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Data Transmission over Speech Coded Voice Channels / Datatransmission över Talkodade KanalerTyrberg, Andreas January 2006 (has links)
The voice channel in mobile communication systems have high priority and are almost always available. By using the voice channel also for data transmissions it is possible to get the same availability as for voice calls. But due to speech codecs in the voice channel, regular modems can not be used and special techniques are needed to transmit data. This thesis presents methods to transmit data over the voice channel in a GSM, UMTS or TETRA network. The focus has been on robust data transmission rather than high data bit rates. Approaches are introduced which improve the reliability for transmissions even for systems with low rate speech codecs and channels with some distortion. The results of the thesis are suggestions of symbol patterns and ways to create and adapt symbols for specific application and channel conditions to achieve the desired goal for the application.
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Dynamisk simulering med hjälp av RPS-beräkningar för radiovågors utbredning i urban miljöFors, Karina January 2006 (has links)
Militära insatser i urban miljö kommer troligen att öka alltmer. Detta kräver soldater till fots eftersom dessa lättare kan förflytta sig via och mellan byggnader. Varje deltagande soldat kommer att behöva egen radioutrustning. Då stadsmiljö är ett relativt outforskat område vad gäller militär radiokommunikation är det viktigt att öka förståelsen för radiovågors utbredning i stadsmiljö. Härtill har institutionen för Informationsöverföring på FOI köpt in programmet Radiowave Propagation Simulator (RPS). RPS används i det här examensarbetet för att genomföra en beräkning för ett statiskt scenario, och till beräkningen infoga påverkan från sändares och mottagares mobilitet. Detta utförs genom att rumsligt extrapolera kanalens impulssvar till att gälla i andra positioner än de ursprungligen var beräknade för. Kanalens impulssvar blir då modifierat så att impulssvarets utbredningsvägar får nya fördröjningstider och dess komplexa signal får ny fas. Metoden, som har tagits fram i det här arbetet, för den rumsliga extrapoleringen har implementerats och utvärderats för ett litet scenario. Det extrapolerade resultatet har sedan jämförts med beräknade resultat från RPS. Analysen visade att metoden ger ett tillförlitligt resultat. Ett annat syfte med examensarbetet har varit att visa hur forskningsresultat (från radiokanalen) kan användas effektivare för att ge högre kvalité på forskningsresultat, både på länk- och på nätnivå.
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Investigation and implementation of the OMA BCAST Service Interaction FunctionLundkvist, Karl-Johan January 2007 (has links)
This thesis is a study of a new specification for end user interactivity developed by the Open Mobile Alliance, the specification is called OMA BCAST Service Interaction Function. The specification is one part of the OMA BCAST Service Enabler, which enables service delivery to mobile devices, where the most common service is mobile television. The Service Interaction Function enables end user interactivity related to a service, this could be a poll about the current television program or a chat where every message is presented to the users that are watching the same channel. The specification is still of draft version and the scope of this thesis has been to investigate the Service Interaction Function and implement a PC prototype.
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Verktyg för mätning av tjänstekvalitet på bredbandsnät / Tools for measurement of service quality in broadband netShahraki, Homan January 2002 (has links)
<p>Operators and Internet service providers invest in broadband to be able to deliver new services that require higher data transmission rate. A way to make this possible is to use ADSL, Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line, as the access technology. To be able to handle this technology, the service providers should do a pre-qualification. Methods and tools are needed to analyze the local copper lines and decide if these qualify for ADSL with respect to service availability and possible bandwidth through the lines. This report brings up some methods for pre-qualification of ADSL, the important quality parameters and how to gather them from the available services today. Further is the usage of quality parameters discussed for future demands on pre-qualification methods and tools.</p>
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Verktyg för mätning av tjänstekvalitet på bredbandsnät / Tools for measurement of service quality in broadband netShahraki, Homan January 2002 (has links)
Operators and Internet service providers invest in broadband to be able to deliver new services that require higher data transmission rate. A way to make this possible is to use ADSL, Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line, as the access technology. To be able to handle this technology, the service providers should do a pre-qualification. Methods and tools are needed to analyze the local copper lines and decide if these qualify for ADSL with respect to service availability and possible bandwidth through the lines. This report brings up some methods for pre-qualification of ADSL, the important quality parameters and how to gather them from the available services today. Further is the usage of quality parameters discussed for future demands on pre-qualification methods and tools.
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Distributed Multiple Access and Service Differentiation Algorithms for Wireless NetworksNilsson, Thomas January 2008 (has links)
<p>Communicating over a wireless channel poses many unique challenges not found in wired communication because of the special characteristics of the wireless channel. The capacity in a wireless network is typically scarce as a result of the limited bandwidth and many distinct phenomenons, like attenuation and interference, that work destructively on the received signals.</p><p>The Medium Access Control (MAC) layer is responsible for sharing this limited resource among the users. This allocation problem should be handled by considering the Quality of Service (QoS) requirements of each user as to maximize the utility. Efficient MAC algorithms are crucial in minimizing collisions between transmissions and thus achieving high utilization of the channel.</p><p>This thesis focuses on conflict resolution and service differentiation algorithms for wireless local area networks, where there is no central control of the channel and each sender independently contends for access.</p><p>In part I, we study three approaches to improve the IEEE 802.11(e) standards with focus on QoS. In the first approach, utility functions are considered, that model application preferences, to achieve service differentiation and maximize the aggregated utility. We provide algorithms for two subsidiary problems that arise from the maximization problem, and show that a near--optimal solution is found. In the second approach a collision detection algorithm for multicast transmissions is proposed, that increases the reliability for multicast compared to the protected unicast traffic. The third approach is an improved MAC algorithm for the QoS standard IEEE 802.11e. The improved algorithm outperforms the standard and achieves close to optimal performance for large number of scenarios, which significantly reduces the need of adjusting the contention parameters.</p><p>In part II, we focus on channel bursting protocols that use noise bursts to resolve channel conflicts. These protocols is capable of achieving very low collision probability. We propose two new bursting protocols, that achieve very high channel utilization, and show that the bursting technique has good fairness properties and provides efficient support for service differentiation. We also show that it is possible to reduce the number of bursts without loosing performance.</p><p>In part III, the optimal backoff distribution that minimizes the collision probability is derived. We then propose a heuristic backoff distribution with similar properties that yields high channel utilization. An extension for service differentiation is provided where the sizes of the backoff windows are adjusted.</p>
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Distributed Multiple Access and Service Differentiation Algorithms for Wireless NetworksNilsson, Thomas January 2008 (has links)
Communicating over a wireless channel poses many unique challenges not found in wired communication because of the special characteristics of the wireless channel. The capacity in a wireless network is typically scarce as a result of the limited bandwidth and many distinct phenomenons, like attenuation and interference, that work destructively on the received signals. The Medium Access Control (MAC) layer is responsible for sharing this limited resource among the users. This allocation problem should be handled by considering the Quality of Service (QoS) requirements of each user as to maximize the utility. Efficient MAC algorithms are crucial in minimizing collisions between transmissions and thus achieving high utilization of the channel. This thesis focuses on conflict resolution and service differentiation algorithms for wireless local area networks, where there is no central control of the channel and each sender independently contends for access. In part I, we study three approaches to improve the IEEE 802.11(e) standards with focus on QoS. In the first approach, utility functions are considered, that model application preferences, to achieve service differentiation and maximize the aggregated utility. We provide algorithms for two subsidiary problems that arise from the maximization problem, and show that a near--optimal solution is found. In the second approach a collision detection algorithm for multicast transmissions is proposed, that increases the reliability for multicast compared to the protected unicast traffic. The third approach is an improved MAC algorithm for the QoS standard IEEE 802.11e. The improved algorithm outperforms the standard and achieves close to optimal performance for large number of scenarios, which significantly reduces the need of adjusting the contention parameters. In part II, we focus on channel bursting protocols that use noise bursts to resolve channel conflicts. These protocols is capable of achieving very low collision probability. We propose two new bursting protocols, that achieve very high channel utilization, and show that the bursting technique has good fairness properties and provides efficient support for service differentiation. We also show that it is possible to reduce the number of bursts without loosing performance. In part III, the optimal backoff distribution that minimizes the collision probability is derived. We then propose a heuristic backoff distribution with similar properties that yields high channel utilization. An extension for service differentiation is provided where the sizes of the backoff windows are adjusted.
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Evaluation of Software Defined Radio platform with respect to implementation of 802.15.4 ZigbeeDabcevic, Kresimir January 2011 (has links)
With the development of powerful computational resources such as Digital Signal Processors and Field Programmable Gate Arrays, It has become possible to utilize many radio functions via software. This is the main concept of an up-and-coming technology of Software Defined Radio. In the Thesis, a number of platforms for implementation of Software Defined Radio has been evaluated. Platform that proved to be most suitable for the project was Ettus’ USRP N210. Using the platform, implementation of 802.15.4 Zigbee’s physical layer was done, where experiments whose outputs can later be used to compare performance with respect to "hardware radios" were performed. / Med utvecklingen av enheter med kraftfulla beräkningsegenskaper som “Digital Signal Processors” och “Field Programmable Gate Arrays” har det blivit möjligt att implementera flera radiofunktioner i mjukvara. Det är huvudkonceptet i den uppåtgående teknologin mjukvaru definierad radio.I det här examensarbetet har ett flertal plattformar för mjukvaru definierad radioutvärderats. Plattformen som visade sig vara mest lämplig för projektet var Ettus USRP N210. En implementation av IEEE 802.15.4 Zigbees fysiska lager har realiserats till plattformen. Experiment, vars utdata senare kan användas för att jämföra prestanda mellan mjukvaru definierad radio och hårdvaru baserad radio, har även utförts. / TESLA - Time-critical and Safe wireLess Automation communication / GAUSS - Guaranteed Automation communication Under Severe disturbanceS
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Efficient Message Passing Decoding Using Vector-based MessagesGrimnell, Mikael, Tjäder, Mats January 2005 (has links)
<p>The family of Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) codes is a strong candidate to be used as Forward Error Correction (FEC) in future communication systems due to its strong error correction capability. Most LDPC decoders use the Message Passing algorithm for decoding, which is an iterative algorithm that passes messages between its variable nodes and check nodes. It is not until recently that computation power has become strong enough to make Message Passing on LDPC codes feasible. Although locally simple, the LDPC codes are usually large, which increases the required computation power. Earlier work on LDPC codes has been concentrated on the binary Galois Field, GF(2), but it has been shown that codes from higher order fields have better error correction capability. However, the most efficient LDPC decoder, the Belief Propagation Decoder, has a squared complexity increase when moving to higher order Galois Fields. Transmission over a channel with M-PSK signalling is a common technique to increase spectral efficiency. The information is transmitted as the phase angle of the signal.</p><p>The focus in this Master’s Thesis is on simplifying the Message Passing decoding when having inputs from M-PSK signals transmitted over an AWGN channel. Symbols from higher order Galois Fields were mapped to M-PSK signals, since M-PSK is very bandwidth efficient and the information can be found in the angle of the signal. Several simplifications of the Belief Propagation has been developed and tested. The most promising is the Table Vector Decoder, which is a Message Passing Decoder that uses a table lookup technique for check node operations and vector summation as variable node operations. The table lookup is used to approximate the check node operation in a Belief Propagation decoder. Vector summation is used as an equivalent operation to the variable node operation. Monte Carlo simulations have shown that the Table Vector Decoder can achieve a performance close to the Belief Propagation. The capability of the Table Vector Decoder depends on the number of reconstruction points and the placement of them. The main advantage of the Table Vector Decoder is that its complexity is unaffected by the Galois Field used. Instead, there will be a memory space requirement which depends on the desired number of reconstruction points.</p>
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Multi-Protocol Label Switching To Support Quality of Service NeedsIftikhar, Amjad, Shah, Muhammad Aoon, Latif, Fowad January 2010 (has links)
<p>Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) is a technique that can be used to improve the performance of a computer communication network. By use of MPLS, data packets can be switched on the basis of labels rather than routed on the basis of destination address. MPLS supports different features like QoS, traffic engineering and VPNs etc.</p><p>This thesis evaluates the working and performance of MPLS and its support for Quality of Service. QoS is required in the network when real time traffic is transported.</p><p>In this thesis it is described, how QoS guarantees are assigned to the IP packets and how MPLS QoS environment differs from the traditional IP routing environment. MPLS QoS works as the IP QoS, but MPLS QoS enhances the capability of network as compared to the IP QoS based network.</p><p>The thesis studies the use of MPLS in an integrated environment with DiffServ QoS model and also implements MPLS QoS in a Lab environment to compare MPLS QoS with IP QoS. Real time traffic faces longer delays in IP QoS based networks. MPLS QoS reduces the delays in real time traffic transmission.</p><p>The study results and the practical implementations show that MPLS QoS provide much better results than simple IP QoS.</p>
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