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Using cell lines to study factors affecting transmission of fish virusesPham, Phuc Hoang January 2014 (has links)
Factors that can influence the transmission of aquatic viruses in fish production facilities and natural environment are the immune defense of host species, the ability of viruses to infect host cells, and the environmental persistence of viruses. In this thesis, fish cell lines were used to study different aspects of these factors. Five viruses were used in this study: viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus (VHSV) from the Rhabdoviridae family; chum salmon reovirus (CSV) from the Reoviridae family; infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) from the Birnaviridae family; and grouper iridovirus (GIV) and frog virus-3 (FV3) from the Iridoviridae family.
The first factor affecting the transmission of fish viruses examined in this thesis is the immune defense of host species. In this work, infections of marine VHSV-IVa and freshwater VHSV-IVb were studied in two rainbow trout cell lines, RTgill-W1 from the gill epithelium, and RTS11 from spleen macrophages. RTgill-W1 produced infectious progeny of both VHSV-IVa and -IVb. However, VHSV-IVa was more infectious than IVb toward RTgill-W1: IVa caused cytopathic effects (CPE) at a lower viral titre, elicited CPE earlier, and yielded higher titres. By contrast, no CPE and no increase in viral titre were observed in RTS11 cultures infected with either genotype. Yet in RTS11 all six VHSV genes were expressed and antiviral genes, Mx2 and Mx3, were up regulated by VHSV-IVb and -IVa. However, replication appeared to terminate at the translational stage as viral N protein, presumably the most abundant of the VHSV proteins, was not detected in either infected RTS11 cultures. In RTgill-W1, Mx2 and Mx3 were up regulated to similar levels by both viral genotypes, while VHSV-IVa induced higher levels of IFN1, IFN2 and LGP2A than VHSV-IVb.
The second part of the thesis examined the ability of two Ranaviruses, GIV and FV3, to infect non-host fish cells. This is referred to as cellular tropism and is one of many host-virus interaction events required to established successful infection in new organisms. Grouper iridovirus (GIV), belonging to the Ranavirus genus of the Iridoviridae family, was demonstrated to differentially express viral genes and induce apoptosis in three non-host fish cell lines rainbow trout monocyte/macrophage (RTS11), Chinook salmon embryon (CHSE-214) and fathead minnow Epithelioma papulosum cyprinii (EPC). These cells were challenged with GIV and virus entry into all three cell lines was confirmed by the expression of viral immediate early genes. The expression of the late major capsid protein gene was detected in CHSE-214 and EPC, but not in RTS11, suggesting an earlier termination in the viral replication cycle in RTS11. Approximately 12 h after infection with GIV, cell death was prominent in all three non-host cell lines. Death was later confirmed to be apoptosis by the presence of chromosomal DNA fragmentation and phosphatidylserine externalization. To determine whether apoptosis was protein related or gene expression related, the three cell lines were infected with heat-inactivated GIV and UV-treated GIV (GIVUV). The heat inactivation abolished apoptosis in all three cell lines, but each cell line responded differently to GIVUV. Relative to GIV, GIVUV caused no apoptosis in CHSE-214, decreased apoptosis in RTS11, and increased apoptosis in EPC. These results suggest that early GIV gene expression was needed for apoptosis in CHSE-214 but impeded apoptosis in EPC. At the cellular level, only EPC was a permissive host as EPC was the only cell line of the three capable of producing a moderate increase in virus titre. The three non-host cell lines present a good system for potentially identifying different components of GIV-induced apoptotic pathways in future studies.
Rainbow trout are not highly susceptible to frog virus 3 (FV3) induced diseases, and had been suggested to be a potential carrier for the virus. To determine which rainbow trout cell types are permissive for FV3 and act as a potential source for virus replication in vivo, the ability of rainbow trout cell lines from gonads (RTG-2), skin (RTHDF), liver (RTL-W1), gills (RTgill-W1), intestine (RTgut-GC) and spleen (RTS11), and primary leukocyte cultures from peripheral blood (PBL) and head kidney (HKL) to support FV3 infection was examined. RTG-2 supported a moderate level of FV3 replication while viral replication in RTL-W1 was minimal. The rest of the cell lines did not support viral replication but all succumbed to the infection and were killed by FV3. Lymphocyte-like cells from PBL and HKL were not killed by FV3 while macrophage-like cells were. Most of the cell lines died by an apoptosis-independent mechanism, presumably necrosis, while the monocyte/macrophage cell line, RTS11, died by an apoptosis-dependent mechanism. In addition, neoplastic macrophage-like human U937 cell line, and T lymphocyte-like PEER cell line were also infected with FV3 to compare their response to that of rainbow trout immune cells. U937 cells were killed by FV3 in an apoptosis-dependent manner; however, PEER T cells did not die from FV3 infection, a result similar to the lymphocyte-like fraction of rainbow trout PBL and HKL. In summary, most rainbow trout cell lines do not support significant FV3 replication; furthermore, cells of the lymphocyte origin appeared refractory to FV3 induced cell death while those of macrophage origin underwent apoptosis as a response to FV3.
The last factor affecting the transmission of aquatic viruses examined in this thesis is the persistence of viruses in the aquatic environment. Virus persistence is influenced by natural environmental factors such as temperature, pH, desiccation and salinity, but the often unexplored anthropogenic factors can play a role. Therefore, the focus of this section was on the effect of one particular anthropogenic substance, Corexit 9500, on the infectivity of aquatic viruses with different physical characteristics. The effect of Corexit 9500, a dispersant used to clean up oil spills, on invertebrates, lower vertebrates, birds and human health have been examined but there is a significant lack of study on the effect of this dispersant on aquatic viruses. In this study, the effect of Corexit 9500 on four aquatic viruses of different structural composition was examined. Corexit 9500 reduced the titre of the enveloped viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus (VHSV) at all concentrations (10% to 0.001%) examined. The titre of frog virus 3 (FV3), a virus with both enveloped and non-enveloped virions, was only reduced at the high Corexit 9500 concentrations (10% to 0.1%). Corexit 9500 was unable to reduce the titre of non-enveloped infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV), but enhanced the titre of chum salmon reovirus (CSV) by 2-4 logs. With the ability to inactivate enveloped viruses and possibly enhance some non-enveloped viruses, Corexit 9500 has the potential to alter the aquatic virosphere.
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Allmännyttiga bostadsföretags kombination av affärsmässighet och samhällsansvar : Med uthyrningspolicy i fokusKarlsson, Malin, Svennerberg, Johan January 2017 (has links)
Den nya allbolagen som trädde i kraft år 2011 innebär att allmännyttiga bostadsföretag ska agera affärsmässigt samtidigt som de tar sitt samhällsansvar. Uppsatsens syfte är att få förståelse för hur allmännyttiga bostadsföretag kombinerar kravet på affärsmässighet med samhällsansvarstagande. För att förankra problemformuleringen läggs särskild tonvikt på företagens uthyrningspolicys. Anledningen till att företagens uthyrningspolicys valdes som särskilt fokus var att det identifierats som ett område där det kan tänkas uppstå en motstridighet mellan affärsmässighet och samhällsansvarstagande. Metoden som använts för att uppnå syftet är av kvalitativ natur och består av besöksintervjuer med representanter från fyra allmännyttiga bostadsföretag samt dokumentstudier av företagens uthyrningspolicys. Genom att jämföra intervjupersonernas utsagor samt relatera dem till den teoretiska referensramen har nedanstående konkluderats. De allmännyttiga bostadsföretagen verkar under olika lokala förutsättningar. Det innebär att kombinationen av affärsmässighet och samhällsansvar sker genom en anpassning till den lokala kontexten. Företagen är vidare kommunägda vilket innebär att ägarens främsta intresse inte nödvändigtvis är maximering av kortsiktig aktieägarvinst vid varje enskild investering. Istället kan de allmännyttiga bostadsföretagen ha ett långsiktigt helhetsperspektiv på sin verksamhet. Vidare framgår av intervjuerna att kombinationen sker genom att företagen tar sådant samhällsansvar som gynnar såväl samhällets välfärd som företagets långsiktiga lönsamhet. Kombinationen sker även genom ett hänsynstagande till affärsmässigheten och samhällsansvaret vid rangordning av sina intressenters anspråk. När det kommer till de intervjuade företagens uthyrningspolicys är indikationen att de vill ta ett så stort samhällsansvar som möjligt genom att ställa låga krav. Således blir det kravet på affärsmässighet som sätter tröskeln för hur lågt kraven kan ställas.
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Konstruktion av databas och verktyg för insamling och behandling av data från bevisinstrument / Construction of database and tools for collection and handling of data from evidence instrumentsFrankell, Elin, Gandal, Marcus, Hansson, Regina, Mivelli, Dennis, Nordling, Johan, Olli, Christopher, Salman, Younus January 2021 (has links)
Denna rapport behandlar ett kandidatprojekt som utförts med Nationellt forensiskt centrum som kund. Uppgiften var att skapa ett databasbaserat program för att lagra och hantera stora mängder XML-filer från kundens testinstrument. Rapporten beskriver de tekniker och metoder som använts för detta ändamål, där Java, MySQL, Git och agil utveckling är några av de mest centrala. Resultaten i projektet innefattar en presentation av slutprodukten, projektgruppens erfarenheter och medlemmarnas individuella bidrag. Utöver den gemensamma kandidatrapporten, har varje gruppmedlem genomfört ett individuellt bidrag om valfritt ämne, ofta kopplat till medlemmens projektroll. Detta gav möjlighet till fördjupning inom områden som medlemmarna fann intressanta. Utifrån diskussionen av dessa resultat dras, bland flera, slutsatserna att det utvecklade projektet kommer att bidra till tidsbesparingar för kunden, att en systemanatomi är ett användbart kommunikationsverktyg i början av ett projekt och att utvecklingen begränsades av valet av teknologier.
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Development of Sensors for Detection of Magnesium Metal CorrosionOjo, Kolade O. January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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CSR- det senaste på tapeten eller limmet som håller allt samman? : En kvalitativ studie om hur företag kan arbeta strategiskt för att implementera CSR i Kina.Blixt, Helena, Cunningham, Jennifer January 2014 (has links)
Problemformulering: Vilken problematik möter svenska företag i deras leverantörskedja vid implementering av CSR i Kina? Hur kan företag svenska arbeta för att överkomma den identifierade problematiken vid implementering av CSR i Kina? Syfte: Studien ämnar undersöka vad svenska företag möter för problematik vid implementering av CSR i Kina samt hur de strategiskt kan arbeta för att överkomma detta. Vidare belyser även studien intressenter som kan utgöra en del av problematiken. Metod: Uppsatsen grundas på en kvalitativ studie där vi valt att anta en abduktiv ansats. Den empiriska datan utgörs av intervjuer med personer med spetskompetens inom CSR. Då studien riktar sig till den kinesiska marknaden genomfördes fyra av sex intervjuer i Shanghai, Kina. Slutsatser: Studien visar att det finns problem vilka är kopplade indirekt samt direkt till företags intressenter. Vidare visar studien att den identifierade problematiken kan i viss utsträckning överkommas genom att långsiktigt eftersträva delat värde för företagen och dess omgivning. / Research question: What problems do Swedish companies face when implementing CSR in their supply chain in China? How can Swedish companies work to overcome the identified problems when implementing CSR in China? Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to identify what problems Swedish companies face when implementing CSR in China and how they can create a strategy to overcome these problems. Furthermore, the thesis aims to highlight which stakeholders contribute to the problem. Method: The thesis is based on a qualitative study which was based on semi-structured interviews with respondents with expertise in the chosen research field. Some of the interviews were carried out in Shanghai, China, considering the study is aimed at the Chinese market. Conclusion: The result of the study show that some of the identified problems are directly and indirectly linked with the companies stakeholders. Furthermore the study shows that the problems can be overcome by long term strategies in the form of shared value by the company and its environment.
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Plateforme visuelle pour l'intégration de données faiblement structurées et incertaines / A visual platform to integrate poorly structured and unknown dataDa Silva Carvalho, Paulo 19 December 2017 (has links)
Nous entendons beaucoup parler de Big Data, Open Data, Social Data, Scientific Data, etc. L’importance qui est apportée aux données en général est très élevée. L’analyse de ces données est importante si l’objectif est de réussir à en extraire de la valeur pour pouvoir les utiliser. Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse concernent la compréhension, l’évaluation, la correction/modification, la gestion et finalement l’intégration de données, pour permettre leur exploitation. Notre recherche étudie exclusivement les données ouvertes (DOs - Open Data) et plus précisément celles structurées sous format tabulaire (CSV). Le terme Open Data est apparu pour la première fois en 1995. Il a été utilisé par le groupe GCDIS (Global Change Data and Information System) (États-Unis) pour encourager les entités, possédant les mêmes intérêts et préoccupations, à partager leurs données [Data et System, 1995]. Le mouvement des données ouvertes étant récent, il s’agit d’un champ qui est actuellement en grande croissance. Son importance est actuellement très forte. L’encouragement donné par les gouvernements et institutions publiques à ce que leurs données soient publiées a sans doute un rôle important à ce niveau. / We hear a lot about Big Data, Open Data, Social Data, Scientific Data, etc. The importance currently given to data is, in general, very high. We are living in the era of massive data. The analysis of these data is important if the objective is to successfully extract value from it so that they can be used. The work presented in this thesis project is related with the understanding, assessment, correction/modification, management and finally the integration of the data, in order to allow their respective exploitation and reuse. Our research is exclusively focused on Open Data and, more precisely, Open Data organized in tabular form (CSV - being one of the most widely used formats in the Open Data domain). The first time that the term Open Data appeared was in 1995 when the group GCDIS (Global Change Data and Information System) (from United States) used this expression to encourage entities, having the same interests and concerns, to share their data [Data et System, 1995]. However, the Open Data movement has only recently undergone a sharp increase. It has become a popular phenomenon all over the world. Being the Open Data movement recent, it is a field that is currently growing and its importance is very strong. The encouragement given by governments and public institutions to have their data published openly has an important role at this level.
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When doing good is not enough : A study of how Swedish companies are using shared value creation in their sustainable practicesSandberg, Elvira, Lundén, Alexandra, Murtovi, Elida January 2022 (has links)
The world is jeopardized by several social and environmental threats. The limited resources are being used at a rapid rate which contributes to negative effects on global warming. Along with increased poverty, human rights are being violated and labor is exploited. Therefore, sustainability is perhaps a more urgent topic than ever. CSV is proposed as an answer to these environmental and social threats, which is identified by a gap in the concept of CSR. Sweden is a leading country in terms of sustainability, and therefore the purpose is to gain knowledge on how Swedish companies work with shared value creation in their sustainable practices. This study follows an interpretive philosophy through a qualitative study, and semi-structured interviews are conducted with six companies. The empirical data is analyzed through coding where four themes are evolved. This study develops existing concepts through an inductive approach and further proposes that the companies pursue CSV by the mediating role of CSR. Sustainable innovation, innovative raw materials, and digitalization are the major contributors to shared value creation. Sustainable development goals and science-based targets are essential tools to guide companies toward a sustainable future. However, two barriers to pursuing shared value creating activities are being a small company and adapting to the local context.
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Instaurer des données, instaurer des publics : une enquête sociologique dans les coulisses de l'open data / Instantiate data, instantiate publics : a sociological inquiry in the backrooms of open dataGoeta, Samuel 08 September 2016 (has links)
Alors que plus de cinquante pays dans le monde ont entrepris une démarche d’ouverture des données publiques, la thèse enquête sur l’émergence et la mise en oeuvre des politiques d’open data. Elle repose sur l’analyse de sources publiques et sur une enquête ethnographique conduite dans sept collectivités locales et institutions françaises. Revenant sur six moments de définition de grands « principes » de l’open data et leur traduction en politique publique par une institution française, Etalab, ce travail montre comment la catégorisation par l’open data a porté l’attention sur les données, en particulier sous leur forme « brute », considérées comme une ressource inexploitée, le « nouveau pétrole » gisant sous les organisations. L’enquête montre que le processus de l’ouverture débute généralement par une phase d’identification marquée par des explorations progressives et incertaines. Elle permet de comprendre que l’identification constitue un geste d’instauration qui transforme progressivement les fichiers de gestion de l’administration en données. Leur mise en circulation provoque des frictions : pour sortir des réseaux sociotechniques de l’organisation, les données doivent généralement passer à travers des circuits de validation et des chaînes de traitement. Par ailleurs, les données doivent souvent subir d’importantes transformations avant leur ouverture pour devenir intelligibles à la fois par les machines et par les humains. Cette thèse montre enfin que l’instauration concerne aussi les publics dont il est attendu qu’ils visualisent, inspectent et exploitent les données ouvertes. L’instauration des publics par des instruments très divers constitue un autre pan du travail invisible des politiques d’open data. Il ressort enfin de cette thèse que l’obligation à l’ouverture des données publiques, une suite possible des politiques d’open data, pose de manière saillante une question fondamentale « qu’est-ce qu’une donnée ? » Plutôt que de réduire la donnée à une catégorie relative, qui s’appliquerait à toutes sortes de matériaux informationnels, les cas étudiés montrent qu’elle est généralement attribuée dès lors que les données sont le point de départ de réseauxsociotechniques dédiés à leur circulation, leur exploitation et leur mise en visibilité. / As more than fifty countries have launched an open data policy, this doctoral dissertation investigates on the emergence and implementation of such policies. It is based on the analysis of public sources and an ethnographic inquiry conducted in seven French local authorities and institutions. By retracing six moments of definitions of the “open data principles” and their implementation by a French institution, Etalab, this work shows how open data has brought attention to data, particularly in their raw form, considered as an untapped resource, the “new oil” lying under the organisations. The inquiry shows that the process of opening generally begins by a phase of identification marked by progressive and uncertain explorations. It allows to understand that data are progressively instantiated from management files into data. Their circulation provoke frictions: to leave the sociotechnical network of organisations, data generally go through validation circuits and chains of treatment. Besides, data must often undergo important treatments before their opening in order to become intelligible by machines as well as humans. This thesis shows eventually that data publics are also instantiated as they are expected to visualize, inspect and process the data. Data publics are instantiated through various tools, which compose another area of the invisible work of open data projects. Finally, it appears from this work that the possible legal requirement to open data asks a fundamental question, “what is data?” Instead of reducing data to a relational category, which would apply to any informational material, studied cases show that they generally are applied when data are a starting point of sociotechnical networks dedicated to their circulation, their exploitation and their visibility.
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Vägen till hållbart värdeskapande : En kvalitativ studie om hållbara strategierPettersson, Henrik, Nordmark, Albin January 2019 (has links)
Forskning visar att samhället måste börja ta ansvar för hållbarheten om den värld vi känner till ska kunna bestå långsiktigt. Historiskt sett har företagen klandrats för att tära på naturen och samhällets resurser, men inom ekonomisk forskning har det växt fram tankar om hur hållbart värdeskapande kan bidra till både lönsamhet och en mer långsiktigt hållbar framtid. Den mest prominenta strategin för hållbarhet i företagsvärlden är Corporate Social Responsibilities. Denna har på senare tid utmanats av teorin om Create Shared Values. Även om det rent teoretiskt finns skillnader mellan de två strategierna har den nyare Create Shared Values-strategin kritiserats för att vara lik den redan befintliga Corporate Social Responsibilities. Studiens syfte är därför att undersöka om det finns några skillnader i tillämpningen av de två hållbarhetsstrategierna hos företag inom livsmedelsindustrin. Studien grundar sig i en kvalitativ undersökning av fyra olika företag: Nestlé, Nespresso, ZOÈGAS och Arvid Nordquist. Genom semistrukturerade intervjuer grundade i teoretiska ramverk samlades data in. Skillnader i tillämpningen av strategierna kunde identifieras utifrån analyser baserade på de tre kategorierna företagsteori, CSR och CSV. Studien visar att företagen som inte hade en ren CSV-strategi tillämpade komponenter av både CSR och CSV i sin hållbarhetsstrategi. Företagen verkade tillämpa CSR-strategin mer som en allmängiltig definition för hållbarhet, och CSR- strategin identifierades av respondenterna som ett sätt för företagen att legitimera sig gentemot sina kunder. Studien fann en möjlig brist i CSV-strategin, vilken är att företag som tillämpar CSV-strategin måste ha kontroll över hela värdekedjan vilket begränsar dess användning till företag inom den stora marknaden. Representanter för de små och medelstora företag som vi intervjuade påpekade att deras företag inte hade möjlighet att ha en sådan kontroll. Baserat på våra intervjuer fick vi uppfattningen att företagen inom livsmedelsindustrin ser att hållbarhetsstrategierna är här för att stanna, om företagen långsiktigt ska kunna finnas kvar. Detta innebär att det finns behöv för hållbarhetsstrategier även för små och stora företag. Vår spekulation för en framtida bred användning av hållbarhetsstrategier inom företagsvärlden är att det för små och medelstora företag bör komma fram andra strategier för hållbarhet än CSV.
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The journey towards Creating Shared Value: benefits and drawbacks : A qualitative study on how Swedish companies’ sustainability work changed while applying the CSV framework to their business strategy / Resan mot Creating Shared Value: fördelar och nackdelar : En kvalitativ studie över hur svenska företags hållbarhetsarbete förändrats efter implementering av CSV som ramverkSandra, Johansson, Ebba, Engström January 2019 (has links)
There is a growing trend that businesses are expected to address economic, social, as well as environmental issues and operate in a manner that contributes both to the organisation as well as the society (Elkington, 1998), which commonly is referred to as Corporate Social Responsibility. Porter and Kramer (2006) highlight that the business’s primary concern is to run a profitable business, and therefore developed the framework Creating Shared Value. This study examines how Swedish companies that changed from working with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to working with Creating Shared Value, experience differences in their sustainability work and what advantages and challenges the change emerged in. The methods used are semi-structured interviews together with content analyses of four Swedish companies’ sustainability reports. This thesis argues that companies’ sustainability work changed between 2010-2018 from focusing on philanthropy to a focus on sustainability through profitability. Also, the change to CSV for these companies resulted in an increased focus on the environmental aspects, and a decreased focus on the major social aspects. The companies spent more resources on innovation related to environmental issues, which generated profit, and on beneficial collaborations. An advantage of adopting CSV is that a focus on profitability may drive change regarding environmental issues, which in turn leads to long-term economic sustainability. However, shared value can be problematic in some ways, especially when it comes to gaining profit from social value, and thus social global issues might be overlooked for activities within their own business environment.
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