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Country of Origin within the consumers' decision-making processSchneller, Benedikt, Swanson, Jake James January 2018 (has links)
Background Country of origin (COO) has developed over the years and so has the definition, from the manufacturing COO and has now developed more into the COO of the brand. This development has led to a gap in research surrounding COO effects in combination with the decision-making process. Purpose The purpose of this study was to understand and explore which product information cues COO effects, along with how these cues influence the consumer's cognitive decision-making process. Leading to recommendations for companies, of how they can then use these effects in their favour. Method An interpretivism philosophy was used as part of this study, along with an inductive approach. Exploratory research was conducted to analyse the qualitative data during the experimental setting within three focus groups to gather in-depth views and opinions of participants. The research was gathered using convenience sampling, with limitations including the pre-bias participants had surrounding a COO. Findings The three most important information cues were quality, price and brand when it comes to what information consumers need to make a purchase. There is a difference in willingness to pay, perceived brand image and value surrounding COO from the COO experiment conducted between Germany and Poland. Research participants would pay on average 104 Euros more for the same product if it was a German brand over a Polish one. COO effects consumers in both a direct and indirect way, the subliminal use of COO, suggesting that the decision-making process is not completely cognitive. Similarly, consumers do not initially perceive COO as an important factor until it is brought up. However it can be said to be at the back of their minds at all times. It was also suggested that consumers have a ranking of countries within their minds and use it to aid their decision-making process. Consumers want to use the rational (intrinsic) cues (quality, design), however the extrinsic cues (brand, price) were identified as being more important. Conclusion In conclusion it can be said that COO is an important influencing factor on the consumers' decision-making process. COO is a factor effecting and influencing the different information cues which consumers identify as being important to their purchase. COO is seen as an influencing factor continuously effecting information cues, but more specifically price, brand and quality. Brands with 'higher' perceived COO's can thrive under their competitive advantage, whilst brands with a 'lower' perceived COO do not do as well.
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Efeito da exposição a imagens relacionadas ao álcool nos vieses de atenção e de avaliação para o cigarroCunha, Silvia Mendes da January 2010 (has links)
Os vieses atencional e avaliativo para imagens relacionadas ao cigarro foram mensurados após a exposição a imagens relacionadas ao álcool (IA) ou controle (IC) através de uma tarefa de atenção visual. Participaram 40 universitários de 19 a 30 anos (M=23 anos) bebedores fumantes designados aleatoriamente para a condição IA ou IC. Além dos vieses, foram avaliados: beber problemático (através do Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test), e severidade da dependência de nicotina (Questionário de Tolerância e Fagerstron). Os fumantes apresentaram viés atencional e avaliativo para as imagens relacionadas ao fumar. A exposição prévia a pistas associadas ao beber elevou o viés avaliativo (mas não o atencional) para imagens relacionadas ao cigarro. Observou-se alta freqüência de bebedores problemáticos, porém, baixo grau de dependência em nicotina. As implicações destes resultados para a prevenção ao fumo e ao beber abusivo entre universitários foram discutidas. / This study applied a visual attentional task to evaluated the attentional and evaluative biases for smoking-related images after exposure to alcohol (IA) or control (IC) images. Subjects were 40 college drinker and smokers (19 to 30 years old, mean 23 yrs), randomly assigned for IA or IC conditions. Also problem drinking (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test) and severity of nicotine dependence (Questionário de Tolerância de Fagerströn) were assessed. Smokers showed attentional and evaluative biases for smoking-related images. Previous exposure to drinking cues increased the evaluative but not the attentional bias for smokingrelated images. There was a high frequency of problem drinkers, but a low degree of nicotine dependence in this sample. The implications of these findings for prevention of smoking and abusive drinking among college students were discussed.
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A utilização de guias de execução por alunos iniciantes de piano de 8 a 14 anos de idadeMartínez Aquino, Selva Viviana January 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho avaliou o uso de guias de execução (Chaffin, 2012) com alunos iniciantes de piano com o objetivo de verificar se alunos iniciantes de piano apresentariam perfis similares de utilização de guias de execução, e se seria possível constatar o mesmo grau de aproveitamento observado em pesquisas anteriores. A amostra incluiu 14 alunos na faixa etária de 8 a 14 anos. Foi solicitado a cada participante a preparação de duas peças do seu repertório para gravá-las, em áudio e vídeo, executando-as de memória. A metodologia também incluiu a realização de entrevistas e anotações nas partituras dos alunos no decorrer de três encontros. Os resultados mostram que os alunos foram capazes de usar as quatro categorias de guias de execução propostas por Chaffin. Além disto, outros resultados foram corroborados tais como: a utilização de guias expressivos associada com os melhores desempenhos no teste oral e, a utilização de maior quantidade de guias básicos associada com maior ocorrência de lapsos nas gravações. / This study evaluated the use of Chaffin´s (2002) performance cues applied to beginner piano students in order to verify if an adaptation of this approach would profile similarly and show the equivalent results as in previous researches on this subject. The sample included 14 piano students ages eight to fourteen studying at the time with six piano teachers. Each participant was requested to prepare two pieces from their current repertoire to be played by memory and recorded both in audio and video. The methodology also included interviews and annotations made by students in their scores. The students and the researcher met three times for recordings, commentaries and interviews. Results show that the participating children were able to use all four categories of performance cues. Other results were verified such as the use of expressive cues associated with the best results in the oral test and the use of basics cues associated with higher rates of lapses on the recordings.
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Proposição de modelo conceitual de performance musical prejudicada por ansiedadeAssis, Carlos Alberto January 2016 (has links)
O presente trabalho investiga a relação entre a prática consciente e sua influência na prevenção do desencadeamento e no enfrentamento do processo de prejuízo da performance musical em condições de pressão (choking). Participaram do estudo três estudantes do Curso Superior de Instrumento da Escola de Música e Belas Artes do Paraná – Campus I – UNESPAR, Curitiba, PR. Foram utilizados os Guias de Execução (performance cues) propostos por Chaffin e colaboradores (2002, 2006, 2008) como suporte para o desenvolvimento de habilidades cognitivas. Os procedimentos metodológicos utilizados para coleta de dados consistiram de questionários, relatos verbais obtidos de entrevistas semiestruturadas, relatos de estudo, registro em áudio e vídeo da obra escolhida e relatos de guias de execução assinalados nas partituras como registro de decisões interpretativas deliberadas. O suporte cognitivo fornecido pelo trabalho com os Guias de Execução proporcionou segurança emocional suficiente para o enfrentamento das situações de estresse de exposição e principalmente de avaliação e autoavaliação. A partir da compreensão dos elementos teóricos encontrados na literatura e dos resultados deste trabalho com a abordagem metodológica de Chaffin, proponho um modelo conceitual de performance musical afetada pela ansiedade e centrado nos processos de controle e gerenciamento da informação durante a performance musical. Relacionado à hipótese levantada nos estágios iniciais de elaboração da pesquisa, esse modelo permite explorar a presença e manutenção de afetos e pensamentos negativos durante a prática instrumental individual e sua relação com a ocorrência de eventos de choking, e a suposição de que o desenvolvimento de habilidades cognitivas, relacionadas ao planejamento, monitoração e avaliação da prática instrumental, possa reforçar os processos de controle e gerenciamento do estado ansioso, ao permitir um suporte cognitivo que minimize o sentimento de vulnerabilidade, incontrolabilidade e imprevisibilidade inerentes ao estado ansioso, contribuindo, assim, para a melhoria e prevenção de eventos de déficits cognitivo-motores em performance sob pressão. / This study investigates the relationship between conscious practice, and its influence in prevention and coping with the decrement process in musical performance under pressure (choking under pressure). The study included three students of the bachelor degree of instrument in Escola de Música e Belas Artes do Paraná – Campus I – UNESPAR, Curitiba, PR. Performance Cues proposed by Chaffin and colleagues (2002, 2006, 2008) were used as support for the development of cognitive skills. Methodological procedures used for data collection consisted of questionnaires, verbal reports obtained from semi-structured interviews, practice reports, audio and video records of the chosen work and analysis of performance cues assigned in the scores as records of deliberate interpretative decisions. Cognitive support provided by working with Performance Cues provide enough emotional security for dealing with stress exposure situations and especially with evaluation and self-evaluation. Based on the understanding of theoretical elements found in the literature and the results of this study with the Chaffin methodological approach, I propose a conceptual model of musical performance affected by anxiety focused on process control and information management during the musical performance. Related to the hypothesis in the early stages of the research, this model explores the presence and maintenance of negative feelings and thoughts during the individual instrumental practice and its relation to the occurrence of choking event. The model also explores the assumption that the development of metacognitive skills, related to planning, monitoring and evaluation of instrumental practice can improve the control and management process of the anxious state. This control can be achieved by allowing a cognitive support that minimizes the feeling of vulnerability, uncontrollability and unpredictability, thus contributing to the improvement and prevention of cognitive-motor deficits events in performance under pressure.
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Efeito do uso de pistas externas nos parâmetros de marcha de pacientes com doença de Parkinson: Revisão sistemática / Effects of external cues on the gait parameters of patients with Parkinson's disease: systematic reviewRocha, Priscila Alves [UNIFESP] January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
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Previous issue date: 2014 / A doenca de Parkinson e uma das doencas neurologicas mais prevalentes. Diversos deficits motores estao presentes nestes pacientes, entre eles os disturbios da marcha e equilibrio. Alem das terapias convencionais, tem se utilizado com frequencia, pistas (tambem chamados de feedback extrinseco) para melhora destes deficits. Objetivos: Avaliar a efetividade e seguranca do uso de pistas na marcha de pacientes com Doenca de Parkinson. Assim como verificar se a mudanca na marcha provocada auxilia na melhora da qualidade de vida e do desempenho psicomotor, e diminuicao do freezing. Por fim, com os objetivos anteriores respondidos, analisar qual tipo de pista externa provoca ganhos mais expressivos em todos os desfechos analisados. Metodos de busca: As bases de dados eletronicas analisadas foram: Cochrane Library, Pubmed, Embase, Lilacs, Pedro, e Sumsearch. Tambem foram analisados artigos das referencias bibliograficas dos artigos coletados, assim como busca manual nas Revistas Movement Disorders e Physical Therapy, alem de anais de congressos principalmente da Movement Disorders Society. As seguintes palavras chaves foram utilizadas: Parkinson disease, feedback, biofeedback, neurofeedback, psychology biofeedback, cue, cues, cueing, rehabilitation, physical therapy, physiotherapy, exercise, locomotion, gait, neurologic gait disorders, optical flow field, visual, auditory, sensory, tactile. Criterios de inclusao: Ensaios clinicos randomizados e quasi randomizados que analisaram marcha, freezing, qualidade de vida e desempenho psicomotor foram analisados. Coleta e analise de dados: Os dados destes estudos foram analisados por meio de um formulario padronizado por dois revisores. Resultados: Dos 259 artigos localizados, apenas sete estudos se enquadraram nos criterios de inclusao e de qualidade metodologica desta revisao. Deste total, dois estudos utilizaram pistas visuais, dois pistas auditivas, um analisou o uso de instrucoes verbais, um utilizou pistas combinadas e por fim, um utilizou pistas sensoriais (proprioceptivas). Em geral, o uso de pistas resultou em melhoras no comprimento do passo (p < 0,0001), velocidade (p < 0,00001), cadencia (p < 0,001), comprimento da passada (p < 0,00001). As pistas visuais provocaram melhorias significantes na velocidade (p < 0,00001), cadencia (p < 0,00001) e comprimento do passo (p = 0,0004), enquanto as auditivas foram efetivas no aumento do comprimento do passo (p = 0,03) e velocidade (p < 0,00001); o estudo incluido que avaliou o uso da instrucao verbal apenas analisou comprimento do passo, porem, esta intervencao nao mostrou diferenca estatisticamente significante para este desfecho (p = 0,16). A pista sensorial (proprioceptiva) mostrou beneficios significantes na velocidade (p = 0,01), cadencia e comprimento da passada (p < 0,00001), enquanto que com o uso de pistas combinadas (visual + auditiva) houve maiores ganhos na UPDRS III (p = 0,009) do que na velocidade (p = 0,01). Conclusao: Esta revisao sistematica apresenta nivel de evidencia 1A, com base na classificacao de oOxford Centre for Evidence-based Medicineo. Conclui-se que o uso de pistas externas e efetivo para a melhora dos parametros de marcha de pacientes com Doenca de Parkinson, havendo melhora do freezing, do desempenho psicomotor avaliados pelo FOGQ e UPDRS III, respectivamente / Parkinson's disease (PD) is one of the most prevalent neurological diseases. Several motor deficits are present in patients with this disease, including gait and balance disturbances. In addition to onventional therapies, it has been used frequently in the current studies, cues (also called extrinsic feedback) to improve gait and balance in PD patients.Objectives: Evaluate the effectiveness and safety of using cues on gait in patients with PD. As well as verify if this improvement on gait generates increase in quality of life, decrease freezing and improve psychomotor performance on this population. Finally, with the previous
goals answered, to analyze which type of cues cause more significant gains in all outcomes assessed.
Search methods: Electronic databases analyzed: Cochrane Library, Pubmed, Embase, Lilacs, Pedro and Sumsearch. It was also analyzed the articles references, as well as manual search on Movement Disorders and Physical Therapy journals, in addition to the annals of the Movement Disorders Society. The following key words were used: Parkinson disease, feedback, biofeedback, neurofeedback, biofeedback, psychology cue, cues, cueing, rehabilitation, physical therapy, physiotherapy, exercise, locomotion, gait, gait disorders, neurologic optical flow field, visual, auditory, sensory, proprioceptive and tactile.
Inclusion criteria: Randomized and quasi randomized clinical trials that assessed gait, freezing, quality of life and psychomotor performance were analyzed. Data collection and analysis: two reviewers analyzed the data with a standardized form. Results: Of 259 articles collected, just 07 fit the inclusion and methodological quality criteria of this review. Of this total, two studies used visual cues, two auditory cues, one used verbal instructions, one used combined cues and finally, one used sensory cues (proprioceptive). In general, the use of cues led improves with statistically significant difference in step length (p < 0,0001), speed (p < 0,00001), cadence (p < 0,001), stride length (p < 0,00001). Moreover, visual cues were most effective in improving speed (p < 0,00001), cadence (p < 0,00001) and step length (p = 0,0004), while the auditory cues cause more impact in step length (p = 0,03) and speed (p < 0,00001). Verbal instruction did not show statistically significant difference for any outcome (p = 0,16). The sensory (proprioceptive) cues showed significant improvements in speed (p = 0,01), cadence and stride length (p < 0,00001), while with combined cues (visual + auditory) there was greater gains in UPDRS III (p = 0,009)
than in speed (p = 0,01). Conclusion: this systematic review has evidence level 1A based on the “Oxford Centre for Evidence-based Medicine”. It was proved that the use of external cues is effective to improve gait parameters of patients with Parkinson's disease, with improvements on freezing and psychomotor performance, evaluated by FOGQ and UPDRS III, respectively. / BV UNIFESP: Teses e dissertações
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Guias de execução na memorizaçãodo segundo movimento da Sonata nº 2 de Dmitri ShostakovichMartínez Aquino, Selva Viviana January 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho avaliou a aplicabilidade do modelo de guias de execução de Roger Chaffin como estratégia para a memorização do segundo movimento da sonata para piano nº 2 de Dmitri Shostakovich. Foi realizado uma autorreflexão sobre o processo de aprendizagem no qual a própria autora é o sujeito do estudo. A metodologia incluiu o registro escrito das sessões de estudo, gravações em áudio e vídeo das apresentações públicas, confecção de planilhas e gráficos da ocorrência de falhas nas apresentações assim como a elaboração de outras estratégias para memorizar trechos específicos. Os resultados demonstram que o estudo deliberado apoiado nos recursos utilizados contribuiu para a recuperação da memória na execução. / The present dissertation evaluated the applicability of Roger Chaffin´s performance cues as a strategy for the memorization of the Second Movement of Shostakovich’s Second Piano Sonata. A case study was conducted in which the author is the subject of the study. The methodology included the written record of the practice sessions, audio and video recordings of public performances, use of spreadsheets and graphs showing memory failures during public performances, as well as the development of other strategies to memorize specific passages of the chosen work. The results show that deliberate practice supported by the selected resources contributed to the memory retrieval while playing.
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Guias de execução e memorização : estudo de caso com violinistas pós-graduadosSilva, Débora Borges da January 2017 (has links)
O presente trabalho investiga processos de aprendizagem e memorização simultâneos ao avaliar a eficácia dos Guias de Execução (GEs) segundo o protocolo Chaffin. O protocolo foi utilizado como estratégia de prática deliberada para o aprendizado e memorização simultâneos. Objetiva-se observar o efeito dos GEs para o controle dos sintomas de ansiedade durante a performance, bem como para a recuperação de episódios de falhas de memória do intérprete. O estudo envolve quatro violinistas pós-graduados e apresenta a proposta de aprender e memorizar simultaneamente um repertório não estudado previamente de maneira sistemática. O repertório pôde ser escolhido livremente pelos participantes dentre a obra Sonatas e Partitas de Johann Sebastian Bach (BWV 1001-1006). / This work investigates simultaneous learning and memorization processes by evaluating the effectiveness of Performance Cues (PCs) according to Chaffin’s protocol. The protocol was used as a deliberate practice strategy for learning and memorizing simultaneously. The purpose of this investigation is to observe the effect of PCs on controling symptoms of anxiety during the performance, as well as how it helps recovery from memory failure episodes by the performer. The study involves four postgraduates violinists and presents the proposal of learning and memorizing a repertoire that was not previously studied in a systematic way. The repertoire could be chosen freely by the participants from the work Sonatas and Partitas by Johann Sebastian Bach (BWV 1001-1006).
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Trajetórias de aprendizado de novas obras pianísticas : três estudos de casoGonçalves, Fernando Rauber January 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho investiga o aprendizado de novas obras pianísticas por três estudantes - em seriações acadêmicas distintas - cursando o Bacharelado em Piano em um curso superior de música. A metodologia adotada foi um estudo multicasos de natureza qualitativa, nos quais buscou-se explorar as concepções e valores de cada participante e contextualizar suas trajetórias de aprendizado a partir de seus horizontes de conhecimentos e habilidades. Suas trajetórias de aprendizado foram monitoradas durante um semestre letivo, a partir de uma metodologia longitudinal de coleta de dados que abarcou entrevistas, relatos de estudo, gravações dos produtos obtidos e guias de execução assinalados após as execuções. Tomados em conjunto, os dados abrangeram as três etapas do ciclo de regulação proposto por Zimmerman (2002) e permitiram ao autor analisar relações diversas entre os processos de aprendizado e os produtos obtidos. Foram identificadas linhas centrais de investigação interpretativa que guiaram o direcionamento da prática instrumental e atuaram como elementos centrais no refinamento dos resultados. As dinâmicas entre componentes diversos de seus aprendizados foram esquematizadas em ciclos de refinamento, nos quais buscou-se delinear aspectos qualitativos dos processos de estudo instrumental deliberado empregados. / The present thesis discusses the trajectories of three undergraduate Piano Performance students learning a new piano work during an academic semester. Qualitative research methods were used in multicase studies. The aim of those studies was to critically review the relation between the subjects beliefs, values and skills in relation to the actions taken throughout their practice of the pieces during the academic semester. Data collection consisted of: interviews, study reports, audio and video recordings of performances and report of performance cues gathered shortly after the performance. Those kinds of data fulfilled all phases and subprocesses of Zimmerman’s (2002) self-regulation model. The subject’s practice were guided by some specific trains of thoughts which ended up by influencing the outcomes. The dynamics and interplay between thought processes and other aspects of their practice trajectories were depicted as cycles of musical improvement during which different forms of inquiries were responsible for the most significant gains.
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Efeito da exposição a imagens relacionadas ao álcool nos vieses de atenção e de avaliação para o cigarroCunha, Silvia Mendes da January 2010 (has links)
Os vieses atencional e avaliativo para imagens relacionadas ao cigarro foram mensurados após a exposição a imagens relacionadas ao álcool (IA) ou controle (IC) através de uma tarefa de atenção visual. Participaram 40 universitários de 19 a 30 anos (M=23 anos) bebedores fumantes designados aleatoriamente para a condição IA ou IC. Além dos vieses, foram avaliados: beber problemático (através do Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test), e severidade da dependência de nicotina (Questionário de Tolerância e Fagerstron). Os fumantes apresentaram viés atencional e avaliativo para as imagens relacionadas ao fumar. A exposição prévia a pistas associadas ao beber elevou o viés avaliativo (mas não o atencional) para imagens relacionadas ao cigarro. Observou-se alta freqüência de bebedores problemáticos, porém, baixo grau de dependência em nicotina. As implicações destes resultados para a prevenção ao fumo e ao beber abusivo entre universitários foram discutidas. / This study applied a visual attentional task to evaluated the attentional and evaluative biases for smoking-related images after exposure to alcohol (IA) or control (IC) images. Subjects were 40 college drinker and smokers (19 to 30 years old, mean 23 yrs), randomly assigned for IA or IC conditions. Also problem drinking (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test) and severity of nicotine dependence (Questionário de Tolerância de Fagerströn) were assessed. Smokers showed attentional and evaluative biases for smoking-related images. Previous exposure to drinking cues increased the evaluative but not the attentional bias for smokingrelated images. There was a high frequency of problem drinkers, but a low degree of nicotine dependence in this sample. The implications of these findings for prevention of smoking and abusive drinking among college students were discussed.
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The Effect of Text Messaging Preferences and Behavior on Romantic Relationship SatisfactionJanuary 2016 (has links)
abstract: Proponents of cues-filtered-out approaches to communication suggest that the quality of person-to-person interaction is diminished when that interaction is mediated by technology. This postulation has implications for communication given the surging popularity of text messaging in the United States. It is important to examine the degree to which text messaging may inhibit successful communication due to the detriments of technologically mediated communication. The relation between text messaging and romantic relationship satisfaction in individuals ages 18-45 was investigated because successful communication is widely known by researchers and lay individuals to be an integral aspect of healthy intimate relationships. The Relationship Assessment Scale (RAS) (Hendricks, 1988) and an inventory of text messaging behavior was administered to graduate students (n = 22), undergraduate students (n = 24), and people not affiliated with universities (n = 104). Using responses on these inventories, whether or not (1) frequency of text messaging and (2) preference for a particular method of communication are related to romantic relationship satisfaction were evaluated. It was hypothesized that (1) a higher frequency of text messaging will be inversely related with romantic relationship satisfaction and (2) that a participant indicating a preference for verbal phone communication over text messaging communication will be positively correlated with romantic relationship satisfaction. The lack of statistically significant results prevented the drawing of conclusions about relationships between text messaging frequency or preference for voice communication over texting and romantic relationship satisfaction. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Counseling 2016
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