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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aspectos do processo de construção da língua de sinais de uma criança surda filha de pais ouvintes em um espaço bilingue para surdos / Aspects of the sign language construction process of a deaf child from hearing parents in a bilingual environment for the deaf

Sandra Regina Leite de Campos 07 April 2009 (has links)
Esta pesquisa analisa os primeiros marcadores de aquisição de língua de sinais em uma criança surda, filha de pais ouvintes em um ambiente onde a língua foi propiciada por meio de interlocutores Surdos e ouvintes, usuários da Libras. Ao considerarmos que, a criança surda tem seu desenvolvimento de linguagem construído prioritariamente na escola especial, discutiremos o papel dos interlocutores envolvidos nessa relação e procuraremos compreender o efeito do ambiente na construção da língua de sinais em crianças surdas, filhas de pais ouvintes. O trabalho se fundamenta na teoria histórico-social de Vygotsky e seus seguidores, pressupondo a linguagem como constitutiva do conhecimento e construtora de sentidos. A pesquisa foi realizada, na Escola para Crianças Surdas Rio Branco da Fundação de Rotarianos de São Paulo onde foi criado no ano de 2001 o Programa de Estimulação do Desenvolvimento. A fonoaudióloga e atual pesquisadora, junto com um instrutor surdo nesse programa que tem por objetivos principais a aquisição da língua de sinais das crianças inscritas e o aprendizado da língua pelos pais. A pesquisa se desenvolveu nesse espaço e o material colhido durante a realização do Programa teve quatro episódios recortados, que aqui serão apresentados e discutidos. O material foi analisado em uma perspectiva microgenética buscando, o efeito de do ambiente e evidenciando as marca do desenvolvimento da língua de sinais e seus efeitos na relação e na aquisição da língua. Desse material analisado, concluímos que o pressuposto de linguagem a partir do qual concebemos a criança Surda é determina os serviços que oferecemos a ela, assim ao concebermos a linguagem como constitutiva do sujeito. Modificando o modo de significar esses sujeitos e podemos nos organizar socialmente de modo que a criança Surda possa nascer culturalmente. Esses pressupostos devem ser colocados em trabalhos que se destinem a bebês Surdos, pois somente o trabalho com bebês Surdos que contemple a interlocução com um outro significativo Surdo possibilitará o pleno desenvolvimento lingüístico, social e cultural desse bebê como alguém que pertencerá a uma comunidade de iguais na sua diferença, mas que compartilham a mesma língua e a mesma visão de mundo. / This research analyses the first markers of Sign Language acquisition in a deaf child from hearing parents in an environment where the language was present by Deaf and hearing partners who use Libras. Considering that the deaf child has the development of language built mainly at the special school, we will discuss the role of the interlocutors involved in this relationship and we will try to understand the effect of the environment on the construction of Sign Language in Deaf children from hearing parents. This work is derived from Vigotsky social-historical theory and his followers. We understand that language constitutes the foundation of knowledge and is responsible for the construction of meanings. The research took place at the Escola para Crianças Surdas Rio Branco da Fundação de Rotarianos de São Paulo where the Development Stimulation Program was created in 2001. The language therapist, who is also the researcher, worked together with a Deaf instructor in this Program and they had, as main objective, the acquisition of Sign language by the children enrolled in the Program and the learning of sign language by the parents. The research was developed at the school and the material that will be presented and discussed is based on four sessions that were selected from the Program. The data was analyzed in a micro genetic perspective searching the effect of the environment and evidencing the development marks of the Sign Language and its effects in the language relation and acquisition. From the material analyzed we concluded that the projected way we consider language and how we perceive the Deaf child is what establishes the services that are offered to him/her. So, when we conceive language as a tool for the constitution of the human being, we modify the way we represent the Deaf child and we can organize ourselves in a social way that allows the child to be born culturally. These assumptions must be used in works that are intended to Deaf babies because only the work with Deaf babies contemplates the interrelation with one Deaf significant that will allow the baby cultural, social and linguistic entire development as someone that will belong to a community of equals in their difference but that share the same language and the same world comprehension.

Narrativas identitárias e educação : os surdos negros na contemporaneidade

Furtado, Rita Simone Silveira January 2012 (has links)
O título da presente Dissertação de Mestrado realizada, na linha de Pesquisa Estudos Culturais em Educação é, Narrativas Identitárias e Educação: Os Surdos Negros na Contemporaneidade. Objetiva investigar questões referentes à “dupla diferença”, tendo, como foco de análise, narrativas de surdos negros e os significados de ser “duplamente diferentes”. Busco nesta pesquisa conhecer as narrativas de surdos negros, concebidos aqui como sujeitos “duplamente diferentes”, pois trazem consigo representações e estereótipos produzidos culturalmente, sendo transmitidas às próximas gerações através da linguagem. Ao realizar as análises busco aporte teórico em autores como Amaral (2004, 1998), Lobo (2008), Skliar (2005), Gallo (2005), Rodrigues (2008) e outros, os quais realizam pesquisas e discussões sobre estas temáticas. A fim de conhecer como os surdos negros se narram, realizo análise dos perfis dos alunos do Curso de Licenciatura em Letras- Libras, turma 2008. Perfis esses que são postados pelos alunos no Espaço Virtual de aprendizagem do Curso. Realizo também, entrevistas com alguns surdos negros, alunos desse Curso e com alunos de escolas de surdos localizadas em Porto Alegre. Durante o texto abordo questões relacionadas à diferença, deficiência, concepções de surdez, cultura(s) surda(s), estereótipos e as desigualdades sociais existentes no Brasil entre negros e brancos. Ao analisar os materiais empíricos foi possível evidenciar que a maioria dos surdos negros entrevistados durante a pesquisa afirma não ter passado por situações em que o preconceito por serem surdos negros foi “escancarado”; no entanto, há aqueles que relatam que já foram discriminados por serem “duplamente diferentes”. Há ainda surdos negros que reconhecem a “dupla diferença”; mas, afirmam que as duas não formam um todo e não constituem uma unidade. Explicam que a dupla diferença é marcada, que o preconceito ocorre sim, mas é algo que não é explícito e não aparece em um único bloco, por serem surdos negros. Mas em alguns momentos e com algumas pessoas o preconceito ocorre porque são surdos; em outros, porque são negros. No que se refere à análise dos perfis, não foi possível encontrar nesse Espaço Virtual perfis em que os alunos se autodeclaram negros. Assim, esse é um local que eles se identificam como surdos somente. Possivelmente há surdos negros, mas não é possível encontrá-los através do perfil. Cabe salientar, que praticamente todos iniciam suas apresentações identificando-se como surdos, sem mencionar a questão da negritude. / The title of this Master's Thesis that was developed on line of Cultural Studies in Education Research is Narratives of Identity and Education: The Deaf and Black people in the Contemporaneity. The main objective is to investigate points regarding the “double difference”, and, as the focus of analysis, narratives of black deaf and meanings of being “doubly different”. In this research I seek to know the stories of black deaf, designed here as subjects “doubly different”, because they bring with them representations and stereotypes culturally produced that are transmitted to subsequent generations through language. When performing analysis on authors, I seek theoretical support in authors such as Amaral (2004, 1998), Lobo (2008), Skliar (2005), Gallo (2005), Rodrigues (2008) and others, which conduct research and discussions on these topics. In order to know how the deaf black are telling about themselves, I perform analysis of the students profiles from the Bachelor Studies of Letras-Libras (Brazilian Sign Language), class 2008. These profiles that are posted by students in the Virtual Learning Space from the Course. I conducted also interviews with some deaf black students in this course and students in deaf schools located in Porto Alegre. In this the text I approach issues related to the difference, disability, conceptions of deafness, culture(s) deaf, stereotypes and social inequalities in Brazil between blacks and whites. When analyzing the empirical material it was possible to show that the majority of deaf black respondents during the survey say they have experienced situations in which prejudice because they are deaf blacks was "wide open"; however, there are those who report that they have been discriminated against for being "doubly different". There is still deaf dark that recognize the "double difference", but they said the two differences do not make a whole and does not constitute a unit. They explain that the double difference is marked, that prejudice is yes, but it is something that is not explicit and does not appear in a single block, being deaf and black. But at some times and some people the bias occurs because they are deaf, and in others because they are black. As regards the analysis of the profiles, we couldn’t find in Virtual Space profiles in which the students call themselves black. So this is a place that they identify themselves as deaf only. Possibly there is black deaf, but you cannot find them through the profile. It should be noted that virtually all presentations start identifying themselves as deaf, not to mention the question of blackness.

Cartografando com uma criança surda sua infância e suas experiências educacionais

Fülber, Graziele Gonçalves January 2012 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como objetivo acompanhar, através do método da cartografia, a infância e as experiências educacionais de uma criança surda através de imagens produzidas e escolhidas por ela em uma escola de surdos, uma escola infantil comum e no contexto onde vive com sua família. Articulo o método da cartografia a noções do campo dos Estudos Culturais e dos Estudos Surdos para problematizar a infância e a produção de identidades e da diferença surda. A cartografia é um estudo das relações de forças que compõem um campo específico de experiências, não dependendo de um plano a executar, de um conjunto de competências a adquirir ou de uma lista de habilidades a aplicar em determinado campo pelo pesquisador. A cartografia tem a primazia do encontro, de fazer “falar aquilo que ainda não se encontrava na esfera do já sabido, acessar a experiência de cada um, fazer conexões, descobrir a leitura, a brincadeira, os elos e tudo que vive no cruzamento e nas franjas desses territórios existenciais.” (BARROS e KASTRUP, 2010, p.61). A cartografia é, portanto, uma prática que acompanha um processo. Durante o meu processo investigativo, busquei aproximações com os campos da filosofia e da infância para pensar sobre o pensar, para que possamos olhar de diferentes formas e lugares a infância e a surdez, para talvez reescrever o que já foi pensado e dito na e sobre a educação das crianças surdas. A partir da análise do material empírico, foi possível perceber que a criança surda, para ser criança, subverte a ordem do que é “melhor para a criança surda” a partir da necessidade de ir à escola, onde tem suas refeições garantidas, sua higiene, o cuidado e o educar, estes tão intrínsecos, específicos da educação infantil. Acredito que a educação da infância surda deve acontecer com pares surdos, em uma escola de surdos, mas para isso é preciso fazer alguns deslocamentos, como olhar para a infância, tanto quanto se olha para a surdez, e que a criança não participe dessa escola apenas para ter atendimento educacional especializado para aprender a língua de sinais durante algumas poucas horas na semana. Poderíamos pensá-la primando pela educação do fazer pensar e do conhecimento, onde se tem potência de ser criança e potência para viver a identidade surda, porque o que somos é resultado não somente do que fazemos, mas também do que nos passa e do que experimentamos. Estamos todos, o tempo todo, em processo, em obra na produção de outras formas de existência. / This dissertation aims to follow the childhood and educational experiences of deaf children through the images produced and chosen by them in a deaf school, a regular nursery school and where they live with their family based on the method of cartography. This method is articulated with the concepts of Cultural and Deaf Studies to discuss the childhood and the production of identities and of the deaf diversity. Cartography is a study of power relations that makes up a particular field of experience, not depending on a plan to carry out, a set of skills to acquire or of a list of skills to apply in a particular field by the researcher. It emphasizes the gathering, the allowance to "speak what was not yet in the sphere of the already known, to access the experience of each individual, making connections, discovering reading, playing, the links and everything that lies at the intersection and on the fringes of these existential territories. " (BARROS e KASTRUP, 2010, p.61). Cartography is therefore a practice that goes hand in hand with a process. During this research process, the approximations with the fields of philosophy and childhood were sought to reflect about thinking, so that one can look from different perspectives and places at childhood and deafness, perhaps to rewrite what was already thought and said in and about the education of deaf children. The analysis of the empirical data shows that deaf children, to be children, subvert the order of what is "best for the deaf child" starting from the need to go to school, that provides their meals, hygiene the care and education, which are such intrinsic, specific aspects of child education. It is our belief that the education of deaf children should happen among deaf children in a deaf school, but for that it is necessary to make some displacements, such as looking at childhood as much as at deafness, and that the child will not attend this school just to have special classes to learn sign language for a couple of hours a week. It is possible to think of striving for an education that stimulates thinking and learning, in which one has the power to be a child and the power to live deaf identity because what we are is not only a result of what we do, but also what and how we experience it. We are all in constant process, working in the production of other existence forms.

Educação ambiental: recursos imagéticos na produção de significação de um sujeito surdo

Santos, Saionara Figueiredo January 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Milenna Moraes Figueiredo (milennasjn@gmail.com) on 2016-03-31T17:43:04Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Saionara.pdf: 1997892 bytes, checksum: fa192339c428544650888b4aec33a036 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-31T17:43:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Saionara.pdf: 1997892 bytes, checksum: fa192339c428544650888b4aec33a036 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013 / Esta pesquisa propõe um estudo sobre o papel dos recursos imagéticos e sua relação com a significação de surdos, à luz da Educação Ambiental. Justifico meu estudo realizado devido à minha vivência com a Língua de Sinais, como intérprete de sinais; diante desta, percebi que o surdo é um ser visual e, para tanto, necessita de imagens que sejam significativas para eles. Pensando sob essa ótica, minha questão de pesquisa foi: Como os recursos imagéticos podem contribuir na produção de significados e sentidos no campo da Educação Ambiental em uma professora surda? Assim, o objetivo geral foi analisar a produção de significação imagética de uma professora surda do Rio Grande do Sul no campo da Educação Ambiental. A partir desse objetivo geral, foi identificado e analisado como essa professora surda construiu algumas noções, conceitos, percepções e representações sobre Meio Ambiente e Educação Ambiental em sua trajetória de vida por meio de recursos imagéticos. Também foi analisado o potencial dos recursos imagéticos como metodologias de ensino e aprendizagem no campo da Educação Ambiental para a educação de surdos, bem como o uso da imagem como um recurso acadêmico viável. Os pressupostos teóricos ancoram-se na abordagem sócio-histórica, com enfoque na constituição do sujeito e nas relações subjetivas, em especial na singularidade humana. Foram utilizados autores como Molon, Freitas, Vygotsky e Bakhtin. A metodologia empregada consistiu na realização de três entrevistas semiestruturadas, que permitiram à pesquisadora e à entrevistada maior flexibilidade durante sua realização e mais facilidade e naturalidade para a consecução dos dados. A partir do material coletado, as unidades de análise foram divididas em duas categorias principais: o preconceito e a comunidade surda. A partir delas, surgiram outros itens de análise, como: o igual e o diferente, vários tipos de preconceitos envolvendo a comunidade surda, LIBRAS e seu desenrolar como idioma brasileiro, disciplina nas faculdades, entre outros. Além disso, foi analisado o valor da metodologia visual nas escolas e nesta pesquisa, bem como a Educação Ambiental se relaciona com as significações dadas pela entrevistada. A conclusão aponta que os recursos imagéticos exercem um papel importante nas narrativas e como método de coleta de dados, principalmente para os surdos, evidenciando sua importância como recurso acadêmico. Ressalta-se, ainda, a relação intrínseca entre Educação Ambiental e Educação de surdos, evidenciando assim a transversalidade da temática. / This research proposes a study on the role of resource imagery and its relation to the significance of the deaf, in the light of environmental education. I justify my study because of my experience with sign language such as sign language interpreter, before this, I realized that being deaf is a visual and, therefore, requires images that are meaningful to them. Thinking from this perspective, my research question was: How funds imagery can contribute in the production of meanings and senses in the field of environmental education in a deaf teacher? Thus, the overall objective was to analyze the production of meaning imagery of a deaf teacher of Rio Grande do Sul in the field of environmental education. From this general goal, was identified and analyzed how this teacher deaf built some notions, concepts, perceptions and representations on Environment and Environmental Education in their life trajectory through features imagery. Was also analyzed as potential resources imagistic methods of teaching and learning in the field of environmental education for deaf education, as well as the use of the image as a viable academic resource. The theoretical assumptions are anchored in socio-historical approach, focusing on the constitution of the subject and the subjective relations, particularly in human uniqueness. Authors were used as Molon, Freitas, Vygotsky and Bakhtin. The methodology consisted of three semi-structured interviews, which allowed the researcher and the interviewee flexibility during, and more easily and naturally to achieve the data. From the collected material, the units of analysis were divided into two main categories: the bias and the deaf community. From them came other analysis items such as: equal and different, various types of biases involving the deaf community, LBS and its development as Brazilian language, discipline in schools, among others. Furthermore, we analyzed the value of visual methods in schools and in this research, as well as environmental education relates to the meanings given by the interviewee. The conclusion shows that the features imagery play an important role in the narrative and as a method of data collection, especially for the deaf, highlighting its importance as academic resource. We emphasize also the intrinsic relationship between Environmental Education and Deaf education, thus underlining the transversality of the theme.

A teatralidade do surdo na performance / The theatricality of the deaf in performance

Araújo, Karla 04 December 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2016-04-20T14:16:03Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Karla Araújo - 2015.pdf: 5815602 bytes, checksum: 45fb3f3f4c1d2b5861b9630ad08b91e6 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2016-04-20T14:17:32Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Karla Araújo - 2015.pdf: 5815602 bytes, checksum: 45fb3f3f4c1d2b5861b9630ad08b91e6 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-20T14:17:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Karla Araújo - 2015.pdf: 5815602 bytes, checksum: 45fb3f3f4c1d2b5861b9630ad08b91e6 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-12-04 / The dissertation entitled The deaf theatricality on performance is a research focusing on the performance and deaf identity, based on the concepts and definitions of performance, on performativity of the teacher and actor Sergio Mendes Vaz. The issue is important because it contributes to the studies of performance, with the key theatricality of the deaf in performance. The goal is to analyze elements, such as facial and body language, expression, signaling, characterization (costumes), actor relationship and public professor and actor Sergio, in order to expand the debate and discussions about the importance of performance within the culture deaf. The investigation seeks justification in authors like Felipe (2007), Quadros et al. (2009), Ferreira-Brito (1989), Skilar (1999), Perlin (1998), Sá (2002), Souza, Silvestre e Arantes (2007), Sacks (2010), Féral (2008), Schechner (2011), Pavis (1999), Gennep (2011), Cornago (2009); Goffman (1985) e Zumthor (2000). This research is a case study with the teacher and the deaf actor, Sérgio Vaz Mendes, who teaches and communicates in Brazilian Sign Language (Libras), a language of visual-spatial-gestural mode, whereby the deaf express themselves . As a result of nature of the object, the methodological approach is a qualitative research, with the fichamentos data collection instruments, films and photographs, as well as field research, carried out through observations, interviews, diary records field and coexistence with Sérgio Vaz. The field research occurred in three different environments, but complementary: (a) Course Pounds, offered by Colleges Alves Faria (ALFA), which offers the course free for deaf and hearing, and Professor Sérgio Vaz as a teacher of the classes; (B) Coral Deaf, which is a social project, developed by Professor Sérgio Vaz and his wife Waléria Batista, supported by SEARA Association, a charity, educational, cultural, welfare and health, non-profit; (C) the stage show The Art In Silence, staged at Chaplin Educational System in 2005, on graduation of Libras classes. The contribution of this research is given to broaden the search field performance and theatricality with deaf. The research finds theatricality on performance the deaf actor Sérgio Vaz. And the importance of the performances presented in their deaf identity. / A dissertação intitulada A teatralidade do surdo na performance é uma pesquisa que aborda a performance e a identidade surda, a partir dos conceitos e definições da performance, na performatividade do professor e ator Sérgio Vaz Mendes. O tema é relevante, pois contribui com os estudos da performance, tendo como chave a teatralidade do surdo na performance. O objetivo é analisar elementos, como: expressão facial e corporal, expressividade, sinalização, caracterização (figurino), relação ator e público do professor e ator Sérgio, com o propósito de ampliar o debate e as discussões acerca da importância da performance dentro da cultura surda. A investigação busca fundamentação em autores, como Felipe (2007), Quadros et al. (2009), Ferreira-Brito (1989), Skilar (1999), Perlin (1998), Sá (2002), Souza, Silvestre e Arantes (2007), Sacks (2010), Féral (2008), Schechner (2011), Pavis (1999), Gennep (2011), Cornago (2009); Goffman (1985) e Zumthor (2000). Essa pesquisa é um estudo de caso com o professor e ator surdo, Sérgio Vaz Mendes, que ensina e se comunica em Língua Brasileira de Sinais (Libras), uma língua de modalidade visual-espacial-gestual, por meio da qual os surdos se expressam. Em decorrência da natureza do objeto, a abordagem metodológica utilizada é a da pesquisa qualitativa, tendo como instrumentos de coleta de dados fichamentos, filmagens e fotografias, além da pesquisa de campo, realizada por meio de observações, de entrevistas, de registros em diário de campo e da convivência com Sérgio Vaz. A pesquisa de campo ocorreu em três ambientes distintos, porém, complementares: (a) Curso de Libras, oferecido pelas Faculdades Alves Faria (ALFA), que disponibiliza o curso gratuitamente para surdos e ouvintes, tendo o professor Sérgio Vaz como docente das turmas; (b) Coral de Surdos, que é um projeto social, desenvolvido pelo professor Sérgio Vaz e sua esposa Waléria Batista, apoiados pela Associação SEARA, uma entidade filantrópica, de caráter educacional, cultural, assistencial e de saúde, sem fins lucrativos; (c) o espetáculo teatral A Arte No Silêncio, encenado no Sistema Educacional Chaplin, em 2005, na formatura das turmas de Libras. A contribuição dessa pesquisa se dá no sentido de ampliar o campo de pesquisa sobre a performance e a teatralidade do surdo. Os estudos teóricos a respeito da performance cotidiana, a análise e reflexão sobre as vivências do professor e ator surdo Sérgio Vaz possibilitam um olhar diferenciado da teatralidade do surdo nas performances apresentadas.

O uso de softwares para estimulação da percepção do surdo frente aos parametros de velocidade do ritmo : proposta de utilização do Bpm Counter e do Vpm Counter no programa de atividade ritmicas adaptado as pessoas surdas / The use of sodtware to simulate awareness of the deaf front to the parameters of speed the pace : proposed use of Bpm Counter and Vpm Counter in the programme of activities adapted to the rhythmic deaf people

Luiz, Teumaris Regina Buono 07 July 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Paulo Ferreira de Araujo / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação Fisica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-12T06:06:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Luiz_TeumarisReginaBuono_D.pdf: 1607664 bytes, checksum: 9aa65df72e9f0dc96c741c198a8f76c5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008 / Resumo: Em 2001 desenvolvemos um método de avaliação do senso rítmico em pessoas com surdez de severa a profunda. Neste método utilizamos um sistema de dicas visuais como forma de substituir as dicas sonoras (não perceptíveis ao surdo) que dão informação sobre o ritmo ambiental e que gerenciam a realização de um movimento no ritmo. O programa de atividades rítmicas adaptadas (P.A.R.A) foi aplicado num período de quatro meses e propunha fazer com que os sujeitos participantes fossem estimulados a perceber o ritmo ambiental (música tocada) em seu parâmetro velocidade, através do uso de dicas visuais. Eram dispostos em um quadro imantado oito imãs com o desenho de tartarugas para compreensão do ritmo lento e coelhos para a compreensão do ritmo rápido. A disposição destas figuras no quadro imantado, chamamos de estruturas. O pesquisador tocava com as mãos na estrutura (figura por figura, na ordem de 1 a 8) na velocidade do ritmo que estava presente no ambiente, solicitando aos sujeitos que realizassem movimentos previamente orientados no ritmo que estava sendo visualmente demonstrado ao grupo. Esta pesquisa revelou que o surdo que participou do P.A.R.A apresentou melhores resultados em suas performances nos parâmetros de velocidade do ritmo do que os surdos que não se utilizam do sistema de dicas visuais para compreensão do ritmo externo (ambiental). Porém, a disseminação do programa dependia da habilidade do professor na execução dos toques com a mão na estrutura dentro de um padrão rítmico, restringindo a possibilidade de levar o programa a outros surdos, dada a especificidade do conhecimento nas questões do ritmo que a pessoa que orienta o programa deveria ter. A proposta da presente pesquisa foi a de desenvolver um método que propicie ao surdo maior autonomia frente a estas questões do ritmo, onde ele mesmo visualize o ritmo externo, sem o auxílio de um intermediador, para tanto foram desenvolvidos dois softwares que tem por função mostrar ao surdo através da percepção visual e/ou da percepção tátil, qual o ritmo que está sendo tocado no ambiente como orientador de suas ações motoras rítmicas. Trata-se de uma pesquisa quase experimental com delineamento ex post facto 4 x 2 onde utilizamos um teste não paramétrico de Kruskal Wallis, para amostras independentes entre si.O objetivo era analisar a interferência dos métodos utilizados com diferentes instrumentos, nos testes do padrão rítmico na performance rítmica dos sujeitos da pesquisa. Os sujeitos foram distribuídos em quatro grupos distintos, segundo as ferramentas utilizadas no teste: G1.Com o uso das estruturas rítmicas; G2.Com o uso apenas das dicas visuais na interface do computador;G3. Com o uso apenas do celular com o estímulo tátil (vibratório) e G4. Com o uso dos dois softwares ("no computador" com a dica visual e "no celular" com o modo vibratório). Os resultados apontaram para diferenças não significativas quanto ao uso de diferentes métodos de dicas (tátil ou visual) para realização de movimentos dentro do padrão rítmico, com um p=0,2119 para o ritmo lento e p=0,2891 para o ritmo rápido com um _=0,05. As médias obtidas nos testes evidenciaram a eficácia do uso de dicas, sejam elas visuais ou táteis na realização dos movimentos solicitados dentro dos parâmetros de velocidade (lento e rápido) do ritmo, sugerindo a viabilidade da utilização do uso dos softwares BPM (Batidas Por Minutos) e VPM (Vibrações Por Minuto) no Programa de Atividade Rítmica Adaptada ao surdo. / Abstract: In 2001 we developed a method of evaluation of the rhythmic sense in people with severe and deep hearing problems. In this method we use a system of visual clues as a way of replacing sound clues (which a deaf individual cannot perceive) that provide pieces of information about the environmental rhythm and manage the performance of a movement in rhythm. The Program of Adapted Rhythmic Activities (PARA) was applied in a four months period and its aim was making the participant individuals be stimulated to perceive the environmental rhythm (played song) in its speed parameter, through the use of visual clues. In a magnetic board we placed eight magnets with turtle drawings for the understanding of slow rhythm and rabbits for the understanding of the fast rhythm. We call the disposition of these figures on the magnetic board structures. The researcher touched the structure with his hands (one by one in order from 1 to 8) in the speed of the environmental rhythm, asking the individuals to perform previously oriented movements in the rhythm that has been visually demonstrated to the group. This research showed that the deaf who participated in PARA presented better results in his performance than those who do not use the system of visual clues to comprehend the internal rhythm (environmental). However, the dissemination of the program depended on the ability of the teacher in performing hand touches in the structure within a rhythmic pattern, limiting the possibility of taking the program to other deaf, given the specificity of the knowledge in rhythmic issues that the person who oriented the program should have. The proposal of the present research was to develop a method that provides the deaf grater autonomy before these rhythmic issues, in which he himself visualize the external rhythm, without the help of a intermediary, to do so we developed two pieces of software that have the function of showing the deaf through visual and/or tactile perception which rhythm is being played in the environment as a guide for his motor rhythmic actions. This is an almost experimental research with a lay out post facto 4 x 2 in which we used a nonparametrical test from Kruskal Wallis, for independent samples among them. The aim was to analyze the interference of the method used in the tests of rhythmic pattern in the rhythmic performance of the participants of the research. The participants were distributed in four different groups, according to the tools used in the test: G1 with the use of rhythmic structures; G2 with the use of only a cell phone with a tactile stimulus (vibration); G3 with the use of only visual clues in the interface of a computer and G4 with the use of both pieces of software ("on the cell phone" with the vibration mode and "on the computer" with visual hint). The results pointed to non-significant differences regarding the use of different clues (tactile or visual) methods to perform movements within the rhythmic pattern with a p=0,2119 to slow rhythm and p=0,2891 to the fast rhythm, and _=0,005. The averages obtained in the test demonstrated the efficiency of the use of clues, either visual or tactile in the performance of the requested movements within the speed parameters (slow and fast) of rhythm, suggesting the viability of the use of BPM (Beats per Minute) and VPM (Vibrations per Minute) pieces of software in the Program of Adapted Rhythmic Activities for the Deaf. / Doutorado / Atividade Fisica, Adaptação e Saude / Doutor em Educação Física

Guidelines for the design of a mobile phone application for deaf people

Yeratziotis, George January 2012 (has links)
Deaf people in South Africa are no longer a minority group and their needs regarding communication and interaction must therefore be taken into consideration. This demographic does not communicate and interact in the same way as hearing people, which means that any existing usability or accessibility guidelines do not apply. As a result, Deaf people do not have access to information in the same way that a hearing person does. Providing proper access to Information and Communications Technology services, which meet their particular needs, will help the hearing impaired to better integrate into society. The importance of demolishing the communication barrier between the hearing and the hearing impaired is very important. Many people assume that sign language is somehow based on oral language. However, this is not the case. Sign languages are natural visual-spatial languages, and form a contrast with spoken languages which are auditory-vocal based. Acknowledging this fact in 2008, the South African Sign Language Policy Implementation Conference together with several governmental bodies suggested that South African Sign Language should become recognized as the 12th official language of South Africa. Due to the fact that cell phone technology continues to evolve, it will remain a tool of communication upon which Deaf people heavily rely on. The cell phone fulfils a basic need for everyone, but especially for the Deaf demographic as they rely on the short message system to communicate. Deaf people are currently faced with a lack of appropriate mobile phone applications, which would allow them to communicate with hearing as well as deaf people. The primary objective of this research was therefore to make mobile technology equally accessible meaning usable to members of the Deaf demographic. The focus of the research was to investigate the communication barrier and a range of variables that can influence the deaf user’s experience. Topics such as user interface design, usability and interaction were investigated. The outcome of this research was to propose a set of guidelines that, when applied to the design of a website or to phone application accessibility, would ensure communication and interaction from a deaf user. The proposed set of guidelines was then applied to the design of the high fidelity prototype of a mobile phone application. The specific application is a messaging phone application that allows deaf users to communicate with other deaf and hearing users via short message system. A mobile phone application that allows Deaf people to send and receive messages based on the sign language alphabet. The application was named Signchat. Purpose of this was to visibly display how the guidelines were implemented in Signchat. While Signchat’s main purpose is to accommodate the needs of Deaf people, it is also a learning tool and an application that bridges the gap by allowing deaf and hearing users to communicate.

The role of phonology, morphology and dialect in reading Arabic among hearing and deaf children

Almusawi, Hashemiah Mohammed Sayed Shubber January 2014 (has links)
Phonological and morphological awareness are shown to be predictors of hearing and deaf children's literacy achievements in various languages, and Arabic is assumed to be no different. However, this might not be the case for two reasons. Firstly, the linguistic context of the Arab world is characterised by diglossia, i.e. the use of two different varieties of the same language in different settings. Hearing and orally educated deaf children will therefore encounter the vernacular variety of Arabic outside school, but are introduced to literacy in the more prestigious variety of Standard Arabic during instruction in school. Secondly, Arabic orthography has two forms: a fully vowelised script, which is typically taught in the first two years of school, and a non-vowelised script, which is the form of the written language widely used in society. This study specifically aims to investigate whether phonological and morphological awareness are independent predictors of the emergent literacy achievement of hearing and orally educated deaf Kuwaiti children. This is in addition to the question of whether children's awareness of the two language forms, i.e. their dialect awareness, contributes to their literacy achievement and to their levels of phonological and morphological awareness. This investigation was carried out longitudinally through a number of phonological, morphological and dialect awareness measures utilised as predictors of literacy outcome skills of word reading, word spelling, pseudo-word decoding and reading comprehension. Variances of age and general cognitive ability were controlled for throughout all the analyses undertaken. The results for the first target group of hearing children (N = 78, aged 6; 2 years) indicated a significant superiority of phonological awareness as the predominant predictor of all literacy skills across grade levels one and two. Morphological awareness was a predictor of first- graders' spelling ability, and was subsequently implemented to predict all the literacy skills of second-graders. Dialect awareness was a predictor of the word reading and reading comprehension ability only for second-graders, and its mediational effect was revealed when it was seen to significantly reduce the effect of phonological and morphological awareness on second-graders' reading skills after being examined as a control measure. The results for the second target group of orally educated deaf children (N = 34, aged 7; 6 years) indicated that phonological, morphological and dialect awareness were varyingly significant independent predictors of the subjects' literacy skills. A mediational effect of dialect awareness on the predictive link between morphological awareness and word spelling outcome was also evident. Although the prediction association between literacy predictor and outcome measures was mostly consistent and similar across both groups, exceptions in the predictive pattern revealed that the deaf children were at a disadvantage in developing language awareness skills that facilitate efficient mapping of speech into the written form. These findings are discussed in terms of language-general and language-specific properties. The outcomes offered by the current study cannot imply a cause-and-effect association, but allow for constructive identification of literacy predictors and assist in clarifying possible implications for children's literacy capabilities. As the strengths and needs of the examined groups have been clearly recognised, future investigations of causal and mediational analyses will validate the current findings about the Arabic diglossic phenomenon, and additionally specify an appropriate response in terms of practical educational plans.

Kunsterapie met die dowe kind (Afrikaans)

De Wet, Karin 24 April 2009 (has links)
Please read the abstract in the section 00front of this document / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Orthopaedic Surgery / unrestricted

A comparison between the written English of deaf and hearing children in the Nelson Mandela Metropole

Weir, Carolyn Louise January 2010 (has links)
The main purposes of this thesis are to investigate the difference between the written English of deaf children and the written English of hearing children and to make recommendations on how to improve the writing of deaf children. In order to achieve this goal, both quantitative and qualitative research was done. The comparison of the writing of deaf and hearing children relies on quantitative research while the recommendations are based on qualitative analysis. The dissertation is divided into seven chapters. The first chapter discusses the problem, the significance of the research, the purpose of the study, the background to the problem and the theoretical framework. This chapter indicates the prevalence of deafness worldwide and in South Africa and its negative impact on the writing abilities of children. The second chapter provides a literature review on the theory behind reading and writing, with specific emphasis on emergent literacy and its relevance to the language acquisition and print language learning of deaf children. Another aspect of this chapter is the effect of different aspects of deafness on language acquisition and learning. The chapter also highlights the challenges for deaf children in South Africa and debates regarding the language of instruction that should be used to teach deaf children writing/reading, as well as arguments concerning bottom-up, top-down, and interactive approaches to writing. The third chapter provides the overall philosophical framework for the quantitative and qualitative research as well as the methodology used for the qualitative research. This is followed by the results of the quantitative research and a discussion of these results in Chapter 4. The fifth chapter is in the form of a second literature review that contains recommendations for improving the writing of deaf children. Following this, in Chapter 6, is a discussion of some of the theory behind interview interaction, as well as an analysis of how to develop a valid study. The researcher also sets out the interview structure. The seventh chapter contains a discussion of the findings of the interview to see if they confirm the findings in Chapter 5, as well as overall conclusions about assisting deaf children with their writing, a reflection on the study as a whole and suggestions for future research. This study argues that in order for deaf children in South Africa to develop their writing, immediate government assistance is necessary in order to implement countrywide newborn hearing screening, followed by medical and/or language-based ii intervention to minimise the impact of deafness on the language and writing abilities of deaf children. This is an essential foundation from which parents and teachers can build and play a key role in helping their children reach age-appropriate levels of written English.

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