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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estado e diferença indígena na América Latina: (re)construções identitárias no contexto da criação do Estado Plurinacional da Bolívia / State and indiginous diference in Latin America: identities (re)construction in the context of the creation of the Plurinational State of Bolivia

Valéria Teixeira Graziano 20 September 2016 (has links)
A Assembleia Constituinte que deu origem ao Estado Plurinacional da Bolívia no ano de 2009 marcou o encontro da diferença indígena com o Estado. Baseada em valores e paradigmas alternativos, tais como a plurinacionalidade, a interculturalidade e o vivir bien, a refundação do Estado se insere num contexto de mobilização e articulação de grupos historicamente marginalizados, os quais passaram a questionar a legitimidade do projeto de Estado-nação moderno. Tal processo impactou significativamente não só as estruturas de poder e as instituições estatais, mas também as referências, valores e discursos em torno das questões culturais, simbólicas e identitárias. Desse modo, a pesquisa teve como objetivo principal analisar como as identidades culturais e políticas dos diversos movimentos que compuseram o chamado Pacto de Unidade foram progressivamente reivindicadas, negociadas, articuladas e posicionadas em torno dos diversos temas e das disputas simbólicas e de poder, dando origem ao indígena originário camponês. Para tanto, foi realizada pesquisa interdisciplinar, a partir da (i) da teoria crítica latino-americana, mais especificamente do pensamento descolonial; (ii) dos Estudos Culturais e, em especial, dos Estudos Culturais desde/sobre América Latina; (iii) dos Estudos Pós-Coloniais; e (iv) das Epistemologias do Sul. Os documentos centrais para as análises realizadas foram as duas propostas formuladas pelo Pacto de Unidade para a Assembleia Constituinte entre 2006 e 2007, bem como o texto constitucional aprovado em 2009. A partir de tais análises, concluiu-se que a construção identitária em torno do indígena originário camponês representou uma importante chave de articulação para os movimentos indígenas, tendo relevância tanto simbólica, ao marcar a chegada dessa diferença indígena na institucionalidade estatal, quanto concreta, ao estabelecer novas relações entre povos e nações indígenas com a sociedade nacional e garantir o reconhecimento de direitos específicos. Embora as dificuldades e limitações relativas à articulação de interesses e visões de mundos tão diversos em uma identidade abrangente como o indígena originário camponês já venha se explicitando na prática política, deve-se reconhecer que o processo de formulação de um projeto de nação comum no âmbito do Pacto de Unidade demonstrou que os movimentos indígenas foram capazes de articular políticas identitárias bastante complexas e incorporar conteúdos mais amplos às suas lutas, desestabilizando os significados hegemônicos da nação e levando à reinvenção discursiva e prática da comunidade imaginada. Por fim, cabe destacar que o processo constituinte boliviano representou um importante passo não só na luta pela transformação das relações de poder entre Estado e sociedade, mas também como uma luta epistêmica contra o eurocentrismo como pensamento único e universal, apontando novos valores e horizontes civilizacionais, bem como novas possibilidades teóricas para a análise das identidades culturais contemporâneas / The Constituent Assembly that gave rise to the Plurinational State of Bolivia in 2009 has marked the encounter between the indigenous difference and the State. Based in values and alternative paradigms such as the plurinationality, the interculturality and the vivir bien (live well), the refounding of the State resulted from the context of mobilization and articulation of historically marginalized groups, which started questioning the legitimacy of the modern nation-state project. Such process has impacted significantly not only the power structures and the state-owned institutions, but also the references, values and discourses related to cultural, symbolic and identity questions. On that account, the research had as main objective analyze how the cultural and political identities of the different movements that integrated the so called Pact of Unity had been progressively reivindicated, negotiated, articulated and positioned around the multiple themes and the symbolic and power disputes, giving birth to the indigenous originary peasant. Therefore, interdisciplinary research was developed from (i) the Latin- American critical theory, more specifically the decolonial thought; (ii) the Cultural Studies and, in particular, the Cultural Studies from/about Latin America; (iii) the Postcolonial Studies; and (iv) the Epistemologies of the South. The main documents used to support these analyses were the two proposals formulated by Pact of Unity for the Constituent Assembly between 2006 and 2007, as well the constitutional text approved in 2009. From these analyses it can be understood that the identity construction around the indigenous originary peasant portrayed an important key of articulation for the indigenous movements, having both symbolic relevance, marking the arrival of this indigenous difference in the State institutions, and a concrete relevance, establishing new relation between indigenous people and nations and the national society and guaranteeing specific rights recognition. Although difficulties and limitations related to the articulation of interests and world views so different in an embracing identity as the indigenous originary peasant has already been shown in political practice, it is important to recognize that the formulation process of a common nation project inside the Pact of Unity has demonstrated that indigenous movements were capable of articulating identity politics extremely complexes and incorporating comprehensive contents to their fights, destabilizing the hegemonic meanings of nation and resulting in the discursive and practical reinvention of the imagined community. Finally, it is important to stress the Bolivian constitutional process represented a very important step not only in the fight for transformation of power relations between State and society, but also as an epistemic fight against the eurocentrism as a sole and universal thought, appointing news values and civilizational horizons, as well as new theorical possibilities for the contemporary cultural identities analyses


CARLOS ROBERTO PIRES CAMPOS 29 July 2003 (has links)
[pt] Esta tese tem como objetivo principal a análise das Lendas e Narrativas, para, do ponto de vista histórico e ficcional, demonstrar a tentativa de Herculano de transformar, atento ao projeto romântico, o medievo português em patrimônio cultural. Captar o olhar romântico do autor, voltado para o passado medieval na construção da identidade cultural portuguesa, foi o segundo objetivo que se nos impôs. Para tanto, dividimos o estudo em seis capítulos, enfatizando em cada um o papel que o discurso da História desempenha nessa ficção. As sete narrativas são analisadas através da discussão dos enredos, à luz de correntes teóricas contemporâneas, para detectar as peculiaridades de cada uma, com ênfase no diálogo que se estabeleceu entre o discurso da literatura e o da História, no ato da criação ficcional. Grosso modo, concluímos que, em Lendas e Narrativas, o autor pretendeu conservar a memória de intensas experiências, compreendendo tanto a tradição ibérica quanto a transformação dessa mesma tradição, que assume o papel de produtora de elementos novos. Em seus textos, representa-se a construção da própria identidade, das marcas basilares da literatura do século XIX e até de algumas do século posterior. Pensar a questão da memória literária em Lendas e Narrativas obriga, assim, a reconhecer a produção literária como um sistema de diálogos, de trocas e de apropriações, impulsionado por um jogo de forças interativas. A diversidade de personagens presentes na obra a constitui um tecido intrincado e exemplar do gênero ficção histórica, na esteira de Walter Scott. A leitura aqui feita, norteou-a o propósito principal de contribuir para o (re)conhecimento desta obra fundamental do Romantismo português, acrescido de outro, talvez pretensioso, de abrir perspectivas para novas abordagens. Este contínuo interpretar a história, renovando seu significado, dando-lhe diferentes interpretações, assemelha- se a percorrer uma trilha que, sempre renovada, leva à descoberta de novas e fascinantes leituras. / [en] The main objective of this thesis is to analyse the historical short stories in Lendas e Narrativas, so as to demonstrate, from both historical and fictional points of view, Herculanos attempt to change the Portuguese medieval period into a cultural inheritance, following the romantic artistic project. The second objective is to capture the romantic view of the author, who looked back to medieval times, in order to build a Portuguese cultural identity. The investigation is divided into six chapters, each one emphasizing the function that historical discourse represents in Herculanos fiction. In the light of contemporary theories, the seven narratives are analysed through the discussion of the plots (intrigues), to detect the peculiarities of each one. The emphasis is on the dialogue established between the discourses of Literature and History, within the texts, at the moment of creation. In broad terms, the research concludes that in Lendas e Narrativas the author intended to keep the memory of intense experiences, involving both the Iberian traditions and the transformation of these traditions, which assume the role of producer of new elements. This experience constructs the identity of the basic characteristics of nineteenth century Portuguese literature and even some characteristics of literature in the following century. Reflecting on the question of literary memory in Lendas e Narrativas thus demands the recognition that literary production is a system of dialogues, exchanges and appropriations that are activated by a play of interactive forces. The diversity of characters in the book makes it an intricate weave of historical fiction in the tradition of Walter Scott. The present study intends to contribute to the recognition of this essential work in Portuguese Romanticism and, perhaps ambitiously, to open up perspectives for new research. This continuous movement of interpreting history, renewing its significance, and providing it with different interpretations is a pathway to the discovery of fascinating new readings.


CARLOS GUIMARAES DE ALMEIDA NETO 06 October 2003 (has links)
[pt] A dissertação propõe-se a comparar os poetas Mario de Andrade e Caetano Veloso,caracterizando este como seguidor de aspectos de um projeto de identidade cultural que se inicia com aquele,nos ideais do movimento modernista brasileiro, e que se transforma ao ser retomado na segunda metade do século XX. O confronto entre os dois poetas permite identificar características específicas da nação e o relacionamento do sujeito com o sistema cultural brasileiro.Apresenta-se a transformação do pensamento de ambos os artistas, através da análise de suas obras poéticas sob a perspectiva estético-ideológica. Busca-se, ainda,diferenciá-los pelas respectivas linguagens - poesia e música - ao mesmo tempo em que se coloca em pauta a união das culturas popular e erudita, que resultaria numa cultura híbrida. / [en] The text intends to compare the poets Mario de Andrade e Caetano Veloso, starting the second as a follower of cultural identity project started by the first, during the brazilian modernist wave, and the influences during the second half of the twenty century. The comparison between both poets shows the specifics caracteristics of the nation e the links between the poet and brazilian cultural system. The several changes in the thoughts of both artists are shown by the analysis of their poetical producion, under an estetic and ideological view.The text also tries to separate the artists throught their own languages - poetry and music - and discusses the unity between popular and erudit cultures, which would result in a hibrid culture.

Cultural Integration in Newly Formed Public-Private Partnership Organizations

Izevbigie, Scotty O 01 January 2019 (has links)
The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) formed public-private partnerships (PPPs) with local and international private companies during the construction of the Port of Miami Tunnel (POMT) project. These PPPs had employees from different cultural backgrounds who brought new cultures, ideas, innovation, and experiences to their PPPs. The limited PPP literature did indicate that different cultures should be properly integrated to avoid challenges and conflicts in the new organization. If not properly managed and integrated, cultural conflict can create communication problems, increased employee dissatisfaction, higher turnover, and poor employee performance. Using Risberg's communication theoretical foundation, the purpose of this phenomenological study was to explore the lived experiences of PPP employees to see how their intercultural communication facilitated cultural integration. Data were generated through semi-structured, open-ended interviews with 11 employees of the PPPs formed with FDOT during the POMT project. Data were coded and analyzed using a thematic analaysis procedure. Findings were that cultural aspects like social interaction, comfort in interacting with people from different cultures, empathy, respect for others, knowledge about other cultures, open-mindedness, and managerial support helped in facilitating cultural integration in the respective PPPs. Positive social change implications may include the improvement of PPP efficiency and efficacy with: greater leadership awareness of the challenges and opportunities of diversity; new policies and management strategies that take advantage of different cultural contributions; and, policies that encourage cultural competency and sensitivity.


[pt] Este trabalho estuda os conteúdos socioculturais presentes na obra literária de Cora Coralina e a sua relevância para o desenvolvimento socioeconômico da Cidade de Goiás nas últimas décadas. A temporalidade deste estudo compreende o período que se estende entre os anos de 1937 a 2001. A pesquisa se inscreve parcialmente no quadro dos Estudos Culturais, tomados como base para o desenvolvimento de um novo tratamento acadêmico do conceito desenvolvimento sustentável. Além disso, ela se vale de aportes do campo da análise literária, incluindo uma discussão sobre a literatura feminina no cânone literário brasileiro. Os conceitos fundamentais para o seu desenvolvimento são o de intelectual orgânico - do pensamento gramsciano -, capitais social e cultural - provenientes das discussões recentes sobre desenvolvimento social - esferas pública e privada - tomadas da reflexão de Hannah Arendt e complementadas pela discussão sobre o lócus do feminino na sociedade brasileira, que emana da obra de Roberto Da Matta, através dos conceitos casa e rua e, finalmente, do conceito identidade cultural - de acordo com a reflexão de Denise Fonseca. O tratamento deste tema obriga um novo olhar sobre a questão local e uma nova valorização do patrimônio cultural, em resposta ao esvaziamento das identidades nacionais, ao declínio do papel social do Estado e a busca de novas formas de superação das desigualdades sociais, a partir dos legados das identidades culturais locais. / [en] This work deals with the socio-cultural contents of Cora Coralina s literary work and its relevance to the social and economic development of the Goi s City during the last decades. The timeframe comprehends the period that spread from 1937 to 2001. The research is partially inscribed within the frame of the Cultural Studies, taken as a base for the departure of a new academic approach to the concept sustainable development. Furthermore, the approach adopted benefits from inputs taken from the field of literary analysis, including a discussion about feminine literature within the Brazilian literary cannon. The main concepts used in the development of this work were: organic intellectual - taken from Gramsci s work - social and cultural capitals - taken from the most recent debate about social development - public and private spheres - taken from the work of Hannah Arendt and complemented by the discussion about the female locus within Brazilian society, taken from Roberto Da Matta s work, who put forward the concepts house and street and, finally, the concept cultural identity - as conceived by Denise Fonseca. The approaching of such a theme demanded an innovative perspective and a new valorization of the local question and the cultural legacy, as a response for the weakening of the national identities, the decline of the social role of the State and the search for new means to surpass social inequalities, based on local cultural identities legacy.

The relationship between Māori cultural identity and health

Stevenson, Brendan January 2001 (has links)
While the differences in health between cultures co-existing in the same country have been well researched, there has been insufficient attention paid to the definition of culture used in these studies. Typically the ethnicity of an individual has been determined along biological lines or by the country of origin. However, the culture with which an individual identifies may not be so clear: an individual may identify with a number of cultures, from the social group with whom they socialise, to the religion they follow. Measuring the degree to which an individual identifies with a particular culture (their cultural identity), would allow an assessment of how membership in that culture influences health outcomes. The present study investigated the relationship between the cultural identity (CI) of Māori and their health. The main hypothesis was that a higher CI would be positively correlated with better health. The relationships between demographic factors (e.g. age, gender, & socio-economic status (SES)), CI, and a number of health indicators (self rated health, smoking behaviour, alcohol consumption, & exercise/sporting behaviours) were also examined. The sample used in the present study (767 adult Māori) was a subset of the data collected the Te Hoe Nuku Roa Māori profiles project. The development of a CI measure incorporated seven cultural indicators: Whakapapa (ancestry), Marae Participation, Whanaū associations (extended family), Whenua Tipu (ancestral land), contact with Māori people, Use of te Reo (Māori language), and kai (food preferences). A series of hierarchical linear regressions found that CI was not directly related to health indicators in the present study. There were weak interactions between CI, age, and smoking behaviour; CI, home ownership, and involvement in sport; and age, Crowding and involvement in sport. Additional findings were that more Sporting Involvement/exercise was moderately correlated with improved health, and there was a weak relationship between CI and SES. It was speculated that the lack of significant findings may be due to a difference in the quality of participants’ CI: The CI measure did not distinguish between those who learn their culture and those who live their culture (each group tending to be in differing social and economic positions). Recommendations from the study were: Further validation of the CI measure, and assessment of the distribution of CI over urban/rural areas, SES and age; additional research into the relationship between young Māori smokers and their CI; assessing how the level of Sporting Involvement varies across the social and economic realities of Māori; and the development of appropriate measures utilising the whanaū/household as the unit of analysis.

"Une annee entre parenthese" French academic sojourners in Australia : the impact of social and cultural dimensions of acculturation and repatriaton on perceptions of cultural identity

Patron, Marie-Claire Gilberte January 2006 (has links)
This dissertation has investigated the impact of the acculturation and repatriation processes and the language experiences of French academic sojourners on their perceptions of cultural identity. This dissertation was based on three substantive themes: culture shock, reverse culture shock and cultural identity issues.

跨越邊界:論譚恩美《喜福會》中擺盪的文化屬性 / Border Crossing:In-Between Cultural Identities in Amy Tan's The Joy Luck Club

楊雲如, Yun-ru Carrie Yang Unknown Date (has links)
在目前愈來愈受重視的文化認同議題上,譚恩美在《喜福會》中充分地展現了華裔美國人在美國環境中的認同困境。面對自己的雙重文化背景,華裔美國人往往採取抗拒的態度,這常使得中國認同成為她們的包袱,誤以為只有拋棄中國認同才能使她們在美國被認同與接受。本論文提供了三個主題,分別從華裔美人的自我認同、語言和時空變化中打破華裔美國人普遍的迷思,亦即隱藏甚至打壓自己的中國認同才能使自己的認同不致混亂而獲得平衡。這三項主題同時也顯示在文中的華裔美人的內心成長,從抗拒到認同,她們終對自我肯定並創造出獨立的華裔美國人的歷史。 Introduction Chapter One: Disintegration of a Unitary Chinese or American Self: Emergence of New Female Selfhood Chapter Two: Decentering the Languages Chapter Three: Breaking the Boundaries of Time and Space Conclusion / Amy Tan has created The Joy Luck Club a book with Chinese Americans' struggles and inner conflicts in American context. In this book, Tan manages four pairs of Chinese American mothers and daughters to demonstrate their conflicts in both generation gaps and cultural identities. In the searching of cultural identities, we see resistance, negotiation and ultimately the communication between the mothers and the daughters. This book successfully portraits the becoming process of the in-between cultural identities of the Chinese Americans. This thesis is divided into five parts: Introduction, three chapters, and Conclusion. Three chapters discuss the development of the characters via the themes of self-construction, language application, and the arrangement of time and space not only to abolish monolithic American cultural identity but also to motivate an equal valuation for Chinese identity. By exploring these themes in the life of the Chinese Americans in The Joy Luck Club, I would like to inspire a border perspective for Chinese Americans to reach their cultural identities.

Identitet i den somaliska diasporan : en intersektionell studie av kvinnors jag och delaktighet i samhället

Svärd, Veronica January 2006 (has links)
<p>This work applies intersectionality to five Somali women self-narratives and focuses on their identities and positions in Swedish society, but also their relation to Somali society. Since people constructs in relation to the environment, this work studies the impact of environmental confirmations of their own self. Intersectionality is brought into the social work with an operational attempt, and shows how critics of power and interplay between theories and empirics can provide new knowledge. Intersectionality also demands some alterations of the social constructionists’ idea of the ego. Therefore this work outline a model of analysis that considers the critic of power. According to this work, intersectionality implies that social work is essentially about power. The women’s egos seem to be closely united different strongly. The more different identifications the women describes and the more ambivalent they are allowed to be in different milieus, the greater assets has the women in their ability to move between milieus and to pass between positions of power. But the tighter united some of their identifications are in their egos; the firmer is their assumptions of what constitute a good behaviour. And the stronger united the ego is, the space to pass through positions of power in different arenas is shrinking.</p><p>This work emphasizes the importance of making shifts of power in identification categories visible in order to localize resistance strategies among exposed individuals. This work also suggest that social work should consider the supplementary vulnerable situation that signify the position in intersection between power orders and contradictory norms, since that could lead to too simplified conclusions that create additional isolation. Being sensitive to the experience and resolution of these women’s own experiences and resolutions is therefore crucial in achieving good social work. Accordingly, lack of knowledge is an obstacle to resist discrimination and oppression. Another conclusion is that social work and social politics should aim to strengthen the ego of immigrant women in order to release their driving forces that in turn may lead to participation, not only to the Swedish society. These Somali women appear as peace endeavours, whose political voices has been marginalised both in the Somali and the Swedish context, which obstacle peace making in the Somali society.</p>

Out of Site : Landscape and Cultural Reflexivity in New Hollywood Cinema 1969-1974

Gustafsson, Henrik January 2007 (has links)
This dissertation examines landscape as a concept for analysis and interpretation in film studies by considering the New Hollywood cinema in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Contextualized within the contested notion of nationhood at the time as well as the concern among filmmakers to probe the properties, practices and traditions of American cinema, this was also a period when landscape underwent widespread redefinition as a field of artistic and academic practice. From the outset an aesthetic and pictorial concept, landscape is understood as consisting of a number of interacting ideas and systems of representation which are addressed in terms of intermedial relations. Not something to be encountered or discovered and fixed on canvas or film, landscape involves an ongoing process of construction, appropriation and transformation. Departing from a discussion of the historical role landscape has played in cultural practices of self-representation and self-definition, this study is concerned with how it can be turned against itself and used as a point of departure for adversary and antagonistic views of national myths and media. The organization is roughly chronological, based around a series of reconsiderations of key films, mainly focusing on road movies and genre-revisionist work of the period. Rather than a repository of stable identities and values, each chapter shows how landscape can be advanced in a process of reflecting on attempts to impose meaning, order and linearity. Taken together, Out of Site argues that an engagement with the surfaces and depths of landscape enables new perspectives on the interrelations between the highbrow and the popular, aesthetics and ideology. Bringing attention to how story patterns and audience expectations are displaced, landscape is examined for the questions it raises regarding representational and narrative strategies, the formation of identity and memory, and our own habits of reading.

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