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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Managing risk through the property development agreement

Calder, Alexander James January 1995 (has links)
A research report submitted to the Faculty of Architecture, University of the Witwatersrand, In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science In Building. / This research report analyses the effectiveness of the property development agreement as a tool in managing the risks inherent in the property development process, It incorporates an examination of a sample property development agreement and draws concluslon from market research conducted by means of a questionnaire, In Chapter 1 the property development agreement is defined, The necessity for such an aqreement is examined in Chapter 2 by identifying and describing the various stages of the property development process and by establishing the risks Inherent In each stage. Chapter 3 comprises a critical review of a typical existing development agreement. In this chapter a distinction is drawn between the "standard" clauses and those "essential" clauses which are instrumental in the allocation of the risks in property development. The agreement is then evaluated as a risk management tool and the ancillary topics of establishing those parties protected by and tnose left vulnerable by the agreement, the effects of the power and relative positions of strength of the Signatories and the enforcement of the rights arising out of property development agreements are explored. Finally, this chapter looks at some typical shortcomings of development agreements. The methodology behind the market survey is explained in Chapter 4, the responses of the sample of 50 property industry operators are analysed and concluslons are drawn from the answers to the questions posed. Chapter 5 concludes that property development agreements do exist, are necessary and are useful In creating certainty with regard to rights and obligations flowing from the property development process and that they are valuable in ensuring that risks are allocated as the parties intended they should be. This chapter also contains a checklist of items to be aware of when drafting a property development agreement and details some recommendations for possible further studies in this field. / AC2017

Säkerheter i exploateringsavtal : En studie om hur säkerheter tillämpas iexploateringsavtal / Collaterals in land development agreements : A study about how collaterals are used in land development agreements

Cervell, Fredrik, Pettersson, Isak January 2016 (has links)
Exploateringsavtal används för att fördela ansvaret för finansiering och utbyggnad av en detaljplan som upprättats på mark som inte ägs av kommunen. Avtalet upprättas mellan en kommun och en exploatör eller privat byggherre. Exploateringsavtal har tillämpats länge men blev inte angivet i lagtext förrän den 1 januari 2015. Något som fortfarande inte är angivet i lagtext är hur kommuner ska använda sig av ekonomiska säkerheter i exploateringsavtal. Avtalen reglerar finansiering och åtaganden för miljonbelopp och finansiering ska ofta ske efterhand som byggnationen färdigställs. Om en exploatör inte kan fullfölja sina åtaganden i exploateringsavtalet på grund av exempelvis konkurs, kan kommunen bli tvungen att färdigställa och finansiera exploatörens kvarstående åtagande. Har kommunen i avtalet angivit att en säkerhet måste ställas som ska täcka de belopp som motsvarar exploatörens åtaganden, kan kommunen lösa in säkerheten och på det viset säkra finansieringen om en exploatör skulle bli oförmögen att betala. Syftet med studien är att undersöka om Sveriges kommuner använder sig av säkerheter i exploateringsavtal för att säkerställa dess genomförande. Vidare är syftet med studien att kartlägga vilka säkerheter som anges i exploateringsavtal. I de fall en bankgaranti använts som säkerhet i exploateringsavtalen kommer även en fördjupning att genomföras av bankgarantin och dess bakomliggande exploateringsavtal. Exploateringsavtal och bankgarantier från Sveriges kommuner samlades in via mejl. 120kommuner valde att delta i studien vilket resulterade i en analys av 197 exploateringsavtaloch 35 bankgarantier. Resultatet av studien visar bland annat att 58 % av de 197 exploateringsavtalen innehöllsäkerhet, 37 % av avtalen saknar säkerhet och 5 % av avtalen inte har något behov av säkerhet. De vanligaste säkerheterna som kommunerna anger i exploateringsavtalen att exploatören måste ställa är valfri godtagbar säkerhet, bankgaranti, moderbolagsborgen och pantbrev i fast egendom. Resultatet visar även att 69 % av de 35 bankgarantier som studeratsär accessoriska till det bakomliggande exploateringsavtalet och 31 % av bankgarantierna är självständiga i förhållande till det bakomliggande exploateringsavtalet. Accessorisk innebär att bankgarantin är kopplad till det bakomliggande exploateringsavtalet. Självständig innebär att bankgarantin inte är kopplad till det bakomliggande exploateringsavtalet. Slutsatsen av studien är att medvetenheten och tydligheten kring säkerheter i exploateringsavtal bör förbättras och att en lagreglering av säkerheter är att föredra. / Land development agreements are used to divide responsibility for the financing and development of a detailed development plan which is arranged on land not owned by the municipality. The agreement is established between a municipality and a developer or private individual. Land development agreements were not specified in the act until a legislative change in January 1, 2015. A subject that was not specified in the act is how municipalities should use financial collateral in the land development agreement. Land development agreements involves the financing and constriction commitments for millions of crowns and the financing often take place afterwards construction is completed. If it turns out that the developer can´t perform their obligations in the land development agreement due to bankruptcy, the municipality may be required to complete and fund the developer's remaining commitments. If the municipality had stated in the agreement that the developer must perform a collateral to cover the amount corresponding to the developer's commitments, the municipality can redeem the collateral and thus secure the financing if a developer would become insolvent. The idea of the study is to examine if the Swedish municipalities are using collaterals in land development agreements. The ambition is also to identify what type of collaterals described in the land development agreements. Finally a deeper analysis will be made of the agreements for which a guarantee issued by a bank has been used as collateral. Land development agreements and guarantees from the Swedish municipalities were gathered via email. 120 municipalities did participate in the study, which resulted in ananalysis of 197 land development agreements and 35 guarantees. The result of the study shows that 58% of the 197 land development agreements contain collateral, 37% of the agreements did not contain collateral and 5% of the agreements had no need of collateral. The most commonly required collaterals by the municipality in land development agreements are any optional collateral that the municipality can accept, guarantees issued by a bank or insurance company, bail by parent company and mortgages on real estate property. The results also show that 69% of the 35 guarantees studied are ancillary to the underlying development agreement and 31% of the guarantees are independent in relation to the underlying development agreement. Ancillary means that the guarantees issued by bank is linked to the underlying land development agreement. Independent guarantee means that the guarantee is not linked to the underlying land development agreement.The final conclusion of the study is that awareness and clarity of collateral in land development agreements should be improved and that a statutory regulation of collaterals in land development agreements is preferable.

Riktlinjer för exploateringsavtal : En innehållsanalys / Guidelines for land development agreements : A content analysis

Widemark, Måns, Petersson, John January 2016 (has links)
1 januari 2015 infördes en ny paragraf i plan- och bygglagen som säger att de kommuner som avser att ingå exploateringsavtal ska upprätta riktlinjer som anger förutsättningarna för hur dessa avtal skrivs. Riktlinjerna ska ange vilka mål som finns samt hur kostnader, intäkter och andra åtaganden ska fördelas mellan parterna som ingår avtalet. Drygt ett år har gått sedan den nya bestämmelsen infördes och flera av landets kommuner har nu upprättat dessa dokument. Studien syftar till att undersöka hur landets kommuner hittills tillämpat regeln i plan- och bygglagen 6 kap. 39 §. Avsikten är att kartlägga vilka kommuner som har antagit riktlinjer för exploateringsavtal, vad dessa riktlinjer innehåller, hur de är utformade samt vilka åtaganden, intäkts- och kostnadsfördelningar som tydliggörs i dem. Sveriges samtliga 290 kommuner har kontaktats varav 193 kommuner har svarat på frågan om de antagit riktlinjer eller inte. De riktlinjer som har tagits med i studien är de som författarna tillhandahållit mellan datumen 2016-03-16 och 2016-04-16 och som antagits efter lagändringens ikraftträdande, det vill säga efter 2015-01-01. Totalt tillhandahölls 37 antagna riktlinjer. Texten i riktlinjerna kan enligt studien delas upp i följande tre huvudkategorier: - Generell informativ text som inte enbart är knuten till kommunen i fråga - Kommunspecifik informativ text - Text som tydliggör hur kostnader och andra åtaganden ska fördelas mellan kommun och exploatör i exploateringsavtal Den sistnämnda av de tre huvudkategorierna kan delas upp i ytterligare 33 underkategorier för att belysa vilka åtaganden och kostnadsfördelningar som tas upp i de olika riktlinjerna. Studien tyder på att flera kommuner har börjat tillämpa plan- och bygglagen 6 kap. 39 §. Riktlinjernas innehåll och omfattning skiljer sig åt mellan kommunerna. Slutligen tyder resultatet på att de flesta kommuner i sina riktlinjer tydliggör vilka åtaganden och kostnadsfördelningar som gäller mellan kommunen och exploatören vid ingående av ett exploateringsavtal. Ett fåtal av kommunerna tydliggör inte i riktlinjerna vem av kommunen och exploatören som kommer få bekosta eller vidta en åtgärd utan beskriver endast vilka poster av kostnader och andra åtaganden som kommer att behandlas vid själva ingåendet av exploateringsavtal. Ingen av de undersökta riktlinjerna behandlar intäktsfördelning, vilket riktlinjerna ska enligt plan- och bygglagen 6 kap. 39 §. / In 1 January 2015 a new paragraph was added to the Swedish planning and building act (PBL). According to the new paragraph, Swedish municipalities, are obliged to establish special guidelines for Land Development Agreements. Almost a year has passed since the new law was incorporated and today has several of the Swedish municipalities adopted the guidelines. The aim of the study is to investigate how the Swedish municipalities, so far, has applied PBL 6:39. The study intends to investigate which of the municipalities that has adopted guidelines, what these guidelines contains, how they are designed and which commitments, gains and costs they regulate. All 290 municipalities were contacted and 193 of them responded wheter they had adopted guidelines or not. The study contains of those guidelines that the authors recieved between 2016-03-16 and 2016-04-16. The study do only refers to guidelines, adopted after 2015-01-01. Totally 37 guidelines were received. According to this study, the texts of the received guidelines could be subdivided into three main categories: - General informative text - Informative text about the municipalities - Text about commitments, benefits and costs The last category was later on divided into 33 subcategories. The study shows that several municipalities have started to apply the new paragraph, but not yet all of them. Finally, most guidelines divides the commitments, gains and costs between the municipality and the land developer. But a few of them only make it clear which commitments, benefits and costs the municipality intends to regulate in a Land Management Agreement. None of the guidelines regulate benefits from land development, even though they are supposed to, according to PBL 6:39.

Investigating accountability and governance practices in joint development zones : a case study of Nigeria and Sao Tome & Principe's Joint Development Zone

Saidu, Sani January 2014 (has links)
This study critically assesses the appropriateness of the governance system used to control all aspects of oil exploration and production within the Nigeria São Tomé and Príncipe Joint Development Zone (NSTP-JDZ). The motivation for carrying out the research emerged from a review of the literature on oil and gas joint venture operations which straddle more than one country’s borders. In the case of the NSTP-JDZ, several reports had criticised its governance practices but had failed to provide a rigorous analysis to substantiate their claims. The study therefore contributes to the literature relating to the governance of oil and gas joint development zones. A mixed method approach was used in the empirical research and the results were analysed against a globally acknowledged good governance theoretical framework. The results confirmed that there are major flaws in the NSTP-JDZ governance system, although there are also positive aspects of the practices. Four areas of concern were identified: Firstly, inadequate personnel skills were impairing management of the zone to such an extent that it could not be guaranteed that resources will be safeguarded for the benefits of future generation. Secondly, control of resources was severely impaired by an uncertainty about who had the authority to implement actions and, of more concern, by political and other conflicting interventions in the management decisions of the NSTP-JDA. Thirdly, the findings indicated the need for improvement in the audit procedures and communication culture between local communities and NSTP-JDZ operators. Lastly, there was a body of opinion that employment practices within the zone were unfair. In addition to identifying the above deficiencies in the governance system, the study has identified and analysed differences in views on governance issues between key stakeholders in the zone. These differences are important as they may well pinpoint why the governance system is deficient and, more importantly, reveal how the governance system can be improved. The vested interests of stakeholders are known to shape stakeholder views and, when there are stakeholders from different countries representing their nation’s interests, these differences can be acute; the findings may be extrapolated to other joint development zones although the various characteristics of the parties involved in each zone will affect the degree to which it is applicable. Finally, the study may have significant economic consequences for both Nigeria and the São Tomé and Príncipe - bearing in mind the importance of oil resources to both countries.

Exploateringsavtal : Samverkan mellan kommun, lantmäterimyndighet och exploatör

Ansin, Frida, Rödin, Matilda January 2016 (has links)
En lagändring trädde i kraft i plan- och bygglagen den 1 januari 2015 för att förenkla och effektivisera detaljplaneprocessen. Lagändringen innefattade en ny roll för lantmäterimyndigheten i planprocessen samt nya regler för exploateringsavtal. Studiens syfte var att beskriva hur samverkan mellan kommun, lantmäterimyndighet och exploatör fungerar gällande exploateringsavtal samt hur lagändringen i plan- och bygglagen angående exploateringsavtal påverkat dessa parter. För att besvara studiens frågeställningar sändes en webbenkät till Sveriges alla kommuner för att erhålla en överskådlig bild av lagändringens påverkan över landet. Det genomfördes även semistrukturerade telefonintervjuer i fem kommuner med antagna riktlinjer för exploateringsavtal. Exploateringsingenjörer, lantmäterichefer och exploatörer intervjuades för att erhålla olika perspektiv på samverkan och hur lagändringen påverkat dessa parter. Studiens resultat visade att förhandlingen mellan kommun och exploatör gällande exploateringsavtal har påbörjats tidigare i processen efter lagändringen i plan- och bygglagen. Kommunen måste även efter lagändringen betala ersättning när de tar mark i anspråk för allmän plats. Lantmäterimyndighetens mer aktiva roll har bidragit till att oklarheter och brister kan korrigeras i exploateringsavtalen. Emellertid har det gått för kort tid för att helt kunna avgöra vad lantmäterimyndighetens roll bidragit till i exploateringsavtalen. Exploatörerna har fått större möjligheter att påverka exploateringsavtalen. Samarbetet mellan kommun, lantmäterimyndighet och exploatör har blivit tydligare och till viss del förbättrats, men i det stora hela är uppfattningen att samarbetet är oförändrat. På sikt finns det möjlighet till en förbättring. / On January 1st 2015 an amendment passed in the Planning and Building Act in order to simplify and rationalize the detailed development plan process. The amendment includes a new part for cadastral authority in the plan process and new rules for development agreement. The municipalities should adopt guidelines for these agreements. The aim of this study was to describe how the collaboration between municipality, cadastral authority and developer works when it comes to development agreement and how the amendment in the Planning and Building Act concerning the development agreement has affected these participants. To answer the thesis a web survey was sent to all municipalities in Sweden to get an overview of how the amendment has influenced the country. Semi-structured telephone interviews were also performed in five municipalities that have adopted guidelines for the development agreements. The interviews were performed with land development engineers, cadastral supervisors and developers to receive their perspective of the collaboration and how the amendment has affected them. The results of the study have shown that negotiations have started earlier between municipalities and developers after the amendment in the Planning and Building Act passed. The municipalities also need to pay compensation when they take land for public places after the amendment. The cadastral authority’s more active part has contributed to assure that ambiguities and shortcomings might be solved in the development agreement. However, it is still too early to tell what the cadastral authorities part has contributed in the development agreements. The developer has got a major opportunity to influence the development agreements. The collaboration between municipalities, cadastral authorities and developers has become clearer and improved but overall it is unchanged. There are opportunities for improvement in the long term.

Impact of Potential EU Membership on Economy of Ukraine / Impact of Potential EU Membership on Economy of Ukraine

Jascuk, Milana January 2018 (has links)
Recently the topic of the future of Ukrainian economy has been attracting great attention among economists and politicians. The way how it should develop is widely discussed on the international arena. Economists and politicians cannot reach an agreement to which direction it is better to move for Ukraine. Nowadays a lot of special institutions have been created on both sides: in Ukraine and in Europe. The main goal of those is to control all the processes of transformation to be transparent on all levels; as well as prevent unlikely events. Of course, there are proponents and opponents of the moving to the free trade with the EU as for every global process. Among the young generation it is very clear, that possibilities, which gives us European Union are much more valuable and gainful. Even now, majority of students and researchers seek to apply or acquire some knowledge in European countries. I'm not an exception and for this reason, being a representative of young generation, I will try to determine potential impact on Economy of Ukraine assuming integration to European Union. It is very important to consider both threats and benefits of such processes as they are taking place on very high level. Therefore, in this work it will be considered both contours of development for Economy of Ukraine....

Dopad potenciálního členství v EU na ekonomiku Ukrajiny / Impact of Potential EU Membership on Economy of Ukraine

Jascuk, Milana January 2019 (has links)
Recently the topic of the future of Ukrainian economy has been attracting great attention among economists and politicians. The way how it should develop is widely discussed on the international arena. Economists and politicians cannot reach an agreement to which direction it is better to move for Ukraine. Nowadays a lot of special institutions has been created on both sides: in Ukraine and in Europe. The main goal of those is to control all the processes of transformation to be transparent on all levels; as well as prevent unlikely events. Of course, there are proponents and opponents of the moving to the free trade with the EU as for every global process. Among the young generation it is very clear, that possibilities, which gives us European Union are much more valuable and gainful. Even now, majority of students, researchers seek to apply their knowledge or gain some knowledge in European countries. I try to determine potential impact on Economy of Ukraine assuming integration to European Union. It is very important to consider both threats and benefits of such processes as they are taking place on very high level. Therefor in this work I will consider both contours of development for Economy of Ukraine. To explore it I have applied the synthetic control method, which gives us opportunity to...


Kujiraoka, Scott R., Fielder, Russell G. 10 1900 (has links)
ITC/USA 2007 Conference Proceedings / The Forty-Third Annual International Telemetering Conference and Technical Exhibition / October 22-25, 2007 / Riviera Hotel & Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada / The Joint Advanced Missile Instrumentation (JAMI) Program’s main thrust has been the integration of Global Positioning System (GPS) tracking technology into the Department of Defense (DoD) Missile Test Ranges. This technology could be used for Time, Space, Position, and Information (TSPI), Flight Termination (FTS), or End Game Scoring purposes. However the Program’s main goal is to develop Proof-of-Concept components only. Transitioning Missile technology developed by the Government to Private Industry, so that it can be economically mass produced, has been quite a challenge. Traditionally, private industry has had to bid on proposals without much detailed information on how these components have been designed and fabricated. These unknown risks, Non-Recurring Engineering (NRE) and Missile Flight Qualification costs, routinely have significantly increased the price of these procurement contracts. In order so that the Fleet can economically utilize these components in the field, Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADA) between the Government and Private Industry have been used to successfully transition Government developed technology to mass production. They can eliminate the NRE and flight qualification costs to provide for an economical and low risk method of providing the Fleet with the latest advances in GPS Tracking Technology. This paper will discuss how this is currently being accomplished in the development of a conformal wraparound instrumentation antenna for a five-inch diameter Missile Telemetry (TM) Section.

Smlouva o zhotovení softwaru / Custom Software Development Agreement

Kábrt, Filip January 2014 (has links)
Custom software development agreement is a very actual topic. Nowadays, the increasing demand for IT services puts greater demands on quality of legal services. Development of IT services in the Czech Republic also causes that more and more cases end up in court. One of important parts of IT services is the custom software development and the legal regulation of this phenomenon is the subject of this master's thesis. Custom software development agreement as a legal topic is a very specific topic, because it contains not only problematic issues from the field of law but also from more technical fields. To fully understand content of this work, it is necessary to have at least basic knowledge in the field of software development. Basic computer skills are then taken for granted. The topic of this thesis is very actual also because of the recodification of private law in the Czech Republic, which came into force during the elaboration of this thesis. Thesis will operate with the Czech law, because comparison with foreign legislation would require much larger scope of the paper, than the given one. This thesis aims to provide the most complex view of the custom software development agreement as possible, considering defined scope of this paper. Articles regarding this subject are mostly focused on the...

Exploatörens syn på framtagandet av exploateringsavtal : Har ändringen av PBL fått effekt?

Nettelbladt, Susanna, Säterdahl, Elin January 2017 (has links)
I början av 2015 skedde en lagändring av plan- och bygglagen. De s.k. exploatörsbestämmelserna togs bort och regler om exploateringsavtal infördes. I statens offentliga utredningar framkom att exploateringsprocessen ofta blev oförutsägbar både tids- och kostnadsmässigt och att exploatörerna var i en stark beroendeställning till kommunerna. Denna studie har fokuserat på att identifiera om exploatörer upplevt att lagändringen lett till att problematiken minskat och om det idag finns ett starkare samarbete i framtagandet av genomförandeavtal. Syftet med denna studie är att bidra till att samarbetet mellan kommun och exploatör ska bli bättre och leda till mindre obalans i förhandlingarna om genomförandefrågor i detaljplaneprocessen. Frågeställningarna i denna studie besvarades genom två enkätundersökningar samt genom semistrukturerade intervjuer, både kommuner och exploatörer fick delta i dessa. Samtliga kommuner i Sverige har tillfrågats att delta i en webbenkät, och 99 exploatörer har tillfrågats att besvara en annan webbenkät. 5 kommuner och tre exploatörer har intervjuats. Intervjuerna tillsammans med enkäterna gav en helhetsbild över hur lagändringen av PBL påverkat exploateringsprocessen och exploatörers inställning till kommunen. Studien visar att exploatörerna inte uppfattar exploateringsprocessen som mer tidseffektiv eller mer förutsägbar. Viss ökad tydlighet och transparens har uppnåtts genom införandet av krav på riktlinjer. Det största problemet i förhandlingarna är kommuntjänstemännens avsaknad av erfarenhet och kompetens, vilket kan härledas till en god marknad där det är ruljangs på personal mellan kommunal och privat sektor. Det kvarstår fortfarande att ta fram juridiskt korrekta lösningar på problematiken i hur s.k. social infrastruktur ska kunna tillhandahållas av kommun på privatägd mark. Slutsatsen av denna studie blev att lagändringen idag endast fått liten effekt, och att problematik kvarstår. Genomförandeavtalen innefattar inte längre s.k. social infrastruktur i de flesta fall, men åtgärder som t.ex. uppföra skola eller vårdhem åläggs fortfarande exploatörer vid sidan om avtalen. Beroendeställningen till kommunen kvarstår vilket lett till att rättslig prövning av avtalen inte skett, och kommunen tar sig fortfarande friheter med avtalens innehåll. / At the beginning of 2015 there was an amendment of the Planning and Building Act. The so-called developer provisions were removed and rules on development agreements were introduced. The Swedish Government Official Reports revealed that the development process was often unpredictable both cost- and time wise and that the developers were in a strong dependency to the municipalities. This study has focused on identifying if the developers have perceived that the amendment has led to a reduction of the problems and if there is a stronger cooperation today in the producing of implementation agreements. The purpose of this study is to contribute to improved cooperation between municipalities and developers and lead to less inequity in the negotiations on implementation issues in the detailed planning process. The questions in this study were answered through two surveys and semi- structured interviews, both municipalities and developers were asked to participate. All municipalities in Sweden have taken part in one web survey, and 99 developers have been asked to answer another web survey. Five municipalities and three developers have been interviewed. The interviews along with the surveys gave a comprehensive picture of how the changes of the PBA influenced the development process and developers' attitude towards the municipalities. The study shows that developers do not perceive the developing process as more time-efficient or more predictable than before. Some increased clarity and transparency have been achieved through the introduction of requirements for guidelines. The biggest problem in the negotiations is the lack of experience and qualification in the municipality staff. This can be derived from a good market, where many municipal employees take employment in the private sector instead. It remains to provide legal solutions to the problem of how social infrastructure can be provided by municipalities on private land. The conclusions of this study were that the amendment has had little effect, and that problems remain. Implementation agreements no longer include so-called social infrastructure in most cases, but actions such as to build a school or shelter are still imposed on developers alongside the agreement. The dependence on the municipality remains unchanged, which means that judicial review of the agreements has not taken place. The municipalities still take great liberties with the content of the agreements.

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