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Omvårdnad av patienter av annan etnisk bakgrund : Påverkande faktorer i den transkulturella vården / Nursing of people of different ethnical background : Influencing factors in the transcultural careFriberg, Annika, Jonasson, Eva, Malmstedt, Martin January 2009 (has links)
<p>Då Sverige är ett mångkulturellt land med en expanderande population ställs vi inför många möten i vården med patienter av annan kulturell bakgrund. Syftet med studien var att beskriva vilka faktorer som kan påverka sjuksköterskans möte med patienter av annan etnisk bakgrund än den svenska. Studien genomfördes som en litteraturstudie där 14 vetenskapliga artiklar analyserades. Resultatet visar olika faktorer som påverkar mötet, vilka kan vara kommunikation, utbildning, attityder, miljö, etnicitet och religion, där kommunikationen som är både verbal och icke-verbal, kan ses som den viktigaste aspekten för ett bra patientmöte. Personalen behöver insikt i hur människor av annan etnicitet kan uttrycka sig för att kunna uppfatta deras behov. Kunskap och förståelse om andra etniciteter krävs för att kunna utöva adekvat omvårdnad. Sjuksköterskan bör därtill utveckla sin kulturella kompetens genom utbildning. Ämnet bör ingå i grundutbildningen för all vårdpersonal. Dessutom bör en evidensbaserad eller åtminstone forskningsförankrad handlingsplan för transkulturella möten finnas på varje vårdavdelning. <strong></strong></p> / <p>Since Sweden is a multicultural country with an expanding population we are faced with many meetings in the care of patients of different origin. The aim of the study was to describe the factors that may influence the nurse’s meeting whit patients of different ethnical background than the Swedish. The study was conducted as a literature review in which 14 scientific articles were analyzed. The result shows the different factors that affect the meeting, which may be communication, education, attitudes, environment, ethnicity and religion, were communication is seen as both verbal and non-verbal, and can be seen as the most important aspect of a high-quality patient meeting. The personnel need an understanding of how people of different ethnicity express themselves in order to understand their needs. Knowledge and understanding of other ethnicity is required to provide an adequate care with the best results. Nurses should develop their cultural competency through education. These skills should be learned in the basic education for health professionals. In addition, clinical practical guidelines for multicultural meetings should be found on each nursing ward.</p>
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Omvårdnad av patienter av annan etnisk bakgrund : Påverkande faktorer i den transkulturella vården / Nursing of people of different ethnical background : Influencing factors in the transcultural careFriberg, Annika, Jonasson, Eva, Malmstedt, Martin January 2009 (has links)
Då Sverige är ett mångkulturellt land med en expanderande population ställs vi inför många möten i vården med patienter av annan kulturell bakgrund. Syftet med studien var att beskriva vilka faktorer som kan påverka sjuksköterskans möte med patienter av annan etnisk bakgrund än den svenska. Studien genomfördes som en litteraturstudie där 14 vetenskapliga artiklar analyserades. Resultatet visar olika faktorer som påverkar mötet, vilka kan vara kommunikation, utbildning, attityder, miljö, etnicitet och religion, där kommunikationen som är både verbal och icke-verbal, kan ses som den viktigaste aspekten för ett bra patientmöte. Personalen behöver insikt i hur människor av annan etnicitet kan uttrycka sig för att kunna uppfatta deras behov. Kunskap och förståelse om andra etniciteter krävs för att kunna utöva adekvat omvårdnad. Sjuksköterskan bör därtill utveckla sin kulturella kompetens genom utbildning. Ämnet bör ingå i grundutbildningen för all vårdpersonal. Dessutom bör en evidensbaserad eller åtminstone forskningsförankrad handlingsplan för transkulturella möten finnas på varje vårdavdelning. / Since Sweden is a multicultural country with an expanding population we are faced with many meetings in the care of patients of different origin. The aim of the study was to describe the factors that may influence the nurse’s meeting whit patients of different ethnical background than the Swedish. The study was conducted as a literature review in which 14 scientific articles were analyzed. The result shows the different factors that affect the meeting, which may be communication, education, attitudes, environment, ethnicity and religion, were communication is seen as both verbal and non-verbal, and can be seen as the most important aspect of a high-quality patient meeting. The personnel need an understanding of how people of different ethnicity express themselves in order to understand their needs. Knowledge and understanding of other ethnicity is required to provide an adequate care with the best results. Nurses should develop their cultural competency through education. These skills should be learned in the basic education for health professionals. In addition, clinical practical guidelines for multicultural meetings should be found on each nursing ward.
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Invandrares syn på och upplevelser av socialtjänstenVirtanen, Kristina, Sääw, Ellen, Mahmutovic, Dzenana January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine immigrants' experiences of social services' treatmentand their expectations of social services. In this study we have used the following questions:how immigrants have experienced the treatment of the social service, the way in whichimmigrants would like to be treated by social services as well as what kind of beliefs andexpectations immigrants have concerning the social services' duties and powers. We haveused a qualitative method in the study that consists of ten semi-structured interviews. Thetheoretical concepts we have used are culture, ethnicity, cultural competence, professionalismand social psychology. The survey reveals a majority of negative experiences, such as afeeling of being “tossed around”, suspicion and discrimination by the caseworkers due to theethnicity of the respondents. In the positive stories of social services, the caseworker hasgiven room for error, been readily available, proven commitment and understanding and hasbeen helpful. The respondents expressed a wish for a joyful caseworker who will show anunderstanding and commitment to the client. The caseworkers will also have an understandingof immigrant client's background. It also appears in the study that the respondents generallyhave inadequate knowledge of social service duties and powers. We suggest further researchon why information about social services do not reach out to immigrant clients, how culturalcompetence can be introduced more in practical work and how to reduce the high staffturnover in caseworkers. / Studiens syfte är att undersöka invandrares upplevelser av socialtjänstens bemötande samtderas förväntningar på socialtjänsten. I studien har vi utgått från följande frågeställningar: hurhar invandrare upplevt socialtjänstens bemötande, på vilket sätt vill invandrare bli bemötta avsocialtjänsten samt vilka föreställningar och förväntningar har invandrare när det gällersocialtjänstens arbetsuppgifter och befogenheter. Vi har använt oss av kvalitativ metod istudien som består av tio semistrukturerade intervjuer. De teoretiska begrepp vi använt oss avär kultur, etnicitet, kulturkompetens, professionellt bemötande och socialpsykologi. Studienvisar på en majoritet av negativa upplevelser som exempelvis en känsla av att blivit ”bolladrunt”, misstänksamhet och diskriminering från handläggarens sida på grund avrespondenternas etniska tillhörighet. I de positiva berättelserna om socialtjänsten harhandläggaren gett utrymme för misstag, varit lättillgänglig, visat engagemang och förståelsesamt varit hjälpsam. Respondenterna uttrycker en önskan om att handläggaren ska vara glad,visa förståelse och engagemang för klienten. Handläggarna ska även ha en förståelse förinvandrarklientens bakgrund. Det framkommer även i studien att respondenterna överlag haren bristfällig kunskap om socialtjänstens arbetsuppgifter och befogenheter. Vi föreslår vidareforskning på varför information om socialtjänsten inte når ut till invandrarklienter, hurkulturkompetens kan införas mer i det praktiska arbetet samt hur man kan minska den högapersonalomsättningen på handläggare.
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Gömd och bortglömd : En litteraturöversikt om mental ohälsa bland immigranter, flyktingar, asylsökande och papperslösa / Hidden and forgotten : A literature review of the mental health among immigrants, refugees, asylum seekers and undocumented migrantsKielland Nordwall, Linn, Aleflod, Siri January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Immigranter, flyktingar, asylsökande och papperslösa tillhör samhällets mest sårbara grupper och löper hög risk att utveckla mental ohälsa relaterat till traumatiska upplevelser pre- och postmigrativt. Grupperna är underrepresenterade inom den psykiatriska vården och det råder ett missförhållande mellan behovet av och tillgången till vård för dessa patientgrupper. Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka upplevelsen av den mentala ohälsan och hinder för vård hos immigranter, flyktingar, asylsökande och papperslösa ur ett transkulturellt omvårdnadsperspektiv. Metod: Tio kvalitativa studier och två studier med mixad metod har granskats och analyserats. Leiningers transkulturella omvårdnadsteori har använts för att lyfta resultatet till en högre abstraktionsnivå. Resultat: Tre teman identifierades: Den mentala ohälsan, Hinder för vård och Kulturellt betingade attityder. I resultatet framkom att grupperna lider av mental ohälsa relaterat till erfarenheter genom migrationsprocessen. Bristfällig information, kommunikationssvårigheter och bristande tillit till vårdpersonalen ledde till hinder i vården. Dessutom framkom att stigmatisering, religiösa övertygelser och könsroller påverkade fokusgruppens syn på mental ohälsa. Slutsats: Immigranter, flyktingar, asylsökande och papperslösa är högriskpatienter för mentala ohälsotillstånd men strukturella och personliga faktorer hindrar dem att erhålla vård. Som sjuksköterska är det viktigt att inta en aktiv roll och ha kunskap och förståelse kring dessa människors upplevelser och kulturellt betingade attityder kring mental ohälsa. Klinisk betydelse: Genom att belysa en marginaliserad patientgrupps upplevelser av att leva med mental ohälsa och erhålla vård i en ny kulturell kontext ökar sjuksköterskans medvetenhet om dessa människors situation. Detta kan leda till en bättre vård för dessa patienter. / Background: Immigrants, refugees, asylum seekers and undocumented migrants belong to society's most vulnerable groups and are at high risk of developing mental health problems. The groups are underrepresented in psychiatric care and there is a disproportion between the need and the availability of care for these patient groups. Aim: The aim was to examine the experience of mental illness and barriers for access to healthcare of immigrants, refugees, asylum seekers and undocumented migrants from a transcultural nursing perspective. Method: Ten qualitative studies and two mixed-method studies were reviewed and analysed. Leiningers transcultural nursing theory was applied to enable a higher level of abstraction. Results: Three themes were identified: The mental illness, Barriers for care and Culturally influenced attitudes. The result showed that the groups suffered from mental illness related to experiences through the migration process. Inadequate information, communication difficulties and a lack of trust in the medical staff led to obstacles in healthcare. Stigma, religious beliefs and gender roles affected the focus group's view of mental illness. Conclusion: Immigrants, refugees, asylum seekers and undocumented migrants are at high risk for developing mental illness but structural and personal factors preventing them to receive treatment. Nurses should take an active role and gain knowledge about experiences and culturally conditioned attitudes about mental illness among patients. Clinical significance: Highlighting the experience of living with mental illness and obtaining care in a new cultural context, increases the nurses’ knowledge about the marginalized patient group.
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Exploring neglected elements of cultural competence in social work practice : promoting and developing understanding of religion, belief and cultureGilligan, Philip Anthony January 2013 (has links)
This PhD by published work consists of: • five single authored articles in refereed journals; • two main author articles in refereed journals; • four jointly authored articles in refereed journals; • a single authored article in a non-refereed journal; • one jointly authored book, including five single authored chapters; • two single authored chapters in edited books. They were published in the period 2003-2013. None has been submitted for any other degree or diploma by me or any other person. The theme running through these publications is the need for social workers to pay significant attention to issues arising from religion, belief and culture. The research reported highlights the impact of such issues on the lives, experiences, resources and responses of individuals, groups and communities for whom they are important. The work emphasises the importance of developing such understanding and of enhancing knowledge of different ways in which religion, belief and culture impact on the issues that social workers deal with. I suggest that these are essential aspects of culturally competent social work practice which have too often been neglected in both research and professional training. The publications are listed in Appendix 1 (pp 56-59). They demonstrate how my thinking has developed over the past decade. They reflect and are, in part, a response to the developing professional, theoretical and political context within which I have operated as a social work practitioner, manager and academic over a longer period. The majority are solo-authored. However, I remain committed to collaborative work and recognise that discussions with those researched, my collaborators, and others remain invaluable to the ongoing development of my thinking. Joint authorship declaration forms have been completed, in respect of all relevant publications, and are appended. Eight publications (Art.12, Art.11, Art.10, Art.9, Art.8, Art.6, Art.5 and Art.3) are based on findings from primary research, while Art.1 and Art.2 explore published data or data supplied by others to provide original analyses of particular issues. The remaining publications, notably book chapters, are primarily conceptual in their approach. They are underpinned by findings from both the primary research reported elsewhere and the use of case examples collected from semi-structured interviews with social work practitioners.
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Cultural Competence in the Archive: A Case Study of the University of Houston Hip Hop CollectionJacinto, Irlanda Esteli January 2013 (has links)
Hip hop is a counter cultural movement that emerged in the 1970s in the South Bronx; it has since grown to be a global movement. It is a counter culture that emerges in the post-segregated, post-industrial, and globalized world. Since 2002, archival collections that document hip hop have manifested within academic institutions. Placing hip hop in academic institutions that have historically served as manifestations of hegemony can lead to codification and commodification. This case study examines the University of Houston Hip Hop Collection and explains the establishment of the archive using the cultural competence framework. It concludes that staff at the University of Houston is culturally competent. The case study suggests that building culturally competent archivists can be tool to ensuring representation within an archive of all facets of society.
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Att möta patienter med annan kulturell bakgrund / To meet patients with different cultural backgroundKärvell, Bodil, Veigurs, Sofia January 2011 (has links)
BakgrundGlobaliseringens effekter har lett till att många samhällen idag är mångkulturella. Detta ställer högre krav på sjuksköterskor då de måste kunna bemöta de många och olika kulturer som finns. För att göra detta behövs kulturell medvetenhet samt kompetens hos sjuksköterskor. Transkulturell omvårdnadsteori är en förutsättning för att kunna tillfredställa de patienter som sjuksköterskor möter inom hälso- och sjukvården SyfteSyftet med studien är att utifrån sjuksköterskors upplevelser identifiera de faktorer som påverkar vårdrelationen när patienten och anhöriga har annan kulturell bakgrund. MetodStudien kommer att vara en litteraturstudie. Innehållet kommer inkludera kvalitativa samt kvantitativa vetenskapliga artiklar och litteratur. ResultatSjuksköterskor upplever att det största hindret för att skapa en god vårdrelation är språkbarriärer samt kommunikationsproblematik. Kulturella skillnader kan leda till konflikter vid vårdandet av patient med annan kulturell bakgrund och även detta är ett överhängande problem. I resultatet uppmärksammas även situationer som uppstår då kulturella traditioner krockar med sjukhusets regler. Även sjuksköterskors förhållningsätt uppmärksammas och dessa varierar avsevärt beroende på vilken kulturell kompetens som de besitter. DiskussionDet övergripande hindret i vården är kommunikationsproblematik, detta diskuteras utifrån den transkulturella omvårdnadsteorin. Utifrån resultatet diskuterar författarna sjuksköterskornas förhållningssätt gällande generaliseringar, fördomar, rasism, stereotypa idéer samt makutövande över patienter. Detta är ej acceptabelt då alla människor skall vårdas under lika förutsättningar. / BackgroundThe effects of globalization has resulted in many societies today are multicultural. This places greater demands on nurses when they need to face the many and diverse cultures. To do this nurses need to be cultural awareness and competent. Transcultural nursing theory is a prerequisite for being able to satisfy the patients that nurses face in health care AimThe aim of this study is that by the nurses' experiences to identify the factors that affect the care relationship with the patient and family members have different cultural backgrounds. MethodThe study will be a literature review. The content will include qualitative and quantitative research articles and literature. ResultsNurses feel that the greatest obstacle to create a good care relationship is the language barriers and communication problems. Cultural differences can lead to conflict in the care of patients with different cultural background and this is also an imminent problem. The results also draw attention to situations that arise when cultural traditions clash with the hospital rules. Although nurse´s attitudes draw attention and these vary considerably depending on the cultural competence they possess. DiscussionThe main obstacle in healthcare is communication problems; this is discussed from the transcultural nursing theory. Based on the results, the authors discuss nurses' attitudes regarding generalizations, prejudice, racism, stereotypical ideas and exercise of power of patients. This is not acceptable when all people should receive health care at the same conditions.
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Working (in) the gap: a critical examination of the race/culture divide in human servicesWolfe, Ruth Rebecca Unknown Date
No description available.
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This study analyzed the perceptions of University of Kentucky Dietetic and Human Nutrition students as they relate to the benefits and barriers of study abroad educational opportunities. The final sample consisted of 164 participants, with 18.9% (n=31) in the Coordinated Program in Dietetics (CP), 32.3% (n=53) in the Didactic Program in Dietetics (DPD), 42.7% (n=70) in the Human Nutrition (HN) program and 5.5% (n=9) who identified their program as ‘other’. The primary barriers to participation in study abroad were cost and problems fitting education abroad into the current program of study. The primary benefits were identified as dietary and health knowledge acquisition, cultural knowledge acquisition and forming relationships with other students, professors and members of the host community. The information found in this study can be used in the design of study abroad programs for nutrition majors to make programs tailored to fit these students’ needs.
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Organizational cultural competence and the availability of outreach services for racial and ethnic minorities in university counseling centers / Organizational cultural competence and outreachGhosheh, Mona R. 15 December 2012 (has links)
Outreach is recommended as an intervention for racial and ethnic minorities who underutilize traditional mental health services (e.g., Brinson & Kottler, 1995). Yet, the availability of outreach services at university counseling centers for students of color has not been studied. In addition, no study has examined factors influencing the availability of outreach services for racial and ethnic minorities. The primary purpose of the current study was to investigate the availability of outreach for racial and ethnic minorities and how these services are influenced by institution size, staff size, institution type, accreditation, and organizational cultural competence. One hundred and fifty one counseling center directors completed an online survey. It was hypothesized that counseling centers’ organizational cultural competence would predict the availability of outreach services for racial and ethnic minorities beyond that of institution size, staff size, institution type, and accreditation. The results supported this hypothesis. Among the variables examined, organizational cultural competence was the greatest predictor of the availability of outreach for students of color. The results suggested that counseling centers with greater levels of organizational cultural competency also had a greater availability of outreach services for students of color. The implications of these findings for theory, research, and practice are discussed. / Department of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services
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