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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Os demonstrativos no português do Brasil e no espanhol: discutindo a construção de referências nas duas línguas e os diferentes graus de (in)definição em algumas expressões com demonstrativos / Demonstratives in Brazilian Portuguese and Spanish: discussing the construction of references in both languages and the different levels of (in)definition in some expressions with demonstratives

Gisele Souza Moreira 25 February 2013 (has links)
Este estudo trata dos demonstrativos no português do Brasil e em espanhol a partir de uma análise quantitativa e do estudo de casos extraídos de um corpus de língua oral formado por intervenções de ouvintes em programas de rádios do Brasil, da Argentina e da Espanha. O estudo tem um enfoque enunciativo, privilegiando uma visão da linguagem como representação que constitui, no próprio discurso, relações entre as pessoas e os objetos representados; os demonstrativos são focalizados na sua participação na construção dessa representação. Para as análises feitas, consideramos os demonstrativos como formas cujo sentido só pode ser construído na enunciação e cujas referências também só se constituem no universo do discurso. O corpus inicial está formado por mil ocorrências de demonstrativos, que foram gravadas e transcritas, divididas por séries e contabilizadas. Foi constatada a hipótese inicial de uma distribuição das três séries que difere da que se apresenta em diversos instrumentos normativos e descritivos em relação às três pessoas do discurso. Partindo dos resultados encontrados, fazemos uma análise de casos que ilustram o funcionamento dos demonstrativos nas duas línguas, e as conclusões às quais chegamos sobre o nosso corpus explicitam semelhanças e diferenças no emprego dos demonstrativos no português do Brasil e em espanhol. Observamos uma alternância de formas para referir-se a um mesmo referente e observamos também expressões que têm um efeito de maior indefinição das quais os demonstrativos participam, o que nos levou a pensá-los como formas que talvez não se caracterizem somente por criar um efeito de definição da expressão nominal da qual participam, mas que têm funções que vão além da função referencial. / This study deals with demonstrative pronouns in Brazilian Portuguese and Spanish taken from a quantitative analysis and case studies drawn from a spoken language corpus consisting of radio listeners interventions in Spain, Brazil, and Argentina. The study has an enunciative approach, favoring a view of the language as a representation that constitutes, in the speech itself, relationships between people and the objects represented; the demonstrative pronouns are focused on their participation in the construction of this representation. For the cases studied, we considered the demonstrative pronouns as forms which meanings can only be built on enunciation and which references are also only in the universe of the speech. The initial corpus is composed of a thousand cases of demonstrative pronouns that were recorded and transcribed, divided by series and counted. The initial hypothesis of the three-series distribution that differs from the one that is presented in various normative and descriptive instruments in relation to the speeches of three people was verified. Based on the results, we make case analysis that illustrate the statements operation in the two languages, and the conclusions which we arrived on our corpus elucidate the similarities and the differences in the use of pronouns in Brazilian Portuguese and in Spanish. It was observed an alternation of forms to refer to the same referent and we also noticed expressions that have an effect of greater uncertainty in which the statements are involved, which led us to think of them as forms that might not characterize themselves only by creating an effect definition of the nominal expression in which they participate, but that have functions that go beyond the referential function.

La représentation spatiale en portugais et dans les langues romanes : étude contrastive des démonstratifs et adverbes de lieu afférents : approches diachronique, synchronique et comparative / The spatial representation in Portuguese and in the romance languages : contrastive study of demonstrative and adverbs of places : approach diachronic, synchronic and comparative

De Lima Gomes Rodrigues, Wirla Branca 09 December 2016 (has links)
Les grammaires du portugais présentent un système ternaire de démonstratifs, mais l’usage effectif de la langue, dans les deux variétés du portugais, montre qu’il y a une tendance à l’établissement d’un système binaire avec une neutralisation entre les formes des 1ères et 2èmes personnes en opposition aux formes de la 3ème personne. Dans cette étude nous analysons l’usage des démonstratifs dans un corpus de romans graphiques en portugais brésilien et en portugais européen. Notre objectif principal est de vérifier si les deux variétés ont les mêmes conceptions d’usage de ces formes linguistiques concernant la dimension spatiale et personnelle. En s’appuyant dans une perspective psychosystématique (Guillaumienne) de la représentation de l’espace et des différences formelles de la représentation de l’image, notre hypothèse est qu’il y a un possible changement dans l’orientation des opérations mentales mises en jeu par le fonctionnement du système de langue d’un locuteur brésilien ou portugais. Les deux variétés du portugais oral présentent des neutralisations qui ne délimitent pas trois champs référentiels clairement séparés et pourront entraîner une restructuration du système des démonstratifs. Alors que le portugais brésilien généralise la forme de 2ème personne esse, le portugais européen généralise la forme de 1ère personne este. En outre, nous avons montré que le renfort par le biais des adverbes de lieux afférents, crée des oppositions discursives qui dépassent la reconstruction d'une division ternaire de l'espace géographique. / Portuguese grammars set as a ternary system of demonstratives, but in the effective use of language we observe a tendency to install a binary system in both European and Brazilian Portuguese. The forms of 1st and 2nd person are neutralized in opposition to the forms of 3rd person, in the paradigm of determinants as well as in the paradigm of pronouns. In this study, we analyze the use of demonstratives and adverbs of place in a corpus of graphic novels of Brazilian Portuguese and European Portuguese. Our main objective is to verify if there are different forms of coding the dimensions of space and person in these two varieties. This work is aligned with Guillaume's psychosystématique concerning the representation of space and the formal differences in the manner how speakers represent themselves as persons. Our main hypothesis is that possible differences in the use of demonstrative forms reflect different orientation of mental operations adopted by Portuguese and Brazilian speakers. The two varieties represented oral Portuguese have neutralizations compromising the distinction among three referential domains: the 1st person, the 2nd person and the 3rd person. However, this trend appears differently in each variety especially in relation to the determinant demonstratives. While Brazilian Portuguese generalizes the form of second person esse, European Portuguese generalizes the 1st person form este. Furthermore, we show that the referential strengthening through reinforced sequences with adverbials of place, more frequent in Brazilian Portuguese, creates discursive oppositions that go beyond the reconstruction of a ternary division of geographical space.

Vergleich demonstrativer Formative ausgewählter Berbersprachen

Naumann, Christfried 22 March 2019 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden demonstrative Formative aus vier Sprachen (Figuig, Kabyle, Tachelhit und Ghadamsi) anhand von Grammatiken und Textkorpora analysiert und die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse in Bezug zu Theorien aus der universal ausgerichteten Sprachwissenschaft einerseits sowie zum Vergleich von Berbersprachen andererseits erörtert.

Noun Phrase Word Order Variation in Old English Verse and Prose

Sampson, Salena 02 November 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Parodomieji įvardžiai lietuvių – latvių lygiagrečiajame tekstyne / Demonstrative pronouns in Lithuanian-Latvian parallel corpus

Znotina, Inga 26 June 2012 (has links)
Šio darbo tyrimo objektas yra lietuvių ir latvių parodomieji įvardžiai, o tikslas – nustatyti jų santykius lietuvių – latvių kalbų vertimuose ir jų keliamas problemas vertėjams. Iškeliama tokia hipotezė: parodomieji įvardžiai vertimuose iš lietuvių kalbos į latvių kalbą dažniausiai, bet ne visada, yra keičiami latvių kalbos parodomaisiais įvardžiais. Darbo medžiaga yra dabar (nuo 2011 metų sausio iki 2012 metų gruodžio) Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto ir Latvijos universiteto bendrai rengiamas lietuvių – latvių lygiagretusis tekstynas. Į šį tekstyną įtraukiami lietuviškų tekstų vertimai į latvių kalbą. Iš šio tekstyno lygiagrečiųjų tekstynų konkordavimo programa ParaConc buvo sudaryti konkordansai pagal lietuvių parodomuosius įvardžius ir tirta, kaip jie verčiami į latvių kalba. Darbas susideda iš penkių dalių. Pirmoji dalis – įvadas, kuriame trumpai aprašytas tyrimo tikslas ir uždaviniai. Antrajame skyriuje nustatoma, kas yra parodomieji įvardžiai ir tarpusavyje lyginami šios grupės lietuviški ir latviški žodžiai. Trečias skyrius skirtas tyrimo metodikai ir panaudojamam tekstynui aprašyti. Ketvirtame skyriuje atliekama iš tekstyno išgautų duomenų analizė. Atskirai apžvelgtas lietuviškų parodomųjų įvardžių vertimas latviškais parodomaisiais įvardžiais; lietuviškų parodomųjų įvardžių vertimas kitais įvardžiais ir kitoms kalbos dalims priskiriamais žodžiais; lietuviškų parodomųjų įvardžių nevertimas. Penktoje dalyje pateikiami darbo rezultatai ir kelios rekomendacijos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Lithuanian and Latvian demonstrative pronouns are the object of this paper. The aim is to identify their relations in Lithuanian – Latvian translations and the problems they may cause to the translators. The hypothesis is as follows: Lithuanian demonstrative pronouns in Lithuanian – Latvian translations are mostly but not always replaced by Latvian demonstrative pronouns. This research is based on the Lithuanian – Latvian parallel corpus which is now being prepared in two partner universities: Vytautas Magnus University and University of Latvia. In this corpus translations of Lithuanian texts into Latvian are being collected. Concordances of Lithuanian demonstrative pronouns are extracted from this corpus using concordancer ParaConc. It is studied how these pronouns are translated into Latvian. The paper consists of five chapters. The first one is introduction where the aim and tasks are shortly described. The second chapter presents demonstrative pronouns, the definitions of this group and the words that belong to it in Lithuanian and Latvian languages. The third chapter describes methodology and the corpus used in this research. In the fourth chapter analysis of the corpus data is performed. Translation of Lithuanian demonstrative pronouns as Latvian demonstrative pronouns; translation of Lithuanian demonstrative pronouns as other Latvian pronouns or other word classes; and discarding of Lithuanian demonstrative pronouns are discussed. Conclusions and some recommendations... [to full text]

Pragmatic strategies in the use of Kiswahili demonstratives

Okombo, D. Okot, Habwe, John Habu January 2007 (has links)
This paper focuses on two spatial Kiswahili demontratives. In Kiswahili, demonstratives have been traditionally treated as morphosyntactic elements that modulate various elements and realize emphatic function. Demonstratives have also been studied as elements that express and facilitate cohesive relations and elements that realize deictic functions in discourse. In this paper we look at Kiswahili demonstratives as used in the standard Kiswahili language in Nairobi city. We argue that besides the traditionally recognized functions, demonstratives in standard Kiswahili are also used to pass subtle discourse messages which can only be explained by taking into account the pragmatic strategies employed in the use of demonstratives in specific discourse settings.

Speech Act Deixis / A situated dynamic account for observational and experimental insights into spoken German

Buch, Friederike Linde 24 May 2024 (has links)
Diese Dissertation führt den Beweis, dass Sprechaktbezug nicht anaphorischer, sondern deiktischer Natur ist, und stellt ein formales Modell für denselben vor. Korpusdaten in gesprochenem Deutsch und Daten aus Fernseh-Talkshows zeigen, dass man sich nur mit demonstrativen Ausdrücken auf Sprechakte beziehen kann. Zusätzlich unterstützen zwei Experimente die Beobachtung, dass Sprechaktbezüge nicht mit Personalpronomen getätigt werden. Nur selten lassen Muttersprachler des Deutschen ein gegebenes Personalpronomen auf einen Sprechakt referieren, und nur selten wählen sie das Personalpronomen, um sich auf einen gegebenen Sprechaktreferenten zu beziehen. Die klare Präferenz liegt beim Demonstrativum. Um auf Entitäten außerhalb des Diskurses zu referieren, nutzt man im Deutschen Demonstrativ-, nicht aber Personalpronomen. Dementsprechend sollten Sprechakte als Ereignisse im Äußerungskontext und nicht als Teil von sprachlicher Form und Bedeutung aufgefasst werden. Bestehenden Diskurstheorien mangelt es an einer Unterscheidung zwischen Anaphern und Deixis, während umgekehrt Theorien über sprachliche Bezüge sich nicht mit Sprechakten beschäftigen. Segmented Discourse Representation Theory (SDRT) integriert nicht-sprachliche Objekte als Diskursreferenten in die Diskursstruktur, was auch für Sprechakte gilt. Dieser Umstand erlaubt allerdings Anaphern auf Sprechakte. Da sich schwach referentielle Ausdrücke wie Personalpronomen nicht auf Sprechakte beziehen können, muss die Ontologie von Sprechakten in SDRT überdacht werden. Hier wird eine SDRT-Variante vorgestellt, die als Diskursmodell zwei Informationsquellen umfasst, nämlich a) semantische Äußerungsinhalte und b) die physische Umgebung der Gesprächsteilnehmer (d.h. ihre "joint attention"), dargestellt als zwei DRSen. Das Modell unterscheidet systematisch zwischen anaphorischem und deiktischem Bezug und dadurch auch zwischen Bezug auf sprachlichen Inhalt und auf sprachliche "Behältnisse": Sprechakte. / This dissertation provides evidence that reference to speech acts is deictic, not anaphoric, and furthermore introduces a formal model of speech act reference. Corpus data from spoken German as well as observed data from German TV talk shows demonstrates that speech acts are exclusively referred to by demonstrative expressions. Additionally, new experimental evidence supports this observation and shows that speech acts are not referred to by personal pronouns. German native speakers rarely make given personal pronouns refer to a speech act, nor do they decide for a personal pronoun to refer to a given speech act referent when forced to choose between personal and demonstrative pronouns. Demonstratives are strongly preferred. In German, demonstrative pronouns rather than personal pronouns are used to refer to objects external to the discourse. Consequently, speech acts should be modeled as events in the utterance context rather than as parts of linguistic form and meaning. Existing theories of discourse structure lack a distinction between anaphora and deixis, while theories of reference do not integrate the concept of a speech act. Segmented Discourse Representation Theory (SDRT) introduces non-linguistic entities in discourse structure. This includes speech acts, which are introduced as discourse referents, which in return predicts anaphoric reference to speech acts. Since reference to speech acts with weak expressions like personal pronouns does not occur, the status of speech acts in SDRT must be redefined. As variant of SDRT, I propose a discourse model that comprises the two information sources of a) semantic content of utterances and b) immediate physical environment of the interlocutors (i.e. their joint attention), which are represented as a pair of DRSs. This model systematically distinguishes between anaphora and deixis, and therefore between reference to linguistic content and reference to linguistic containers: speech acts.

Demonstrativní predeterminant v současné francouzštině a jeho fungování v textu / Demonstrative pre-determiner in current French and its functions in text

Bečvářová, Karolina January 2011 (has links)
demonstrative determiner - actualization - identification - reference - deixis - anaphora - cataphora - literary narative text Demonstrative determiner actualises and identifies a noun by designation the referent of this noun. Demonstrative determiner designates the referent in space (physical surroundings of the speaker), in context, or in common shared experience. In literary text, demonstrative determiner designates the referent in context by anaphora or cataphora, in some cases it designates the referent in fictional space.

Rúzné druhy reference zájmena "this" a odpovídající české ekvivalnty / Reference patterns of "this" and corresponding Czech equivalents

Čížková, Markéta January 2019 (has links)
This MA thesis is first of all concerned with the distribution of different types of reference of the English demonstrative pronoun this. Reference can be divided into exophoric (personal, spatial, temporal, discourse, social, empathetic, and emotional deixis), endophoric (anaphora and cataphora), and non-phoric reference (introductory and recognitional). The second aim of this thesis is to study the way by which the individual occurrences of the pronoun this with different reference are translated into the Czech language. The sample that was studied consisted of 219 occurrences of this collected from three British plays: The Caretaker (1960) by Harold Pinter, The Public Eye (1962) by Peter Shaffer, and The Real Inspector Hound (1968) by Tom Stoppard. The Czech translations of these plays were used for the second part of the research. The analysis of the plays showed that the most frequent type of reference of this is exophoric deictic reference, more precisely its subtype spatial deixis. The outcome of the translational analysis was the finding that this is most frequently translated by the Czech demonstrative pronoun ten. Keywords: demonstrative pronoun this, reference distribution, exophora, deixis, endophora, non-phoric reference, Czech translation equivalents

Práticas de física para alunos do regime socioeducativo, anos finais do ensino fundamental

Gomes, Vinícius Laurindo da Fraga 27 September 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Larissa Vitoria Cardoso Cusielo (larissavitoria@id.uff.br) on 2017-09-05T15:02:13Z No. of bitstreams: 3 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao-ViniciusLaurindo.pdf: 1960444 bytes, checksum: 52a6f9877c29223f9d61757622126340 (MD5) Apêndice - Produto Educacional.pdf: 1476218 bytes, checksum: 9fca554ebe23f087137bbbf336829d78 (MD5) / Rejected by Biblioteca do Aterrado BAVR (bavr@ndc.uff.br), reason: Titulo em caixa alto on 2017-09-05T19:18:11Z (GMT) / Submitted by Larissa Vitoria Cardoso Cusielo (larissavitoria@id.uff.br) on 2017-09-05T19:47:32Z No. of bitstreams: 3 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao-ViniciusLaurindo.pdf: 1960444 bytes, checksum: 52a6f9877c29223f9d61757622126340 (MD5) Apêndice - Produto Educacional.pdf: 1476218 bytes, checksum: 9fca554ebe23f087137bbbf336829d78 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Biblioteca do Aterrado BAVR (bavr@ndc.uff.br) on 2017-09-27T21:55:19Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 3 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao-ViniciusLaurindo.pdf: 1960444 bytes, checksum: 52a6f9877c29223f9d61757622126340 (MD5) Apêndice - Produto Educacional.pdf: 1476218 bytes, checksum: 9fca554ebe23f087137bbbf336829d78 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-27T21:55:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 3 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao-ViniciusLaurindo.pdf: 1960444 bytes, checksum: 52a6f9877c29223f9d61757622126340 (MD5) Apêndice - Produto Educacional.pdf: 1476218 bytes, checksum: 9fca554ebe23f087137bbbf336829d78 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Universidade Federal Fluminense. Instituto de Ciências Exatas. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ensino de Física. Volta Redonda, RJ / O ensino de ciências e Física para os jovens internados no regime socioeducativo sofre limitações que vão desde necessidade de trabalhar em módulos, até impossibilidade de utilização de recursos e métodos usuais no ensino regular. Em particular o agrupamento de disciplinas em módulos faz com que a disciplina de Ciências e, consequentemente conteúdos de Física, não seja vista nos dois últimos módulos do Ensino Fundamental, deixando o aluno distante desses conteúdos quando ele entra no Ensino Médio. Visando complementar o ensino modular nos módulos correspondentes aos anos finais do Ensino Fundamental, foi construído como produto deste trabalho uma sequência de práticas de Física visando iniciar esse público nos conceitos e reflexões trazidos da Física. Na construção da sequência foram consideradas as limitações particulares a que este público está sujeito, a necessidade de prepará-los para a Física no Ensino Médio, bem como a inserção dos temas abordados no contexto de suas experiências cotidianas. Foram selecionadas práticas com materiais de fácil acesso sobre eletrostática, pressão, tensão superficial e calor, para as quais foram criadas um guia de estudos e um questionário de acompanhamento. O objetivo da sequência de práticas foi aguçar a curiosidade e despertar o interesse pelo estudo e pela Física num público com sérias deficiências e lacunas formativas. A ênfase na atividade experimental, além de associar a ciência Física com o seu lado de prático, possibilita que o jovem expresse suas habilidades construtivas e manuais, contribuindo para sua reaproximação com o estudo, tão importante para sua recuperação para a sociedade. Por meio do produto educacional aqui proposto, espera-se contribuir para a construção dos primeiros conceitos físicos da estrutura cognitiva desses jovens. Da mesma forma pretende-se fornecer aos professores que atuam no regime socioeducativo um recursos educacional para realizar sua prática docente de forma mais atraente, interessante e diversificada. / The teaching of science and physics to young people in the socio-educational system suffers limitations ranging from the need to work in modules, to the inability to use resources and usual methods comonn in the formal education. In particular need to group disciplines in modules makes the subjects of Science and Physics not be seen in the last two modules of the midle school level, leaving the student far away from such contents when he enters high school. To complement the modular teaching corresponding to the modules of the final years of midle school, it was built a sequence Physics practices to presente to this public their first concepts and reflections on physics subjects. In the construction of the sequence were considered the particular constraints that the public is subjected, as the need to prepare them for physics in high school, as well as the inclusion of issues usually addressed in the context of their everyday experiences. Simple experiments with easy findind material on electrostatics, pressure, surface tension and heat were selectec, for wich a guide to the practices and revision questionaries were prepared. The purpose of the following practices was to stimulate their curiosity and arouse interest both to the study and to Physics in public with serious contents deficiencies and training gaps. The emphasis on xperimental activity, in addition to associate the physical science with its practical side, allows the youngsters to express their manual skills, contributing to its rapprochement with study, a crucial step towards his recovery to society. Through the educational product here proposed we expect to contribute to the construction of the first physical concepts in cognitive structure of these youngsters. The same way we intend to provide teachers who work in the socio-educational system with an educational resource that enable them to carry out their teaching practice in a more attractive, interesting and diverse way.

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