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Mental Health Problems in Parole Decisions: The Re-conceptualization of Mental Health Problems as Risk FactorsStewart, Shannon Marie January 2016 (has links)
Deinstitutionalization has had an impact increasing the number of offenders with mental health problems within the correctional system. Furthermore, preliminary research claims that offenders with mental health problems are disproportionately denied when applying for parole. The reasons for this are not well understood. This exploratory qualitative research draws on 48 decisions from the Parole Board of Canada decision registry, four interviews with former parole board members, and observation data from 17 parole hearings to explore how mental health problems are constructed within the conditional release decision-making process. Against a risk logic back drop, this institutional ethnography analyzes the way parole board members understand and operationalize mental health within the decision-making process. Self-regulation, medication compliance, and the role of the expert were strong themes that emerged through a content analysis. By integrating symbolic interactionism and a governmentality framework, the current study explores how mental health in parole decision-making is influenced by individual, organizational, and macro-level risk rationalities that draw on neoliberal responsibilization strategies and "psy" expertise. The findings are presented within Hawkin’s (2002) legal decision-making framework. Policy and human rights implications are discussed.
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Terorizmus v Európskej únii. Ako boj proti terorizmu obmedzuje ľudské práva a slobody / Counter-terrorism policy in the EU and it's impact on human rightsHusárová, Katarína January 2012 (has links)
Our thesis has aimed to show a relationship between certain aspects of EU counter-terrorism legislation and the impact it has on basic human rights. We have used the example of incommunicado detention laws in Spain to show that denying the detainees access to basic rights such as (and most importantly) access to legal counsel could lead to systematic abuse of human rights under the Articles 3, 5 or 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). We have shown that in the EU, where counter-terrorism mostly falls under criminal law, the only viable way to combat terrorism is to create exceptions in such law system with the aim of effectiveness. We have shown that these (such as incommunicado detention mentioned above) exceptions will pose threat to basic human rights. We have concluded that combined with mass pre-emptive surveillance and ability to stop and search at will (example of Article 44 in the UK), the Spanish example could lead to a legal system that could by systematically abused and used for suppressing others. We have concluded that on standalone basis, some EU states (notably Spain and the UK) have counter-terrorist laws that have high possibility of infringing upon basic human rights. However the real threat lies in the worst of them combining on the EU level.
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Zdravotně technické instalace výrobních budov / Plumbing Systems for Manufacturing BuildingČupr, Pavel January 2016 (has links)
This thesis addresses plumbing systems for manufacturing building. The theoretical part explores ways of draining stormwater. Experimental part is measuring consumption of water. Project part solves plumbing systems in specified manufacturing building.
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A Comparison of Knowledge/Skills Statements Needed by Teachers of Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders and Teachers in Juvenile Correctional Special Education SettingsMcArthur, Patrick L. (Patrick Lee) 12 1900 (has links)
This study had a two-fold purpose. The first purpose was to compare the rankings of a set of knowledge/skills statements as reported by teachers of students with emotional behavioral disorders and teachers in juvenile correctional special education settings. A survey instrument designed to measure the importance, proficiency, and frequency of use of clusters of knowledge/skills statements was administered to 123 teachers in juvenile correctional special education settings in state institutions. Mann Whitney U analyses were calculated to compare the mean rankings of the two groups of teachers. The findings indicated that teachers in juvenile correctional special education settings and teachers of students with emotional and behavioral disorders were very similar as to which knowledge/skills clusters were important to their job performance, which clusters they were most proficient at using, and which clusters they utilized most frequently. The second purpose was to compare the teachers in juvenile correctional special education settings and to determine whether their mean rankings of the knowledge/skills clusters varied when analyzed by differing categories of age, type of certification held, years of teaching experience, and level of the teachers' education. Analysis of variance revealed no significant difference in the mean rankings in any of the comparison groups. Therefore teacher age, level of education, type of certification held, or years of teaching experience yielded no significant differences on the mean rankings of the knowledge/skills clusters.
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Rethinking the right to belong in a neoliberal world: privatization of security in refugee camps and detention centresAbrar, Zehra 27 April 2021 (has links)
The thesis revolves around the question of whether state and non-state actors’ responses to the refugee crises are restricting the rights of refugees by introducing privatization of security. The thesis studies the experiences of refugees in offshore immigration detention centres of Australia and the UN operated refugee camps, which are highly privatized or are in a process of privatization. The thesis rests on the theoretical framework provided by Hannah Arendt which explains why human rights are failing refugees in this context, and how they remain meaningless until the 'right to have rights' is incorporated as a basic right. The thesis argues that privatization of security is harmful and results in increased human rights violations and that the private military and security companies are a way of delegating as well as deflecting responsibility that state actors and non-state actors have towards refugees. The thesis also raises the possibility of private resettlement programs as one of the solutions to ensure the right of belongingness is translated practically by giving refugees a community. / Graduate
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Chemophysical Characteristics And Application Of Biosorption Activated Media (bam) For Copper And Nutrient Removal In Stormwater ManagementJones, Jamie 01 January 2013 (has links)
For high groundwater table areas, stormwater wet detention ponds are utilized as the preferred stormwater management throughout the state of Florida. Previous research has found that accumulations of nutrients, algae, heavy metals, pesticides, chlorophyll a, fecal coliform bacteria and low concentrations of dissolved oxygen (DO) are common characteristics of stormwater wet detention ponds. Although these pollutant levels are not regulated within the ponds, states are required to compute the pollutant load reductions through total maximum daily load (TMDL) programs to meet the water quality requirements addressed by the Clean Water Act (CWA). In this study, field sampling data of stormwater ponds throughout Florida are presented to identify concentration levels of the main contaminants of concern in the discharge of wet detention ponds. Sampling was done to identify possible sources, in addition to possible removal mechanisms via the use of specific sorption media. Nutrients were found as a main problematic pollutant, of which orthophosphate, total phosphorus, ammonia, nitrate, and total nitrogen were targeted whereas heavy metals exhibited minor concerns. Accumulation of high nutrient concentrations may be mitigated by the adoption of best management practices (BMPs) utilizing biosorption activated media (BAM) to remove phosphorus and nitrogen species through physical, chemical, and biological processes. This study aims to increase overall scientific understanding of phosphorus removal dynamics in sorption media systems via Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms and column studies. The removal of phosphorus (P) was proven effective primarily through chemophysical processes. The maximum orthophosphate adsorption capacities were determined under varying conditions of the media within the columns, which were found up to 0.000534 mg-P adsorbed per gram BAM with influent concentrations of 1 mg∙L -1 orthophosphate in distilled water and 1 hour hydraulic residence time (HRT). When using iv spiked pond water under the same conditions, the adsorption capacity was increased about 30 times to 0.01507 mg-P∙g -1 BAM presumably due to the properties and concentrations of ions affecting the diffusion rate regulating the surface orthophosphate reactions. These equilibrium media uptake values (q) were used to calculate the life expectancies of the media under varying HRT and influent concentrations of treatment. Chemophysical and biological removal capabilities of the media for total nitrogen, ammonia, and nitrate were effective in columns using 1100 g of BAM. In flow-through column conditions, ammonia had a consistent ~95% removal while effluent nitrate concentrations were highly variable due to the simultaneous nitrificationdenitrification processes once an aerobic-anaerobic environment was established. Batch column experiments simulating no-flow conditions within a media bed reactor resulted in orthophosphate removals comparable with the continuous flow conditions, increased total phosphorus effluents indicative of chemical precipitation of orthophosphate, decreased ammonia removal, and increased nitrate removal. Due to a biofilm’s sensitivity to even low copper concentrations and accumulation in ponds, a copper sorption media mix of "green" materials was generated. Freundlich and Langmuir isotherm tests concluded a successful mix resulting in copper removal efficiencies up to 96%.
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The San Joaquin County juvenile offender from adjudication to release : an inquiry into the effectiveness of the juvenile court, the probation department and its detention facilitiesWest, Pearl Steiner 01 January 1968 (has links) (PDF)
Among the questions that drew attention were these. Are San Joaquin County's juvenile delinquents the sane as, or different than those found elsewhere? that happens to the youngster after the police refer him on into the corrections structure? What are the criteria by which decisions are made? Who makes the decisions? What services are offered? What facilities does San Joaquin County have in which to treat the juvenile? What services are offered in the institutions? In view of the current levels of knowledge, is our county doing an adequate job?
Statistics are cited as necessary to delineate the source, nature and size of San Joaquin County's delinquency problem. Internal problems and assets of the Probation Department that affect the juveniles are evaluated, and these include such items as caseloads, personnel turnover and the new Special Supervision program.
Detention facilities will be examined with an eye to adequacy and efficiency. If found necessary, recommendations will be made. It is not anticipated that all of the obvious questions can be answered, but it is anticipated that a study can be produced that will be of some value to the community generally, and to the county government in particular.
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[pt] A presente tese, Gênero, sexualidade e as meninas em privação de
liberdade: um estudo sobre a política de atendimento socioeducativo no estado do
Rio de Janeiro, analisa a organização desta política após a aprovação da Resolução
número 119, de 11 de dezembro de 2006, do Conselho Nacional dos Direitos da Criança
e do Adolescente (Conanda), que estabelece as diretrizes básicas para a organização
e o funcionamento do Sistema Nacional de Atendimento Socioeducativo (Sinase)
aos(às) adolescentes a quem se atribui a autoria de ato infracional. Trata-se de uma
pesquisa qualitativa, que utiliza o método de análise de conteúdo para examinar
documentos normativos e conteúdo de entrevistas, grupos focais e rodas de
conversa com operadores(as) do Sistema de Garantia de Direitos (SGD), com as
meninas e seus familiares sobre o tema e cujo referencial teórico tem como foco as
abordagens de gênero e as formas como a opressão de gênero se expressa na prática
do atendimento, assim como seus efeitos. A autora analisa como adolescentes do
sexo feminino entre 12 e 18 anos, em cumprimento de medida de internação, são
percebidas e atendidas em seus direitos e demandas, ressaltando as questões de
saúde física e mental, os direitos sexuais e reprodutivos, a maternidade e as relações
familiares, em razão de sua identidade ou expressão de gênero. Ela conclui que o
atendimento hoje ainda segue uma lógica masculina, que desde a formulação da
política socioeducativa até a execução da medida invisibiliza e secundariza as
meninas, nega seus direitos, agrava suas condições precárias de vida e fortalece os
sistemas vigentes de opressão. Até a década de 2000 os estudos sobre o atendimento
socioeducativo estavam centrados nos adolescentes do sexo masculino, uma vez
que historicamente constituem a maioria em cumprimento de medida, tanto em
regime aberto, quanto privativo de liberdade. A partir da aprovação da referida
Resolução, porém, o tema da diversidade étnico-racial, de gênero e de orientação
sexual foi definido como norteador da prática pedagógica e transversal a todo o
sistema. Nos anos seguintes o debate avançou em relação ao atendimento às
especificidades das meninas, desvelando um cenário de desigualdades,
discriminações e punições baseadas no gênero, na cor da pele e na classe social. A
autora define, portanto, três pontos para a compreensão da política em questão: o
processo de construção das percepções sobre as adolescentes infratoras e as formas
de produção de desigualdades de gênero, enfatizando os estereótipos que reforçam
os sistemas de opressão; os impactos das percepções construídas sobre elas na
política de atendimento; e o modo como se opera a precarização de suas vidas de
forma individual ou coletiva, por meio da invisibilização ou secundarização de suas
necessidades. Para ilustrar alguns dos temas destacados nesta análise, a autora
seleciona relatos de agentes públicos(as) que interagiam com adolescentes
infratoras na única unidade de atendimento de internação feminina no estado do Rio
de Janeiro, no ano de 2019, a partir de entrevistas, grupos focais e rodas de conversa
realizadas em pesquisa sob sua coordenação. / [en] This thesis, Gender and girls in deprivation of liberty: a study of the socio-educational care policy in the state of Rio de Janeiro, analyses the organization of this policy following the approval of Resolution 119 of 11 December 2006 by the National Council for the Rights of Children and Adolescents (Conanda), which establishes the basic guidelines for the organization and operation of the National Socio-Educational Care System (Sinase) for adolescents who are accused of committing an offence. This is a qualitative study, which uses the content analysis method to examine normative documents and the content of interviews with operators of the Rights Guarantee System (SGD), with the girls and their families on the subject and whose theoretical framework focuses on gender approaches and the ways in which gender oppression is expressed in the practice of care, as well as its effects. The author analyzes how female adolescents between the ages of 12 and 18, who are serving a detention order, are perceived and attended to in terms of their rights and demands, highlighting physical and mental health issues, sexual and reproductive rights, motherhood and family relations, due to their gender identity or expression. She concludes that care today still follows a masculine logic, which from the formulation of socio-educational policy to the execution of the measure makes girls invisible and secondary, denies their rights, aggravates their precarious living conditions and strengthens existing systems of oppression. Until the 2000s, studies on socio-educational care were centered on male adolescents, since they have historically been the majority of those serving both open and custodial sentences. However, with the approval of this Resolution, the theme of ethnic-racial diversity, gender and sexual orientation was defined as the guiding principle of pedagogical practice and transversal to the entire system. In the following years, the debate advanced in relation to meeting the specific needs of girls, revealing a scenario of inequalities, discrimination and punishments based on gender, skin color and social class. The author therefore defines three points for understanding the policy in question: the process of building perceptions about adolescent offenders and the ways in which gender inequalities are produced, emphasizing the stereotypes that reinforce systems of oppression; the impact of the perceptions built about them on the care policy; and the way in which their lives are made precarious, either individually or collectively, by making their needs invisible or secondary. To illustrate some of the themes highlighted in this analysis, the author selects reports from public agents who interacted with adolescent offenders in the only female detention center in the state of Rio de Janeiro in 2019, based on interviews conducted in research under her coordination.
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Assessment of the Potential Environmental Impacts of Stormwater Management from a Life cycle perspective : A case study of stormwater treatment alternatives in Finspång Municipality / Analys av de potentiella miljöeffekterna av dagvattenhantering ur ett livscykelperspektiv : En fallstudie av dagvattenreningsalternativ i Finspångs kommunNieminen, Neea January 2021 (has links)
Finspång Municipality suspects that the stormwater discharge has a negative impact on the quality of lake Skutbosjön due to its poor quality. Therefore, Tyréns is currently working together with the municipality to introduce new stormwater measures that would help to improve the state of the lake. This study will provide supporting evidence for decision-making by analysing and comparing the potential environmental impacts of a detention pond, an underground detention chamber system (UDCS) and a biofiltration system by utilising life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology. Metrics used in this study include 18 mid-point impact categories that are quantified for each system’s life cycle. The modelled pond had significantly lower adverse environmental impact in 12 impact categories than other systems, and UDCS had the highest environmental impacts in 13 impact categories. For pond, majority of the impacts where attributed to the transport of bulky materials during the decommissioning phase while for UDCS and biofilters, the material production in the construction phase dominated the life cycle impacts. Overall, applying LCA in a context of stormwater management can help in gaining a better understanding of the system’s life cycle and identifying areas of improvement. / Finspångs kommun misstänker att dagvattenutsläppet till Skutbosjön har en negativ påverkan på vattenkvalitet i sjön. Därför arbetar Tyréns tillsammans med kommunen för att införa nya dagvattenåtgärder som ska bidra till att förbättra sjöns tillstånd. Denna studie kommer att ge underlag för beslutsfattande genom att analysera och jämföra den potentiella miljöpåverkan av en dagvattendamm, ett underjordiskt avsättningsmagasin och dagvattenbiofilter genom en livscykelanalys (LCA). Mätvärden som används i denna studie inkluderar 18 effektkategorier som är kvantifierade för varje systems livscykel. Den modellerade dammen hade betydligt lägre negativ miljöpåverkan i 12 effektkategorier än andra system, och avsättningsmagasinen hade den högsta miljöpåverkan i 13 effektkategorier. För dammen tillskrevs merparten av påverkan transporten av skrymmande material under byggfasen, medan för avsättningsmagasinen och dagvattenbiofilter dominerade materialproduktionen i byggfasen. Att tillämpa LCA i ett sammanhang med dagvattenhantering kan hjälpa till att få en bättre förståelse av systemets livscykel och identifiera förbättringsområden.
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The normative ethics of immigration detention in liberal statesSilverman, Stephanie J. January 2013 (has links)
This thesis explores the normative propriety of immigration detention in liberal states. In the first part of the thesis, I explore the development, current practice, and popular justifications for immigration detention in the United Kingdom. I argue that a crucial but unacknowledged role for immigration detention is to function as a political spectacle of the centralisation of power in liberal states. I find that the key motivation for detaining non-citizens is that they could abscond before their removals. I conclude that this basis for detention is normatively acceptable in only very limited cases and, even then, alternatives are often available and ethically preferable. Based on the fact that there is a normatively acceptable rationale, albeit circumscribed, for detention practices, I then propose a framework of minimum standards of treatment in detention that I advise all liberal states to follow. After outlining my proposal, I turn in the second part of the thesis to an examination of the normative theories of immigration control and how they take account of detention. Normative theorists differ in how they balance their commitments to individual and state rights, yet I find the majority concedes the need for some degree of immigration admissions control. Such theories face a moral dilemma: there can be no immigration control without detention, and so detention becomes an implicit assumption for these normative theories to be coherent. A potential solution for combating the practical problems associated with the growing, worsening detention estates as well as the moral dilemma of incarcerating a non-citizen based on fear of absconding would be to open borders and eliminate immigration control. Given the reality of the sovereign right to control immigration, however, I argue that the more feasible normative answer is lobby liberal states to adopt my framework of minimum standards of treatment while simultaneously pressing for open borders as the long-term ethical goal.
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