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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modes of Participation: Co-creative Approaches to the Design Process

Henriques, Carissa 05 May 2009 (has links)
This project explores the notion of participation within the graphic design and problem-solving process. Through projects using generative tools and collaboration, I explore ways to instigate controlled participation from designers and non-designers. I observe and document how the methods and means of participation affect the creative process during these projects.

Beräkningoptimering och konceptuell design avIndustriskydd

Mattsson, Alexander January 2016 (has links)
ABSTRACTAs the industry becomes more efficient all the time and the budgets narrower the demand forsafety equipment has also increased to minimize downtime and injuries. With the efficienciesgrowing in Swedish industry the supplier of this project has also seen an increased demand forsafety equipment. One product that has increased is their “Industryprotection” a productcreated to protect forklifts from colliding with walls in industry spaces.The purpose of this project is to generate a concept for a new design of the“Industryprotection”. It also involves creating a static FEM analysis of a collision between aforklift and the “Industryprotection”. The goal for the analysis is to create a steady modelwhich easily could be applied to different concepts. A study of the different calculationsmethods will also be executed.The project is split into two phases one conceptual phase and one calculation phase, the laststep of the project is to analyze the recommended concept versus the current one using theanalysis created.The work is limited to only go as far as a recommended concept is created, the dimensioning,final drawing, manufacturing preparation and validating is given to the supplier of the projectThe theory for this project is gathered from studying literature from market evaluation,computer aided calculation and design process. After theory for each phase of the project hasbeen gathered they have been modified to suit the phase. Also a large study of everyparameter in the FEM analysis has been executed to secure a stable model for the analysis.The output of the model became a simple and steady model which easily could be applied todifferent concepts. The study of different calculation methods of the model generated a fivetime increase of the amount of momentum the “Industryprotection” could endure. / SAMMANFATTNINGDå industrin hela tiden utvecklas mot att bli mer effektiv och budgeterna blir allt snävareställs också högre krav på att minimera driftstopp och skador. I takt med att arbetet aveffektiviseringar inom svensk industri har ökat har uppdragsgivaren EAB, sett en störreefterfrågan av säkerhetsutrustning .En kategori som har ökat är deras industriskydd som ärskapat för skydda väggar i industrilokaler.Syftet med projektet är att generera ett rekommenderat koncept över hur ett nytt industriskyddkan konstrueras. Vidare skall även en statisk analysmodell skapas över ett kollision scenariomellan truck och industriskyddet. Målet med analysen är att skapa en stabil modell som enkeltkan appliceras på olika koncept. Vidare skall även en studie kring olika beräkningsmetoderutföras.Arbetet är uppdelat i två olika faser en konceptfas samt en beräkningsfas. Som sista steg iprojektet används den skapade beräkningsmodellen för att utvärdera det rekommenderadekonceptetProjektet är begränsat till det stadie där ett rekommenderat koncept är framtaget. Slutligdimensionering, detaljkonstruktion, tillverkningsberedning och verifiering överlämnas tilluppdragsgivaren.Teorin kring projektet har samlats in genom att studera relevant litteratur inommarknadsundersökningar, datorstödberäkningshjälp samt konstruktionsprocessen. Efterstudien har teori anpassats och applicerats för detta specifika projekt. Under beräkningsfasenhar en omfattande studie kring samtliga parametrar utförts för att skapa en stabilberäkningsmodell.Utfallet av modellen blev en enkel och stabil beräkningsmodell som kan appliceras på olikakoncept med goda resultat. Utvärdering av beräkningsmetoder genererade en ökning av denabsorberade energin med en faktor på fem.


Törnvall, Marcus, Stendlert, Ellinor January 2019 (has links)
Syfte: Idag har det blivit allt mer vanligt att verksamheter använder sig av aktivitetsbaserade kontor, så kallade ABW-kontor. En anledning till detta är att kontorsformen är mer yteffektiv då den oftast är utformad för ett färre antal medarbetare än vad verksamheten har anställda. Problemet med många av dagens aktivitetsbaserade kontor är att utformningen inte är rätt anpassad till verksamhetens behov. Detta grundar sig i att det finns en kommunikationsbrist i utformningsprocessen vilket medför att arkitekten inte får den information om verksamheten som behövs. Målet med arbetet har varit att komma fram till ett hjälpmedel som kan undvika kommunikationsbristen för att i framtiden ge arkitekter ett bättre underlag för att utforma ABW-kontor. Metod: Studien har bestått av en kvalitativ undersökning där fallstudier, intervjuer och dokumentgranskning använts. Studiens största datainsamling består av semistrukturerade intervjuer med arkitekt och personer som arbetat hos de tre verksamheterna under utformningsprocessen. Utöver detta utfördes en dokumentgranskning av planlösningarna hos verksamheterna. Dessa datainsamlingsmetoder kunde därefter analyseras och generera svar på studiens frågeställningar. Resultat: Undersökningen visade att det funnits en kommunikationsbrist i samtliga utformningsprocesser hos de tre verksamheterna. En av verksamheterna hade använt sig mer av medarbetarna i utformningsprocessen vilket kan kopplas till att de anställda var nöjda med kontoret. Från intervjuerna framgick det vad i kontorets utformning som var viktigt för att kontoret skulle bli så anpassat till verksamhetens behov som möjligt. Utifrån den här informationen skapades en checklista för arkitekt, beställare och anställda. Checklistan kan användas i utformningsprocessen för att få ett bra underlag till att anpassa kontorets utformning till verksamhetens behov. Konsekvenser: En slutsats av den här studien är att alla ABW-kontor inte är anpassade efter verksamhetens behov. Under utformningsprocessen involveras inte alla medarbetarna tillräckligt mycket vilket har visat sig vara nödvändigt för ett fungerande resultat. För att ge en arkitekt möjlighet att utforma ett aktivitetsbaserat kontor så bra som möjligt behövs information från medarbetarna som förklarar deras arbetssätt och behov. En rekommendation utifrån resultatet är att göra checklistan digitaliserad så att större företag kan använda sig av den också. Begränsningar: Studien har avgränsats till att undersöka tre verksamheter med olika typer av organisationer, ekonomi, IT och marknadsföring. Antalet intervjuer på de olika verksamheterna har även avgränsats till att intervjua personer som endast varit med under bytet till ABW-kontor. Den resulterande checklistan är lämpad att användas i små företag eftersom checklistan är i pappersform. För stor insamling av checklistor kan minska effektiviteten i utformningsprocessen. Metodvalen är anpassade för studiens omfattning men arbetet hade stärkts om intervjuer även utförts med arkitekter som utformat de valda ABW-kontoren. Nyckelord: ABW, Aktivitetsbaserat kontor, Kommunikationsverktyg, Utformningsprocess. / Purpose: Nowadays it is more common to use activity based work offices, known as ABW-offices. One of the reasons why it is getting more popular is because of the space efficiency. ABW-offices are often designed for less people than number of employees. The problem with many of today’s activity based work offices is that it is not suitable for every type of work environment and its needs. The reason is lack of communication during the design process. That can lead into less information about the working environment for the architect. The goal with the case study has been to produce a userfriendly communication tool so the architect has a better base to start the design process. Method: The study is a qualitative survey with case studies, interviews and document analysis. The largest data collection has been semi structured interviews with architect and employees. The document analysis is based on the layouts of the different work offices. These data collection methods could thereafter be analyzed and generate answers to the questions of the case study. Findings: The study showed that there has been a lack of communication during the design process in every ABW-office. One of the three offices involved the employees during the design process, and the employees seemed to be happy with how the office turned out. The interviews gave information about what factors that can be most important to make the ABW-office as suitable as possible for the work office. After analyzing the empiricism a checklist was created for architect, client and employees. The checklist can be used during the design process to fill the client and the employees need to make a suitable working environment. Implications: A conclusion of this study is that all ABW-offices are not suitable enough for the work office. All the employees did not get fully involved during the design process which, after research, are the best way to get the ultimate result. Therefore, the architect needs to get as much information as possible from the employees to make a good and suitable layout for plan views. A recommendation is to improve the checklist and make it digitized so bigger companies can use the checklist too. Limitations: The study has been delimited to make a research about three different companies with different types of organizations, economy, IT and marketing. People that has been interviewed have all been a part of the exchange to an ABW-office. The checklist is mostly suitable for smaller companies to use since the checklist is in shape of paper. Too many checklist can lead to a less effective designprocess. The methods are chosen in consideration to time and extent of the study. The study would have strengthen if more interviews with for instance the responsible architects of the chosen ABW-offices were made. Keywords: ABW, Activity based work office, Communication tool, Design process.

2030 Volvo Compact Concept

Jia, Haoyue January 2019 (has links)
The project is a vision from the author for future autonomous vehicles in 2030, designed for Volvo. Volvo is one of the pioneering automotive companies for autonomous driving, concerning safety as a priority and taking sustainable responsibility for a better living condition.  In the not too distant future, the author sees people’s perception of mobility will gradually change from traditional private ownership to the ability to move freely. What if a mobility service, coming along with the district you chose to live in, satisfies individual usage needs vary with daily commuting to outdoor trips or moving plans? This type of mobility solution will be ubiquitous, changing the nature of the way people choose to live and move. During the design exploration, the tools varied from ideation sketches, rough package test, photoshop rendering, clay sketching, 3D modelling and experimental display graphic illustrations. This project has been strongly inspired by Scandinavian design and Volvo design principle. Also, the author expressed her vision for Volvo and materials thoughts for components and interior functions. The project outcome is 2030 Volvo Compact Concept, an autonomous sharing and subscription service provided by the residential community.

Minimalism i Spel, en djupare förståelse för begränsningar

Gullbo, Lucas, Albrecht, Elias January 2019 (has links)
Spel som Journey (Thatgamecompany, 2012) och ICO (Team Ico, 2001) har betonats som minimalistiska spel och har lyckats skapa en känsla av minimalism. Samtidigt motsäger dem vad Towards Minimalist Game Design (Nealen & Saltsman & Boxerman, 2011) anser är minimalism inom speldesign och kan därför inte tolkas som minimalistiskt. Eftersom detta tankesätt upplevs strikt söker vi att skapa ett mer öppet designtänkande för minimalism inom speldesign. Denna undersökning handlar om att kolla på minimalism som begrepp och utforska olika perspektiv av minimalism. Detta görs med målet att leda till nya tillämpningar inom speldesign, utan att sikta på total minimalism. Genom att titta på minimalismens områden inom: konst, design och livsstil; kan en bättre förståelse för minimalism och begränsningar uppnås. Begränsningar är ett gemensamt tema inom minimalismen och har upplysts inom de valda områdena. Under digitaliseringen fick minimalismen ett nytt tankesätt då den anpassades till att reducera komplexitet till slutanvändade istället för hur det brukade vara: att reducera överdriven komplexitet.  Genom brainstorming och MDA ramverket har en spelidé skapats. Denna spelidé har utvecklats till ett spel genom användandet av minimalistiska begränsningar på både design och arbetsmetod. Resultatet visar spår av en mix olika versioner av minimalism och lyckas demonstrera hur mångfaldigt begreppet kan appliceras. Med detta motiverar vi vårt nya synsätt på minimalism inom speldesign, där vi delar in det i två större kategorier som vi namnger Total Minimalism och Smart Minimalism. / Games like Journey (Thatgamecompany, 2012)  and ICO (Team Ico, 2001) have been emphasized as minimalist games and have managed to create a sense of minimalism. At the same time, they contradict what Towards Minimalist Game Design (Nealen & Saltsman & Boxerman, 2011) consider minimalism within game design and therefore cannot be interpreted as minimalist. Since this way of thinking is perceived as strict, we seek to create a more open way of thinking about minimalism in game design. This study is about looking at minimalism as a concept and exploring different perspectives of minimalism. This is done with the goal of leading to new ways of applying minimalism within game design, without aiming for total minimalism. By looking at minimalism within different areas: art, design and lifestyle; a better understanding of minimalism and limitations can be achieved. Limitations are a common theme in minimalism and have been highlighted in our chosen areas of minimalism. During the digitalization, minimalism gained a new way of thinking when it was adapted to: reduce complexity to end users; instead of how it used to be: to reduce excessive complexity.  Through brainstorming and the MDA framework, a game idea has been created. This game idea has evolved into a game by using minimalist limitations on both design and work method. The result shows traces from a mix of different versions of minimalism and manages to demonstrate how diversely the concept can be applied. With this we motivate our new approach to minimalism in game design, where we divide it into two larger categories that we name Total Minimalism and Smart Minimalism.

The uses and users of design process models in organizations / Os usos e usuários de modelos de processo de design em organizações

Costa, Daniel Guzzo da 22 July 2016 (has links)
The use of design process models is of great importance for developing better products. Indeed, it is one of the factors that may differentiate the best companies from the rest. However, their adoption in companies is declining. Usefulness and usability issues may be responsible for process models not to meet the needs of its users. The goal of this research is to provide deeper understanding of the users needs of design process models. Three main perspectives are provided: (1) why organizations use process models, (2) who are the users of process models, and (3) how the context of use of process models is. The research methodology adopted was the Design Research Methodology (DRM). Three stages were performed: (i) Research Clarification, (ii) Descriptive Study I, and (iii) Prescriptive Study. In the first stage, an initial literature review was carried out to collect evidences of why researching process models and their users needs is relevant for the design theory. During the second stage (Descriptive Study I), literature was reviewed to identify the purposes of use of design process models and its potential users; a focusgroup section with 24 subject matter experts was carried out to evaluate these purposes and identify process model users; and, lastly, a case study was perfomed to investigate the context of use of design process models in one organization and to portray the profile of the core users. Finally, the third stage (Prescriptive Study) aimed to uncover directions for organizations develop user-centered design process models. Four main results were achieved through this research. The first result is a deep understanding of three types of application of the design process models: (a) develop the design activity, (b) manage the design project, and (c) improve the design process. The purposes for these aplications were investigated and their level of importance were revealed. In addition, it was mapped the core users of process models for the three applications. The second result is the definition of the context of use of the models.Three dimensions of the context were depicted: the product, the design process, and the organizational structure. The third result is the set of users profiles. Empathy Maps were elaborated to represent the profiles of product engineers, project managers, and technical leaders. The last result consists in recommendations regarding the content provided to users and the process models system design. Finally, industrial practitioners will benefit from this research once it was provided evidences that the activity development application type is not properly considered in organization and that important users needs are not getting proper attention in the current models. Therefore, they will be able to make use of the recommendations outlined here. / O uso de modelos de processo de design é de grande importância no desenvolvimento de novos produtos. De fato, isto é um dos fatores que pode diferenciar as melhores empresas das outras. De qualquer modo, a adoção dos modelos nas empresas esta declinando. Problemas em utilidade e usabilidade podem ser responsáveis pelos modelos não satisfazerem as necessidades de seus usuários. Nesta pesquisa, busca-se entender as necessidades dos usuários dos modelos de processo de design. Três perspectivas são dadas: (1) porquê organizações usam modelos de processo, (2) quem são os usuários dos modelos de processo e (3) como é o contexto de uso de modelos de processo. A metodologia de pesquisa adotada foi a Metodologia de Pesquisa em Design (DRM). Três estágios foram realizados: (i) Clarificação de Pesquisa, (ii) Estudo Descritivo I, e (iii) Estudo Prescritivo. No primeiro estágio, uma revisão inicial da literatura foi executada para coletar evidências do porquê estudar modelos de processo e as necessidades de seus usuários é relevante para a teoria de design. No segundo estágio (Estudo Descritivo I), revisão da literatura ajudou a identificar os propósitos de uso de modelos de processo de design e os seus potenciais usuários; uma seção de focus group com 24 especialistas no assunto foi executado para avaliar estes propósitos e identificar usuários dos modelos de processo; e, por fim, um estudo de caso foi realizado para investigar o contesto de uso dos modelos em uma organização e para retratar o perfil dos usuários principais. Finalmente, o terceiro estágio (Estudo Prescritivo) buscou revelar direções para que as organizações desenvolvam modelos de processo de design centrados em seus usuários. Quatro principais resultados foram alcançados por meio desta pesquisa. O primeiro resultado é um entendimento profundo dos três tipos de aplicação dos modelos de processo: (a) desenvolver atividade de design, (b) gerenciar o projeto de design, e (c) melhorar o processo de design. O propósito destas três aplicações foram investigadas e os níveis de importância evidenciados. Além disso, os usuários centrais dos modelos de processo foram mapeados. O segundo resultado é a definição do contexto de uso dos modelos. Três dimensões do contexto foram retratados: o produto, o processo de design, e a estrutura organizacional. O terceiro resultado é o conjunto de perfis dos usuários. Mapas de Empatia foram elaborados para representar os perfis de engenheiros de produto, gerentes de projeto, e líderes técnicos. O último resultado consiste em recomendações feitas a respeito do conteúdo fornecido aos usuários e o sistema a ser desenvolvido. Finalmente, profissionais da indústria podem beneficiar desta pesquisa uma vez que evidências são fornecidas de que a aplicação de desenvolvimento das atividades não é adequadamente considerada em organizações e que necessidades importantes dos usuários não recebem atenção satisfatória nos modelos atuais. Sendo assim, eles serão capazes de fazer uso das recomendações aqui feitas.

Iluminação artificial na percepção da arquitetura. Considerações sobre aspectos quantitativos e qualitativos no processo de projeto / Artificial Lighting in Perception of Architecture. Aspects Considerations Quantitative and Qualitative in Design Process

Cypriano, Altimar 08 April 2013 (has links)
Se considerarmos a hipótese de que a luz é parte indissociável da arquitetura, faz-se necessário buscar possíveis respostas às questões associadas à conciliação entre aspectos quantitativos e qualitativos no desenvolvimento de projetos de iluminação. Qual o caminho a seguir para que o projeto não se resuma a um simples \"arranjo\" de luminárias e equipamentos? Qual o papel da luz na composição estética do espaço arquitetônico? A iluminação produzida por fontes feitas por mãos humanas, por convenção chamada de iluminação artificial produz uma leitura diferente da obtida pela iluminação natural diurna. Este fato é relevante para o entendimento da arquitetura? Sabemos que a luz pode influenciar no estado emocional e físico das pessoas, mas em que medida esse fator pode ser utilizado de forma a agregar melhores condições nos ambientes projetados? O objetivo desta pesquisa é investigar possíveis caminhos de conciliação entre aspectos quantitativos e qualitativos no processo de projeto de iluminação aplicada à arquitetura, que possam resultar em ambientes seguros, saudáveis e confortáveis. / Whether we consider the hypothesis that light is an integral part of the architecture, it is necessary to seek possible answers to the questions associated with reconciling quantitative and qualitative aspects in the development of lighting projects. What is the way forward for the project not to summarize a single \"arrangement\" of luminaries and equipments? What is the role of light in the aesthetics composition of architectural space? The illumination produced by sources made by human hands, called artificial lighting by convention, produces a different reading from the illumination obtained by natural daylight. Is this fact relevant to the understanding of architecture? We know that light can influence the physical and emotional state of the people, but to what extent this factor can be used to aggregate the best conditions in projected environments? This research aims to investigate possible ways of reconciling quantitative and qualitative aspects in the process of lighting design applied to architecture, which may result in safe, healthy and comfortable environments.

A obra de Ruy Ohtake: uma contribuição para a compreensão do processo do desenho da arquitetura contemporânea / Ruy Ohtake\'s work: a contributionto understanding the process of design im contemporary architecture

Mantellatto, Edmir 17 May 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho busca entender o processo de elaboração dos projetos do arquiteto Ruy Ohtake, que ainda não foi alvo de um estudo criterioso. A principal referência para um estudo de caso é o projeto e a obra do Museu do Surf (2006-2008) construído na cidade de Santos, SP. Analisa por meio deste projeto a metodologia projetual do arquiteto, apresentando por meio do ambiente cultural, as referências, as características principais e a transformação de seu repertório formal. Identifica como Ohtake projeta suas obras, as determinantes de suas opções projetuais e, conclui que um desenho contemporâneo traz em si a imanência de um processo. / This work seeks to understand the process of elaboration of projects by architect Ruy Ohtake, wich has not been the subject of careful study. The main reference for a case study is the work of the project and Surf Museum (2006 - 2008) built in the city of Santos, SP. Through this project examines the methodology projectual of the architect, showing the environment through cultural references, the main characteristics and the transformation of this formal repertoire. Identifies how designs Ohtake his works, the determinants of their choice about design, and concludes that a contemporary design bears the immanence of a process.

Arte da memória e arquitetura / Art of memory and architecture

La Rocca, Renata 05 November 2007 (has links)
Partindo da hipótese de que o uso da arte da memória pode ser compreendido como um sistema-processo de design para a concepção de espaços no contexto da cultura digital, o objetivo do presente trabalho é construir uma compreensão ampliada do design de espaços que dão suporte ao armazenamento estruturado de informações, relacionando imagens e lugares. A investigação contempla o uso da arte da memória na concepção de espaços e seus princípios fundamentais desde a antiguidade clássica até os dias atuais, através de exemplos, construindo um entendimento do desenvolvimento e das conexões estabelecidas por essa arte em três momentos: das origens como parte da retórica na antiguidade clássica à sua apropriação pela escolástica medieval, passando à sua apropriação pela tradição Hermético-Cabalística no Renascimento, com os modelos de teatros da memória, à sua incorporação no processo de concepção de espacialidades por arquitetos e mídia artistas contemporâneos. A intenção é contribuir para o entendimento da arte da memória como auxiliar à criação de espaços como sistemas da memória. / Assuming that the use of the art of memory can be understood as a system-design process for the conception of spaces in the context of digital culture, the present work goal is to construct a base understanding of design of spaces that give support to structured information storage by connecting images and places. The research contemplates the use of the art of memory, concerning the conception of spaces, from its fundament, of the classical antiquity to the present days, by examples, building an understanding of the development and connections concerning three moments of this art: from its origins as a part of rhetoric in the classical antiquity to its assimilation by the middle ages scholastics, to its appropriation by Hermetic-Cabalistic tradition in the renaissance and its memory theatres models, and finally to its contemporary incorporation in the space design processes by architects and media artists. The aim is to contribute to the understanding of the art of memory as an aid to the conception of spaces as memory systems.

Implementação de modelo de gestão para empresas de projeto de edifícios. / Building design firm magement model implementation.

Souza, Flávia Rodrigues de 13 May 2009 (has links)
Sendo o setor da construção civil caracterizado historicamente por períodos de oscilação de demanda produtiva, torna-se essencial às empresas que nele atuam a adequada flexibilidade proporcionada pelo preparo gerencial, visando a perenidade e atuação sustentada. Nesse contexto, as micro e pequenas empresas do setor são normalmente as mais vulneráveis aos períodos de baixa demanda produtiva, em especial as empresas de projeto, que são, em sua grande maioria, despreparadas gerencialmente, além de não serem estruturadas e organizadas estrategicamente para atuarem de forma pro-ativa. Diante desse quadro, Oliveira (2005) propôs um modelo de gestão específico para as empresas de projeto de edifícios com orientações para a gestão dos seus principais processos e funções. Objetivando a implementação do modelo citado, formaram-se dois grupos consecutivos compostos por empresas de projeto atuantes na cidade de São Paulo. Este trabalho foi denominado Programa de Desenvolvimento Gerencial para Empresas de Projeto, cuja finalidade era, através de pesquisa-ação, facilitar a implementação do modelo de gestão nas empresas de projeto através de atividades dirigidas, visando o desenvolvimento sustentado por meio do autoconhecimento de suas potencialidades e limitações, conduzindo-as à maturidade empresarial e, consequentemente, ao adequado preparo e flexibilidade necessários tanto para os períodos de recessão, quanto para os períodos de alta demanda produtiva setorial. Frente a esse panorama, desenvolveu-se a pesquisa referente à análise da aplicação do modelo de gestão para empresas de projeto sob dois enfoques: reação das empresas e resultados alcançados em função da implementação. Este trabalho objetiva, ainda, a partir da revisão bibliográfica e experiências vividas durante a implementação do modelo, propor recomendações para facilitar a aplicação dos conceitos de gestão contemplados pelo modelo. / As the Brazilian Civil Construction sector has historically been characterized by periods of oscillation productive demand, the flexibility proposed by the management prepare is essential to the companies of the sector, viewing endurable and sustainable acting. In this context, civil construction micro companies are usually the most sensitive to the low productive demand periods, specially the design firms, since most of them are unprepared and, in addition, they are not strategically organized and structured to take preventive actions in their market. Due to this scenario, Oliveira (2005) proposed a design building firms management model which contains instructions to manage their essential processes and functions. Aiming to implement the above model, two successive work groups were formed, composed by design firms working for the São Paulo civil construction market . This work was named Design Firms Management Developing Program and it viewed, through action research, to facilitate the management model implementation in the design firms through dynamic activities aimed at sustained development by their own potentialities and knowledge limitation, conducting them to a business maturity and consequently to organize them to act in recession periods and also in high productive demand periods. In this context, this research was developed aiming to analyze the design firms reaction along the program and the results attained due to the management model implementation. Through the bibliographic review, this research views to propose recommendations to applicate the model management and its concepts.

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