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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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La monnaie en droit : nature d'une abstraction outre fondée : essai dialectique et logique sur la dualité dans la catégoricité juridique et sur l'abstraction d'hérédité monétaire

Leclerc, Normand 11 1900 (has links)
"Thèse présentée à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de Docteur en droit (LL.D.)" / Cette suite d'essais analyse la conception de la monnaie en droit, cherchant à isoler l'originalité de sa nature abstraite. La tradition juridique caractérise la monnaie à la fois comme un fait et comme un droit parce qu'elle présuppose un sens substantif au nom commun 'monnaie', étant ainsi incapable d'admettre que la monnaie, par sa place unique dans les catégories du droit, est le mécanisme qui suppose l'avenir indéterminé en y enchâssant le présent. La difficulté de la monnaie est que, comme catégorie, elle n'est pas incluse aux catégories usuelles de droit privé. Son caractère abstrait l'empêche d'ailleurs d'être incluse parmi les objets qui ont une extension. La monnaie se définit plutôt par négation relativement aux catégories usuelles. Elle est donc reconnaissable entre toutes. Dans la relation sujet-objet, la monnaie versée n'est évidemment pas un sujet. Dans son sens strict, la monnaie réfère aujourd'hui au papier-monnaie. Il est vrai que ce dernier existe matériellement puisqu'il est tangible. Mais paradoxalement, en tant qu'objet, la monnaie est ni une somme, ni une obligation en nature, ni un bien, ni une représentation de dette, ni une mesure, ni consomptible, ni fongible au sens pertinent de ces mots. Comment saisir la substance d'une notion qui se soustrait aux catégories usuelles de la doctrine? Voilà la difficulté fondamentale de la thèse. Répétons son mode original de définition: la monnaie n'est pas identique à une somme due, mais - en étant payée - elle en éteint une; conversement, la somme due n'est pas identique à la monnaie perçue, mais -lorsque payée en trop - cette dernière est déclarée indue et sujette à répétition (l'indu devient dû). La définition de la monnaie procède par 'corécurrence' : elle définit quelque chose d'indéterminé puisqu'un membre de la définition réfère à l'autre et viceversa. Sa nature s'exprime par sa fonction dans la structure des prestations. Mais la doctrine la traite d'abord comme une somme due, sans distinguer outre mesure ce type de dette des autres prestations. Or, à titre d'exécution d'une obligation, une somme d'argent non seulement éteint d'autant les montants, dus à une époque ou l'autre, mais, puisque ces derniers sont appariés aux obligations en nature en tant que prix dû en contrepartie des prestations caractérisées à être effectuées, la perception des sommes d'argent conduit encore à la mobilité des biens parmi les personnes. D'où le paradoxe: une somme d'argent est destinée à circuler précisément pour être la fin des sommes dues. La doctrine enseigne la thèse unitaire du paiement des obligations (en son acception large du droit civil) : sont mis dans un même sac les faits exécutés pour satisfaire à des obligations en nature et les paiements de sommes d'argent dues. Or, elles sont en premier dues, puis payées. Ils sont dits former un ensemble. Ce sac est le temps lui-même. Il s'agit d'une interprétation de l'univers des prestations, précisément une interprétation de la notion d'univers où l'actualité homogène d'un ensemble exclut de faire une place à l'éventualité de valeurs futures par contraste aux valeurs passées. Pour réduire la notion d'univers à celle d'ensemble actuel, l'astuce est de fermer la dualité 'ensemble/membre' en substituant au membre l'ensemble: l'un des objets inclus à l'ensemble doit être à la fois un élément existant de l'ensemble et la collection de tous ses éléments, constituant ainsi la jonction substantive sous-jacente à cette dualité. IV Cet objet fondateur est d'habitude nommé le zéro de l'ensemble. Traitant ainsi l'ensemble des exécutions des obligations, il doit y avoir un élément qui ait à la fois la nature d'une promesse et celle d'un fait. Cet élément est la monnaie. Ainsi, la monnaie a une nature double, à la fois concept et référent du concept. La somme due est exécutée en monnaie et, conversement, la monnaie est la somme transférée à titre de paiement: substituant une définition dans l'autre, l'exécution de la somme due est la somme transférée, une formule conduisant à la régression infinie. Qui donc est le débiteur de cette somme transférée depuis aussi longtemps que la monnaie a circulé et circulera? La difficulté conceptuelle de la monnaie est de comprendre cette métamorphose, où l'exécution d'un fait en satisfaction d'une obligation se révèle elle même être une promesse. Pourquoi alors distinguer une obligation et son exécution? La monnaie cumule la nature catégorique d'une chose matérielle délivrée - autrefois l'or, aujourd'hui le papier-monnaie - et la nature d'une somme due; cette façon de penser mène à réifier les dettes, à leur conférer une existence matérielle. Mais devoir l'argent est fondamentalement la durée du terme d'une relation entre deux personnes. Et payer la monnaie est l'extinction de ce terme. Alors paradoxalement, l'exprimant dans une dualité catégorique, la monnaie a une durée et en même temps n'en a pas. Cette postulation d'une union des termes opposés d'une dualité n'est pas sans précédent. Pour aider le lecteur à s'en rendre compte, je documente que le thème de la migration de la valeur pécuniaire des choses par la médiation de la monnaie dans le paiement des sommes dues rappelle celui de la métempsycose (migration de l'âme) utilisée pour conceptualiser le fondement de la Couronne médiévale, le don de Dieu qui sacrait la continuité des règnes successifs d'une lignée héréditaire de régents. À cette époque, on conceptualisait la continuité historique d'un peuple par les deux corps du roi; sa nature cumulait à la fois celle d'un individu et celle de l'ensemble des individus soumis à son règne. Unique entre tous, on considérait que l'un des individus était un ensemble d'un. Cette attitude platonique était crue nécessaire en droit public pour résoudre la difficulté conceptuelle de la continuité historique d'une communauté en dépit de la nature temporelle de ses membres; elle recevait son écho en droit privé. La thèse unitaire du paiement d'obligations - où, tout comme en économique, la capacité de permutation de biens est elle-même considérée être un bien ordinaire - semble reposer sur cette même conception d'une nécessaire nature double. Dans l'univers des prestations, selon la doctrine, un ensemble infini de valeurs successives formées sur une période de temps indéfinie est considéré être fondé sur un objet transcendant qui cumule les faces opposées d'une dualité: à la fois somme (d'argent) et chose, à la fois droit et fait accompli en exécution d'une obligation, à la fois fait et valeur future. Ce paradigme traditionnel est indifférent à la dualité des prestations: non pécuniaire et pécuniaire. TI y arrive en substantivant la non-existence d'une somme. L'explication proposée ici en est une de structure. L'univers des prestations serait plutôt une dichotomie de deux dualités distinctes: 10 une dualité catégorique, celle de l'exécution de prestations particulières - où avoir fait quelque chose et ne pas l'avoir fait sont des action et abstention caractérisées, et 20 une dualité modale (circulaire), devoir un montant libellé en iv-a devise ou (exclusivement) ne pas le devoir, l'avoir payé ou non. L'obligation de livrer une prestation caractérisée à quelqu'un est appariée à la somme d'argent due par ce dernier en contrepartie de cela; on alterne d'une obligation non pécuniaire à la promesse de payer un montant d'argent sans que quiconque puisse cumuler le beurre et l'argent du beurre à un instant donné. Mais encore, une somme due en suit une autre au travers de la monnaie, cette dernière étant toujours le revers de la somme due. Il n'est pas nécessaire de dire que la monnaie existe, ni de dire qu'elle n'existe pas; il suffit de dire qu'elle éteint la somme due. Non seulement la somme due - versée (renversée) en monnaie - est éteinte, mais encore par le nominalisme elle peut toujours acquitter de nouveau une somme d'autant; il suffit qu'un créancier accepte qu'on la lui doive plutôt que de s'en remettre au troc de choses existantes. Cette nouvelle perspective du paiement des obligations distingue deux types de raisonnements. La vérification catégorique rétrospective d'une exécution en nature survenue se démarque de la modalité où la conséquence juridique de l'extinction d'une somme due se retourne en la possibilité a priori de réitérer cette conséquence encore contre une somme pouvant pourtant n'être pas encore déterminée. La possibilité d'une continuité historique n'a pas la nature finie d'un fait. L'objet qu'est la monnaie déborde de la notion ordinaire d'objet puisqu'il est circulaire: la 'monnaie' est "éteindre une somme (due) puis (est encore) monnaie". Dans la lignée héréditaire des sommes, constituées pour être éteintes, éteintes pour être constituées, la monnaie est ni le prédécesseur, ni un successeur particulier; elle est la fonction qui ouvre continuellement l'éventualité d'autres successeurs. La monnaie est une abstraction et sa nature unique est confirmée au Canada depuis 1967. Une fois la convertibilité du papier-monnaie abandonnée, la monnaie n'est plus une promesse de payer: la banque centrale n'est plus tenue de délivrer l'or à la demande du porteur, ni d'échanger le billet de banque en billets du Dominion. Le papiermonnaie est, depuis, trivialement remplacé seulement par du papier-monnaie. Enfin, l'abstraction monétaire donne à la banque centrale une personnalité morale inédite. Si la Couronne est créancière des uns et débitrice aux autres, alors en contraste la banque centrale qui n'est pas une banque - est ni créancière, ni débitrice du papier-monnaie. La problématique de l'inclusion de la monnaie dans les catégories traditionnelles du droit a une solution inédite. La monnaie s'offre en complément des concepts du discours juridique. L'encaissement d'une somme due emporte comme conséquence la fin de son terme, mais encore il en appelle à nouveau une autre, éventuellement. Ainsi, la monnaie est le bain de renouvellement des sommes. Sa qualification ni ... ni... louvoie entre les deux termes en les niant alternativement. / This series of essays analyses the concept of money in the law, seeking to isolate its unique and highly abstract nature. Traditionallaw teaching characterizes money both as a fact and as a right premised as it is on the idea that common nouns like 'money' must have substantive meaning; it is thereby unable to accept that money, by virtue of its unique place amongst the categories of private law, is the mechanism supposing the indeterminate future by embedding the present into it. The difficulty with money is that, as a category, it is not included amongst the usual categories ofprivate law. Its abstract character prevents it from being included amongst objects that have extension. Rather money is defined by negation with respect to the usuallegal categories. It is thereby uniquely recognizable. In the subject-object relationship, paid money is obviously not a subject. In its strict meaning, money refers today to paper-money. It is true that the latter does exist physically because it is tangible. But paradoxicalIy, as an object, money is neither a sum owed, nor an obligation in kind, nor a good, nor representing a debt, nor a measurement, nor consumable, nor fungible in the relevant sense ofthose terms. How does one capture the substance of a notion that defies the usual categories of legal discourse? That is the fundamental difficulty of the thesis. The entirely unique way of defining money bears repeating: Cash money is not identical to a sum owed but extinguishes one as it is being paid; conversely, a sum owed is not identical with money received, since when money is paid without obligation, the sum can be recovered as undue (the undue becomes due). The definition ofmoney proceeds by 'corecurrence': it defines something indeterminate, in that one definition refers to the other and vice versa. Its nature stems from its function in the structure of prestations. But the legal scholarship treats it principally as a sum owed, without further distinguishing this type of debt from other prestations. Now, as the performance of an obligation, a sum ofmoney not only as much pays off any amount, due at one time or another, but, because those are paired to obligations in kind as the price owed in consideration ofparticular performances to be accomplished; the cashing of sums of money still conducts the movement of goods among persons. Whence a paradox: A sum of money is destined to circulate precise1y to extinguish sums (due). Legal scholarship generally teaches the thesis of unity of performance of obligations (payment in its broad civillaw meaning): AlI acts accomplished in the performance of obligations in kind and all payments of sums of money are put in the same bag. Now, they are first owed, then received. These operations are said to form a single set. This bag is time itself. 1t is an interpretation of the universe of prestations, more precise1y an interpretation of the notion of universe where the homogeneous actuality of a set excludes to give place to the possibility of future values by contrast to past values. To close the notion of a universe to that of an actual vi set, the trick is to close the duality 'set/member' by replacing the member by the set: one of the objects included in the set must be at once an existing element of the set and be the collection of aIl its elements, constituting thereby the substantive junction underlying this duality. This foundational object is usually called the zero of the set. In the set of performances of obligations (prestations) with which we are dealing here, there must similarly be an element in the nature of both a promise and a fact. That element is money. So money has a dual nature, both concept and referent of the concept. The sum owed is performed in money and, conversely, money is the sum transferred as payment: substituting one definition in the other, the performance of the sum owed is the sum transferred, a formula leading to infinite regression. Who then is the debtor of this sum transferred for as long as money did and will circulate? The conceptual difficulty with money is to understand this metamorphosis, where the performance of a fact in satisfaction of an obligation reveals itselfto be a promise. Why then bother to distinguish a promise from the performance of it? Money cumulates the categorical nature of a physical thing being delivered - in olden days gold, today paper-money - and the nature of a sum owed; this way of thinking would tend to reify debts, to confer them physical existence. Yet to owe money is fundamentally the duration of the term of a relationship between two persons. And to pay money is to put an end to this term. So paradoxically, to express it in a categorical duality, money has duration and at the same time it has none. Such a union of the polar opposites of a duality is not unprecedented. To help the reader realise this, l document how the theme of migration ofpecuniary value ofthings by means ofmoney being given in payment of amounts owed is reminiscent of metempsychosis (migration of the soul) used to conceptualise the foundation of the medieval Crown, the gift ofGod that consecrated the continuity of successive reigns of an hereditary line of regents. At that time, the historical continuity of the people was conceptualised by the King's two bodies: both that of an individual and that of the set of individuals subject to his reign. Unique amongst aIl, one foundational individual was considered to constitute a set of one. This platonic attitude was believed necessary in public law to resolve the conceptual difficulty of the historical continuity of a community despite the temporal nature of its individuals; it was put to similar use in private law with respect to money. The thesis of unity of performance of obligations - where, like in economics, the capacity to exchange goods is considered an ordinary good itself - appears to rely on the same conception of a necessary dual nature. In the universe of prestations, according to traditionallegal scholarship, an infinite set of successive values taking shape over an indefinite period of time is viewed as founded on a transcendental object which cumulates the opposite faces ofa duality: both sum (of money) and thing, both right and act accomplished in the performance of an obligation, both fact and future value. This traditional paradigm disregard the duality of prestations: pecuniary and non-pecuniary. It does so by giving a substantive value to the non vi-a existence of a sumo The explanation proposed here is one of structure. The universe of prestations is rather a dichotomy of two distinct dualities: 10 a categorieal duality, that of the performance of specifie prestations - where to have done something and not to have done it are characterised action and abstention, and 20 a modal (circular) duality: to owe an amount in currency or (exclusively) not to owe it, to have paid it or not. The obligation to deliver a particular performance to someone is paired to the sum of money owed by him in consideration of it; we altemate from nonpecuniary obligation to promises to pay an amount of money without one being able to have his cake and eat it too at any time. But still, one amount owed follow another thru money, money always being the tuming over of the sum owed. We are not obliged to state that money exists, or that it does not; it suffiees to say that it extinguishes the sum owed. Not only is the sum owed extinguished upon money being tumed (paid) in, but by virtue of nominalism it still can extinguish anew a further sum of same amount; it is sufficient that a creditor accept to be owed a sum ofmoney rather than to revert to the barter ofphysical things. This new reading of the payment of obligations draw apart two types of reasoning. The categorieal proof of a past specifie performance is different from the modality where the legal consequence of the extinction of a sum due is tumed over into the a priori possibility to still reiterate that same consequence against a sum that now may not yet be determined. The possibility of an historieal continuity does not have the finite nature of a fact. Money as an object transcends the concept of an ordinary object because it is circular: 'money' is "the end of a sum (owed) and (is still) money". In the hereditary line of sums, created to be extinguished or extinguished to be created, money is neither the predecessor nor a particular successor; it is the function of continuously opening up the possibility of further successors. Money is an abstraction and its unique character is confirmed in Canada since 1967. Once the convertibility of paper-money is dropped, money is no longer a promissory note: no longer does the central bank undertakes to exchange a bank note for gold or Dominion bonds. Paper-money is now trivially replaced only by paper-money. Finally, the abstract character ofmoney gives the central bank an most unusual status as a legal person. If the Crown is creditor of sorne persons and debtor to others, then by contrast the central bank - who is not a bank - is neither creditor, nor debtor ofpaper-money. The problem of fitting money within the traditional categories of the law does have an unexpected ending. Money presents itself as the complement of the concepts oflegal discourse. The cashing in of a sum triggers the end of its term, but still it calls one anew, eventually. So money is the bath of renewal of sums. In being characterised as neither... nor... it hops between the two terms by altematively negating them.

Lidar Remote Sensing Of Forest Canopy Structure: An Assessment Of The Accuracy Of Lidar And Its Relationship To Higher Trophic Levels

Hansen, Christopher Felix 01 January 2015 (has links)
Light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data can provide detailed information about three-dimensional forest horizontal and vertical structure that is important to forest productivity and wildlife habitat. Indeed, LiDAR data have been shown to provide accurate estimates to forest structural parameters and measures of higher trophic levels (e.g., avian abundance and diversity). However, links between forest structure and tree function have not been evaluated using LiDAR. This study was designed and scaled to assess the relationship of LiDAR to multiple aspects of forest structure and higher trophic levels (arthropod and bird populations), which included the ground-based collection of percent crown and understory closure, as well as arthropod and avian abundance and diversity data. Additional plot-based measures were added to assess the relationship of LiDAR to forest health and productivity. High-resolution discrete-return LiDAR data (flown summer of 2009) were acquired for the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (HBEF) in New Hampshire, USA. LiDAR data were classified into four canopy structural categories: 1) high crown and high understory closure, 2) high crown and low understory closure, 3) low crown and high understory closure, and 4) low crown and low understory closure. Nearby plots from each of the four LiDAR categories were grouped into "blocks" to assess the spatial consistency of data. Ground-based measures of forest canopy structure, site, stand and individual tree measures were collected on nine 50 m-plots from each LiDAR category (36 plots total), during summer of 2012. Analysis of variance was used to assess the relationships between LiDAR and a suite of tree function measures. Our results show the novel ability of LiDAR to assess forest health and productivity at the stand and individual tree level. We found significant correspondence between LiDAR categories and our ground-based measures of tree function, including xylem increment growth, foliar nutrition, crown health, and stand mortality. Furthermore, we found consistent reductions in xylem increment growth, decreases in foliar nutrition and crown health, and increases in stand mortality related to high understory closure. This suggests that LiDAR measures can reflect competitive interactions, not just among overstory trees for light, but also interactions between overstory trees and understory vegetation for resources other than light (e.g., nutrients). High-resolution LiDAR data show promise in the assessment of forest health and productivity related to tree function.

The effect of esthetic crown lengthening on perceptions of a patient’s attractiveness, friendliness, trustworthiness, intelligence, and self-confidence

Malkinson, Samuel Lyon 23 April 2012 (has links)
BACKGROUND: Smile esthetics play a major role in the perception of a person’s attractiveness, as well as other social parameters. The study aim was to see if altering the gingival display of patients would affect perceptions of the aforementioned social parameters. METHODS: Smiling photographs were taken and then digitally altered so as to lengthen the teeth and reduce the amount of gingiva. These photographs were shown to a group of senior dental students, and a group of evaluators with no formal dental training. Groups were asked to rate each picture’s attractiveness, friendliness, trustworthiness, intelligence, and self-confidence. RESULTS: The digitally altered photographs were rated higher for all five social parameters than were their unaltered counterparts (p<0.0001). There were no statistically significant differences between the two groups of evaluators. CONCLUSIONS: Excessive gingival display positively affected how attractive a person’s smile is judged, and also how friendly, trustworthy, intelligent, and self-confident they are.

Esthetic Posterior Stainless Steel Crowns and their Relative Shear Strengths

Carmichael, Lonny Dale 01 January 2008 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate esthetic posterior stainless steel crowns (EP-SSC) and compare their relative shear strengths.Methods: Sixty EP-SSC were compared. 15 crowns from NuSmile® Primary Crowns, Kinder Krowns, and Dental Innovators 1UP and EC Crowns were studied. The crowns were cemented to a typodont tooth then thermally cycled in water baths to simulate oral conditions. Shear strengths were evaluated by subjecting these crowns to simulated forces of occlusion.Results: The force required to cause shearing of the esthetic facings was statistically significant. With the 1UP crown being significantly weaker than the other crowns tested. Conclusion: The 1 UP crowns failed at lower levels of force than the other types of EP-SSC. The shear strengths for the three other crown types were not statistically different from each other. The esthetic facings do not likely fail from the single point load of a child's bite.

Problematika postavení svědka v trestním řízení / Problems of position of a witness in criminal proceedings

Staňková, Jana January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with position of a witness in criminal proceeding. The first part, it defines a conception of a witness; focuses on legal process aspects of position of a witness and also on capability to act as a witness in criminal proceeding. The second part, is given attention to performing evidence by witness, to rules of examination of a witness, including rules of examination of witnesses less than 15 years old. The third part defines rights and duties of a witness in criminal proceedings as they result not only from Criminal Procedure Act but also from constitutional principles. There is closer focus on witness' duty to testify, to liability to participate in confrontation and recognition (as special kinds of evidence). Another focus is on some witnesses' rights: rights to deny giving testimony and right to legal help and mainly to right to afford security of a witness. The last, four part deals with institute of crown witness (accomplice witness). This institute is not included into Czech legal system yet.

Avaliação da deformação do intermediário e região peri-implantar em função da carga aplicada em coroas unitárias implantossuportadas parafusadas / Evaluation of the deformation in the abutment and peri-implant region according to the load applied in screwed implant-supported single crowns

Albarracín, Max Laurent 30 May 2011 (has links)
As coroas unitárias metalocerámicas implantossuportadas são amplamente utilizadas na reabilitação de pacientes desdentados. O comportamento mecânico destas coroas é muito importante para entender o processo de transmissão de forças mastigatórias e suas reações no intermediário e na estrutura óssea peri-implantar, mas estes processos ainda não estão totalmente compreendidos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a deformação gerada no intermediário e no osso peri-implantar de coroas unitárias implantossuportadas após aplicação de carga. Foi utilizado um modelo mestre de poliuretano, simulando o osso mandibular, com um implante hexágono externo de 3,75mm x13 mm de comprimento, no qual foi fixado um intermediário multi-unit (Nobel Biocare, Göteborg, Sweden). O trabalho apresentou 3 grupos com quatro corpos de prova cada, divididos de acordo com o tipo de cilindro e liga de fundição (Cilindro de ouro sobrefundidos com a liga de PdAg, cilindro de CoCr usinado sobrefundidos com a liga de NiCoCr, cilindro de acrílico fundido com a liga de NiCoCr ). Cada corpo de prova foi submetido cinco vezes a aplicação de carga axial de 300N em uma máquina de ensaio universal. A força foi aplicada no centro da oclusal de cada coroa. Foram realizadas leituras das deformações geradas no intermediário e no poliuretano com o uso de extensômetros lineares elétricos os quais foram colados em três faces do intermediário e nas superfícies mesial, vestibular, distal e lingual do osso simulado ao redor do implante. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos a análise de variância (ANOVA) e teste de Tukey (p<0,05). Os resultados do estudo demonstraram que a utilização dos três tipos de cilindro não alteram o resultado final de distribuição de tensão no intermediário após o carregamento. Adicionalmente as coroas confeccionadas com cilindro de CoCr usinado, tiveram o comportamento mais estável com relação a uniformidade na distribuição das tensões no intermediário e no osso simulado quando comparados com os outros dois grupos (cilindros de Au e Calcinável). / The metal-ceramic crowns implant-supported are widely used in the rehabilitation of edentulous patients. The mechanical behavior of these crowns is very important to understand the process of transmission of masticatory forces and their reactions at abutment and peri-implant bone structure, but these processes are not fully understood yet. The aim of this study was to verify the deformation in the abutment and peri-implant bone in implant-supported single crowns after load application. Was used a master model of polyurethane simulating the jawbone with an external hexagon implant of 3.75 mm of diameter and 13 mm of length, which was fixed a multi-unit abutment (Nobel Biocare, Göteborg, Sweden). The study presented three groups with four samples each, divided according to type of cylinder and casting alloy (gold cylinder smelting with the PdAg alloy, CoCr cylinder machined cast-on with the league NiCoCr, cast acrylic cylinder with alloy NiCoCr). Each sample was subjected to five times the application of vertical load of 300N on a universal testing machine. The force was applied in the center of the occlusal surface of each crown. Readings were taken of the deformations generated in the abutment and polyurethane with the use of strain gages which were glued on three sides of the abutment and mesial, buccal, lingual and distal surfaces of simulated bone around the implant. The datas were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey test (p<0.05). The study results demonstrated that the use of three types of cylinder does not change the final result of stress distribution in the intermediate after axial loading. Additionally crowns made with machined cylinder CoCr, had more stable with respect to uniform distribution of stresses in the intermediate and the simulated bone when compared with the other two groups (Au and burnout cylinders).

Novos líquido iônico e poli(líquido iônico) para aplicação em dispositivos eletroquímicos / Novel ionic liquid and poly(ionic liquid) for eletrochemical devices

Corrêa, Cintia Marques 12 December 2018 (has links)
Líquidos iônicos (LI) e Poli(líquidos íonicos) (PLI) apresentam propriedades moduláveis extremamente interessantes, devido a possibilidade de infinitas combinações entre cátions e ânions, além da possibilidade de funcionalização tanto do cátion quanto do ânion para a inserção de propriedades de interesse, transformando esses LI e PLI em materiais de tarefa específica (task-LI e task-PLI). Nesta tese de doutorado, um PLI sólido, eletrocrômico e inédito foi sintetizado a partir de um LI funcionalizável e polimerizável (brometo de 1-cloropropil-3-vinilimidazólio) e o viologênio 4,4-bipiridina. Essa reação resultou em um monômero que teve sua estrutura intensamente elucidada e, em seguida, foi polimerizado, formando um polieletrólito sólido eletrocrômico estável mecanicamente e termicamente (309 °C). Os estudos espectroeletroquímicos a partir de um filme fino depositado sobre ITO revelaram um processo redox reversível com redução e oxidação nos potenciais de -0.45 e -0,3 V, respectivamente. O processo redox foi acompanhado por variação de coloração de transparente (estado totalmente oxidado) para roxo (estado reduzido/cátion radical) com contraste ótico de 19 % (525 nm), switching time de 20 s e eficiência da coloração (CE) de 60 cm2 C-1. A estabilidade eletroquímica do filme foi estudada via cronoamperometria e o material permaneceu eletroativo e eletrocrômico por 4 horas e 400 ciclos sem perdas consideráveis de eletroatividade. Além disso, mesmo após 16 h e 1600 ciclos o material apresentou eletroatividade com um decréscimo pequeno de corrente e variação de transmitância. Adicionalmente, o monitoramento do material com uma microbalança a cristal de quartzo com dissipação (QCM-D) indicaram que a compensação de carga do polímero é acompanhada por uma considerável variação de viscoelasticidade do filme e a principal espécie responsável pela compensação é o ânion, sendo o ânion volumoso [Tf2N] incapaz de compensar a carga do sistema impedindo o processo redox de ocorrer. Ainda com relação a capacidade de funcionalização dos LI, um LI inédito foi preparado a partir de um segundo LI funcionalizável (brometo de 1-cloropropil-1-metilpirrolidíneo) que foi elucidado por diversas técnicas incluindo ressonância magnética nuclear em duas dimensões de 1H, 13C e 15N (RMN 2D: COSY, NOESY, HSQC e HMBC) e RMN 15N. Dessa forma, um LI funcionalizado com aza-éter de coroa (LIcoroa) foi preparado a partir da reação do LI funcionalizável e o aza-18-coroa-6 e, novamente, a estrutura foi elucidada, incluindo RMN 2D. O LIcoroa apresentou boa estabilidade térmica (371 °C) e eletroquímica (janela de 4 V). A densidade do LI foi obtida no valor de 1,5 g cm-3 (25 °C). No entanto, a viscosidade do LI foi elevada afetando diretamente sua condutividade elétrica quando comparado com o LI bis(trifluorosulfonil)imida de 1-bultil-1-metilpirrolidíneo já amplamente estudado na literatura. Para aplicações, este LI coroa está sendo estudado para atuar como eletrólito em baterias de íon lítio devido a sua possível capacidade de complexar com este íon e diminuir a interação do Li+ com os oxigênios da espécie aniônica [Tf2N]. / Ionic Liquids (ILs) and poly(Ionic Liquids) (PoILs) have fully tunable properties due to their different ion combinations as well as cation or anion functionalization, which results in smart materials with endless possibilities. In this study, a solid electrochromic PoIL was synthesized using a novel functionalizable and polymerizable IL (1-propyl-3-vinylimidazolium chloride bromide) and a viologen (4,4\'-bipyridine) that reacted to form a monomer. Its subsequent polymerization resulted in a mechanically stable, highly ionically and electronically conductive electrochromic polyelectrolyte with a thermal decomposition temperature higher than 309°C and a glass transition temperature of 13°C. Spectroelectrochemical studies of the polymer deposited as a thin film over a transparent conductive substrate demonstrated a reversible redox process with reduction and oxidation potentials of -0.45 and -0.3V, respectively, which was accompanied by a reversible color change from colorless (oxidized state) to purple (reduced state) with an optical contrast of 19% at 525nm, a switching time of nearly 20s and a coloration efficiency of 60 cm2 C-1. Additionally, the film was repetitively switched from colorless to purple and began to lose electroactivity after approximately 4h and 400cycles. However, electroactivity was still observed after 16h or 1600cycles. Moreover, quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring indicated that the polymer charge compensation process was accompanied by a huge viscoelastic change in the film, as demonstrated by the spread of the harmonics and important changes in dissipation. Moreover, the anion is the most important specie in the charge compensation process, the large anion [Tf2N] is unable to compensate the charge, preventing the redox process from occurring. Also regarding the functionalization capacity of LI, a novel LI was prepared from a second functionalizable LI (1-chloropropyl-1-methylpyrrolidinium bromide) which was intensively elucidated by several techniques including two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance 1H, 13C and 15N (2D NMR: COSY, NOESY, HSQC and HMBC). Thus, a functionalized LI with aza-crown ether (LIcrown) was prepared from the reaction of the functionalizable LI and aza-18-crown-6 and, again, the structure was elucidated, including 2D NMR. LIcrown presented good thermal stability (371 ° C) and electrochemistry (4 V window). The density of the IL was 1,5 g cm-3. However, the viscosity of the LI was elevated by directly affecting its electrical conductivity when compared to the 1-butyl-1-methylpyrrolidinium bis(trifluorosulfonyl)imide already widely studied in the literature. For applications, this LIcrown is being studied to act as an electrolyte in lithium ion batteries because of its possible ability to complex with this ion and to decrease the interaction of Li+ with the oxygen of the anionic species [Tf2N].

NIKΗΣ ou de la victoire sportive. Récompenses et vainqueurs en Grèce ancienne (du VIIIe s. à 146 av. J.-C.) / NIKΗΣ, of Victory. Rewards and Victors in Ancient Greece (from the 8.th BC to 146 BC)

Davadie, Axelle 21 November 2015 (has links)
Ce travail a interrogé les relations entre la victoire, la récompense et le vainqueur, dans les concours sportifs, en Grèce ancienne, du VIIIe s. av. J.-C. jusqu’à la prise de Corinthe par Mummius. Durant tous ces siècles, les concours, les récompenses et la place du vainqueur dans la cité ont connu des évolutions. Outre l’augmentation du nombre de rencontres et la constitution de la période, les récompenses ont aussi varié tant dans leur nature que dans leur signification. Nous avons étudié les rapports entre les trois termes de notre sujet selon trois perspectives : établir la victoire pour proclamer le vainqueur. Différents moyens sont alors lentement expérimentés, de la constitution d’un jury à l’équipement des lieux et à l’autopsis de la victoire, en passant par l’ouverture de nouvelles épreuves et catégories, tant humaines qu’animales. Puis comment la récompense et sa remise transforment l’athlète vainqueur sur le lieu même de son succès. A la cérémonie de proclamation et de couronnement dans le sanctuaire succèdent, dans un temps plus ou moins long, la mise en image et en mots. La victoire acquise et affirmée, la récompense reçue lui confèrent alors un statut nouveau et peuvent donner lieu à un enrichissement personnel. Dans une troisième partie nous avons analysé la relation entre l’athlète vainqueur et la cité de ses pères, selon trois axes : le premier met en évidence la rivalité entre certaines cités pour obtenir la gloire d’une proclamation. Le retour de l’athlète donne lieu à des cérémonies variées selon qu’elles sont familiales ou civiques. Enfin, nous avons confronté l’image négative transmise par certaines de nos sources à la carrière de quelques vainqueurs. / This PhD assessed the relations between victory, reward and victor in sport contests, both athletics and equestrianism, in Ancient Greece, from the 8.th century B.C. to the seizure of Corinth by Mummius. During all these centuries, increasing numbers of contests and rewards developed modifying the victor’s position in the city. By the way, cities organizing new contests, the « periodos » was established (the circuit of the Big Four Contests,) and the kind of rewards moved on the one hand to crowns and on the other to prizes. At the same time, the meaning of reward changed. We first examined the links between the three terms from three standpoints : first, reward and victor mean that victory in a contest is publicly set. Various means have been slowly tested to assert it, from building up the jury to sports facilities and victory autopsis, including new age groups or events, for humans as well as animals. Then we studied how reward and prize-giving change the athlete’s position on the spot of his victory. After he has been proclaimed and crowned in the sanctuary of the contests, the victor might publicly be praised or portrayed, even later on. Victory and reward gained give him a new position and could make him richer.

Drone-based assessments of crowns, canopy cover and land use types in and around an oil palm agroforestry experiment

Khokthong, Watit 06 March 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Avaliação da adaptação marginal de copings metálicos fundidos em ligas de níquel-cromo, níquel-cromo-berílio e em titânio comercialmente puro em função da aplicação de espaçadores / Evaluation of the use of die spacer over the marginal fit of casting copings of Ni-Cr, Ni-Cr-Be and commercially pure Titanium

Natércia Carreira Soriani 01 February 2008 (has links)
O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do uso de espaçadores na adaptação marginal de copings confeccionados em ligas de Ni-Cr (Verabond II) (VB II) e Ni-Cr-Be (Verabond) (VB) e Titânio cp (Tritan) (Ti-cp) fundidos pela técnica de cera perdida. A partir de uma matriz metálica, foram obtidos 135 troquéis de gesso resinado tipo IV para confecção dos padrões de cera nas seguintes condições: sem a presença de espaçador (G0), com uma camada de espaçador (G1) e com duas camadas de espaçador (G2), com quinze repetições para cada grupo. Foi realizado o enceramento de cada troquel e os padrões de cera foram incluídos em revestimento adequado para cada material. Em cada anel de fundição foram incluídos 3 padrões de cera, sendo cada um correspondente a cada condição. Cada coping, adaptado à matriz metálica por meio de um dispositivo padronizador da pressão de assentamento, foi levado ao Microscópio Óptico para aferição das medidas da desadaptação marginal. Os dados obtidos (&micro;m) foram submetidos à análise estatística (ANOVA) e teste de Tukey (p<0.05). Para a condição material, a liga VB (118,73) não apresentou diferença estatisticamente significante em relação à liga VB II (93,40), sendo que estas apresentaram diferença estatisticamente significante em relação ao Ti-cp (168,35). Em relação ao fator espaçador, houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre as três condições (G0=177,31; G1=121,51 e G2=81,66). Com base nos dados obtidos pelo presente estudo, pode-se afirmar que a presença de duas camadas de espaçador propicia menor desadaptação marginal. / The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effect of using die spacers on the marginal fit of Ni Cr (Verabond II) (VB II) and Ni-Cr-Be (Verabond) (VB) alloys and commercially pure Titanium (Tritan) (Ti-cp) casting copings by the lost wax technique. Using a metal master die, 135 Resin Added Extra Hard Type IV Stone were obtained for the fabrication of wax patterns in the following conditions: without die spacer (G0), with one die spacer layer (G1); and with two die spacer layers (G2), with fifteen repetitions for each group. Each stone die was waxed and the wax patterns were invested as recommended by the manufacturer. Three wax patterns were embedded in each casting ring, each corresponding to a condition. Each coping, seated to the metal matrix by a Seating Pressure Standardizing Device (SPSD), was taken to the Optic Microscope for the measurement of marginal discrepancy. The obtained data (&micro;m) were submitted to statistical analysis (ANOVA) and Tukey test (p<0.05). There was not statistically significant difference among the materials VB II (93,40) and VB (118,73), and there was statistically significant different to Ti-cp (168,35) . In terms of the die spacer, there was a statistically significant difference among the three conditions (G0=177,31; G1=121,51 e G2=81,66). It was concluded that with two die spacer layers there is less marginal discrepancy.

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