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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"För vi är inte stöpta i samma form" : En studie av tränares syn på kroppsideal inom längdskidåkningen

Skrifvars, Jonna January 2020 (has links)
Tränare och idrottsledare har en viktig fostrande roll i dagens samhälle. Det omfattande ansvaret berör även formandet av fysisk självkänsla bland unga idrottare och ett positivt förhållande till den egna kroppen ska främjas. Denna studie är ett samarbetsprojekt med förbundet Finlands Svenska Idrotts projekt "På samma linje" med ett syfte att skapa en fördjupad förståelse för hur tränare konstruerar kroppsideal i relationen till längdskidåkare i tonåren.  Data samlades in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer i två fokusgrupper. Totalt åtta tränare för längdskidåkande tonåringar deltog i intervjuerna. Resultatet visade att kroppsideal från många olika samhällsinstitutioner upplevs påverka idrottarna genom exempelvis sociala medier. Tränarna arbetar framför allt med idrottarnas fysiska egenskaper och förespråkar individualisering av träningsupplägg utgående från den kropp som finns till förfogande. En stor utmaning är att skapa ett öppet kommunikationsklimat där längdskidåkarna själva vågar ta ansvar i relationen till tränarna. Genom att jämna ut maktstrukturerna mellan tränare och idrottare kan en långsiktig och hållbar idrottssatsning eftersträvas.  Studiens resultat analyserades utgående från Merleau-Pontys tankar om kroppens psykofysiska helhet samt Jowetts relationsteori mellan tränare och idrottare. / Coaches have an important role as caretakers in today's society. This responsibility includes the shaping of adolescents' physical self-esteem and a positive relation to the body should be emphasised. This study is a cooperation with the federation Finlands Svenska Idrotts' project "På samma linje". The purpose of the study is to deepen the understanding of coaches' perception of body-image amongst teenage cross-country skiers.  Two focus groups were conducted with a total of eight coaches. According to the results young athletes are strongly affected by body-images from different institutions in the society, mainly through social media. Coaches primarily work with the athletes' physical qualities and advocate individualisation of training programs due to different body types. A great challange in working with body-image amongst adolescent cross-country skiers, is to develop a climate with open communication where athletes take responsibility in the relationship with their coaches. By equalizing the power-structures between the coach and the athlete, a sustainable sports career can be maintained.  The results of this study was analyzed through Merleau-Ponty's thoughts about the body as a psychological and physical whole along with Jowett's coach-adept relationship theory.

Současné pojetí soupažného odpichu při klasické technice běhu na lyžích. / Current concepts of double poling by classic technique in cross-country skiing.

Horyna, Roman January 2012 (has links)
Title of the thesis: Current concepts of double poling by classic technique in cross-country skiing Object of the thesis: The spatial-temporal analysis of node points and kinetic phases of the kick double poling and double poling of selected competitors at the FIS Nordic World Ski Championships in Liberec 2009. Method: A case study in which we used the kinematographic method for the analysis of the kick double poling and double poling of selected competitors. We analyzed the video of the 15-km classic in the FIS Nordic World Ski Championships in Liberec 2009. For the analysis we used the software APAS. Results: We performed spatial-temporal description of node points and kinetic phases of the kick double poling and double poling of selected competitors. We characterized current concepts of kick double poling technique, because selected competitors were relatively homogeneous set. By double poling we found out flexion-extension pattern in elbow, hip joints of slipping lower limb and partly in knee and ankle joints of slipping lower limb which results in generation of great propulsive force. Double poling becomes more significant driving element than push-off. Keywords: cross-country skiing, kick double poling, double poling, kinematic analysis, top competitors

Ověření vlivu hyperoxie na výkon v team sprintu modifikovaném pro SkiErg / Verification of hyperoxia influence on performance in the team sprint modified for SkiErg

Schützová, Sandra January 2020 (has links)
Title: Verification of the effects of hyperoxia on the result in a test simulating performance in a team sprint on SkiErg skiing simulator. Objectives: The work aims to verify the effect of hyperoxia on the result in a test simulating performance in a team sprint on SkiErg skiing simulator. Methods: This is a qualitative research conducted by comparing hart rate, power in watts and lactate in ten probands. Values measured after inhalation of concentrated oxygen and placebo were compared. Results: There was no positive effect from meansurements of the heart rate, power in watts and lactate after concentration of inhaled oxygen and placebo on the SkiErg simulator. We concluded that the effect of inhalated concentrated oxygen Was in our test statistically insignificant. Keywords: Cross-country skiing, strengh, hyperoxia, heart rate, lactate

Functional Design Employing Miniaturized Electronics with Wireless Signal Provision to a Smartphone for a Strain-Based Measuring System for Ski Poles

Hentschel, Uwe, Steinbild, Philip Johannes, Dannemann, Martin, Schwaar, Andree, Modler, Niels, Schürer, Axel 03 May 2023 (has links)
The individual monitoring of cross-country skiers’ technique-related parameters is crucial to identifying possible athlete-individual deficits that need to be corrected in order to optimize the athlete’s performance in competition. To be able to record relevant biomechanical parameters during training in the field, the development of measuring systems exploiting the athlete’s full potential is the key. Known mobile monitoring systems for measuring forces on ski poles use comparably heavy uniaxial load cells mounted on the pole with a data logger also attached to the pole or carried by the athlete. Measurements that are more accurate can be acquired using wire-based systems. However, wire-based systems are highly immobile and only usable when the athletes undergo a stationary test, e.g., on a treadmill. This paper focuses on the functional design of a measuring system using specialized, miniaturized electronics for acquiring data from strain sensors. These data are then used to determine the technique-related parameters pole force and angle of bend. The functional design is also capable of transmitting the acquired data wirelessly via Bluetooth to a smartphone that runs a proprietary app. This approach is advantageous regarding mass, dynamic behavior, analyzing functionality, and signal processing compared to the state of the art.

Bland hyckleri och hemohes : En textanalytisk studie av den svenska rapporteringen om finska och ryska dopningsfall / Amongst hypocrisy and Hemohes : a text analysis of Swedish reports on Finnish and Russian doping scandals

Lif, Stina January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study has been to, through a quantitative content analysis and a qualitative text analysis, determine which meaning nationality is given in news reports in Swedish daily press, and how it creates the event as a scandal. Focusing on two major scandals in cross country skiing, articles from the Finnish scandal in Lahtis 2001 and the revealing of doped Russian skiers in 2016 has been analysed. The theoretical framework for the study has been Stuart Halls representation theory, the framing theory, and theories regarding media scandals and nationality. The results from the quantitative and qualitative analyses has been divided into four themes: Imagined communities, Us and them, Individual and corporate and Fallen star. The results show that nationality is given meaning through the creation of imagined communities. It creates a gap between us and them, a sense of the nations parting from each other in form of cultural and moral aspects. There is also a difference between the representation of the countries. In the Russian doping scandal, Russia is considered as a doped nation, with a systematic doping where little guilt is to be put on the skiers themselves. In Finland, the nation stands for the people and is not in any ways to be associated with the doping scandal. Instead, the skiers get all the blame and little notion is made about the doping as being organised. This has also made the scandals to be divided into individual or corporate doping. As for the framing of the event as a scandal, attributes as “cheating” and a portrayal of the skiers as fallen stars is represented. By revealing the names of the suspected dopers it increases the news worth. An unexpected outcome was that the Russian dopers was not mentioned by name as often as the Finnish, which could enhance the event as a scandal even more. Furthermore, doping scandals could be studied in many different ways and is an interesting subject to immerse oneself in.

Vliv aktivního cvičení dle konceptu DNS na lokální senzorickou percepci v oblasti hrudní páteře u běžců na lyžích / The effects of active exercise according to the concept of DNS on the local sensory perception in the thoracic spine in cross - country skiers.

Čížková, Karolína January 2015 (has links)
This thesis examines the influence of active exercise according to the concept of the Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization on local sensory perception in the mid-thoracic spine in elite athletes - cross-country skiers. It also describes the most common health problems in these athletes and assesses the impact of the integration of active exercise according to the DNS concept into everyday practice of cross-country skiers on the intensity and frequency of pain in cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine. It also presents theoretical knowledge about the concept of the Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization and interdependence of quality of sensory and motor functions. Methods: The study included a total of 20 elite athletes - cross-country skiers aged 17- 27, randomly divided into two groups. The training group integrated into their practice selected three exercises according to the Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization targeting segmental motion in the thoracic spine. A total of five measurements were performed on the quality of sensory perception during two months for all athletes. Furthermore, we evaluated the immediate effect of the therapy in the test group through the examination of sensory perception before and immediately after the treatment. At the beginning and at the end of the study each athlete...

Ekonomika Zlaté lyže / Golden Ski economy

Vymazalová, Eliška January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis is divided into a theoretical part and a practical one. The theoretical part deals with the characteristics of sport events and presents the International Ski Federation FIS, including its structure, and marketing and technical concept of the races in the FIS Tour de Ski. The introduction to the practical part focuses on the history of cross-country skiing, the structure of the most important cross-country races in the world, and presents the town of Nove Mesto na Morave and the race Golden Ski. Then follows the description of the allocation process of the World Cup race and possibilities of its abolition. The main part of the diploma thesis is a detailed analysis of the Golden Ski race in the Tour de Ski. The analysis deals with the topics related to the organizing committee, technical support, scoring, invitations, accreditation, accommodation, marketing, transportation, and accompanying program of Golden Ski. The thesis concludes with financial background and short mention of Slavic Cup.

Analýza ekologicky šetrných forem cestovního ruchu na Tachovsku / Analyze of ecological safe forms of tourism in Tachov region

PULCHARTOVÁ, Olga January 2012 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to analyse current situation of ecological safe forms of tourism in Tachov region. In first part there is created roster of this forms of tourism in Tachov region. Based off the questionnaire is made an inquiry about satisfaction of tourist or local inhabitants with current offer of ecotourism in this destination, specifically it is about hiking, cyklotourism, in-line skating, cross country skiing, water tourism a rural tourism. In the end of the work is evaluated this inquiry and afterwards there are suggested alternatives to make Tachov region as destination of ecotourism more attractive.

Starka skidtjejer, men inga killar – bara herrar : Svensk skidpress bevakning av den svenska cupen i längdskidåkning ur ett jämställdhetsperspektiv / Strong skiing girls, but no boys – only men : The Swedish skiing press' coverage of the Swedish cup in cross country skiing, from a gender equality perspective

Johansson, Lukas, Jakobsson, Alfred January 2018 (has links)
We studied close to 100 articles about the Swedish cup in cross country skiing, published by the three media outlets that cover the entire series; www.sweski.com , www.langd.se and www.skidzonen.com. The articles were published between 2015 and 2018 and by using a quantitative analysis we discovered that in these articles, the men and the women received almost exactly the same amount of attention, as far as counting words goes. In the articles which focused on both the female and the male athletes, the editors usually chose a picture from the women’s competition as the top image. We also saw a pattern where the women were far more often mentioned by their first names only, whereas the men were usually mentioned by their full names or their last names only. Another interesting theme that we found through a qualitative text analysis regarded how the athletes were portrayed in the articles, where the women seemed to be looked upon as less mature than the men. For example, they were often called “girls” instead of “women”, but the men the same age were never referred to as “boys”. These are seen by us as signs of trivialization and infantlization of the female athletes. However, we did not find any signs of the women being described as weak, or with a focus on their appearances and private lives. These were common patterns in the previous research on the subject. / Vi undersökte knappt 100 artiklar om den svenska cupen i längdskidåkning, publicerade av de tre medierna som bevakar hela serien; www.sweski.com , www.langd.se och www.skidzonen.com. Artiklarna publicerades mellan 2015 och 2018 och med hjälp av en kvantitativ innehållsanalys fann vi att damerna och herrarna fick nästan exakt lika mycket utrymme i dessa artiklar, räknat i antal ord. I de artiklar där båda könen stod i fokus var det  betydligt oftare som en bild från damklassen valdes som toppbild. Vi såg ett mönster där damerna oftare blev omnämnda med enbart sina förnamn, jämfört med herrarna som oftast omtalades med sina hela namn eller enbart efternamn. Ett annat intressant tema som vi fann genom en kvalitativ textanalys gällde hur utövarna porträtterades i artiklarna, där damerna tycktes bli sedda som mindre mogna och vuxna än herrarna. Till exempel kallades de ofta “tjejer” istället för “kvinnor” eller “damer”, samtidigt som de jämnåriga herrarna aldrig blev kallade “killar”. Dessa ser vi som tecken på en trivialisering och en infantilisering av de kvinnliga utövarna. Däremot hittade vi inga tecken på att kvinnorna beskrevs som svaga eller med ett större fokus på deras utseenden och deras privatliv, fenomen som har varit tydligt framträdande i tidigare forskning på ämnet.

Kineziologická analýza odrazu při běhu na lyžích / The reflection kinesiology analyse of cross country skiing

Chrástková, Martina January 2015 (has links)
Title: The reflection kinesiology analyse of cross country skiing Purposes: To compare coordination of chosen muscles on leg during reflection of cross country skiing classic technique, skating and herringbone. Methods: Comparative analysis: the dates were measured by surface electromyography and 2-D video-analysis. Results: We founded statistical significance by comparisons muscle activation on right leg during kick during cross country skiing: classic technique, diagonal stride and herringbone and V-1 skating and herringbone. In case the left leg the statistical significance was disprove by: m. peroneus longus sin during comparison of diagonal stride and herringbone and m. gastrocnemius medialis sin V-1 skating and herringbone. We founded high level of laterality of diagonal stride and herringbone. In case V-1 skating, the significant similarity was not founded for m. vastus lateralis and m. gluteus medialis. Key words: Cross country skiing, classical technique, skating, herring bone, kinesiology, surface electromyography (EMG), muscles activation

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