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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluation of cross-platform development for mobile devices / Utvärdering av cross-platformutveckling för mobila enheter

Friberg, Joy January 2014 (has links)
Developing an application for several platforms can be time consuming because each platform has its own operating system and different developing language. Cross-platform development makes it possible to develop an ap-plication that will work on several platforms. This report will evaluate this kind of development by doing a case study for the company CGI. The case study will evaluate which cross-platform methodology is the preferred choice for this specific vacation booking application I developed for CGI. The different methodologies I studied were web, hybrid, interpreted and cross-compiled. The preferred methodology for this vacation booking application I developed was in this case the hybrid alternative. When selecting this methodology I also chose two different tools and those two were Icenium and jQuery Mobile. The purpose of this report was to find out if cross-platform development can be a substitute to native programming and by evaluating and developing cross-platform I found out that it can be a substitute if the application is not to complex. In this specific case I also believe that hybrid development is a good substitute to native development for this kind of applications.

Utilizing web standards for cross platform mobile development

Hjärtström, Daniel January 2012 (has links)
This thesis has taken part as an experimental development within the Learning Ecology through Science with Global Outcomes project. It introduces the area of cross platform mobile application development and provides a possible solution for tackling the current fragmentation of mobile devices and platforms for data collection. During the process, a mobile data collection prototype was designed, implemented and deployed on Android, iOS and Windows Mango by using standards and web standards such as HTML5, CSS3, XForms and JavaScript. The deployed prototype was then tested with users in order to collect the necessary data to help answer the questions that were formulated. The results indicate an ease of use of the prototype in relation to cross platform development and also shows potential benefits such as less code and time. Cross platform development provides a way to counteract the current fragmentation between mobile platforms.

Understanding the 'mess' in text messages : An analysis of humorous text message exchanges shared in social media platforms / Att förstå röran i textmeddelanden : En analys av humoristiska SMS-dialoger som delats i sociala medier

Andersson, Anna January 2016 (has links)
The concept 'mess-understanding' has circulated in online media and is so prevalent that it is now included in the Urban Dictionary. The folk concept of mess-understandings is a pun for misunderstandings arising in an online media context. Posting one's own or others' miscommunication and/or typographical errors has grown to be a popular way of sharing humor via cross-platform sharing on the Internet. The aim of this paper is to analyze short message service (SMS) dialogues shared in social media, with a special emphasis on those with the highest degree of 'shareability' and/or popularity. The study specifically focuses on understanding linguistic and communicative reasons behind these dialogues being treated as humorous by users. As such, the study aims to shed light upon current cultural conceptions of communication and humor. Data was collected from the photo sharing website Pinterest from users who had posted or reposted 'screen shots' from their own or others' SMS conversations. In order to collect as much valuable data as possible, a manual search strategy was developed with three different word strings which resulted in a corpus of 160 dialogues. Content analysis of the data revealed certain recurrent humor themes, such as allusions to sexual conduct or bodily functions, generation gaps, technology difficulties, and lexical ambiguity. / Begreppet ‘mess-förstånd’ har på senare tid cirkulerat på Internet och är nu så allmänt förekommande att det är inkluderat i Urban Dictionary. Mess-förstånd är en ordvits för missförstånd som förekommer på Internet. Att lägga upp sina egna eller andras misslyckade konversationer och/eller typografiska fel har utvecklats till ett populärt sätt att dela humor via olika plattformar på Internet. Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att analysera vilka lingvistiska mönster av SMS-missförstånd som finns, med speciell betoning på sådana som har den högsta graden av ‘delbarhet’ och/eller popularitet och vad det säger oss om rådande föreställningar om kommunikation och humor. Det empiriska materialet insamlades från fotodelningshemsidan Pinterest från användare som hade lagt upp eller återbrukat ‘skärmavbilder’ från sina egna eller andras SMS-konversationer. För att samla in så mycket värdefull data som möjligt användes en manuell sökstrategi med tre olika ordsträngar som resulterade i en korpus med 160 dialoger. Analyser av dialogerna visade på återkommande humorteman, exempelvis anspelningar på sexualitet eller kroppsliga funktioner, generationsklyftor, teknologiska svårigheter och lexikala tvetydligheter.

Development of a framework for creating cross-platform TV HTML5 applications

Eilert, Rickard January 2015 (has links)
When developing HTML5 applications for TV platforms, the TV platforms provide, in addition to standardHTML5 functionality, also extra APIs for TV-specific features. These extra APIs differ between TVplatforms, and that is a problem when developing an application targeting several platforms. This thesis hasexamined if it is possible to design a framework which provides the developer with one API that works formany platforms by wrapping their platform-specific code. The answer is yes. With success, platform-specificfeatures including: TV remote control input, video, volume, Internet connection status, TV channel streamsand EPG data have been harmonised under an API in a JavaScript library. Furthermore, a build systempackages the code in the way the platforms expect. The framework eases the development of TV platformHTML5 applications. At the moment, the framework supports the Pace, PC and Samsung Smart TVplatforms, but it can be extended with more TV platform back-ends. / Lorsque l’on développe des applications HTML5 pour des plateformes TV, les plateformes TV fournissent,en plus de la fonctionnalité standard d'HTML5, des APIs supplémentaires pour les particularités d'une TV.Ces APIs supplémentaires diffèrent entre les plateformes TV, et ceci cause un problème lors dudéveloppement d’une application pour plusieurs plateformes. Cette thèse a fait l’examen de la possibilité deconcevoir un cadre d'applications qui fournit au concepteur une API qui peut servir à plusieurs plateformes,cachant le code spécifique de celles-ci. La réponse est oui. On a réussi à harmoniser : l’entrée de latélécommande, le lecteur vidéos, le volume, la connexion Internet, le flux TV et leurs données GPE, dans uneAPI qui réside dans une bibliothèque JavaScript. En outre, un système de compilation met le code d’unemanière dont la plateforme peut comprendre. Le cadre d'applications facilite le développement d'applicationsHTML5 des plateformes TV. Pour le moment, le cadre d'applications peut supporter la Pace, le PC et laplateforme de Samsung Smart TV, mais il peut également fonctionner avec d'autres plateformes TV. / Wenn man HTML5-Anwendungen für TV-Plattformen entwickelt, stellen die Plattformen neben denStandardfunktionalitäten von HTML5 auch extra APIs für TV spezifische Features zur verfügung. Diesezuzätzlichen APIs unterscheiden zwischen TV-Plattformen und das ist ein Problem bei der Entwicklung vonAnwendungen, die auf mehreren Plattformen laufen sollen. Diese These untersucht, ob es möglich ist, einFramework zu entwerfen, dass dem Entwickler eine API bereitstellt, welche für mehrere Plattformenfunktioniert, indem deren Plattform spezifischer Code verpackt wird. Die Antwort ist ja. Das Frameworkharmonisiert: Fernbedienungeingabe, Video, Volumen, Internet-Anschlussstatus, Fensehkanalstreams undelektronische Programmführer, zu einer gemeinsamen JavaScript-Bibliothek-API. Weiterhin verpackt einbuild system den Code so, wie es die Plattform erwartet. Das Framework erleichtert die Entwicklung vonHTML5-Applikationen für TV-Plattformen. Im Moment deckt das Framework: Pace-, PC- und SamsungSmart TV-Plattformen, aber es kann mit weiteren TV-Plattformen erweitert werden. / Quando si sviluppano delle applicazioni HTML5 per le piattaforme TV, quest'ustime offrono, oltre allafunzionalità comune di HTML5, anche APIs addizionali per funzionalità specifiche della TV. Queste APIsaddizionali differiscono tra le varie piattaforme TV e questo è un problema quando si sviluppaun'applicazione che funzioni per ciascuna piattaforma. Il presente lavoro esamina la possibilità di progettareun framework che fornisca allo sviluppatore una sola API, la quale sia funzionante per molte piattaforme esia idonea a nascondere il codice specifico di ciascuna di esse. La risposta è sì. Il framework fonde:l'immissione del telecomando, il video, il volume, lo stato della connessione Internet, i flussi dei canali TV edei dati della guida elettronica dei programmi, all'interno di una API secondo il modello di una libreriaJavaScript. Inoltre, il sistema di compilazione crea un pacchetto del codice nel modo in cui le piattaforme siaspettano. Il framework facilita lo sviluppo di applicazioni HTML5 per le piattaforme TV. Al momento, ilframework sostiene le seguenti piatteforme: Pace, PC e Samsung Smart TV, ma può essere esteso anche adaltre. / När man utvecklar HTML5-applikationer för TV-plattformar, finns utöver HTML5s standardfunktionalitet,även extra APIer för att komma åt TV-specifika funktioner. Dessa extra APIer skiljer sig åt mellan TV-plattformar, och det är ett problem när man utvecklar en applikation för många plattformar. Dettaexamensarbete har undersökt om det är möjligt att designa ett ramverk som förser utvecklaren med ett APIsom fungerar för många plattformar genom att wrappa deras plattformsspecifika kod. Svaret är ja. Ramverketharmoniserar: fjärrkontrollsindata, video, volym, internetförbindelse, TV-kanalströmmar och deras TV-tablåer, till ett gemensamt JavaScript-bibliotek-API. Vidare paketerar ett byggsystem koden på de sätt somplattformarna förväntar sig. Ramverket underlättar utveckling av HTML5-applikationer för TV-plattformar.För tillfället stöder ramverket plattformarna: Pace, PC och Samsung Smart TV, men det kan breddas med flerTV-plattformar.

Cross-Platform Post-Mortem Analysis in a Distributed Continuous Integration System

Krantz, Karl Johan January 2015 (has links)
This thesis aims to improve the cross-platform reliability of software components tested on distributed CI systems. More specifically, it is centered on extracting crash information from cross-platform crashes. Crash information was generated and parsed on Mac, Linux and Windows. The crash information proved to be valuable for developers in their day-to-day job, especially the raw crash information. However, the graph visualizations that were created out of this information proved to be less than satisfactory for developers.

Multiplattformtjänster på mobila enheter

Ulén, Johannes January 2015 (has links)
Mobila enheter så som mobiltelefoner och surfplattor är idag väldigt vanliga i arbetslivet, där de inte bara används för kommunikation utan även för att utföra arbetsuppgifter. Alla verktyg finns dock inte alltid tillgängliga för sådana enheter eller i alla fall inte i en form som gör det praktiskt att använda dem. Systemet Semko Instrument Register (SIR), utvecklat av Triona, är ett sådant verktyg i form av en ej mobilanpassad hemsida, som bland annat används för att hämta kalibreringscertifikat för mätinstrument. Målet med detta projekt är att komma fram till ett sätt att tillgängliggöra systemet på så många olika typer av mobila enheter som möjligt, på ett så enkelt sätt som möjligt. Olika metoder (mobilanpassade webbsidor, plattformsspecifika applikationer och plattformsoberoende applikationer) jämförs och analyseras, med fokus på möjligheter till att använda samma kod på flera plattformar samtidigt och huruvida de kan uppfylla kraven som är ställda på applikationen eller ej. Designförslaget tar upp ett sådant sätt, som sedan utvärderas med hjälp av olika aspekter, exempelvis mängd kod som kan återanvändas på flera plattformar. Slutsatsen är att det bästa sättet att tillgängliggöra en tjänst på så många plattformar som möjligt är genom mobilanpassade webbsidor, men på grund av de krav som ställts på projektet användes istället Ionic, ett webbteknologi-baserat verktyg för plattformsoberoende applikationsutveckling, då moderna webbläsare ej ännu har den funktionalitet som krävdes. / Mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets are very common at companies nowadays, where they’re not just used for communication but also for doing work. Not all tools are available for such devices though, or at least not in a suitable form that makes it practical to use them. Semko Instrument Register (SIR) is a such a system, developed by Triona, in the form of a website that is not adapted for mobile devices, which is used for downloading calibration certificates for measuring instruments among other things. The goal of this project is to come up with a method of making the system available to as many mobile devices as possible in the simplest way possible. Different methods (websites adapted for mobile devices, native applications and cross-platform applications) are compared and analysed with a focus on possibilities for sharing code on multiple platforms and whether they’re able to fulfill what is required of the application. The design chapter presents such a method which is then evaluated on different aspects, such as the amount of code that can be shared between platforms. The conclusion is that the best way of making a system available on multiple platforms is through websites adapted for mobile devices, but because of this particular system’s requirements a cross-platform solution called Ionic was used instead, as modern mobile browsers are not yet able to fulfill what was required of the application.

A closer look and comparison of cross-platform development environment for smartphones

Andersson, Tobias, Johansson, Erik January 2014 (has links)
A problem with having a fast and wide production of different platforms for mobile devices is that you can’t code for one and deploy on all devices at the same time. This thesis is focused on cross-plat1form development environments for smartphones and mainly to see what options there are on the market. This report will investigate how well a cross-compiler solution compares to hybrid cross-platform development. To do this we took a closer look at their architecture and then compared this with the results from different tests made. All the tests were made on the same smartphone to ensure fairness between them. All the tests strive to be as equal as possible even though the languages might differ from each other. The tested frameworks were PhoneGap, Qt, Unity3D and GameMaker. The different tests were about performance, power consumption, difficulty in accessing web browsers to perform HTML parsing and lastly to see if the platforms can access different native APIs such as the camera and accelerometer. The previously mentioned topics were compared between all the frameworks. We also compared the documentation found on their webpage to figure out which is the easiest to get started on.

Vydávání multiplatformní aplikace v aplikačních obchodech App Store a Google Play / Cross-platform Application Release on App Store and Google Play Application Stores

Pokorná, Lucie January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis answers set questions that relate to two different distribution environments, the two options for developers to directly offer their mobile applications to the end users. Distribution is being conducted in the App Store and Google Play application stores, where only such applications that oblige basic requirements can be released and provided to customers. The requirements, official sources of information and support services of the two providers are analyzed in the theoretical part of the thesis. Processes revolving around the application distribution itself are described in the following practical part. Distribution consists of processes from the developer account registration to submitting the application for a review or a check. Sufficient knowledge base could be gathered not only due to a proper exploration of the issue, but also due to an actual application release accomplished by the author. A cross-platform mobile application to be released has been developed solely for the purposes of this diploma thesis. The application has been built in two platform specific versions. Whilst publishing it, an emphasis was laid on keeping the conditions as similar as possible to achieve viable case study results. The application release represents the case that produced all data that enabled a direct comparison and overall evaluation of the different developer settings at the end of the thesis. Findings and conclusions of this thesis can be used by developers and other interested parties that are looking for an integrated source of information that regards releasing a cross-platform mobile application on iOS and Android platform.

Nástroje pro podporu vývoje nativních multiplatformních mobilních aplikací / Tools for support of cross-platform native mobile apps development

Bulvas, Vít January 2015 (has links)
This master thesiss goal is to map available tools for support of cross-platform native mobile app development. Main goal of thesis is to choose such tool and present it in form of app development. To accomplish this goal several criteria with different importance have to be defined. These criteria are used for choosing of most suitable tool. This thesis has two outputs. First one are criteria that can be used again or amended for some similar tool rating, like this one. Second output is cross-platform mobile app developed with Xamarin tool. Structure of this thesis copy secondary goals that support main goal: mobile OS are presented, name cross-platform native app is defined, define criteria, describe selected tools, rate them and demonstrate development of simple app on selected tool.

#sustainabletransport : A FAIR Cross-Platform Social Media Analysis Approach to Sociotechnical Sustainable Transport Research

Stiebe, Michael January 2021 (has links)
The paper reports findings from a FAIR principles-based research project dedicated to investigating how cross-field research between the DH and Sociotechnical Sustainable Transport Research could help to enhance the holistic understanding of sociotechnical low-carbon transport transitions.  Using the hashtag search queries #sustainabletransport and #sustainablemobility, 33,121 Tweets (2013-2021) and 8,089 Instagram images including captions (2017/2018-2021) were mined using Python scripts. Quantitative text and sentiment analyses were applied to the Tweets and image captions. Additionally, an automated image analysis using the Instagram dataset was conducted. Synthesized results formed the base for the cross-platform analysis comprising: 1) hot topics, 2) mentioned users, 3) sentiment, 4) co-hashtags. Data were visualized via Tableau, Excel, RAWGraphs, and Bubbl.us. Whereas electromobility, one of Holden et al.’s Grand Narratives for sustainable mobility, has been significantly present in the digital discourse on both platforms (especially Instagram), #sustainabletransport has been closely associated with active transport, especially bicycling, and #sustainablemobility with the electromobility theme. The study has demonstrated the investigative potentials of cross-field cross-platform social media analysis studies and ultimately DH to enhance the understanding of sociotechnical low-carbon transport transitions. Drawing on core results, the paper also suggests an adapted version of the Geelsean Multi-Level Perspective.

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