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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le vivant dans l'art : un questionnement renouvelé par l'essor des nouvelles technologies. / The living in art : a questioning renewed by new technologies

Prunet, Camille 19 June 2014 (has links)
L’intérêt des artistes pour les biotechnologies remonte aux années 1990. De nombreux travaux universitaires se sont penchés depuis sur ces interactions entre art et biotechnologie. En regardant de plus près les œuvres conçues à l’aide des biotechnologies, on s’aperçoit de leur importance dans l’œuvre. Comment l’utilisation des nouvelles technologies révèle-t-elle une évolution de l'appréhension artistique du vivant ? Ouvrir la réflexion au vivant, c’est-à-dire êtres humains, animaux et végétaux, permet de rendre compte d’une tentative de dépasser l’anthropocentrisme, tout en soulignant la dépendance des autres vivants envers l’espèce humaine. Les œuvres sont autant de scénarios qui, s’ils ne sont pas nécessairement pertinents sur le plan scientifique, permettent d’évoquer les enjeux des avancées technologiques. L’envie de dépasser les limites humaines, les rêves d’hybridation entre humain et machine, et le refus de la mort viennent alimenter l’imaginaire artistique. A travers une sélection d'œuvres d'Art Orienté objet, de Wim Delvoye, d’Eduardo Kac, d’ORLAN, et de Stelarc, trois grandes thématiques structurent cette réflexion : la mort (et la vie), le sexe et l'hybridation. Les œuvres y sont analysées sur le plan formel, matériel, et conceptuel. Les éléments d’analyse soulignent l'importance des notions de flux, de médium, et de reproduction dans l'interaction entre art et biotechnologie. L’hybridation des connaissances, des matériaux, des pratiques, des formes, visible dans les œuvres, participe-t-elle à une nouvelle vision de l’être vivant ? / Artists's interests in biotechnologies date back from the 90's. Since then, numerous academic works focused on these interactions between art and biotechnology. By taking a closer look on works of arts conceived through the use of biotechnologies, we realize their impact in the work. How the use of new technologies demonstrates an evolution of the artistic perception of the living ? Opening the reflection on the living, understood as human beings, animals and plants, allows to take notice of an attempt to go beyond anthropomorphism while emphasizing the connection/dependency between the other living beings and the human specie. The works of art are as many scenarios which, if not necessary relevant on a scientific level, allow to think about the issues raised by technologic developments. The wish to go beyond human limits, dreams of hybridization between human and machine, and the refusal of death feed the artistic imaginary. Through as selection of works from Art Orienté objet, Wim Delvoye, Eduardo Kac, ORLAN and Stelarc, three big themes will be at the core of this reflection: death (and life), sex, and hybridization. The works will be analyzed through a formal, material and conceptual perspective. These elements allow us to emphasize the notion of flow in the interaction between art and biotechnology. Is the hybridization of knowledge, material, practices, shapes, which is visible in the aforementioned works, part of the new vision of the living being?


[pt] O presente trabalho aborda a ideia e a construção do autorretrato. O texto se constrói a partir de questões trazidas pela produção de uma imagem a qual o autor denomina eu mesmo. O desenvolvimento da dissertação busca esclarecer e deparar-se com essas questões, são elas: a relação entre o olhar do retrato e aquele que se vê retratado; a relação da fotografia com a morte e o que esta relação provoca naquele que é retratado; e como se pode produzir uma imagem sendo ela ao mesmo tempo o corpo retratado e um objeto fora deste corpo. Estes pontos são apresentados e desenvolvidos em uma linha limite entre a ficção e a teoria. Deste modo, conceitos de autores como Sigmund Freud, Jean Luc Nancy e Roland Barthes surgem e se misturam a uma narrativa ficcional que se apresenta na forma de uma escrita performática, tendo sido de suma importância para o processo de criação deste trabalho que esta escrita fosse construída juntamente com o desenvolvimento da pesquisa acerca do objeto. Ao texto se agregam imagens de retratos e outros desenhos a fim de possibilitar uma melhor interação por parte dos leitores com as questões aqui apresentadas. / [en] This work discusses the idea and construction of the self-portrait. The text is constructed from the questions brought by the production of an image that the author calls self. The development of this thesis seeks to face and clarify these issues, which are: the relationship between the eye of the portrait and the one who sees himself portrayed; the relationship between the portrait and death, and what this relationship provokes in the one who is portrayed; and also: how is it possible to build an image that is, at the same time, the portrayed body and an object out of this body. These subjects are presented and developed in a fine line between fiction and theory. Thus, concepts by authors such as Sigmund Freud, Jean Luc Nancy and Roland Barthes emerge and mix with a fictional narrative that is presented in the form of a performative writing. The fact that this writing was created along with the development of the research about the object has been crucial to the creation process of this work. Images of portraits and other drawings were aggregated to the text in order to provide a greater interaction of the readers with the issues presented here.

Les écrits des curateurs : analyse depuis la théorie curatoriale et l'histoire des expositions. / Curatorial writings : Analysis from the perspective of curatorial theory and the history of exhibitions

González Vásquez, Angélica 15 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse interroge le champ de pratiques et de positions discursives appelées récemment « curating ». L’approche que nous avons choisie est celle de l’analyse des écrits des curateurs d’art contemporain. De nature très variée, ils nous permettent de percevoir leurs conceptions à partir de leurs pratiques d’organisation d’expositions et des diverses activités de présentation publique de l’art. Il s’agit de traiter la proximité, ainsi que la distance, entre la construction d’une théorie curatoriale et la pratique à travers un ensemble de règles et d’opérations de normalisation décidées par une communauté disciplinaire et professionnelle. La notion de champ de curating est abordée à partir des diverses conceptions sociologiques et philosophiques qui nous conduisent à approfondir la question de l’écriture des curateurs sur un terrain concret au sein des expositions. À travers des cas historiques, nous abordons la question des traces écrites laissées par une exposition ; nous examinons également certains problèmes associés à la construction de l’histoire des événements artistiques d’art contemporain. La dernière partie de cette recherche est consacrée à la question des stratégies discursives de positionnement des curateurs à partir des publications parues depuis les années 1990. Ces formes discursives constituent entre autres la base de l’enseignement des formations curatoriales récentes. / This thesis questions the practice field and discursive positions recently called curating. The perspective we have selected is the analysis of writings by contemporary art curators. Of varied nature, these texts allow us to discern their understanding of their practice of organizing exhibitions and diverse activities for the public display of art. With the purpose of tackling the proximity and the distance between the construction of curatorial theory on one hand, and on the other, curatorial practice as determined by a set of rules and processes decided by a disciplinary and professional community. The notion of the curatorial field is approached through various sociological and philosophical concepts that lead us to deepen our inquiry about writing to a concrete field of exhibitions. Selected historical cases allow us to address the issue of written traces left by an exhibition; equally important, we examine certain problems related to the construction of the history of art events in contemporary art. The last part of this research is devoted to the question of discursive strategies of positioning by curators, starting with publications that first appear in the 1990s. These discursive forms, among others, constitute the foundation of teaching in recent curatorial training.

Ficción Extrema: Deslizamientos en la Realidad a Través de la Relación Entre Arte y Literatura (Max Aub, Leonora Carrington y Enrique Vila-Matas)

Herrera, Adriana 07 November 2014 (has links)
Si el siglo XX creó una extendida conciencia sobre las variantes de la intertextualidad en la ficción literaria, hoy enfrentamos transformaciones en la naturaleza de la ficción y sus relaciones con otras formas discursivas y/o creativas como el arte, y con la misma realidad, que es posible designar con el concepto de ficción extrema. Desde “Don Quijote” o “Las meninas” hay incursiones en la metaficción y/o autorrefecividad. Pero a partir de las vanguardias modernistas y de modo creciente en los estertores de la postmodernidad nos abocamos a un singular tipo de hipertextualidad que desbordando lo literario se apropia de prácticas artísticas (o lo contrario) como recurso para la transposición de sus ficciones, no sólo de uno a otro campo, sino para su inserción en la realidad: la ficción extrema. Max Aub (España 1903-México 1973), Leonora Carrington (Inglaterra 1917-México 2011) y Enrique Vila-Matas (España 1958), radicalizaron este tránsito o filtración de los imaginarios artísticos y literarios subvirtiendo las delimitaciones entre —pintor catalán Jusep Torres Campalans, junto con sus obras pictóricas, creadas como sombra o doble de Picasso. Así insertó su existencia en ciertos dominios del cubismo como un modo de meta-crítica artística. Carrington asumió un doble animal que transitó entre cuentos y cuadros y se inscribió en la memoria del surrealismo. Vila-Matas narró su “Historia abreviada de la literatura portátil” como un doble del espectro Marcel Duchamp —a su vez asaltado por otros— que reescribe la memoria del dadaísmo de tal modo que ha llegado a ser confundida con un ensayo. La revisión de las estrategias de la ficción extrema en estos autores junto con las de otros contemplados en el epilogo —Mario Bellatín, y los artistas Liliana Porter, Luis Camnitzer, José Guillermo Castillo, Ana Tisconia, Rubén Torres Llorca y Carlos Amorales— arroja nueva luz sobre sus obras, enriquece los estudios transatlánticos y revela la movilidad y multiplicación de la identidad y los deslizamientos de la ficción en la realidad como signos de tránsito a la altermodernidad.

"Failed and Fell: Fell to Fail" : the narration of history in the works of Tacita Dean and Jeremy Deller

Mameni-Bushor, Sara 11 1900 (has links)
This Thesis is concerned with how history is narrated in two selected works by the British artists, Tacita Dean and Jeremy Deller. Chapter one considers Deller's The Battle of Orgreave (2001), a reenactment of a violent miners' strike against Margaret Thatcher's government in 1984-1985. The reenactment brought together reenactment hobbyist and ex-miners to perform the events at Orgreave and created a discourse around the imagined historical role of the working classes. Chapter two examines Dean's book Teignmouth Electron (1999), which recounts the failed voyage of Donald Crowhurst, one of the contestants of the 1967 Golden Globe Race who committed suicide after developing 'time-madness' at sea. She offers the history of this individual as a point of entry into middle-class aspirations in England in the 1960s. Produced at the turn of the 21st century when Britain's New Labour government was instigating an image of a New Britain to match its bygone glory, both works look back to moments in the past that epitomize the decline of the country's old order. Unearthing instances of failure and defeat, each artist offers an alternative glance at Britain's past and present condition than the one promoted by New Labour. / Arts, Faculty of / Art History, Visual Art and Theory, Department of / Graduate

Les "relecteurs d'images" : une pratique artistique contemporaine de collecte, d'association et de rediffusion d'images photographiques / The "rereaders of pictures" : a contemporary art pratice of collecting, associating and redistributing photographs

Détré, Natacha 22 September 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse propose de définir une génération d’artistes dont la spécificité consiste à collecter, associer et rediffuser des images existantes, sans en transformer le contenu iconique. Pour tenter de cerner les caractéristiques de cette pratique, des entretiens ont été menés avec des artistes français contemporains : Eric Baudelaire, Ludovic Burel, Hervé Coqueret, documentation céline duval, Pierre Leguillon, Mathieu Pernot, Régis Perray et Eric Watier. L’analyse des dispositifs plastiques qu’ils mettent en œuvre fait apparaître deux aspects susceptibles d’identifier la spécificité de leur travail : leur manière d’associer les images entre elles suscite de nouvelles interprétations entraînant leur relecture ; et leur pratique s’inscrit dans une phase transitoire entre l’ère de la reproductibilité technique des images et celle des technologies du numérique. A travers une recherche scientifique pluridisciplinaire, il sera donc question d’étudier leurs processus de création depuis le choix des images jusqu’à la diffusion de leurs projets (I), d’analyser la polysémie des images et les possibilités d’en relire les signes (II) et enfin de comprendre comment s’agence leur position artistique entre deux époques techniquement marquées concernant les images (III). Afin de les démarquer des autres générations réemployant des images, la thèse propose une nouvelle dénomination : les Relecteurs d’images. / This thesis proposes to define a generation of artists who are collecting, associating and redistributing pictures without changing or transforming the iconic contents. In order to elaborate their characteristics, several french contemporary artists were interviewed: Eric Baudelaire, Ludovic Burel, Hervé Coqueret, documentation céline duval, Pierre Leguillon, Mathieu Pernot, Régis Perray and Eric Watier. The analysis of the devices implemented by the artists shows two aspects that could identify the specificity of their work: their way of associating the pictures with each other offers new possibilities of interpretation and leads to a second reading of the pictures; and their practice is taking place during the transition between the eras of image reproduction techniques and numerical techniques. Within the scope of a multi-field scientific research, it will be necessary to study the creation processes from the choice of the representation till the distribution of the projects (I), to analyse the polysemy of the images and the possibility of rereading their signs (II), and, finally, to understand how the artistic position is located between two, with respect to pictures, technically distinguished epoches (III). To differentiate this generation of artists from others reusing images, the thesis suggests a new name: the “Rereaders of pictures”.

Les formes du merveilleux en art contemporain / The forms of ‘le merveilleux’ in contemporary art

Maisonneuve, Anna 10 January 2014 (has links)
Historiquement, si l’on effleure succinctement l’histoire de l’art occidental de ces derniers siècles, il n’y a guère que les romantiques et les surréalistes qui ont clairement consenti à employer un tel vocable. Plus encore, le « merveilleux » était en quelque sorte leur fer-de-lance, l’ingrédient ultime capable d’accompagner et d’accomplir une quête collective, dont la visée constante était d’échapper à l’étroitesse rationaliste. Une étroitesse rationaliste, alors affectée, conspuée et invalidée par un contexte : celui de la modernité pour les uns, celui de la Première Guerre mondiale pour les autres, qui venait tout juste de s’achever. En regard du nombre d’ouvrages et d’expositions qui prennent pourtant pour thème le réenchantement et le merveilleux depuis plus de deux décennies, il est tentant, il est vrai, d’avancer l’hypothèse du contrepoids contextuel. En période de désillusions, le merveilleux composerait une échappatoire honnête, une sorte de compensation élémentaire, permettant de rééquilibrer la balance. Les formes du merveilleux en art actuel permettraient-elles ainsi de réenchanter le monde ? Plus précisément, seraient-elles en mesure de réduire cette césure dissociant l’être et le monde ? Dans une société toute déterminée par la prédominance de la raison, une raison dont on ne saurait plus s’affranchir complètement, dans quels territoires peut encore s’immiscer la merveille ? Quelles formes est-elle susceptible d’arborer ? / Historically, if we briefly review Western art history from the last few centuries, there are almost only the romantics and the surrealists who clearly agreed to use such a term. Moreover, " le merveilleux" was somehow their arrowhead , the ultimate ingredient susceptible to accompany and justify a collective quest, which was constantly referred to in order to do away with rationalistic narrow-mindedness which was then affected, decried and invalidated by the context: modernity for some, and for others, the First World War, which had just come to an end. Regarding the number of books and exhibitions taking on the themes of fantasy and enchantment for over two decades, it is tempting to consider the weight of that context. In a period of disillusionment, fantasy offers an honest escape, a kind of elementary compensation, a redress of the balance. Could renderings of fantasy in contemporary art be an attempt to re-enchant the world? More specifically, might this succeed in reducing the divide between the being and the world? Nowadays, when we live in a society in which reason is the dominant power, from which we can hardly hope to escape, in which territories can fantasy still appear? What form is it likely to take?

Marketingový potenciál veletrhů se současným uměním / Marketing potential of contemporary art fairs

Zbořilová, Lenka January 2015 (has links)
The master's thesis deals with the marketing potential of the recent art work fairs. The aim of the thesis was to analyse the potential of the fair trades with the emphasis on the benefits of participation for the Czech private galleries in such fairs. The thesis also deals with the fair as one of the communication mix tools, which shall serve to achieve the marketing and communication goals and presents the relationships between the participants in the art work market. The advantages of the participation in recent art work fairs were analysed through the method of interview comparison with the gallery owners and employees. The analytical part covers the analysis of the participation of a Czech private gallery in an international recent art fair and presents the barriers of entry for Czech galleries in such fairs. With regard to the results of the analysis the measures were recommended that would lead to more effective usage of the marketing potential of the recent art fairs.

Sběratelství moderního a současného umění v České republice: Jeho charakteristika a vliv na trh s uměním. / Collecting of Modern and Contemporary Art in Czech Republic: its Characteristics and Influence on the Art Market.

Dvořáková, Valérie January 2013 (has links)
The thesis discusses current state of Czech market and trade with contemporary and modern art via the phenomenon of collectables. Major emphasis is given to the specifics of both young contemporary art in the context of collecting and trading, and using art as a form of investment. Theoretical part is derived from the limited present literature and describes basic mechanisms and theoretical processes of the art market. Practical part presents a mixture of statistics of art market parameters and interviews with professionals, and poses very concrete constructive questions in relation to investigation of the real manifestation of these processes. The thesis concludes with demonstrating that neither assumptions based on theory nor foreign common practice can be employed (due to numerous aspects) on the Czech market, which can be described as strongly conservative.

Prezentace současného umění v kontextu muzea umění / Presentation of Contemporary Art in The Context of The Art Museum

Prokůpek, Marek January 2011 (has links)
The aim of my diploma thesis is the exploration of the fine arts presentation options and methods with a focus on contemporary fine arts in context of the museums of art. The main terms concerning the topic are defined in my work prior to the main research of the museums of art and the presentation of fine arts. In the beginning of my work the reader can familiarize himself with the historical development of art museums from its genesis until the present form of this institution. Following the research part I am explaining the main aspects relevant to the presentation of fine arts, such as the spatial character of art museums and the evolution of its design. One part of my work is focused on a role of curator, who is a very important figure in the presentation of fine arts. The main basis of art museum are its art collections, which are transformed into long-term exhibitions. On the other hand, the museum should also manage the production of temporary exhibitions which plays an essential role in the presentation of fine arts in the last few decades. The methods and technique of installations are no less important for the presentation. All these aspects are described in my diploma thesis and supported by concrete examples from various museums. In the last part of my work, the theoretical thesis are applied on a specific example of an institution with the largest art collection in our country - Veletržní palác.

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