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The evaluation of sorbent containing geotextiles for the remediation of PAH and NAPL contaminated sedimentTrejo, Gabriel 2009 August 1900 (has links)
As more sites containing contaminated sediments are remedied with sediment caps, so grows the interest among site managers and engineers in the benefits afforded by active capping. While traditional sediment caps can effectively manage strongly solid-associated contaminants in many situations, under certain conditions active caps or amendments may be needed to effectively reduce risk to an acceptable level. This research assessed the predicted and observed breakthrough of dissolved organic contaminants in two newly developed geotextiles; one designed to sorb non-aqueous–phase liquids (NAPLs), the other dissolved-phase contaminants. The performance of the geotextiles was then compared to that of another remediation technology that has been deployed in the field for two years. All active materials were then evaluated based on their sorption capacity and their predicted life under field conditions.
The sorbent containing geotextiles designed for active capping applications were tested in columns to simulate field conditions, where upwelling groundwater would be contaminated by impacted sediments, thereby transporting contaminants to the water column. The contaminants of interest in these studies were three polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) of varying hydrophobicity. Breakthrough curves for the materials
of interest were constructed for the three PAHs and were fit to an advection-dispersion model to predict the mass of contaminants sorbed onto them. This mass was then compared and verified to be similar to values found in literature.
The performance of the geotextiles was compared to that of organoclay deployed in Portland, OR, at the McCormick & Baxter Creosoting Company Superfund Site. In 2004, over 22 acres of sediment at the site were remedied with both passive and active caps to mitigate the effects of decades worth of contamination. In certain portions of the site, a 12 inch thick layer of organoclay was employed, while at other portions of the site, conventional sand or a thin reactive core mat with the equivalent of approximately 1 cm of organoclay were employed. The continued effectiveness of these sediment caps was evaluated using a variety of laboratory techniques, including measuring samples’ hexane extractable material, which is a proxy for NAPL contamination, as well as their PAH bulk concentrations. These analyses performed on core samples allowed for the generation of vertical profiles critical to cap evaluation.
Despite possessing a significantly greater specific sorption capacity, the geotextiles could not offer the same protection for the extended period of time that the bulk organoclay could. The greater mass of organoclay deployed in bulk at the McCormick & Baxter site allowed a much greater sorption capacity to be placed. It would take over sixty stacked layers of the one of the geotextiles evaluated in these studies to achieve the same capacity for dissolved-phase contaminants as the 1 ft organoclay cap. However, no significant penetration of NAPL into the bulk organoclay has been noted, and thus even the thin layer within a geotextile might have been sufficient at the site, despite its significantly lower overall capacity. The data generated provides information as to the expected capacity of the various sorbent placement approaches and can help guide decisions at other sites. / text
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Laboratory study of calcium based sorbents impacts on mercury bioavailability in contaminated sedimentsMartinez, Alexandre Mathieu Pierre 22 October 2013 (has links)
Mercury -contaminated sediments often act as a sink of mercury and produce methyl-mercury, an acute neurotoxin which readily bio accumulates, due to the presence of bacterial communities hosted by the sediment. One common remediation approach to manage methyl-mercury is to amend the sediment by capping or directly mixing with a sorbent. This thesis aims to assess the capabilities of some calcium-based sorbent to act in that capacity. Laboratory experiments were implemented to simulate mercury fate and behavior in geochemical conditions that capping would likely create. Well-mixed slurries showed that gypsum materials were disparate and their behavior was similar from sand to organocaly. Mercury sorption capacities of these gypsums were poor with a sorption coefficient approximately equal to 300 L/kg. Reduction of methylmercury was minimal and even increased in two of the three materials. Therefore, the three gypsums, which tend to be more cohesive when wetted, doesn’t constitute a viable material for sediment capping. / text
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Biochar-based thin-layer capping of contaminated sediment in Burefjärden, northern Sweden : Assessment of biochar mixed into four structural materials for preventing release of trace elements from sediment to waterPantzare, Nathalie January 2021 (has links)
Coastal areas around the world have been recognized as largely impacted by anthropogenic activities resulting in pollution of marine sediments. In Sweden, surveys conducted along the coastline of the Bothnian Bay have identified a total area of about 29 km2 as fiber rich sediments. In the Bureå sea area near Skellefteå vicinity, Västerbotten county, elevated levels of mercury (Hg), methyl-Hg, arsenic (As), copper (Cu), lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), zinc (Zn) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) have been classified and believed to be mainly affected by emissions from a pulp and paper industry formerly active on a nearby headland. Contaminants in sediments are of concern as continuous dispersion can adversely affect the benthic community. To isolate contaminants and reduce their bioavailability, in-situ thin-layer capping using an active material is one suitable approach. This type of remediation method, using biochar mixed with bentonite clay will be implemented on a pilot scale in the sea area outside of Bureå in the spring of 2021. However, bentonite is a relatively expensive material yielding a need to further develop the selection of capping materials suitable to aid in the deposition of biochar in an active thin-layer cap. In this thesis, biochar-based thin layer caps mixed with bentonite clay, rock dust of two grain sizes and a concrete-based slurry was evaluated on their physicochemical properties and efficiency for preventing release of trace elements from sediment to the overlying water. This was conducted by a laboratory column experiment where four set ups were performed: (1) no capping for sediment control, (2) only capping material for material control, (3) sediment mixed with biochar and (4) sediment capped with each material mixed with biochar. Three times during an 8-week test period, 60 mL of the overlying water in the columns was extracted and sent for trace element analysis. The experimental set up revealed that the capping layers effectively prevent release of trace elements trough the sediment to the overlying water. The concrete slurry showed suitable settling properties and negligible loss of biochar in the set-up of the columns. Also, the biochar+concrete slurry thin-layer cap displayed the highest efficiency for preventing and/or delaying release of As, P, Cu, Fe, Mn and SO4.
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RECOVERY-RD: The Development of a Biotransformation Model for Sediment Systems Contaminated with PCBsMobile, Michael Anthony 16 September 2008 (has links)
This thesis describes the creation of RECOVERY-RD, a numerical model capable of representing the biotransformation processes associated with Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) compounds in contaminated sediments for a variety of aquatic environments, including rivers and marine systems. RECOVERY-RD is intended as a screening tool for evaluating the impact of engineered sediment caps on contaminant remediation. The two key components that provided the framework for RECOVERY-RD are RECOVERY, a model for contaminant transport in stratified sediment, and SEAM3D, a numerical transport model for contaminated groundwater systems. The predictions made by RECOVERY-RD are verified using a series of test cases organized to test each phase of the modification process individually. The results show that the processes simulated by RECOVERY-RD are reasonably represented when compared to alternative calculation methods that have been previously verified. A hypothetical application of the initial version of the model provides evidence of the usefulness as a screening-level tool for the assessment of remedial efficacy. / Master of Science
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Procena potencijala remedijacije sedimenta primenom imobilizacionih agenasa / Assessment of potential remediation of metal contaminated sediment using imobilisation agentsDalmacija Milena 28 June 2010 (has links)
<p>Predmet izučavanja ove disertacije je ispitivanje mogućnosti imobilizacije toksičnih metala u sedimentu primenom imobilizacione tehnike solidifikacije/stabilizacije portland cementom, kalcijum-oksidom, prirodnim zeolitom, letećim pepelom, kaolinitom, montmorilonitom, i različitim smešama ovih agenasa kao i određivanje njihove efikasnosti u zavisnosti od brojnih faktora. Efikasnost imobilizacionih postupaka praćena je korišćenjem tzv. testova izluživanja, odnosno određivanjem koncentracije metala koji su u toku određenog vremena iz imobilisane faze prešli u mobilnu fazu gde se smatraju potencijalno opasnim i biodostupnim. Krajnji cilj svakog testa izluživanja je mogućnost procene adekvatnosti primene određene imobilizacione, odnosno remedijacione tehnike. Efikasnost imobilizacionih postupaka zavisi i od određenih osobina: pH rastvora, dodatka imobilizacionog agensa što je istraživanjem ispitano. Na osnovu ovog testa, odnosno odnosa kumulativne frakcije metala koja je oslobođena iz imobilizacione smeše u mobilnu fazu i vremena određen je tip mehanizma koji omogućava transport metala (spiranje, difuzija, rastvaranje). Takođe su određeni i i parametri (koeficijenti difuzije, indeksi izlužljivosti) koji će poslužiti za ocenu efikasnosti prethodno primenjenih imobilizacionih tehnika. Primenjeni su i modifikovani testovi izluživanja sa ciljem što bolje simulacije realnih uslova. U modifikovanim testovima izluživanja korišćen je rastvor sa pH 3,25 da bi se simulirali uslovi koji oponašaju kisele kiše, odnosno uslovi u realnom sistemu. Takođe je koršćen i rastvor huminskih materija sa ciljem simulacije uslova velikog organskog opterećenja do kojeg bi moglo doći u slučaju akcidentnih situacija (na primer poplava) i generalno uslova koji se stvaraju u prirodi pri raspadanju organskog materijala (lišće, trava, itd.). Rezultati dobijeni simulacijom ovih uslova će dalje omogućiti modelovanje ponašanja metala u smislu dugoročnog "izluživanja" iz tretiranog sedimenta kao i procenu najefikasnijih agenasa za imobilizaciju različitih metala u sedimentu. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata, zaključeno je da su optimalni agensi za imobilizaciju metala u sedimentu smeša cementa i kreča (5% cementa i 10% kreča), smeša montmorilonita i kreča (30% montmorilonita i 10% kreča), leteći pepeo (30%) i zeolit (30%). U ovim smešama dominantan mehanizam izluživanja je difuzija, a ove smeše se mogu smatrati inertnim otpadom po svim ispitivanim kriterijumima. Ovi rezultati se mogu upotrebiti za projektovanje i izgradnju pilot postrojenja na kome bi se ispitala efikasnost ovih agenasa za remedijaciju sedimenta u realnim uslovima. Dobijeni podaci su neprocenjivi sa aspekta ekonomski i ekološki prihvatljivog upravljanja sedimentom.</p> / <p>This work is concerned with exploring the possibilities of immobilization of toxic metals in sediments using solidification/stabilization as imobilization technique and using Portland cement, calcium oxide, natural zeolite, flying ash, kaolinite, montmorilonite, and various mixtures of these agents and determine their effectiveness depending on many factors. Performance of imobilization procedures was followed by the use of so-called leaching tests and determination of the metals concentration that are within a specified interval of time leached from the immobile phase and as such can be considered potentially hazardous and bioavailable. The ultimate goal of every leaching test is to assess the adequacy of the possibility of applying certain imobilization or remediation technique. Performance of imobilizaction procedures depends on certain characteristics: pH of solution, additon of imobilization agent, etc. Based on this test, ie relation between the cumulative fraction of metal leached from imobilization mixture and time, the type of leaching mechanism that allows the transport of metals (wash-off, diffusion, dissolution) was determined. Other parameters which will serve for evaluating the efficiency of the previously applied imobilization techniques (diffusion coefficients, leaching indices) were also determined. Modified leaching tests were applied with the aim of better simulation of real conditions on the field. In the modified leaching tests the solution with pH 3.25 was used to simulate conditions that mimic acid rain and conditions in the real system. The humic acid solution was also used with the aim to simulate high organic loads which could occur in the case accident situation (eg floods) and the general conditions that are created in naturewhen decaying organic material (leaves, grass, etc.). The results obtained by simulating these conditions will enable the modeling of behavior of metals in terms of long-term leaching period from the treated sediment and assess the most effective agents for the immobilization of various metals in the sediments. Based on these results, it was concluded that the optimal agents for immobilization of metals in the sediment mixture of cement and lime (5% cement and 10% lime), a mixture montmorilonite and lime (30% montmorilonite and 10% lime), fly ash (30%) and zeolite (30%). In these mixtures dominant leaching mechanism is diffusion, and these mixtures can be considered as inert waste by all tested criteria. These results can be used to design and builda pilot plant in which order to evaluate the effectiveness of these agents for remediation of sediment in real terms. The obtained data are invaluable from the aspect of economic and ecologically acceptable management of sediment.</p>
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"Utilização de duas variantes da fluorescência de raios X (EDXRF e TXRF) na determinação de chumbo em águas e sedimentos" / Use of two variants of X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF and TXRF) in the determination of lead in waters and sedimentsMoraes, Liz Mary Bueno de 13 December 2004 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo principal a utilização de duas variantes da técnica analítica de fluorescência de raios X, dispersiva em energia - EDXRF e reflexão total TXRF, na determinação de Pb em amostras de águas superficiais e subterrâneas, e em sedimentos em suspensão e de fundo. Cinco amostras de cada matriz foram coletadas em uma área contaminada, nas proximidades da desativada fábrica de baterias Indústria Acumuladores Ajax Ltda., localizada no km 229 da rodovia Jaú-Ipaussu, em Bauru, SP. As variantes EDXRF com pré-concentração com APDC e medida direta por TXRF mostraram resultados satisfatórios na determinação de Pb em soluções-padrão e amostra certificada de água natural SRM1640, produzida pelo NIST, obtendo-se concentrações compatíveis com os valores esperados. A primeira técnica resultou em limite de detecção da ordem de 0,70 mg L-1, com tempo de análise de 300 s, melhor que a segunda técnica (4,46 mg L-1), em 200 s. Estas duas variantes também foram utilizadas para outros elementos químicos, como o Ti, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn e Br, onde a EDXRF mostrou também melhores limites de detecção para todos os elementos. Para Ni, Cu e Zn, importantes na indústria de baterias, foram encontrados os limites de 0,34 - 0,27 e 0,24 mg L-1, respectivamente, enquanto que por TXRF foram encontrados os valores ao redor de 1 mg L-1. Na validação destas duas metodologias para análise de água, a EDXRF mostrou resultados mais próximos aos valores esperados, enquanto que por TXRF foram superestimados na maioria das vezes, com exceção para As, Se e Pb. Este erro foi devido a uma interferência espectral ocasionada provavelmente pela presença dos elementos Ti ao Zn nos componentes metálicos do arranjo experimental, ausentes no suporte refletor de quartzo, colimador do detector ou solução do padrão interno. Sem a eliminação dessa interferência, os resultados obtidos por TXRF para estes elementos, com exceção para As, Se e Pb, só podem ser utilizados como qualitativos. Para análise de sedimentos em suspensão foi utilizada a técnica de EDXRF, assumindo a amostra como filme fino, atingindo limite de detecção da ordem de 2 mg g-1 para Pb, enquanto que para o Cu e Zn o limite de detecção foi da ordem de 5 mg g-1, em 300 s. Para sedimento de fundo foi utilizada a mesma técnica, mas admitindo a amostra como espessa, corrigindo-se o efeito matriz através do fator de absorção, validando-a pela análise de amostras certificadas de sedimento (SRM1646a/NIST) e solo (SRM2711/NIST). O limite de detecção para Pb ficou em torno de 2 mg g-1, e para outros elementos os limites foram de 3,07 mg g-1 para Ni, 2,12 mg g-1 para Cu e 1,50 mg g-1 para Zn, em 500 s. Com base nos valores máximos permitidos para Pb, estabelecidos pela Portaria 1469/00 e Resolução 20/1986 CONAMA, duas amostras de água mostraram-se contaminadas pelos resultados obtidos pela variante EDXRF, e quatro pelos resultados da TXRF. Para os outros elementos, apesar da interferência na TXRF, por esta técnica uma amostra de água ultrapassou o limite permissível para Cu e todas as cinco para Zn, e pela EDXRF uma amostra para Ni e Cu em água, e três para Zn. Na legislação brasileira não há limite máximo permitido para Pb e outros elementos em solos e sedimentos, e portanto foram adotados os limites TEL (Threshold Effect Level, nível limiar do efeito) e PEL (Probable Effect Level, nível provável do efeito), utilizados pela Agência Ambiental Canadense. As amostras de sedimento em suspensão mostraram concentrações de Pb menores que o limite de detecção, e das cinco amostras de sedimento de fundo, uma amostra apresentou valor acima do limite TEL, e outra, coletada num ponto bem ao lado da fábrica, acima do limite PEL. Para os outros elementos Ni, Cu e Zn, nenhuma das amostras de sedimento em suspensão ou de fundo não ultrapassaram os limites TEL. / This study had as main objective the use of two variants of the analytical technique of X-ray fluorescence, energy dispersive - EDXRF and total reflection - TXRF, for the determination of Pb in superficial and underground water and in suspended and bottom sediment samples. Five samples of each matrix were collected in a contaminated area near the closed battery plant, Indústria de Acumuladores Ajax Ltd., located on km 229 of the Jaú-Ipaussu highway, near the city of Bauru in São Paulo State, Brazil. The two variants EDXRF with preconcentration with APDC and TXRF direct measurement had shown satisfactory results in the determination of Pb in standard solutions and certified natural water sample SRM1640/NIST, obtaining compatible concentrations with the expected values. The first technique resulted in a 0.70 mg L-1 limit of detention, with 300 s analysis time, and the second one 4.46 mg L-1 in 200 s. These two variants were also used for other chemical elements, such as Ti, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn and Br. EDXRF also showed better limits of detection for all the elements. For Ni, Cu and Zn, important in the industry of batteries, the limits of 0.34, 0.27 and 0.24 mg L-1, respectively, were found, while with TXRF the values of around 1 mg L-1 were achieved. In the validation of these two methodologies for water analysis, the EDXRF showed results nearer to the expected values, while with TXRF the results were overestimated most of the times, with the exceptions of As, Se and Pb. This error was due to a spectral interference caused probably by the presence of the elements Ti to Zn in the metallic parts of the experimental arrangement, absent in the quartz reflecting support, detector collimator or internal standard solution. Without the elimination of this interference, the results for TXRF for these elements, with the exceptions of As, Se and Pb, can only be used as qualitative results. For analysis of suspended sediments, the EDXRF technique was used, assuming the sample as thin film, the limit of detection of around 2 mg g-1 for Pb was reached, while that for Cu and Zn was around 5 mg g-1, in 300 s. For bottom sediments the same technique was used, but admitting the sample as thick, the matrix effect through the absorption factor was corrected, validating it for the analysis of certified samples of sediment (SRM1646a/NIST) and soil (SRM2711/NIST). The limit of detention for Pb was around 2 mg g-1 and for other elements the limits were 3.07, 2.12 and 1.50 mg g-1 for Ni, Cu and Zn, respectively, in 500 s. On the basis of the Brazilian allowed maximum values for Pb, established by Decree 1469/00 and Resolution 20/1986 CONAMA, two water samples were shown to be contaminated by the results gotten with variant EDXRF, and four by the results of TXRF. For the other elements from the TXRF results (despite the interference) one water sample exceeded the permissible limit for Cu and all the five for Zn, and for the EDXRF results one sample for Ni and Cu and three for Zn. In the Brazilian legislation there is no maximum limit allowed for Pb and other elements in soils and sediments; therefore, TEL (Threshold Effect Level) and PEL (Probable Effect Level) limits from the Canadian Environment Agency were adopted. The suspended sediment samples showed Pb concentrations lesser than the limit of detection. From the five bottom sediment samples, one sample presented a value above the TEL limit, and another one, collected in a point very close to the plant, above the PEL limit. For the other elements, Ni, Cu and Zn, none of the suspended or bottom sediment samples exceeded the TEL limits.
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Transport av förorenat sediment i Eskilstunaån / Transport of contaminated sediment in EskilstunaånGällstedt, Frida January 2019 (has links)
Eskilstuna har sedan länge varit en industristad vilket har inneburit utsläpp av främst metallföroreningar men även organiska ämnen till Eskilstunaån. Provtagningar har vid upprepade tillfällen gjorts och det har visats att sedimentet i ån innehåller höga halter av förorenande ämnen. Sediment förorenat av miljögifter utgör en risk för både miljön och människors hälsa. Beroende på vilka förhållanden som råder i vattendraget skiljer sig sedimentationshastigheten åt, dels mellan olika vattendrag men den kan också variera inom recipienten vilket gör att det kan finnas särskilda områden där sediment och föroreningar ackumuleras. Det kan vara av vikt att identifiera dessa platser för att minska risken för återsuspension av sedimentet, som sedan kan transporteras vidare nedströms, samt för eventuella framtida åtgärder. I examensarbetet undersöktes föroreningsspridningen i Eskilstunaån och var ackumulationsbottnar kan förväntas ligga. En sedimenttransportmodell byggdes upp i programmet HEC-RAS med åns batymetri som utgångspunkt. Resultaten från modelleringar analyserades och tolkades med det geografiska informationssystemet ArcGIS och jämfördes med bottens hårdhet samt tidigare utförda sedimentprovtagningar. Sedimenttransportmodelleringen tyder på att området med mest ackumulation finns i Eskilstunaån där den passerar centrum och där åns botten är relativt mjuk. De högsta halterna för majoriteten av de undersökta metallföroreningarna påträffades trots detta längre nedströms där botten, sett till hela ån, inte var utmärkande mjuk men i jämförelse med närliggande platser var den däremot mjuk och relativt djup. En slutsats som kan dras ur detta är att vid lokalisering av ackumulationsbottnar bör vattendragets batymetri analyseras i kombination med bottens hårdhet och det bör göras på kortare sträckor. / Eskilstuna has been an industrial town for a long time which has caused emissions of mostly metal contaminants but also organic substances in to the Eskilstuna river. Samples from the sediment shows high content of some pollutants. Contaminated sediments can cause environmental and health hazards. Therefore, it is of importance to locate accumulation areas in the riverbed to avoid resuspension of the sediment, for preventing further transport downstream, and it may be of use if remediation measures becomes necessary. In this thesis the distribution of metal contaminants in the Eskilstuna river were investigated and accumulation areas located. A sediment transport model, based on the bathymetry, was implemented in the river analysis system HEC-RAS. The results from the model were later analyzed in the geographical information system ArcGIS and compared to the riverbeds hardness and the sediment samples. The sediment transport model showed an accumulation area in the river where it flows through the city center and the riverbed is relatively soft. The highest concentrations of most pollutants were found further downstream where the riverbed has a higher relative hardness. However, if only the neighbouring areas are compared to this locations the accumulation area is soft with a relative large depth. As a conclusion, one may have to take both bathymetry and the riverbeds hardness into account when locating accumulation areas.
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Jämförelse av platsspecifika föroreningsrisker i samband med muddringsaktiviteter / Comparison of site-specific risks associated with handling contaminated dredged materialDenninger, Malin January 2009 (has links)
<p>Stora volymer förorenade sediment kommer att behöva tas om hand under de kommande åren då bottensediment i svenska farleder, hamn- och kustområden under lång tid har konta–minerats av både tungmetaller och organiska föroreningar. I examensarbetet studeras fyra möjligheter för hantering av förorenade muddermassor. De tre traditionella metoderna är <em>tippning till havs</em>, <em>utfyllnad i vik</em> eller <em>deponering på land</em>. <em>Stabilisering/solidifiering</em> (s/s) är ytterligare ett alternativ som innebär att muddermassorna kan nyttiggöras i geokonstruktioner genom att massornas hållfasthet ökas. Metoden går ut på att muddermassorna blandas med bindemedel och de eventuella föroreningarna binds då in i matrisen genom kemisk reaktion och fysikalisk inneslutning. Syftet med examensarbetet är att, utifrån ett platsspecifikt perspektiv, undersöka hur föroreningsrisker kan jämföras mellan de fyra olika huvud–alternativen för hantering av muddermassor. Jämförelsen är tänkt att utgöra <em>en del</em> av ett beslutsunderlag som ska ligga till grund för valet av hanteringsalternativ.</p><p>Arbetet har fokuserat på miljöriskanalys och främst på hur risker kan <em>kategoriseras, värderas</em> och <em>jämföras</em>. Metoden inkluderar en litteraturstudie, en undersökning av tillstånds–ansökningar för hamnutbyggnad, en fallstudie där användning av LCA-metodik, ”ekotoxicitetspotential” och Naturvårdsverkets riktvärdesmodell testats för att jämföra föroreningsrisker mellan olika hanteringsalternativ i Oxelösunds hamn. Avslutningsvis genomfördes en serie intervjuer kring temat karaktärisering och jämförelser av risk i en s.k. Stakeholder Opinion Assessment (SOA).</p><p>I studien av tillståndsansökningarna för hamnutbyggnad konstaterades att jämförelser av platsspecifika föroreningsrisker mellan olika hanteringsalternativ för förorenade mudder–massor <em>inte görs.</em> Istället är det andra aspekter, t.ex. ekonomi, som avgör vilket alternativ som väljs. Varken ekotoxicitetspotential eller Naturvårdsverkets riktvärdesmodell visade sig vara lämpliga metoder för att beskriva och jämföra risker i det aktuella fallet. Av intervjuerna i SOA:n framgår att det råder delade meningar om hur risker ska beskrivas och på vilket sätt de kan jämföras och det finns ett stort behov av att utveckla nya sätt att beskriva och jämföra föroreningsrisker mellan olika alternativ och olika platser.</p><p>Arbetet har visat att det finns ett behov av att utveckla miljöriskanalysens avslutande steg, riskkaraktärisering och riskvärdering, eftersom det idag inte finns några konkreta metoder för att jämföra föroreningsrisker mellan olika hanteringsalternativ för förorenade muddermassor. För att förbättra beslutsunderlag föreslås därför en tydligare problemformulering och att övergripande platsspecifika scenarion för de olika alternativen tas fram. Viktigt aspekter att tydliggöra är skyddsobjekt, tidsskala, spridning och exponering. Jämförelsen av platsspecifika föroreningsrisker får inte heller bli allt för detaljerad, eftersom den bara är en del av ett större beslutsunderlag.</p> / <p>Large amounts of contaminated sediment has to be taken care of within the next few years since the sediment in Swedish sea lanes, ports and coastal areas have been contaminated by both heavy metals and organic pollutants over a long time period. Four options for handling contaminated dredged material were studied within this master thesis project. The three traditional methods are dumping the dredged material at sea, filling a bay with dredged material or putting the dredged material on a land disposal. Stabilization/solidification (s/s) is another option, where the contaminated dredged sediments are mixed with a binder that gives them greater strength, while immobilizing contaminants through chemical reactions or physical confinement in the structure. The aim of this thesis is to examine how risks of contamination can be compared between the four main options for management of dredged materials, in a site-specific perspective.</p><p>The main tool in the project has been environmental risk assessment with special focus on how risks can be categorized, measured and compared. The study includes a literature review, an examination of permit applications for port development, a case study where the LCA methodology, "potential eco-toxicity" and the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency's guideline value model was tested in order to compare the risks of contamination from the various management options in the port of Oxelösund. Finally a Stakeholder Opinion Assessment (SOA), by the theme risk characterization and risk comparison, was made.</p><p>The study of permit applications for port expansion has shown that the site-specific risks of contamination are not considered when choosing between management options of dredged materials. Instead other aspects, such as economy, determine the option chosen. Neither potential of eco-toxicity or the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency's guideline value model proved to be appropriate methods in order to describe and compare the risks associates with this case. The interviews in the SOA show that people disagree on how risks should be described and compared. There is a demand for new methods of describing and comparing risks associated with different management options for dredged materials at different sites.</p><p>This work has shown that well-known methods on how to compare risks of contamination between the different management options for contaminated dredged materials do not exist. There is also a need of developing the latter steps in the environmental risk assessment. To develop a better decision basis, a more explicit definition of the problem is proposed. It is particularly important to make site-specific descriptions of the various systems to be compared. The comparison of the site-specific risks of contamination should not be too detailed, since it is part of a larger decision support.</p> / Stabcon
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Jämförelse av platsspecifika föroreningsrisker i samband med muddringsaktiviteter / Comparison of site-specific risks associated with handling contaminated dredged materialDenninger, Malin January 2009 (has links)
Stora volymer förorenade sediment kommer att behöva tas om hand under de kommande åren då bottensediment i svenska farleder, hamn- och kustområden under lång tid har konta–minerats av både tungmetaller och organiska föroreningar. I examensarbetet studeras fyra möjligheter för hantering av förorenade muddermassor. De tre traditionella metoderna är tippning till havs, utfyllnad i vik eller deponering på land. Stabilisering/solidifiering (s/s) är ytterligare ett alternativ som innebär att muddermassorna kan nyttiggöras i geokonstruktioner genom att massornas hållfasthet ökas. Metoden går ut på att muddermassorna blandas med bindemedel och de eventuella föroreningarna binds då in i matrisen genom kemisk reaktion och fysikalisk inneslutning. Syftet med examensarbetet är att, utifrån ett platsspecifikt perspektiv, undersöka hur föroreningsrisker kan jämföras mellan de fyra olika huvud–alternativen för hantering av muddermassor. Jämförelsen är tänkt att utgöra en del av ett beslutsunderlag som ska ligga till grund för valet av hanteringsalternativ. Arbetet har fokuserat på miljöriskanalys och främst på hur risker kan kategoriseras, värderas och jämföras. Metoden inkluderar en litteraturstudie, en undersökning av tillstånds–ansökningar för hamnutbyggnad, en fallstudie där användning av LCA-metodik, ”ekotoxicitetspotential” och Naturvårdsverkets riktvärdesmodell testats för att jämföra föroreningsrisker mellan olika hanteringsalternativ i Oxelösunds hamn. Avslutningsvis genomfördes en serie intervjuer kring temat karaktärisering och jämförelser av risk i en s.k. Stakeholder Opinion Assessment (SOA). I studien av tillståndsansökningarna för hamnutbyggnad konstaterades att jämförelser av platsspecifika föroreningsrisker mellan olika hanteringsalternativ för förorenade mudder–massor inte görs. Istället är det andra aspekter, t.ex. ekonomi, som avgör vilket alternativ som väljs. Varken ekotoxicitetspotential eller Naturvårdsverkets riktvärdesmodell visade sig vara lämpliga metoder för att beskriva och jämföra risker i det aktuella fallet. Av intervjuerna i SOA:n framgår att det råder delade meningar om hur risker ska beskrivas och på vilket sätt de kan jämföras och det finns ett stort behov av att utveckla nya sätt att beskriva och jämföra föroreningsrisker mellan olika alternativ och olika platser. Arbetet har visat att det finns ett behov av att utveckla miljöriskanalysens avslutande steg, riskkaraktärisering och riskvärdering, eftersom det idag inte finns några konkreta metoder för att jämföra föroreningsrisker mellan olika hanteringsalternativ för förorenade muddermassor. För att förbättra beslutsunderlag föreslås därför en tydligare problemformulering och att övergripande platsspecifika scenarion för de olika alternativen tas fram. Viktigt aspekter att tydliggöra är skyddsobjekt, tidsskala, spridning och exponering. Jämförelsen av platsspecifika föroreningsrisker får inte heller bli allt för detaljerad, eftersom den bara är en del av ett större beslutsunderlag. / Large amounts of contaminated sediment has to be taken care of within the next few years since the sediment in Swedish sea lanes, ports and coastal areas have been contaminated by both heavy metals and organic pollutants over a long time period. Four options for handling contaminated dredged material were studied within this master thesis project. The three traditional methods are dumping the dredged material at sea, filling a bay with dredged material or putting the dredged material on a land disposal. Stabilization/solidification (s/s) is another option, where the contaminated dredged sediments are mixed with a binder that gives them greater strength, while immobilizing contaminants through chemical reactions or physical confinement in the structure. The aim of this thesis is to examine how risks of contamination can be compared between the four main options for management of dredged materials, in a site-specific perspective. The main tool in the project has been environmental risk assessment with special focus on how risks can be categorized, measured and compared. The study includes a literature review, an examination of permit applications for port development, a case study where the LCA methodology, "potential eco-toxicity" and the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency's guideline value model was tested in order to compare the risks of contamination from the various management options in the port of Oxelösund. Finally a Stakeholder Opinion Assessment (SOA), by the theme risk characterization and risk comparison, was made. The study of permit applications for port expansion has shown that the site-specific risks of contamination are not considered when choosing between management options of dredged materials. Instead other aspects, such as economy, determine the option chosen. Neither potential of eco-toxicity or the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency's guideline value model proved to be appropriate methods in order to describe and compare the risks associates with this case. The interviews in the SOA show that people disagree on how risks should be described and compared. There is a demand for new methods of describing and comparing risks associated with different management options for dredged materials at different sites. This work has shown that well-known methods on how to compare risks of contamination between the different management options for contaminated dredged materials do not exist. There is also a need of developing the latter steps in the environmental risk assessment. To develop a better decision basis, a more explicit definition of the problem is proposed. It is particularly important to make site-specific descriptions of the various systems to be compared. The comparison of the site-specific risks of contamination should not be too detailed, since it is part of a larger decision support. / Stabcon
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In situ remediation of contaminated sediments using thin-layer capping : efficiency in contaminant retention and ecological implicationsSamuelsson, Göran S. January 2013 (has links)
Hydrophobic organic contaminants (HOCs) often reside in sediments sorbed to particles, most tightly to particles with high content of organic carbon. If persistent, such pollutants can accumulate in the sediment for many years and constitute a contamination risk for sediment-living organisms and organisms at higher trophic levels, including humans. Since traditional remediation techniques are associated with complications (e.g. release of contaminants during dredging operations, disturbance of benthic faunal communities), or constraints (handling of large amounts of contaminated sediment and water, limitations due to depth and size of the area, high costs), there is a need for new alternative methods. In situ remediation through thin-layer capping (a few centimeter cover) with a sorbing material such as activated carbon (AC) has been proposed as an alternative remediation method. Compared to traditional remediation techniques, AC amendment in a thin layer means less material handling and lower costs and is assumed to be less disruptive to benthic communities. The objectives of this thesis were to investigate the ecological effects from thin layer capping as well as the efficiency in contaminant retention. Thin layer capping amended with AC proved to reduce availability of HOCs to the tested organisms, the gastropod Nassarius nitidus (Paper II), the clam Abra nitida (Paper III) and to polychaete worms (Paper II and III). The remediation technique also decreased the sediment-to-water fluxes of the contaminants (Paper II and III). However, AC amended thin-layer capping was also found to cause negative biological effects. In laboratory studies with only a few species the negative effects were minor, or difficult to discern with the endpoints used (Paper II and III). In a larger multi-species mesocosm (boxcore) study, on the other hand, the negative effects were more prominent (Paper I) and in a large scale field study the benthic community was found to be profoundly disturbed by the AC amendment, with the effects persisting or even worsening ca one year (14 months) post amendment (Paper IV). / <p>At the time of the doctoral defence the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 3: Manuscript; Paper 4: Manuscript.</p> / Carbocap / Opticap / Thinc
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