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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


HELTON PIMENTA FERNANDES 07 January 2021 (has links)
[pt] A presença do Timeu de Platão nas concepções de Criação e tempo nas Confissões e nos Comentários ao Gênesis de Agostinho pode ser percebida sob três aspectos: na questão sobre a partir do que o Cosmo é feito, a (chora) no Timeu e a creactio ex nihilo em Agostinho; na questão sobre como o universo foi feito, ou seja, o problema da mediação entre as Ideias e o mundo sensível, o papel do (demiourgos) no Timeu e do Verbum nas Confissões e Comentários ao Gênesis; e, por fim, a questão sobre como isto que foi feito, o Cosmo, tem como característica intrínseca ser temporal, tanto no Timeu como em Agostinho. Nesta dissertação propomos estes três aspectos no Timeu, nas Confissões e nos Comentários ao Gênesis de Agostinho. A dissertação se insere no contexto de encontro e síntese entre a filosofia greco-romana e da tradição judaico-cristã no que se refere à criação do Cosmo. / [en] The presence of Plato s Timaeus in the conceptions of Creation and time in Augustine s Confessions and Commentaries on Genesis can be perceived in three aspects: first, the question whether or not the Cosmos was made from a pre-existing matter, the concept of (chora); in Timaeus and creactio ex nihilo in Augustine; then, on the question about how the Universe was made, that is, the problem of mediation between Ideas and the sensitive world, the role of (demiourgos) in Timaeus and Verbum in Confessions and Commentaries on Genesis. Finally, the question of how the Cosmos is essentially temporal in Timaeus and Augustine. In this dissertation we researched these three aspects in Timaeus, and Augustine s Confessions and Commentaries on Genesis. The historical context of the research is the encounter and synthesis between the Greco-Roman philosophy and the Judeo-Christian tradition regarding the creation of the Cosmos.


Al-Ahmadi, Ahmad Aziz 12 September 2006 (has links)
No description available.


ALUYSIO AUGUSTO DE ATHAYDE NENO 01 October 2014 (has links)
[pt] Uma das temáticas mais fascinantes e recorrentes nas Ciências Sociais e, mais especificamente na Antropologia, é a problemática da ordem. Essa dissertação foca a sua análise em como os homens empreendem a imprescindível tarefa de dar significado às suas vidas, às suas instituições, às suas sociedades. Ordenar, nesse contexto, nada mais é do que dar uma justificação, um fundamento à todas as coisas que compõem a vida humana. Assim, parto da ideia de que a maneira mais eficaz de dar ordem e significado (seja a vida individual ou a sociedade e suas instituições) se encontra na religião. Admito, porém, que as estruturas de significado presentes nas diferentes culturas não possuem a firmeza necessária para se impor a todos com a mesma intensidade e da mesma forma. Portanto, para evitar que o mundo social perca a sua eficácia, é necessário nomizar ou ordenar a sociedade de uma forma estável e duradoura. A religião, admitida aqui como a forma mais eficaz de dar ordem ao meio social, aparecerá no contexto do que o filósofo Eric Voegelin chamou de sociedades cosmológicas, ou nas chamadas sociedades frias como denominou o antropólogo Claude Lévi-Strauss. A ordem e a construção dos significados nas diferentes sociedades serão analisadas através das obras desses dois autores. / [en] One of the most fascinating and recurring themes in Social Sciences and, more specifically, in Anthropology, is the problem of order. This dissertation focuses its analysis on how men undertake the essential task of giving meaning to their lives, their institutions and societies. To order, in this context, is nothing more than to give a justification, a ground for all things that make up human life. Thus, I take off from the idea that the most effective way of ordaining and establishing meaning (whether to individual life or society and its institutions) lies in religion. I admit, however, that the structures of meaning present in different cultures do not have the necessary firmness to enforce all with the same intensity and in the same manner. Therefore, to prevent the social world from losing its effectiveness, it is necessary to normalize or order society in a stable and lasting way. Religion, admitted as the most effective way to provide order to social life, appears in the context of what the philosopher Eric Voegelin called cosmological societies., or cold societies as Claude Lévi-Strauss called in his works. The order and the construction of meanings in the different societies will be analysed through the works of this two authors.


ROAN CLEBER ATAIDE SOUZA 13 June 2018 (has links)
[pt] A presença de Deus se evidencia no mundo de diversas formas. Ela se tornou ainda mais manifesta quando Deus irrompeu na história e selou com Israel uma aliança. Amorosamente escolhido, o povo da antiga aliança pôde experimentar a cuidadosa presença do Senhor através de inúmeros sinais-sacramentos. Segundo o relato das Escrituras e o testemunho das primeiras comunidades cristãs, essa mesma presença se fez carne em Jesus Cristo, o Verbo eterno do Pai. Por meio de gestos e palavras, Jesus revelou aos homens a presença de Deus e, na potência de seu Espírito, lhes tornou membros de seu Corpo, a Igreja. As primeiras gerações cristãs, conscientes de serem herdeiras da fé do antigo Israel, procuravam - sobretudo em suas assembleias litúrgico-cultuais - experimentar e testemunhar, diante do mundo, o Cristo ressuscitado, sinal privilegiado da presença de Deus. Nele, por meio dele e com ele, doravante, o ser humano e o restante da criação carregam em si a potência de serem sacramento da presença do eterno no tempo. Segundo Santo Agostinho, isso se aplica, de modo particular, ao mistério e à missão da Igreja - corpo-presença de Cristo na história. Diz o santo Doutor que, no regime da nova aliança, este no qual vivemos, convém falar na presença e ação de um Cristus totus. Trata-se do Cristo todo inteiro: o Cristo - plenitude e primogênito, por meio do qual todos os seres são reconciliados com Deus - e seu Corpo, a Igreja, cooperadora de Cristo em seu agir reconciliante. O Concílio Vaticano II, por sua vez, reverberando o pensamento do Doutor da Graça, consegue captar e reconhecer que a Igreja tem um importante papel no processo de reconcilação-deificação do criado. A Igreja, sacramento de Cristo, poderia, então, ser chamada de Corpus totum. E tudo em vista do mais profundo e original anelo do Deus-Amor: ser presença geradora de comunhão em tudo o que existe. / [en] The God s presence in the world can be felt in many ways. Thy presence has become more and more evident when God showed in the history and seal an alliance with people from Israel. Chosen with love, the old people could feel the Lord s presence through many sacramentals-signals. According to the Scriptures and the first Christians testaments, the Lord s presence became flesh in Jesus Christ, the God s eternal Word. Through the things Jesus had made and His words, He showed the human been the God s presence and the Power of the Holy Spirit, and made them part of His Body, the Church. The first Christians, knowing been the old Israel faith heritage, tried - mainly in their cultural-liturgical meetings, feel and testimony to the world, the resurrection Christ, real signal of God s presence. In Him, though Him and with Him, from now on, the human been and the rest of the creation bring in the power of the Eternal God forever. According Saint Agostin, this means, in particular way, the mystery and mission of the Church - presence-body of Christ in the history. The Doctor saint said, in the new alliance, that we live, it could be good to say about the presence and action of Christus totus. That is, The whole Christ: The Christ - plenty and firstborn through all of us are reconciliate to God - and His Body, The Church, that helps the reconciliation act. The Second Vatican Council, at a time, reflecting the Doctor of Grace, recognize that the Church has an important hole in the reconciliation - sanctification of the creature. The Church, Christ s sacrament, could be called the Corpus totum. Considering the more profound and original enlace of God-Love: bringing union among everything that exists.

Validation of Spaceborne and Modelled Surface Soil Moisture Products with Cosmic-Ray Neutron Probes

Montzka, Carsten, Bogena, Heye, Zreda, Marek, Monerris, Alessandra, Morrison, Ross, Muddu, Sekhar, Vereecken, Harry 25 January 2017 (has links)
]The scale difference between point in situ soil moisture measurements and low resolution satellite products limits the quality of any validation efforts in heterogeneous regions. Cosmic Ray Neutron Probes (CRNP) could be an option to fill the scale gap between both systems, as they provide area-average soil moisture within a 150-250 m radius footprint. In this study, we evaluate differences and similarities between CRNP observations, and surface soil moisture products from the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR2), the METOP-A/B Advanced Scatterometer (ASCAT), the Soil Moisture Active and Passive (SMAP), the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS), as well as simulations from the Global Land Data Assimilation System Version 2 (GLDAS2). Six CRNPs located on five continents have been selected as test sites: the Rur catchment in Germany, the COSMOS sites in Arizona and California (USA), and Kenya, one CosmOz site in New SouthWales (Australia), and a site in Karnataka (India). Standard validation scores as well as the Triple Collocation (TC) method identified SMAP to provide a high accuracy soil moisture product with low noise or uncertainties as compared to CRNPs. The potential of CRNPs for satellite soil moisture validation has been proven; however, biomass correction methods should be implemented to improve its application in regions with large vegetation dynamics.

Astro4U: An Introduction to the Science of the Cosmos

Ignace, Richard 01 January 2014 (has links)
Astro maths -- The sky -- Astronomy of the ancients -- Renaissance astronomy -- The astronomer's toolbox: physical principles -- Overview of the solar system -- The sun, our nearest star -- Earth, the home world -- The moon -- The terrestrial planets -- The gas giant planets -- The dwarf planets -- Major moons of the solar system -- Solar system debris -- Properties of the stars -- The formation of stars -- The lives of stars -- Stellar corpses -- The interstellar medium -- Living in a galaxy called the milky way -- Galaxies -- Active galaxies and quasars -- Cosmology -- Exoplanets -- The search for life. The book Astro4U: An Introduction to the Science of the Cosmos excites students about the grandeur of astronomy and how the universe functions. Filled with vibrant figures and informative tables that support the written text, the book has a fresh, casual, student-friendly tone that dramatically increases interest in the material while also making it more accessible. The book provides a college-level description of science with astronomy serving as the vehicle of delivery for displaying the scientific model. The content follows a traditional progression of scale, beginning with a study of the sky, followed by discussions of ancient and medieval astronomy, modern scientific practices, and key physical principles. Chapters move through the Solar System, stars, then galaxies, and finally the cosmos as a whole. Additionally, the book presents astronomy as the story of light and gravity, crucial threads that permeate the text. Because students often express concern about the math content in astronomy classes, the book begins with a chapter entitled "Astro Maths" that reviews all the mathematical skills and concepts needed to complete the course. This up-front investment increases student confidence, eliminates one of the primary blocks students face, and improves chances for student achievement and success. Astro4U is written for general education survey courses in astronomy that are geared to non-science majors. / https://dc.etsu.edu/etsu_books/1016/thumbnail.jpg

Représentations du monde et symbolique élémentaire

Déglise-Coste, Béatrice 21 June 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail est une analyse du concept de représentation tel qu'il peut s'élaborer à partir de la symbolique des quatre éléments (air, terre, eau, feu) dans des textes aussi bien religieux ou littéraires que philosophiques. A travers les notions voisines de participation, d'analogie, de pli ou de chair qui posent le problème du rapport de l'âme au corps, nous cernons peu à peu la représentation comme une prise de conscience saisissante qui, paradoxalement, correspond à un acte de distanciation du sujet par rapport à son monde. Quel est le statut de cette "présence-absence"? C'est non seulement le rapport du subjectif à l'objectif qui est interrogé mais aussi de façon plus générale celui de l'intimité à l'altérité. Nous tentons de montrer comment ces matières premières que sont les quatre éléments, "hormones de l'imagination" selon Gaston Bachelard, figurent concrètement la problématique d'une médiation entre le sensible et l'intelligible. Ils articulent en effet nos perceptions à diverses symbolisations par un recours à l'image. En ce sens, on peut les définir comme de véritables métaphores d'un processus de représentation ouvert sur la réflexion et la création. Au-delà de l'analyse d'une articulation entre la sensation et l'idée, c'est bien la question du sens qui est posée : que se joue-t-il, affectivement, dans notre attention au monde ? Comment la littérature utilise-t-elle la symbolique des éléments afin d'extérioriser la subjectivité et de partager une spiritualité commune ? Pourquoi les hommes ont-ils besoin de mettre leur vie en scène et de lui accorder une dimension sacrée ?

Si isotopes in tropical rivers as a proxy of the continental silicon cycle

Hughes, Harold 13 December 2011 (has links)
Silicon (Si) is one of the most abundant elements in the dissolved phase in rivers and is a key nu-trient in riverine and marine ecosystems. The continental cycle of Si is complex and involves interactions with many secondary reservoirs such as clay minerals and biogenic silica (BSi), making the Si fluxes hard to constrain. Stable isotopes provide a way to trace and describe element cycling. The natural isotopic fractionations that accompany the transfer of the element from one reservoir to another lead to specific isotopic signatures that can be used to reconstruct its source and the pathway during its biogeochemical cycle. The aim of this thesis is therefore to explore the potential of Si isotopes as a tracer of the factors controlling the dissolved Si (DSi) concentration in rivers and more specifically in tropical rivers.<p>Key issues treated in this thesis are the improvement of our understanding of 1° the spatial and seasonal variability of Si isotopic signatures in rivers, 2° the biological influence on the riverine isotopic signatures and on DSi and BSi fluxes, and 3° the impact of the type of weathering on the riverine isotope signatures.<p>The isotopic composition of different tropical basins such as the Congo River (Central Africa), the Tana River (Kenya), the Amazon (South America) and its tributaries, were determined along with other physico-chemical parameters. In order to achieve this, the water sample purification processing, necessary before isotope analyses, required specific improvements that are also pre-sented here. The average of all the riverine δ30Si signatures available so far is +1.11 ‰ (n = 253). The impact of diatom growth on the isotopic signatures of the rivers can be clearly shown in the different systems studied, and especially in the Congo River where the isotopic signature could be used in order to estimate the diatom production. The impact of anthropic perturbations through dam construction is also clearly shown in the Tana River. On a global scale the biological influ-ence on the riverine isotopic signatures is estimated to induce an increase of 0.18 ‰ of the δ30Si signature in rivers. This study also confirms the preponderant influence of weathering and secondary clay formation on dissolved Si isotope signatures in the studied rivers. Finally, isotopic signatures from these rivers are compared to data available for other rivers around the world in order to draw large trends on a global scale. <p>/<p>Le silicium (Si) est l’un des éléments les plus abondants sous forme dissoute dans les rivières et est un nutriment fondamental tant dans les rivières que dans les écosystèmes marins. Le cycle continental du Si est complexe et inclut des interactions avec de nombreux réservoirs secondaires, comme les argiles et la silice biogénique (BSi), rendant les flux de Si difficiles à quantifier. Les isotopes stables fournissent un moyen de tracer et de décrire le cycle d’un élément. Le fractionnement isotopique qui accompagne le transfert de l’élément d’un réservoir à un autre induit des signatures isotopiques spécifiques qui peuvent être utilisées pour retracer la source et la trajectoire suivie par cet élément au cours de son cycle biogéochimique. Le but de cette thèse est d’explorer le potentiel des isotopes du Si en tant qu’indicateur des facteurs contrôlant la concentration en Si dissous (DSi) dans les rivières et plus spécifiquement dans les rivières tropicales.<p>Les questions principales traitées dans cette thèse sont l’amélioration des connaissances de :1° la variabilité spatiale et saisonnière des signatures isotopiques du Si dans les rivières, 2° l’influence biologique sur les signatures isotopiques des rivières et sur les flux de DSi et BSi et 3° l’impacte du type d’altération sur les signatures isotopiques des rivières. <p>Les compositions isotopiques de différents bassins tropicaux tels que le Fleuve Congo (Afrique Centrale), le Fleuve Tana (Kenya), l’Amazone (Amérique du Sud) et ses principaux affluents ont été déterminées en même temps que d’autres paramètres physicochimiques. Pour ce faire, le pro-cédé de purification des échantillons d’eau, préalable aux analyses isotopiques, a nécessité des améliorations spécifiques qui sont également présentées ici. La moyenne de toutes les signatures δ30Si accessibles à l’heure actuelle est de +1.11 ‰ (n = 253). L’impact de la croissance des diatomées sur les signatures isotopiques des rivières est démontré dans les différents systèmes étudiés, spécialement pour le Fleuve Congo où la signature isotopique a pu être utilisée afin de déterminer la production de diatomées. L’influence de perturbations anthropiques telles que la construction de barrages a pu être démontrée pour le Fleuve Tana. À l’échelle globale, on estime que l’influence biologique sur la signature isotopique des rivières mène à une augmentation de 0.18 ‰ de la signature δ30Si moyenne des rivières. Cette étude confirme également l’influence prépondérante de l’altération et de la formation d’argiles secondaires sur les signatures isotopiques du DSi dans les rivières étudiées. Enfin, les signatures isotopiques de ces rivières sont comparées aux données accessibles pour d’autres rivières à travers le monde afin d’en déduire les grandes tendance à l’échelle mondiale.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Kosmologická témata v současném výtvarném umění / Cosmological themes in contemporary art

Šmilauer, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
Šmilauer, T. Cosmological themes in conteporary art. [Master thesis] Prague 2012. 83 pages Charles univerzity in Prague, Faculty of education, department of art education. This work examines the relationship between man and the cosmos, and deals with topics cosmos and cosmology in terms of philosophical and scientific, but also seeks connection with religion and mythology. The aim is to interpret and define the concepts of the cosmos and cosmology, and find these contents in visual culture and fine art. This thesis is also finding ways to use cosmological issues in educational practice. Keywords: cosmos, cosmology, nature, man, visual perception and imaging, microcosm, macrocosm, art

Kozmologická výchova E. Finka / The Cosmological Education by E. Fink

Dědečková, Eva January 2019 (has links)
This thesis "The Cosmological Education by E. Fink" represents modified and extended text of the publication (2018), which was the result of the grant project GA UK. Through commented translations of the excerpts of Fink's books, parts of his diaries, unpublished notes from his written inheritance, stored in the University archive in Freiburg, this thesis aims to bring new perspective and to provoke discussion about his cosmological philosophy as a possible way of the future social self-development in the nihilistic era. The cosmological philosophy of education shows Fink, the best former student and assistant of the founder of phenomenology, Edmund Husserl, in a quite surprising light - as a radical thinker of Nietzsche's philosophical and educational legacy. Fink knowingly departs from husserlian phenomenology, what is closer described here in the additional chapter dedicated to the problem of technique, science and work. The method of the research intuitively seeks and critically reflects Fink's own way of thinking about the problem of education, which is inseparable from his constant dialogue with the history of philosophy, necessity of the revaluation of the metaphysical bounds and consecutive understanding of a man as ens cosmologicum, what reflects also the structure of the thesis. KEYWORDS...

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