Spelling suggestions: "subject:"dentista""
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Periodontists' Ability to Self-Assess their Knowledge of PeriodonticsSaenz, A. Margarita 22 May 2006 (has links)
This study examined periodontists' ability to self-assess their knowledge of periodontics. Self-assessment was measured as the difference between actual knowledge and perceived knowledge of two topics of clinical practice of periodontics: periodontal disease therapy and dental implant therapy. Other variables included were learning needs, motivation to learn, and background characteristics (number of years since graduation from a periodontics training program, classification as Diplomate or non- Diplomate, number of years since achieving Diplomate status, classification as private practitioner, academician, or private practitioner with a part-time academic position, and number of credit hours spent in continuing education per year). A questionnaire was e-mailed to 1,800 periodontists practicing in the USA. Two hundred and nineteen subjects participated in the periodontal disease therapy questionnaire and 200 in the dental implant therapy questionnaire. The results showed a significant difference between actual and perceived knowledge for both topics. Correlation coefficients showed no correlation between participants' actual knowledge and perceived knowledge of periodontal disease therapy and a low to moderate correlation between actual and perceived knowledge of dental implant therapy. Also, the results showed that need and motivation are not related to self-assessment ability, but actual knowledge may be related to moderate-high need and motivation; and, that among the background characteristics, Diplomate status is related to a better ability to self-assess, and fewer years since achieving Diplomate status is related to higher actual knowledge and perceived knowledge. In conclusion, periodontists' ability to selfassess their knowledge of periodontics is at best moderate. The concern that practitioners believe that they have higher knowledge in areas in which objectively measured knowledge is significantly lower continues to be valid.
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"Hepatite B no Município de Ribeirão Preto (SP): um estudo envolvendo cirurgiões-dentistas e auxiliares odontológicos" / Hepatitis B on the city of Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil: a study envolving dentists and dental assistantsVania Cantarella Rodrigues 26 February 2002 (has links)
Foi realizada uma pesquisa com cirurgiões-dentistas (CDs) e auxiliares odontológicos (AOs) das redes pública e privada, no município de Ribeirão Preto,SP Brasil, com os objetivos de: 1. avaliar a cobertura vacinal e a efetividade da vacinação contra a hepatite B; 2. verificar o uso de equipamentos de proteção individual (EPIs) na rotina de trabalho; 3. verificar a prevalência de marcadores sorológicos do HBV; 4. analisar possíveis associações entre marcadores sorológicos do HBV e alguns fatores de risco de infecção pelo vírus. A pesquisa contou com 338 participantes, de consultórios e clínicas odontológicas 201 CDs(26 da rede pública e 175 da rede privada) e 137 AOs (23 da rede pública e 114 da rede privada). Foi aplicado um questionário individual para obter informações referentes a características dos participantes, vacinação contra a hepatite B e fatores de risco relacionados à infecção pelo HBV. Simultaneamente, coletou-se uma amostra de 8 ml de sangue para a pesquisa dos seguintes marcadores sorológicos do HBV: HBsAg, anti-HBc e anti-HBs. Todos os exames foram feitos, através de técnicas imunoenzimáticas, no Laboratório de Sorologia do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto - USP. Estavam vacinados com três doses ou mais da vacina contra a hepatite B 80,6% dos CDs (80,8% da rede pública e 80,6% da rede privada) e 24,8% dos AOS(82,6% da rede pública e 13,2% da rede privada). A prevalência de anti-HBs entre os vacinados com três doses ou mais da vacina foi de 84,3% - 84,6% entre CDs e 82,8% entre AOs. A prevalência dos marcadores sorológicos do HBV ficou assim distribuída: HBsAg, 0,5% entre CDs, não encontrado entre AOs; anti-HBc, 9,5% entre CDs (IC 95%: 5,4% - 13,5%) e 2,9% entre AOs (IC 95%: 0,1% - 5,7%);anti-HBs, 78,1% entre CDs (IC 95%: 72,3% - 83,8%) e 29,9% entre AOs (IC 95%: 22,2 - 37,6%). Os EPIs mais utilizados pelos CDs eram as luvas, com percentual de 98,0%, e a máscara, com 96,5%, no atendimento de todos os pacientes. Os CDs da rede privada utilizavam os seguintes EPIs: luvas, 97,7%; máscara, 96,0%; óculos de proteção, 70,3%; avental, 55,4%; gorro 32,6%. Os CDs da rede pública usavam os seguintes EPIs: luvas e máscaras, 100,0%; avental, 88,5%; óculos de proteção, 65,4%; gorro, 30,8%. O EPI mais utilizado pelos AOs eram as luvas, com percentual de 97,1%. Os AOs da rede pública utilizavam: luvas, 100,0%; avental, 95,7%; máscara, 78,3%; óculos de proteção; 34,8%; gorro, 17,4%. Os AOs da rede privada utilizavam: luvas, 96,5%; máscara, 37,7%; avental, 28,1%; óculos de proteção, 11,4%; gorro, 10,5%. Dos AOs da rede privada, 3,5% referiram não usar nenhum EPI. O estudo mostrou que a prevalência dos marcadores sorológicos do HBV entre CDs e AOs é semelhante à da população de pacientes de Unidades de Saúde de Ribeirão Preto e que parte dos profissionais, especialmente os AOs, negligenciam a proteção pela imunização ativa e uso de EPIs. / A survey was carried out among dentists (D) and dental assistants (DA) of the public and the private sectors in the city of Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil, in order to a) evaluate the vaccine coverage as well as the effectiveness of the vaccination against hepatitis B; b) check for the presence of serological markers of the hepatitis B virus(HBV)infection; assess the use of individual protection equipments (IPE). The survey,involving 338 participants working in dentist private offices or in dental clinics, comprised 201 D (26 of the public sector and 175 of the private sector) and 137 DA(23 of the public sector and 114 of private practices). Individual survey questionnaires were used to gather information regarding the participants, the vaccination against hepatitis B, and the risk factors related to the HBV infection. Blood samples (8 ml) were collected to assess the following serological markers for the HBV infections: HBsAg, Anti-HBc, and Anti-HBs. All essays were done with the immunoenzimatic technique by the Serological Laboratory of the Hospital das Clinicas of the University of São Paulo Medical School, at Ribeirão Preto. A higher proportion of the D compared to the DA were vaccinated with three or more doses of the hepatitis B: 80.6% of the D (80.8% of the public sector and 80.6% of the private sector) but only 24,8% of the DA (82.6% of the public sector and 13,2% of the private sector). Among those vaccinated with three or more doses 84.3% (84.6% for D and 82.8% for DA) presented positive tests for the anti-HBs marker. Considering the whole population evaluated, the occurrence of serological markers for HBV infection was distributed as follows: HBsAg, 0.5% in D and zero in DA; anti-HBc, 9.5% in D (95% CI: 5.4% to 13.5%) and 2.9% in DA (95% CI: 0.1% to 5.7%); and anti-HBs, 78.1% in D (95% CI: 72.3% to 83.8%) and 29.9% in DA (95% CI: 22.2% to 37.6%). Most dentists make use of some IPE when treating patients: 98.0% wore gloves and 96.5% face masks. There was little difference in use of IPE between dentists working in the private and the public sectors: for the former 97.7% wore gloves, 96.0% face masks, 70.3% protective eyewear, 55.4% protective uniform, and 32.6% caps; for the later, 100% wore gloves and face masks, 88.5% protective uniform, 65.4% protective eyewear, and 30.8% caps. A high percentage of the DA also wore IPEs, although the numbers were lower for those of the private sector. Among the former group 100% wore gloves, 95.7% protective uniform, 78.3% face masks, 34.8% protective eyewear, and 17.4% caps. The corresponding figures for the DA of the private dental offices and clinics were: 96.5% wore gloves, 37.7% face masks, 28.1% protective uniform, 11.4% protective eyewear, and 10.5% caps. A small percentage (3.5%) of the DA working in the private sector did not report the use of any IPE. The study showed that the occurrence of serological markers for infection with HBV in dental professionals is similar to that of the population as a whole, and that part of the professionals, especially the DAs, neglect to secure protection by active immunization and use of IPEs.
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Identificação de indivíduos idosos potecialmente com alteração da deglutição / Identification of older persons potentially with change in swallowingRech, Rafaela Soares January 2016 (has links)
A disfagia pode ser definida como uma dificuldade de deglutição. Representa um importante indicador de saúde da população idosa, pois além de se configurar em um dos sintomas de diversos agravos prevalentes neste segmento populacional, ainda pode estar associada a morbidade e mortalidade precoce, podendo conduzir diversas complicações clínicas. A presente dissertação é composta de dois manuscritos. O manuscrito I teve como objetivo avaliar a acurácia diagnóstica do Exame de Avaliação da Deglutição pelo Cirurgião-Dentista e do Eating Assessment Tool (EAT-10) comparada a do diagnóstico fonoaudiológico de disfagia (padrão ouro) em idosos independentes da comunidade e residentes de instituição de longa permanência. Trata-se de um estudo diagnóstico que avaliou clinicamente 265 idosos no sul do Brasil, dos quais 123 residentes de instituição de longa permanência e 142 da comunidade. Além disso, os idosos responderam ao instrumento de rastreamento autoaplicável EAT-10. A média de idade dos idosos foi de 73,5 (dp= 8,9) anos e a maioria eram mulheres (59,2%, n= 157). A prevalência de disfagia nesta população foi de 45,3% (n=120), variando entre 62,5% para os residentes de instituição de longa permanência e 37,5% para os idosos da comunidade. A acurácia diagnóstica do exame do cirurgião-dentista (CD) foi de 0,84. A sensibilidade foi 0,77, a especificidade foi 0,89, o valor preditivo positivo foi 0,85 e o negativo foi 0,83, a razão de verossimilhança positiva foi 7,02 e a negativa foi 0,25. O EAT-10 demonstrou acurácia diagnóstica de 0,72, a sensibilidade foi de 0,45, a especificidade foi de 0,95, o valor preditivo positivo foi de 0,87 e o negativo foi de 0,68, a razão de verossimilhança positiva foi de 8,31 e a negativa de 0,57. O Exame de Avaliação da Deglutição pelo Cirurgião-Dentista é um método acurado na identificação precoce de disfagia em idosos. Em contraste, o EAT-10 se demonstrou um instrumento com baixa acurácia para rastreamento de idosos disfágicos. O manuscrito II teve como objetivo avaliar se a condição de saúde bucal e as alterações sensório-motoras orais estão associadas à disfagia orofaríngea em idosos. Uma fonoaudióloga avaliou a disfagia orofaríngea através da escala GUSS, bem como realizou uma avaliação sensório-motora oral. As condições de saúde bucal dos idosos foram avaliadas clinicamente por um CD. A população estudada foi composta por 46,4% de idosos vinculados a uma instituição de longa permanência e os demais eram independentes da comunidade Indivíduos com quatro ou mais alterações sensórias-motora orais apresentaram uma maior prevalência de disfagia (RP=2,01; IC95%1,27-3,18), bem como apresentaram uma condição de saúde bucal não funcional (RP=1,61; IC95%1,02-2,54). Os resultados se mantem na mesma direção, quando estratificados. Conclui-se que o exame simplificado desenvolvido neste estudo demonstrou ser um método acurado na identificação precoce de disfagia em idosos. O CD pode ser um dos profissionais da área da saúde para que se identifiquem sinais e sintomas de alterações na deglutição, sendo que o referenciamento ao fonoaudiólogo representa um importante avanço na proposta de trabalho interdisciplinar. Além disso, os idosos sem queixas relativas à deglutição com condições de saúde bucal não funcional e alterações do sistema sensório-motor oral estão associados a maior prevalência de disfagia orofaríngea. É importante que se direcione esforços para a investigação de variáveis odontológicas e sintomas ligados a dificuldades de deglutição, visando avaliar mais detalhadamente os indivíduos mais suscetíveis à presença de disfagia orofaríngea ligada a variáveis de saúde bucal. / Dysphagia may be defined as a difficulty in swallowing. It presents itself as an important health indicator for the older person population, since, besides being one of the symptoms of several illnesses prevalent in this population segment, it can still be associated with morbidity and early mortality, and it may lead to several clinical complications. This dissertation comprises two manuscripts. The goal of the manuscript I was to assess the diagnostic accuracy of the Dentist Swallowing Assessment Test (DSAT), and of the Eating Assessment Tool (EAT-10), when compared with the speech-language therapy diagnosis of dysphagia (gold standard) for the elderly in community dwelling and for long-term care institutions’ residents. It is a diagnostic study that evaluated 265 older persons in southern Brazil, 123 were residents in long-term care facilities and 142 were community dwellers. Furthermore, the older persons responded to the self-administered screening tool EAT-10. The average age of the participants was 73.5 (sd= 8.9) years and the majority were women (59.2%, n=157). Prevalence of dysphagia in this population was 45.3% (n=120), varying between 62.5% for the long-term care institutions’ residents and 37.5% for the community dwellers. The diagnostic accuracy of the DSAT was 0.84. The sensitivity was 0.77, the specificity was 0.89, the positive predictive value was 0.85 and negative was 0.83, the positive likelihood ratio was 7.02 and the negative was 0.25. The EAT- 10 presented a diagnostic accuracy of 0.72, a sensitivity of 0.45, a specificity of 0.95, positive predictive value of 0.87 and a negative of 0.68, a positive likelihood ratio of 8.31 and a negative of 0.57. The DSAT is considered to be a highly accurate method for the early identification of dysphagia in the older persons. However, in contrast, the EAT-10 was shown to have low-accuracy to track older persons with dysphagia. The aim of the manuscript II was to assess if the oral health condition and the sensorimotor changes are correlated with oropharyngeal dysphagia in the older persons. It is a cross-sectional study comprising of 265 older persons. A speech-language therapy assessed the oropharyngeal dysphagia by using the GUSS scale, having carried out an oral sensorimotor evaluation as well. The oral health conditions of the older persons were clinically assessed by a dentist. The population studied encompassed 46,4% of older persons bounded to a long-term institution and the remaining were independent of the community. Individuals with four or more oral sensorimotor changes presented a higher prevalence of dysphagia (PR=2.01; CI95%1.27-3.18), presenting as well as non-functional oral health condition (PR=1.61; CI95%1.02-2.54). The results display the same direction when stratified. It is concluded that the simplified assessment developed in this study is considered to be a highly accurate method for the early identification of dysphagia in the older persons. The dentist may be one of the health professionals to identify signs and symptoms of changes in swallowing, being that the reference to the speech-language therapist represents an important advance in the proposal of interdisciplinary work, furthermore in older persons with no complaints regarding swallowing, non-functional oral conditions and disturbances of the sensorimotor system are associated with a higher prevalence of oropharyngeal dysphagia. An effort to investigate dental variables and symptoms that could be linked to difficulties in swallowing is important, so that individuals that are susceptible to oropharyngeal dysphagia due to their oral health can be assessed with effectiveness.
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"Hepatite B no Município de Ribeirão Preto (SP): um estudo envolvendo cirurgiões-dentistas e auxiliares odontológicos" / Hepatitis B on the city of Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil: a study envolving dentists and dental assistantsRodrigues, Vania Cantarella 26 February 2002 (has links)
Foi realizada uma pesquisa com cirurgiões-dentistas (CDs) e auxiliares odontológicos (AOs) das redes pública e privada, no município de Ribeirão Preto,SP Brasil, com os objetivos de: 1. avaliar a cobertura vacinal e a efetividade da vacinação contra a hepatite B; 2. verificar o uso de equipamentos de proteção individual (EPIs) na rotina de trabalho; 3. verificar a prevalência de marcadores sorológicos do HBV; 4. analisar possíveis associações entre marcadores sorológicos do HBV e alguns fatores de risco de infecção pelo vírus. A pesquisa contou com 338 participantes, de consultórios e clínicas odontológicas 201 CDs(26 da rede pública e 175 da rede privada) e 137 AOs (23 da rede pública e 114 da rede privada). Foi aplicado um questionário individual para obter informações referentes a características dos participantes, vacinação contra a hepatite B e fatores de risco relacionados à infecção pelo HBV. Simultaneamente, coletou-se uma amostra de 8 ml de sangue para a pesquisa dos seguintes marcadores sorológicos do HBV: HBsAg, anti-HBc e anti-HBs. Todos os exames foram feitos, através de técnicas imunoenzimáticas, no Laboratório de Sorologia do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto - USP. Estavam vacinados com três doses ou mais da vacina contra a hepatite B 80,6% dos CDs (80,8% da rede pública e 80,6% da rede privada) e 24,8% dos AOS(82,6% da rede pública e 13,2% da rede privada). A prevalência de anti-HBs entre os vacinados com três doses ou mais da vacina foi de 84,3% - 84,6% entre CDs e 82,8% entre AOs. A prevalência dos marcadores sorológicos do HBV ficou assim distribuída: HBsAg, 0,5% entre CDs, não encontrado entre AOs; anti-HBc, 9,5% entre CDs (IC 95%: 5,4% - 13,5%) e 2,9% entre AOs (IC 95%: 0,1% - 5,7%);anti-HBs, 78,1% entre CDs (IC 95%: 72,3% - 83,8%) e 29,9% entre AOs (IC 95%: 22,2 - 37,6%). Os EPIs mais utilizados pelos CDs eram as luvas, com percentual de 98,0%, e a máscara, com 96,5%, no atendimento de todos os pacientes. Os CDs da rede privada utilizavam os seguintes EPIs: luvas, 97,7%; máscara, 96,0%; óculos de proteção, 70,3%; avental, 55,4%; gorro 32,6%. Os CDs da rede pública usavam os seguintes EPIs: luvas e máscaras, 100,0%; avental, 88,5%; óculos de proteção, 65,4%; gorro, 30,8%. O EPI mais utilizado pelos AOs eram as luvas, com percentual de 97,1%. Os AOs da rede pública utilizavam: luvas, 100,0%; avental, 95,7%; máscara, 78,3%; óculos de proteção; 34,8%; gorro, 17,4%. Os AOs da rede privada utilizavam: luvas, 96,5%; máscara, 37,7%; avental, 28,1%; óculos de proteção, 11,4%; gorro, 10,5%. Dos AOs da rede privada, 3,5% referiram não usar nenhum EPI. O estudo mostrou que a prevalência dos marcadores sorológicos do HBV entre CDs e AOs é semelhante à da população de pacientes de Unidades de Saúde de Ribeirão Preto e que parte dos profissionais, especialmente os AOs, negligenciam a proteção pela imunização ativa e uso de EPIs. / A survey was carried out among dentists (D) and dental assistants (DA) of the public and the private sectors in the city of Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil, in order to a) evaluate the vaccine coverage as well as the effectiveness of the vaccination against hepatitis B; b) check for the presence of serological markers of the hepatitis B virus(HBV)infection; assess the use of individual protection equipments (IPE). The survey,involving 338 participants working in dentist private offices or in dental clinics, comprised 201 D (26 of the public sector and 175 of the private sector) and 137 DA(23 of the public sector and 114 of private practices). Individual survey questionnaires were used to gather information regarding the participants, the vaccination against hepatitis B, and the risk factors related to the HBV infection. Blood samples (8 ml) were collected to assess the following serological markers for the HBV infections: HBsAg, Anti-HBc, and Anti-HBs. All essays were done with the immunoenzimatic technique by the Serological Laboratory of the Hospital das Clinicas of the University of São Paulo Medical School, at Ribeirão Preto. A higher proportion of the D compared to the DA were vaccinated with three or more doses of the hepatitis B: 80.6% of the D (80.8% of the public sector and 80.6% of the private sector) but only 24,8% of the DA (82.6% of the public sector and 13,2% of the private sector). Among those vaccinated with three or more doses 84.3% (84.6% for D and 82.8% for DA) presented positive tests for the anti-HBs marker. Considering the whole population evaluated, the occurrence of serological markers for HBV infection was distributed as follows: HBsAg, 0.5% in D and zero in DA; anti-HBc, 9.5% in D (95% CI: 5.4% to 13.5%) and 2.9% in DA (95% CI: 0.1% to 5.7%); and anti-HBs, 78.1% in D (95% CI: 72.3% to 83.8%) and 29.9% in DA (95% CI: 22.2% to 37.6%). Most dentists make use of some IPE when treating patients: 98.0% wore gloves and 96.5% face masks. There was little difference in use of IPE between dentists working in the private and the public sectors: for the former 97.7% wore gloves, 96.0% face masks, 70.3% protective eyewear, 55.4% protective uniform, and 32.6% caps; for the later, 100% wore gloves and face masks, 88.5% protective uniform, 65.4% protective eyewear, and 30.8% caps. A high percentage of the DA also wore IPEs, although the numbers were lower for those of the private sector. Among the former group 100% wore gloves, 95.7% protective uniform, 78.3% face masks, 34.8% protective eyewear, and 17.4% caps. The corresponding figures for the DA of the private dental offices and clinics were: 96.5% wore gloves, 37.7% face masks, 28.1% protective uniform, 11.4% protective eyewear, and 10.5% caps. A small percentage (3.5%) of the DA working in the private sector did not report the use of any IPE. The study showed that the occurrence of serological markers for infection with HBV in dental professionals is similar to that of the population as a whole, and that part of the professionals, especially the DAs, neglect to secure protection by active immunization and use of IPEs.
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Hearing Loss in the Dental Office: The Effects of High Speed Dental Drills on Dentists' HearingJohnson, Krisztina, Smurzynski, Jacek, Elangovan, Saravanan, Fagelson, Marc 21 February 2013 (has links)
Hearing test results of 23 dentists obtained before and after working hours are compared to determine if dentists experience any temporary hearing loss. The aim of the project is to determine whether dental drills cause hearing loss and to document the consequences of the loss. Hearing evaluations include pure-tone audiometry, middle-ear testing, and measurements of otoacoustic emissions. The results are expected to convince dentists of the danger of noise exposure and the need for hearing protection
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Rural clinical placements for dental students : an action research studyCockrell, Deborah Jane January 2005 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / This work was digitised and made available on open access by the University of Sydney, Faculty of Dentistry and Sydney eScholarship . It may only be used for the purposes of research and study. Where possible, the Faculty will try to notify the author of this work. If you have any inquiries or issues regarding this work being made available please contact the Sydney eScholarship Repository Coordinator - ses@library.usyd.edu.au
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Australian dental policy reform and the use of dental therapists and hygienistsSatur, Julie, julie.satur@deakin.edu.au January 2002 (has links)
Oral diseases including dental caries and periodontal disease are among the most prevalent and costly diseases in Australia today. Around 5.4% of Australias health dollar is spent on dental services totalling around $2.6 billion, 84% of which are delivered through the private sector (AIHW 2001). The other 16% is spent providing public sector services in varied and inadequate ways. While disease rates among school children have declined significantly in the past 20 years the gains made among children are not flowing on to adult dentitions and our aging population will place increasing demands on an inadequate system into the future (AHMAC 2001). Around 50% of adults do not received regular care and this has implications for widening health inequalities as the greatest burden falls on lower income groups (AIHW DSRU 2001).
The National Competition Policy agenda has initiated, Australia-wide, reviews of dental legislation applying to delivery of services by dentists, dental specialists, dental therapists and hygienists and dental technicians and prosthetists. The review of the Victorian Dentists Act 1972, was completed first in 1999, followed by the other Australian states with Queensland, the ACT and the Northern Territory still developing legislation. One of the objectives of the new Victorian Act is to
promote access to dental care. This study has grown out of the need to know more about how dental therapists and hygienists might be utilised to achieve this and the legislative frameworks that could enable such roles.
This study used qualitative methods to explore dental health policy making associated with strategies that may increase access to dental care using dental therapists and hygienists. The study used a multiple case study design to critically examine the dental policy development process around the Review of the Dentists Act 1972 in Victoria; to assess legislative and regulatory dental policy reforms in other states in Australia and to conduct a comparative analysis of dental health policy as it relates to dental auxiliary practice internationally.
Data collection has involved (I) semi-structured interviews with key participants and stakeholders in the policy development processes in Victoria, interstate and overseas, and (ii) analysis of documentary data sources. The study has taken a grounded theory approach whereby theoretical issues that emerged from the Victorian case study were further developed and challenged in the subsequent interstate and international case studies. A component of this study has required the development of indicators in regulatory models for dental hygienists and therapists that will increase access to dental care for the community. These indicators have been used to analyse regulation reform and the likely impacts in each setting.
Despite evidence of need, evidence of the effectiveness and efficiency of dental therapists and hygienists, and the National Competition Policy agenda of increasing efficiency, the legislation reviews have mostly produces only minor changes. Results show that almost all Australian states have regulated dental therapists and hygienists in more prescriptive ways than they do dentists.
The study has found that dental policy making is still dominated by the views of private practice dentists under elitist models that largely protect dentist authority, autonomy and sovereignty. The influence of dentist professional dominance has meant that governments have been reluctant to make sweeping changes. The study has demonstrated alternative models of regulation for dental therapists and hygienists, which would allow wider utilisation of their skills, more effective use of public sector funding, increased access to services and a grater focus on preventive care. In the light of theses outcomes, there is a need to continue to advocate for changes that will increase the public health focus of oral health care.
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A participatory design approach in the engineering of ubiquitous computing systemsTimothy Cederman-Haysom Unknown Date (has links)
Ubiquitous computing aims to make human-computer interaction as naturalistic and functionally invisible as possible through embedding computing potential within a particular context to support human activity. However, much of ubiquitous computing research is focussed on technical innovation due to the challenges involved with deploying embedded computing, thereby reducing the commitment to the philosophical ideals of ubiquitous computing in research. This dissertation describes the investigation of a participatory approach to technically-complex research in order to understand how our view of the engineering and human challenges changes when the two are approached hand-in-hand. The domain chosen for this system was a dental surgery. Dentistry involves a complex workspace with computer interaction constrained by surgery hygiene. Ubiquitous computing offers a compelling interaction alternative to the keyboard and mouse paradigm in such an environment. A multi-method approach that employed ethnographic research and design prototyping was undertaken with dentists from several different private practices. A series of field studies used ethnographic methods such as observation and interview. Design events explored prototypes with activities such as design games, contextual interviews, role-playing and contextual prototyping. Activities were devised with the aim of providing a level playing field, whereby both designers and participants feel they can contribute equally, with their respective disciplinary knowledge. It was found that methods needed to be carefully chosen, devised and managed, in order to communicate complex concepts with participants and to constrain the design to technically feasible options. The thesis examines the design problem from the perspectives of a variety of different stakeholders within a participatory design framework, reflected upon by means of human-centred action research. Data was gathered through design speculations and observation, and explored using methods such as the Video Card Game and Video Interaction Analysis. Fieldwork was analysed using a multi-stage qualitative analysis process which informed further design collaboration with participants. The analysis of data gathered during design studies with dentists also contributed to the development of a prototype system to validate methodological contributions. The resulting prototype utilised off-the-shelf hardware and software which allowed for innovative customisation and development. In-situ prototyping (defined by the author as “participatory bootstrapping”) and a comprehensive knowledge of the domain afforded the creative application of technology. In addition to contributing to the prototype design, the interpretive understandings drawn from analysis identified how technical ideas were presented and utilised by participants of the studies, and how best to engage busy professionals. The final outcomes of the research were a multimodal ubiquitous computing system for interacting within a dental surgery; the development and implementation of a variety of methods aimed at communicating technical concepts and eliciting user motivations, practices and concerns; and a set of design principles for engineers engaging in design of systems for human use. The research presented within this thesis is primarily part of the field of human-computer interaction, but provides evidence of how engineering development can be influenced by a user-centred participatory approach. The benefits that derive from inclusive methods of design are demonstrated by the evaluation of a prototype that employed such methods. The contribution of this thesis is to demonstrate and delineate methods for developing ubiquitous computing technologies for the context of human use. This led to a set of design principles for the engineering of systems for human use: 1. Technology needs to be robust and simple to appropriate. This allows users to give insights on technology developments and also to allow users to discover for themselves how they would use the technology. 2. An evolving and carefully considered set of methods are needed to elicit communication between practitioners and across disciplines. The gaps in understandings and the different representations that arise across the disciplines provide essential clues to next steps in design. These gaps and differences form tensions that can be exploited productively. 3. Context is important for determining which design steps to take. Rather than abstracting a problem in order to solve it, as is usual in engineering design, the problem should remain grounded in the context of use. It reveals what the real problems are that need to be solved rather than the imagined ones. This requires an appreciation of the situated nature of action and of the variability of work. In turn it also requires an appreciation of what the human can and does do and what the machine should support. 4. Accountability in design is required. There is a fundamental tension between trying to make something work and seeing what really does work; specifically it is necessary to understand when automation is worth it in human machine systems. While engaged in the design process, engineers should ask how much technology should reconfigure human practices because of a useful outcome, rather than attempting to automate and converge devices for its own sake. A clear understanding of the constraints and workings of the work space needs to be balanced with the understandings of the limitations of the technology in order to design a system that improves work practice and empowers the practitioner.
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Uppfattningar och upplevelser av hypnoterapi mot tandvårdsrädsla / Perceptions and experiences of hypnotherapy against dental fearHåkansson, Jennie, Södergren, Lisa January 2015 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka uppfattningar av hypnoterapins effekter och upplevelser av hypnoterapi som behandling av tandvårdsrädsla på tandvårdskliniker. Material och metod: Materialet inhämtades genom intervjuer med sex informanter som arbetade med hypnoterapi som behandling mot tandvårdsrädsla på tandvårdskliniker i Sverige. Intervjuerna har genomförts med användning av en intervjuguide och varade i ca 20 – 35 minuter. Metoden var kvalitativ och data analyserades med innehållsanalys. Resultat: I studiens resultat framträdde ett huvudtema: Förebyggande behandlingsmetod. Resultatet visade att informanterna uppfattade hypnoterapins effekter som goda och de upplevde hypnoterapi som effektiv vid behandling av tandvårdsrädsla. Informanterna var eniga om att behandling med hypnoterapi ska användas på tandvårdsklinikerna och utföras av tandläkare eller tandhygienist. Många av informanterna upplevde att kollegorna hade svårt att acceptera hypnoterapi som metod. Slutsats: Uppfattningar och upplevelser av hypnoterapi som behandling och dess effekt är överlag positiv med vissa svårigheter angående kollegornas attityder gentemot metoden. Mer forskning behövs för en bredare acceptans och förståelse av hypnoterapi som behandlingsmetod. / Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the perceptions of hypnotherapy’s effects and experiences of hypnotherapy as a treatment of dental fear in dental clinics. Material and Methods: The material was obtained through interviews with six informants working with hypnotherapy as a treatment for dental fear in dental clinics in Sweden. The interviews were conducted using an interview guide and lasted 20 - 35 minutes. The method was qualitative and the interviews were analyzed through a qualitative content analysis. Results: In the results a main theme appeared: Preventive treatment. The results showed that the informants perceived hypnotherapy’s effects as good and they experienced hypnotherapy as effective in the treatment of dental fear. The informants agreed that hypnotherapy should be used in dental clinics and performed by a dentist or dental hygienist. Many of the informants felt that their colleagues had difficulties accepting hypnotherapy as a method. Conclusion: Perceptions and experiences of hypnotherapy as a treatment and its effect are generally positive with some exceptions regarding their colleagues attitudes towards the method. More research is needed to bring a wider acceptance and understanding of hypnotherapy as a treatment method.
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The management of customer relations in the dental industry of Gauteng provinceVenter, Sarel Jan Hendrik. January 2014 (has links)
M. Tech. Business Administration / The key objective of the study was to identify and quantify factors that affect the perception held by the general public on the quality of services provided by dental practitioners in the Gauteng Province. It was based on a stratified random sample of size n=100 respondents who were selected from the dental industry in the Gauteng Province.
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