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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fjällfolk : livsformer och kulturprocesser i Tärna socken under 1800- och 1900-talen / People in the mountains : life forms and cultural processes in the Swedish parish of Tärna in the 19th and 20th centuries

Moritz, Per January 1990 (has links)
The aim of this study is to investigate life forms and the dynamics of cultural processes in the parish of Tärna, Västerbotten. The material is an investigation of the life stories of two families, which have been investigated from an overall scientific aspect. The aim has been to examine the exploitation of resources by individuals and cognitive structures within the framework of ecological adaption. These aspects have been illuminated by the use of comprehensive source materials. Estate inventories have revealed different object categories which were associated with the exploitation of natural resources. Church registers, judgement books, tape recordings from folklore archives and the author's own interview material described life stories in a Saami mountain family and a settler family. It turned out that people in the mountains had supported themselves on a combination of stock-raising, hunting and fishing. Comprehensive socialized knowledge of the environment and its resources was a decisive factor for ecological adaption and survival.  The settler family had a solid knowledge of various handicrafts. The Saami in Tärna have settled down at an early stage and abandoned their former nomadism. The Saamish family investigated had a strong sense of family identity and their living story-telling tradition strengthened their identity and became a uniting factor. At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century innovations began to emerge in the mountain parish, which often came to revolutionize the whole life pattern. The process of cultural change in Tärna in the 20th century has been dramatic. It has included the development of technology, modernization and changing exploitation of resources. Through the investigation of the life stories of the two families a clear picture has emerged of the exploitation of resources and of values, i.e. the total life pattern. / digitalisering@umu

Asile et genre : analyse anthropologique des demandes d’asile pour les violences de genre au Canada

Bohard, Isabelle 06 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire s’intéresse au changement de la notion d’asile à travers l’incorporation du concept de genre et son impact sur les processus de demande d’asile et l’octroi du statut de réfugié pour les personnes victimes de violences liées au genre au Canada. À partir d’une perspective diachronique sur les transmutations de l’asile et des transformations sociales et culturelles de ce phénomène social, nous enregistrons des tensions et des contradictions qui émanent de son application et des discours qui lui sont reliés. L’observation des dynamiques contradictoires qui s’enchevêtrent dans ce champ indique une tension dialectique entre les droits humains et la citoyenneté, une symbiose dans le développement des droits de la femme et les lois sur les réfugiés et des contradictions comme celles entre le relativisme et l’essentialisme. L’examen du processus de demande d’asile pour les femmes en particulier victimes de violences liées au genre à travers l’analyse des transformations sociales et culturelles signale le caractère éminemment politique de ce phénomène qui situe l’asile au carrefour du procès d’émancipation du sujet politique. / This thesis focuses on the change of the concept of asylum through the incorporation of the gender concept and its impact on the application process of asylum and the granting of status refugee for victims of gender violence in Canada. From a diachronic perspective on the transmutations of asylum and of social and cultural transformations of this social phenomenon, we record the tensions and contradictions be issued by its application and its related discourse. The observation that conflicting dynamics tied in this field displays a dialectical tension between human rights and citizenship, a symbiosis in the development of women’s rights and laws on refugees and contradictions as those between the relativism and essentialism. The review of asylum process especially for women in particular victims of gender violence through an analysis of social and cultural change signals the highly political nature of this phenomenon and lies asylum at the crossroads in the process of emancipation of the political subject.

De montaña a “reserva forestal” : colonización, sentido de comunidad y producción de la conservación ecológica en el sureste de la Selva Lacandona, México / Between mountain and « forest reserve » : colonization, community sense and ecological conservation production in the south-east Lacandona jungle, México. / Entre montagne et « réserve forestière » : front pionnier, sentiment communautaire et production de la conservation de la nature dans le sud-est de la forêt Lacandona, Mexique

Cano-Castellanos, Ingreet-Juliet 17 September 2013 (has links)
Comment est-il possible que les «paysans» surgis grâce à l’élan agraire caractéristique de l'appareil d’Etat mexicaine, au cours des quatre dernières décennies, se soient intéressés à la conservation des écosystèmes forestiers présents dans des localités formées tout au long d’un processus de colonisation et d'appropriation intensive des environnements de forêt intertropicale? Telle est la question centrale qui guide ma recherche doctorale, construite à partir d’une ethnographie et d’une analyse anthropologique menées dans l'une des régions qui composent la Selva Lacandone. Il s'agit de Marqués de Comillas, région colonisée entre 1970 et 1986 et située près de la réserve de biosphère Montes Azules et de la frontière avec le pays frontalier du Guatemala. Intéressé par les trajectoires et les expériences des hommes et des femmes qui ont vécu intensément les défis que la colonisation a représentés, ainsi que la conservation écologique de la forêt, j’essaie de comprendre les changements environnementaux et les changements socio-culturels qui s’y sont produits. En outre, cette recherche représente un effort pour comprendre et mettre en évidence les relations contradictoires à partir desquelles les populations locales et le gouvernement mexicain se sont reconfigurés simultanément. En ce sens, la réponse à la question initiale correspond à une tentative d’envisager de façon interconnectée, les processus d'interaction entre les groupes humains et des environnements dites «naturels», ainsi que ceux qui existent entre ces groupes et les institutions ou les dynamiques gouvernementales et bureaucratiques qui imprègnent symboliquement et matériellement leur vie quotidienne. / How is it possible that "peasants", supported by the agrarian impulses characterized by the Mexican state over the last 4 decades, have been interested in the conservation of forest ecosystems present in localities formed through a process of intensive colonization and appropriation of jungle environments? This is the central question that guides my doctoral research, constructed from ethnographic and anthropological work conducted in a region of the area known as the Lacandon Jungle. It is particularly focused on Marqués de Comillas, a colonized region between 1970 and 1986. It is located near the Biosphere Reserve, Montes Azules, and borders the neighboring country of Guatemala. The research focuses upon the development and experiences of men and women who have lived through the intense challenges represented by both colonization and ecological conservation of the forest. At the same time, my work tries to comprehend environmental changes and cultural changes produced there. In addition, the research represents an effort to demonstrate and understand the contradictory relationships in which local people and the Mexican state reposition themselves. In this sense, the answer to the question corresponds with an attempt to unearth the interaction between human groups and "natural" environments, but also processes in which these groups and governments interact. Specifically, I'm interested in the symbolic and material impact that the dynamics of government daily life have on the local people. / ¿Cómo es posible que “campesinos” surgidos por el impulso agrario característico del aparato de Estado mexicano, a lo largo de las 4 últimas décadas, hayan pasado a interesarse en la conservación de los ecosistemas forestales, presentes en localidades formadas tras un proceso de colonización y apropiación intensiva de los entornos de selva? Esta es la pregunta central que guía mi investigación doctoral, construida a partir de un trabajo etnográfico y antropológico, realizado en una de las regiones que integran la llamada Selva Lacandona. Se trata concretamente de Marqués de Comillas, región colonizada entre 1970 y 1986 y ubicada a inmediaciones de la Reserva de la Biosfera Montes Azules, así como de la frontera con el vecino país de Guatemala. Interesada en las trayectorias y experiencias de hombres y mujeres que han vivido con intensidad los desafíos que han representado tanto la colonización, como la conservación ecológica de la selva, trato de entender las transformaciones ambientales y los cambios socioculturales allí producidos. Asimismo, la investigación representa un esfuerzo por evidenciar y comprender las contradictorias relaciones a partir de las cuales las poblaciones locales y el Estado mexicano se reconfiguran mutuamente. En este sentido, la respuesta a la pregunta formulada corresponde a un intento por abordar de manera interrelacionada, tanto los procesos de interacción entre grupos humanos y entornos dichos “naturales”, como aquellos que se dan entre tales grupos y las instancias o dinámicas gubernamentales y burocráticas que permean simbólica y materialmente sus cotidianeidades.

Standardiserade arbetssätt : Barriäridentifiering och framläggning av riktlinjer för återimplementering av 5S / Standardized work : Barrier identification and presentation of reimplementation guidelines of 5S

Didriksson, Nina January 2018 (has links)
The study has the intention to identify factors that prevent Organization X from succeeding with 5S as well as establish guidelines for reimplementation of the working method. Collected materials, through qualitative methods within phenomenological research framework, demonstrate that Organization X used to have good level of 5S in the organization. Maintaining this level has how ever been neglected during recent years. Current work in 5S is inadequate and several employees have requested structure and orderliness at the work place. Analyzation of differences between past and present work of 5S as well as analysing the difference between the employees’ expectations and Organization X promises of 5S in the organization and barriers affecting the accomplishment of 5S were identified. The identified barriers are: lack of top management commitment and requirement, lack of goals, vision and strategy, lack of education and training, inadequate leadership, resource shortages for improvement work, lack of follow-up and revision, unclear ownership responsibility and role allocation as well as lack of improvement process. A performed cultural analysis shows a rational organizational culture in Organization X which strives for stability and rapid short term changes. The organizational culture demonstrates a consonance with the current 5S-work, which may mean a resistance for change. An important activity to focus on in future reimplementation of 5S is to identify norms, values and incentive which have ability to affect drive forces to foster change. Organization X should focus on educating the top managers and the employees in 5S as well as initiating and follow up the implementation. The last implementation of 5S was successful. Based on the result of the previous implementation, Organization X could use previous strategy for reimplementation based on organizational experience. The chosen strategy for reimplementation of 5S should be adapted to Organization X words of value and business. Follow-ups and revisions as well as constructing an improvement process are important activities for 5S anchoring in the organization. The activities contribute to the cultural change 5S requires for successful reimplementation. / Studien har för avsikt att identifiera vilka faktorer som hindrar Organisation X att efterleva 5S i verksamheten, samt upprätta riktlinjer för framtida återimplementering av arbetssättet. Insamlat material, genom kvalitativa metoder inom fenomenologiska forskningsramar, påvisar att Organisation X upprätthöll en god 5S-nivå i verksamheten, där arbetssättet har åsidosatts och negligerats sedan dess. Nuvarande arbete enligt 5S är undermåligt där flera medarbetare efterfrågar ordning och struktur på arbetsplatsen. Genom analysering av skillnader mellan tidigare och nuvarande arbete och organisering för 5S-arbete i relation till analysering av skillnader mellan medarbetarnas förväntningar och Organisation X:s utlovande av 5S på arbetsplatsen, identifierades faktorer som hindrar för nuvarande efterlevnaden av 5S i verksamheten. De faktorer som identifierats för hindrande av efterlevnad av 5S är bristande efterfrågan och engagemang från ledningen, avsaknad av mål, vision och strategi, kunskapsbrist, bristande ledarskap, resursbrist för förbättringsarbeten, avsaknad av uppföljning och revidering, otydligt ägaransvar och rollfördelning samt avsaknad av förbättringsprocess. Genomförd kulturell analys påvisar att en rationell organisationskultur råder på Organisation X som strävar efter stabilitet och snabba kortsiktiga förändringar. Organisationskulturen påvisar en konsonans med nuvarande arbete enligt 5S, vilket kan innebära ett förändringsmotstånd i verksamheten. Viktiga aktiviterer att fokusera på vid framtida implementering av 5S är därmed att kartlägga normer, värderingar och drivkrafter för att påverka drivkrafternas förmåga så att de främjar för förändring. Organisation X bör vid implementering fokusera på att utbilda ledning och medarbetare i 5S och fokusera på initiering och uppföljning av implementeringen. Tidigare implementering uppnådde goda 5S-nivåer i verksamheten. Organisation X:s tillvägagångssätt uppnådde därmed resultat vilket påvisar att Organisation X kan genomdriva implementeringen baserat på tidigare erfarenheter, men där vald implementeringsstrategi bör vara anpassat till organisationens värderingar och verksamhet. För förankring av 5S i verksamheten efter genomförd implementering är uppföljning och upprättande av en förbättringsprocess av stor vikt för lyckad kulturell förändring, vilket genererar ett nytt stabilt läge för Organisation X.

Cultura organizacional e mudança cultural: a contribuição sahliniana e o caso Cedejor

Mascarenhas, André Ofenhejm 29 March 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2010-04-20T20:48:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 3 53778.pdf.jpg: 17423 bytes, checksum: 79e8fcb7f5665af402a791ac9d9c0051 (MD5) 53778.pdf.txt: 1001794 bytes, checksum: 9f15f2134f5fe43f02507fac76fe56b1 (MD5) 53778.pdf: 1972190 bytes, checksum: 22283a635d723a5ab383bb8716997827 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-03-29T00:00:00Z / Esta tese tem como objetivo propor novos caminhos para a discussão sobre a cultura organizacional. Tradicionalmente, os debates sobre o tema no âmbito da teoria das organizações assimilam referenciais teóricos e metodológicos oriundos da antropologia; em especial, as premissas e conceitos que compõem os paradigmas funcionalista e interpretativo. Nesta interdisciplinaridade, as discussões sobre a mudança cultural nas organizações não assimilaram referenciais de análise que dessem conta das maneiras como os grupos sociais de fato mudam e evoluem. Na realidade, a matriz disciplinar da antropologia caracteriza-se pela oposição entre diacronia e sincronia – que assume a forma dos pares opostos sistema e evento, história e estrutura, estabilidade e mudança, entre outros. Com base nesta polarização, os antropólogos construíram tradições de estudos que destacam a continuidade em detrimento da mudança, ou ainda, a estrutura em detrimento da história. Mais recentemente, entretanto, as idéias de Sahlins, ou a antropologia histórico-estrutural, sugerem não haver razão para a polarização excludente entre história e estrutura, considerando-se a complexidade e especificidade dos fenômenos culturais. Ao sugerir a inseparabilidade entre continuidade e mudança, Sahlins propõe redefinições importantes nos conceitos clássicos de cultura, incorporando às discussões antropológicas uma série de questões desprestigiadas pelos paradigmas clássicos; em especial, a mudança cultural. Neste sentido, propõe-se que a incorporação das propostas da antropologia histórico-estrutural às discussões sobre a cultura organizacional tem o potencial de fazer avançar os debates acerca das maneiras como as organizações evoluem ao permitir a análise das continuidades e descontinuidades que caracterizam estes sistemas culturais. Ao problematizar os conceitos tradicionais de cultura organizacional, este movimento contribuiria sobremaneira à temática da mudança cultural nas organizações, por exemplo, ao viabilizar o desenvolvimento de uma perspectiva cultural à aprendizagem organizacional. A contribuição da antropologia histórico-estrutural é ilustrada por meio de um estudo de caso etnográfico realizado no núcleo de Albardão do CEDEJOR – Centro de Desenvolvimento do Jovem rural –, que reúne 30 jovens da comunidade do sétimo distrito rural do município de Rio Pardo, no Rio Grande do Sul. O CEDEJOR é uma ONG que atua na região Sul do Brasil, tendo como objetivos promover o empreendedorismo e o desenvolvimento do jovem rural através de processos educativos e participativos, buscando a sustentabilidade e a melhoria da qualidade de vida das comunidades rurais, e tendo o jovem como protagonista. Com base nas idéias de Sahlins, a análise do caso sugere ser a cultura sistema e evento, ambigüidade e consenso, e estrutura e história, simultaneamente. / This thesis proposes new directions within the discussions of organizational culture. Traditionally, the debates on the theme in the field of organization theory incorporate anthropological frameworks, in special, the premises and ideas which compose the functionalist and interpretative paradigms. Within this interdisciplinary appropriation, the discussions on cultural change in organizations did not assimilate frameworks which allowed the analysis of the ways social groups actually change and evolve. In fact, the disciplinary matrix of anthropology is characterized by the opposition of diachrony and synchrony - which assumes the format of opposing pairs such as system and event, history and structure, stability and change. Based on this opposition, anthropologists built theoretical traditions which highlight continuity in detriment of change, or structure in detriment of history. More recently, however, the ideas of Sahlins, or the structural, historical anthropology, suggest the inadequacy of the history-structure polarization as we recognize the complexity and specificity of the cultural phenomenon. Based on a theoretical proposal that suggests the inseparability of continuity and change, Sahlins proposes important redefinitions in the classical concepts of culture. These redefinitions would allow the incorporation of a serious of issues historically neglected by the classical anthropological paradigms; in special, cultural change. This thesis suggests that the assimilation of Sahlinsí proposals to the discussions of organizational culture has the potential of advancing the debates on the ways organizations evolve as it allows the analysis of the continuities and discontinuities which characterize these cultural systems. As it questions the traditional concepts of organizational culture, this movement would contribute to the refinement of the cultural debates within organization theory, e.g., allowing the development of a cultural perspective to organizational learning. The potential contribution of Sahlinsí proposals is illustrated by an ethnographic case study held in CEDEJOR Albard„o, an NGO which aggregates 30 teenagers from the seventh rural district of Rio Pardo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. CEDEJOR´s goals include promoting entrepreneurship, the personal development of the rural youth and the sustainable development of their communities through participative educational processes. Based on the ideas of Sahlins, the analysis of the case study suggests that culture is system and event, ambiguity and consensus, and structure and history simultaneously.

Ecovilas e a construção de uma cultura alternativa / Ecovillages and the construction of an alternative culture

Rebeca Roysen 18 April 2013 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar os aspectos culturais de uma ecovila: seu cotidiano, suas práticas, as relações que seus membros estabelecem entre si e com a natureza, seus projetos e conflitos. A pesquisa de campo compreendeu observações e entrevistas em uma ecovila específica, desenvolvendo-se com base nos conceitos de olhar, de Simone Weil e Walter Benjamin; da simpatia, de Ecléa Bosi e Henri Bergson e da alternância entre sujeito e objeto, de Paulo de Salles Oliveira. Este trabalho buscou apresentar, também, conceitos como comunidade, de Martin Buber; cultura, de Alfredo Bosi e James Jasper; e resistência, de Ernesto Sabato. Partindo de um olhar crítico sobre a cultura da sociedade de consumo (Richard Sennett), a ecovila foi entendida, então, como criadora de uma cultura alternativa: afirmando-se como resistência a determinadas práticas e valores da cultura dominante e, ao mesmo tempo, propondo novas possibilidades de vida, trabalho, lazer e relacionamentos. Este estudo procurou, ao final, aprofundar a reflexão sobre aquelas dimensões da vida em ecovila que apontam para uma construção cultural de resistência e proposição alternativa, bem como sobre as dimensões que apresentam desafios para a mudança cultural. Oferece questionamentos sobre algumas de suas práticas e assinala possíveis caminhos para a superação dos desafios percebidos / This research aimed at investigating the cultural aspects of an ecovillage: its routine activities, practices, the relationship its members establish among themselves and with nature, their projects and conflicts. The field research included observations and interviews in a specific ecovillage, and was based on the concepts of gaze, from Simone Weil and Walter Benjamin; of sympathy, from Ecléa Bosi and Henri Bergson and of alternation between subject and object, from Paulo de Salles Oliveira. This study also presented concepts like community, from Martin Buber; culture, from Alfredo Bosi and James Jasper; and resistance, from Ernesto Sabato. Starting from a critical analysis of the culture of the consumer society (Richard Sennett), the ecovillage was then understood as a creator of an alternative culture: affirming itself as resistance to certain values and practices of the dominant culture, and, at the same time, proposing new possibilities of life, work, leisure, and relationships. At the end, this study attempted to deepen the reflection about those dimensions of life in ecovillage that point to a cultural construction of resistance and alternative proposition, as well as about the dimensions that present challenges to cultural change. It questions some of their practices and indicates possible ways to overcome the perceived challenges

Pracovní migrace Mongghulského rodu Ha do Aksu v Xinjiangu / Labour migration of the Hawan Ha Clan Mongghul to Aksu in Xinjiang

Ha, Mingzong January 2012 (has links)
Labour Migration of the Hawan Ha Clan Mongghul to Aksu in Xinjiang Abstract: The current work focuses on the ongoing labour migration of the Mongghul Ha Clan from Hawan, Gansu Province to Aksu in southern Xinjiang. It presents the motivation for the migration, and examines the social, economic and cultural changes the migration has catalyzed. Impacts on local Uyghur engendered by in-migrants are discussed. The work also features an overview and a generalization of the contemporary labour migration in China and Xinjiang in particular. Interviews with migrants are transcribed in Mongghul and translated to English and serve as an important source for the work.

Facilitators and Inhibitors in Large-Scale Agile Transformations : A case study in a software organization in the automotive industry focusing on change management and cultural aspects

Bergfeldt, Björn, Brunander, Filip January 2022 (has links)
There are many difficulties in agile transformations, and a majority of the transformation efforts fail. However, companies continue to pursue the agile path, pushed by forces, both in their environments and internally. The purpose of this study is to explore what facilitators and inhibitors are present in an agile transformation. This is to try and understand agile transformations better, and a lens of change management and culture will be utilized to focus on some essential aspects. To succeed in this, two research questions are to be answered: How does culture facilitate or inhibit change in agile transformations in a software organization in the automotive industry? And, how does change management facilitate or inhibit change in agile transformations in a software organization in the automotive industry? This thesis is a case study on a software organization in the automotive industry, and provides a retrospect on the transformation. The firm originates from the automotive industry, resulting in the industry-related culture to continue affecting the firm today, both internally and externally. To understand the organizational context, the history of the organization, and the culture, the case study try to go in depth by exploring solely a single case. The thesis results are that multiple facilitators and inhibitors are identified for each of the aspects. However, most facilitators and inhibitors relates to both change management and culture, touching upon the interplay between these aspects. Further, the transformation effort is identified to be dependent on both the organizational culture and the organizational context, implicating that transformations efforts are rather unique.

Sociokulturní adaptace lokálních společenství / Socio-cultural adaptation of local communities

Hubáček, Ondřej January 2012 (has links)
PhDr. Ondřej Hubáček: Socio-cultural adaptation of local communities. Dissertation 2012. Abstract This dissertation deal with the socio-cultural adaptation of local communities to the external (exogenous) changes by means of internal (endogenous) changes of the elements of the local socio-cultural system. The dissertation builds on the long-term research on local culture conducted by the Department of Cultural Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague. It focuses on issues of socio-cultural potential of towns, which observes from two aspects. In terms of specifics of the towns, especially the differences between the particular components and forms of socio- cultural potential, and in terms of its reproduction, ie the process of changes in their components and forms. Methodologically, the dissertation is based on secondary analysis of data collected in the research and reinterpretation of findings and conclusions made out in past analyzes. The dissertation has three objectives. First, to complete spectrum of views on the issue of changes taking place due to macro-social transformation processes at the level of local communities and local cultures with the view of cultural studies. Second, to contribute to the theoretical conceptualization and operationalization of socio-cultural phenomena...


Harris, Victoria, Könczöl, Barbara, Motadel, David 11 October 2019 (has links)
Migration and the mobility of people have long shaped societies across the world. In the modern period, rapid developments in technology and transport, most notably the invention of railways and steamers, ushered in an age of mass mobility. Europe stood at the very centre of these developments in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, experiencing migration, mobility and movement of peoples at an unprecedented rate. Over the twentieth century migration and mobility have significantly changed the social, economic and cultural landscape of Europe’s heartlands – Germany. The articles in this issue address these developments, telling the stories of people who crossed German borders.

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