administration C, 15.0 hp Keywords: ERP projects, Project Management, Risk Management, risks in ERP projects, successful projects, unsuccessful projects, The Iron Triangle. Purpose: To investigate what risks are most dominant with the implementation of ERP systems and how risk management can reduce these risks. Method: Qualitative method, hermeneutic, case studies, semi-structured interviews, well-grounded theory. Findings: The management had better knowledge about the risks that would arise and different risk management strategies in ERP projects than other employees and end users of the ERP systems. Standardisation, coordination and automation of the organisations core processes were the main purposes for implementing ERP systems in the organisations. Excellent planning of the project is critical for a successful project outcome. It is important to have good communication and close cooperation between the various departments in the projects, as well as with external consultants such as the supplier of the ERP system. Risk analysis was the most important and the most used method of the risk management strategies among our cases. Skilled and flexible project management had a positive impact on the risk management strategy ability to succeed. Resource issues turned out to be the biggest risk in the investigated projects. Change management proved to be a well-used method to reduce the employees resistance against the ERP project. To meet the standards from the cost´ budget was not seen as the most important objective to achieve. It also turned out The Iron Triangle was not a critical factor to determine whether the project in question was seen as a success or a failure. The organisations used training of the end-users to address the risks that may arise in connection with the employees. Risk management worked for the management as a tool to resolve and control the project risks. Conclusions: The most common risks that where discovered in this study was personnel risks, technical issues, the relationship with the supplier and communication between various stakeholders, not to exceed the project budget and schedule, as well as tailoring the system and make sure that it is working as intended. Particularly risks related to the employees constituted major challenges for the ERP projects. Our study showed furthermore that risk management clearly affects the outcome of ERP projects positively and helps ERP projects to achieve their goals.

Confidential Construction Project : An Explorative-Comparative Study Between Conventional and Confidential Construction Projects / Konfidentiella byggprojekt : En explorativ-komparativ studie mellan konventionella och konfidentiella bygg

Khalaf, Soran, Bjerkensjö, Jonathan January 2021 (has links)
The definition of a project is that an individual or group of individuals carries out a work that results in a unique product or service. What is usually discussed in both the media and in the construction industry is the type of project that you can talk about. In this study, this is called conventional construction projects. There are also projects that you are not allowed to talk about and that must be kept secret for various reasons. These can, for example, be based on protecting national interests. In these projects, integrity is one of the most important parameters to keep track of from a management perspective. This study examines the work methodology in this area of the Swedish construction industry. The study is based on traditional project management theory and begins with a review of concepts such as critical success factors (CSF), the distinction between confidentiality and conventionality, key performance indicators (KPI) and the classic iron triangle. The study's question is whether these concepts appear and are applied differently in confidential construction projects compared to conventional ones. Are there any activities that are of utmost importance that they are carried out for a confidential project to be considered successful? The study was conducted as a qualitative, abductive study where information was obtained through semi-structured interviews. In total, eleven interviews were conducted with individuals who participated in some form of confidential construction project. All respondents have represented construction contractors during their time in confidential construction projects. The conclusion after the completed analysis of the interviews shows that confidential projects do not differ significantly in terms of project structure. On the other hand, this type of project is characterized by a much higher degree of accuracy regarding planning and implementation than a comparable conventional construction project. / Definitionen av ett projekt är att en enskild eller grupp av individer genomför ett arbete som resulterar i en, på något sätt, unik produkt eller tjänst. Vad som vanligtvis diskuteras i både media och i byggbranschen är den typ av projekt som du faktiskt får prata om. I denna studie kallas detta för konventionella byggprojekt. Det finns även projekt som du inte får prata om och som måste hållas hemliga av olika anledningar. Dessa kan exempelvis vara grundade i nationella skyddsintressen. I dessa projekt är integritet en av de viktigaste parametrarna att hålla koll på ur ett ledningsperspektiv. Denna studie undersöker arbetsmetodiken inom detta område i byggbranschen. Studien tar avstamp från traditionell projektledningsteori, och inleds med en genomgång av koncept såsom kritiska framgångsfaktorer (CSF), distinktionen mellan konfidentialitet och konventionalitet, nyckeltal (KPI) samt den klassiska järntriangeln. Studiens frågeställning är om dessa begrepp ter sig och tillämpas annorlunda i konfidentiella byggprojekt jämfört med konventionella. Är det några aktiviteter som är av yttersta vikt att de genomförs för att ett konfidentiellt projekt ska anses vara framgångsrikt? Studien har genomförts som en kvalitativ, abduktiv studie där informationsinhämtningen har skett genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Totalt har ett antal om elva intervjuer genomförts med individer som deltagit inom någon form av konfidentiellt byggprojekt. Samtliga respondenter har representerat byggentreprenörer under deras tid i konfidentiella byggprojekt. Slutsatsen efter den genomförda analysen av intervjuerna visar att konfidentiella projekt inte skiljer sig avsevärt mycket sett till struktur på projektet. Däremot karakteriseras denna typ av projekt av en mycket högre grad av noggrannhet avseende planering och genomförande än ett jämförbart konventionellt byggprojekt.

公共利益的看守者:從1410大禹治水聯盟檢視非營利組織政策監督 / The Watchers of Public Welfare: An Examination of Public Policy Supervision by Non-Profit Organization from the 1410 Ta-Yu Water Management Alliance

李翰林, Li,Han Lin Unknown Date (has links)
在2006年1月,立法院通過了總金額合計高達1410億水患治理特別條例、石門及其集水區整治特別條例。本文以許多民間非營利組織為監督治水預算成立的1410大禹治水聯盟為研究個案,希望能瞭解立法過程裡,民間聯盟如何監督公共政策?又如何打破國會與官僚的結盟結構,實際影響政策?本文採用深度訪談、報章資料與參與觀察等方式,藉由McAdam的政治機會結構理論為分析架構,以說明治水預算裡行動者擴編預算的動機與過程。並分析在立法院審查各階段治水聯盟的因應策略、實際行動和內部運作,以及監督成效。研究發現在地方水患陰影下,又面對官僚、國會與地方政府三者鐵三角般的互利合作,主張審慎監督的治水聯盟其實無力回天。一方面因議題範圍實在太大,無法動員特定地區相關者;另一方面也是鐵三角間同盟關係非常穩固,國會遊說發揮不了作用。故只能藉少數友好立委,在朝野協商爭取加入更多資訊公開、績效評估與公民參與機制。透過這些機制,在後續八年政策執行過程中找出更多公共參與和監督的著力點。藉此也讓原先僅有地區性互動的環保運動與社區大學運動在本案上交會。此新合作方向是否會對未來環保運動帶來新的在地網絡與群眾支持,值得後續觀察與研究。 / In January 2006, the Legislative Yuan passed the Special Enactment on Flood Management in Areas Susceptible to Floods and the Special Enactment on Restoration of Shi-Men and its Catchments Area amounting to NT$141 billion. This paper makes a study of the 1410 Ta-Yu Water Management Alliance formed by a number of civil non-profit organizations for the purpose of supervising and auditing the water management budget. The study seeks to understand how the civil alliance supervises public policies during the legislative process and how they break the alliance structure between the Legislative Yuan and bureaucracy to actually influence policies. By using McAdam’s political opportunity structure theory as its analysis structure, this paper gives an account of the motives and processes of activists in the creation of the water management budget through in-depth interviews, newspaper reports and participate observation. It also analyzes the countering strategies, activities, internal functioning and the results of the supervisory actions of the Water Management Alliance. This research discovered that in the face of the alliance’s proposition of prudent supervision could not be upheld in the face of mutual cooperation within the iron triangle of bureaucracy, the Legislative Yuan and local government. On one hand is the alliance’s inability to mobilize related parties in specific areas due to the issues covering too wide a range and on the other hand is the solid relationship within the iron triangle alliance and negates lobbying efforts in the Legislative Yuan. It is only by a few friendly legislators that mechanisms for the increased disclosure of information, performance evaluation and civil participation were added during negotiations between the ruling and opposition parties. Through these mechanisms it is hoped that more foothold for public involvement and supervision can be found in the following eight years of policy implementation. Also, such mechanisms would allow conservation movements and community college movements which used to be limited to territorial interactions to meet. Whether this new direction in cooperation brings new grassroot support for future environmental movements remains worthy of follow up observation and research.

日本「對中經濟合作」之政經分析: 以有償日圓借款為例(1979-2005) / Japan's ODA Loans Policy toward mainland China, 1979-2005

龔祥生, Kung, Shan Son Unknown Date (has links)

Styrning i vägprojekt: Med fokus på förutsättningar och risker : En kvalitativ flerfallsstudie inom Trafikverket / Managing road projects: focusing on conditions and risks : A qualitative multi-case study within Trafikverket

Johnsson, Julia, Olin, Anna January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund och problem: Projekt präglas vanligtvis av en otillräcklig måluppfyllelse, exempelvis gällande tid, kostnad och kvalitet. Detta går även att finna vid anläggnings- och infrastrukturprojekt, vilka dessutom är betydande för samhällets möjligheter för kommunikation och transport. Att infrastrukturprojekt, vilka bedrivs av den offentliga verksamheten Trafikverket, inte uppnår sina mål resulterar i förseningar och att skattepengar inte nyttjas maximalt. Detta tyder även på att projekten är svårstyrda utifrån de föränderliga förutsättningar och risker som präglar projekttypen, vilket gör det relevant att studera ämnet vidare.  Syfte: Syftet med studien är att öka kunskapen om hur styrningen går tillväga vid vägprojekt med fokus på förutsättningar och risker. Detta utförs genom att beskriva hur Trafikverkets process styrs i vägprojekt och identifiera samt analysera förutsättningar och risker som kan påverka projekten. Metod: Studien är en kvalitativ flerfallsstudie inom Trafikverket. Det teoretiska materialet har erhållits från vetenskapliga artiklar, litteratur och rapporter. Det empiriska materialet är insamlat genom ett snöbollsurval där åtta respondenter inkluderades. Totalt genomfördes elva semistrukturerade intervjuer. Webbsidor och dokument är också en del av det empiriskt insamlade materialet. Vid genomförandet av studien har vi utgått ifrån forskningsetiska överväganden och kvalitetskriterier, i syfte att öka dess pålitlighet, trovärdighet, konfirmering och överförbarhet.  Slutsats: Studien konstaterar att vägprojekt styrs utifrån en version av stage-gate-modellen och att det även finns inslag av den agila metoden angående riskhanteringen. Styrtriangelns tre dimensioner tid, kostnad och kvalitet utgör ett fokus inom vägprojekt, dimensionen kvalitet beskrivs däremot som innehåll. Förutom att styrtriangeln består av ett inre beroende finns även en yttre påverkan gentemot andra projekt. Detta innebär att ett projekts styrtriangel har en inverkan på ett annat projekts dimensioner, vilket är ett teoretiskt bidrag som studien belyst. Det identifierades även totalt åtta förutsättningar, sex risker och åtta faktorer som betraktas vara både förutsättningar och risker inom vägprojekt. Samtliga av dessa förutsättningar och risker styrs samt hanteras. Det redogörs för att dessa påverkar varandra, vilket styrningen av dem bör ta hänsyn till. Sammantaget fastställs det att styrningen av vägprojekt är komplext på grund av dessa samband och uppkomsten av oförutsägbara händelser. Detta bidrar till en praktisk och teoretisk kunskap angående styrningen med hänsyn till förutsättningar och risker eftersom dessa har studerats i samband med varandra. / Background and problem: Projects are usually characterized by insufficient goal fulfillment, regarding time, cost and quality for example. This can also be found in construction and infrastructure projects, which are important for society's opportunities for communication and transport. The fact that infrastructure projects, which are carried out by the public authority Trafikverket, do not achieve their goals, results in delays and that tax money is not used to the maximum. This also indicates that the projects are difficult to manage on the basis of the changing conditions and risks that characterize the project type, which makes it relevant to study the subject further. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to increase the knowledge of how management is used in road projects with a focus on conditions and risks. This is accomplished by describing how Trafikverkets process is managed in road projects and identifying and analyzing conditions and risks that can affect the projects. Method: The study is a qualitative multi-case study within Trafikverket. The theoretical material has been obtained from scientific articles, literature and reports. The empirical material was collected through a snowball selection in which eight respondents were included. In total, eleven semi-structured interviews were conducted. Web pages and documents are also part of the empirically collected material. In conducting the study, we included research ethical considerations and quality criteria, with the aim of increasing its reliability, credibility, confirmation and transferability. Conclusion: The study finds that road projects are managed based on a version of the stage-gate model and that there are also elements of the agile method regarding risk management. The three dimensions in the iron triangle time, cost and quality are a focus within road projects, but the quality dimension is described as content. In addition to the iron triangle consisting of an internal dependency, there is also an external influence on other projects. This means that one project's control triangle has an impact on another project's dimensions, which is a theoretical contribution that the study illustrated. A total of eight conditions, six risks and eight factors were also identified, which are considered to be both conditions and risks in road projects. All of these conditions and risks are managed. It is stated that these affect each other, which their management should take into account. Overall, it is determined that the management of road projects is complex due to these relationships and the occurrence of unpredictable events. This contributes to a practical and theoretical knowledge of the management with regard to the conditions and risks as these have been studied in conjunction with each other.

Vlivová struktura a problém korupce v obchodu s vojenským materiálem v České republice / Higher Cicrcles in Defence Sector and Corruption in Defence Materiel Procurement in the Czech Republic

Pernica, Bohuslav January 2018 (has links)
The thesis Higher Cicrcles in Defence Sector and Corruption in Defence Materiel Procurement in the Czech Republic deals with the question of presence of military-industrial complex (MIC) in the Czech society and economy after than more 65 years its constitution in Czechoslovakia by communist defence minister A. Čepička. His effort was initiated by a confidential wish expressed by J. V. Stalin in 1951 within a political meeting with defence ministers newly established people's republics in East Europa. Due to fact that MIC is usually linked with corruption, the thesis deals with the issue of corruption in acquisition of defence materiel; in particular, after 1994 when the first design of building-up the Czech military power was adapted as well as the first acquisition plan of military materiel was introduced for the next 10 years. So, the aim of the thesis is to verify the theory MIC's presence in the Czech Republic and to diagnose the stage of corruption in acquisition of military materiel at the Ministry of Defence. Author scrutinised the validity of two hypotheses: (H1) the MIC is in the Czech Republic omnipresent and (H2) the corruption in acquisition of military materiel at the Ministry of Defence is the stage of systemic corruption. With application of comparative analysis comparing the Czech...

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