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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lifetime Condition Prediction For Bridges

Bayrak, Hakan 01 October 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Infrastructure systems are crucial facilities. They supply the necessary transportation, water and energy utilities for the public. However, while aging, these systems gradually deteriorate in time and approach the end of their lifespans. As a result, they require periodic maintenance and repair in order to function and be reliable throughout their lifetimes. Bridge infrastructure is an essential part of the transportation infrastructure. Bridge management systems (BMSs), used to monitor the condition and safety of the bridges in a bridge infrastructure, have evolved considerably in the past decades. The aim of BMSs is to use the resources in an optimal manner keeping the bridges out of risk of failure. The BMSs use the lifetime performance curves to predict the future condition of the bridge elements or bridges. The most widely implemented condition-based performance prediction and maintenance optimization model is the Markov Decision Process-based models (MDP). The importance of the Markov Decision Process-based model is that it defines the time-variant deterioration using the Markov Transition Probability Matrix and performs the lifetime cost optimization by finding the optimum maintenance policy. In this study, the Markov decision process-based model is examined and a computer program to find the optimal policy with discounted life-cycle cost is developed. The other performance prediction model investigated in this study is a probabilistic Bi-linear model which takes into account the uncertainties for the deterioration process and the application of maintenance actions by the use of random variables. As part of the study, in order to further analyze and develop the Bi-linear model, a Latin Hypercube Sampling-based (LHS) simulation program is also developed and integrated into the main computational algorithm which can produce condition, safety, and life-cycle cost profiles for bridge members with and without maintenance actions. Furthermore, a polynomial-based condition prediction is also examined as an alternative performance prediction model. This model is obtained from condition rating data by applying regression analysis. Regression-based performance curves are regenerated using the Latin Hypercube sampling method. Finally, the results from the Markov chain-based performance prediction are compared with Simulation-based Bi-linear prediction and the derivation of the transition probability matrix from simulated regression based condition profile is introduced as a newly developed approach. It has been observed that the results obtained from the Markov chain-based average condition rating profiles match well with those obtained from Simulation-based mean condition rating profiles. The result suggests that the Simulation-based condition prediction model may be considered as a potential model in future BMSs.

Faculty perceptions about attributes and barriers impacting diffusion of web-based distance education (WBDE) at the China Agricultural University

Li, Yan 15 November 2004 (has links)
he purpose of this study was to examine faculty perceptions about attributes and barriers impacting diffusion of Web-based distance education (WBDE) at the China Agricultural University (CAU). Random and stratified sampling was used and 273 faculty participated in the study. About 70% of participants stayed in early stages in the innovation-decision process related to WBDE (no knowledge, knowledge, or persuasion) and about 30% were in later stages (decision or implementation). Faculty members' stage differed significantly by professional area, level of education, teaching experience, and distance education experience. Gender, age, and academic rank had no significant influence on faculty members' stage. CAU faculty tended to agree with the existence of the five attributes of WBDE (relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, trialability, and observability). Professional area, gender, age, level of education, and academic rank had no significant influence on the five perceived attributes. Teaching experience had no significant influence on the five perceived attributes, except compatibility. Distance education experience had no significant influence on the five perceived attributes, except compatibility and observability. CAU faculty perceived ten factors (concerns about time, concerns about incentives, WBDE program credibility, financial concerns, planning issues, conflict with traditional education, fear of technology, technical expertise, administrative support, and infrastructure) as moderate barriers to diffusion of WBDE. Age, level of education, academic rank, and teaching experience had no significant influence on faculty perception about the ten barriers. Professional area and gender had no significant influence on faculty perception about the ten barriers, except concerns about time. Distance education experience had no significant influence on faculty perception about the ten barriers, except conflict with traditional education. Faculty members' stage in the innovation-decision process had no significant influence on faculty perceptions about relative advantage of WBDE and nine of the ten barriers. Faculty members' stage in the innovation-decision process, however, did have a significant impact on faculty perception about compatibility, complexity, trialability, observability of WBDE, and WBDE program credibility as a perceived barrier. Relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, and trialability were correlated with at least one of the ten barriers. Observability was not related with any of the barriers.

Att kommunicera på rätt nivå – 1024Mb vadå? : En studie om upplevda risker och informationssökning vid ett högengagemangsköp

Holmberg, Jacob, Eilert, Carl January 2007 (has links)
<p>Internet har gett konsumenten en ökad marknadsöverblick, detta har gjort det möjligt för konsumenten att tidseffektivt jämföra varor och priser. Detta innebär att dagens konsument är betydligt mer välinformerad. Medvetenheten om en stor och komplex marknad innebär ett högt engagemang och upplevda risker med köpet som följd. Det höga engagemanget innebär att man som konsument bland annat söker information för att reducera sina upplevda risker.</p><p>Syftet med denna uppsats är att minska luckan i teorin om konsumenters riskreducerande informationsbeteende då de genomgår köpprocessen i ett högengagemangsköp. Ett annat syfte blir att se vilka faktorer kring informationssökning som är viktiga i ett högengagemangsköp på en högteknologisk marknad 2006. Frågeställningarna rör hur informationskällorna används idag, vilka källor som har störst utvecklingspotential och hur denna utveckling borde se ut.</p><p>Datainsamlingen har skett genom åtta stycken djupintervjuer med studenter från olika fackhögskolor inom Högskolan i Jönköping. Studenternas köp av bärbar dator de senaste sex månaderna har fungerat som underlag för samtalet.</p><p>Resultatet av studien visar att de ekonomiska och funktionella riskerna upplevts vara mycket omfattande för våra respondenter. Priset och krav på en viss funktionalitet har varit klart tidigt i köpprocessen, funktionalitetskravet har under köpets gång översatts från behovsbeskrivningar till teknisk specifikation. Översättningen har mestadels inneburit omfattande informationssökning på Internet, vilket i många fall inneburit att respondenten engagerat personliga källor för värdering av informationen. De ekonomiska och funktionella riskerna har varit aktuella växelvis under köpprocessens olika faser.</p><p>Många upplevelser kring informationssökningen präglas av ineffektivitet. Det icke kommersiella intryck information från jämförelsesajter på nätet och personliga källor ger ser vi ha en stor potential att kunna utvecklas. Detta genom att både i butik och på Internet aktivt arbeta med konsumenternas referenspunkter. Lösningsorienterad information med fokus på att bygga relationer och förtroende har enligt studiens resultat utvecklingsmöjligheter både på Internet och bland säljare.</p> / <p>Today Internet has given consumers a greater possibility to have a more complete view over the range of products on a market. This has made it possible to in a time effective way compare products and prices. A greater amount of perceived risks when purchasing a high involvement product is one result of the consumers awareness of a large and complex market. To reduce the risks, that high involvement purchase in hazes, the consumer is in a greater need of information</p><p>The purpose with this essay is to reduce the gap in the theory about consumers risk reducing information behaviour when following the buyer’s decision process in a high involvement purchase.</p><p>Another purpose is to identify which factors that is important when seeking information during a high involvement purchase. The ambition with this study is to explain how different information channels are used today, which channels that has the best potentials and how the development of these should be done.</p><p>Interviews with eight different students from Jönköping University underlie the result of this study. During the six latest months these students have purchased a laptop, this purchase has been the starting-point for the interviews.</p><p>The result shows that the economical and functional risks are those that have been most frequent perceived among our respondents. Requirements concerning price and functionality where also those things that the respondents early in the buyer’s decision process hade a clear opinion about. Functional requirements was in the beginning spoken out as to solve certain needs. These needs have been translated to technical specifications during the process. This translation has been signified with a lot of time spent on seeking information on the Internet. It has also engaged personal contacts with friends etc for valuation of information.</p><p>Many experiences of information seeking shows on inefficiency. The non-commercial impression that personal contacts and Internet pages, with product comparison, has given is something that we mean should be taken to account in a larger scale. This could be done by actively working with the consumer’s frame of references to the product. Information that is solution orientated, on Internet and from sellers, and which has the ambition to build long term relations has from this reports result shown to have great possibilities for development.</p>

Extensions of Multistage Stochastic Optimization with Applications in Energy and Healthcare

Kuznia, Ludwig Charlemagne 01 January 2012 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on extending solution methods in the area of stochastic optimization. Attention is focused to three specific problems in the field. First, a solution method for mixed integer programs subject to chance constraints is discussed. This class of problems serves as an effective modeling framework for a wide variety of applied problems. Unfortunately, chance constrained mixed integer programs tend to be very challenging to solve. Thus, the aim of this work is to address some of these challenges by exploiting the structure of the deterministic reformulation for the problem. Second, a stochastic program for integrating renewable energy sources into traditional energy systems is developed. As the global push for higher utilization of such green resources increases, such models will prove invaluable to energy system designers. Finally, a process for transforming clinical medical data into a model to assist decision making during the treatment planning phase for palliative chemotherapy is outlined. This work will likely provide decision support tools for oncologists. Moreover, given the new requirements for the usage electronic medical records, such techniques will have applicability to other treatment planning applications in the future.

Köpprocessen : APPlicering vid nedladdning av spelappar på smartphones / The Buying Decision Process : APPlication When Downloading Gaming Apps on Smartphones

Bach, Carina, Ek, Kenny January 2015 (has links)
Appar är idag en stor marknad eftersom de flesta äger en smartphone och därför är potentiella appkonsumenter. Trots att endast en tredjedel av alla svenskar betalar för mobilspel spenderas hundratals miljoner kronor på köp av appar varje år. Spel är den mest populära appkategorin i svenska App Store och Google Play vilket gör att utvecklare som inte skapar spel har svårt att synas. En etablerad modell i marknadsföringsområdet är köpprocessen, som beskriver hela processen genom ett köp från behovsupptäckande till utvärdering av inköpt produkt. Förståelse för vad som påverkar konsumenter i de olika stegen är viktig för att kunna utforma sin marknadsföring effektivt.Eftersom mobilspel ofta är gratis kan köpprocessen vid nedladdning av spelappar skilja sig från den traditionella, då exempelvis impulsköp kan uppstå i betydande omfattning. Då appmarknaden fortfarande är ung är forskningen inom den begränsad. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur köpprocessen ser ut vid nedladdning av spelappar. För ökad förståelse studeras även områden som påverkar de olika faserna i köpprocessen.Då det inte finns tidigare forskning i det undersökta området genomfördes en kvalitativ studie för att kunna identifiera beteendemönster. Tolv personer i åldrarna 16-25 som spelar spel på smartphones deltog på semi-strukturerade intervjuer och berättade hur de går tillväga när de skall ladda ner ett nytt mobilspel. En litteraturstudie av områden relaterade till köpprocessen ligger till grund för utformningen av intervjuguiden.Resultaten visar att behov av att ladda ner ett nytt mobilspel uppstår genom tristess eller rekommendationer. Information om spelet hämtas från spelets butikssida, där bland annat bilder och videor är betydande. När man är intresserad av ett kostnadsfritt spel laddar man i regel ner utan att tänka på några konsekvenser eftersom man kan avinstallera spelet ifall man inte gillade det. Uppfattningen av utvecklaren påverkas inte beroende på om man är nöjd med det nedladdade spelet eller inte, då man sällan tittar på utvecklaren när man letar efter ett nytt spel. En positiv uppfattning om spelet kan leda till att man rekommenderar spelet till vänner. Är man missnöjd kan man avråda folk man känner, men man brukar inte tala illa om ett spel utan att ha blivit tillfrågad.Studien visar att köpprocessen för nedladdning av gratisspel har fyra steg istället för fem medan processen för betalspel är oförändrad. När det gäller gratisspel har jämförelsefasen tagits bort då det inte sker någon jämförelse innan nedladdning. Informationssökningsfasen har översatts till uppfattning då det är mer beskrivande av fasens innebörd. Faktorer som påverkar de olika stegen i köpprocessen så som attityd, minne och känsloläge sammanfattas i en tabell. / Apps are today a big market since most people own a smartphone and thus are potential app consumers. Even though just a third of all Swedes pay for mobile games, hundreds of millions Swedish Crowns are spent buying apps each year. Games is the most popular app category in the Swedish App Store and Google Play, causing developers who are not making games struggle to be seen. An established model in marketing is the buying decision process, describing the entire process from need identification to evaluation of bought product. The understanding of areas affecting the different stages is important in order to successfully design effective marketing strategies.Since mobile games tend to be free, the buying decision process while downloading gaming apps may differ from the traditional process, since e.g. impulse buying behavior may happen in greater extent. Because the app market is still young, the research is limited. The purpose of this study is to look into the structure of the buying decision process for downloading gaming apps. To extend the understandings, areas affecting the different stages of the buying decision process are examined.Because there is no prior research addressing the studied area, a qualitative approach was performed in order to identify behavior patterns. 12 persons in the ages of 16-25 who play games on their smartphones participated on semi structured interviews, explaining their process for downloading a new mobile game. A literature study of areas related to the buying decision process is the basis for the design of the interview guide.The results show that the need for a new mobile game arises in due to boredom or recommendations. Information about the game is collected from the game’s page at the app store, images and videos being of great importance. When interested in a free game one usually download without regards of any consequences, because you can easily uninstall the game if you did not like it. The opinion of the developer is not affected whether you like the game or not due to the fact one rarely observe the developer while searching for a new game. A positive judgment of the game may lead to the player recommending the game to friends. When dissatisfied one may advise against the game to people you know, but it is rare to speak ill of a game without being asked about it.The study shows that the buying decision process for downloading free mobile games consists of four stages instead of five, while the process for priced games remains the same. Regarding free games, the evaluation of alternatives is removed due to the process being nonexistent prior to a download. The information search stage is replaced with perception, since it better fits to describe the meaning of the stage. Areas affecting the different stages of the buying decision process such as attitude, memory and affect are summarized in a table. The study is in Swedish.


Shi, Zhenzhen January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Industrial & Manufacturing Systems Engineering / David H. Ben-Arieh / Chih-Hang Wu / Patients who suffer from sepsis or septic shock are of great concern in the healthcare system. Recent data indicate that more than 900,000 severe sepsis or septic shock cases developed in the United States with mortality rates between 20% and 80%. In the United States alone, almost $17 billion is spent each year for the treatment of patients with sepsis. Clinical trials of treatments for sepsis have been extensively studied in the last 30 years, but there is no general agreement of the effectiveness of the proposed treatments for sepsis. Therefore, it is necessary to find accurate and effective tools that can help physicians predict the progression of disease in a patient-specific way, and then provide physicians recommendation on the treatment of sepsis to lower risk for patients dying from sepsis. The goal of this research is to develop a risk assessment tool and a risk management tool for sepsis. In order to achieve this goal, two system dynamic mathematical models (SDMMs) are initially developed to predict dynamic patterns of sepsis progression in innate immunity and adaptive immunity. The two SDMMs are able to identify key indicators and key processes of inflammatory responses to an infection, and a sepsis progression. Second, an integrated-mathematical-multi-agent-based model (IMMABM) is developed to capture the stochastic nature embedded in the development of inflammatory responses to a sepsis. Unlike existing agent-based models, this agent-based model is enhanced by incorporating developed SDMMs and extensive experimental data. With the risk assessment tools, a Markov decision process (MDP) is proposed, as a risk management tool, to apply to clinical decision-makings on sepsis. With extensive computational studies, the major contributions of this research are to firstly develop risk assessment tools to identify the risk of sepsis development during the immune system responding to an infection, and secondly propose a decision-making framework to manage the risk of infected individuals dying from sepsis. The methodology and modeling framework used in this dissertation can be expanded to other disease situations and treatment applications, and have a broad impact to the research area related to computational modeling, biology, medical decision-making, and industrial engineering.

Combinatorial optimization and Markov decision process for planning MRI examinations

Geng, Na 29 April 2010 (has links) (PDF)
This research is motivated by our collaborations with a large French university teaching hospital in order to reduce the Length of Stay (LoS) of stroke patients treated in the neurovascular department. Quick diagnosis is critical for stroke patients but relies on expensive and heavily used imaging facilities such as MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scanners. Therefore, it is very important for the neurovascular department to reduce the patient LoS by reducing their waiting time of imaging examinations. From the neurovascular department perspective, this thesis proposes a new MRI examinations reservation process in order to reduce patient waiting times without degrading the utilization of MRI. The service provider, i.e., the imaging department, reserves each week a certain number of appropriately distributed contracted time slots (CTS) for the neurovascular department to ensure quick MRI examination of stroke patients. In addition to CTS, it is still possible for stroke patients to get MRI time slots through regular reservation (RTS). This thesis first proposes a stochastic programming model to simultaneously determine the contract decision, i.e., the number of CTS and its distribution, and the patient assignment policy to assign patients to either CTS or RTS. To solve this problem, structure properties of the optimal patient assignment policy for a given contract are proved by an average cost Markov decision process (MDP) approach. The contract is determined by a Monte Carlo approximation approach and then improved by local search. Computational experiments show that the proposed algorithms can efficiently solve the model. The new reservation process greatly reduces the average waiting time of stroke patients. At the same time, some CTS cannot be used for the lack of patients.To reduce the unused CTS, we further explore the possibility of the advance cancellation of CTS. Structure properties of optimal control policies for one-day and two-day advance cancellation are established separately via an average-cost MDP approach with appropriate modeling and advanced convexity concepts used in control of queueing systems. Computational experiments show that appropriate advance cancellations of CTS greatly reduce the unused CTS with nearly the same waiting times.


2013 December 1900 (has links)
In service-oriented environments, services are put together in the form of a workflow with the aim of distributed problem solving. Capturing the execution details of the services' transformations is a significant advantage of using workflows. These execution details, referred to as provenance information, are usually traced automatically and stored in provenance stores. Provenance data contains the data recorded by a workflow engine during a workflow execution. It identifies what data is passed between services, which services are involved, and how results are eventually generated for particular sets of input values. Provenance information is of great importance and has found its way through areas in computer science such as: Bioinformatics, database, social, sensor networks, etc. Current exploitation and application of provenance data is very limited as provenance systems started being developed for specific applications. Thus, applying learning and knowledge discovery methods to provenance data can provide rich and useful information on workflows and services. Therefore, in this work, the challenges with workflows and services are studied to discover the possibilities and benefits of providing solutions by using provenance data. A multifunctional architecture is presented which addresses the workflow and service issues by exploiting provenance data. These challenges include workflow composition, abstract workflow selection, refinement, evaluation, and graph model extraction. The specific contribution of the proposed architecture is its novelty in providing a basis for taking advantage of the previous execution details of services and workflows along with artificial intelligence and knowledge management techniques to resolve the major challenges regarding workflows. The presented architecture is application-independent and could be deployed in any area. The requirements for such an architecture along with its building components are discussed. Furthermore, the responsibility of the components, related works and the implementation details of the architecture along with each component are presented.

Computational Aspects of Learning, Reasoning, and Deciding

Zanuttini, Bruno 27 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
We present results and research projects about the computational aspects of classical problems in Artificial Intelligence. We are interested in the setting of agents able to describe their environment through a possibly huge number of Boolean descriptors, and to act upon this environment. The typical applications of this kind of studies are to the design of autonomous robots (for exploring unknown zones, for instance) or of software assistants (for scheduling, for instance). The ultimate goal of research in this domain is the design of agents able to learn autonomously, by learning and interacting with their environment (including human users), also able to reason for producing new pieces of knowledge, for explaining observed phenomena, and finally, able to decide on which action to take at any moment, in a rational fashion. Ideally, such agents will be fast, efficient as soon as they start to interact with their environment, they will improve their behavior as time goes by, and they will be able to communicate naturally with humans. Among the numerous research questions raised by these objectives, we are especially interested in concept and preference learning, in reinforcement learning, in planning, and in some underlying problems in complexity theory. A particular attention is paid to interaction with humans and to huge numbers of descriptors of the environment, as are necessary in real-world applications.

Redovisningens roll vid investerings- och beslutsfattande : En studie om hur redovisning, som utformas med Cost Constraint som förhållningssätt, kan påverka investerare och bankers investerings- och beslutsprocess.

Petersson, Isabell, Johansson, Sebastian January 2014 (has links)
Vi lever i en föränderlig värld där aktiemarknaden är en komplex miljö. Att fatta välgrundande beslut på aktiemarknaden är svårt för investerare, som  därmed samlar in all den information som finns tillgänglig. Den redovisning och information som företag lämnar ifrån sig är utformad genom en avvägning mellan kostnader och nytta, som kallas Cost Constraint. Ytterligare en avvägning som företag använder sig av gällande upprättandet av redovisning är att inte ge ut för mycket information och därmed ”skydda” sig från konkurrenter. Studiens huvudsakliga syfte är att kartlägga och jämföra hur investerare och banker tar beslut baserat på den redovisning som företag publicerar, som kan vara påverkad av Cost Constraint. Vidare ämnar studien identifiera och beskriva de åtgärder som beslutsfattare tar för att skapa ett bättre beslutsunderlag. För att besvara studiens syfte och frågeställningar har vi använt oss av en deduktiv ansats och en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi. Urvalet till studien består av stora svenska företag, banker och investmentbolag samt privata investerare. Studien visar att begreppet Cost Constraint är okänt av aktörerna i studien men arbetssättet är väl känt. Studien är baserad på att kartlägga om avvägning gällande Cost Constraint påverkar de investerings- och beslutsprocesser som tas av investerare och banker. Studien visar att problematiken gällande avvägningarna som finns i företag är känt att investerare och banker. Resultatet från studien visar att dagens avvägningar inte påverkar investerare och banker negativt i deras investerings- och beslutsprocess, men respondenterna från de båda perspektiven påpekar vikten av att informationsskillnaden mellan företag och dess intressenter inte får bli för stor. / We live in a ever changing world where the stock market is a complex environment. To make informed decisions in the stock market is difficult for investors, and therefore they need to collect all available information. The accounting and information that companies relinquishes is formed by a balance between costs and benefits, which is called Cost Constraint. Another trade- off that companies use when they establish their accounting is to not give out too much information to " protect " themselves from competitors. The study's main purpose is to identify and compare how investors and banks take decisions based on the recognition that companies publish their accounting, which may be influenced by Cost Constraint. Furthermore, the study intends to identify and describe the actions that investors and bankers take to create a better basis for decisions. In order to answer the study's purpose and research questions, we used a deductive approach and a qualitative research approach. The sample for the study consists of large Swedish companies, banks and investment companies and private investors. The study shows that the concept of Cost Constraint is unknown by the participants in the study but the approach of Cost Constraint is well known. The study is based on mapping Cost Constraint and its affects on the investment and decision, taken by investors and banks. The study shows that the problem regarding the trade- offs performed by the companies, is known to investors and banks. Results from the study show that today's trade- offs will not affect investors and banks negatively in their investment process and decision making. The participants in the study point out the iv importance of the difference in information between the company and its stakeholders must not be to large.

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