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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att läsa högt tillsammans : En kvalitativ studie om språkutveckling och dialogisk högläsning i grundskolan F-3 / Reading aloud together : A qualitative study on language development and dialogic reading in primary school F-3

Koutcho, Valentina January 2023 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att studera lärares uppfattningar om betydelsen av dialogisk högläsning för elevers språkutveckling samt hur de tillämpar metoden i praktiken. En kvalitativ metod används i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer med lärare som arbetar på grundskolans årskurser F-3. Det sociokulturella perspektivet ligger till grund för studien då teorin beskrivs som en social och interaktiv process mellan människor där människorna konstruerar sina kunskaper tillsammans. Resultatet visar att lärare anser att dialogisk högläsning är viktigt för elevers språkutveckling då det medför många positiva fördelar, exempelvis träning av elevernas arbetsminne och ökning av deras ordförråd genom verbalt uttryckande. De arbetar olika under lektionens gång. Några av lärarna arbetar med kooperativ lärande vilket innebär att man arbetar i par/ grupp, medan andra jobbar mer med uppgifter kopplat till boken. En utmaning som de flesta lärare uppgav med dialogisk högläsning är att det kan bli för uttjatat om man har dialogisk högläsning för ofta och svårt att få med alla elever i samtalen. / The purpose of the study is to examine teachers' perceptions of the importance of dialogic reading for students' language development, as well as how they apply the method in practice. A qualitative method is used in the form of semi-structured interviews with teachers working in grades F-3 in primary school. The sociocultural perspective underlies the study as the theory describes a social and interactive process between people where people construct their knowledge together. The results show that teachers consider dialogic reading important for students' language development as it brings many positive benefits, for instans training students' working memory and increasing their vocabulary through verbal expression. They work differently during the lesson. Some teachers work with cooperative learning, which means working in pairs/groups, while others work more with tasks related to the book. A challenge that most teachers mentioned with dialogic reading is that it can become too repetitive if used too often and it can be difficult to engage all students in the conversation.

The process of including the other: Patterns of interaction, meaning- and decision-making observed on the way to improved relationships with self and others

Schielke, Hugo Josef 06 May 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Mediální dialogické sítě v komunistickém Československu / The media dialogical networks in the communist Czechoslovakia

Tvrdá, Karla January 2020 (has links)
The media dialogical networks in the communist Czechoslovakia Abstract The concept of the media dialogical networks (DN) is one of the ways to analyse mass media communication; its theoretical background is M. M. Bakhtin's theory of dialogism and H. Sacks' ethnometodological conversation analysis. The concept of DN had been developed using data collected in the 1990s in the UK and the Czech Republic while in this thesis it is applied to data originating in a different context, namely in former Czechoslovakia in 1952, 1967 and 1972. The main data source was the national daily Rudé právo [Red Justice]. The difference of the context lies both in the time distance of the target period, as well as in the then dominant tone of massmedia content. As for the aspect of time, there is a longer gap between the examined period and the present, which is also connected to a different state of development of technologies used in journalistic practice. And then, there is the fact that in the examined period the contents of mass media production were adapted to the ideological requirements of the ruling political party. The analysis deals mainly with the construction of the DN, the categorization work of actors of the DN and with the way new actors of the DN are selected. For this reason, the methods of sequential and...

'n Model vir die liturgiese gebruik van simbole en rituele

Viljoen, David Muller 30 June 2003 (has links)
Summaries in English and Afrikaans / This thesis embarked with the problem within the liturgy that tension exists in trying to minister justly according to the current context and trying to minister faithful to Scripture. A departing perspective is that the liturgy is the heartbeat in the congregation whereto and from where every aspect is networking. Also, that the emphasis can be on both proclaiming and celebrating in Protestant liturgies. Dialogical communication was chosen as theoretical approach together with communicative action for the sake of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The first and last chapters illustrate what is meant with the term liturgy. The problem is stated (and investigated) that liturgy is a complicated and central phenomenon, which ought to let Reformed theology as well as a postmodern context come to their own. It is also indicated that liturgical spirituality, liturgical communication and liturgical pastorate can better be used and improved during Sunday liturgies. For the liturgy in order to serve the Reformed tradition and the postmodern context, and to uplift the three liturgical aspects of spirituality, communication and pastorate, liturgical symbols and rituals are posed as timeless agents to better the liturgy. Attention was also given to symbolism in Scripture. This led to a model of application as a theory of praxis for the liturgical use of symbols and rituals. The core of this model or theory of praxis, is: I. The highest priority in liturgical symbolism will always be to promote the holy Trinity and Biblical principles. II. The supplementary use of right-brain components, such as experience, emotion and music. III. A high premium on active participation and repetition. IV. An approach of simplicity and soberness. V. Relevance to the culture and context of the day. VI. Services that take hold of total persons and focus on multiple senses and corporeality (bodily involvement). i VII. Room for transendence, imagination and mystic worship of God. VIII. Actions and services that embrace diversity, pluralism and generative variety. IX. Meetings where pastoral and therapeutic dimensions are included. X. Celebration and positive experiences in meetings. XI. The use of images, stories, metaphors and icons. XII. The use of meta-communicative principles such as attitude, intention and high validation of other people. / Hierdie proefskrif het vertrek met die probleem vanuit die liturgie dat daar binne die huidige konteks en die deurlopende poging tot getrouheid aan die Skrif toenemend spanning groei in die eredienspraktyk. Die proefskrif vertrek ook vanuit die perspektief dat die liturgie die hartklop en voedingsaar van die gemeente is van waaruit en waarheen die totale gemeente netwerk en dat die verkondigingsbenadering en die vierings-benadering altwee 'n legitieme plek in die Protestantse liturgiese tradisie het. As teoretiese vertrekpunt vir die liturgiese handelinge word dialogiese kommunikasie gekies saam met kommunikatiewe handelinge ter wille van die evangelie van Jesus Christus. In die eerste en laaste hoofstukke word verduidelik wat met die begrip liturgie bedoel word. Die probleem word gestel dat die liturgie 'n komplekse handeling en kardinale fenomeen is wat reg moet laat geskied aan die Gereformeerde teologie en aan 'n postmoderne konteks. Verder word uitgewys dat liturgiese spiritualiteit, liturgiese kommunikasie en liturgiese pastoraat in ons huidige tydgleuf meer benut en uitgebou kan word tydens die weeklikse liturgiee. Ten einde die liturgie in haar Gereformeerde tradisie en postmoderne konteks te dien en om die drie liturgiese fasette van spiritualiteit, kommunikasie en pastoraat te bevorder, word liturgiese simbole en rituele aangebied as tydlose en tydige agente om die liturgie mee te verryk. Om die ondersoeke af te rond, is daar ook aan simboliek in die Bybel aandag gegee. 'n Werkswyse is gevolg waar die Gereformeerde teologie en postmoderniteit ontleed is en in verband gebring is met simbole en rituele. Liturgiese spiritualiteit, liturgiese kommunikasie en liturgiese pastoraat is ook gedissekteer, ten einde dit beter te begryp, en in verband te bring met liturgiese simbole en rituele. Daarna het simboliek aan die beurt gekom en is simbole en rituele gedefinieer, ontleed en na aard, wese en toepassing bestudeer. Simboliek in die Bybel is afgetas om gewig te verleen aan die ondersoeke. Uit al die genoemde ontledings en bevindings wys die proefskrif uit dat simbole en rituele inderdaad uitnemend geskik is om die liturgie eer aan te doen in die eiesoortige soeke na voortreflike vlakke van spiritualiteit, kommunikasie en pastoraat binne Gereformeerde en postmoderne kontekste. Hieruit is 'n toepassingsmodel as omvattende praktykteorie aangebied vir die liturgiese gebruik van simbole en rituele as die bydrae van hierdie proefskrif. (5.4 en 5.5). Die kern van die model of praktykteorie vir die liturgiese toepassing van simboliek is: I. Dat die hoogste doelstelling en swaarwigtigste vergestalting met simboliek in die erediens altyd God Drie-Enig en Bybelse waardes en beginsels is. II. Dat aanvullende gebruikmaking en verrekening van regterbreinkomponente soos ervaring, emosie en musiek noodsaaklik is. Ill. 'n Doelbewuste hoe premie op handelende deelname en herhaling. IV. 'n Benadering van eenvoud en soberheid. V. Handelinge en momente wat spreek tot die kultuur en konteks van die dag. VI. Erediensmomente wat die totale mens betrek en infokus op veelsintuiglikheid en liggaamlikheid. VII. Ruimte vir transendensie, verbeelding en mistiek om God te aanbid. VIII. Handelinge wat diversiteit, pluralisme en generatiewe verskeidenheid omhels en vier. IX. Byeenkomste wat pastorale en terapeutiese roepings insluit. X. Samekomste waar feestelikheid en aangename ervarings beleef word. XI. Kommunikeerders wat beelde, verhale, metafore en ikone gebruik. XII. Handelinge waar ag geslaan word op metakommunikatiewe beginsels soos gesindheid, intensie en hoe waardetoekennings aan die ander persoon. / Practial Theology / D. Th. (Practical Theology)

Gestalt guidelines assisting mine worker fathers living in Oranjemund to enhance a dialogical relationship with their children in middle childhood

Binneman, Simone 02 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to develop Gestalt guidelines for mine worker fathers living in Oranjemund in order to enhance a dialogical relationship with their children in middle childhood. The researcher made use of the first four stages of the Design and Development model of intervention research. These stages include problem analysis and project planning, information gathering and synthesis, design and the early development of the guidelines. For the purpose of this study, focus groups were conducted with father participants and semi-structured interviews were conduct with children participants. The research study was based on existential dialogue with the focus on four main themes, namely; commitment to dialogue, presence, inclusion and confirmation. Existing literature from Gestalt approach, middle childhood and culture was used together with functional elements of other existing parent child relationship and family programmes or models, to develop the guidelines. / Social Work / M. Diac (Play Therapy)

Preek as kunsvorm / The sermon as an art form

Preller, Willem Petrus Lubbe 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Die inhoud en vorm van 'n preek is 'n eenheid. Beide aspekte vorm deel van die teologiese teorie van die prediking. In hierdie studie word daar teoreties besin oor 'n bepaalde vorm van prediking. Dit behels 'n ondersoek na die literere vorm waarin die boodskap gestruktureer en verwoord word. Die Skrif bevat 'n verskeidenheid literere vorme wat deur Bybelskrywers aangewend is om die intensie van die teks effektief te kommunikeer. Elk van hierdie vorme besit 'n eiendomlike kommunikatiewe aard. Die ontwikkeling van die moderne literatuurwetenskap sedert die tagtigerjare van die twintigste eeu het stukrag verleen aan die insig dat die Bybel ook as 'n versameling godsdienstige literatuur bestudeer kan word. Dit het meegebring dat die intensie van die teks van die Bybel op 'n teologies verantwoordbare wyse, met inagneming van die historiese verbande, beter begryp kan word deur die gebruikmaking van insigte uit ander literatuur. As sodanig word erkende literere kunsvorme wat naas die logies-analitiese ook die emotiewe betrek, aanvaar. Die resultaat van hierdie ondersoek dui aan dat die preek as kunsvorm geevalueer en in die moderne preekteorie geregverdig kan word. Die proses van transformasie wat die moderne hermeneutiese benadering kenmerk; die veranderde beleweniswereld en verstaanshorison van die huidige hoorders asook die eiesoortige aard van Bybelse literatuur is vanuit 'n kommunikatiewe aanname in 'n kunsvorm binne die moderne homiletiese teorie haalbaar. Die teorie orienteer binne die kommunikatiewe handelingsteorie as meta-teorie wat ingestel is op dialogiese kommunikasie wat betekenisgewing deur waarnemerbetrokkenheid bevorder en 'n bepaalde denkwyse by die hoorders tot gevolg het. Die tradisionele vorm van prediking, gekenmerk deur absolute dominasie van die rede en intellektualisme uit die modernistiese tydvak, het teen die einde van die tweede millennium in ernstige diskrediet gekom. Die radikale verandering in die samelewing deur die moderniseringsproses met gepaardgaande paradigma verskuiwinge dwing die homiletiek om teoreties te herbesin. In hierdie studie word die preek as kunsvorm afgebaken tot die verhalende preekvorm, konseptueel ontwikkel en teoreties omskryf asook geplaas binne die moderne homiletiese teorie as komponent wat daarby pas. Die resultaat is verkry deur 'n vergelykende studie van gemeenskaplike wesenstrekke wat voorkom by erkende kunsvorme in die moderne kunsteorie; die verhalende kunsvorm in die moderne literere teorie met spesifieke verwysing na die Afrikaanse roman asook die verhalende preekvorm in die moderne homiletiese teorie. Deur hierdie vorm van prediking in die moderne preekteorie op te neem, kan 'n sinvolle bydrae gemaak word om die Christelike boodskap deur oortuiging sander enige vorm van dwang te kommunikeer. / In a sermon form and content are one. Both aspects form part of the theological theory of preaching. This theoretical survey investigates one of the various literary forms through which the biblical writers attempted to communicate the intention of the biblical text in the most effective way. Each of these forms possesses a distinctive communicative character. The development of modern literary theory since the eighties of the twentieth century was a propulsive force leading to the conviction that the Bible was also a collection of religious literature. This conviction implied that the intention of the biblical text could be more clearly understood in a theological justified manner within the historical context by using insights gained from other literature. Acknowledged literary art forms adhering to the emotive as well as the logic-analytical are embraced as such. In this study the sermon as an art form is limited to narrative preaching, developed as a concept; theoretically described and placed within the modern homiletical theory as a suitable component. Results are obtained by means of a comparative study of mutual features that are distinctive to acknowledged art forms in the modern theory of art; narrative art forms in modern literature theory specifically in the modern Afrikaans novel, as well as the narrative form of preaching in the modern homiletical theory. The modern homiletical theory is orientated within the communicative acts theory as meta-theory focusing on dialogical communication which promotes meaning through the involvement of the observer. The conclusions reached indicate that the sermon as an art form can be evaluated and justified within the modem homiletical theory. Taken up in this theory, it can prove significant in communicating the Christian message to the listeners in a convincing rather than compulsive manner. / Practical Theology / D.Th. (Practical theology)

Dialogical narratives : reading Neville Alexander's writings

Dollie, Na-iem 09 1900 (has links)
This thesis is a transdisciplinary study of leading South African Marxist intellectual, political activist and sociologist of language Neville Edward Alexander’s written work in English. It is an attempt to explore the “dialogical narratives” as a proposition in my assessment of his work and it is also a description of a method he employs to arrive at his own political and literary compositions. In tracking his formation as a political subject and an activist, Alexander’s and other writers’ interpretations of his meetings with and his stories about people are explored. His writings cover the spectrum of politics, education and language, and he employed a political economy approach in all his written expositions. The study argues that he had an exceptional ability to “argue against himself” because he was a dialectical reasoner and because he embraced the political and sociological toolkit of historical materialism as the philosophical matrix of his work. / History / D.Lit et Phil. (History)

Interkulturní masmediální komunikace a hledání dokonalého jazyka / Intercultural mass media communication and the search of perfect language

Tesařová, Kristýna January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is a qualitative analysis of a media dialogical network's extract regarding chemical attack in Syria on 21st August 2013. In spite of the fact that main social participant in the subsequent international conflict, representatives of United States of America and Syria, president Obama, Secretary of State Kerry on one side and president Assad on the other side, have never actually met face to face, mass media interconnected their reactions into a coherent dialogue between west and east civilization and they accepted it as a part of intercultural negotiation of different meanings and interpretations of reality within a global mass media discourse. Methodological apparatus of conversation analysis and membership categorization analysis provides a tool to observe sequential and categorization aspects of a dynamic intertextual process of specification and respecification of the core cultural and political values in context. Thanks to the term structured immediacy it was also possible to consider sequential ordering of antecendents of the event in historical continuum. This analysis is based on ethnomethodological research of social interaction in mass media and is inspired by articles of J. Nekvapil und I. Leudar, which were dedicated to the analysis of intercultural...

Krystalizace historických okamžiků v mediálních dialogických sítí: etnometodologická analýza českého mediálního diskurzu / The crystallization of historical moments in media dialogical networks: an ethnomethodological analysis of Czech media discourse

Tesařová, Kristýna January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with a crystallization of the political affair in Czech Social Democratic Party concerning lying of the politician M. Hašek and his colleagues about their meeting with the president after parliamentary election in autumn 2013. The qualitative analysis of mass media texts is based on the term media dialogical network, which was developed by J. Nekvapil and I. Leudar. In their latest publications they combined it with the apparatus of membership categorization analysis and the term structured immediacy. The membership categorization analysis enables me to take into consideration besides sequential aspects of social interaction also participants' categorization practices and thank to the term structured immediacy I could focus on how participants treat historical meanings in their statements. The second important aim of this thesis is to innovate the term media dialogical network as a viable approach to the intertextuality analysis of mass media communication in the new media environment. The fact, that the call for resignation of party's leader was linked to the secret meeting with the president after the election, resulted in the interpretation of the event as a coup against party's leader B. Sobotka. The politicians accused of coup organization defended themselves against...

Actions publiques et territoires innovants : analyse de la construction des chemins de la compétitivité par les managers territoriaux : le cas du pays d'Aix

Brétéché, Pierre-Joseph 17 September 2011 (has links)
Cette recherche envisage la compréhension et la représentation du phénomène de compétitivité territoriale. Phénomène encore peu étudié par le management public, le parti pris est celui d’une exploration hybride susceptible d’inclure dans l’analyse les contextes, les contenus et processus mobilisés. La compétitivité territoriale est donc appréhendée comme un construit et non comme une donnée. L’approche par la complexité vise à re-construire les pratiques effectivement mise en œuvre par les managers territoriaux au travers d’une confrontation de la théorie et de l’empirie.La première partie est destinée à formaliser un cadre conceptuel et méthodologique pour le management de la compétitivité territoriale. Suivant une approche transdisciplinaire, les contours de la mise en action publique pour la compétitivité des territoires y sont délimités. L’heuristique d’axiome global permet la prise en compte des influences des contextes selon une logique « en marché » et une logique « en société ». Les dimensions idiosyncrasiques et diachroniques de la compétitivité territoriales sont définies pour analyser contenus et processus de l’objet de la recherche. Les analogies mécaniques et biologiques permettent ainsi de faciliter la compréhension des modalités managériales émergentes. La deuxième partie passe l’objet de la recherche à l’épreuve empirique. Une étude de cas longitudinale avec deux unités d’analyse encastrées est menée en pays d’Aix. Quatre modalités de management de la compétitivité territoriale sont ainsi dégagées. Suivant un régime d’accumulation, la délimitation du périmètre de la mise en action publique est l’étape initiale. La construction par les managers des arènes collaboratives via les structures génériques de projets des politiques publiques volontaristes dégagent des bouquets de services. La transition de la logique « en marché » à la logique « en société » est assuré par une modalité de proximité sociétale qui émerge des politiques publiques territoriales. La construction d’une arène de convergence des intentions finalisées d’acteurs hétérogènes passe alors par une chaîne locale de l’innovation tissée entre des managers experts. L’écosystème local de l’innovation est constitué par l’encastrement des réseaux personnels de chaque manager et permet de relier des structures hétérogènes aux finalités diverses. Cet écosystème doit alors être managé pour assurer la pérennité du système de compétitivité territoriale au travers du temps. A ce titre, les modes de gouvernance de la compétitivité territoriale doivent favoriser des configurations souples, différenciées et partagées. Des configurations susceptibles de voir se croiser les chemins de la prospérité avec ceux de la compétitivité (différenciées) ; des configurations susceptibles encore de permettre la dialogique des processus d’actions publiques pour arbitrer entre polarisation et dispersion des activités productives (souples) ; des configurations susceptibles enfin de permettre à l’énergie cinétique de se déployer sur un territoire pour le rendre compétitif au travers de la construction d’une arène de convergence des intentions par la proximité sociétale (partagées) / This research considers the understanding and representation of the phenomenon of territorial competitiveness. The thesis is an hybrid exploration of new phenomenon studied by the Public Management and may be included analysis of the contexts, contents and processes used. Territorial competitiveness is understood as a framework, not a fact. The complexity approach is to re-build practices effectively implemented by managers through a territorial confrontation of theory and empiricism. The first part formalizes a conceptual and methodological framework for the management of territorial competitiveness. As a transdisciplinary approach, the outlines of public policy-making are defined for the competitiveness of territories. The overall heuristic axiom allows the consideration of the influences of contexts according to a market logic and society logic. Idiosyncratic and diachronic dimensions of territorial competitiveness are defined to analyze contents and processes of the subject of research. Thus, the mechanical and biological analogies allow a better understanding of the emergent management modalities.The second part goes over the empirical test. A longitudinal case study based on two embedded units of analysis is conducted at Aix-en-Provence. Four modalities of territorial competitiveness management have been found. The boundaries lines of public policy-making are defined by the growth of continuous additions. The packages of services emerge from the construction of collaborative arenas by managers through proactive public policies projects. The transition from market logic to society logic is provided by a form of societal proximity that emerges from the territorial public policies. The erection of an arena to lead intentions finalized of heterogeneous actors goes through a local chain of innovation between managers. The local ecosystem of innovation is constituted by the embedding of personal networks of each manager and for linking heterogeneous structures with different purposes. This ecosystem must be managed to ensure the sustainability of the system of territorial competitiveness. Tree types of territorial competitiveness governance would appear concurrently: flexible, differentiated and shared. The first one type will mix the paths of prosperity with those of competitiveness (differentiated). The second type may allow the dialogical processes of public policy-making to arbitrate between polarization and dispersion of productive activities (flexible). The last one may permit the kinetic energy to deploy in an area to be competitive through the construction of an arena of convergence of intentions by social proximity (shared)

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