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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Акватични коридори биљних инвазија у Србији / Akvatični koridori biljnih invazija u Srbiji / Aquatic corridors of plant invasions in Serbia

Anđelković Ana 25 September 2019 (has links)
<p>Имајући&nbsp; у&nbsp; виду&nbsp; значај&nbsp; површинских&nbsp; вода&nbsp; у продору&nbsp; и&nbsp; ширењу&nbsp; страних&nbsp; инвазивних врста,&nbsp; циљеви&nbsp; овог&nbsp; рада&nbsp; били&nbsp; су&nbsp; да&nbsp; се представи&nbsp; актуелно&nbsp; стање&nbsp; присуства&nbsp; и дистрибуције&nbsp; акватичних&nbsp; инвазивних биљних&nbsp; врста&nbsp; у&nbsp; површинским&nbsp; копненим водама,&nbsp; анализира&nbsp; степен&nbsp; инвазије рипаријалних&nbsp; зона&nbsp; на&nbsp; подручју&nbsp; Србије, одреди&nbsp; везаност&nbsp; анализираних&nbsp; инвазивних<br />врста&nbsp; за&nbsp; поједине&nbsp; типове&nbsp; станишта&nbsp; у рипаријалу река и канала и анализира утицај различитих&nbsp; станишних&nbsp; и&nbsp; антропогених фактора&nbsp; на&nbsp; присуство&nbsp; и&nbsp; абунданцу&nbsp; 26 одабраних&nbsp; инвазивних&nbsp; таксона.&nbsp; Теренска истраживања&nbsp; вршена&nbsp; су&nbsp; у&nbsp; периоду&nbsp; од&nbsp; 2013. до&nbsp; 2016.&nbsp; године.&nbsp; За&nbsp; потребе&nbsp; овог&nbsp; рада анализирано је 250 локалитета, од чега 217 у рипаријалу&nbsp; 39&nbsp; река&nbsp; и&nbsp; 33&nbsp; у&nbsp; рипаријалу&nbsp; шест<br />деоница&nbsp; канала&nbsp; хидросистема&nbsp; Дунав-Тиса-Дунав.&nbsp; Уз&nbsp; податке&nbsp; о&nbsp; бројности&nbsp; и<br />покровности&nbsp; заступљених&nbsp; биљних&nbsp; врста, сакупљани&nbsp; су&nbsp; и&nbsp; подаци&nbsp; о&nbsp; типу&nbsp; станишта&nbsp; (у складу&nbsp; са&nbsp; EUNIS&nbsp; класификацијом), релевантним&nbsp; физичким&nbsp; и<br />хидроморфолошким&nbsp; карактеристикама истраживаних&nbsp; водотокова&nbsp; и&nbsp; доминантним антропогеним&nbsp; утицајима&nbsp; на&nbsp; истраживаном локалитету&nbsp; (у&nbsp; складу&nbsp; са&nbsp; стандардним протоколом&nbsp; RHS&nbsp; методе).&nbsp; Статистичка обрада&nbsp; података&nbsp; вршена&nbsp; је&nbsp; у&nbsp; софтверу CANOCO&nbsp; 5.0,&nbsp; применом&nbsp; анализе&nbsp; главних компоненти&nbsp; (РСА),&nbsp; канонијскe коресподентнe&nbsp; анализе&nbsp; (CCA)&nbsp; и&nbsp; анализе редундантности&nbsp; (RDA).&nbsp; На&nbsp; територији Србије&nbsp; забележено&nbsp; је&nbsp; присуство&nbsp; осам акватичних&nbsp; инвазивних&nbsp; биљних&nbsp; врстаПрема&nbsp; броју&nbsp; налаза&nbsp; истичу&nbsp; се&nbsp; врсте Vallisneria spiralis, Azolla filiculoides и Elodea&nbsp; nuttallii.&nbsp; Примарно су заступљене у текућим,<br />у односу на стајаће воде, при чему се мрежа&nbsp; канала&nbsp; ХС&nbsp; ДТД&nbsp; и&nbsp; речни&nbsp; токови&nbsp; који&nbsp; припадају&nbsp; сливу&nbsp; Дунава&nbsp; могу&nbsp; сматрати&nbsp; основним&nbsp; акватичним&nbsp; коридорима&nbsp; њиховог&nbsp; ширења.&nbsp; Од&nbsp; 26&nbsp; таксона&nbsp; инвазивних&nbsp; биљака&nbsp; чије&nbsp; је&nbsp; присуство&nbsp; праћено&nbsp; и&nbsp; анализирано&nbsp; у&nbsp; рипаријалним&nbsp; подручјима,&nbsp; таксони&nbsp; са<br />највећим&nbsp; бројем&nbsp; налаза&nbsp; су&nbsp;<em> Xanthium&nbsp; strumarium</em>&nbsp; subsp.&nbsp; <em>italicum,&nbsp; Amorpha</em> <em>fruticosa, Erigeron&nbsp; canadensis,&nbsp; Robinia&nbsp; pseudoacacia&nbsp; и&nbsp; Echinochloa&nbsp; crus-galli.</em>&nbsp; Речни&nbsp; сливови Дунава,&nbsp; Јужне&nbsp; Мораве,&nbsp; Западне&nbsp; Мораве&nbsp; и&nbsp; Тимока&nbsp; истичу&nbsp; се&nbsp; по&nbsp; заступљености&nbsp; истраживаних таксона. На основу података о дистрибуцији,&nbsp; бројности&nbsp; и&nbsp; покровности&nbsp; анализираних&nbsp; таксона&nbsp; сливови&nbsp; Дунава, Колубаре и Западне Мораве издвојили су се&nbsp; као&nbsp; коридори&nbsp; ширења&nbsp; највећег&nbsp; броја<br />истраживаних&nbsp; таксона.&nbsp; Четири&nbsp; типа&nbsp; станишта&nbsp; издвојила&nbsp; су&nbsp; се&nbsp; према<br />заступљености&nbsp; инвазивних&nbsp; биљних&nbsp; врста.&nbsp; Таксони који су забележени у највећем броју&nbsp; типова&nbsp; станишта&nbsp; су:&nbsp; <em>Amorpha&nbsp; fruticosa, Erigeron&nbsp; canadensis,&nbsp;</em> <em>Robinia&nbsp; pseudoacacia, Echinochloa crus-galli&nbsp;</em> и&nbsp; <em>Xanthium strumarium subsp</em>.&nbsp; <em>italicum.</em>&nbsp; Као&nbsp; резултат&nbsp; нумеричких&nbsp; анализа&nbsp; издвојени&nbsp; су&nbsp; физички&nbsp; и<br />хидроморфолошки параметри истраживаних&nbsp; водотокова&nbsp; и&nbsp; доминантни&nbsp; антропогени&nbsp; утицаји који на истраживаном локалитетима утичу&nbsp; на&nbsp; присуство&nbsp; и&nbsp; абунданцу&nbsp; анализираних&nbsp; таксона.&nbsp; У&nbsp; условима&nbsp; глобалних&nbsp; климатских&nbsp; промена&nbsp; може&nbsp; се&nbsp; очекивати да ће се&nbsp; у наредном периоду под снажним&nbsp; притиском&nbsp; ширења&nbsp; и&nbsp; доминације&nbsp; инвазивних врста наћи сливови Саве, Велике Мораве&nbsp; и&nbsp; Јужне&nbsp; Мораве.&nbsp; У&nbsp; рипаријалним областима на југозападу наше земље (долине Лима,&nbsp; Ибра&nbsp; и&nbsp; њихових&nbsp; притока)&nbsp; као&nbsp; и&nbsp; рипаријалним&nbsp; зонама&nbsp; планинских&nbsp; и високопланинских&nbsp; области&nbsp; такође&nbsp; је очекивано&nbsp; да&nbsp; ће&nbsp; доћи&nbsp; до&nbsp; повећања&nbsp; броја присутних&nbsp; инвазивних&nbsp; врста&nbsp; и&nbsp; њиховог даљег ширења.</p> / <p>Imajući&nbsp; u&nbsp; vidu&nbsp; značaj&nbsp; površinskih&nbsp; voda&nbsp; u prodoru&nbsp; i&nbsp; širenju&nbsp; stranih&nbsp; invazivnih vrsta,&nbsp; ciljevi&nbsp; ovog&nbsp; rada&nbsp; bili&nbsp; su&nbsp; da&nbsp; se predstavi&nbsp; aktuelno&nbsp; stanje&nbsp; prisustva&nbsp; i distribucije&nbsp; akvatičnih&nbsp; invazivnih biljnih&nbsp; vrsta&nbsp; u&nbsp; površinskim&nbsp; kopnenim vodama,&nbsp; analizira&nbsp; stepen&nbsp; invazije riparijalnih&nbsp; zona&nbsp; na&nbsp; području&nbsp; Srbije, odredi&nbsp; vezanost&nbsp; analiziranih&nbsp; invazivnih<br />vrsta&nbsp; za&nbsp; pojedine&nbsp; tipove&nbsp; staništa&nbsp; u riparijalu reka i kanala i analizira uticaj različitih&nbsp; stanišnih&nbsp; i&nbsp; antropogenih faktora&nbsp; na&nbsp; prisustvo&nbsp; i&nbsp; abundancu&nbsp; 26 odabranih&nbsp; invazivnih&nbsp; taksona.&nbsp; Terenska istraživanja&nbsp; vršena&nbsp; su&nbsp; u&nbsp; periodu&nbsp; od&nbsp; 2013. do&nbsp; 2016.&nbsp; godine.&nbsp; Za&nbsp; potrebe&nbsp; ovog&nbsp; rada analizirano je 250 lokaliteta, od čega 217 u riparijalu&nbsp; 39&nbsp; reka&nbsp; i&nbsp; 33&nbsp; u&nbsp; riparijalu&nbsp; šest<br />deonica&nbsp; kanala&nbsp; hidrosistema&nbsp; Dunav-Tisa-Dunav.&nbsp; Uz&nbsp; podatke&nbsp; o&nbsp; brojnosti&nbsp; i<br />pokrovnosti&nbsp; zastupljenih&nbsp; biljnih&nbsp; vrsta, sakupljani&nbsp; su&nbsp; i&nbsp; podaci&nbsp; o&nbsp; tipu&nbsp; staništa&nbsp; (u skladu&nbsp; sa&nbsp; EUNIS&nbsp; klasifikacijom), relevantnim&nbsp; fizičkim&nbsp; i<br />hidromorfološkim&nbsp; karakteristikama istraživanih&nbsp; vodotokova&nbsp; i&nbsp; dominantnim antropogenim&nbsp; uticajima&nbsp; na&nbsp; istraživanom lokalitetu&nbsp; (u&nbsp; skladu&nbsp; sa&nbsp; standardnim protokolom&nbsp; RHS&nbsp; metode).&nbsp; Statistička obrada&nbsp; podataka&nbsp; vršena&nbsp; je&nbsp; u&nbsp; softveru CANOCO&nbsp; 5.0,&nbsp; primenom&nbsp; analize&nbsp; glavnih komponenti&nbsp; (RSA),&nbsp; kanonijske korespodentne&nbsp; analize&nbsp; (CCA)&nbsp; i&nbsp; analize redundantnosti&nbsp; (RDA).&nbsp; Na&nbsp; teritoriji Srbije&nbsp; zabeleženo&nbsp; je&nbsp; prisustvo&nbsp; osam akvatičnih&nbsp; invazivnih&nbsp; biljnih&nbsp; vrstaPrema&nbsp; broju&nbsp; nalaza&nbsp; ističu&nbsp; se&nbsp; vrste Vallisneria spiralis, Azolla filiculoides i Elodea&nbsp; nuttallii.&nbsp; Primarno su zastupljene u tekućim,<br />u odnosu na stajaće vode, pri čemu se mreža&nbsp; kanala&nbsp; HS&nbsp; DTD&nbsp; i&nbsp; rečni&nbsp; tokovi&nbsp; koji&nbsp; pripadaju&nbsp; slivu&nbsp; Dunava&nbsp; mogu&nbsp; smatrati&nbsp; osnovnim&nbsp; akvatičnim&nbsp; koridorima&nbsp; njihovog&nbsp; širenja.&nbsp; Od&nbsp; 26&nbsp; taksona&nbsp; invazivnih&nbsp; biljaka&nbsp; čije&nbsp; je&nbsp; prisustvo&nbsp; praćeno&nbsp; i&nbsp; analizirano&nbsp; u&nbsp; riparijalnim&nbsp; područjima,&nbsp; taksoni&nbsp; sa<br />najvećim&nbsp; brojem&nbsp; nalaza&nbsp; su&nbsp;<em> Xanthium&nbsp; strumarium</em>&nbsp; subsp.&nbsp; <em>italicum,&nbsp; Amorpha</em> <em>fruticosa, Erigeron&nbsp; canadensis,&nbsp; Robinia&nbsp; pseudoacacia&nbsp; i&nbsp; Echinochloa&nbsp; crus-galli.</em>&nbsp; Rečni&nbsp; slivovi Dunava,&nbsp; Južne&nbsp; Morave,&nbsp; Zapadne&nbsp; Morave&nbsp; i&nbsp; Timoka&nbsp; ističu&nbsp; se&nbsp; po&nbsp; zastupljenosti&nbsp; istraživanih taksona. Na osnovu podataka o distribuciji,&nbsp; brojnosti&nbsp; i&nbsp; pokrovnosti&nbsp; analiziranih&nbsp; taksona&nbsp; slivovi&nbsp; Dunava, Kolubare i Zapadne Morave izdvojili su se&nbsp; kao&nbsp; koridori&nbsp; širenja&nbsp; najvećeg&nbsp; broja<br />istraživanih&nbsp; taksona.&nbsp; Četiri&nbsp; tipa&nbsp; staništa&nbsp; izdvojila&nbsp; su&nbsp; se&nbsp; prema<br />zastupljenosti&nbsp; invazivnih&nbsp; biljnih&nbsp; vrsta.&nbsp; Taksoni koji su zabeleženi u najvećem broju&nbsp; tipova&nbsp; staništa&nbsp; su:&nbsp; <em>Amorpha&nbsp; fruticosa, Erigeron&nbsp; canadensis,&nbsp;</em> <em>Robinia&nbsp; pseudoacacia, Echinochloa crus-galli&nbsp;</em> i&nbsp; <em>Xanthium strumarium subsp</em>.&nbsp; <em>italicum.</em>&nbsp; Kao&nbsp; rezultat&nbsp; numeričkih&nbsp; analiza&nbsp; izdvojeni&nbsp; su&nbsp; fizički&nbsp; i<br />hidromorfološki parametri istraživanih&nbsp; vodotokova&nbsp; i&nbsp; dominantni&nbsp; antropogeni&nbsp; uticaji koji na istraživanom lokalitetima utiču&nbsp; na&nbsp; prisustvo&nbsp; i&nbsp; abundancu&nbsp; analiziranih&nbsp; taksona.&nbsp; U&nbsp; uslovima&nbsp; globalnih&nbsp; klimatskih&nbsp; promena&nbsp; može&nbsp; se&nbsp; očekivati da će se&nbsp; u narednom periodu pod snažnim&nbsp; pritiskom&nbsp; širenja&nbsp; i&nbsp; dominacije&nbsp; invazivnih vrsta naći slivovi Save, Velike Morave&nbsp; i&nbsp; Južne&nbsp; Morave.&nbsp; U&nbsp; riparijalnim oblastima na jugozapadu naše zemlje (doline Lima,&nbsp; Ibra&nbsp; i&nbsp; njihovih&nbsp; pritoka)&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; riparijalnim&nbsp; zonama&nbsp; planinskih&nbsp; i visokoplaninskih&nbsp; oblasti&nbsp; takođe&nbsp; je očekivano&nbsp; da&nbsp; će&nbsp; doći&nbsp; do&nbsp; povećanja&nbsp; broja prisutnih&nbsp; invazivnih&nbsp; vrsta&nbsp; i&nbsp; njihovog daljeg širenja.</p> / <p>Bearing&nbsp; in&nbsp; mind&nbsp; the&nbsp; significance&nbsp; of&nbsp; inland surface waters for the introduction and spread of invasive&nbsp; alien&nbsp; species&nbsp; (IAS),&nbsp; the&nbsp; aims&nbsp; of&nbsp; this research&nbsp; were&nbsp; to&nbsp; present&nbsp; the&nbsp; contemporary records&nbsp; of&nbsp; aquatic&nbsp; invasive&nbsp; plant&nbsp; species&nbsp; in surface&nbsp; waters,&nbsp; analyse&nbsp; the&nbsp; level&nbsp; of&nbsp; invasion&nbsp; of riparian&nbsp; areas&nbsp; in&nbsp; Serbia,&nbsp; determine&nbsp; the&nbsp; habitat preferences&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; analysed&nbsp; IAS&nbsp; and&nbsp; determine the effects of different habitat characteristics and anthropogenic&nbsp; influences&nbsp; on&nbsp; the&nbsp; presence&nbsp; and bundance&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; 26&nbsp; analysed&nbsp; invasive&nbsp; plants. Field&nbsp; research&nbsp; was&nbsp; conducted&nbsp; during&nbsp; the&nbsp; 2013-2016&nbsp; period.&nbsp; A&nbsp; total&nbsp; of&nbsp; 250&nbsp; field&nbsp; sites&nbsp; were analysed&nbsp; as&nbsp; part&nbsp; of&nbsp; this&nbsp; research,&nbsp; 217&nbsp; in&nbsp; the riparian zones of 39 rivers and 33 in the riparian zones&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; of&nbsp; six&nbsp; canal&nbsp; sections&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; hydrosystem Danube-Tisa-Danube&nbsp; (HS&nbsp; DTD).&nbsp; In&nbsp; addition&nbsp; to data on the cover and abundance of the analysed plant species, data on habitat type (following the EUNIS&nbsp; classification),&nbsp; relevant&nbsp; physical&nbsp; and hydromorhological&nbsp; parameters&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; studied watercourses&nbsp; and&nbsp; dominant&nbsp; anthropogenic influences an analysed field sites were recorded (following&nbsp; the&nbsp; standard&nbsp; RHS&nbsp; protocol). Statistical&nbsp; data&nbsp; analysis&nbsp; was&nbsp; done&nbsp; in&nbsp; CANOCO 5.0&nbsp;&nbsp; software,&nbsp; using&nbsp; the&nbsp; principal&nbsp; component analysis&nbsp; (PCA),&nbsp; canonical&nbsp; correspondence analysis (CCA) and redundancy analysis (RDA). Eight&nbsp; aquatic&nbsp; invasive&nbsp; plant&nbsp; species&nbsp; were recorded for the territory of Serbia. Species with the highest number of records were:&nbsp; Vallisneria spiralis,&nbsp; Azolla filiculoides&nbsp; and&nbsp; Elodea nuttallii. They&nbsp; are&nbsp; primarily&nbsp; present&nbsp; in&nbsp; running,&nbsp; in comparison&nbsp; with&nbsp; standing&nbsp; waters,&nbsp; and&nbsp; the&nbsp; canal network&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; HS&nbsp; DTD&nbsp; and&nbsp; rivers&nbsp; of&nbsp; the Danube catchment area are considered to be their main&nbsp; aquatic&nbsp; corridor&nbsp; of&nbsp; spread.&nbsp; Of&nbsp; the&nbsp; 26 invasive plant taxa whose presence&nbsp; was recorded and&nbsp; analysed&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; riparian&nbsp; areas&nbsp; of&nbsp; Serbia,Xanthium strumarium&nbsp; subsp.&nbsp; italicum,&nbsp; Amorpha fruticosa,&nbsp; Erigeron&nbsp; canadensis,&nbsp; Robinia pseudoacacia&nbsp; and&nbsp; Echinochloa&nbsp; crus-&nbsp; galli&nbsp; were taxa&nbsp; with&nbsp; the&nbsp; highest&nbsp; number&nbsp; of&nbsp; records.Catchment&nbsp; areas&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; Danube,&nbsp; Južna&nbsp; Morava, Zapadna&nbsp; Morava&nbsp; and&nbsp; Timok&nbsp; rivers&nbsp; were characterised&nbsp; by&nbsp; the&nbsp; highest&nbsp; levels&nbsp; of&nbsp; invasion. Based&nbsp; on&nbsp; their&nbsp; distribution&nbsp; data,&nbsp; cover&nbsp; and abundance of the analysed taxa, catchment areas of&nbsp; the&nbsp; Danube,&nbsp; Kolubara&nbsp; and&nbsp; Zapadna&nbsp; Morava rivers&nbsp; are&nbsp; highlighted&nbsp; as&nbsp; the&nbsp; main&nbsp; corridors&nbsp; of spread for the majority of the studied IAS. Four habitat&nbsp; types&nbsp; stand&nbsp; out&nbsp; by&nbsp; the&nbsp; number&nbsp; of analysed IAS. Taxa which were recorded in the highest&nbsp; number&nbsp; of&nbsp; habitat&nbsp; types&nbsp; are:&nbsp; Amorpha fruticosa,&nbsp; Erigeron&nbsp; canadensis,&nbsp; Robinia pseudoacacia,&nbsp; Echinochloa&nbsp; crus-galli&nbsp; and Xanthium strumarium subsp. italicum.&nbsp; A number of&nbsp; physical&nbsp; and&nbsp; hydromorphological&nbsp; parameters and&nbsp; dominant&nbsp; anthropogenic&nbsp; influences&nbsp; of&nbsp; the studied&nbsp; field&nbsp; sites&nbsp; were&nbsp; shown&nbsp; to&nbsp; affect&nbsp; the presence&nbsp; and&nbsp; abundance&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; studied&nbsp; invasive plants.&nbsp; The catchment areas of the Sava, Velika Morava&nbsp; and&nbsp; Južna&nbsp; Morava&nbsp; rivers&nbsp; are&nbsp; excpected to&nbsp; be&nbsp; under&nbsp; a&nbsp; strong&nbsp; pressure&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; spread&nbsp; and dominance&nbsp; of&nbsp; IAS&nbsp; unnder&nbsp; the&nbsp; conditions&nbsp; of global&nbsp; climate&nbsp; changes.&nbsp; Riparian&nbsp; areas&nbsp; in&nbsp; the southwestern parts of Serbia (valleys of&nbsp; Lim and Ibar&nbsp; rivers&nbsp; and&nbsp; their&nbsp; tributaries)&nbsp; and&nbsp; riparian zones&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; mountain&nbsp; and&nbsp; high- mountain&nbsp; areas are also expected to experience an increase in the number&nbsp; of&nbsp; invasive&nbsp; species&nbsp; and&nbsp; their&nbsp; spread rates.</p>

Impacts des emprises de lignes électriques sur la végétation des tourbières

Dubé, Caroline 12 1900 (has links)
Les infrastructures linéaires sont reconnues pour faciliter la dispersion de plantes indésirables dans leur emprise et les habitats adjacents. Toutefois, les impacts des emprises de lignes électriques ont été peu étudiés, particulièrement en milieux humides. Cette étude a examiné la végétation des emprises de lignes électriques et de leurs habitats adjacents dans 23 tourbières ombrotrophes (bogs) et 11 minérotrophes (fens). Dans les fens, la dispersion des espèces indésirables est facilitée le long des emprises et certaines espèces peuvent se propager à plus de 43 m dans les habitats adjacents. Au contraire, ces infrastructures ne semblent pas favoriser la dispersion des espèces indésirables dans les bogs puisque leur présence était limitée à la marge des sites et était négligeable dans les habitats tourbeux adjacents. Finalement, les caractéristiques intrinsèques des tourbières, telles leur degré de minérotrophie (bog ou fen) et leur structure végétale (tourbière ouverte, semi-forestière ou forestière) semblent grandement influencer l’envahissement. / Linear infrastructures are known to facilitate the spread of undesirable plants within their right-of-way (ROW) as well as in adjacent habitats. However, the impacts of power-lines ROWs have been weakly studied, particularly in wetlands. This study examined the vegetation of 23 ombrotrophic (bogs) and 11 minerotrophic (fens) peatlands intersected by a power-line ROW. The results showed that the spread of undesirable species along the feature is possible in fens and that some of those species could disperse into the adjacent habitat to more than 43 m from the ROW. Inversely, those features seemed to be inefficient dispersal vectors in bogs, because undesirable species were restricted to the bog margin in the ROW, and almost none dispersed in the adjacent habitats. Finally, intrinsic characteristics of peatlands, such as their degree of minerotrophy (bog or fen) and their vegetation type (open, semiforested or wooded peatland) seem to be important factors influencing invasion.

Opportunity and connectivity : selecting land managers for involvement in a conservation corridor linking two protected areas in the Langkloof Valley, South Africa

McClure, Alice January 2011 (has links)
The Eden To Addo Corridor Initiative aims to connect formally protected areas in a conservation corridor from the coastal area of the Eden District near Plettenberg Bay, Western Cape, South Africa to the Addo National Elephant Park, Eastern Cape, South Africa. The corridor will incorporate government and privately owned land, and will be an attempt to maintain ecological processes at a range of spatial and temporal scales. The Langkloof Valley lies between the Baviaanskloof World Heritage Area and the Tstitsikamma National Park; two formally protected areas that will be incorporated into the Eden To Addo Corridor. Spatial prioritization analyses allow conservation planners to select areas that should be targeted for conservation action based on a range of criteria. Historically, ecological criteria have been included mostly alone in spatial prioritization. Recently, the idea of ‘conservation opportunity’ has emerged in the field of conservation planning; the notion suggests that a range of different types of data should be included in processes to spatially prioritise for conservation. By including those data defined as ‘human’ and ‘social’ data into prioritising activities, the feasibility of conservation plans can be accounted for, but historically conservation planners have failed to do so. I conducted a literature review that demonstrated that although the importance of human and social data are acknowledged in the conservation planning literature, these data that define opportunity are rarely actually included in spatial prioritisation analyses. I then carried out a social assessment that allowed me to define the social and human context of our study area and, specifically, what stewardship instruments land managers in the Langkloof would be prepared to engage. We found that land managers were generally willing to engage, but lacked the financial capacity to adopt conservation methods. Using a subset of the social and human data that were collected in the social assessment, I trialled a new Decision Support Software to fuse those data with ecological data in a novel attempt to identify priority areas for conservation action based on ecological integrity and feasibility. We also scheduled (ranked) land managers to approach for conservation action with a focus on local champions and clusters of land managers displaying strong conservation characteristics. Two corridors were identified; a major corridor in the western region of the valley and a secondary corridor closer to the middle. The members of the Initiative have been briefed on the outcomes, which provided them an opportunity to provide feedback; it is hoped that the framework of this study can be used for planning future connections. The Eden To Addo Corridor Initiative sent out a stewardship extension officer in February 2011 to approach those land managers areas that were identified. This planning exercise is a good demonstration of how, by collaborating effectively, academic conservation planners can contribute to supporting decision making by organizations that are implementing conservation action.

The trends and patterns of regional development in Ethiopia: an assessment of policy implementation and its challenges in Tigray and Gambella Regions (1995-2015)

Aliyou Wudu Reta 05 1900 (has links)
The major objective of this empirical research is to identify and explain the level of regional development and analyse the challenges of policy implementation with special focus on Tigray and Gambella Regions from 1995 to 2015. In line with the research objectives and statement of the problem, this study was designed to determine the level of development of the two regional states, the critical factors of regional growth in the regions, and what the major challenges were in the implementation of regional development policy. This research was explanatory cross-sectional in its design. In this research, both primary and secondary sources were consulted. Key informant interview, document review and observation were used to collect the necessary information. Accordingly, based on their expertise knowledge, and the position they held, a total of 24 regional and federal key informants were purposively selected and interviewed. The findings of the study showed that both regions made remarkable improvements and changes in health, education, road network, agricultural and revenue collection performance. However, contrary to the perceptions of the respondents, the secondary data when divided by regional population showed that in the past 20 years Gambella has been better off in terms of health, education, road networks and some agricultural indicators than Tigray. Tigray, however, grew more in terms of infrastructure than Gambella during the same period. The study found that the Government regional development policy designed and implemented as measured by growth-oriented indicators brought encouraging results. The most important determinant factors for regional economic development between the two sampled regions were: initial historical level of development; capacity of resource utilisation; leadership commitment, cultural differences, recurrent conflicts and insecurity, governance issues, political will, capacity of the regional government authorities; and rent-seeking attitude of politicians and civil servants. To address some of the challenges, few recommendations are made: designing a regional specific development policy, strengthening intergovernmental relations, protecting the environment, ensuring good governance, maintaining peace and security, strengthening capacity building, supporting infrastructural development for Gambella and the provision of additional financial incentives to regions. / Development Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Development Studies)

Bevarande av svenska skogars biologiska mångfald : En sammanställning över metoder och verktyg som används i Sverige för att bevara mångfalden med fokus på spridningskorridorer och naturvårdsbränningar samt möjliga vägar framåt i ett föränderligt klimat / Conservation of Swedish forests' biodiversity : A summary of methods and tools used in Sweden for biodiversity conservation with focus on corridors and conservation burning as well as possible ways forward in a changeable environment

Johansson, Elin, Malm, Klara January 2023 (has links)
Den biologiska mångfalden i Sverige såväl som globalt minskar kraftigt och har gjort under en längre tid. Utdöendetakten idag är upp till 1000 gånger snabbare än den naturliga och många arter har redan dött ut delvis på grund av klimatförändringar. Syftet med översikten är att sammanställa vilka metoder som i Sverige används för att bevara den biologiska mångfalden i skogen och se hur effektiva dessa är. Även möjliga vägar framåt kommer att diskuteras. Bevarandemetoderna och -verktygen som används i Sverige är bland annat spridningskorridorer, naturvårdsbränning, naturreservat, det svenska artprojektet, åtgärdsprogram, frivilliga avsättningar och naturvårdshänsyn vid avverkningar. Samtliga metoder och verktyganvänds för att bevara den biologiska mångfalden i svenska boreala skogar. I forskningsöversikten beskrivs varje metod eller verktyg och vilka effekter som dessa ger. Resultatet fokuserar på metoderna naturvärdsbränning och spridningskorridorer, även om formellt avsatta områden så som naturreservat är den mest använda metoden i Sverige i nuläget. Alternativa metoder som borde implementeras i svenska skogar presenteras också. Dessa är mikroklimatisk buffring, identifikation av nyckelbiotoper samt utökad planering och samarbete. Slutligen presenteras ett didaktiskt perspektiv om elevers förståelse av biologisk mångfald, vilka undervisningssätt som vanligen används för att lära ut om biologisk mångfaldsamt vilka undervisningssätt som framöver bör användas för att öka elevernas kunskaper. Litteraturöversikten visar att dagens bevarandemetoder i Sverige ger betydligt större positiva effekter än negativa och att dessa bör fortsätta användas och i vissa fall utökas. Angående alternativa metoder finns det stöd för att dessa skulle fungera väl även inom Sverige. Den didaktiska undersökningen visar att elever och lärarstudenter visar en nedåtgående kunskapskurva om biologisk mångfald och att detta har pågått under en längre tid. Undervisningsmetoder som oftast används är grupparbeten och -diskussioner, lärarledda presentation och fältstudier. Dessa metoder bör fortsätta användas, gärna tillsammans med lektioner eller projekt utomhus och besök till verksamma laboratorier, för att öka elevernas förståelse kring biologisk mångfald. / The biodiversity in Sweden as well as globally is decreasing at an alarming rate and has been for a rather long time. The extinction rate is up to 1000 times higher than the normal rate and many species has already gone extinct partly due to climate change. The purpose of this summery is to compose commonly used conservation methods and tools in Sweden and see how efficient these are. Possible ways forward will also be discussed. Conservation methods and tools commonly used in Sweden are corridors, conservation burning, nature reserves, the Swedish Species Project and actions programs. All the mentioned methods and tools are used for biodiversity conservation in Swedish boreal forests. In this literature review each method or tool is described as well as its effects on biodiversity. Corridors and conservation burning are the focus for the report even though nature reserves is the most used method in Sweden today. Alternative methods for biodiversity conservation that we believe should be implemented in Swedish forests will also be presented. These methods are microclimatic buffering, identification of key biotopes and extended planning and communication between the owners and the state or municipality and other involved organizations. Lastly, a didactive perspective is presented in which students’ knowledge of biodiversity, common teaching methods regarding biodiversity and optimal teaching methods for an increased understanding will be discussed. The review show that the commonly used methods in Sweden are much more positive than negative and should therefore continue, and in some cases be extended. Regarding alternative methods, there is significant support for positive results in Sweden if used. The didactic analysis show that students and teacher students show a decreasing knowledge with respect to biodiversity and that this has gone on for quite some time now. Teaching methods often used in biodiversity education is groupwork and -discussions, presentations and field studies. These methods should continue being used as well as lessons or projects outdoor and field trips to laboratories to increase the students’ knowledge about biodiversity.

Corridors de demande : Modélisation et contributions à l’évaluation du niveau de durabilité / Demand corridors : Modeling approach and contributions in supply sustainability level assessment

Bahbouh, Kinan 02 December 2016 (has links)
L’utilisation du concept de corridor dans le domaine du transport n’est pas nouvelle. En effet, il existe une importante littérature qui étudie le corridor en tant que produit économique et politique issu du développement urbain notamment associé à la présence de services et d’infrastructures de transport. Cependant, l’utilisation de ce concept plurivoque dans la planification et l’évaluation de l’offre au niveau urbain demeure encore limitée, compte tenu de l’absence d’une définition claire et d’une approche de modélisation adaptée à la nature des déplacements, très dispersés, dans l’aire urbaine. Cette thèse contribue à la modélisation des corridors de déplacement en milieu urbain et au diagnostic de l’offre associée. Dans cette optique, la thèse offre une réflexion approfondie sur la définition et les caractéristiques d’un corridor de transport et propose un cadre de modélisation dont l’identification repose sur la demande. Les corridors de demande qui en émergent sont par la suite utilisés en tant qu’unités de référence à l’échelle collective, ce qui permet d’évaluer l’éloignement entre la demande et l’offre d’un corridor. La thèse définie le corridor comme l'enveloppe qui encapsule une forte concentration de trajectoires similaires. Ainsi, elle propose un algorithme, appelé Trajectory Clustering for Desire Line (TraClus-DL), pour identifier les corridors à partir des données origine-destination (OD) désagrégées (lignes de désir). Par la suite, la thèse distingue trois types de corridor de demande et illustre leurs potentiels dans les processus de planification. La thèse propose un cadre d’évaluation du niveau de durabilité de l’offre reposant sur le concept de corridors de demande. De plus, elle évalue les différentes facettes de la structure spatiale de l’offre en utilisant ce cadre. Les résultats obtenus par l’étude des corridors de demande permettent d’avoir une réflexion plus profonde face au concept des corridors et leur rôle dans les processus de planification. Le potentiel de synthétiser une grande matrice OD en illustrant les principaux flux de mobilité offre aux planificateurs un outil « neutre » de visualisation distant de l’offre et des découpages administratifs ou opérationnels. Les mêmes résultats permettent de tracer les axes denses de mobilité ce qui facilite l’identification des potentiels d’amélioration ou la désignation et la planification de l’offre. Enfin, la demande et l’offre sont inséparables. La combinaison entre les deux visions permet de couvrir un angle plus large qu’une étude basée uniquement sur la demande ou sur l’offre. Le but ultime de cette thèse est d’explorer le concept et les limites d’une approche basée sur la demande brute uniquement pour mieux comprendre la mobilité. Cette compréhension amène à identifier les besoins et les potentiels d’amélioration selon une perspective distante de tous les obstacles et les limites préconçues au niveau opérationnel, technique et politique. / Many researchers have benefited from the concept of the transport corridor to cover mobility issues. However, the use of the concept of the transport corridor in the urban transportation assessment and planning process remains limited due to the lack of a clear definition and modeling approach adapted to the very scattered nature of travel in urban areas. This thesis provides a deep reflection on the transport corridor’s definition and characteristics and offers a modeling framework to identify urban transportation corridors using the transport demand, represented by the Origin and Destination (OD), in the absence of supply elements. In addition, the thesis provides new insights into the possible ways that demand corridors can be seen and used to understand mobility patterns so to assess, plan, and improve the transportation supply. Furthermore, it proposes a global framework and constructs some indicators that incorporate demand corridor as a “fair” comparison unit, to assess the adequacy of transportation supply with respect to the demand. The first main chapter proposes define corridor as the envelope that encapsulate a high concentration of similar trajectories. Then, it defines demand corridors using demand elements such as origin destination data. The second chapter proposes an algorithm called Trajectory Clustering for Desire Line (TraClus-DL) to identify demand corridors. The followed chapter defines three types of demand corridors and highlights their potential use in transportation planning. The next chapter proposes a framework to assess the supply sustainability level by benefiting from the demand corridor as a reference unit. Work in the following chapter benefits from the framework and provides new insights into the possible ways of assessing the spatial characteristics of the supply structure. The results obtained by studying the demand corridors allow a deep reflection on the concept of corridors and their role in transportation assessment and planning. In addition, to synthesizing and visualizing OD matrixes, demand corridors trace the shape of dense mobility axes and appear as relevant tools for transportation planning, and in the decision-making processes in which an indicator is needed to evaluate the current or planned supply. The use of the demand corridor as a reference unit reflects the collective demand standpoint and offers the possibility to rank supplies based on each supply's level of compliance to the demand flow. Finally, the demand and the supply are inseparable. The combination of the demand corridor studies and the supply corridor studies covers a wider angle than studying the demand or the supply. The ultimate goal of this thesis is to explore the concept and limits of an approach based on the unprocessed demand to better understand the mobility. This understanding leads to identify the needs of potential improvements in the absence of preconceived operational, technical, or political limitations.

Bees and wasps in agricultural landscapes: effects of dispersal corridors and land-use intensity at multiple spatial scales / Bienen und Wespen in Agrarlandschaften: Effekte von Ausbreitungskorridoren und Landnutzungsintensität auf verschiedenen räumlichen Skalen

Holzschuh, Andrea Alexandra Violetta 03 May 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Landscape context of bee, wasp and parasitoid diversity: grass-strip corridors, fallows and food webs / Bienen- Wespen- und Parasitoidendiversität im Landschaftskontext: Randstreifen-Korridore, Brachen und Nahrungsnetze

Krewenka, Kristin Marie 21 July 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Birds of the riparian corridors of Potchefstroom, South Africa / Rindert Wyma

Wyma, Rindert January 2012 (has links)
A riparian ecosystem is the area between the aquatic and terrestrial setting of a stream, and serves as a corridor and habitat for birds. Several riparian ecosystems are located in urban environments, and three main riparian corridors are located in Potchefstroom. They are the Mooi River, Wasgoed Spruit, and Spitskop Spruit, which encompass a wide range of different vegetation types and anthropogenic factors. Therefore, different habitat types for birds occur along the riparian corridors of Potchefstroom. Factors such as food and water availability, nesting sites, competition, predation, learning, presence of other species, and those species that are able to adapt to environmental changes influence the avian diversity and communities along riparian corridors. The hypothesis is that bird variables along the riparian corridors in Potchefstroom are affected by vegetation, anthropogenic, and seasonal influences. To investigate these affects, two secondary objectives were formulated. The first was to characterise riparian avian habitats (CAHs) according to vegetation and anthropogenic factors, and the second was to identify temporal and spatial changes in avian variables. The three streams were divided into 79 consecutive transects, each 300 m long. The study area consisted of: 17 transects along Spitskop Spruit, 12 along Wasgoed Spruit and 50 along the Mooi River. Bird observations were conducted monthly from June 2006 to June 2007. Birds that were observed with a perpendicular distance ≤ 30 meters towards the streams were included in the results. The bird species that were observed were also classified into different nesting and feeding guilds. Environmental data recorded included: vegetation structure (estimated cover percentages and height classes of trees, shrubs, grasses, herbs, sedges, and reeds), anthropogenic structures (estimated cover percentages of roads, footpaths, bridges, electrical pylons, houses, and drainage pipes), and the presence of informal settlers along each transect (the mean number of people and the space they occupy). Vegetation was monitored in summer– (February 2007 until April 2007) and winter months (June 2007 until August 2007). The anthropogenic structures and the presence of informal settlers (anthropogenic factors) were monitored simultaneously with the bird counts. Transect-time profiles were drawn for the four parameters, which differed on spatial and time scales. Multivariate analyses included non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMS), cluster analysis, and indicator species analysis. Cluster analyses and NMS bi-plots were used to define characterised avian habitats (CAHs). Two types of CAHs were characterised: Summer CAHs (summer vegetation and anthropogenic factors) and Anthropogenically CAHs (Anthropogenic factors alone). Bird species were then ordinated with the summer and anthropogenically CAHs on NMS successional vector graphs. The successional vectors illustrate the avian community trajectories of the different CAHs. Indicator species analyses were performed to describe associations between the bird species and the summer and anthropogenically CAHs. The summer and anthropogenic CAHs that were characterised had different avian community trajectories and different species were associated with these CAHs. Different levels in avian diversity appeared among these CAHs, and convergence and divergence in communities appeared among these CAHs. Birds also selected their habitats according to feeding and nesting behaviours. Consequently, it can be deduced that environmental factors such as vegetation structures and anthropogenic factors, as well as seasonality, had an effect on the distribution of birds along the riparian corridors of Potchefstroom. / Thesis (Master of Environmental Sciences)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013

Birds of the riparian corridors of Potchefstroom, South Africa / Rindert Wyma

Wyma, Rindert January 2012 (has links)
A riparian ecosystem is the area between the aquatic and terrestrial setting of a stream, and serves as a corridor and habitat for birds. Several riparian ecosystems are located in urban environments, and three main riparian corridors are located in Potchefstroom. They are the Mooi River, Wasgoed Spruit, and Spitskop Spruit, which encompass a wide range of different vegetation types and anthropogenic factors. Therefore, different habitat types for birds occur along the riparian corridors of Potchefstroom. Factors such as food and water availability, nesting sites, competition, predation, learning, presence of other species, and those species that are able to adapt to environmental changes influence the avian diversity and communities along riparian corridors. The hypothesis is that bird variables along the riparian corridors in Potchefstroom are affected by vegetation, anthropogenic, and seasonal influences. To investigate these affects, two secondary objectives were formulated. The first was to characterise riparian avian habitats (CAHs) according to vegetation and anthropogenic factors, and the second was to identify temporal and spatial changes in avian variables. The three streams were divided into 79 consecutive transects, each 300 m long. The study area consisted of: 17 transects along Spitskop Spruit, 12 along Wasgoed Spruit and 50 along the Mooi River. Bird observations were conducted monthly from June 2006 to June 2007. Birds that were observed with a perpendicular distance ≤ 30 meters towards the streams were included in the results. The bird species that were observed were also classified into different nesting and feeding guilds. Environmental data recorded included: vegetation structure (estimated cover percentages and height classes of trees, shrubs, grasses, herbs, sedges, and reeds), anthropogenic structures (estimated cover percentages of roads, footpaths, bridges, electrical pylons, houses, and drainage pipes), and the presence of informal settlers along each transect (the mean number of people and the space they occupy). Vegetation was monitored in summer– (February 2007 until April 2007) and winter months (June 2007 until August 2007). The anthropogenic structures and the presence of informal settlers (anthropogenic factors) were monitored simultaneously with the bird counts. Transect-time profiles were drawn for the four parameters, which differed on spatial and time scales. Multivariate analyses included non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMS), cluster analysis, and indicator species analysis. Cluster analyses and NMS bi-plots were used to define characterised avian habitats (CAHs). Two types of CAHs were characterised: Summer CAHs (summer vegetation and anthropogenic factors) and Anthropogenically CAHs (Anthropogenic factors alone). Bird species were then ordinated with the summer and anthropogenically CAHs on NMS successional vector graphs. The successional vectors illustrate the avian community trajectories of the different CAHs. Indicator species analyses were performed to describe associations between the bird species and the summer and anthropogenically CAHs. The summer and anthropogenic CAHs that were characterised had different avian community trajectories and different species were associated with these CAHs. Different levels in avian diversity appeared among these CAHs, and convergence and divergence in communities appeared among these CAHs. Birds also selected their habitats according to feeding and nesting behaviours. Consequently, it can be deduced that environmental factors such as vegetation structures and anthropogenic factors, as well as seasonality, had an effect on the distribution of birds along the riparian corridors of Potchefstroom. / Thesis (Master of Environmental Sciences)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013

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