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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Técnicas de redução de potência estática em memórias CMOS SRAM e aplicação da associação de MOSFETs tipo TST em nano-CMOS / Static energy reduction techniques for CMOS SRAM memories and TST MOSFET association application for nano-CMOS

Conrad Junior, Eduardo January 2009 (has links)
Em nossos dias a crescente busca por portabilidade e desempenho resulta em esforços focados na maximização da duração de bateria dos equipamentos em fabricação, ou seja, busca-se a conflitante solução de circuitos com baixo consumo e ao mesmo tempo com alto desempenho. Neste contexto usualmente na composição de equipamentos portáteis empregam-se SOC´s (Systems On Chip) o que barateia o custo de produção e integração destes circuitos. SOC´s são sistemas completos que executam uma determinada função integrados em uma pastilha de silício única, normalmente possuem memórias SRAM como componente do sistema, que são utilizadas como memórias de alta performance e baixa latência e/ou também como caches. O grande desafio de projeto em memórias SRAMS é a relação de desempenho versus potência consumida a ser otimizada. Basicamente por sua construção estes circuitos apresentam alto consumo de potência, dinâmica e estática, relacionada a primeira diretamente ao aumento de freqüência de operação. Um dos focos desta dissertação é explorar soluções para a redução de consumo de energia tanto dinâmica como estática, sendo a redução de consumo estático de células de memória em standby buscando desempenho, estabilidade e baixo consumo de energia. No desenvolvimento de técnicas para projeto de circuitos analógicos em tecnologias nanométricas, os TST´s (T-Shaped Transistors – Transistor tipo T) surgem como dispositivos com características potenciais para projeto analógico de baixa potência. TSTs / TATs (Trapezoidal Associations of Transistors – Associação Trapezoidal de transistores) são estruturas self-cascode que podem tornar-se uma boa escolha por apresentar redução do leakage, redução na área utilizada e com incremento na regularidade do layout e no casamento entre transistores, propriedade importantíssima para circuitos analógicos. Sendo este o segundo foco deste texto através do estudo e análise das medidas elétricas dos TSTs executadas para comprovação das características destes dispositivos. Também apresenta-se uma análise das possibilidades de utilização dos TSTs em projeto analógico para tecnologias nanométricas. / Nowadays the increasing needs for portability and performance has resulted in efforts to increase battery life, i. e., the conflicting demands for low power consumption and high performance circuits. In this context using SOC´s (System On Chip) in the development for portable equipments composition, an integration of an entire system for a given function in a single silicon die will provide less production costs and less integration costs. SOC´s normally include a SRAM memory as its building block and are used to achieve memories with low latency and short access time or (and) as caches. A performance versus power consumption analysis of SRAM memory building blocks shows a great challenge to be solved. The electrical design aspects of these blocks reveal high power consumption, dynamic and static, and the former is directly proportional to the operating frequency. The design space exploration for dynamic and leakage consumption reduction in these circuits is one of the focus of this work. The main contribution of this topic is the leakage reduction techniques based in performance, stability and low energy consumption for the memory cell stand-by mode. Among the electrical techniques developed for analog circuits at the 20-100 nanometer scale, the TST (T-Shaped Transistors) rises with potential characteristics for analog low power design. TST /TAT (Trapezoidal Associations of Transistors) are selfcascode structures and can be turning into a good alternative for leakage and area reduction. Another point is the increment in mismatch and layout regularity, all these characteristics being very important in analog designs. The TST electrical measurements study and analysis are developed to show the device properties. An analysis of the TST desired properties and extrapolation for nanometer technologies analog design are also presented.

A constituição do sujeito contemporâneo do consumo : aprender a comprar bem, para comprar sempre

Mutz, Andresa Silva da Costa January 2013 (has links)
A Tese analisa a constituição do sujeito contemporâneo do consumo como resultado de operações do Dispositivo Pedagógico do Consumo. Focaliza centralmente os investimentos pedagógicos para o governo da conduta dos sujeitos consumidores nas atuais sociedades capitalistas neoliberais. O referencial teórico-metodológico alinha-se à vertente pós-estruturalista dos Estudos Culturais. M. Foucault e seus leitores, como P. Veyne, N. Rose e E. Castro, contribuíram com seus estudos acerca do modo como estamos nos constituindo sujeitos. A esses, aliaram-se autores que têm se dedicado à análise de traços da sociedade atual, como Z. Bauman, M. Lazzarato, M. Featherstone, N. Canclini, e pesquisadores brasileiros como A.Veiga-Neto, R. Fischer, L.Sacchi, C. Traversini, F. Marcello. M. Costa e I. Carvalho, empenhados em exercícios semelhantes. O material empírico selecionado está composto por um conjunto de artefatos culturais de caráter heterogêneo, incluindo documentos publicados pelo Estado brasileiro e por organizações não governamentais, assim como outros documentos da mídia produzidos por instituições privadas, como revistas impressas mensais, sites da internet, etc. Com eles foram mapeados: a) os campos do saber acerca do consumo e do consumidor, b) os tipos de normatividade implicados nesses saberes, c) as formas como os sujeitos são posicionados no interior das relações de poder, implicadas pelas verdades do consumo. A opção por um conjunto diversificado de materiais justifica-se pela pergunta que orienta a pesquisa: como se constitui o sujeito contemporâneo do consumo? Procurou-se respondê-la indicando o modo como operam os saberes, e se engendram os poderes nos programas e ações de todo o tipo, que visam a conduzir a conduta dos consumidores. Os resultados apontaram para o agenciamento dos sujeitos por meio do que denominei Dispositivo Pedagógico do Consumo, que emerge e opera em condições históricas específicas, atendendo urgências do campo econômico, social e ambiental. O “consumidor consciente” constitui-se nesse contexto como produto e efeito do dispositivo que opera por meio de três domínios: 1) a constituição do eu consumidor, como agente de transformação ambiental, social e econômica; 2) a medicalização do social por meio da prevenção, tratamento e cura das doenças do consumo e 3) a pedagogização do consumo. / The thesis analyzes the constitution of the contemporary subject of consumption as a result of operations from the Pedagogic Device of Consumption. Centrally focuses on pedagogical investments for the government's conduct of consumer subjects in the current neoliberal capitalist societies. The theoretical and methodological referential aligns with the post structuralist strand of Cultural Studies. M. Foucault and his readers, as P. Veyne, N. Rose and E. Castro contributed with their studies about how we constitute ourselves as subjects. In addition to these authors, others who have dedicated to the analysis of the current society traits were allied as Z. Bauman, M. Lazzarato, M. Featherstone, N. Canclini, and Brazilian researchers as A.Veiga-Neto, R. Fischer, L.Sacchi, C. Traversini, F. Marcello. M. Costa and I. Carvalho, are engaged into similar exercises. The selected empirical material consists of a set of cultural artifacts from heterogeneous character, including documents published by the Brazilian government and by the non-governmental organizations, as well as other media documents produced by private institutions, like monthly print magazines, internet websites, etc. There were mapped with them a) the fields of knowledge in regards to the consumption and the consumer b) the types of normativities implicated in those knowledge c) the ways in which subjects are positioned within the power relations implied by the truths of consumption. The choice for a set of diverse materials is justified by the question that guides the research: how the contemporary subject of consumption is constituted? We tried to answer that indicating how the knowledge operates and how powers are engendered into the programs and actions of all kinds that aimed drive the consumer´s conduct. The results pointed to the agencement of the subjects through which I called Pedagogical Device of Consumption, which emerges and operates in specific historical conditions, heeding urgencies from the economic, social and environmental field. The "conscious consumer" is constituted in this context as a product and effect of the device that operates through three domains: 1) the constitution of the “I” consumer as an agent of environmental, social and economic transformation. 2) the social medicalization through prevention, treatment and cure of consumption diseases and 3) the consumption pedagogization.

La fidélité oppositionnelle de l'individu : une nouvelle lecture de la fidélité sous l’angle de l'anti-consommation et de la résistance. / Oppositional loyalty of the individual : a new reading of loyalty under the scope of anti-consumption and resistance

Djedidi, Amina 12 December 2014 (has links)
Cette recherche a pour objectif d'explorer le concept de fidélité oppositionnelle de l'individu ainsi que son potentiel d'enrichissement du concept de fidélité à la marque tel que traditionnellement abordé. La fidélité à la marque, définie jusqu'ici par un comportement d'achat répétitif accompagné d'une attitude positive envers la marque choisie, acquiert ainsi une nouvelle composante issue de la littérature sur l'anti-consommation et la résistance qui constituent, aux côtés de l'identité sociale et de la recherche d'équilibre, le cadre théorique sur lequel est fondé ce travail. S'appuyant sur le terrain des smartphones, la méthodologie de recherche est articulée autour de trois sources de données principales : des commentaires d'internautes en ligne, des entretiens et des récits de vie. Ces données ont été traitées grâce à une analyse de contenu thématique classique. Les principaux résultats mettent en avant l'existence d'une fidélité oppositionnelle de l'individu qui s'appuie sur une attitude et un comportement positifs à l'égard de la marque choisie et négatifs à l'égard de la marque évitée. Qu'elle se présente sous sa forme attitudinale et/ou comportementale, la fidélité oppositionnelle évolue dans le temps aboutissant ainsi à différents profils de fidèles oppositionnels. Enfin, ce phénomène émerge comme une réaction/résistance au comportement de la marque, une volonté de distanciation par rapport à une image de consommateur-type ou un évitement suite à une expérience négative avec une marque donnée. Ces résultats permettent aux managers de définir des stratégies de défense du capital–marque de leur portefeuille de marques et de résister ainsi aux attaques des concurrents sur des marchés devenus de plus en plus concurrentiels. / This research aims to explore the concept of oppositional loyalty of the individual and its potential to enrich the concept of brand loyalty as traditionally addressed. Brand loyalty, so far defined as a repetitive buying behavior together with a positive attitude toward the chosen brand, acquires a new component borrowed from the literature on anti-consumption and resistance that constitute, together with social identity and balance quest, the theoretical framework on which this research is based. Based on the smartphones field, the research methodology is structured around three main data sources: online internauts' comments, interviews and life stories. These data were processed through a classical thematic analysis of content. The main results highlight the existence of an oppositional loyalty of the individual that is based on positive attitudes and behavior towards the chosen brand and negative ones towards the avoided brand. Whether it is manifested under attitudinal and / or behavioral form, oppositional loyalty evolves over time, resulting in different profiles of oppositionists loyal. Finally, this phenomenon emerges as: a response / resistance to brand behavior, a desire to distance oneself from the image of consumer-type or an avoidance following a negative experience with a particular brand. These results allow managers to define strategies for defending the brand equity of their brand portfolio and thus resist the attacks of competitors on markets that are becoming increasingly competitive.

Conspicuous consumption and black youth in emerging markets

Mkhwanazi, Jabulile Penelope 21 July 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore a phenomenon known as pexing that is prevalent in South Africa‟s Black youth. The study aimed to explore the nature of pexing in relation to other conspicuous consumption behaviours and understand the drivers for this behaviour. The study interviewed a sample of 10 participants. Findings of the study indicated that pexing is similar to conspicuous consumption but also has aspects that are distinct to it and the researcher proposes a framework and term (destructive conspicuous consumption) for this noted consumption activity. The study also shows that although different to anti-consumption pexing has some anti-consumption behaviours. The study also identifies antecedents that lead to the noted behaviour and these range from a low income environment to adult modelling. Relationships and links between antecedents; coping strategies and the resultant consumption activity (Pexing) was demonstrated. The research then concludes by making recommendation to both government and marketers in light of the findings of this research. The research also highlights some socio-economic considerations of pexing and also suggests other variables to be researched that are key to further understanding of pexing. / Dissertation (MBA)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) / unrestricted

Hållbar matkonsumtion och den sociala kontextens roll -En kvalitativ studie om studenters upplevelser kring hur matkonsumtionen påverkas ur ett hållbarhetsperspektiv när de träder in i ett nytt fält

Lindberg Jonsson, Jennifer, Ödqvist, Rebecka January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this essay is to study what influences university students' sustainable food consumption when entering a new field. It will be interesting to study the extent to which students’ sustainable food consumption is characterized by previous experiences from growing up, and new experiences that arise with the entry into the new field. The investigation is based on six interviews conducted with students within the faculty of humanities at Örebro University. The conclusions of the interviews are based on and analysed with the help of previous research on sustainable consumption, as well as Bourdieu's theory regarding capital and field as well as Berger and Heath’s theory about taste.This study examines how students' sustainable food consumption develops in a new social field as Bourdieu calls it with new expectations and discourses about food consumption. The conclusions partly showed that the informants experienced to a greater extent adapt to the new norms and therefore consume more vegetarian- and vegan food. However, it could also be seen that the majority tend to not prioritize ecological alternatives due to the higher price. Lastly the study is discussed, and a further study is presented. Although their existing consumption, all informants were explicit in their ambition to achieve a more sustainable food consumption in the future when the economical factor was less limiting. Therefore, we thought of a further study that aims to continue studying the students' sustainable food consumption to see if it changes after entering yet another field after their time at university. / Denna studie syftar till att undersöka vad högskolestudenter upplever påverka deras hållbara matkonsumtion. Det blir intressant att studera i vilken mån studenternas hållbara matkonsumtion präglas av tidigare erfarenheter från uppväxten, respektive nya erfarenheter som uppkommer i och med inträdandet i det nya fältet. Studien utgår från sex stycken intervjuer med studenter som studerar inom humaniora på Örebro Universitet. Dessa har sedan studerats med hjälp av tidigare forskning inom hållbar konsumtion, Pierre Bourdieus teori om fält samt Jonah Berger och Chip Heaths teori kring individens smak.De slutsatser som erhålls i denna studie är att informanterna upplever att det nya fältet har förändrat deras matkonsumtion. I det nya fältet ingår studenterna i ett nytt socialt rum med nya förväntningar och diskurser kring matkonsumtion. Detta har visat sig få informanterna att i större utsträckning anpassa sig efter de nya normerna och därmed konsumera mer vegetariskt och veganskt. Majoriteten av informanterna är dock tydliga med att de önskar att konsumera mer ekologiskt men att detta kommer bli möjligt först efter deras studietid när de har andra ekonomiska förutsättningar. Slutligen diskuteras studien och alternativ till framtida studier. En framtida studie som är intressant är att vidare studera hur matkonsumtionen förändras efter studietiden när de har träder in i ytterligare ett nytt fält.

Hur unga vuxna går tillväga när de shoppar online : En kvalitativ studie om shopping online och hållbarhet / How young adults practice shopping online : A qualitative study about shopping online and sustainability

Bagger, Sara, Gustafsson, Moa January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att analysera hur unga vuxna går tillväga när de handlar kläder och skor online. Vi befinner oss i en tid då det sker ett skifte från att handla i fysiska butiker till onlinebutiker och med tanke på den negativa effekt som klädbranschen har på miljön är det viktigt att tänka hållbart när man handlar online. I den här studien försöker vi undersöka hur konsumenter väger in hållbarhet i sin praktik, men också vad som skulle påverka dem att göra mer hållbara val. Studien bygger på praktikteori och den digitala köpprocessen. Vi har använt personliga intervjuer för att samla in materialet som vi sedan använde för att analysera. Resultaten visar att det finns tre olika sätt att handla online, det spontana, det genomtänkta och det rutinmässiga. Vilken shoppingmetod som används påverkar även konsumenten och dess hållbarhetsbeslut. Enligt denna studie är det mest hållbara sättet att agera det genomtänkta sättet, medan det spontana och rutinmässiga sättet är det minst hållbara. Studien visar också att den digitala köpprocessen ser olika ut beroende på konsument och vilket sätt de använder. / The aim of this study is to analyze how young adults practice shopping for clothes and shoes online. We are in a time when there is a shift from shopping in physical stores to online stores and given the negative effect that the clothing industry has on the environment, it is important to think sustainably when shopping online. In this study, we try to look into how consumers weigh sustainability into their practice, but also what would influence them to make more sustainable choices. The study is based on practice theory and the digital buying process. We have used personal interviews to collect the material which we then used to analyze. The results show that there are three different ways to shop online, the spontaneous, the well-thought-out and the routine way. Which shopping method is used also affects the consumer and its sustainability decisions. According to this study, the most sustainable way to act is the well-thought-out way, while the spontaneous and routine way is the least sustainable. The study also shows that the digital buying process looks different depending on the consumer and which way they use.

Transforming more woth less? : Exploring NGO Communication on Sustainable Anti-Consumption in the Context of Clothing

Birk, Stephanie January 2023 (has links)
The textile industry is an unsustainable industry that contributes to many environmental and social challenges. As a promising approach to its transformation, this thesis explores the con-cept of anti consumption. It investigates how non governmental Organizations (NGOs) com-municate the concept in the context of fashion on Instagram. The study aims to explore the key themes used and seeks to understand how organizations critique the capitalist system and to whom responsibility for its implementation within the communication is attributed . A total of 45 Instagram posts from the organizations Fashion Revolution and Remake were examined in a thematic analysis.The NGOs expose exploitative power dynamics and colonial structures and reveal manipulation as a tool of capitalism. In contrast, the value of clothing is redefined and happiness in individuality is examined. While brands are held accountable in the communication, the emphasis is on individual responsibility.

Exploring Salient Attributes and Status Perception of Proenvironmental Behavior

De Nardo, Matheus 28 December 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Food Security and Social Networks: Impacts for Smallholder Farmers in the Mount Elgon Region of Kenya and Uganda

Lamb, Jennifer Nicole 22 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis investigates the relationship between smallholder farm household networks for food acquisition and agricultural production, food security and dietary quality in the Mount Elgon region of western Kenya and eastern Uganda. Food security and dietary quality were measured through calorie consumption of the female household head in a 24 hour dietary recall, the calculation the World Food Program Food Consumption Score (WFP FCS), and the calculation of the percentage of energy sourced from staples in the diet. Correlations between these indicators support that the WFP FCS is capturing elements of both sufficiency and quality of diet. Subsequent application of Ordinary Least Squares regression determines that both food acquisition networks and technology networks for agricultural production have a statistically significant positive impact upon calorie procurement across the sites included in the study. However, networks for agricultural production appear to operate differently in different locations with regard to dietary quality. Interpretation of qualitative data gathered through interviews with agricultural service sector providers and focus groups regarding these local networks for agricultural production suggests that this might be due to differences in the types of crops promoted and attitudes held regarding food security and dietary quality prevalent in these different localities. Overall, the results suggest that both food acquisition networks and agricultural production networks are important avenues through which gains in food security may be realized. However, development efforts need to be mindful of the crops and attitudes promoted by these networks to secure gains in both caloric sufficiency and dietary quality. / Master of Science / CCRA-8 (Technology Networks for Sustainable Innovation)

Att göra så gott man kan : Kan föräldraskap skapa en mer medveten konsument? / To do the best you can : Could parenthood create a more aware consumer?

Didner, Frida January 2016 (has links)
Den här studien har undersökt hur föräldrar till barn 0-2 år i Karlstad kommun konsumerar till sina barn inom tre produktkategorier; kläder, mat och leksaker. Syftet har varit att se om att få barn kan vara en drivande faktor för att bli en mer medveten konsument. Har personernas konsumtionsbeteende förändrats efter att de har fått barn? Enkäter och fokusgrupper har använts på fyra öppna förskolor i Karlstads kommun för att samla in data. Som teoretiskt ramverk har ekologisk modernisering, politisk konsumtion samt svag och stark hållbar konsumtion använts. Inom de tre produktkategorierna går det att se vissa skillnader. Enkätsvaren säger att respondenterna handlar kläder efter behov, men fokusgrupperna talar om att de handlar för att det är roligt, ett fritidsintresse. Inom mat har många blivit noggrannare med att handla ekologiskt, främst till barnet. Det är dock inte en stark ståndpunkt eftersom de flesta väljer oekologiskt om varan inte finns som ekologisk. Kategorin leksaker hade de flesta deltagarna inte hunnit handla så mycket från än, då deras barn fortfarande är små. De uttrycker dock att det är en svår kategori att veta så mycket om och de går oftast efter vad barnet visar intresse för. Överlag går det att se ett visst förändrat beteende, men deltagarna saknar en helhetssyn över konsumtionskedjan. Resultatet visar också att föräldrarna är starkt styrda av sociala normer som bestämmer vad som anses vara ett behov. Deltagarna reflekterar inte över konsumtionsnivån utan håller sig inom svag hållbar konsumtion där de istället väljer att byta ut vissa saker mot mer hållbara alternativ. Avsaknaden av helhetssynen märks också genom att de inte praktiserar politisk konsumtion i så stor utsträckning, de räknar helt enkelt inte med sig själva i konsumtionskedjan. Detta är kvalitativ studie som möjligen skulle fått andra resultat i andra sammanhang. / This study has examined how parents of children, age 0-2, in Karlstad consumes for their children within three product categories; clothing, food and toys. The aim was to see if having children could be a driving factor to become a more aware consumer. Have the participants consumption behaviour changed after they have had children? Surveys and focus groups have been completed in four open preschools in Karlstad municipality to collect data. As a theoretical framework has ecological modernization, political consumption and weak and strong sustainable consumption been used. Within the three product categories it is possible to see some differences. The survey result say that respondents shop for clothes according to need, but the focus groups talk about that they shop because it is fun, a hobby. It has become more important for the parents to buy organic food, mostly to the child. However, it is not a strong position because most respondents choose to buy conventional produced products if they don’t have an ecological alternative in the store. Because most of the respondents children where still small they hadn’t purchased that many toys yet. They express, however, that it is a difficult category to know that much about and they usually goes on what the child shows interest for. Overall, it is possible to see some changes in behaviour, but participants lack a comprehensive view of the consumption chain. They don’t reflect on the level of consumption and so they pursue on the path of weak sustainable consumption where they consumes the same amount but change to more sustainable materials. The lack of overall vision is also evident in that they don’t practice political consumption to any wider extent, they simply don’t see their own impact on the consumption chain. The result also shows that the parents are strongly guided by social norms that sets the rules for what they consider to be their needs. This is a qualitative study and could therefore have gotten a different result in another context.

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