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Avaliação morfofuncional do manguito rotador em indivíduos com instabilidade glenoumeral e lesão SLAPSaccol, Michele Forgiarini 10 May 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-05-10 / Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais / Athlete´s shoulder most frequent lesions are anterior shoulder instability and superior labrum anterior and posterior lesion ( SLAP), altering structures and functions of the shoulder joint, leading to impairments in sports activity. The aim of this thesis was to evaluate functional and supraspinatus morphological adaptations of shoulder in athletes with anterior instability and SLAP lesion. Three studies were developed. The first study investigated functional differences regarding clinical complaints and the scoring systems of American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons Standardized Shoulder Assessment Form (ASES) and the Athletic Shoulder Outcome Rating Scale (ASORS) in 249 athletes (153 with instability and 96 with SLAP lesion). The groups presented functional differences related mainly to sports activitiy and, even with more complaints of shoulder pain, SLAP lesion athlete´s tolerate more training hours compared to instability athletes. The second study evaluated isokinetic strenght and muscular control of shoulder rotators in four groups: instability group (n=10), instability control group (n=10), SLAP group (n=10) and SLAP control group (n=10). The torque steadiness and rotator cuff strength in 90 and 180°/s were evaluated. Athlete´s with anterior stability presented shoulder rotation weakness, while athletes with SLAP lesion showed higher torque fluctuation of shoulder internal rotation. The third study characterized the different fiber types of supraspinatus and shoulder function in those lesions. This study performed muscles biopsies in 10 athletes undergoing to arthroscopy repair of shoulder anterior instability and SLAP lesion. The volunteers were functionally evaluated with ASES and ASORS, and muscle samples were processed with histochemical reaction for myosin adenosine triphosphatase (mATPase). Muscles fibers were then characterized in type I, IIa, IIb and hybrid, and percentual and lesser diameter of each fiber type were calculated. In this study, volunteers presented evident functional limitations in sports activity and hypertrophy of all typees of muscles fibers. Most of the sample also presented a great number of type IIa and IIb in the supraspinatus muscle. In conjuction, those studies proves different functional and supraspinatus morphologic adaptations in athletes with anterior shoulder instability and SLAP lesion, justifying the need of different rehabilitations approaches. / As lesões mais frequentes presentes no ombro do atleta são a instabilidade anterior do ombro e a lesão do lábio glenoidal superior, anterior e posterior (Superior Labrum Anterior and Posterior- SLAP), que levam a alterações nas estruturas e funções do ombro, prejudicando a atividade esportiva. O objetivo desta tese foi avaliar as adaptações funcionais do ombro e morfológicas do músculo supraespinal em atletas com instabilidade anterior ou lesão SLAP. Para isso foram desenvolvidos três estudos. O primeiro estudo investigou as diferenças funcionais entre essas lesões por meio das queixas clínicas e os questionários do American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons Standardized Shoulder Assessment Form (ASES) e a Escala de Resultados do Ombro do Esportista (EROE), em 249 atletas (153 com instabilidade e 96 com lesão SLAP). Os grupos apresentaram diferenças funcionais relacionadas especialmente às atividades esportivas, de forma que mesmo apresentando mais queixas de dor, os atletas com lesão SLAP toleraram mais horas de treinamento comparado aos atletas com instabilidade. O segundo estudo avaliou o torque isocinético e o controle muscular dos rotadores do ombro de quatro grupos: grupo instabilidade (n=10), grupo controle da instabilidade (n=10), grupo SLAP (n=10) e grupo controle do SLAP (n=10). Foram avaliados o controle da flutuação do torque isométrico submáximo e o torque de rotadores em 90 e 180°/s. Os atletas com instabilidade anterior apresentaram fraqueza na rotação do ombro, enquanto atletas com lesão SLAP demonstraram alterações no controle da força de rotação medial. O terceiro estudo permitiu caracterizar os diferentes tipos de fibras musculares do músculo supraespinal, assim como as atividades funcionais do ombro em atleta com essas lesões. Para tanto, foram realizadas biópsias do músculo supraespinal em 10 atletas submetidos ao reparo artroscópico da instabilidade anterior ou lesão SLAP. Os voluntários foram avaliados funcionalmente por meio da escalas ASES e EROE e fragmentos do músculo foram processados pela reação histoenzimológicas para Adenosina Trifosfatase Miofibrilar (mATPase). As fibras musculares foram então classificadas em tipo I, IIa, IIb e híbridas, e a porcentagem e o diâmetro menor de cada tipo de fibra foram calculadas. Os resultados mostraram que os voluntários apresentaram limitações funcionais mais evidentes nas atividades esportivas e uma hipertrofia de todos os tipos de fibras musculares. Além disso, na maioria da amostra, houve um maior número de fibras do tipo IIa e IIb no músculo supraespinal. Em conjunto, esses estudos comprovam a existência de diferentes adaptações funcionais e morfológicas do músculo supraespinal em atletas com instabilidade anterior e lesão SLAP, o que justifica a necessidade de diferentes enfoques na reabilitação dessas lesões.
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Understanding factors affecting perception and utilization of artificial sensory locationCuberovic, Ivana 28 January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Management of irreparable subscapularis tendon tearsPopp, Ariane Gerber 19 January 2005 (has links)
Zur Zeit gibt es keinen optimalen Sehnentransfer zur Behandlung von irreparablen Ruptur der Subscapularissehne. Obwohl der Pectoralis major Transfer als Therapie der Wahl gilt, bleibt der Kraftvektor der verlagerten Sehne-Muskeleinheit sehr unterschiedlich zum Kraftvektor des Subscapularismuskels. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war, ein neues Konzept zur Behandlung von irreparablen Subscapularisrupturen zu definieren, bei dem die Subscapulariseinheit selektiv mittels Teres major(TM) und Pectoralis major (PM) wiederhergestellt wird. In den Kadaverstudien dieser Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass sich der M. Teres major anatomisch-chirurgisch als Sehnentransfer zur Rekonstruktion der unteren Hälfte des M. Subscapularis eignet. Darüberhinaus wurde in einer dreidimensionalen Vektoranalyse gezeigt, dass der Kraftvektoren vom verlagerten Teres major sich nicht signifikant vom Kraftvektoir des unteren Anteils des Musculus subscapularis unterscheidet. Es wurde weiterhin gezeigt, dass Modifikationen des Pectoralis major transfer durch Reroutingmassnahmen zu einer deutlichen Verbesserung seines Kraftvektors im Vergleich zum oberen Amteil des Musculussubscapularis führt. Basierend auf den neuen anatomischen und biomechanischen Erkenntnissen wurde im letzten Teil dieser Schrift das neue Konzept klinisch angewandt. Dabei wurde bei 7 Patienten mit einer irreparablen Subscapularisruptur nach multiplen Voreingriffen eine selektive Rekonstruktion mittels kombinierten TM-PM Transfer durchgeführt. Es traten keine Komplikationen auf und alle Patienten hatten eine deutliche Linderung Ihrer Schmerzen und eine Verbesserung der Funktion. Somit erscheint diese neue Transferoperation eine sichere und effiziente Option zur Behandlung irreparabler Subscapularisrupturen darzustellen. / Currently there is no optimal tendon transfer procedure for the management of irreparable subscapularis lesions. Although the pectoralis major transfer is considered as the gold standard in the treatment of irreparable subscapularis tears, the force vector orientation of this transfer may not be optimal in comparision to the situation at the subscapularis muscle. Objective of this monograph was to establish the anatomical and biomechanical basis for a new concept of selective subscapularis reconstruction combining a teres major transfer to the pectoralis major transfer. In the cadaveric part of this work, it could be demonstrated that the teres major is a safe and biomechanically logical transfer for reconstruction of the lower part of the subscapularis. The analysis was carried on to define the optimal transfer for reconstruction of the upper part of the subscapularis. It was possible to determine the biomechanical effect of rerouting procedures of the pectoralis major transfer. Passing the tendon underneath the conjoined tendon appeared to be the most effective way to improve the direction of the pectoralis major transfer for subscapularis reconstruction. However this technique is demanding when the plane underneath the conjoined tendon is scarred and the pectoralis major is bulky. In such cases there is a risk to injure the musculocutaneous nerve. Therefore, rerouting the sternal part of the pectoralis major underneath its clavicular part (sPM tansfer) may be a safer option. Finally, based on the acquired anatomical and biomechanical data, early clinical experience in a series of 7 patients was reported. Although the clinical series was small, the combined TM-sPM transfer appeared to be a valuable and a safe alternative to treat irreparable subscapularis tears. An interesting observation in this study was that the transfer was able to recenter the statically subluxed humeral head in two cases. This could be attributed to the dynamic hammock built by the transferred teres major. The early promising subjective and objective results presented here encourage for further investigation.
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Modifications in Early Rehabilitation Protocol after Rotator Cuff Repair : EMG StudiesAlenabi, Seyedeh Talia 12 1900 (has links)
La déchirure de la coiffe des rotateurs est une des causes les plus fréquentes de douleur
et de dysfonctionnement de l'épaule. La réparation chirurgicale est couramment réalisée chez
les patients symptomatiques et de nombreux efforts ont été faits pour améliorer les techniques
chirurgicales. Cependant, le taux de re-déchirure est encore élevé ce qui affecte les stratégies de
réhabilitation post-opératoire. Les recommandations post-chirurgicales doivent trouver un
équilibre optimal entre le repos total afin de protéger le tendon réparé et les activités préconisées
afin de restaurer l'amplitude articulaire et la force musculaire. Après une réparation de la coiffe,
l'épaule est le plus souvent immobilisée grâce à une écharpe ou une orthèse. Cependant, cette
immobilisation limite aussi la mobilité du coude et du poignet. Cette période qui peut durer de
4 à 6 semaines où seuls des mouvements passifs peuvent être réalisés. Ensuite, les patients sont
incités à réaliser les exercices actifs assistés et des exercices actifs dans toute la mobilité
articulaire pour récupérer respectivement l’amplitude complète de mouvement actif et se
préparer aux exercices de résistance réalisés dans la phase suivante de la réadaptation. L’analyse
électromyographique des muscles de l'épaule a fourni des évidences scientifiques pour la
recommandation de beaucoup d'exercices de réadaptation au cours de cette période. Les activités
sollicitant les muscles de la coiffe des rotateurs à moins de 20% de leur activation maximale
volontaire sont considérés sécuritaires pour les premières phases de la réhabilitation. À partir de
ce concept, l'objectif de cette thèse a été d'évaluer des activités musculaires de l'épaule pendant
des mouvements et exercices qui peuvent théoriquement être effectués au cours des premières
phases de la réhabilitation. Les trois questions principales de cette thèse sont : 1) Est-ce que la
mobilisation du coude et du poignet produisent une grande activité des muscles de la coiffe? 2)
Est-ce que les exercices de renforcement musculaire du bras, de l’avant-bras et du torse
produisent une grande activité dans les muscles de la coiffe? 3) Au cours d'élévations actives du
bras, est-ce que le plan d'élévation affecte l'activité de la coiffe des rotateurs?
Dans notre première étude, nous avons évalué 15 muscles de l'épaule chez 14 sujets sains
par électromyographie de surface et intramusculaire. Nos résultats ont montré qu’avec une
orthèse d’épaule, les mouvements du coude et du poignet et même quelques exercices de
renforcement impliquant ces deux articulations, activent de manière sécuritaire les muscles de
la coiffe. Nous avons également introduit des tâches de la vie quotidienne qui peuvent être
effectuées en toute sécurité pendant la période d'immobilisation. Ces résultats peuvent aider à
modifier la conception d'orthèses de l’épaule. Dans notre deuxième étude, nous avons montré
que l'adduction du bras réalisée contre une mousse à faible densité, positionnée pour remplacer
le triangle d’une orthèse, produit des activations des muscles de la coiffe sécuritaires. Dans notre
troisième étude, nous avons évalué l'électromyographie des muscles de l’épaule pendant les
tâches d'élévation du bras chez 8 patients symptomatiques avec la déchirure de coiffe des
rotateurs. Nous avons constaté que l'activité du supra-épineux était significativement plus élevée
pendant l’abduction que pendant la scaption et la flexion. Ce résultat suggère une séquence de
plan d’élévation active pendant la rééducation.
Les résultats présentés dans cette thèse, suggèrent quelques modifications dans les
protocoles de réadaptation de l’épaule pendant les 12 premières semaines après la réparation de
la coiffe. Ces suggestions fournissent également des évidences scientifiques pour la production
d'orthèses plus dynamiques et fonctionnelles à l’articulation de l’épaule. / Rotator cuff tear is one of the most common causes of shoulder pain and dysfunction. The operative repair has been widely performed for symptomatic patients and many efforts have been done to improve the surgical techniques. However, the re-tear rate is still high and this affects post-repair rehabilitation strategies. Post-surgical care should balance between the restriction imposed to protect the repaired tendon and the activities prescribed to restore range of motion and muscle strength. Frequently, early after rotator cuff repair, shoulder is immobilized in a sling or abduction orthosis, but this immobilization includes elbow and wrist joints as well. In this period that may last 4-6 weeks, only passive range of motion exercises are performed. After removing the immobilizer, patients are encouraged to do active assisted and active range of motion exercises respectively to regain the full active range of motion and be prepared for the resistance exercises in the following phase of rehabilitation. Electromyography of shoulder muscles has provided scientific basis for many of rehabilitation exercises during this period. Anecdotally, the activities of less than 20% of the maximal voluntary contraction of rotator cuff muscles are considered safe for the first phases of rehabilitation after rotator cuff repair. Using this concept, the aim of this dissertation is to evaluate the activity of shoulder musculature during some movements and exercises that can theoretically be performed during the early phases of rehabilitation. Three main questions of this thesis are: 1) Do elbow and wrist mobilizations highly activate rotator cuff muscles? 2) Do some resistance exercises of arm, forearm and chest muscles produce high activity in rotator cuff muscles? 3) During active arm elevation, does the plane of elevation affect rotator cuff activity?
In our first study, we evaluated 15 shoulder muscles in 14 healthy subjects with both surface and indwelling EMG. Our results showed that while wearing a shoulder orthosis, elbow and wrist movements and even some resistance training involving these two joints, would minimally activate the rotator cuff muscles and can be considered safe. We also introduced some daily living tasks that can be performed safely during immobilization period. These findings may help to modify the design of current shoulder orthoses. In the second study, we also showed that resisted arm adduction against a low-density foam that replaced the hard wedge of orthosis would not highly activate the cuff muscles. In our final study, we evaluated the EMG of shoulder musculature during arm elevation tasks in 8 symptomatic patients with rotator cuff tears. We found that supraspinatus activity during arm elevation is significantly higher in abduction plane than in scaption and flexion planes in patients with rotator cuff tears. This suggested a plane sequences for active range of motion exercises during rehabilitation.
The findings that are presented in this dissertation, suggest some modifications in the rehabilitation protocols during the first 12 weeks after rotator cuff repair. These suggestions also provide a scientific basis for producing more dynamic and functional shoulder orthoses.
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Avaliação do uso do plasma rico em plaquetas no reparo da rotura do manguito rotador / Evaluation of platelet-rich plasma use in the repair of rotator cuff tearMalavolta, Eduardo Angeli 16 January 2014 (has links)
O plasma rico em plaquetas (PRP) tem sido utilizado na ortopedia como método para melhorar a cicatrização tecidual. Existem poucos estudos com alto nível de evidência sobre o seu efeito no reparo do manguito rotador e os resultados são conflitantes, não havendo consenso sobre sua eficácia. O objetivo primário deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito do uso do PRP em pacientes submetidos ao reparo do manguito rotador por via artroscópica através da escala da University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA). A avaliação clínica através da escala de Constant-Murley, de dor através da escala visual analógica (EVA), a presença de rerroturas na análise da ressonância magnética (RM) e a ocorrência de complicações foram considerados desfechos secundários. Estudo prospectivo, randomizado, duplo-cego. Dois grupos com 27 pacientes (Grupo PRP e Grupo Controle) foram submetidos ao reparo artroscópico em fileira simples de âncoras, sendo que, no Grupo PRP, foi aplicado o concentrado de plaquetas ao final do procedimento. O PRP foi obtido por aférese, aplicado na consistência líquida, com adição de trombina autóloga. Foram incluídas apenas roturas de espessura completa do supraespinal com retração inferior a 30 mm. Os procedimentos foram realizados pelo mesmo cirurgião, entre setembro de 2008 e abril de 2012. Os desfechos foram avaliados através das escalas da UCLA, de Constant-Murley, EVA e pela RM, pré-operatoriamente e aos 3, 6 e 12 meses. A EVA foi aplicada adicionalmente no primeiro e sétimo dia. O nível de significância empregado foi de 5%. Os pacientes apresentaram melhora clínica significativa com o procedimento nos dois grupos (p < 0,001). Evoluíram de 13,63 ± 3,639 para 30,04 ± 4,528 no Grupo Controle e de 13,93 ± 4,649 para 32,30 ± 3,506 no Grupo PRP aos 12 meses (p = 0,046) de acordo com a escala da UCLA, com um poder de 84% e tamanho do efeito de 0,56. De acordo com a escala de Constant-Murley, os pacientes evoluíram de 47,37 ± 11,088 para 76,89 ± 13,198 no Grupo Controle e de 46,96 ± 11,937 para 83,26 ± 11,141 no Grupo PRP aos 12 meses (p=0,061). A avaliação aos 3 e 6 meses não demonstrou diferença significativa. A avaliação pela EVA não demonstrou diferença estatística em nenhum dos tempos de seguimento, evoluindo de 7,00 ± 1,939 no Grupo Controle e de 6,67 ± 1,617 no Grupo PRP no pré-operatório para 1,70 ± 2,127 e 1,04 ± 1,808, respectivamente, aos 12 meses (p = 0,220). Na análise pela RM, o Grupo Controle apresentou uma rerrotura completa e quatro parciais, enquanto o Grupo PRP apresentou duas rerroturas parciais (p = 0,42). Ocorreu um caso de rigidez articular em cada grupo (p = 1). O PRP obtido por aférese, aplicado na consistência líquida e com adição de trombina propiciou melhores resultados pela escala da UCLA aos 12 meses de pós-operatório / Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has been used in orthopedics as a method to enhance tissue healing. There are few studies with a high level of evidence about its effect on rotator cuff repair, and the results are conflicting, with no consensus about its effectiveness. Clinical assessment as measured by the UCLA (University of California at Los Angeles) shoulder rating scale was established as the primary outcome. The secondary outcomes included clinical assessment on the Constant-Murley scale, pain as measured by a visual analog scale (VAS), the retear rate assessed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and the complication rate. A prospective, randomized, doubleblind trial was conducted. Two groups of 27 patients (PRP Group and Control Group) were subjected to arthroscopic single-row repair. Liquid PRP prepared by apheresis was applied to the PRP Group at the end of the surgical procedure, with autologous thrombin. Complete supraspinatus tears with retraction less than 30 mm were included. The procedures were performed by the same surgeon between September 2008 and April 2012. Outcomes were assessed using UCLA and Constant-Murley scales, VAS and magnetic resonance imaging preoperatively and at 3, 6 and 12 months. The VAS was also applied on days one and seven. The significance level was 5%. The two groups of patients exhibited significant clinical improvement (p < 0.001). The score on the UCLA scale increased from 13.63 ± 3.639 to 30.04 ± 4.528 and from 13.93 ± 4.649 to 32.30 ± 3.506 in the Control and PRP groups, respectively, between the preoperative assessment and after 12 months (p=0.046), with a 84% power and a 0.56 effect size. The score on Constant-Murley scale increased from 47.37 ± 11.088 to 76.89 ± 13.198 in the Control Group and from 46.96 ± 11.937 to 83.26 ± 11.141 in the PRP Group (p = 0.061). Assessment at 3 and 6 months did not identify significant differences. The VAS did not statistically differ at any investigated timepoint and varied from 7.00 ± 1.939 and 6.67 ± 1.617 before surgery to 1.70 ± 2.127 and 1.04 ± 1.808 at the 12-month assessment in the Control and PRP groups, respectively (p = 0.220). The Control Group exhibited one case of complete and four of partial retears, and the Group PRP exhibited two cases of partial retears (p = 0.42). PRP prepared by apheresis, applied in the liquid state with thrombin, promoted better results on the UCLA scale 12 months after surgery
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L'évaluation en laboratoire et sur le terrain vers la prévention des blessures à l’épaule chez les athlètes de sports aquatiques et d’armée du brasGaudet, Sylvain 09 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Die Bedeutung des Kollagens für die Regeneration der Rotatorenmanschette: Histologische und immunhistologische Untersuchung der Verteilung der Kollagene Typ I, Typ II und Typ III nach single- und double-row-Naht-Anker-Rekonstruktion / The importance of collagen for rotator cuff regeneration: Histological and immunohistochemical study of the distribution of collagens type I, type II and type III after single-and double-row suture anchor reconstructionPosmyk, Andrea 15 March 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Avaliação do uso do plasma rico em plaquetas no reparo da rotura do manguito rotador / Evaluation of platelet-rich plasma use in the repair of rotator cuff tearEduardo Angeli Malavolta 16 January 2014 (has links)
O plasma rico em plaquetas (PRP) tem sido utilizado na ortopedia como método para melhorar a cicatrização tecidual. Existem poucos estudos com alto nível de evidência sobre o seu efeito no reparo do manguito rotador e os resultados são conflitantes, não havendo consenso sobre sua eficácia. O objetivo primário deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito do uso do PRP em pacientes submetidos ao reparo do manguito rotador por via artroscópica através da escala da University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA). A avaliação clínica através da escala de Constant-Murley, de dor através da escala visual analógica (EVA), a presença de rerroturas na análise da ressonância magnética (RM) e a ocorrência de complicações foram considerados desfechos secundários. Estudo prospectivo, randomizado, duplo-cego. Dois grupos com 27 pacientes (Grupo PRP e Grupo Controle) foram submetidos ao reparo artroscópico em fileira simples de âncoras, sendo que, no Grupo PRP, foi aplicado o concentrado de plaquetas ao final do procedimento. O PRP foi obtido por aférese, aplicado na consistência líquida, com adição de trombina autóloga. Foram incluídas apenas roturas de espessura completa do supraespinal com retração inferior a 30 mm. Os procedimentos foram realizados pelo mesmo cirurgião, entre setembro de 2008 e abril de 2012. Os desfechos foram avaliados através das escalas da UCLA, de Constant-Murley, EVA e pela RM, pré-operatoriamente e aos 3, 6 e 12 meses. A EVA foi aplicada adicionalmente no primeiro e sétimo dia. O nível de significância empregado foi de 5%. Os pacientes apresentaram melhora clínica significativa com o procedimento nos dois grupos (p < 0,001). Evoluíram de 13,63 ± 3,639 para 30,04 ± 4,528 no Grupo Controle e de 13,93 ± 4,649 para 32,30 ± 3,506 no Grupo PRP aos 12 meses (p = 0,046) de acordo com a escala da UCLA, com um poder de 84% e tamanho do efeito de 0,56. De acordo com a escala de Constant-Murley, os pacientes evoluíram de 47,37 ± 11,088 para 76,89 ± 13,198 no Grupo Controle e de 46,96 ± 11,937 para 83,26 ± 11,141 no Grupo PRP aos 12 meses (p=0,061). A avaliação aos 3 e 6 meses não demonstrou diferença significativa. A avaliação pela EVA não demonstrou diferença estatística em nenhum dos tempos de seguimento, evoluindo de 7,00 ± 1,939 no Grupo Controle e de 6,67 ± 1,617 no Grupo PRP no pré-operatório para 1,70 ± 2,127 e 1,04 ± 1,808, respectivamente, aos 12 meses (p = 0,220). Na análise pela RM, o Grupo Controle apresentou uma rerrotura completa e quatro parciais, enquanto o Grupo PRP apresentou duas rerroturas parciais (p = 0,42). Ocorreu um caso de rigidez articular em cada grupo (p = 1). O PRP obtido por aférese, aplicado na consistência líquida e com adição de trombina propiciou melhores resultados pela escala da UCLA aos 12 meses de pós-operatório / Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has been used in orthopedics as a method to enhance tissue healing. There are few studies with a high level of evidence about its effect on rotator cuff repair, and the results are conflicting, with no consensus about its effectiveness. Clinical assessment as measured by the UCLA (University of California at Los Angeles) shoulder rating scale was established as the primary outcome. The secondary outcomes included clinical assessment on the Constant-Murley scale, pain as measured by a visual analog scale (VAS), the retear rate assessed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and the complication rate. A prospective, randomized, doubleblind trial was conducted. Two groups of 27 patients (PRP Group and Control Group) were subjected to arthroscopic single-row repair. Liquid PRP prepared by apheresis was applied to the PRP Group at the end of the surgical procedure, with autologous thrombin. Complete supraspinatus tears with retraction less than 30 mm were included. The procedures were performed by the same surgeon between September 2008 and April 2012. Outcomes were assessed using UCLA and Constant-Murley scales, VAS and magnetic resonance imaging preoperatively and at 3, 6 and 12 months. The VAS was also applied on days one and seven. The significance level was 5%. The two groups of patients exhibited significant clinical improvement (p < 0.001). The score on the UCLA scale increased from 13.63 ± 3.639 to 30.04 ± 4.528 and from 13.93 ± 4.649 to 32.30 ± 3.506 in the Control and PRP groups, respectively, between the preoperative assessment and after 12 months (p=0.046), with a 84% power and a 0.56 effect size. The score on Constant-Murley scale increased from 47.37 ± 11.088 to 76.89 ± 13.198 in the Control Group and from 46.96 ± 11.937 to 83.26 ± 11.141 in the PRP Group (p = 0.061). Assessment at 3 and 6 months did not identify significant differences. The VAS did not statistically differ at any investigated timepoint and varied from 7.00 ± 1.939 and 6.67 ± 1.617 before surgery to 1.70 ± 2.127 and 1.04 ± 1.808 at the 12-month assessment in the Control and PRP groups, respectively (p = 0.220). The Control Group exhibited one case of complete and four of partial retears, and the Group PRP exhibited two cases of partial retears (p = 0.42). PRP prepared by apheresis, applied in the liquid state with thrombin, promoted better results on the UCLA scale 12 months after surgery
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Měřič krevního tlaku / Blood pressure meterPrůdek, Ctirad January 2010 (has links)
In my master's tehsis I'm dealin with the methods used for non-invasive blood pressure measurement. For realization of a virtual blood pressure meter in LabVEW I have chosen the oscillometric method. Algorithm determining systolic and diastolic blood pressure is based on the relatively easy detection of maximum amplitude oscillations (corresponds with a mean arterial pressure), when thelimiting valuesof blood pressure are in a specific ratio with a maximum amplitude of oscillation. In LabVIEW was solved loading of signal from the measure card and processing pressure curve into a form suitable for the detection of the peak oscillations. The program calculates the limits of arterial pressure and mean heart rate too. Linking the virtual device with the blood pressure sensor Vernier BPS-BTA then makes up komplex for capturing the blood pressure via oscillatory method.
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Identification of Potential Sources of Measurement Errors in an Isokinetic Dynamometer : Reliability Analysis of Shoulder Abduction and Flexion Data / Identifiering av potentiella källor till mätfel hos en isokinetisk dynamometer : Tillförlitlighetsanalys av axelabduktion och flexionsdataGrannerud, Malena January 2022 (has links)
The evaluation of shoulder abduction and flexion strength is important in the rehabilitation after rotator cuff tear. The purpose of this work is to assess the intra and inter-rater reliability of measurement data from an isokinetic dynamometer used to evaluate shoulder abduction and flexion strength, with the aim to identify sources of measurement errors and suggest improvements. The measurement data was collected by a research group at Karolinska Institute and contained load and torque data from thirteen healthy subjects in the ages of 25 to 87 years. The measurements were carried out on two occasions, one week apart. Systematic differences between occasions are analyzed using the Shapiro Wilk test, the paired t-test, and Wilcoxon signed rank test. The agreement of the measurements is analyzed quantitatively using the coefficient of variation and the Bland Altman plot, and quantitively, using the intraclass correlation coefficient. A significant systematic difference in shoulder abduction and flexion load measurements was found, and the recommendation to prevent this is that components should be calibrated in a standardized way. The measurements showed varying reliability within and between measurement occasions and that after familiarization with the isokinetic dynamometer, repeatability improved. The findings indicate a need of a standardized protocol for patient education and placement. Measurements from the position sensor contributed to more random torque values. To improve the repeatability in measurements from the position sensor, axis of rotation should be kept aligned. An increasing variability in measurements with increasing load and torque was found. The recommendation is to use a preload for patients using more force in the movement, to make sure a preset speed is not exceeded, which contributes to more reliable measurements. / Utvärderingen av axelabduktion och flexionsstyrka är viktig i rehabiliteringen efter skada i axelleden. Syftet med det här arbetet är att bedöma intra- och interbedömartillförlitligheten hos mätdata från en isokinetisk dynamometer som används för att utvärdera axelabduktion och flexionsstyrka, med syftet att identifiera källor till mätfel och föreslå förbättringar. Mätdatat samlades in av en forskargrupp vid Karolinska Institutet och innehöll belastnings- och vridmomentdata från tretton friska försökspersoner i åldrarna 25 till 87 år. Mätningarna utfördes vid två tillfällen med en veckas mellanrum. Systematiska skillnader mellan tillfällena analyseras med Shapiro Wilk-testet, det parade t-testet och Wilcoxon signed rank test. Mätningarnas överensstämmelse analyseras kvantitativt med hjälp av variationskoefficienten och Bland Altman-diagrammet, samt kvalitativt med hjälp av intraklasskorrelationskoefficienten. En signifikant systematisk skillnad i axelabduktion och flexionsbelastningsmätningar hittades, och rekommendationen för att förhindra detta är att komponenter bör kalibreras på ett standardiserat sätt. Mätningarna visade på en varierande tillförlitlighet inom och mellan mättillfällen och att efter bekantskap med den isokinetiska dynamometern, förbättrades repeterbarheten. Slutsatserna indikerar ett behov av ett standardiserat protokoll för patientutbildning och placering. Mätningar från positionssensorn bidrog till mer slumpmässiga vridmomentvärden. För att förbättra repeterbarheten i mätningar från positionssensorn bör rotationsaxeln hållas i linje. En ökande variation mellan mättillfällen med ökande belastning och vridmoment hittades. Rekommendationen är att använda en förspänning för patienter som använder mer kraft i rörelsen, för att säkerställa att en förinställd hastighet inte överskrids, vilket bidrar till mer tillförlitliga mätningar.
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