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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

DISTANSARBETE –NYCKELN TILL ETT HÅLLBART ARBETSLIV? : En jämförande studie gällande krav, kontroll och stöd hos distansarbetare och icke-distansarbetare / Teleworking - the key to a sustainable work life?

Holtlund, Therese, Lövmark Ek, Sofia January 2021 (has links)
Trots att Sverige har lagar och föreskrifter för att främja en god organisatorisk och social arbetsmiljö, så ökar den arbetsrelaterade stressen hos Sveriges befolkning. Tidigare forskning kring arbetsrelaterad stress har primärt fokuserat på krav, kontroll och stöd i arbetet, då dessa aspekter visat sig vara användbara inom forskning för att mäta den arbetsrelaterade stressen. Dock har forskning kring detta främst fokuserat på den fysiska arbetsplatsen och inte på distansarbete. Då Covid-19 spreds världen över var en strategi att fördela mer arbete på distans. Då det finns ett visst kunskapsglapp syftade denna studie till att undersöka om det fanns skillnader mellan distansarbetare och icke-distansarbetare gällande aspekterna krav, kontroll och stöd i arbetet. Studien antog en kvantitativ ansats där sekundärdata från EWCS-15 användes. Resultatet visar att det finns en signifikant skillnad i upplevelsen av kontroll mellan distansarbetare och icke-distansarbetare, där de som arbetar på distans upplever högre kontroll i arbetet. Dock kan liknande slutsatser inte dras kring aspekterna krav och stöd vilket implicerar att mer forskning kring detta behövs.

ATT PRATA MED EN SKÄRM : En kvalitativ studie om upplevelsen av den organisatoriska och sociala arbetsmiljön vid distansarbete inom en skolorganisation

Åkesson, Louise, Levander, Hanna January 2021 (has links)
Vi lever i en pågående pandemi som har påverkat människor över hela världen. I Sverige har det tillkommit både restriktioner och rekommendationer för att minska smittspridningen. Folkhälsomyndigheten rekommenderar de som har möjlighet att arbeta hemifrån, även kallat distansarbete. Regeringen beslutade även att samtliga lärosäten och gymnasieskolor skulle påbörja distansundervisning. Detta har inneburit distansarbete för skolpersonal och att samtlig kontakt med elever skett digitalt. Arbetsmiljön har därmed påverkats för skolpersonalen i denna omställning och således inneburit en förändring som aldrig tidigare funnits. Studien avser att kartlägga och analysera skolpersonals upplevelser och erfarenheter av den organisatoriska och sociala arbetsmiljön vid distansarbete inom en skolorganisation. Vidare är en central del är att bidra till ökad kunskap om vad skolpersonal ser som viktiga faktorer inom den organisatoriska och sociala arbetsmiljön vid distansarbete. Särskild vikt läggs vid resurser, arbetstidens förläggning, ledarskapet och den sociala interaktionen. I studien används kvalitativa intervjuer och resultatet visar på att skolpersonalen upplevt en god introduktion till de digitala verktygen och att de besitter tillräcklig digital kompetens. Dock har det medfört högre arbetsbelastning, minskat samarbete mellan kollegor samt tillkomna arbetsuppgifter. Några positiva aspekter som distansarbete bidragit med är stöd och tillit från sin chef, anpassningar och valmöjligheter samt en promenadgrupp som är ett medarbetarinitiativ. Vidare visar resultatet att trots att resurser finns och erbjuds, tillgodoser det inte alltid medarbetarens behov. Därmed behövs både tydlighet i förväntningar och regelbunden dialog och återkoppling för att främja skolpersonalens organisatoriska och sociala arbetsmiljö.

Hushållens syn på matsvinn under Covid-19 pandemin : En förståelse om hur hushållens synsätt, kunskaper eller upplevelser kring matsvinn förändrats på grund av Covid-19 pandemin / Households' view of food waste during the Covid-19 pandemic : An understanding of how households' approach, knowledge or experiences about food waste have changed due to the Covid-19 pandemic

Tokar, Anastasia, Rylander, Rebecca January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Att vårda i det okända. : Sjuksköterskans erfarenheter av att ge vård under Covid-19. / To nurture in the unknown : The nurses experience of providing care during Covid-19.

Smålander, Marie, Torkshavand, Sora January 2021 (has links)
The World Health Organization declares on March 11, 2020 that Covid-19 is a pandemic. Covid-19 is spread to all parts of the world and affects all countries. The conditions for healthcare professionals around the world are changing at the same rate as the spread ofinfection increases. The purpose of the study is to shed light on nurses experiences of providing care during covid-19. Using a literature review to analyze both qualitative and quantitative scientific articles, look for similarities and differences in nurses experiences in providing care during the Covid-19 pandemic. Covid-19 was an invasive infectious disease that spread rapidly between individuals, causing fear among nurses and people around them. This had a negative effect on the nurses, their nursing measures and their privacy. A significantly increased workload and the enormous mortality due to Covid-19 caused stress and anxiety to nurses. Nurses experienced frustration and anxiety about the situation that threatened their own and their family's health. Despite the lack of faith in one's own competence the nurses found new supportive relationships that have been shown to strengthen mental health. The experience of working against Covid-19 was initially characterized by fear but the nurses found new strength salong the way and was enriched with experiences regarding care of critically ill patients. / Den 11 Mars 2020 fastslog Världshälsoorganisationen att Covid-19 var en pandemi. Enpandemi är när en smittsam infektion spridits till människor över hela världen. Vid utbrottet av Covid-19 krävdes stora och snabba förändringar i vården världen över, vilket resulterade i utmaningar för sjuksköterskorna. Denna studie vill belysa sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av attvårda under Covid-19 pandemin. Resultatet visade en ökad arbetsbelastning för sjuksköterskorna då mängden patienter ökade drastiskt som en följd av att virusets smittsamhet och att det spreds med hög hastighet. Till en början saknades information och kunskap i hurpatienter drabbade av Covid-19 skulle tas om hand, det saknades även rutiner i hur skyddskläderskulle användas för att förhindra vidare smitta. Covid-19 var ett hot för alla i samhället, rädslanför att bli smittad och föra smittan vidare påverkade sjuksköterskornas psykiska och fysiska hälsa. Sjuksköterskornas sociala liv påverkades då de i samband med vård av patienter med Covid-19 isolerades från familj och vänner, i vissa fall kunde det leda till att de uteslöts från sociala sammanhang. För att kunna hantera den nya arbetssituationen som sjuksköterskorna ställdes inför krävdes det stöd och engagemang från kollegor, familj och sjukhusledning. I en början upplevde sjuksköterskorna oro och frustration över situationen, de kände att de saknade kompetens att vårda utifrån de nya förutsättningarna, men utmed vägen fann de nya styrkor i kampen mot Covid-19 vilket berikade dem med erfarenheter i vården av patienter med Covid19. Metoden som valdes till studien var litteraturöversikt, vilket innebar att resultat ur kvalitativa och kvantitativa vetenskapliga artiklar analyserades till studiens resultat. Styrkan med en litteraturöversikt är att resultatet grundas på en större mängd deltagare än vid en litteraturstudie. Vid litteratussökningen användes sökorden Covid-19, nurse, experience,mental health detta för att finna artiklar som visade sjuksköterskornas erfarenheter och upplevelsen i samband med vård av Covid-19 patienter.

Building a Green Living : Measuring the green bond premium on the Swedish real estate market

Alldén, Pontus, Joshi, Dev January 2021 (has links)
Background: With the first green bond being issued in 2008 as a joint venture between World Bank Organization and the Swedish bank SEB the financial instrument has made an impact on the financial markets. With a high demand for sustainable investments in Sweden partly due to policies a premium for the green bonds is to be expected at least according to theory. The real estate market has adapted to the increased demand for green investments by moving more towards green bonds, and rightfully so as it is one of the largest polluters seen by sector. In result, it is also one of the largest issuers of bonds which creates an excellent opportunity to research the industry as there is plenty of data available. Purpose: This report will examine the premium of green bonds in the Swedish real estate market. Furthermore, it will also examine the effects of Covid-19 and to what extent this pandemic had an impact on green bonds. Method: The thesis examines the Option Adjusted Spread (OAS) of 166 bonds of 9 different companies from the start of 2016 to December 2020 within the Swedish real estate market. Control variables such as Company risk, Market risk and Macroeconomic variables were used in an OLS regression to estimate the premium. The effect of the Covid-19 pandemic was also examined. Conclusion: After analyzing 53 green and 113 conventional bonds no significant results were found on how premium differs between green and conventional bonds. However more general findings were found that suggest bonds become more sought during the Covid-19. It was further found that the green bond market is rapidly growing and may in a few years be in a better position to be examined.

Finding effective, accessible, and immediate methods for reducing anxiety and stress in an undergraduate student population during the global pandemic

Bai, Jefferson 09 November 2021 (has links)
As mental health is becoming increasingly prioritized, the disparity between the amount of undergraduate students who need mental health services and the amount of undergraduate students that actually receive this help is also becoming more noticeable. Over the past decade, there have been an increasing number of students seeking mental health services, with more students being diagnosed with mental health conditions. There have also been a rising number of students reporting heightened stress and anxiety due to COVID-19. With the increasing mental health diagnoses, especially during COVID-19, it is more important than ever to provide effective options for students to reduce their anxiety. To address this issue, we examined the effects of short easily accessible interventions including chair yoga, visual meditation and sound therapy to decrease anxiety in healthy college students. We report that a single session of five-minute chair yoga (p = 0.001) or visual meditation (p = 0.026) significantly reduced anxiety, as measured by the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. We propose that results of this study be considered preliminary data in starting a self-help system for undergraduate students, especially during periods of exceptionally high stress, such as midterms or finals.

Webinar: Los libros en tiempos de pandemia del COVID 19: desde la perspectiva digital y creativa

Zerini, Sara 22 October 2021 (has links)
La nueva normalidad provocada frente a la aparición del Covid 19, ha ocasionado un gran impacto sobre las preferencias y desafíos de los lectores en todas partes del mundo, sean medios físicos o virtuales, lo cual significa una gran oportunidad de poder llegar cada vez a un público más exigente, competitivo y capaz de enfrentar diversos retos.

The role of SARS-CoV-2 testing in COVID-19

Cole, Manisha 10 November 2021 (has links)
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is the novel coronavirus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and has escalated, becoming a pandemic in early 2020. Multiple testing modalities have been developed to detect this virus including RT-PCR, antigen, and serology testing. RT-PCR testing is the clinical gold standard and is used for diagnostic purposes of current infections. Antigen testing is rapid and requires significantly less equipment, but lacks the sensitivity of RT-PCR testing. Serology assays detect antibodies raised against SARS-CoV-2, so only detect prior exposure. It is important to note that use of antibody tests may also detect prior asymptomatic infections. For these reasons, it is imperative that all testing modalities be continuously developed and improved to better our understanding of disease transmission, helping to inform and change infection control policies and protecting both employees in the workplace and patients. We aim to quantify the seroprevalence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG in the healthcare workers at Boston Medical Center, including those with asymptomatic infections. Our results show an overall seroprevalence of 5.5% with an asymptomatic seroprevalence of 1.8%. High risk groups include those who are obese, smokers, and Hispanic/LatinX. Experiencing some symptoms was associated with a higher risk of seropositivity, as was lack of social distancing amongst coworkers. In a separate study, we aim to assess the direct antigen rapid tests (DART) created by E25Bio in patients seeking care at Boston Medical Center. This study has been significantly limited by number of participants, as recruitment has been paused during both COVID-19 surges in Boston, MA. The current data shows poor positive agreement between DART and RT-PCR, but acceptable negative agreement. Each testing modality works to fill in the gaps of knowledge that still persist around SARS-CoV-2. Each of these testing types provides a unique piece of information and when used together, will help to inform strategies to overcome the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.

Uso de antirreumáticos en covid-19 desde la hidroxicloroquina hasta la anakinra pasando por tocilizumab y baricitinib: Una revisión de la literatura / Use of antirheumatic drugs in covid-19 from hydroxychloroquine to anakinra through tocilizumab and baricitinib: A review of the literature

Salas-Bolaños, Rosa Alejandra, Sevilla-Rodriguez, David Ezequiel, Arroyo-Sánchez, Abel Salvador 27 April 2021 (has links)
Actualmente nos encontramos en una pandemia mundial causada por el coronavirus 2019 o COVID–19, presentando diferentes desafíos para el sistema de salud debido a que no se cuenta aún con alguna vacuna ni con un tratamiento que haya demostrado su eficacia en totalidad, siendo el manejo actual preventivo y de soporte. Por lo que, en esta revisión se estudiará a los fármacos antirreumáticos más resaltantes que tengan un probable efecto farmacológico, como son la hidroxicloroquina, el tocilizumab, el anakinra y el baricitinib, frente al COVID–19. Se espera que brinde apoyo para futuros tratamientos e investigaciones sobre la enfermedad. / We are currently in a global pandemic caused by the coronavirus 2019 or COVID- 19, presenting different challenges for the health system due to the fact that there is still no vaccine or a treatment that has proven its effectiveness in its entirety, being the management current preventive and supportive. Therefore, this review will study the most prominent antirheumatic drugs that have a probable pharmacological effect, such as hydroxychloroquine, tocilizumab, anakinra and baricitinib, against COVID-19. It is expected that they will provide support for future treatments. and research on the disease.

Asociación entre salud mental y actitudes ante el confinamiento durante la pandemia COVID-19 en hospitales de Lima y Callao / Association between mental health and attitudes towards confinement during the COVID-19 pandemic in hospitals in Lima and Callao

Campos-De La Cruz, Iris, Burneo-Ramírez, María C., Runzer-Colmenares, Fernando M. 24 October 2021 (has links)
Objetivo: Identificar la asociación entre la depresión, ansiedad y estrés con las actitudes ante el confinamiento durante la pandemia por COVID-19 en personal de salud del Hospital Nacional Daniel Alcides Carrión y Hospital Militar Central mediante el empleo de la escala DASS-21. Materiales y métodos: Estudio transversal, observacional y analítico, participaron personal de salud que trabajó en áreas Covid durante la pandemia COVID-19. Se empleó la escala Dass-21 para medir la existencia de estados emocionales de depresión, ansiedad y estrés, y la escala de actitudes adaptada frente al confinamiento para COVID-19. Resultados: Se incluyó 124 participantes, 54% (n=67) de sexo femenino, con una mediana de edad de 34.5 años [Ri]= 16.5 que reportaron una mediana de años de experiencia de 6 (Ri = 17). La mediana del puntaje de la Escala Dass-21 para ansiedad fue de 2 (Ri= 5), la mediana del puntaje de Dass-21 para depresión fue de 1 (Ri=4.5) y la mediana del puntaje de la Escala Dass-21 para estrés fue de 4 (Ri=5). El análisis bivariado entre los valores de los parámetros de la Escala Dass-21 y las demás covariables identificó que el grado de instrucción tenía una relación significativa con la subescala de depresión, ansiedad y estrés. Conclusión: Se encontró asociación entre los parámetros afectivos de la escala sobre actitudes ante el confinamiento y las tres subescalas de DASS-21. / Objective: Identify the association between depression, anxiety and stress with attitudes towards confinement during the COVID-19 pandemic in health staff from the Daniel Alcides Carrion National Hospital and Central Military Hospital by using the DASS-21 scale. Materials and methods: Cross-sectional, observational and analytical study, health staff participated who worked in COVID areas during the Covid-19 pandemic. The Dass-21 scale was used to measure the existence of emotional states of depression, anxiety and stress, and the scale of attitudes adapted to confinement for Covid-19. Results: 124 participants were included, 54% female (n=67), with a median age of 34.5 years [Ri]= 16.5, who reported a median year of experience of 6 (Ri = 17). The median Dass-21 score for anxiety was 2 (Ri = 5), the median Dass-21 score for depression was 1 (Ri = 4.5), and the median Dass-21 scale score for stress was 4 (Ri = 5). The bivariate analysis between the values of the Dass-21 Scale domains and the other covariates identified that the level of education had a highly significant relationship with the depression subscale, anxiety and stress. Conclusion: An association was found between the affective parameters of the scale on attitud

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