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Är det critical literacy? : En kvalitativ studie om hur lärare uppfattar och implementerar critical literacy i praktiken / Is it critical literacy? : A qualitative study that shows how teachers perceive and implement critical literacy in practicePetkovic, Monika January 2021 (has links)
Med utgångspunkt i att läroplanen (Lgr11) beskriver att skolans uppdrag är att främja eleverna att bli initiativtagande, ansvarstagande, självständiga och aktiva samhällsmedborgare (Skolverket, 2019). Studiens syfte är att synliggöra hur några utvalda, verksamma lärare uppfattar och implementerar critical literacy i praktiken genom sin undervisning. Detta genom att titta på hur lärarna arbetar med olika texttyper men också genom att granska hur critical literacy-aspekterna makt, genus, klass och etnicitet blir synliga i dessa lärares undervisning. Studiens syfte är att synliggöra hur några verksamma lärare uppfattar och implementerar critical literacy i praktiken. Med följande frågeställningar ämnas syftet uppnås: 1. Hur beskriver de intervjuade lärarna att de arbetar med critical literacy i sin undervisning när de arbetar med olika texttyper? 2. Hur beskriver lärarna att de arbetar med aspekterna makt, genus, klass och etnicitet utifrån ett critical literacy-perspektiv? Studien är kvalitativ med datainsamling gjord genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med sju verksamma lärare i årskurs F – 3. Lärarnas uppfattningar undersöktes utifrån en fenomenografisk ansats och analyserades genom en tematisk analys. Studien genomsyras av den sociokulturella teorin. Resultatet av studien pekar på att de intervjuade lärarna arbetar med få texttyper då endast berättande- och faktatexter användes i undervisningen. En central del av kriterierna för critical literacy handlar om att arbeta med flera olika texttyper. Genom lärarnas uppfattningar av aspekterna makt, genus, klass och etnicitet, landade studiens slutsats i att lärarna har bristfälliga kunskaper om fenomenet critical literacy. Därmed synliggjorde inte de deltagande lärarna i studien aspekterna enligt critical literacyperspektivet i sin undervisning. Trots bristfälliga kunskaper visar slutsatsen att lärarna arbetar kring makt, genus, klass och etnicitet i sin undervisning. / Based on the fact that the curriculum (Lgr11) describes how the mission of the school is to promote the pupils to take initiative, responsibility, to become independent as well as active citizens (Skolverket, 2019). The aim of the study was to make visible how a few selected, active teachers embrace and implement critical literacy in practice through their teaching. This through viewing in what way the teachers work with different kinds of texts but also through examining how the aspects of critical literacy; power, gender, class and ethnicity are made visible through the teaching of these teachers. The aim of the study is to make visible how active teachers perceive and implement critical literacy in practice through their teaching. With the following questions at issue the aim of the study should be reached: 1. How do the participating teachers describe their critical literacy teaching when working with different types of texts? 2. How do the teachers describe their work with the aspects; power, gender, class and ethnicity from a critical literacy perspective? The study is qualitative with data collection made through semi-structured interviews with seven active teachers in grade F-3. The perception of the teachers was examined on the basis of a phylogeographic approach, and later analysed by a thematic analysis. The study is permeated by the sociocultural theory. The result of the study points out that the interviewed teachers work with few kinds of texts as only narrative- and factual texts were used in teaching. A central part of the criterial for critical literacy is about working with different types of texts, not as few as presented. Through the perception of the teachers of the aspects power, gender, class and ethnicity, the study showed that the teachers have insufficient knowledge of the phenomenon of critical literacy. Therefor the aspects of critical literacy were not made visible by the participating teachers. However, despite poor knowledge next to obliviousness the conclusion just as well shows that the teachers work with power, gender, class and ethnicity in their teaching.
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Critical literacy – finns det i läromedlen? : En jämförande analys av två läromedel i svenska för årskurs 3 och deras relation till critical literacy. / Critical literacy – does it exist in teaching materials? : A comparative analysis of two teaching materials for 3rd grade Swedish and their connection to critical literacy.Söderberg, My January 2019 (has links)
I en alltmer globaliserad och digitaliserad värld krävs ett kritiskt förhållningssätt till den information man möter, alltså ett critical literacy-perspektiv. Med läromedel som en central del av undervisningen är det av intresse att undersöka om läromedel främjar critical literacy. Därför är syftet med denna studie att undersöka och sammanställa om, och i så fall hur, läromedlen ABC-klubbens samt Livet i Bokstavslandets läsebok, arbetsbok och lärarhandledning för årskurs 3 gör det möjligt att arbeta med critical literacy. Med utgångspunkt i en kombination av kvalitativ och kvantitativ metod sammanställs materialet, de frågor och uppgifter som återfinns i läromedlen ABC-klubben och Livet i Bokstavslandet, i tre tabeller. Tabellerna är kategoriserade enligt Allan Luke och Peter Freebodys fyra praktiker, Sten-Olof Ullströms uppgiftskulturer samt huruvida uppgifterna utförs enskilt eller tillsammans med andra. Genom en jämförande analys undersöks dessa läromedel för att ta reda på om och i så fall hur critical literacy representeras. Frågor och uppgifter som stödjer ett kritiskt förhållningssätt finns i båda läromedel, det representeras däremot på skilda sätt. Ytterst få frågor och uppgifter uttrycks explicit vara av kritisk karaktär utan det är snarare upp till läraren att se den möjlighet det skapar. Det är alltså inte frågorna och uppgifterna ensamma som blir ett critical literacy-arbete utan de kan snarare bli det beroende på hur de sedan tillämpas i undervisningen. / In a globalized and digitalized world there is a greater demand for a critical approach towards the flow of information, ergo a critical literacy perspective. With teaching materials as a central part of education it is of interest to research if teaching materials foster critical literacy. Therefor it is the purpose of this study to examine and compile if and in that case how the teaching material ABC-klubben and Livet i Bokstavslandet textbook, workbook and teacher’s manual for grade 3 makes it possible to work with critical literacy. Based on a combination of a qualitative and quantitative method the material that is found in the teaching materials ABC-klubben and Livet i Bokstavslandet is compiled in three charts. The charts are categorized according to Allan Luke and Peter Freebodys four resources, Sten-Olof Ullström’s task cultures and whether the tasks are done alone or with others. Through a comparative analysis the teaching materials are examined to find out whether critical literacy is represented. Questions and tasks that support a critical approach is present in both teaching materials, although represented in different ways. Few questions and tasks are explicitly told to be of a critical character, it is rather up to the teacher to se the opportunity. It is not the questions and tasks alone that become critical literacy, but rather how they are applied in the teaching.
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”Critical literacy? Det har jag aldrig hört talas om” : En studie om hur lärare uppfattar och tillämpar critical literacy i undervisning för årskurs F-6 / ”Critical literacy? I have never heard of that before” : A study about how teachers describe and use critical literacy in the lower and middle school educationÅhman, Caroline January 2019 (has links)
Att tillämpa critical literacy i undervisningen har enligt forskning visat ge positiv respons och utvecklar bland annat förståelsen för omvärlden, läsförståelse samt den kritiskt granskande och tolkande förmågan. Det är dock inte utrett huruvida detta förhållningssätt faktiskt tillämpas i undervisning. Därför ämnar denna studie undersöka i vilken utsträckning lärare i årskurs F-6 på 14 skolor i en kommun beskriver att de använder critical literacy-praktiker i undervisning med textarbete, genom att besvara följande frågeställningar: Hur många lärare har hört talas om critical literacy? Hur uppfattar lärare begreppet critical literacy? I vilken utsträckning använder lärare i en kommun critical literacy-praktiker vid arbete med texter? Studien är en triangulering mellan en digital enkätundersökning med 52 besvarande lärare och semistrukturerade intervjuer med två lärare verksamma inom årskurs F-6. För att analysera insamlat material är analysen inspirerad av den hermeneutiska teorin. Slutsatserna som kan dras utifrån studiens resultat är att de flesta lärare är bekanta med critical literacy, men att de inte vet vad det innebär. De lärare som är bekanta med critical literacy beskriver det som ett källkritiskt språkutvecklande arbete där text och information granskas och tolkas. Det kan utifrån studiens resultat också konstateras att samtliga lärare i studien på något vis tillämpar critical literacy, men att det varierar i vilken mån det tillämpas samt om dessa lärare är medvetna om att det tillämpas. / According to science, the use of critical literacy in classroom context has shown to have a positive outcome and improves the understanding of the surrounding world, reading comprehension and the ability to analyze and interpret. If this approach actually is being used in classroom context is however not established. The purpose of this study is therefore to investigate to what extent critical literacy is described to being used in classroom text work by teachers in 14 lower and middle schools in a municipality by answering the following questions: How many teachers has heard of critical literacy? How do teachers describe the concept of critical literacy? To what extend do teachers in a county use critical literacy when working with texts in the classroom? This study is a triangulation between a digital survey with 52 responding teachers and a semi-structured interview with two teachers active within the lower and middle school years. The data analysis is inspired by the hermeneutical theory. The conclusions reached of the results of the study are that most teachers are familiar with critical literacy, but without knowledge of what it means. The teachers who are familiar with critical literacy describe the approach as a critical language development where text and information are being researched and questioned. The results show that every teacher of the study in one way or another use critical literacy, although it depends to what extend it is being used and if those teachers are aware of its usage.
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Epistemologias educacionais emergentes: um olhar crítico / Emerging educational epistemologies: a critical lookOliveira, Luciana Ferrari de 13 November 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho de doutoramento busca problematizar a instituição Escola e as epistemologias tradicionais que a fundamentam. Parte-se do princípio de que vivemos no paradigma da complexidade, impulsionado pelo acesso às tecnologias, e, com isso, novas demandas no que diz respeito ao aprender, ler, agir e viver surgem. Diante da nova ordem mundial, do fácil acesso à informação, da interação com diversas culturas e da gama de textos presente no ciberespaço, pedagogias baseadas nas Teorias dos Multiletramentos e do Letramento Crítico emergem para dar conta das novas habilidades (criticidade, criatividade, flexibilidade e agência, etc.) cruciais ao aprendiz. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho é analisar e discutir (1) como se dá a construção de conhecimento numa instituição de ensino onde perspectivas educacionais emergentes (a meu ver) estão sendo implementadas e (2) se essas perspectivas educacionais emergentes, já em andamento, estão contribuindo para a formação do cidadão crítico, agente e transformador. Discute-se também de que forma essas perspectivas estão contribuindo para formar o cidadão para o letramento crítico e agência. Para responder a essas perguntas, foi escolhido um projeto escolar situado no interior do estado de São Paulo, cuja proposta educacional situa-se numa epistemologia não convencional, para a vivência da pesquisadora. Os dados, portanto, foram gerados segundo uma metodologia de pesquisa qualitativa, de cunho etnográfico, a partir do diário de campo da mesma, construído durante intensa vivência no Projeto, além da análise de dois documentos oficiais que regem sobre a proposta pedagógica da escola. Dentre as percepções da pesquisadora estão o fato de que, apesar de haver coexistência de epistemologias tradicionais e não tradicionais no Projeto estudado, há uma grande ruptura em relação às epistemologias tradicionais no que diz respeito ao espaço físico, aos saberes, às hierarquias e aos conceitos de professor, ensino e de aula. Há, no entanto, três questões passíveis de ressignificação: a fragmentação do conhecimento, o controle e o conceito de coletividade. Apesar disso, esta proposta educacional contribui, sem dúvida, para a formação do cidadão crítico, agente e transformador. / This doctoral work seeks to problematize the school as an institution and the traditional epistemologies that underlie it. It is assumed that we live in the paradigm of complexity, driven by access to technologies and with this, new demands as to learning, reading, acting and living arise. Faced with the new world order, easy access to information, interaction with diverse cultures and the range of texts present in cyberspace, pedagogies based on Multiliteracies and Critical Literacy arise to account for the new abilities (criticality, creativity, flexibility and agency, etc.) that are crucial to the learner. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to analyze and discuss (1) how knowledge construction takes place in an educational institution where emerging educational perspectives are (as I see it) being implemented and (2) whether these emerging educational perspectives are contributing to the development of the critical citizen, able to act and transform his / her localities. How these perspectives are contributing to the development of the citizen for critical literacy and agency is also addressed in this work. To answer these questions, a school project, located in the State of São Paulo, was chosen due to the epistemological unconventionality of its educational proposal. The data were generated through qualitative ethnographic research, through a research journal constructed by the researcher, as well as through the analysis of two documents that explain the pedagogical proposal of the institution. Among the researcher\'s perceptions are the fact that, despite the existence of traditional and non-traditional epistemologies in the Project studied, there is a great rupture in relation to traditional epistemologies regarding physical space, knowledges, hierarchies and concepts of teacher, teaching and class. There are, however, three possible issues of re-signification: the fragmentation of knowledge, control and the concept of collectivity. Nevertheless, this educational proposal undoubtedly contributes to the development of the critical citizen, able to act and transform the world.
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Expectations and Realities of Online Information Databases: A Rhetorical Analysis of WebMDLurie, Christine A 06 June 2013 (has links)
The internet is fundamentally a large storage unit for immense amounts of data. Consequently, the majority of online users log on to the internet in order to find information. Innovations in technology continue to make both the production and consumption of this information an easily achieved endeavor, resulting in high expectations for instantaneous answers via immediate search results. While a plethora of information is not difficult to find, knowing what to do with that information is often problematic. To turn information into knowledge requires an ability to contextualize it and critically engage with it. WebMD is a highly recognizable health information database that often runs into information overload problems with its users. This thesis will examine the information that the WebMD website provides, as well as its usability. The goal is to investigate, firstly, the importance of context for knowledge-forming when users perform online information research and, secondly, the critical literacy required to use such information.
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Att bli en sån som läser : barns menings- och identitetsskapande genom texterSchmidt, Catarina January 2013 (has links)
This thesis focuses on nine children’s use of texts and literacy learning, both inside and outside of school, in a multilingual and multicultural setting in Sweden. The study investigates and maps texts that children encounter and use in their everyday lives, and explores what they do with them. The study also aims to investigate the conditions and possibilities of local literacies, exploring children’s meaning-making, identity-making and literacy learning through texts. By using an ethnographic approach involving participant observations, group and individual interviews, surveys and photographs, extended empirical data have been collected. Theoretically and in analysing empirical material, the study draws on research from New Literacy Studies and critical literacy. Concepts from the Four Resources Model (Luke & Freebody, 1999) as well as literary envisioning (Langer, 1995, 2011) and hermeneutic perspectives (Gadamer, 1975; Ricoeur, 1984, 1982) have inspired the analysis of the empirical material. The outcomes of the study may be used as a basis for the educational development of literacy learning during the middle school years 3–5. The repertoire of texts outside of school can be described as multi-faceted and multimodal and involves a massive amount of information. At the same time, inside school, major emphasis is put on formal training in skills such as spelling and grammar, while the repertoires of coding, functional use, meaning making and the critique of texts are altogether unorchestrated. The overall conclusion of the thesis is that literacy education must create opportunities for children to develop and build on their chronological memories of books, films, computer games and chatting on the Internet, so that they can view themselves as readers, meaning-makers and citizens that are able to critique, question, change and redesign texts.
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The role of children's everyday cultures in schooled literacy practicesCampbell, Corinna Lynn 12 January 2015 (has links)
This self-study examines the role that children’s out-of school lives play in the “schooled literacy practices” of the Morning Meeting, a daily meeting in the teacher-researcher’s classroom. Morning Meeting in this Grade 2/3 classroom became a contestable “third space” where several professional tensions intersected for the teacher-researcher. The study explores questions of what “counts as literacy,” what role “popular culture” plays in school, and whose voices are privileged or marginalized in schooled literacy discussions. Data was collected over a 3-week period in the form of immediate and more distanced teacher reflections. A Bourdieusian theoretical framework, critical sociocultural literacy theory, third space theory, and artifactual critical literacy, offered the teacher-researcher lenses through which to analyze the meanings found in the everyday stories and artifacts young children share in the schooled literacy practice of Morning Meeting. The findings of this study inform and create new thinking about the entanglements of children’s out-of-school everyday culture with schooled literacy practices.
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A educação dialógica no ensino de produção de textos em língua portuguesa / The dialogic education in texts production of teaching in PortugueseFRANCO, Cláudia Cristina Carneiro January 2015 (has links)
FRANCO, Cláudia Cristina Carneiro. A educação dialógica no ensino de produção de textos em língua portuguesa. 2015. 174f. – Dissertação (Mestrado) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras – Mestrado Profissional em Letras (PROFLETRAS), Fortaleza (CE), 2015. / Submitted by Márcia Araújo (marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-02-01T17:29:35Z
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Previous issue date: 2015 / The teaching of the mother tongue has been going through several changes over the years. With the dissemination of the results of some institutional assessments, which point to the low-income students, many researchers have been dedicated to studying ways to develop the communicative competence of students enrolled in basic education. Currently, we have a major concern of schools to train fluent readers and writers, who can interact with all types of texts and genres in society, to become subjects of their own history. The classes of textual production, little by little, they began to be reformulated thanks to new knowledge that arises in various areas of language of study. For this reason, in this thesis, our main objective is to develop critical literacy, through the application of a didactic sequence, as pedagogical intervention, to promote critical literacy in the students of a class the 8 the year of Elementary School, in a public school of Fortaleza. We use the pedagogic material of the Olympics Brazilian of the Portuguese Language, which is based on the genre essay and analyze the first and the last version produced by fifteen students to observe if, with the Didatic Sequence (SD), the students can argue for a text position. For the analysis of the texts we used a qualitative procedure, because the sheer through the observation of performance and of the capacity of students to position itself critically before a theme, by means of a written text. As a result of the analysis we can see that the students were already familiar with the discursive genre studied. In general, there was been forward of ten students as regards the four categories analyzed (general structure, intertextuality, interdiscoursevity, expectation of the teacher X performance of the students).We employed from theoretical assumptions of Bakhtin and his Social Theory of Language (2011; 2014); Fairclough and his Social Theory of Discurse (2001); Street and the Theory of the New Literacy Studies (2012; 2014);and Schneuwly and Dolz (2011). / O ensino da língua materna vem passando por várias modificações ao longo dos anos. Com a divulgação dos resultados de algumas avaliações institucionais, que apontam para o baixo rendimento dos estudantes, muitos pesquisadores têm se dedicado a estudar maneiras de desenvolver a competência comunicativa dos alunos e alunas matriculados no ensino básico. Atualmente, já percebemos uma preocupação maior das escolas em formar leitores e escritores fluentes, que saibam interagir com todos os tipos de textos e gêneros em circulação social, para tornarem-se sujeitos de sua própria história. As aulas de produção textual, aos poucos, começaram a ser reformuladas graças a novos conhecimentos que surgem nas diversas áreas de estudo da língua. Por isso, nesta dissertação, nosso principal objetivo foi desenvolver o letramento crítico, por meio da aplicação de uma sequência didática, como intervenção pedagógica, em uma turma de 8º ano, do Ensino Fundamental, de uma escola pública do município de Fortaleza. Utilizamos o material da Olimpíada Brasileira de Língua Portuguesa, que trabalha com o gênero discursivo artigo de opinião, e analisamos a primeira e a última versão produzida por quinze alunos para observarmos se, a partir Sequência Didática, os(as) alunos e alunas conseguem assumir uma posição atuante socialmente. Para a análise dos textos, utilizamos um procedimento qualitativo, pois nos guiamos pela observação do desempenho e da capacidade dos alunos em se posicionar criticamente diante de um tema, por meio de um texto escrito. Como resultado da análise, constatamos que os alunos já tinham familiaridade com o gênero discursivo estudado. De maneira geral, houve avanço de dez alunos e alunas no que diz respeito às quatro categorias analisadas (estrutura genérica, intertextualidade, interdiscursividade, expectativa da professora x desempenho dos alunos).Para embasar nosso estudo, lançamos mão de pressupostos teóricos de Bakhtin e sua Teoria Social da Linguagem (2011; 2014); de Fairclough sua Teoria Social do Discurso (2001); de Street e a Teoria dos Novos Estudos do Letramento (2012; 2014) e de Schneuwly Dolz (2011).
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Epistemologias educacionais emergentes: um olhar crítico / Emerging educational epistemologies: a critical lookLuciana Ferrari de Oliveira 13 November 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho de doutoramento busca problematizar a instituição Escola e as epistemologias tradicionais que a fundamentam. Parte-se do princípio de que vivemos no paradigma da complexidade, impulsionado pelo acesso às tecnologias, e, com isso, novas demandas no que diz respeito ao aprender, ler, agir e viver surgem. Diante da nova ordem mundial, do fácil acesso à informação, da interação com diversas culturas e da gama de textos presente no ciberespaço, pedagogias baseadas nas Teorias dos Multiletramentos e do Letramento Crítico emergem para dar conta das novas habilidades (criticidade, criatividade, flexibilidade e agência, etc.) cruciais ao aprendiz. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho é analisar e discutir (1) como se dá a construção de conhecimento numa instituição de ensino onde perspectivas educacionais emergentes (a meu ver) estão sendo implementadas e (2) se essas perspectivas educacionais emergentes, já em andamento, estão contribuindo para a formação do cidadão crítico, agente e transformador. Discute-se também de que forma essas perspectivas estão contribuindo para formar o cidadão para o letramento crítico e agência. Para responder a essas perguntas, foi escolhido um projeto escolar situado no interior do estado de São Paulo, cuja proposta educacional situa-se numa epistemologia não convencional, para a vivência da pesquisadora. Os dados, portanto, foram gerados segundo uma metodologia de pesquisa qualitativa, de cunho etnográfico, a partir do diário de campo da mesma, construído durante intensa vivência no Projeto, além da análise de dois documentos oficiais que regem sobre a proposta pedagógica da escola. Dentre as percepções da pesquisadora estão o fato de que, apesar de haver coexistência de epistemologias tradicionais e não tradicionais no Projeto estudado, há uma grande ruptura em relação às epistemologias tradicionais no que diz respeito ao espaço físico, aos saberes, às hierarquias e aos conceitos de professor, ensino e de aula. Há, no entanto, três questões passíveis de ressignificação: a fragmentação do conhecimento, o controle e o conceito de coletividade. Apesar disso, esta proposta educacional contribui, sem dúvida, para a formação do cidadão crítico, agente e transformador. / This doctoral work seeks to problematize the school as an institution and the traditional epistemologies that underlie it. It is assumed that we live in the paradigm of complexity, driven by access to technologies and with this, new demands as to learning, reading, acting and living arise. Faced with the new world order, easy access to information, interaction with diverse cultures and the range of texts present in cyberspace, pedagogies based on Multiliteracies and Critical Literacy arise to account for the new abilities (criticality, creativity, flexibility and agency, etc.) that are crucial to the learner. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to analyze and discuss (1) how knowledge construction takes place in an educational institution where emerging educational perspectives are (as I see it) being implemented and (2) whether these emerging educational perspectives are contributing to the development of the critical citizen, able to act and transform his / her localities. How these perspectives are contributing to the development of the citizen for critical literacy and agency is also addressed in this work. To answer these questions, a school project, located in the State of São Paulo, was chosen due to the epistemological unconventionality of its educational proposal. The data were generated through qualitative ethnographic research, through a research journal constructed by the researcher, as well as through the analysis of two documents that explain the pedagogical proposal of the institution. Among the researcher\'s perceptions are the fact that, despite the existence of traditional and non-traditional epistemologies in the Project studied, there is a great rupture in relation to traditional epistemologies regarding physical space, knowledges, hierarchies and concepts of teacher, teaching and class. There are, however, three possible issues of re-signification: the fragmentation of knowledge, control and the concept of collectivity. Nevertheless, this educational proposal undoubtedly contributes to the development of the critical citizen, able to act and transform the world.
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Preservice Teachers Engaged in Professional Learning Community to Explore Critical LiteracyCasciola, Vanessa 22 June 2016 (has links)
As demographics change, our school populations are ever changing. Preservice teachers (PSTs) need to be aware of how to meet the needs of all of their future students. Teacher education programs have been charged with the duty of preparing these PSTs for the diverse school population they will encounter. This qualitative multiple case study focused on the influence of specific work with PSTs in the inquiry process within a learning community to make sense of critical literacy. The following research questions guided this study: (1) How do elementary PSTs engaged in practitioner inquiry make meaning of critical literacy instruction within a facilitated learning community? (2) How do PSTs enact critical literacy instruction in the field experience elementary classroom while engaged in practitioner inquiry in a facilitated learning community? (a) What facilitates PSTs as they enact critical literacy instruction in the elementary field experience classroom? (b) What inhibits PSTs as they enact critical literacy instruction in the elementary field experience classroom?
Participants included six PSTs from a cohort in a two-day a week field experience. A sample of three cases was selected to analyze in more detail and for a cross-case analysis. Data sources included transcriptions of learning community meetings, PST written reflections at the end of each learning community meeting, two interviews with each participant, a researcher’s journal, video-recorded literacy lesson and lesson plan, critical literacy concept maps, literacy belief platforms, and plans for learning community sessions.
The findings for each case are detailed in chapters four, five, and six. These findings were analyzed to develop assertions in a cross-case analysis. These assertions included: (1) The three preservice teachers’ sensemaking and/or enactment of critical literacy was impacted as they “saw” examples of critical literacy, (2) Making meaning of critical literacy and critical literacy enactment are an interwoven process that inform each other, (3) As these PSTs engaged in the PLC, their sensemaking and enactment of critical literacy evolved, (4) All PSTs faced similar inhibitors to critical literacy enactment, however, Jodi and Tira were able to negotiate many of these inhibitors to enact critical literacy.
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