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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

運用隱喻計算於特色結盟之企業夥伴推薦研究 - 以區域觀光產業為例 / Metaphor-Based Alliance Partners Recommendation for Unique and Attractive Destination Image Building

葉又誠, Yeh, Yu Chen Unknown Date (has links)
對於結盟的建立而言,如何選擇夥伴是相當重要的議題。許多的學術研究著重於建立一些選擇夥伴的框架或準則,以求達到資源分享、節省成本的效果。在旅遊產業中,許多文獻舉出了意象建立的重要性,也點出了意象的有效建立有賴於企業體彼此緊密的合作,然而,較少研究探討如果要建立獨特且具有吸引力的意象效果,應該選擇那些夥伴才能到到目標。因此,本研究提出一系統化的方法能幫助使用者分析並找出合適的合作夥伴,以建立獨特且具有吸引力的意象。此一方法利用隱喻計算作為工具,嘗試找出創新的解決方案。本研究提出也提出一個系統架構,並輔以相關的演算法與情境來說明方法上的可用性。從理論上的觀點來看,本研究嘗試透過自動化的方式找出隱喻的意涵,並將之整合到一問題解決的方法上。從實務面來看,本研究提供了中小型企業一個有用的方法能幫助他們找到合適的合作夥伴。透過建立更高品質的夥伴關係,我們期盼在旅遊產業的中小型企業能夠進一步增加其競爭優勢、存活與獲利能力。此外,研究也發現,一個區域的意象多樣性直接影響到中小型企業透過合作來建立市場利基的可能性。 / Partner selection is an important issue in alliance formation. A lot of research works have been done in developing the framework or criteria for selecting partners from the views of resource complement, cost reductions and knowledge sharing. However, research to date suggests relatively little is known about how to select partners for attractive and unique image building, which is essential to the developments of tourism especially for SME owners in the tourism sector. In this paper, we propose a systematic approach for service providers in tourism to identify appropriate partners to form alliances and build their attractive and unique images. This approach employs metaphors as a tool to generate innovative and creative solutions. The system architecture is then provided and elaborated with algorithms and the system scenario. From the theoretical perspective, we attempt to excavate the meaning of metaphors from the web in order to propose a new frame of problem-solving. From the practical perspective, we provide SME owners with a useful approach for managing partner selection and attractive and unique image building. By forming better alliances, SMEs in tourism sector can gain competitive advantages and improve their sustainability and profitability. In addition, the image diversity of a tourism destination is an important factor on market niche creation through alliance formation.

uVoyage營運計畫提案:促進台灣地方特色發展之休閒旅遊服務平台 / A business plan proposal for uVoyage: A service platform to promote the development of regional tourism in Taiwan

卓品光, Jwo, Pin Guang Unknown Date (has links)
服務產業已在近代成為了世界各個國家的重要產業,台灣尤其,因此推動服務經濟一直是政府主要的推展政策之一。政大服務科學研究中心(SSRC)及資管所AeSL實驗室將服務科學的知識運用在實務上的服務創新,為本國較弱勢的觀光產業中小型商家提升競爭力,進而發展了一個以旅遊意象為引擎的全新網路服務平台,uVoyage。 此平台的目的為幫助弱勢的中小型觀光商家將自己的產品及服務自行行銷,推廣到全國大眾。本經營計畫的最高宗旨為提供一個互動性平台,讓觀光業中小型商家與旅客一起共創價值,達到永續經營。專案在初始挑選了宜蘭縣枕頭山休閒農業區作為開發平台的實驗標的,並於去年就已經完成POC(Proof of Concept)。在持續開發平台的同時,本研究所著重的方向為研討uVoyage平台的實際經營模式,並將其營運計畫做完善的提案。此研究在進行的過程也定時與枕山村休閒農業區的商家辦說明會蒐集意見回饋,讓平台的功能更能夠符合商家的需求。 此論文延續平台的基礎,持續進行完整性的開發,同時將組織管理、財務、營運及獲利模式做完整個規劃。本研究最終目標為完成最後階段的POS(Proof of Service),並提出實際可行的經營計畫。促進台灣地方特色發展、幫助觀光中小企業為uVoyage的最高使命。

TV-seriers påverkan på destinationsimage: : En fallstudie om Peaky Blinders och Birmingham

Hoffman, Christopher, Grönskog, Gustav January 2020 (has links)
Film-induced tourism, or film tourism, is in a simplified sense the phenomenon that occurs when a person visits a place selected by inspiration from a film/TV series. A prerequisite for film tourism is that within a film/TV series, features appear that inspires the viewer to visit either recording locations or other places associated with the film/TV series. In the study of film tourism, destination image plays a central role, which can be explained as an individual's collection of expectations, ideas, feelings, and impressions that have been built up over time for a destination. This study aims to help fill a knowledge gap that includes studies of how films or TV series with negative/controversial content affect the viewer's perceptions and mental images of a destination image. More specifically, the study will focus on the TV series Peaky Blinders and Birmingham, England. Through the theory section, a theoretical framework is established in which, among other things, it is being described how previous research have focused on film tourism, destination image, motivation, and commitment. Furthermore, a conceptual model is created that clarifies the basis of our study and which also forms the cornerstone of the research design. The study includes a quantitative approach where three hypotheses are put and then tested against the data collection, which is gathered through a digital survey where the sample consists of Peaky Blinders fans. The results show the cognitive, affective, and conative image of Birmingham found by spectators of Peaky Blinders and explains how the commitment to the TV series affects these aspects. Conclusions are drawn by accepting the hypotheses, which is that the commitment to Peaky Blinders affects the cognitive, affective, and conative image of Birmingham. / Film-inducerad turism, eller filmturism, är i förenklad mening det fenomen som uppstår när en människa besöker en plats som valts ut genom inspiration från en film/TV-serie. En förutsättning för filmturism är att det inom en film/TV-serie framkommer särdrag som uppmanar åskådaren till att besöka antingen inspelningsplatser eller andra platser som förknippas med filmen/TV-serien. Inom studiet av filmturism spelar destinationsimage en central roll, vilket kan förklaras som en individs samling av förväntningar, idéer, känslor och intryck som har byggts upp med tiden för en destination. Denna studie ämnar bidra till att fylla en kunskapslucka vilken innefattar undersökningar av hur filmer eller TV-serier med en negativ/kontroversiell handling påverkar åskådarnas uppfattningar och mentala bilder av en destinations image. Mer specifikt kommer studien att fokusera på TV-serien Peaky Blinders och Birmingham, England. Genom teoriavsnittet etableras ett teoretiskt ramverk där det bland annat redogörs för hur tidigare forskning fokuserat på filmturism, destinationsimage, motivation samt engagemang. Vidare skapas en konceptuell modell som tydliggör grunden för vår studie och som även utgör grundstenen i utformandet av forskningsdesignen. Studien innefattar ett kvantitativt angreppssätt där tre hypoteser ställs för att sedan testas mot datainsamlingen, som sker genom en digital enkätundersökning där urvalet består av fans till Peaky Blinders. Resultaten visar den kognitiva, affektiva och konativa image av Birmingham som finns hos åskådare av Peaky Blinders samt redogör även för hur engagemanget för TV-serien påverkar dessa aspekter. Slutsatser dras genom ett accepterande av de ställda hypoteserna, vilket innebär att engagemanget för Peaky Blinders påverkar den kognitiva, affektiva samt konativa imagen av Birmingham. / <p>2020-06-08</p>

The role of literary texts in tourism destination management, place creation and marketing : a case study on Concarneau in Finistère, Brittany, and the Simenon Novel, The Yellow Dog

Mansfield, Charles January 2015 (has links)
This doctoral thesis approaches literary tourism initially from an historical perspective in order to define the phenomenon through a review of the existing academic literature in the field. The forms of literary tourism are analysed to provide a typology and from this the value of literary tourism is explained both from the visitor's point of view and the destination manager's. Current theories underpinning the existing literature on literary tourism, including Bourdieu's concept of cultural capital are reviewed. To extend the current state of research and to answer the research questions a case study of successful urban literary tourism is identified, in this case in Brittany, France. The uses of French literature in literary tourism are reviewed to provide a sound basis on which to examine French texts and tourist destinations. Novel methods of field research are developed to formalise and to make reproducible the methodology for this study and for future work drawing on, and seeking to combine both literary theory and ethnography. Following a pilot study on the French Riviera the full discovery instruments are designed and applied in fieldwork on the case destination, Concarneau, using the detective novel, The Yellow Dog, which is set in Concarneau. Analysis of the findings from this provide a new contribution to the field of literary theory, in the area of reader interpellation, and answer the research questions in the form of a new set of recommendations for DMOs and tourism stakeholders. From the empirical study that used Web 2.0 social media, only available since 2013, an analysis of which novels do stimulate literary tourism is presented for the first time. Out of the research process new methods have been evolved, and are presented in the conclusion, for the DMO to synthesise and leverage digital resources. This provides DMOs with interpretation processes for its managed heritage to use with its local stakeholders in hotels and in tourism businesses. Finally, an innovative conceptualisation of what constitutes tourism knowledge is proposed.

Common city attributes and contact employees : a case study of Indianapolis, Indiana

McBride, Jordan Ray 03 January 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Indianapolis is considered by many a competitive, large population city with incredible resources for business conferences and event tourism. The city’s flagship event, The Indianapolis 500, has paved the way for the city’s success. With initiative, planning, construction, and implementation the city’s tourism prowess has grown over the past three decades. Indianapolis has become host to a plethora of mid-size and large conferences every year, a regular on the host circuit for the NCAA Final Four, host of the annual Big Ten basketball tournament and most recently the host of the 2012 Super Bowl. Indianapolis continuously attempts to bring in more events every year. Not many residents get to see, or are even aware of, the associates busy at work attempting to fill hotel rooms, conference centers and stadiums. The Destination Marketing Organizations (DMOs) of the city are constantly working and tweaking strategies to increase exposure and get tourists excited about visiting Indianapolis. However, it is difficult to identify what truly separates Indianapolis as a tourist destination from any other competitive, second-tier population, landlocked city. Centrality within the country and the tourism infrastructure may be argued, but a representative from nearly any city in competition with Indianapolis may make a counterpoint to most resources. Instead of running in circles with this argument, this thesis looks to probe into a resource for Indianapolis that could be turned into a strong marketing tool for tourism: its employees. The overall purpose of this study was to examine the perceptions of resident contact employees in the food service and lodging industries concerning Indianapolis’ tourism attributes, and their relation to Indianapolis’ destination marketing and managerial strategies.

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